Пример #1
 void init() {
     BSONArrayBuilder members;
     members.append(BSON("_id" << 0 << "host" << "host1"));
     _config = ReplSetConfig::make(BSON("_id" << "foo" << "members" << members.arr()));
     _myConfig = new ReplSetConfig::MemberCfg();
Пример #2
    bool Cloner::go(const char *masterHost, string& errmsg, const string& fromdb, bool logForRepl, bool slaveOk, bool useReplAuth, bool snapshot) {

		massert( "useReplAuth is not written to replication log", !useReplAuth || !logForRepl );

        string todb = database->name;
        stringstream a,b;
        a << "localhost:" << cmdLine.port;
        b << "" << cmdLine.port;
        bool masterSameProcess = ( a.str() == masterHost || b.str() == masterHost );
        if ( masterSameProcess ) {
            if ( fromdb == todb && database->path == dbpath ) {
                // guard against an "infinite" loop
                /* if you are replicating, the local.sources config may be wrong if you get this */
                errmsg = "can't clone from self (localhost).";
                return false;
        /* todo: we can put these releases inside dbclient or a dbclient specialization.
           or just wait until we get rid of global lock anyway.
        string ns = fromdb + ".system.namespaces";
        list<BSONObj> toClone;
            dbtemprelease r;
            auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c;
                if ( !masterSameProcess ) {
                    auto_ptr< DBClientConnection > c( new DBClientConnection() );
                    if ( !c->connect( masterHost, errmsg ) )
                        return false;
                    if( !replAuthenticate(c.get()) )
                        return false;
                    conn = c;
                } else {
                    conn.reset( new DBDirectClient() );
                c = conn->query( ns.c_str(), BSONObj(), 0, 0, 0, slaveOk ? Option_SlaveOk : 0 );

            if ( c.get() == 0 ) {
                errmsg = "query failed " + ns;
                return false;
            while ( c->more() ){
                BSONObj collection = c->next();

                log(2) << "\t cloner got " << collection << endl;

                BSONElement e = collection.findElement("name");
                if ( e.eoo() ) {
                    string s = "bad system.namespaces object " + collection.toString();
                    massert(s.c_str(), false);
                assert( !e.eoo() );
                assert( e.type() == String );
                const char *from_name = e.valuestr();

                if( strstr(from_name, ".system.") ) { 
                    /* system.users is cloned -- but nothing else from system. */
                    if( strstr(from_name, ".system.users") == 0 ){
                        log(2) << "\t\t not cloning because system collection" << endl;
                else if( strchr(from_name, '$') ) {
                    // don't clone index namespaces -- we take care of those separately below.
                    log(2) << "\t\t not cloning because has $ " << endl;
                toClone.push_back( collection.getOwned() );

        for ( list<BSONObj>::iterator i=toClone.begin(); i != toClone.end(); i++ ){
                dbtemprelease r;
            BSONObj collection = *i;
            log(2) << "  really will clone: " << collection << endl;
            const char * from_name = collection["name"].valuestr();
            BSONObj options = collection.getObjectField("options");
            /* change name "<fromdb>.collection" -> <todb>.collection */
            const char *p = strchr(from_name, '.');
            string to_name = todb + p;

            //if( !options.isEmpty() )
                string err;
                const char *toname = to_name.c_str();
                userCreateNS(toname, options, err, logForRepl);

                /* chunks are big enough that we should create the _id index up front, that should
                   be faster. perhaps we should do that for everything?  Not doing that yet -- not sure
                   how we want to handle _id-less collections, and we might not want to create the index
                if ( strstr(toname, "._chunks") )
            log(1) << "\t\t cloning " << from_name << " -> " << to_name << endl;
            Query q;
            if( snapshot ) 
            copy(from_name, to_name.c_str(), false, logForRepl, masterSameProcess, slaveOk, q);

        // now build the indexes
        string system_indexes_from = fromdb + ".system.indexes";
        string system_indexes_to = todb + ".system.indexes";
        /* [dm]: is the ID index sometimes not called "_id_"?  There is other code in the system that looks for a "_id" prefix 
                 rather than this exact value.  we should standardize.  OR, remove names - which is in the bugdb.  Anyway, this 
                 is dubious here at the moment.
        copy(system_indexes_from.c_str(), system_indexes_to.c_str(), true, logForRepl, masterSameProcess, slaveOk, BSON( "name" << NE << "_id_" ) );

        return true;
Пример #3
namespace IndexUpdateTests {

    static const char* const _ns = "unittests.indexupdate";
    DBDirectClient _client;
    ExternalSortComparison* _aFirstSort = BtreeBasedBulkAccessMethod::getComparison(0, BSON("a" << 1));

     * Test fixture for a write locked test using collection _ns.  Includes functionality to
     * partially construct a new IndexDetails in a manner that supports proper cleanup in
     * dropCollection().
    class IndexBuildBase {
        IndexBuildBase() :
            _ctx( _ns ) {
            _client.createCollection( _ns );
        ~IndexBuildBase() {
            _client.dropCollection( _ns );
        Collection* collection() {
            return _ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection( _ns );
#if 0
        /** @return IndexDetails for a new index on a:1, with the info field populated. */
        IndexDescriptor* addIndexWithInfo() {
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "v" << 1 <<
                                      "key" << BSON( "a" << 1 ) <<
                                      "ns" << _ns <<
                                      "name" << "a_1" );
            int32_t lenWHdr = indexInfo.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize;
            const char* systemIndexes = "unittests.system.indexes";
            DiskLoc infoLoc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord( systemIndexes,
                                                          nsdetails( systemIndexes ),
                                                          false );
            Record* infoRecord = reinterpret_cast<Record*>( getDur().writingPtr( infoLoc.rec(),
                                                                                 lenWHdr ) );
            memcpy( infoRecord->data(), indexInfo.objdata(), indexInfo.objsize() );
            addRecordToRecListInExtent( infoRecord, infoLoc );

            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock blk( collection()->getIndexCatalog(), "a_1", infoLoc );

            return collection()->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName( "a_1" );
        Client::WriteContext _ctx;
        OperationContextImpl _txn;

    /** addKeysToPhaseOne() adds keys from a collection's documents to an external sorter. */
#if 0
    class AddKeysToPhaseOne : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            // Add some data to the collection.
            int32_t nDocs = 130;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );

            IndexDescriptor* id = addIndexWithInfo();
            // Create a SortPhaseOne.
            SortPhaseOne phaseOne;
            ProgressMeterHolder pm (cc().curop()->setMessage("AddKeysToPhaseOne",
                                                             "AddKeysToPhaseOne Progress",
            // Add keys to phaseOne.
            BtreeBasedBuilder::addKeysToPhaseOne( collection(),
                                                  BSON( "a" << 1 ),
                                                  pm.get(), true );
            // Keys for all documents were added to phaseOne.
            ASSERT_EQUALS( static_cast<uint64_t>( nDocs ), phaseOne.n );

    /** addKeysToPhaseOne() aborts if the current operation is killed. */
    class InterruptAddKeysToPhaseOne : public IndexBuildBase {
        InterruptAddKeysToPhaseOne( bool mayInterrupt ) :
            _mayInterrupt( mayInterrupt ) {
        void run() {
            // It's necessary to index sufficient keys that a RARELY condition will be triggered.
            int32_t nDocs = 130;
            // Add some data to the collection.
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
            IndexDescriptor* id = addIndexWithInfo();
            // Create a SortPhaseOne.
            SortPhaseOne phaseOne;
            ProgressMeterHolder pm (cc().curop()->setMessage("InterruptAddKeysToPhaseOne",
                                                             "InterruptAddKeysToPhaseOne Progress",
            // Register a request to kill the current operation.
            if ( _mayInterrupt ) {
                // Add keys to phaseOne.
                ASSERT_THROWS( BtreeBasedBuilder::addKeysToPhaseOne( collection(),
                                                                     BSON( "a" << 1 ),
                                                                     _mayInterrupt ),
                               UserException );
                // Not all keys were added to phaseOne due to the interrupt.
                ASSERT( static_cast<uint64_t>( nDocs ) > phaseOne.n );
            else {
                // Add keys to phaseOne.
                BtreeBasedBuilder::addKeysToPhaseOne( collection(),
                                                      BSON( "a" << 1 ),
                                                      _mayInterrupt );
                // All keys were added to phaseOne despite to the kill request, because
                // mayInterrupt == false.
                ASSERT_EQUALS( static_cast<uint64_t>( nDocs ), phaseOne.n );
        bool _mayInterrupt;

#if 0
    /** buildBottomUpPhases2And3() builds a btree from the keys in an external sorter. */
    class BuildBottomUp : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            IndexDescriptor* id = addIndexWithInfo();
            // Create a SortPhaseOne.
            SortPhaseOne phaseOne;
            phaseOne.sorter.reset( new BSONObjExternalSorter(_aFirstSort));
            // Add index keys to the phaseOne.
            int32_t nKeys = 130;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i ) {
                phaseOne.sorter->add( BSON( "a" << i ), /* dummy disk loc */ DiskLoc(), false );
            phaseOne.nkeys = phaseOne.n = nKeys;
            phaseOne.sorter->sort( false );
            // Set up remaining arguments.
            set<DiskLoc> dups;
            CurOp* op = cc().curop();
            ProgressMeterHolder pm (op->setMessage("BuildBottomUp",
                                                   "BuildBottomUp Progress",
            Timer timer;
            // The index's root has not yet been set.
            ASSERT( id->getHead().isNull() );
            // Finish building the index.
            buildBottomUpPhases2And3<V1>( true,
                                          true );
            // The index's root is set after the build is complete.
            ASSERT( !id->getHead().isNull() );
            // Create a cursor over the index.
            scoped_ptr<BtreeCursor> cursor(
                    BtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( _ns ),
                                       BSON( "" << -1 ),    // startKey below minimum key.
                                       BSON( "" << nKeys ), // endKey above maximum key.
                                       true,                // endKeyInclusive true.
                                       1                    // direction forward.
                                       ) );
            // Check that the keys in the index are the expected ones.
            int32_t expectedKey = 0;
            for( ; cursor->ok(); cursor->advance(), ++expectedKey ) {
                ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedKey, cursor->currKey().firstElement().number() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( nKeys, expectedKey );

#if 0
    /** buildBottomUpPhases2And3() aborts if the current operation is interrupted. */
    class InterruptBuildBottomUp : public IndexBuildBase {
        InterruptBuildBottomUp( bool mayInterrupt ) :
            _mayInterrupt( mayInterrupt ) {
        void run() {
            IndexDescriptor* id = addIndexWithInfo();
            // Create a SortPhaseOne.
            SortPhaseOne phaseOne;
            phaseOne.sorter.reset(new BSONObjExternalSorter(_aFirstSort));
            // It's necessary to index sufficient keys that a RARELY condition will be triggered,
            // but few enough keys that the btree builder will not create an internal node and check
            // for an interrupt internally (which would cause this test to pass spuriously).
            int32_t nKeys = 130;
            // Add index keys to the phaseOne.
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i ) {
                phaseOne.sorter->add( BSON( "a" << i ), /* dummy disk loc */ DiskLoc(), false );
            phaseOne.nkeys = phaseOne.n = nKeys;
            phaseOne.sorter->sort( false );
            // Set up remaining arguments.
            set<DiskLoc> dups;
            CurOp* op = cc().curop();
            ProgressMeterHolder pm (op->setMessage("InterruptBuildBottomUp",
                                                   "InterruptBuildBottomUp Progress",
            Timer timer;
            // The index's root has not yet been set.
            ASSERT( id->getHead().isNull() );
            // Register a request to kill the current operation.
            if ( _mayInterrupt ) {
                // The build is aborted due to the kill request.
                        ( buildBottomUpPhases2And3<V1>( true,
                                                        _mayInterrupt ),
                          UserException );
                // The root of the index is not set because the build did not complete.
                ASSERT( id->getHead().isNull() );
            else {
                // The build is aborted despite the kill request because mayInterrupt == false.
                buildBottomUpPhases2And3<V1>( true,
                                              _mayInterrupt );
                // The index's root is set after the build is complete.
                ASSERT( !id->getHead().isNull() );
        bool _mayInterrupt;

    /** Index creation is killed if mayInterrupt is true. */
    class InsertBuildIndexInterrupt : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            // Create a new collection.
            Database* db = _ctx.ctx().db();
            db->dropCollection( &_txn, _ns );
            Collection* coll = db->createCollection( &_txn, _ns );
            // Drop all indexes including id index.
            coll->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(&_txn, true );
            // Insert some documents with enforceQuota=true.
            int32_t nDocs = 1000;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                coll->insertDocument( &_txn, BSON( "a" << i ), true );
            // Initialize curop.
            // Request an interrupt.
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "key" << BSON( "a" << 1 ) << "ns" << _ns << "name" << "a_1" );
            // The call is interrupted because mayInterrupt == true.
            Status status = coll->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex(&_txn, indexInfo, true );
            ASSERT_NOT_OK( status.code() );
            // only want to interrupt the index build
            // The new index is not listed in the index catalog because the index build failed.
            ASSERT( !coll->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName( "a_1" ) );

    /** Index creation is not killed if mayInterrupt is false. */
    class InsertBuildIndexInterruptDisallowed : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            // Create a new collection.
            Database* db = _ctx.ctx().db();
            db->dropCollection( &_txn, _ns );
            Collection* coll = db->createCollection( &_txn, _ns );
            coll->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(&_txn, true );
            // Insert some documents.
            int32_t nDocs = 1000;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                coll->insertDocument( &_txn, BSON( "a" << i ), true );
            // Initialize curop.
            // Request an interrupt.
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "key" << BSON( "a" << 1 ) << "ns" << _ns << "name" << "a_1" );
            // The call is not interrupted because mayInterrupt == false.
            Status status = coll->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex(&_txn, indexInfo, false );
            ASSERT_OK( status.code() );
            // only want to interrupt the index build
            // The new index is listed in the index catalog because the index build completed.
            ASSERT( coll->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName( "a_1" ) );

    /** Index creation is killed when building the _id index. */
    class InsertBuildIdIndexInterrupt : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            // Recreate the collection as capped, without an _id index.
            Database* db = _ctx.ctx().db();
            db->dropCollection( &_txn, _ns );
            CollectionOptions options;
            options.capped = true;
            options.cappedSize = 10 * 1024;
            Collection* coll = db->createCollection( &_txn, _ns, options );
            coll->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(&_txn, true );
            // Insert some documents.
            int32_t nDocs = 1000;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                coll->insertDocument( &_txn, BSON( "_id" << i ), true );
            // Initialize curop.
            // Request an interrupt.
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "key" << BSON( "_id" << 1 ) <<
                                      "ns" << _ns <<
                                      "name" << "_id_" );
            // The call is interrupted because mayInterrupt == true.
            Status status = coll->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex(&_txn, indexInfo, true );
            ASSERT_NOT_OK( status.code() );
            // only want to interrupt the index build
            // The new index is not listed in the index catalog because the index build failed.
            ASSERT( !coll->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName( "_id_" ) );

    /** Index creation is not killed when building the _id index if mayInterrupt is false. */
    class InsertBuildIdIndexInterruptDisallowed : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            // Recreate the collection as capped, without an _id index.
            Database* db = _ctx.ctx().db();
            db->dropCollection( &_txn, _ns );
            CollectionOptions options;
            options.capped = true;
            options.cappedSize = 10 * 1024;
            Collection* coll = db->createCollection( &_txn, _ns, options );
            coll->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(&_txn, true );
            // Insert some documents.
            int32_t nDocs = 1000;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                coll->insertDocument( &_txn, BSON( "_id" << i ), true );
            // Initialize curop.
            // Request an interrupt.
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "key" << BSON( "_id" << 1 ) <<
                                      "ns" << _ns <<
                                      "name" << "_id_" );
            // The call is not interrupted because mayInterrupt == false.
            Status status = coll->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex(&_txn, indexInfo, false );
            ASSERT_OK( status.code() );
            // only want to interrupt the index build
            // The new index is listed in the index catalog because the index build succeeded.
            ASSERT( coll->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName( "_id_" ) );

    /** DBDirectClient::ensureIndex() is not interrupted. */
    class DirectClientEnsureIndexInterruptDisallowed : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            // Insert some documents.
            int32_t nDocs = 1000;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
            // Initialize curop.
            // Request an interrupt.  killAll() rather than kill() is required because the direct
            // client will build the index using a new opid.
            // The call is not interrupted.
            _client.ensureIndex( _ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) );
            // only want to interrupt the index build
            // The new index is listed in system.indexes because the index build completed.
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U,
                           _client.count( "unittests.system.indexes",
                                          BSON( "ns" << _ns << "name" << "a_1" ) ) );

    /** Helpers::ensureIndex() is not interrupted. */
    class HelpersEnsureIndexInterruptDisallowed : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {
            OperationContextImpl txn;
            // Insert some documents.
            int32_t nDocs = 1000;
            for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
                _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
            // Initialize curop.
            // Request an interrupt.
            // The call is not interrupted.
            Helpers::ensureIndex( &txn, collection(), BSON( "a" << 1 ), false, "a_1" );
            // only want to interrupt the index build
            // The new index is listed in system.indexes because the index build completed.
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U,
                           _client.count( "unittests.system.indexes",
                                          BSON( "ns" << _ns << "name" << "a_1" ) ) );
#if 0
    class IndexBuildInProgressTest : public IndexBuildBase {
        void run() {

            NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails( _ns );

            // _id_ is at 0, so nIndexes == 1
            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* a = halfAddIndex("a");
            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* b = halfAddIndex("b");
            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* c = halfAddIndex("c");
            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* d = halfAddIndex("d");
            int offset = nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "b_1", true );
            ASSERT_EQUALS(2, offset);

            delete b;

            ASSERT_EQUALS(2, nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "c_1", true ) );
            ASSERT_EQUALS(3, nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "d_1", true ) );

            offset = nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "d_1", true );
            delete d;

            ASSERT_EQUALS(2, nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "c_1", true ) );
            ASSERT( nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "d_1", true ) < 0 );

            offset = nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "a_1", true );
            delete a;

            ASSERT_EQUALS(1, nsd->_catalogFindIndexByName( "c_1", true ));
            delete c;

        IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* halfAddIndex(const std::string& key) {
            string name = key + "_1";
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "v" << 1 <<
                                      "key" << BSON( key << 1 ) <<
                                      "ns" << _ns <<
                                      "name" << name );
            int32_t lenWHdr = indexInfo.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize;
            const char* systemIndexes = "unittests.system.indexes";
            DiskLoc infoLoc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord( systemIndexes,
                                                          nsdetails( systemIndexes ),
                                                          false );
            Record* infoRecord = reinterpret_cast<Record*>( getDur().writingPtr( infoLoc.rec(),
                                                                                 lenWHdr ) );
            memcpy( infoRecord->data(), indexInfo.objdata(), indexInfo.objsize() );
            addRecordToRecListInExtent( infoRecord, infoLoc );

            return new IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock( _ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection( _ns )->getIndexCatalog(), name, infoLoc );

     * Fixture class that has a basic compound index.
    class SimpleCompoundIndex: public IndexBuildBase {
        SimpleCompoundIndex() {
                    BSON("name" << "x"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "key" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1)));

    class SameSpecDifferentOption: public SimpleCompoundIndex {
        void run() {
                    BSON("name" << "x"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "unique" << true
                         << "key" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1)));
            // Cannot have same key spec with an option different from the existing one.
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

    class SameSpecSameOptions: public SimpleCompoundIndex {
        void run() {
                    BSON("name" << "x"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "key" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1)));
            // It is okay to try to create an index with the exact same specs (will be
            // ignored, but should not raise an error).
            ASSERT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

    class DifferentSpecSameName: public SimpleCompoundIndex {
        void run() {
                    BSON("name" << "x"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "key" << BSON("y" << 1 << "x" << 1)));
            // Cannot create a different index with the same name as the existing one.
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

     * Fixture class for indexes with complex options.
    class ComplexIndex: public IndexBuildBase {
        ComplexIndex() {
                    BSON("name" << "super"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "unique" << 1
                         << "dropDups" << true
                         << "sparse" << true
                         << "expireAfterSeconds" << 3600
                         << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));

    class SameSpecSameOptionDifferentOrder: public ComplexIndex {
        void run() {
            // Exactly the same specs with the existing one, only
            // specified in a different order than the original.
                    BSON("name" << "super2"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "expireAfterSeconds" << 3600
                         << "sparse" << true
                         << "unique" << 1
                         << "dropDups" << true
                         << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));
            ASSERT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

    // The following tests tries to create an index with almost the same
    // specs as the original, except for one option.

    class SameSpecDifferentUnique: public ComplexIndex {
        void run() {
                    BSON("name" << "super2"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "unique" << false
                         << "dropDups" << true
                         << "sparse" << true
                         << "expireAfterSeconds" << 3600
                         << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

    class SameSpecDifferentSparse: public ComplexIndex {
        void run() {
                    BSON("name" << "super2"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "unique" << 1
                         << "dropDups" << true
                         << "sparse" << false
                         << "background" << true
                         << "expireAfterSeconds" << 3600
                         << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

    class SameSpecDifferentTTL: public ComplexIndex {
        void run() {
                    BSON("name" << "super2"
                         << "ns" << _ns
                         << "unique" << 1
                         << "dropDups" << true
                         << "sparse" << true
                         << "expireAfterSeconds" << 2400
                         << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");

    class IndexCatatalogFixIndexKey {
        void run() {
            ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "x" << 1 ),
                           IndexCatalog::fixIndexKey( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );

            ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "_id" << 1 ),
                           IndexCatalog::fixIndexKey( BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ) );

            ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "_id" << 1 ),
                           IndexCatalog::fixIndexKey( BSON( "_id" << true ) ) );

    class IndexUpdateTests : public Suite {
        IndexUpdateTests() :
            Suite( "indexupdate" ) {

        void setupTests() {
            //add<InterruptAddKeysToPhaseOne>( false );
            //add<InterruptAddKeysToPhaseOne>( true );
            // QUERY_MIGRATION
            //add<InterruptBuildBottomUp>( false );
            //add<InterruptBuildBottomUp>( true );

    } indexUpdateTests;

} // namespace IndexUpdateTests
Пример #4
 TEST( ExpressionParserArrayTest, SizeBad ) {
     BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$size" << BSONNULL ) );
     StatusWithExpression result = ExpressionParser::parse( query );
     ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
Пример #5
    StatusWith<string> isValidShard(const string& name,
                                    const ConnectionString& shardConnectionString,
                                    ScopedDbConnection& conn) {
        if (conn->type() == ConnectionString::SYNC) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "can't use sync cluster as a shard; for a replica set, "
                          "you have to use <setname>/<server1>,<server2>,...");

        BSONObj resIsMongos;
        // (ok == 0) implies that it is a mongos
        if (conn->runCommand("admin", BSON("isdbgrid" << 1), resIsMongos)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "can't add a mongos process as a shard");

        BSONObj resIsMaster;
        if (!conn->runCommand("admin", BSON("isMaster" << 1), resIsMaster)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "failed running isMaster: " << resIsMaster);

        // if the shard has only one host, make sure it is not part of a replica set
        string setName = resIsMaster["setName"].str();
        string commandSetName = shardConnectionString.getSetName();
        if (commandSetName.empty() && !setName.empty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          str::stream() << "host is part of set " << setName << "; "
                                        << "use replica set url format "
                                        << "<setname>/<server1>,<server2>, ...");

        if (!commandSetName.empty() && setName.empty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "host did not return a set name; "
                                        << "is the replica set still initializing? "
                                        << resIsMaster);

        // if the shard is part of replica set, make sure it is the right one
        if (!commandSetName.empty() && (commandSetName != setName)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "host is part of a different set: " << setName);

        if (setName.empty()) {
            // check this isn't a --configsvr
            BSONObj res;
            bool ok = conn->runCommand("admin",
                                       BSON("replSetGetStatus" << 1),
            if(!ok && res["info"].type() == String && res["info"].String() == "configsvr") {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "the specified mongod is a --configsvr and "
                              "should thus not be a shard server");

        // if the shard is part of a replica set,
        // make sure all the hosts mentioned in 'shardConnectionString' are part of
        // the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are present in 'shardConnectionString'.
        bool foundAll = true;
        string offendingHost;
        if (!commandSetName.empty()) {
            set<string> hostSet;
            BSONObjIterator iter(resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj());
            while (iter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(iter.next().String()); // host:port
            if (resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj()) {
                BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["passives"].Obj());
                while (piter.more()) {
                    hostSet.insert(piter.next().String()); // host:port
            if (resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj()) {
                BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj());
                while (piter.more()) {
                    hostSet.insert(piter.next().String()); // host:port

            vector<HostAndPort> hosts = shardConnectionString.getServers();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) {
                if (!hosts[i].hasPort()) {
                    hosts[i] = HostAndPort(hosts[i].host(), hosts[i].port());
                string host = hosts[i].toString(); // host:port
                if (hostSet.find(host) == hostSet.end()) {
                    offendingHost = host;
                    foundAll = false;
        if (!foundAll) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "in seed list " << shardConnectionString.toString()
                                        << ", host " << offendingHost
                                        << " does not belong to replica set " << setName);

        string shardName(name);
        // shard name defaults to the name of the replica set
        if (name.empty() && !setName.empty()) {
            shardName = setName;

        // disallow adding shard replica set with name 'config'
        if (shardName == "config") {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "use of shard replica set with name 'config' is not allowed");

        return shardName;
    Status parseAndValidateCreateUserCommand(const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                             const std::string& dbname,
                                             AuthorizationManager* authzManager,
                                             BSONObj* parsedUserObj) {
        unordered_set<std::string> validFieldNames;

        // Iterate through all fields in command object and make sure there are no unexpected
        // ones.
        for (BSONObjIterator iter(cmdObj); iter.more(); iter.next()) {
            StringData fieldName = (*iter).fieldNameStringData();
            if (!validFieldNames.count(fieldName.toString())) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              mongoutils::str::stream() << "\"" << fieldName << "\" is not "
                                      "a valid argument to createUser");

        BSONObjBuilder userObjBuilder;
        userObjBuilder.append("_id", OID::gen());

        // Parse user name
        std::string userName;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(cmdObj, "createUser", &userName);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        // Prevent creating users in the local database
        if (dbname == "local") {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Cannot create users in the local database");

        userObjBuilder.append(AuthorizationManager::USER_NAME_FIELD_NAME, userName);
        userObjBuilder.append(AuthorizationManager::USER_SOURCE_FIELD_NAME, dbname);

        // Parse password
        if (cmdObj.hasField("pwd")) {
            std::string clearTextPassword;
            status = bsonExtractStringField(cmdObj, "pwd", &clearTextPassword);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;

            std::string password = auth::createPasswordDigest(userName, clearTextPassword);
            userObjBuilder.append("credentials", BSON("MONGODB-CR" << password));
        } else {
            if (dbname != "$external") {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "Must provide a 'pwd' field for all user documents, except those"
                                      " with '$external' as the user's source");

        // Parse custom data
        if (cmdObj.hasField("customData")) {
            BSONElement element;
            status = bsonExtractTypedField(cmdObj, "customData", Object, &element);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;
            userObjBuilder.append("customData", element.Obj());

        // Parse roles
        if (cmdObj.hasField("roles")) {
            BSONElement rolesElement;
            status = bsonExtractTypedField(cmdObj, "roles", Array, &rolesElement);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;
            BSONArray modifiedRolesArray;
            status = _validateAndModifyRolesArray(rolesElement,
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;

            userObjBuilder.append("roles", modifiedRolesArray);

        *parsedUserObj = userObjBuilder.obj();

        // Make sure document to insert is valid
        V2PrivilegeDocumentParser parser;
        status = parser.checkValidPrivilegeDocument(*parsedUserObj);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        return Status::OK();
Пример #7
        bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname , BSONObj& jsobj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool /*fromRepl*/) {
            DBDirectClient db(txn);

            BSONElement e = jsobj.firstElement();
            string toDeleteNs = dbname + '.' + e.valuestr();

            LOG(0) << "CMD: reIndex " << toDeleteNs << endl;

            Lock::DBWrite dbXLock(txn->lockState(), dbname);
            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn->recoveryUnit());
            Client::Context ctx(txn, toDeleteNs);

            Collection* collection = ctx.db()->getCollection( txn, toDeleteNs );

            if ( !collection ) {
                errmsg = "ns not found";
                return false;

            BackgroundOperation::assertNoBgOpInProgForNs( toDeleteNs );

            std::vector<BSONObj> indexesInProg = stopIndexBuilds(txn, ctx.db(), jsobj);

            list<BSONObj> all;
            auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> i = db.query( dbname + ".system.indexes" , BSON( "ns" << toDeleteNs ) , 0 , 0 , 0 , QueryOption_SlaveOk );
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            while ( i->more() ) {
                const BSONObj spec = i->next().removeField("v").getOwned();
                const BSONObj key = spec.getObjectField("key");
                const Status keyStatus = validateKeyPattern(key);
                if (!keyStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = str::stream()
                        << "Cannot rebuild index " << spec << ": " << keyStatus.reason()
                        << " For more info see http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/index-validation";
                    return false;

                b.append( BSONObjBuilder::numStr( all.size() ) , spec );
                all.push_back( spec );
            result.appendNumber( "nIndexesWas", collection->getIndexCatalog()->numIndexesTotal() );

            Status s = collection->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(txn, true);
            if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                errmsg = "dropIndexes failed";
                return appendCommandStatus( result, s );

            for ( list<BSONObj>::iterator i=all.begin(); i!=all.end(); i++ ) {
                BSONObj o = *i;
                LOG(1) << "reIndex ns: " << toDeleteNs << " index: " << o << endl;
                Status s = collection->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex(txn, o, false);
                if ( !s.isOK() )
                    return appendCommandStatus( result, s );

            result.append( "nIndexes" , (int)all.size() );
            result.appendArray( "indexes" , b.obj() );

            return true;
Пример #8
TEST( AllElemMatchOp, MatchesElement ) {

    BSONObj baseOperanda1 = BSON( "a" << 1 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eqa1( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eqa1->init( "a", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperanda1[ "a" ] ).isOK() );

    BSONObj baseOperandb1 = BSON( "b" << 1 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eqb1( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eqb1->init( "b", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperandb1[ "b" ] ).isOK() );

    auto_ptr<AndMatchExpression> and1( new AndMatchExpression() );
    and1->add( eqa1.release() );
    and1->add( eqb1.release() );
    // and1 = { a : 1, b : 1 }

    auto_ptr<ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression> elemMatch1( new ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression() );
    elemMatch1->init( "x", and1.release() );
    // elemMatch1 = { x : { $elemMatch : { a : 1, b : 1 } } }

    BSONObj baseOperanda2 = BSON( "a" << 2 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eqa2( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eqa2->init( "a", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperanda2[ "a" ] ).isOK() );

    BSONObj baseOperandb2 = BSON( "b" << 2 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eqb2( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eqb2->init( "b", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperandb2[ "b" ] ).isOK() );

    auto_ptr<AndMatchExpression> and2( new AndMatchExpression() );
    and2->add( eqa2.release() );
    and2->add( eqb2.release() );

    auto_ptr<ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression> elemMatch2( new ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression() );
    elemMatch2->init( "x", and2.release() );
    // elemMatch2 = { x : { $elemMatch : { a : 2, b : 2 } } }

    AllElemMatchOp op;
    op.init( "" );
    op.add( elemMatch1.release() );
    op.add( elemMatch2.release() );

    BSONObj nonArray = BSON( "x" << 4 );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( nonArray[ "x" ] ) );
    BSONObj emptyArray = BSON( "x" << BSONArray() );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( emptyArray[ "x" ] ) );
    BSONObj nonObjArray = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 4 ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( nonObjArray[ "x" ] ) );
    BSONObj singleObjMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( singleObjMatch[ "x" ] ) );
    BSONObj otherObjMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "a" << 2 << "b" << 2 ) ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( otherObjMatch[ "x" ] ) );
    BSONObj bothObjMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) <<
                                 BSON( "a" << 2 << "b" << 2 ) ) );
    ASSERT( op.matchesSingleElement( bothObjMatch[ "x" ] ) );
    BSONObj noObjMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) <<
                               BSON( "a" << 2 << "b" << 1 ) ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( noObjMatch[ "x" ] ) );
Пример #9
TEST( AllElemMatchOp, Matches ) {
    BSONObj baseOperandgt1 = BSON( "$gt" << 1 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> gt1( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( gt1->init( "", ComparisonMatchExpression::GT, baseOperandgt1[ "$gt" ] ).isOK() );

    BSONObj baseOperandlt1 = BSON( "$lt" << 10 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> lt1( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( lt1->init( "", ComparisonMatchExpression::LT, baseOperandlt1[ "$lt" ] ).isOK() );

    auto_ptr<ElemMatchValueMatchExpression> elemMatch1( new ElemMatchValueMatchExpression() );
    elemMatch1->init( "x" );
    elemMatch1->add( gt1.release() );
    elemMatch1->add( lt1.release() );

    BSONObj baseOperandgt2 = BSON( "$gt" << 101 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> gt2( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( gt2->init( "", ComparisonMatchExpression::GT, baseOperandgt2[ "$gt" ] ).isOK() );

    BSONObj baseOperandlt2 = BSON( "$lt" << 110 );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> lt2( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( lt2->init( "", ComparisonMatchExpression::LT, baseOperandlt2[ "$lt" ] ).isOK() );

    auto_ptr<ElemMatchValueMatchExpression> elemMatch2( new ElemMatchValueMatchExpression() );
    elemMatch2->init( "x" );
    elemMatch2->add( gt2.release() );
    elemMatch2->add( lt2.release() );

    AllElemMatchOp op;
    op.init( "x" );
    op.add( elemMatch1.release() );
    op.add( elemMatch2.release() );

    BSONObj nonArray = BSON( "x" << 4 );
    ASSERT( !op.matches( nonArray, NULL ) );
    BSONObj emptyArray = BSON( "x" << BSONArray() );
    ASSERT( !op.matches( emptyArray, NULL ) );
    BSONObj nonNumberArray = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( "q" ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matches( nonNumberArray, NULL ) );
    BSONObj singleMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matches( singleMatch, NULL ) );
    BSONObj otherMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 105 ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matches( otherMatch, NULL ) );
    BSONObj bothMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 << 105 ) );
    ASSERT( op.matches( bothMatch, NULL ) );
    BSONObj neitherMatch = BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 0 << 200 ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matches( neitherMatch, NULL ) );
Пример #10
    void Consensus::_electSelf() {
        if( time(0) < steppedDown )

            const OpTime ord = theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten;
            if( ord == 0 ) {
                log() << "replSet info not trying to elect self, do not yet have a complete set of data from any point in time" << rsLog;

        bool allUp;
        int nTies;
        if( !_weAreFreshest(allUp, nTies) ) {


        if (!allUp && time(0) - serverGlobalParams.started < 60 * 5) {
            /* the idea here is that if a bunch of nodes bounce all at once, we don't want to drop data
               if we don't have to -- we'd rather be offline and wait a little longer instead
               todo: make this configurable.
            rs.sethbmsg("not electing self, not all members up and we have been up less than 5 minutes");

        Member& me = *rs._self;

        if( nTies ) {
            /* tie?  we then randomly sleep to try to not collide on our voting. */
            /* todo: smarter. */
            if( me.id() == 0 || _sleptLast ) {
                // would be fine for one node not to sleep
                // todo: biggest / highest priority nodes should be the ones that get to not sleep
            else {
                verify( !rs.lockedByMe() ); // bad to go to sleep locked
                unsigned ms = ((unsigned) rand()) % 1000 + 50;
                DEV log() << "replSet tie " << nTies << " sleeping a little " << ms << "ms" << rsLog;
                _sleptLast = true;
                throw RetryAfterSleepException();
        _sleptLast = false;

        time_t start = time(0);
        unsigned meid = me.id();
        int tally = _yea( meid );
        bool success = false;
        try {
            log() << "replSet info electSelf " << meid << rsLog;

            BSONObj electCmd = BSON(
                                   "replSetElect" << 1 <<
                                   "set" << rs.name() <<
                                   "who" << me.fullName() <<
                                   "whoid" << me.hbinfo().id() <<
                                   "cfgver" << rs._cfg->version <<
                                   "round" << OID::gen() /* this is just for diagnostics */

            int configVersion;
            list<Target> L;
            rs.getTargets(L, configVersion);
            _multiCommand(electCmd, L);

                for( list<Target>::iterator i = L.begin(); i != L.end(); i++ ) {
                    LOG(1) << "replSet elect res: " << i->result.toString() << rsLog;
                    if( i->ok ) {
                        int v = i->result["vote"].Int();
                        tally += v;
                if( tally*2 <= _totalVotes() ) {
                    log() << "replSet couldn't elect self, only received " << tally << " votes" << rsLog;
                else if( time(0) - start > 30 ) {
                    // defensive; should never happen as we have timeouts on connection and operation for our conn
                    log() << "replSet too much time passed during our election, ignoring result" << rsLog;
                else if( configVersion != rs.config().version ) {
                    log() << "replSet config version changed during our election, ignoring result" << rsLog;
                else {
                    /* succeeded. */
                    LOG(1) << "replSet election succeeded, assuming primary role" << rsLog;
                    success = true;


        catch( std::exception& ) {
            if( !success ) _electionFailed(meid);
        if( !success ) _electionFailed(meid);
Пример #11
TEST( ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression, MatchesElementMultiple ) {
    BSONObj baseOperand1 = BSON( "b" << 5 );
    BSONObj baseOperand2 = BSON( "b" << 6 );
    BSONObj baseOperand3 = BSON( "c" << 7 );
    BSONObj notMatch1 = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "b" << 5 << "c" << 7 ) ) );
    BSONObj notMatch2 = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "b" << 6 << "c" << 7 ) ) );
    BSONObj notMatch3 = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "b" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 << 6 ) ) ) );
    BSONObj match =
        BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "b" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 << 6 ) << "c" << 7 ) ) );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eq1( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eq1->init( "b", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperand1[ "b" ] ).isOK() );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eq2( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eq2->init( "b", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperand2[ "b" ] ).isOK() );
    auto_ptr<ComparisonMatchExpression> eq3( new ComparisonMatchExpression() );
    ASSERT( eq3->init( "c", ComparisonMatchExpression::EQ, baseOperand3[ "c" ] ).isOK() );

    auto_ptr<AndMatchExpression> andOp( new AndMatchExpression() );
    andOp->add( eq1.release() );
    andOp->add( eq2.release() );
    andOp->add( eq3.release() );

    ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression op;
    ASSERT( op.init( "a", andOp.release() ).isOK() );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( notMatch1[ "a" ] ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( notMatch2[ "a" ] ) );
    ASSERT( !op.matchesSingleElement( notMatch3[ "a" ] ) );
    ASSERT( op.matchesSingleElement( match[ "a" ] ) );
Пример #12
    void WriteBackListener::run() {

        int secsToSleep = 0;
        scoped_ptr<ChunkVersion> lastNeededVersion;
        int lastNeededCount = 0;
        bool needsToReloadShardInfo = false;

        while ( ! inShutdown() ) {

            if ( ! Shard::isAShardNode( _addr ) ) {
                LOG(1) << _addr << " is not a shard node" << endl;
                sleepsecs( 60 );

            try {
                if (needsToReloadShardInfo) {
                    // It's possible this shard was removed
                    needsToReloadShardInfo = false;

                ScopedDbConnection conn(_addr);

                BSONObj result;

                    BSONObjBuilder cmd;
                    cmd.appendOID( "writebacklisten" , &serverID ); // Command will block for data
                    if ( ! conn->runCommand( "admin" , cmd.obj() , result ) ) {
                        result = result.getOwned();
                        log() <<  "writebacklisten command failed!  "  << result << endl;


                LOG(1) << "writebacklisten result: " << result << endl;

                BSONObj data = result.getObjectField( "data" );
                if ( data.getBoolField( "writeBack" ) ) {
                    string ns = data["ns"].valuestrsafe();

                    ConnectionIdent cid( "" , 0 );
                    OID wid;
                    if ( data["connectionId"].isNumber() && data["id"].type() == jstOID ) {
                        string s = "";
                        if ( data["instanceIdent"].type() == String )
                            s = data["instanceIdent"].String();
                        cid = ConnectionIdent( s , data["connectionId"].numberLong() );
                        wid = data["id"].OID();
                    else {
                        warning() << "mongos/mongod version mismatch (1.7.5 is the split)" << endl;

                    int len; // not used, but needed for next call
                    Message msg( (void*)data["msg"].binData( len ) , false );
                    massert( 10427 ,  "invalid writeback message" , msg.header()->valid() );

                    DBConfigPtr db = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                    ChunkVersion needVersion = ChunkVersion::fromBSON( data, "version" );

                    // TODO: Refactor the sharded strategy to correctly handle all sharding state changes itself,
                    // we can't rely on WBL to do this for us b/c anything could reset our state in-between.
                    // We should always reload here for efficiency when possible, but staleness is also caught in the
                    // loop below.

                    ChunkManagerPtr manager;
                    ShardPtr primary;
                    db->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( ns, manager, primary );

                    ChunkVersion currVersion;
                    if( manager ) currVersion = manager->getVersion();

                    LOG(1) << "connectionId: " << cid << " writebackId: " << wid << " needVersion : " << needVersion.toString()
                           << " mine : " << currVersion.toString() << endl;

                    LOG(1) << msg.toString() << endl;

                    // We should reload only if we need to update our version to be compatible *and* we
                    // haven't already done so.  This avoids lots of reloading when we remove/add a sharded collection

                    bool alreadyReloaded = lastNeededVersion &&
                                           lastNeededVersion->isEquivalentTo( needVersion );

                    if( alreadyReloaded ){

                        LOG(1) << "wbl already reloaded config information for version "
                               << needVersion << ", at version " << currVersion << endl;
                    else if( lastNeededVersion ) {

                        log() << "new version change detected to " << needVersion.toString()
                              << ", " << lastNeededCount << " writebacks processed at "
                              << lastNeededVersion->toString() << endl;

                        lastNeededCount = 0;

                    // Set our lastNeededVersion for next time

                    lastNeededVersion.reset( new ChunkVersion( needVersion ) );

                    // Determine if we should reload, if so, reload

                    bool shouldReload = ! needVersion.isWriteCompatibleWith( currVersion ) &&
                                        ! alreadyReloaded;

                    if( shouldReload && currVersion.isSet()
                                     && needVersion.isSet()
                                     && currVersion.hasCompatibleEpoch( needVersion ) )

                        // If we disagree about versions only, reload the chunk manager

                        db->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true );
                    else if( shouldReload ){

                        // If we disagree about anything else, reload the full db

                        warning() << "reloading config data for " << db->getName() << ", "
                                  << "wanted version " << needVersion.toString()
                                  << " but currently have version " << currVersion.toString() << endl;


                    // do request and then call getLastError
                    // we have to call getLastError so we can return the right fields to the user if they decide to call getLastError

                    BSONObj gle;
                    int attempts = 0;
                    while ( true ) {

                        try {

                            Request r( msg , 0 );

                            r.d().reservedField() |= Reserved_FromWriteback;

                            ClientInfo * ci = r.getClientInfo();
                            if (AuthorizationManager::isAuthEnabled()) {
                                        UserName("_writebackListener", "local"));

                            r.process( attempts );

                            ci->newRequest(); // this so we flip prev and cur shards

                            BSONObjBuilder b;
                            string errmsg;
                            if ( ! ci->getLastError( "admin",
                                                     BSON( "getLastError" << 1 ),
                                                     true ) )
                                b.appendBool( "commandFailed" , true );
                                if( ! b.hasField( "errmsg" ) ){

                                    b.append( "errmsg", errmsg );
                                    gle = b.obj();
                                else if( errmsg.size() > 0 ){

                                    // Rebuild GLE object with errmsg
                                    // TODO: Make this less clumsy by improving GLE interface
                                    gle = b.obj();

                                    if( gle["errmsg"].type() == String ){

                                        BSONObj gleNoErrmsg =
                                                gle.filterFieldsUndotted( BSON( "errmsg" << 1 ),
                                                                          false );
                                        BSONObjBuilder bb;
                                        bb.appendElements( gleNoErrmsg );
                                        bb.append( "errmsg", gle["errmsg"].String() +
                                                             " ::and:: " +
                                                             errmsg );
                                        gle = bb.obj().getOwned();
                                gle = b.obj();

                            if ( gle["code"].numberInt() == 9517 ) {

                                log() << "new version change detected, "
                                      << lastNeededCount << " writebacks processed previously" << endl;

                                lastNeededCount = 1;

                                log() << "writeback failed because of stale config, retrying attempts: " << attempts << endl;
                                LOG(1) << "writeback error : " << gle << endl;

                                // Bringing this in line with the similar retry logic elsewhere
                                // TODO: Reloading the chunk manager may not help if we dropped a
                                // collection, but we don't actually have that info in the writeback
                                // error

                                if( attempts <= 2 ){
                                    db->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true );
                                    versionManager.forceRemoteCheckShardVersionCB( ns );
                                    sleepsecs( attempts - 1 );

                                uassert( 15884, str::stream()
                                         << "Could not reload chunk manager after "
                                         << attempts << " attempts.", attempts <= 4 );


                        catch ( DBException& e ) {
                            error() << "error processing writeback: " << e << endl;
                            BSONObjBuilder b;
                            e.getInfo().append( b, "err", "code" );
                            gle = b.obj();


                        scoped_lock lk( _seenWritebacksLock );
                        WBStatus& s = _seenWritebacks[cid];
                        s.id = wid;
                        s.gle = gle;
                else if ( result["noop"].trueValue() ) {
                    // no-op
                else {
                    log() << "unknown writeBack result: " << result << endl;

                secsToSleep = 0;
            catch ( std::exception& e ) {
                // Attention! Do not call any method that would throw an exception
                // (or assert) in this block.

                if ( inShutdown() ) {
                    // we're shutting down, so just clean up

                log() << "WriteBackListener exception : " << e.what() << endl;

                needsToReloadShardInfo = true;
            catch ( ... ) {
                log() << "WriteBackListener uncaught exception!" << endl;
            if ( secsToSleep > 10 )
                secsToSleep = 0;

        log() << "WriteBackListener exiting : address no longer in cluster " << _addr;

Пример #13
    void Balancer::_doBalanceRound( DBClientBase& conn, vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) {
        assert( candidateChunks );

        // 1. Check whether there is any sharded collection to be balanced by querying
        // the ShardsNS::collections collection

        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ShardNS::collection , BSONObj() );
        vector< string > collections;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj col = cursor->nextSafe();

            // sharded collections will have a shard "key".
            if ( ! col["key"].eoo() )
                collections.push_back( col["_id"].String() );

        if ( collections.empty() ) {
            LOG(1) << "no collections to balance" << endl;

        // 2. Get a list of all the shards that are participating in this balance round
        // along with any maximum allowed quotas and current utilization. We get the
        // latter by issuing db.serverStatus() (mem.mapped) to all shards.
        // TODO: skip unresponsive shards and mark information as stale.

        vector<Shard> allShards;
        Shard::getAllShards( allShards );
        if ( allShards.size() < 2) {
            LOG(1) << "can't balance without more active shards" << endl;

        map< string, BSONObj > shardLimitsMap;
        for ( vector<Shard>::const_iterator it = allShards.begin(); it != allShards.end(); ++it ) {
            const Shard& s = *it;
            ShardStatus status = s.getStatus();

            BSONObj limitsObj = BSON( ShardFields::maxSize( s.getMaxSize() ) <<
                                      LimitsFields::currSize( status.mapped() ) <<
                                      ShardFields::draining( s.isDraining() )  <<
                                      LimitsFields::hasOpsQueued( status.hasOpsQueued() )

            shardLimitsMap[ s.getName() ] = limitsObj;

        // 3. For each collection, check if the balancing policy recommends moving anything around.

        for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = collections.begin(); it != collections.end(); ++it ) {
            const string& ns = *it;

            map< string,vector<BSONObj> > shardToChunksMap;
            cursor = conn.query( ShardNS::chunk , QUERY( "ns" << ns ).sort( "min" ) );
            while ( cursor->more() ) {
                BSONObj chunk = cursor->nextSafe();
                if ( chunk["jumbo"].trueValue() )
                vector<BSONObj>& chunks = shardToChunksMap[chunk["shard"].String()];
                chunks.push_back( chunk.getOwned() );

            if (shardToChunksMap.empty()) {
                LOG(1) << "skipping empty collection (" << ns << ")";

            for ( vector<Shard>::iterator i=allShards.begin(); i!=allShards.end(); ++i ) {
                // this just makes sure there is an entry in shardToChunksMap for every shard
                Shard s = *i;

            CandidateChunk* p = _policy->balance( ns , shardLimitsMap , shardToChunksMap , _balancedLastTime );
            if ( p ) candidateChunks->push_back( CandidateChunkPtr( p ) );
Пример #14
 BSONObj IntervalBtreeCursor::prettyIndexBounds() const {
     return BSON( "lower" << _lowerBound.replaceFieldNames( _indexDetails.keyPattern() ) <<
                  "upper" << _upperBound.replaceFieldNames( _indexDetails.keyPattern() ) );
Пример #15
    Query ConfigDiffTracker<ValType,ShardType>::
        configDiffQuery( const set<ChunkVersion>& extraMinorVersions ) const

        // Basic idea behind the query is to find all the chunks $gt the current max version, and
        // then also update chunks that we need minor versions - splits and (2.0) max chunks on
        // shards

        static const int maxMinorVersionClauses = 50;
        BSONObjBuilder queryB;

        int numStaleMinorClauses = extraMinorVersions.size() + _maxShardVersions->size();

#ifdef _DEBUG
        // In debug builds, randomly trigger full reloads to exercise both codepaths
        if( rand() % 2 ) numStaleMinorClauses = maxMinorVersionClauses;

        queryB.append(ChunkType::ns(), _ns);

        // If we have only a few minor versions to refresh, we can be more selective in our query
        if( numStaleMinorClauses < maxMinorVersionClauses ){

            // Get any version changes higher than we know currently
            BSONArrayBuilder queryOrB( queryB.subarrayStart( "$or" ) );
                BSONObjBuilder queryNewB( queryOrB.subobjStart() );
                    BSONObjBuilder ts(queryNewB.subobjStart(ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod()));
                    // We should *always* pull at least a single chunk back, this lets us quickly
                    // detect if our collection was unsharded (and most of the time if it was
                    // resharded) in the meantime
                    ts.appendTimestamp( "$gte", _maxVersion->toLong() );


            // Get any shard version changes higher than we know currently
            // Needed since there could have been a split of the max version chunk of any shard
            // TODO: Ideally, we shouldn't care about these
            for( typename map<ShardType, ChunkVersion>::const_iterator it = _maxShardVersions->begin(); it != _maxShardVersions->end(); it++ ){

                BSONObjBuilder queryShardB( queryOrB.subobjStart() );
                queryShardB.append(ChunkType::shard(), nameFrom( it->first ) );
                    BSONObjBuilder ts(queryShardB.subobjStart(ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod()));
                    ts.appendTimestamp( "$gt", it->second.toLong() );

            // Get any minor version changes we've marked as interesting
            // TODO: Ideally we shouldn't care about these
            for( set<ChunkVersion>::const_iterator it = extraMinorVersions.begin(); it != extraMinorVersions.end(); it++ ){

                BSONObjBuilder queryShardB( queryOrB.subobjStart() );
                    BSONObjBuilder ts(queryShardB.subobjStart(ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod()));
                    ts.appendTimestamp( "$gt", it->toLong() );
                    ts.appendTimestamp( "$lt",
                                        ChunkVersion( it->majorVersion() + 1, 0, OID() ).toLong() );


        BSONObj query = queryB.obj();

        LOG(2) << "major version query from " << *_maxVersion << " and over "
               << _maxShardVersions->size() << " shards is " << query << endl;

        // This ensures that changes to chunk version (which will always be higher) will always
        // come *after* our current position in the chunk cursor.

        Query queryObj(query);
        queryObj.sort(BSON( "lastmod" << 1 ));

        return Query( query );
Пример #16
        bool handleSpecialNamespaces( Request& r , QueryMessage& q ) {
            const char * ns = r.getns();
            ns = strstr( r.getns() , ".$cmd.sys." );
            if ( ! ns )
                return false;
            ns += 10;

            BSONObjBuilder b;
            vector<Shard> shards;

            if ( strcmp( ns , "inprog" ) == 0 ) {
                Shard::getAllShards( shards );

                BSONArrayBuilder arr( b.subarrayStart( "inprog" ) );

                for ( unsigned i=0; i<shards.size(); i++ ) {
                    Shard shard = shards[i];
                    ScopedDbConnection conn( shard );
                    BSONObj temp = conn->findOne( r.getns() , BSONObj() );
                    if ( temp["inprog"].isABSONObj() ) {
                        BSONObjIterator i( temp["inprog"].Obj() );
                        while ( i.more() ) {
                            BSONObjBuilder x;

                            BSONObjIterator j( i.next().Obj() );
                            while( j.more() ) {
                                BSONElement e = j.next();
                                if ( str::equals( e.fieldName() , "opid" ) ) {
                                    stringstream ss;
                                    ss << shard.getName() << ':' << e.numberInt();
                                    x.append( "opid" , ss.str() );
                                else if ( str::equals( e.fieldName() , "client" ) ) {
                                    x.appendAs( e , "client_s" );
                                else {
                                    x.append( e );
                            arr.append( x.obj() );

            else if ( strcmp( ns , "killop" ) == 0 ) {
                BSONElement e = q.query["op"];
                if ( strstr( r.getns() , "admin." ) != 0 ) {
                    b.append( "err" , "unauthorized" );
                else if ( e.type() != String ) {
                    b.append( "err" , "bad op" );
                    b.append( e );
                else {
                    b.append( e );
                    string s = e.String();
                    string::size_type i = s.find( ':' );
                    if ( i == string::npos ) {
                        b.append( "err" , "bad opid" );
                    else {
                        string shard = s.substr( 0 , i );
                        int opid = atoi( s.substr( i + 1 ).c_str() );
                        b.append( "shard" , shard );
                        b.append( "shardid" , opid );

                        log() << "want to kill op: " << e << endl;
                        Shard s(shard);

                        ScopedDbConnection conn( s );
                        conn->findOne( r.getns() , BSON( "op" << opid ) );
            else if ( strcmp( ns , "unlock" ) == 0 ) {
                b.append( "err" , "can't do unlock through mongos" );
            else {
                log( LL_WARNING ) << "unknown sys command [" << ns << "]" << endl;
                return false;

            BSONObj x = b.done();
            replyToQuery(0, r.p(), r.m(), x);
            return true;
Пример #17
BSONObj RawMongoProgramOutput(const BSONObj& args, void* data) {
    return BSON("" << programOutputLogger.str());
Пример #18
TEST_F(SyncTailTest, SyncApplyNoNamespaceBadOp) {
    const BSONObj op = BSON("op"
                            << "x");
    ASSERT_OK(SyncTail::syncApply(_txn.get(), op, false, _applyOp, _applyCmd, _incOps));
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, _opsApplied);
    Status parseAndValidateUpdateUserCommand(const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                             const std::string& dbname,
                                             AuthorizationManager* authzManager,
                                             BSONObj* parsedUpdateObj,
                                             UserName* parsedUserName) {
        unordered_set<std::string> validFieldNames;

        // Iterate through all fields in command object and make sure there are no unexpected
        // ones.
        for (BSONObjIterator iter(cmdObj); iter.more(); iter.next()) {
            StringData fieldName = (*iter).fieldNameStringData();
            if (!validFieldNames.count(fieldName.toString())) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              mongoutils::str::stream() << "\"" << fieldName << "\" is not "
                                      "a valid argument to createUser");

        BSONObjBuilder updateSetBuilder;

        // Parse user name
        std::string userName;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(cmdObj, "updateUser", &userName);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        *parsedUserName = UserName(userName, dbname);

        // Parse password
        if (cmdObj.hasField("pwd")) {
            std::string clearTextPassword;
            status = bsonExtractStringField(cmdObj, "pwd", &clearTextPassword);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;

            std::string password = auth::createPasswordDigest(userName, clearTextPassword);
            updateSetBuilder.append("credentials.MONGODB-CR", password);

        // Parse custom data
        if (cmdObj.hasField("customData")) {
            BSONElement element;
            status = bsonExtractTypedField(cmdObj, "customData", Object, &element);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;
            updateSetBuilder.append("customData", element.Obj());

        // Parse roles
        if (cmdObj.hasField("roles")) {
            BSONElement rolesElement;
            Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(cmdObj, "roles", Array, &rolesElement);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;

            BSONArray modifiedRolesObj;
            status = _validateAndModifyRolesArray(rolesElement,
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return status;

            updateSetBuilder.append("roles", modifiedRolesObj);

        BSONObj updateSet = updateSetBuilder.obj();
        if (updateSet.isEmpty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UserModificationFailed,
                          "Must specify at least one field to update in updateUser");

        *parsedUpdateObj = BSON("$set" << updateSet);
        return Status::OK();
Пример #20
 void ModMatchExpression::toBSON(BSONObjBuilder* out) const {
     out->append(path(), BSON("$mod" << BSON_ARRAY(_divisor << _remainder)));
Пример #21
 TEST( ExpressionParserArrayTest, AllBadArg ) {
     BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << 1 ) );
     StatusWithExpression result = ExpressionParser::parse( query );
     ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
Пример #22
 void ExistsMatchExpression::toBSON(BSONObjBuilder* out) const {
     out->append(path(), BSON("$exists" << true));
Пример #23
 Base() {
     db.ensureIndex(ns(), BSON( "files_id" << 1 << "n" << 1 ));
Пример #24
 void TypeMatchExpression::toBSON(BSONObjBuilder* out) const {
     out->append(path(), BSON("$type" << _type));
Пример #25
 DevNullRecordStore( StringData ns, const CollectionOptions& options )
     : RecordStore( ns ), _options( options ) {
     _numInserts = 0;
     _dummy = BSON( "_id" << 1 );
Пример #26
    Status LegacyReplicationCoordinator::processReplSetInitiate(OperationContext* txn,
                                                                const BSONObj& givenConfig,
                                                                BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) {

        log() << "replSet replSetInitiate admin command received from client" << rsLog;

        if (!_settings.usingReplSets()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NoReplicationEnabled, "server is not running with --replSet");

        if( theReplSet ) {
                              "try querying " + rsConfigNs + " to see current configuration");
            return Status(ErrorCodes::AlreadyInitialized, "already initialized");

        try {
                // just make sure we can get a write lock before doing anything else.  we'll
                // reacquire one later.  of course it could be stuck then, but this check lowers the
                // risk if weird things are up.
                time_t t = time(0);
                Lock::GlobalWrite lk(txn->lockState());
                if( time(0)-t > 10 ) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit,
                                  "took a long time to get write lock, so not initiating.  "
                                          "Initiate when server less busy?");

                /* check that we don't already have an oplog.  that could cause issues.
                   it is ok if the initiating member has *other* data than that.
                BSONObj o;
                if( Helpers::getFirst(txn, rsoplog, o) ) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::AlreadyInitialized,
                                  rsoplog + string(" is not empty on the initiating member.  "
                                          "cannot initiate."));

            if( ReplSet::startupStatus == ReplSet::BADCONFIG ) {
                resultObj->append("info", ReplSet::startupStatusMsg.get());
                return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidReplicaSetConfig,
                              "server already in BADCONFIG state (check logs); not initiating");
            if( ReplSet::startupStatus != ReplSet::EMPTYCONFIG ) {
                resultObj->append("startupStatus", ReplSet::startupStatus);
                resultObj->append("info", _settings.replSet);
                return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidReplicaSetConfig,
                              "all members and seeds must be reachable to initiate set");

            BSONObj configObj;
            if (!givenConfig.isEmpty()) {
                configObj = givenConfig;
            } else {
                resultObj->append("info2", "no configuration explicitly specified -- making one");
                log() << "replSet info initiate : no configuration specified.  "
                        "Using a default configuration for the set" << rsLog;

                string name;
                vector<HostAndPort> seeds;
                set<HostAndPort> seedSet;
                parseReplSetSeedList(_settings.replSet, name, seeds, seedSet); // may throw...

                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b.append("_id", name);
                BSONObjBuilder members;
                HostAndPort me = someHostAndPortForMe();
                members.append("0", BSON( "_id" << 0 << "host" << me.toString() ));
                resultObj->append("me", me.toString());
                for( unsigned i = 0; i < seeds.size(); i++ ) {
                                   BSON( "_id" << i+1 << "host" << seeds[i].toString()));
                b.appendArray("members", members.obj());
                configObj = b.obj();
                log() << "replSet created this configuration for initiation : " <<
                        configObj.toString() << rsLog;

            scoped_ptr<ReplSetConfig> newConfig;
            try {
            } catch (const DBException& e) {
                log() << "replSet replSetInitiate exception: " << e.what() << rsLog;
                return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidReplicaSetConfig,
                              mongoutils::str::stream() << "couldn't parse cfg object " << e.what());

            if( newConfig->version > 1 ) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidReplicaSetConfig,
                              "can't initiate with a version number greater than 1");

            log() << "replSet replSetInitiate config object parses ok, " <<
                    newConfig->members.size() << " members specified" << rsLog;

            checkMembersUpForConfigChange(*newConfig, *resultObj, true);

            log() << "replSet replSetInitiate all members seem up" << rsLog;


            Lock::GlobalWrite lk(txn->lockState());
            BSONObj comment = BSON( "msg" << "initiating set");
            newConfig->saveConfigLocally(txn, comment);
            log() << "replSet replSetInitiate config now saved locally.  "
                "Should come online in about a minute." << rsLog;
                              "Config now saved locally.  Should come online in about a minute.");
            ReplSet::startupStatus = ReplSet::SOON;
            ReplSet::startupStatusMsg.set("Received replSetInitiate - "
                                          "should come online shortly.");
        catch(const DBException& e ) {
            return e.toStatus();

        return Status::OK();
Пример #27
 void run() {
     IndexDescriptor* id = addIndexWithInfo();
     // Create a SortPhaseOne.
     SortPhaseOne phaseOne;
     phaseOne.sorter.reset(new BSONObjExternalSorter(_aFirstSort));
     // It's necessary to index sufficient keys that a RARELY condition will be triggered,
     // but few enough keys that the btree builder will not create an internal node and check
     // for an interrupt internally (which would cause this test to pass spuriously).
     int32_t nKeys = 130;
     // Add index keys to the phaseOne.
     for( int32_t i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i ) {
         phaseOne.sorter->add( BSON( "a" << i ), /* dummy disk loc */ DiskLoc(), false );
     phaseOne.nkeys = phaseOne.n = nKeys;
     phaseOne.sorter->sort( false );
     // Set up remaining arguments.
     set<DiskLoc> dups;
     CurOp* op = cc().curop();
     ProgressMeterHolder pm (op->setMessage("InterruptBuildBottomUp",
                                            "InterruptBuildBottomUp Progress",
     Timer timer;
     // The index's root has not yet been set.
     ASSERT( id->getHead().isNull() );
     // Register a request to kill the current operation.
     if ( _mayInterrupt ) {
         // The build is aborted due to the kill request.
                 ( buildBottomUpPhases2And3<V1>( true,
                                                 _mayInterrupt ),
                   UserException );
         // The root of the index is not set because the build did not complete.
         ASSERT( id->getHead().isNull() );
     else {
         // The build is aborted despite the kill request because mayInterrupt == false.
         buildBottomUpPhases2And3<V1>( true,
                                       _mayInterrupt );
         // The index's root is set after the build is complete.
         ASSERT( !id->getHead().isNull() );
Пример #28
    bool DBConfig::dropDatabase( string& errmsg ) {
         * 1) make sure everything is up
         * 2) update config server
         * 3) drop and reset sharded collections
         * 4) drop and reset primary
         * 5) drop everywhere to clean up loose ends

        log() << "DBConfig::dropDatabase: " << _name << endl;
        configServer.logChange( "dropDatabase.start" , _name , BSONObj() );

        // 1
        if ( ! configServer.allUp( errmsg ) ) {
            log(1) << "\t DBConfig::dropDatabase not all up" << endl;
            return 0;

        // 2
        grid.removeDB( _name );
            ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.modelServer() );
            conn->remove( ShardNS::database , BSON( "_id" << _name ) );
            errmsg = conn->getLastError();
            if ( ! errmsg.empty() ) {
                log() << "could not drop '" << _name << "': " << errmsg << endl;
                return false;


        if ( ! configServer.allUp( errmsg ) ) {
            log() << "error removing from config server even after checking!" << endl;
            return 0;
        log(1) << "\t removed entry from config server for: " << _name << endl;

        set<Shard> allServers;

        // 3
        while ( true ) {
            int num = 0;
            if ( ! _dropShardedCollections( num , allServers , errmsg ) )
                return 0;
            log() << "   DBConfig::dropDatabase: " << _name << " dropped sharded collections: " << num << endl;
            if ( num == 0 )

        // 4
            ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary );
            BSONObj res;
            if ( ! conn->dropDatabase( _name , &res ) ) {
                errmsg = res.toString();
                return 0;

        // 5
        for ( set<Shard>::iterator i=allServers.begin(); i!=allServers.end(); i++ ) {
            ScopedDbConnection conn( *i );
            BSONObj res;
            if ( ! conn->dropDatabase( _name , &res ) ) {
                errmsg = res.toString();
                return 0;

        log(1) << "\t dropped primary db for: " << _name << endl;

        configServer.logChange( "dropDatabase" , _name , BSONObj() );
        return true;
Пример #29
 SimpleCompoundIndex() {
             BSON("name" << "x"
                  << "ns" << _ns
                  << "key" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1)));
Пример #30
 void addUniqueIndex() {
     addOp("i", BSON("ns" << ns() << "key" << BSON("x" << 1) << "name" << "x1" << "unique" << true), 0, "unittests.system.indexes");