Пример #1
void ccv_slice(ccv_matrix_t* a, ccv_matrix_t** b, int btype, int y, int x, int rows, int cols)
	int type = *(int*)a;
	if (type & CCV_MATRIX_DENSE)
		ccv_dense_matrix_t* da = ccv_get_dense_matrix(a);
		ccv_declare_derived_signature(sig, da->sig != 0, ccv_sign_with_format(128, "ccv_slice(%d,%d,%d,%d)", y, x, rows, cols), da->sig, CCV_EOF_SIGN);
		btype = (btype == 0) ? CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(da->type) | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(da->type) : CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(btype) | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(da->type);
		ccv_dense_matrix_t* db = *b = ccv_dense_matrix_renew(*b, rows, cols, CCV_ALL_DATA_TYPE | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(da->type), btype, sig);
		ccv_object_return_if_cached(, db);
		int i, j, ch = CCV_GET_CHANNEL(da->type);
		int dx = 0, dy = 0;
		if (!(y >= 0 && y + rows <= da->rows && x >= 0 && x + cols <= da->cols))
			if (y < 0) { rows += y; dy = -y; y = 0; }
			if (y + rows > da->rows) rows = da->rows - y;
			if (x < 0) { cols += x; dx = -x; x = 0; }
			if (x + cols > da->cols) cols = da->cols - x;
		unsigned char* a_ptr = da->data.u8 + x * ch * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(da->type) + y * da->step;
		unsigned char* b_ptr = db->data.u8 + dx * ch * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(db->type) + dy * db->step;
#define for_block(_for_set, _for_get) \
		for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) \
		{ \
			for (j = 0; j < cols * ch; j++) \
			{ \
				_for_set(b_ptr, j, _for_get(a_ptr, j, 0), 0); \
			} \
			a_ptr += da->step; \
			b_ptr += db->step; \
		ccv_matrix_setter(db->type, ccv_matrix_getter, da->type, for_block);
#undef for_block
	} else if (type & CCV_MATRIX_SPARSE) {
Пример #2
void ccv_sample_up(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_dense_matrix_t** b, int type, int src_x, int src_y)
	assert(src_x >= 0 && src_y >= 0);
	ccv_declare_matrix_signature(sig, a->sig != 0, ccv_sign_with_format(64, "ccv_sample_up(%d,%d)", src_x, src_y), a->sig, 0);
	type = (type == 0) ? CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(a->type) | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type) : CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(type) | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	ccv_dense_matrix_t* db = *b = ccv_dense_matrix_renew(*b, a->rows * 2, a->cols * 2, CCV_ALL_DATA_TYPE | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type), type, sig);
	ccv_matrix_return_if_cached(, db);
	int ch = CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	int cols0 = a->cols - 1 - src_x;
	int y, x, sy = -1 + src_y, sx = src_x * ch, k;
	int* tab = (int*)alloca((a->cols + src_x + 2) * ch * sizeof(int));
	for (x = 0; x < a->cols + src_x + 2; x++)
		for (k = 0; k < ch; k++)
			tab[x * ch + k] = ((x >= a->cols) ? a->cols * 2 - 1 - x : x) * ch + k;
	unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)alloca(3 * db->cols * ch * ccv_max(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(db->type), sizeof(int)));
	int bufstep = db->cols * ch * ccv_max(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(db->type), sizeof(int));
	unsigned char* b_ptr = db->data.u8;
	/* why src_y * 2: the same argument as in ccv_sample_down */
#define for_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b) \
	for (y = 0; y < a->rows; y++) \
	{ \
		for (; sy <= y + 1 + src_y; sy++) \
		{ \
			unsigned char* row = buf + ((sy + src_y * 2 + 1) % 3) * bufstep; \
			int _sy = (sy < 0) ? -1 - sy : (sy >= a->rows) ? a->rows * 2 - 1 - sy : sy; \
			unsigned char* a_ptr = a->data.u8 + a->step * _sy; \
			if (a->cols == 1) \
			{ \
				for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
				{ \
					_for_set(row, k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, k, 0) * (G025 + G075 + G125), 0); \
					_for_set(row, k + ch, _for_get_a(a_ptr, k, 0) * (G025 + G075 + G125), 0); \
				} \
				continue; \
			} \
			if (sx == 0) \
			{ \
				for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
				{ \
					_for_set(row, k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, k + sx, 0) * (G025 + G075) + _for_get_a(a_ptr, k + sx + ch, 0) * G125, 0); \
					_for_set(row, k + ch, _for_get_a(a_ptr, k + sx, 0) * (G125 + G025) + _for_get_a(a_ptr, k + sx + ch, 0) * G075, 0); \
				} \
			} \
			/* some serious flaw in computing Gaussian weighting in previous version
			 * specially, we are doing perfect upsampling (2x) so, it concerns a grid like:
			 * XXYY
			 * XXYY
			 * in this case, to upsampling, the weight should be from distance 0.25 and 1.25, and 0.25 and 0.75
			 * previously, it was mistakingly be 0.0 1.0, 0.5 0.5 (imperfect upsampling (2x - 1)) */ \
			for (x = (sx == 0) ? ch : 0; x < cols0 * ch; x += ch) \
			{ \
				for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
				{ \
					_for_set(row, x * 2 + k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, x + sx - ch + k, 0) * G075 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, x + sx + k, 0) * G025 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, x + sx + ch + k, 0) * G125, 0); \
					_for_set(row, x * 2 + ch + k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, x + sx - ch + k, 0) * G125 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, x + sx + k, 0) * G025 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, x + sx + ch + k, 0) * G075, 0); \
				} \
			} \
			x_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b); \
		} \
Пример #3
void ccv_decompress_sparse_matrix(ccv_compressed_sparse_matrix_t* csm, ccv_sparse_matrix_t** smt)
	ccv_sparse_matrix_t* mat = *smt = ccv_sparse_matrix_new(csm->rows, csm->cols, csm->type & ~CCV_MATRIX_CSR & ~CCV_MATRIX_CSC, (csm->type & CCV_MATRIX_CSR) ? CCV_SPARSE_ROW_MAJOR : CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR, 0);
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < ((mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? mat->cols : mat->rows); i++)
		for (j = csm->offset[i]; j < csm->offset[i + 1]; j++)
			if (mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR)
				ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell(mat, csm->index[j], i, csm->data.u8 + CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(csm->type) * j);
				ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell(mat, i, csm->index[j], csm->data.u8 + CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(csm->type) * j);
Пример #4
ccv_dense_matrix_t* ccv_dense_matrix_new(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, uint64_t sig)
	ccv_dense_matrix_t* mat;
	if (ccv_cache_opt && sig != 0 && !data && !(type & CCV_NO_DATA_ALLOC))
		uint8_t type;
		mat = (ccv_dense_matrix_t*)ccv_cache_out(&ccv_cache, sig, &type);
		if (mat)
			assert(type == 0);
			mat->type |= CCV_GARBAGE; // set the flag so the upper level function knows this is from recycle-bin
			mat->refcount = 1;
			return mat;
	if (type & CCV_NO_DATA_ALLOC)
		mat = (ccv_dense_matrix_t*)ccmalloc(sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t));
		mat->data.u8 = data;
	} else {
		mat = (ccv_dense_matrix_t*)(data ? data : ccmalloc(ccv_compute_dense_matrix_size(rows, cols, type)));
		mat->type |= data ? CCV_UNMANAGED : CCV_REUSABLE; // it still could be reusable because the signature could be derived one.
		mat->data.u8 = (unsigned char*)(mat + 1);
	mat->sig = sig;
	mat->rows = rows;
	mat->cols = cols;
	mat->step = (cols * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(type) * CCV_GET_CHANNEL(type) + 3) & -4;
	mat->refcount = 1;
	return mat;
Пример #5
static void _ccv_dense_vector_expand(ccv_sparse_matrix_t* mat, ccv_dense_vector_t* vector)
	if (vector->prime == -1)
	int new_length = CCV_GET_SPARSE_PRIME(vector->prime);
	int cell_width = CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mat->type) * CCV_GET_CHANNEL(mat->type);
	int new_step = (new_length * cell_width + 3) & -4;
	ccv_matrix_cell_t new_data;
	new_data.u8 = (unsigned char*)ccmalloc(new_step + sizeof(int) * new_length);
	int* new_indice = (int*)(new_data.u8 + new_step);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < new_length; i++)
		new_indice[i] = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < vector->length; i++)
		if (vector->indice[i] != -1)
			int index = vector->indice[i];
			int h = (index * 33) % new_length, j = 0;
			while (new_indice[(h + j * j) % new_length] != index && new_indice[(h + j * j) % new_length] != -1)
			j = (h + j * j) % new_length;
			new_indice[j] = index;
			memcpy(new_data.u8 + j * cell_width, vector->data.u8 + i * cell_width, cell_width);
	vector->length = new_length;
	vector->data = new_data;
	vector->indice = new_indice;
Пример #6
static void _ccv_resample_cubic_integer_only(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_dense_matrix_t* b)
	assert(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(b->type) == CCV_8U || CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(b->type) == CCV_32S || CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(b->type) == CCV_64S);
	int i, j, k, ch = CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	int no_8u_type = (b->type & CCV_8U) ? CCV_32S : b->type;
	assert(b->cols > 0);
	ccv_cubic_integer_coeffs_t* xofs = (ccv_cubic_integer_coeffs_t*)alloca(sizeof(ccv_cubic_integer_coeffs_t) * b->cols);
	float scale_x = (float)a->cols / b->cols;
	for (i = 0; i < b->cols; i++)
		float sx = (i + 0.5) * scale_x - 0.5;
		_ccv_init_cubic_integer_coeffs((int)sx, a->cols, sx, xofs + i);
	float scale_y = (float)a->rows / b->rows;
	int bufstep = b->cols * ch * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(no_8u_type);
	unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)alloca(bufstep * 4);
#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
	memset(buf, 0, bufstep * 4);
	unsigned char* a_ptr = a->data.u8;
	unsigned char* b_ptr = b->data.u8;
	int psi = -1, siy = 0;
#define for_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b) \
	for (i = 0; i < b->rows; i++) \
	{ \
		ccv_cubic_integer_coeffs_t yofs; \
		float sy = (i + 0.5) * scale_y - 0.5; \
		_ccv_init_cubic_integer_coeffs((int)sy, a->rows, sy, &yofs); \
		if (yofs.si[3] > psi) \
		{ \
			for (; siy <= yofs.si[3]; siy++) \
			{ \
				unsigned char* row = buf + (siy & 0x3) * bufstep; \
				for (j = 0; j < b->cols; j++) \
					for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
						_for_set(row, j * ch + k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, xofs[j].si[0] * ch + k, 0) * xofs[j].coeffs[0] + \
												  _for_get_a(a_ptr, xofs[j].si[1] * ch + k, 0) * xofs[j].coeffs[1] + \
												  _for_get_a(a_ptr, xofs[j].si[2] * ch + k, 0) * xofs[j].coeffs[2] + \
												  _for_get_a(a_ptr, xofs[j].si[3] * ch + k, 0) * xofs[j].coeffs[3], 0); \
				a_ptr += a->step; \
			} \
			psi = yofs.si[3]; \
		} \
		unsigned char* row[4] = { \
			buf + (yofs.si[0] & 0x3) * bufstep, \
			buf + (yofs.si[1] & 0x3) * bufstep, \
			buf + (yofs.si[2] & 0x3) * bufstep, \
			buf + (yofs.si[3] & 0x3) * bufstep, \
		}; \
		for (j = 0; j < b->cols * ch; j++) \
			_for_set_b(b_ptr, j, ccv_descale(_for_get(row[0], j, 0) * yofs.coeffs[0] + _for_get(row[1], j, 0) * yofs.coeffs[1] + \
											 _for_get(row[2], j, 0) * yofs.coeffs[2] + _for_get(row[3], j, 0) * yofs.coeffs[3], 12), 0); \
		b_ptr += b->step; \
	ccv_matrix_getter(a->type, ccv_matrix_setter_getter_integer_only, no_8u_type, ccv_matrix_setter_integer_only, b->type, for_block);
#undef for_block
Пример #7
ccv_dense_matrix_t ccv_dense_matrix(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, uint64_t sig)
	ccv_dense_matrix_t mat;
	mat.sig = sig;
	mat.rows = rows;
	mat.cols = cols;
	mat.step = (cols * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(type) * CCV_GET_CHANNEL(type) + 3) & -4;
	mat.refcount = 1;
	mat.data.u8 = (unsigned char*)data;
	return mat;
Пример #8
void _ccv_flip_x_self(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a)
	int i, j;
	int len = CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(a->type) * CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)alloca(len);
	unsigned char* a_ptr = a->data.u8;
	for (i = 0; i < a->rows; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < a->cols / 2; j++)
			memcpy(buffer, a_ptr + j * len, len);
			memcpy(a_ptr + j * len, a_ptr + (a->cols - 1 - j) * len, len);
			memcpy(a_ptr + (a->cols - 1 - j) * len, buffer, len);
		a_ptr += a->step;
Пример #9
ccv_matrix_cell_t ccv_get_sparse_matrix_cell(ccv_sparse_matrix_t* mat, int row, int col)
	ccv_dense_vector_t* vector = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_vector(mat, (mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? col : row);
	ccv_matrix_cell_t cell;
	cell.u8 = 0;
	if (vector != 0 && vector->length > 0)
		int cell_width = CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mat->type) * CCV_GET_CHANNEL(mat->type);
		int vidx = (mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? row : col;
		if (mat->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR)
			cell.u8 = vector->data.u8 + cell_width * vidx;
		} else {
			int h = (vidx * 33) % vector->length, i = 0;
			while (vector->indice[(h + i * i) % vector->length] != vidx && vector->indice[(h + i * i) % vector->length] != -1)
			i = (h + i * i) % vector->length;
			if (vector->indice[i] != -1)
				cell.u8 = vector->data.u8 + i * cell_width;
	return cell;
Пример #10
/* the following code is adopted from OpenCV cvPyrDown */
void ccv_sample_down(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_dense_matrix_t** b, int type, int src_x, int src_y)
	assert(src_x >= 0 && src_y >= 0);
	ccv_declare_derived_signature(sig, a->sig != 0, ccv_sign_with_format(64, "ccv_sample_down(%d,%d)", src_x, src_y), a->sig, CCV_EOF_SIGN);
	type = (type == 0) ? CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(a->type) | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type) : CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(type) | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	ccv_dense_matrix_t* db = *b = ccv_dense_matrix_renew(*b, a->rows / 2, a->cols / 2, CCV_ALL_DATA_TYPE | CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type), type, sig);
	ccv_object_return_if_cached(, db);
	int ch = CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	int cols0 = db->cols - 1 - src_x;
	int dy, sy = -2 + src_y, sx = src_x * ch, dx, k;
	int* tab = (int*)alloca((a->cols + src_x + 2) * ch * sizeof(int));
	for (dx = 0; dx < a->cols + src_x + 2; dx++)
		for (k = 0; k < ch; k++)
			tab[dx * ch + k] = ((dx >= a->cols) ? a->cols * 2 - 1 - dx : dx) * ch + k;
	unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)alloca(5 * db->cols * ch * ccv_max(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(db->type), sizeof(int)));
	int bufstep = db->cols * ch * ccv_max(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(db->type), sizeof(int));
#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
	memset(buf, 0, 5 * bufstep);
	unsigned char* b_ptr = db->data.u8;
	/* why is src_y * 4 in computing the offset of row?
	 * Essentially, it means sy - src_y but in a manner that doesn't result negative number.
	 * notice that we added src_y before when computing sy in the first place, however,
	 * it is not desirable to have that offset when we try to wrap it into our 5-row buffer (
	 * because in later rearrangement, we have no src_y to backup the arrangement). In
	 * such micro scope, we managed to stripe 5 addition into one shift and addition. */
#define for_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b) \
	for (dy = 0; dy < db->rows; dy++) \
	{ \
		for(; sy <= dy * 2 + 2 + src_y; sy++) \
		{ \
			unsigned char* row = buf + ((sy + src_y * 4 + 2) % 5) * bufstep; \
			int _sy = (sy < 0) ? -1 - sy : (sy >= a->rows) ? a->rows * 2 - 1 - sy : sy; \
			unsigned char* a_ptr = a->data.u8 + a->step * _sy; \
			for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
				_for_set(row, k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, sx + k, 0) * 10 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, ch + sx + k, 0) * 5 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, 2 * ch + sx + k, 0), 0); \
			for(dx = ch; dx < cols0 * ch; dx += ch) \
				for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
					_for_set(row, dx + k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, dx * 2 + sx + k, 0) * 6 + (_for_get_a(a_ptr, dx * 2 + sx + k - ch, 0) + _for_get_a(a_ptr, dx * 2 + sx + k + ch, 0)) * 4 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, dx * 2 + sx + k - ch * 2, 0) + _for_get_a(a_ptr, dx * 2 + sx + k + ch * 2, 0), 0); \
			x_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b); \
		} \
		unsigned char* rows[5]; \
		for(k = 0; k < 5; k++) \
			rows[k] = buf + ((dy * 2 + k) % 5) * bufstep; \
		for(dx = 0; dx < db->cols * ch; dx++) \
			_for_set_b(b_ptr, dx, (_for_get(rows[2], dx, 0) * 6 + (_for_get(rows[1], dx, 0) + _for_get(rows[3], dx, 0)) * 4 + _for_get(rows[0], dx, 0) + _for_get(rows[4], dx, 0)) / 256, 0); \
		b_ptr += db->step; \
	int no_8u_type = (a->type & CCV_8U) ? CCV_32S : a->type;
	if (src_x > 0)
#define x_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b) \
		for (dx = cols0 * ch; dx < db->cols * ch; dx += ch) \
			for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
				_for_set(row, dx + k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, tab[dx * 2 + sx + k], 0) * 6 + (_for_get_a(a_ptr, tab[dx * 2 + sx + k - ch], 0) + _for_get_a(a_ptr, tab[dx * 2 + sx + k + ch], 0)) * 4 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, tab[dx * 2 + sx + k - ch * 2], 0) + _for_get_a(a_ptr, tab[dx * 2 + sx + k + ch * 2], 0), 0);
		ccv_matrix_getter_a(a->type, ccv_matrix_setter_getter, no_8u_type, ccv_matrix_setter_b, db->type, for_block);
#undef x_block
	} else {
#define x_block(_for_get_a, _for_set, _for_get, _for_set_b) \
		for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) \
			_for_set(row, (db->cols - 1) * ch + k, _for_get_a(a_ptr, a->cols * ch + sx - ch + k, 0) * 10 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, (a->cols - 2) * ch + sx + k, 0) * 5 + _for_get_a(a_ptr, (a->cols - 3) * ch + sx + k, 0), 0);
		ccv_matrix_getter_a(a->type, ccv_matrix_setter_getter, no_8u_type, ccv_matrix_setter_b, db->type, for_block);
#undef x_block
#undef for_block
Пример #11
void ccv_compress_sparse_matrix(ccv_sparse_matrix_t* mat, ccv_compressed_sparse_matrix_t** csm)
	int i, j;
	int nnz = 0;
	int length = CCV_GET_SPARSE_PRIME(mat->prime);
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		ccv_dense_vector_t* vector = &mat->vector[i];
#define while_block(_, _while_get) \
		while (vector != 0) \
		{ \
			if (vector->index != -1) \
			{ \
				if (mat->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR) \
				{ \
					for (j = 0; j < vector->length; j++) \
						if (_while_get(vector->data.u8, j, 0) != 0) \
							nnz++; \
				} else { \
					nnz += vector->load_factor; \
				} \
			} \
			vector = vector->next; \
		ccv_matrix_getter(mat->type, while_block);
#undef while_block
	ccv_compressed_sparse_matrix_t* cm = *csm = (ccv_compressed_sparse_matrix_t*)ccmalloc(sizeof(ccv_compressed_sparse_matrix_t) + nnz * sizeof(int) + nnz * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mat->type) + (((mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? mat->cols : mat->rows) + 1) * sizeof(int));
	cm->nnz = nnz;
	cm->rows = mat->rows;
	cm->cols = mat->cols;
	cm->index = (int*)(cm + 1);
	cm->offset = cm->index + nnz;
	cm->data.i32 = cm->offset + ((mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? mat->cols : mat->rows) + 1;
	unsigned char* m_ptr = cm->data.u8;
	int* idx = cm->index;
	cm->offset[0] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ((mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? mat->cols : mat->rows); i++)
		ccv_dense_vector_t* vector = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_vector(mat, i);
		if (vector == 0)
			cm->offset[i + 1] = cm->offset[i];
		else {
			if (mat->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR)
				int k = 0;
#define for_block(_, _for_set, _for_get) \
				for (j = 0; j < vector->length; j++) \
					if (_for_get(vector->data.u8, j, 0) != 0) \
					{ \
						_for_set(m_ptr, k, _for_get(vector->data.u8, j, 0), 0); \
						idx[k] = j; \
						k++; \
				ccv_matrix_setter_getter(mat->type, for_block);
#undef for_block
				cm->offset[i + 1] = cm->offset[i] + k;
				idx += k;
				m_ptr += k * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mat->type);
			} else {
				int k = 0;
#define for_block(_, _for_set, _for_get) \
				for (j = 0; j < vector->length; j++) \
					if (vector->indice[j] != -1) \
					{ \
						_for_set(m_ptr, k, _for_get(vector->data.u8, j, 0), 0); \
						idx[k] = vector->indice[j]; \
						k++; \
				ccv_matrix_setter_getter(mat->type, for_block);
#undef for_block
				switch (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(mat->type))
					case CCV_8U:
						_ccv_indice_uchar_sort(idx, vector->load_factor, (unsigned char*)m_ptr);
					case CCV_32S:
						_ccv_indice_int_sort(idx, vector->load_factor, (int*)m_ptr);
					case CCV_32F:
						_ccv_indice_float_sort(idx, vector->load_factor, (float*)m_ptr);
					case CCV_64F:
						_ccv_indice_double_sort(idx, vector->load_factor, (double*)m_ptr);
				cm->offset[i + 1] = cm->offset[i] + vector->load_factor;
				idx += vector->load_factor;
				m_ptr += vector->load_factor * CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mat->type);
Пример #12
void ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell(ccv_sparse_matrix_t* mat, int row, int col, void* data)
	int i;
	int index = (mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? col : row;
	int vidx = (mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? row : col;
	int length = CCV_GET_SPARSE_PRIME(mat->prime);
	ccv_dense_vector_t* vector = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_vector(mat, index);
	if (vector == 0)
		if (mat->load_factor * 4 > CCV_GET_SPARSE_PRIME(mat->prime) * 3)
			length = CCV_GET_SPARSE_PRIME(mat->prime);
		vector = &mat->vector[(index * 33) % length];
		if (vector->index != -1)
			vector = (ccv_dense_vector_t*)ccmalloc(sizeof(ccv_dense_vector_t));
			vector->index = -1;
			vector->length = 0;
			vector->next = mat->vector[(index * 33) % length].next;
			mat->vector[(index * 33) % length].next = vector;
	int cell_width = CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mat->type) * CCV_GET_CHANNEL(mat->type);
	if (mat->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR)
		if (vector->index == -1)
			vector->prime = -1;
			vector->length = (mat->major == CCV_SPARSE_COL_MAJOR) ? mat->rows : mat->cols;
			vector->index = index;
			vector->step = (vector->length * cell_width + 3) & -4;
			vector->data.u8 = (unsigned char*)calloc(vector->step, 1);
		if (data != 0)
			memcpy(vector->data.u8 + vidx * cell_width, data, cell_width);
	} else {
		if (vector->index == -1)
			vector->prime = 0;
			vector->load_factor = 0;
			vector->length = CCV_GET_SPARSE_PRIME(vector->prime);
			vector->index = index;
			vector->step  = (vector->length * cell_width + 3) & -4;
			vector->data.u8 = (unsigned char*)ccmalloc(vector->step + sizeof(int) * vector->length);
			vector->indice = (int*)(vector->data.u8 + vector->step);
			for (i = 0; i < vector->length; i++)
				vector->indice[i] = -1;
		if (vector->load_factor * 2 > vector->length)
			_ccv_dense_vector_expand(mat, vector);
		i = 0;
		int h = (vidx * 33) % vector->length;
		while (vector->indice[(h + i * i) % vector->length] != vidx && vector->indice[(h + i * i) % vector->length] != -1)
		i = (h + i * i) % vector->length;
		vector->indice[i] = vidx;
		if (data != 0)
			memcpy(vector->data.u8 + i * cell_width, data, cell_width);