const char *CG_GetGameStatusText(void) { static const char *s = ""; if ( !GT_Team(cgs.gametype)) { if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { char sPlaceWith[256]; trap_SP_GetStringTextString("INGAMETEXT_PLACE_WITH", sPlaceWith, sizeof(sPlaceWith)); s = va("%s %s %i",CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), sPlaceWith, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); } } else { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0] ); } else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Red leads Blue, %i to %i", cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); } else { s = va("Blue leads Red, %i to %i", cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } } return s; }
const char *CG_GetGameStatusText( void ) { if ( cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL ) return ""; else if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM ) { if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { char sPlaceWith[256]; trap->SE_GetStringTextString( "MP_INGAME_PLACE_WITH", sPlaceWith, sizeof(sPlaceWith) ); return va( "%s %s %i", CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), sPlaceWith, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); } } else { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) return va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString( "MP_INGAME", "TIEDAT" ), cg.teamScores[0] ); else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) return va( "%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString( "MP_INGAME", "RED_LEADS" ), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); else return va( "%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString( "MP_INGAME", "BLUE_LEADS" ), cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } return ""; }
/* ================= CG_DrawScoreboard Draw the normal in-game scoreboard ================= */ qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard( void ) { int y, i, n1, n2; float fade; float *fadeColor; char *s; int maxPlayers; int lineHeight; int topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize; CG_SetScreenPlacement(PLACE_CENTER, PLACE_CENTER); // don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up if ( cg_paused.integer ) { return qfalse; } if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cg.cur_lc && cg.cur_lc->predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { return qfalse; } // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if ( cg.warmup && cg.cur_lc && !cg.cur_lc->showScores ) { return qfalse; } if ( !cg.cur_lc || cg.cur_lc->showScores || cg.cur_lc->predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD || cg.cur_lc->predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { fade = 1.0; fadeColor = colorWhite; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.cur_lc->scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME ); if ( !fadeColor ) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.cur_lc->killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } // ZTM: FIXME?: to actually fade, should be fade=fadeColor[3] and later CG_DrawString should use fadeColor fade = *fadeColor; } // fragged by ... line if ( cg.cur_lc && cg.cur_lc->killerName[0] ) { s = va("Fragged by %s", cg.cur_lc->killerName ); y = SB_HEADER - 6 - CG_DrawStringLineHeight( UI_BIGFONT ) * 2; CG_DrawString( SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_DROPSHADOW|UI_BIGFONT, NULL ); } // current rank if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM) { if (cg.cur_ps && cg.cur_ps->persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { s = va("%s place with %i", CG_PlaceString( cg.cur_ps->persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), cg.cur_ps->persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); y = SB_HEADER - 6 - CG_DrawStringLineHeight( UI_BIGFONT ); CG_DrawString( SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_DROPSHADOW|UI_BIGFONT, NULL ); } } else { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0] ); } else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Red leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); } else { s = va("Blue leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } y = SB_HEADER - 6 - CG_DrawStringLineHeight( UI_BIGFONT ); CG_DrawString( SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_DROPSHADOW|UI_BIGFONT, NULL ); } // scoreboard y = SB_HEADER; CG_DrawPic( SB_SCORE_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( SB_PING_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( SB_TIME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( SB_NAME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); y = SB_TOP; // If there are more than SB_MAXPLAYERS_NORMAL, use the interleaved scores if ( cg.numScores > SB_MAXPLAYERS_NORMAL ) { maxPlayers = SB_MAXPLAYERS_INTER; lineHeight = SB_INTER_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 16; } else { maxPlayers = SB_MAXPLAYERS_NORMAL; lineHeight = SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 16; bottomBorderSize = 16; } localPlayer = qfalse; if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { // // teamplay scoreboard // y += lineHeight/2; if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, maxPlayers, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxPlayers -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, maxPlayers, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxPlayers -= n2; } else { n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, maxPlayers, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxPlayers -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, maxPlayers, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxPlayers -= n2; } n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxPlayers, lineHeight ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { // // free for all scoreboard // n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_FREE, fade, maxPlayers, lineHeight ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxPlayers - n1, lineHeight ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (cg.cur_ps && !localPlayer) { // draw local player at the bottom for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.numScores ; i++ ) { if ( cg.scores[i].playerNum == cg.cur_ps->playerNum ) { CG_DrawPlayerScore( y, &cg.scores[i], fadeColor, fade, lineHeight == SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT ); break; } } } return qtrue; }
/* ============= CG_Obituary ============= */ static void CG_Obituary( entityState_t *ent ) { int mod; int target, attacker; char *message; char *message2; const char *targetInfo; const char *attackerInfo; char targetName[32]; char attackerName[32]; gender_t gender; clientInfo_t *ci; target = ent->otherEntityNum; attacker = ent->otherEntityNum2; mod = ent->eventParm; if ( target < 0 || target >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { CG_Error( "CG_Obituary: target out of range" ); } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[target]; if ( attacker < 0 || attacker >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; attackerInfo = NULL; } else { attackerInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + attacker ); } targetInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + target ); if ( !targetInfo ) { return; } Q_strncpyz( targetName, Info_ValueForKey( targetInfo, "n" ), sizeof(targetName) - 2); strcat( targetName, S_COLOR_WHITE ); message2 = ""; // check for single client messages switch( mod ) { case MOD_SUICIDE: message = "suicides"; break; case MOD_FALLING: message = "cratered"; break; case MOD_CRUSH: message = "was squished"; break; case MOD_WATER: message = "sank like a rock"; break; case MOD_SLIME: message = "melted"; break; case MOD_LAVA: message = "does a back flip into the lava"; break; case MOD_TARGET_LASER: message = "saw the light"; break; case MOD_TRIGGER_HURT: message = "was in the wrong place"; break; default: message = NULL; break; } if (attacker == target) { gender = ci->gender; switch (mod) { #ifdef MISSIONPACK case MOD_KAMIKAZE: message = "goes out with a bang"; break; #endif case MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "tripped on her own grenade"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "tripped on its own grenade"; else message = "tripped on his own grenade"; break; case MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "blew herself up"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "blew itself up"; else message = "blew himself up"; break; case MOD_PLASMA_SPLASH: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "melted herself"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "melted itself"; else message = "melted himself"; break; case MOD_BFG_SPLASH: message = "should have used a smaller gun"; break; #ifdef MISSIONPACK case MOD_PROXIMITY_MINE: if( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) { message = "found her prox mine"; } else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) { message = "found its prox mine"; } else { message = "found his prox mine"; } break; #endif default: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "killed herself"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "killed itself"; else message = "killed himself"; break; } } if (message) { CG_Printf( "%s %s.\n", targetName, message); return; } // check for kill messages from the current clientNum if ( attacker == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { char *s; if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM ) { s = va("You fragged %s\n%s place with %i", targetName, CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); } else { s = va("You fragged %s", targetName ); } #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (!(cg_singlePlayerActive.integer && cg_cameraOrbit.integer)) { CG_CenterPrint( s, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.30, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); } #else CG_CenterPrint( s, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.30, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); #endif // print the text message as well } // check for double client messages if ( !attackerInfo ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; strcpy( attackerName, "noname" ); } else { Q_strncpyz( attackerName, Info_ValueForKey( attackerInfo, "n" ), sizeof(attackerName) - 2); strcat( attackerName, S_COLOR_WHITE ); // check for kill messages about the current clientNum if ( target == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { Q_strncpyz( cg.killerName, attackerName, sizeof( cg.killerName ) ); } } if ( attacker != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { switch (mod) { case MOD_GRAPPLE: message = "was caught by"; break; case MOD_GAUNTLET: message = "was pummeled by"; break; case MOD_MACHINEGUN: message = "was machinegunned by"; break; case MOD_SHOTGUN: message = "was gunned down by"; break; case MOD_GRENADE: message = "ate"; message2 = "'s grenade"; break; case MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH: message = "was shredded by"; message2 = "'s shrapnel"; break; case MOD_ROCKET: message = "ate"; message2 = "'s rocket"; break; case MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH: message = "almost dodged"; message2 = "'s rocket"; break; case MOD_PLASMA: message = "was melted by"; message2 = "'s plasmagun"; break; case MOD_PLASMA_SPLASH: message = "was melted by"; message2 = "'s plasmagun"; break; case MOD_RAILGUN: message = "was railed by"; break; case MOD_LIGHTNING: message = "was electrocuted by"; break; case MOD_BFG: case MOD_BFG_SPLASH: message = "was blasted by"; message2 = "'s BFG"; break; #ifdef MISSIONPACK case MOD_NAIL: message = "was nailed by"; break; case MOD_CHAINGUN: message = "got lead poisoning from"; message2 = "'s Chaingun"; break; case MOD_PROXIMITY_MINE: message = "was too close to"; message2 = "'s Prox Mine"; break; case MOD_KAMIKAZE: message = "falls to"; message2 = "'s Kamikaze blast"; break; case MOD_JUICED: message = "was juiced by"; break; #endif case MOD_TELEFRAG: message = "tried to invade"; message2 = "'s personal space"; break; default: message = "was killed by"; break; } if (message) { CG_Printf( "%s %s %s%s\n", targetName, message, attackerName, message2); return; } } // we don't know what it was CG_Printf( "%s died.\n", targetName ); }
/* ================= CG_DrawScoreboard Draw the normal in-game scoreboard ================= */ qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard( void ) { int x, y, w, i, n1, n2; float fade; float *fadeColor; char *s; int maxClients; int lineHeight; int topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize; // don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up if ( cg_paused.integer ) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if ( cg.warmup && !cg.showScores ) { return qfalse; } if ( cg.showScores || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { fade = 1.0; fadeColor = colorWhite; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME ); if ( !fadeColor ) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; cg.killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } fade = *fadeColor; } // fragged by ... line // or if in intermission and duel, prints the winner of the duel round if (cgs.gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT && cgs.duelWinner != -1 && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { s = va("%s %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelWinner].name, CG_GetStripEdString("INGAMETEXT", "DUEL_WINS") ); /*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); */ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 40; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if (cgs.gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT && cgs.duelist1 != -1 && cgs.duelist2 != -1 && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { s = va("%s %s %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist1].name, CG_GetStripEdString("INGAMETEXT", "SPECHUD_VERSUS"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist2].name ); /*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); */ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 40; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if ( cg.killerName[0] ) { s = va("%s %s", CG_GetStripEdString("INGAMETEXT", "KILLEDBY"), cg.killerName ); /*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); */ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 40; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } // current rank if ( !GT_Team(cgs.gametype)) { if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { char sPlace[256]; char sOf[256]; char sWith[256]; trap_SP_GetStringTextString("INGAMETEXT_PLACE", sPlace, sizeof(sPlace)); trap_SP_GetStringTextString("INGAMETEXT_OF", sOf, sizeof(sOf)); trap_SP_GetStringTextString("INGAMETEXT_WITH", sWith, sizeof(sWith)); s = va("%s %s (%s %i) %s %i", CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), sPlace, sOf, cg.numScores, sWith, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 60; //CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); UI_DrawProportionalString(x, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_WHITE]); } } else { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0] ); } else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Red leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); } else { s = va("Blue leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 60; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } // scoreboard y = SB_HEADER; CG_DrawPic ( SB_SCORELINE_X - 40, y - 5, SB_SCORELINE_WIDTH + 80, 40, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback.tga" ) ); // "NAME", "SCORE", "PING", "TIME" weren't localised, GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!! // // Unfortunately, since it's so sodding late now and post release I can't enable the localisation code (REM'd) since some of // the localised strings don't fit - since no-one's ever seen them to notice this. Smegging brilliant. Thanks people. // CG_Text_Paint ( SB_NAME_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, /*CG_GetStripEdString("MENUS3", "NAME")*/"Name",0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); if (cgs.gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) { char sWL[100]; trap_SP_GetStringTextString("INGAMETEXT_W_L", sWL, sizeof(sWL)); CG_Text_Paint ( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, sWL, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else { CG_Text_Paint ( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, /*CG_GetStripEdString("MENUS3", "SCORE")*/"Score", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } CG_Text_Paint ( SB_PING_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, /*CG_GetStripEdString("MENUS0", "PING")*/"Ping", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); CG_Text_Paint ( SB_TIME_X, y, 1.0f, colorWhite, /*CG_GetStripEdString("MENUS3", "TIME")*/"Time", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); y = SB_TOP; // If there are more than SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL, use the interleaved scores if ( cg.numScores > SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL ) { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_INTER; lineHeight = SB_INTER_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 16; } else { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL; lineHeight = SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 8; } localClient = qfalse; //I guess this should end up being able to display 19 clients at once. //In a team game, if there are 9 or more clients on the team not in the lead, //we only want to show 10 of the clients on the team in the lead, so that we //have room to display the clients in the lead on the losing team. //I guess this can be accomplished simply by printing the first teams score with a maxClients //value passed in related to how many players are on both teams. if ( GT_Team(cgs.gametype) ) { // // teamplay scoreboard // y += lineHeight/2; if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { int team1MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_RED, maxClients); int team2MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_BLUE, maxClients); if (team1MaxCl > 10 && (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl) > maxClients) { team1MaxCl -= team2MaxCl; //subtract as many as you have to down to 10, once we get there //we just set it to 10 if (team1MaxCl < 10) { team1MaxCl = 10; } } team2MaxCl = (maxClients-team1MaxCl); //team2 can display however many is left over after team1's display n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n2; maxClients -= (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl); } else { int team1MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_BLUE, maxClients); int team2MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_RED, maxClients); if (team1MaxCl > 10 && (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl) > maxClients) { team1MaxCl -= team2MaxCl; //subtract as many as you have to down to 10, once we get there //we just set it to 10 if (team1MaxCl < 10) { team1MaxCl = 10; } } team2MaxCl = (maxClients-team1MaxCl); //team2 can display however many is left over after team1's display n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n2; maxClients -= (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl); } n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { // // free for all scoreboard // n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_FREE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients - n1, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (!localClient) { // draw local client at the bottom for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.numScores ; i++ ) { if ( cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_DrawClientScore( y, &cg.scores[i], fadeColor, fade, lineHeight == SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT ); break; } } } // load any models that have been deferred if ( ++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 10 ) { CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); } return qtrue; }
/* ======================================================================================================================================= CG_DrawOldScoreboard Draw the normal in-game scoreboard. ======================================================================================================================================= */ qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard(void) { int x, y, w, i, n1, n2; float fade; float *fadeColor; char *s; int maxClients; int lineHeight; int topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize; // don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up if (cg_paused.integer) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } if (cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if (cg.warmup && !cg.showScores) { return qfalse; } if (cg.showScores || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { fade = 1.0; fadeColor = colorWhite; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor(cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME); if (!fadeColor) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; cg.killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } fade = *fadeColor; } // fragged by ... line if (cg.killerName[0]) { s = va("Fragged by %s", cg.killerName); w = CG_DrawStrlen(s) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString(x, y, s, fade); } // current rank if (cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM) { if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { s = va("%s place with %i", CG_PlaceString(cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1), cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]); w = CG_DrawStrlen(s) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString(x, y, s, fade); } } else { if (cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1]) { s = va("Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0]); } else if (cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1]) { s = va("Red leads %i to %i", cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1]); } else { s = va("Blue leads %i to %i", cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0]); } w = CG_DrawStrlen(s) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString(x, y, s, fade); } // scoreboard y = SB_HEADER; CG_DrawPic(SB_SCORE_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32,; CG_DrawPic(SB_PING_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32,; CG_DrawPic(SB_TIME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32,; CG_DrawPic(SB_NAME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32,; y = SB_TOP; // If there are more than SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL, use the interleaved scores if (cg.numScores > SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL) { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_INTER; lineHeight = SB_INTER_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 16; } else { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL; lineHeight = SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 16; bottomBorderSize = 16; } localClient = qfalse; if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { // teamplay scoreboard y += lineHeight / 2; if (cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1]) { n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_RED, fade, maxClients, lineHeight); CG_DrawTeamBackground(0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight); CG_DrawTeamBackground(0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n2; } else { n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight); CG_DrawTeamBackground(0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_RED, fade, maxClients, lineHeight); CG_DrawTeamBackground(0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n2; } n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients, lineHeight); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { // free for all scoreboard n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_FREE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard(y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients - n1, lineHeight); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (!localClient) { // draw local client at the bottom for (i = 0; i < cg.numScores; i++) { if (cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum) { CG_DrawClientScore(y, &cg.scores[i], fadeColor, fade, lineHeight == SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT); break; } } } // load any models that have been deferred if (++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 10) { CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); } return qtrue; }
/* ======================================================================================================================================= CG_DrawScoreboard Draw the normal in-game scoreboard. ======================================================================================================================================= */ qboolean CG_DrawScoreboard(void) { int x = 0, y = 0, w; // TTimo init float fade; float *fadeColor; char *s; if (cg_fixedAspect.integer) { CG_SetScreenPlacement(PLACE_CENTER, PLACE_CENTER); } // don't draw anything if the menu or console is up if (cg_paused.integer) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } // still need to see 'mission failed' message in SP if (cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD) { return qfalse; } if (cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if (cg.warmup && !cg.showScores) { return qfalse; } if (cg.showScores || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { fade = 1.0; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor(cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME); if (!fadeColor) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; cg.killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } fade = *fadeColor; } // fragged by ... line if (cg.killerName[0]) { s = va("Killed by %s", cg.killerName); w = CG_DrawStrlen(s) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString(x, y, s, fade); } // current rank // ---- (SA) enclosed this so it doesn't draw for SP if (cgs.gametype != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cgs.gametype != GT_WOLF) { // added wolf multiplayer check if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if (cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM) { s = va("%s place with %i", CG_PlaceString(cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1), cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]); w = CG_DrawStrlen(s) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString(x, y, s, fade); } else { if (cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1]) { s = va("Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0]); } else if (cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1]) { s = va("Red leads %i to %i", cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1]); } else { s = va("Blue leads %i to %i", cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0]); } w = CG_DrawStrlen(s) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString(x, y, s, fade); } } // scoreboard x = 320 - SCOREBOARD_WIDTH / 2; y = 86; #if 0 CG_DrawBigStringColor(x, y, "SCORE PING TIME NAME", fadeColor); CG_DrawBigStringColor(x, y + 12, "---- - ---- ---- -------------- - ", fadeColor); #endif CG_DrawPic(x + 1 * 16, y, 64, 32,; CG_DrawPic(x + 6 * 16 + 8, y, 64, 32,; CG_DrawPic(x + 11 * 16 + 8, y, 64, 32,; CG_DrawPic(x + 16 * 16, y, 64, 32,; y += 32; } // NERVE - SMF if (cgs.gametype == GT_WOLF) { // teamplay scoreboard x = 320 - SCOREBOARD_WIDTH / 2 + 20 + 20; y = 40; y = WM_ScoreboardOverlay(x, y, fade); if (cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1]) { y = WM_TeamScoreboard(x, y, TEAM_RED, fade); y = WM_TeamScoreboard(x, y, TEAM_BLUE, fade); } else { y = WM_TeamScoreboard(x, y, TEAM_BLUE, fade); y = WM_TeamScoreboard(x, y, TEAM_RED, fade); } WM_TeamScoreboard(x, y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade); } // - NERVE - SMF } else if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) {
/* ============= CG_GroundVehicleObituary General ugly function, needs to be made prettier some day... ============= */ void CG_LQMObituary( entityState_t *ent, clientInfo_t *ci ) { // add some cool stuff here :-) int mod; int target, attacker; char *message; char *message2; const char *targetInfo; const char *attackerInfo; char targetName[32]; char attackerName[32]; gender_t gender; target = ent->otherEntityNum; attacker = ent->otherEntityNum2; mod = ent->eventParm; if ( attacker < 0 || attacker >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; attackerInfo = NULL; } else { attackerInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + attacker ); } targetInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + target ); if ( !targetInfo ) { return; } #pragma message("remove the problem checking here!") if( Info_ValueForKey( targetInfo, "n" ) != 0 ) { Q_strncpyz( targetName, Info_ValueForKey( targetInfo, "n" ), sizeof(targetName) - 2); } else { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MFQ3 Error (3): Invalid targetinfo\n" ); } strcat( targetName, S_COLOR_WHITE ); message2 = ""; // check for single client messages switch( mod ) { case MOD_SUICIDE: message = "suicides"; break; case MOD_FALLING: message = "cratered"; break; case MOD_CRUSH: message = "was squished"; break; case MOD_WATER: message = "sank like a rock"; break; case MOD_SLIME: message = "melted"; break; case MOD_LAVA: message = "does a back flip into the lava"; break; default: message = NULL; break; } if (attacker == target) { gender = ci->gender; switch (mod) { case MOD_CRASH: message = "was unable to control his vehicle"; break; default: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "killed herself"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "killed itself"; else message = "killed himself"; break; } } if (message) { CG_Printf( "%s %s.\n", targetName, message); return; } // check for kill messages from the current clientNum if ( attacker == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { char *s; if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM ) { s = va("You fragged %s\n%s place with %i", targetName, CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); } else { s = va("You fragged %s", targetName ); } CG_CenterPrint( s, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); // print the text message as well } // check for double client messages if ( !attackerInfo ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; strcpy( attackerName, "noname" ); } else { if( Info_ValueForKey( attackerInfo, "n" ) != 0 ) { Q_strncpyz( attackerName, Info_ValueForKey( attackerInfo, "n" ), sizeof(attackerName) - 2); } else { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MFQ3 Error (1): Bad attackerInfo!\n" ); } strcat( attackerName, S_COLOR_WHITE ); // check for kill messages about the current clientNum if ( target == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { if( attackerName != 0 ) { Q_strncpyz( cg.killerName, attackerName, sizeof( cg.killerName ) ); } else { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MFQ3 Error (2): No attackerName!\n" ); } } } if( attacker != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { switch(mod) { case MOD_FFAR: message = "couldn't evade"; message2 = "'s rocket attack"; break; case MOD_FFAR_SPLASH: message = "was shredded by"; message2 = "'s rocket shrapnel"; break; case MOD_IRONBOMB: case MOD_IRONBOMB_SPLASH: message = "was bombed to smithereens by"; message2 = "'s iron bombs"; break; case MOD_AUTOCANNON: message = "was blown out of the sky by"; message2 = "'s bullets"; break; case MOD_MAINGUN: message = "was shelled by"; break; case MOD_VEHICLEEXPLOSION: message = "died in"; message2 = "'s explosion"; break; case MOD_TELEFRAG: message = "tried to invade"; message2 = "'s personal space"; break; default: message = "was killed by"; break; } if( message ) { CG_Printf( "%s %s %s%s\n", targetName, message, attackerName, message2); return; } } // we don't know what it was CG_Printf( "%s died.\n", targetName ); }
/* ============= CG_Obituary ============= */ static void CG_Obituary( entityState_t *ent ) { int mod; int target, attacker; char *message; char *message2; const char *targetName; const char *attackerName; gender_t gender; clientInfo_t *ci; target = ent->otherEntityNum; attacker = ent->otherEntityNum2; mod = ent->eventParm; if ( target < 0 || target >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { CG_Error( "CG_Obituary: target out of range" ); } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[target]; if ( attacker < 0 || attacker >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; attackerName = "noname"; } else { attackerName = cgs.clientinfo[attacker].name; } if (!cgs.clientinfo[target].infoValid) return; targetName = cgs.clientinfo[target].name; message2 = ""; // check for single client messages switch( mod ) { case MOD_SUICIDE: message = "suicides"; break; case MOD_FALLING: message = "cratered"; break; case MOD_CRUSH: message = "was squished"; break; case MOD_WATER: message = "sank like a rock"; break; case MOD_SLIME: message = "melted"; break; case MOD_LAVA: message = "does a back flip into the lava"; break; case MOD_TARGET_LASER: message = "saw the light"; break; case MOD_TRIGGER_HURT: message = "was in the wrong place"; break; default: message = NULL; break; } if (attacker == target) { gender = ci->gender; switch (mod) { #ifdef MISSIONPACK case MOD_KAMIKAZE: message = "goes out with a bang"; break; #endif case MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "tripped on her own grenade"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "tripped on its own grenade"; else message = "tripped on his own grenade"; break; case MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "blew herself up"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "blew itself up"; else message = "blew himself up"; break; case MOD_PLASMA_SPLASH: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "melted herself"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "melted itself"; else message = "melted himself"; break; case MOD_BFG_SPLASH: message = "should have used a smaller gun"; break; #ifdef MISSIONPACK case MOD_PROXIMITY_MINE: if( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) { message = "found her prox mine"; } else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) { message = "found it's prox mine"; } else { message = "found his prox mine"; } break; #endif default: if ( gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) message = "killed herself"; else if ( gender == GENDER_NEUTER ) message = "killed itself"; else message = "killed himself"; break; } } if (message) { CG_Printf( "%s %s.\n", targetName, message); return; } // check for kill messages from the current clientNum if ( cg.playerCent && attacker == cg.playerCent->currentState.clientNum ) { char *s; const char *format; qboolean haveTag = qfalse; char outBuf[512]; int outIndex = 0; int outLeft = sizeof(outBuf) - 1; char lastColor[16]; int testColor, colorLen = 0; format = mov_fragFormat.string; if (!format || !format[0]) format = "You fragged %t%"; while (*format && outLeft > 0) { if (haveTag) { char ch = *format++; haveTag = qfalse; switch (ch) { case 't': //Target Q_strncpyz( outBuf + outIndex, targetName, outLeft ); outIndex += strlen( outBuf + outIndex ); break; case 'p': //Place Q_strncpyz( outBuf + outIndex, CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), outLeft ); outIndex += strlen( outBuf + outIndex ); break; case 'n': //NewLine outBuf[outIndex++] = '\n'; outLeft--; continue; case 'a': //Attacker if (!attackerName) break; Q_strncpyz( outBuf + outIndex, attackerName, outLeft ); outIndex += strlen( outBuf + outIndex ); break; case 's': //Score Com_sprintf( outBuf + outIndex, outLeft, "%d", cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]); outIndex += strlen( outBuf + outIndex ); break; case '%': outBuf[outIndex++] = '%'; break; default: continue; } outLeft = sizeof(outBuf) - outIndex - 1; if (colorLen && (outLeft > colorLen)) { memcpy( outBuf + outIndex, lastColor, colorLen ); outLeft -= colorLen; outIndex += colorLen; } continue; } testColor = Q_parseColorString( format, 0 ); if (testColor ) { if (testColor < sizeof( lastColor)) { colorLen = testColor; memcpy( lastColor, format, colorLen ); } if (testColor < outLeft) { memcpy( outBuf + outIndex, format, testColor ); outIndex += testColor; outLeft -= testColor; } format += testColor; continue; } if (*format == '%') { haveTag = qtrue; format++; continue; } outBuf[outIndex++] = *format++; outLeft = sizeof(outBuf) - outIndex - 1; } outBuf[ outIndex ] = 0; s = outBuf; CG_CenterPrint( s ); // print the text message as well } if (!mov_Obituaries.integer) return; if ( attacker != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { switch (mod) { case MOD_GRAPPLE: message = "was caught by"; break; case MOD_GAUNTLET: message = "was pummeled by"; break; case MOD_MACHINEGUN: message = "was machinegunned by"; break; case MOD_SHOTGUN: message = "was gunned down by"; break; case MOD_GRENADE: message = "ate"; message2 = "'s grenade"; break; case MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH: message = "was shredded by"; message2 = "'s shrapnel"; break; case MOD_ROCKET: message = "ate"; message2 = "'s rocket"; break; case MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH: message = "almost dodged"; message2 = "'s rocket"; break; case MOD_PLASMA: message = "was melted by"; message2 = "'s plasmagun"; break; case MOD_PLASMA_SPLASH: message = "was melted by"; message2 = "'s plasmagun"; break; case MOD_RAILGUN: message = "was railed by"; break; case MOD_LIGHTNING: message = "was electrocuted by"; break; case MOD_BFG: case MOD_BFG_SPLASH: message = "was blasted by"; message2 = "'s BFG"; break; case MOD_TELEFRAG: message = "tried to invade"; message2 = "'s personal space"; break; default: message = "was killed by"; break; } if (message) { CG_Printf( "%s %s %s%s\n", targetName, message, attackerName, message2); return; } } // we don't know what it was CG_Printf( "%s died.\n", targetName ); }
/* ================= CG_DrawOldScoreboard Draw the normal in-game scoreboard ================= */ qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard( void ) { int x, y, w, i, n1, n2; float fade; const float *fadeColor; const char *s; int maxClients; int lineHeight; int topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize; QLWideScreen = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; // don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up if ( cg_paused.integer ) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if ( cg.warmup && !cg.showScores ) { return qfalse; } if ( cg.showScores || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { fade = 1.0; fadeColor = colorWhite; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME ); if ( !fadeColor ) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; cg.killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } fade = *fadeColor; } // fragged by ... line if ( cg.killerName[0] ) { s = va("Fragged by %s", cg.killerName ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s, & ); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } // current rank if (!CG_IsTeamGame(cgs.gametype)) { if (!wolfcam_following || (wolfcam_following && wcg.clientNum == cg.snap->ps.clientNum)) { if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { s = va("%s place with %i", CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s, & ); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } } else { // wolfcam_following if (cgs.clientinfo[wcg.clientNum].team != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if (CG_IsCpmaMvd()) { int rank; int i; rank = 1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (!cgs.clientinfo[i].infoValid) { continue; } if (cgs.clientinfo[i].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { continue; } if (cgs.clientinfo[i].score > cgs.clientinfo[wcg.clientNum].score) { rank++; } } s = va("%s ^7place with %i", CG_PlaceString(rank), cgs.clientinfo[wcg.clientNum].score); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s, & ); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } else { // not cpma mvd // following someone who is ingame but not the main demo view if (CG_IsDuelGame(cgs.gametype)) { // we are following the other dueler if (cgs.scores1 == cgs.scores2) { s = va("%s ^7place with %i", CG_PlaceString(1), cgs.scores1); } else { if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] == 0) { // we are second s = va("%s ^7place with %i", CG_PlaceString(2), cgs.scores2); } else { // we are first s = va("%s ^7place with %i", CG_PlaceString(1), cgs.scores1); } } w = CG_DrawStrlen( s, & ); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } else { // we don't have enough information // pass, don't draw ranking } } } } } else { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0] ); } else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("Red leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); } else { s = va("Blue leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } w = CG_DrawStrlen( s, & ); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } // scoreboard y = SB_HEADER; CG_DrawPic( SB_SCORE_X + (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( SB_PING_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( SB_TIME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( SB_NAME_X - (SB_RATING_WIDTH / 2), y, 64, 32, ); y = SB_TOP; // If there are more than SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL, use the interleaved scores if (1) { //( cg.numScores > SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL ) { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_INTER; lineHeight = SB_INTER_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 16; } else { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL; lineHeight = SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 16; bottomBorderSize = 16; } localClient = qfalse; if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { // // teamplay scoreboard // y += lineHeight/2; if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, maxClients, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n2; } else { n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, maxClients, lineHeight ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, y - topBorderSize, 640, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; maxClients -= n2; } n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients, lineHeight ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { // // free for all scoreboard // n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_FREE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients - n1, lineHeight ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (!localClient) { // draw local client at the bottom for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.numScores ; i++ ) { if ( cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_DrawClientScore( y, &cg.scores[i], fadeColor, fade, lineHeight == SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT ); break; } } } // load any models that have been deferred if ( ++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 10 ) { CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); } return qtrue; }
/* ================= CG_DrawScoreboard Draw the normal in-game scoreboard ================= */ qboolean CG_DrawScoreboard( void ) { int x = 0, y = 0, w; float fade; float *fadeColor; const char *s; // don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up if ( cg_paused.integer ) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if ( cg.warmup && !cg.showScores ) { return qfalse; } // NERVE - SMF - added mp wolf check if ( cg.showScores || ( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD && cgs.gametype < GT_WOLF ) || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { fade = 1.0; fadeColor = colorWhite; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME ); if ( !fadeColor ) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; cg.killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } fade = *fadeColor; } // fragged by ... line if ( cg.killerName[0] ) { s = va( "Killed by %s", cg.killerName ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } // current rank //----(SA) enclosed this so it doesn't draw for SP if ( cgs.gametype != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && cgs.gametype < GT_WOLF ) { // NERVE - SMF - added wolf multiplayer check if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM ) { s = va( "%s place with %i", CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } else { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va( "Teams are tied at %i", cg.teamScores[0] ); } else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va( "Red leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); } else { s = va( "Blue leads %i to %i",cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); } } // scoreboard x = 320 - SCOREBOARD_WIDTH / 2; y = 86; #if 0 CG_DrawBigStringColor( x, y, "SCORE PING TIME NAME", fadeColor ); CG_DrawBigStringColor( x, y + 12, "----- ---- ---- ---------------", fadeColor ); #endif CG_DrawPic( x + 1 * 16, y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( x + 6 * 16 + 8, y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( x + 11 * 16 + 8, y, 64, 32, ); CG_DrawPic( x + 16 * 16, y, 64, 32, ); y += 32; } //----(SA) added // Secrets if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) { s = "Secrets: 0/12"; w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 60; // CG_DrawBigStringColor( x, y, s, fadeColor ); } //----(SA) end // NERVE - SMF if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_WOLF ) { INFO_PLAYER_WIDTH = 140; INFO_SCORE_WIDTH = 50; INFO_CLASS_WIDTH = 50; INFO_LATENCY_WIDTH = 40; INFO_TEAM_HEIGHT = 24; INFO_BORDER = 2; INFO_TOTAL_WIDTH = INFO_PLAYER_WIDTH + INFO_CLASS_WIDTH + INFO_SCORE_WIDTH + INFO_LATENCY_WIDTH; x = 20; y = 10; WM_DrawObjectives( x, y, 595, fade ); if ( cgs.gametype == GT_WOLF_STOPWATCH && ( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) ) { y = WM_DrawInfoLine( x, 155, fade ); WM_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_RED, fade, 18 ); x = 335; WM_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, 18 ); } else { y = 155; WM_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_RED, fade, 20 ); x = 335; WM_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, 20 ); } } // -NERVE - SMF else if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { // // teamplay scoreboard // if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_RED, fade ); y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_BLUE, fade ); } else { y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_BLUE, fade ); y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_RED, fade ); } y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade ); } else if ( cgs.gametype != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) { //----(SA) modified // // free for all scoreboard // y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_FREE, fade ); y = CG_TeamScoreboard( x, y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade ); } // load any models that have been deferred if ( ++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 1 ) { CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); } return qtrue; }
qboolean CG_DrawOldScoreboard( void ) { int x, y, i, n1, n2; float fade; vector4 *fadeColor; char *s; int maxClients, realMaxClients; int lineHeight; int topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize; #if 0 // don't draw amuthing if the menu or console is up if ( cg_paused.integer ) { cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; return qfalse; } #endif // don't draw scoreboard during death while warmup up if ( cg.warmup && !cg.showScores ) { return qfalse; } if ( cg.showScores || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_DEAD || cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { fade = 1.0; fadeColor = &colorWhite; } else { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.scoreFadeTime, FADE_TIME ); if ( !fadeColor ) { // next time scoreboard comes up, don't print killer cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0; cg.killerName[0] = 0; return qfalse; } fade = fadeColor->a; } // fragged by ... line // or if in intermission and duel, prints the winner of the duel round if ((cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL) && cgs.duelWinner != -1 && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { s = va("%s^7 %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelWinner].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "DUEL_WINS") ); /*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); */ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 40; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if ((cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL) && cgs.duelist1 != -1 && cgs.duelist2 != -1 && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) { if (cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL && cgs.duelist3 != -1) { s = va("%s^7 %s %s^7 %s %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist1].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SPECHUD_VERSUS"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist2].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "AND"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist3].name ); } else { s = va("%s^7 %s %s", cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist1].name, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SPECHUD_VERSUS"), cgs.clientinfo[cgs.duelist2].name ); } /*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); */ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 40; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if ( cg.killerName[0] ) { s = va("%s %s", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "KILLEDBY"), cg.killerName ); /*w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; y = 40; CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); */ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 32; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else { x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = SB_HEADER; //CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); s = cgs.japp.serverName; CG_Text_Paint( x-(CG_Text_Width( s, 0.75f, FONT_NONE )/2), y, 0.75f, &colorTable[CT_WHITE], s, 0.0f, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_NONE ); if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { int redCount=0, blueCount=0, specCount=0; for ( i=0; i<cg.numScores; i++ ) { if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_RED ) redCount++; else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_BLUE ) blueCount++; else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) specCount++; } s = va( "Players: ^2%i^7/^2%i ^7(^1%i^7/^5%i^7) - %i spectators", cg.numScores, cgs.maxclients, redCount, blueCount, specCount ); } else { int specCount=0; for ( i=0; i<cg.numScores; i++ ) { if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.scores[i].client].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) specCount++; } s = va( "Players: %i/%i - %i spectators", cg.numScores, cgs.maxclients, specCount ); } CG_Text_Paint( x-(CG_Text_Width( s, 0.75f, FONT_NONE )/2), y+15, 0.75f, &colorTable[CT_WHITE], s, 0.0f, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_NONE ); s = va( "%s (%s)", (char *)CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE ), cgs.mapname ); CG_Text_Paint( x-(CG_Text_Width( s, 0.75f, FONT_NONE )/2), y+30, 0.75f, &colorTable[CT_WHITE], s, 0.0f, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_NONE ); } // current rank if (cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL) { //do nothing? } else if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM) { #if 0 if (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { char sPlace[256]; char sOf[256]; char sWith[256]; trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_PLACE", sPlace, sizeof(sPlace)); trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_OF", sOf, sizeof(sOf)); trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_WITH", sWith, sizeof(sWith)); s = va("%s %s (%s %i) %s %i", CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ), sPlace, sOf, cg.numScores, sWith, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; // x = ( 480 ) / 2; // y = SB_HEADER-24; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = SB_HEADER-24; //CG_DrawBigString( x, y, s, fade ); UI_DrawProportionalString(x, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_WHITE]); } #else #endif } else if (cgs.gametype != GT_SIEGE) { if ( cg.teamScores[0] == cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIEDAT"), cg.teamScores[0] ); } else if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RED_LEADS"), cg.teamScores[0], cg.teamScores[1] ); } else { s = va("%s, %i / %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "BLUE_LEADS"), cg.teamScores[1], cg.teamScores[0] ); } // x = ( 460 ) / 2; // y = SB_HEADER-24; x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = SB_HEADER-24; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else if (cgs.gametype == GT_SIEGE && (cg_siegeWinTeam == 1 || cg_siegeWinTeam == 2)) { if (cg_siegeWinTeam == 1) { s = va("%s", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SIEGETEAM1WIN") ); } else { s = va("%s", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SIEGETEAM2WIN") ); } x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2; y = 60; CG_Text_Paint ( x - CG_Text_Width ( s, 1.0f, FONT_MEDIUM ) / 2, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } // scoreboard y = SB_TOP-24; //SB_HEADER // CG_DrawPic ( SB_SCORELINE_X - 40, y - 5, SB_SCORELINE_WIDTH + 80, 40, trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback.tga" ) ); CG_Text_Paint ( SB_NAME_X, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "NAME"),0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); if (cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL) { char sWL[100]; trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_W_L", sWL, sizeof(sWL)); CG_Text_Paint ( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, sWL, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } else { CG_Text_Paint ( SB_SCORE_X, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SCORE"), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); } CG_Text_Paint ( SB_PING_X, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "PING"), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); CG_Text_Paint ( SB_TIME_X, y, 1.0f, &colorWhite, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIME"), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED, FONT_MEDIUM ); y = SB_TOP; // If there are more than SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL, use the interleaved scores if ( cg.numScores > SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL ) { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_INTER; lineHeight = SB_INTER_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 16; } else { maxClients = SB_MAXCLIENTS_NORMAL; lineHeight = SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT; topBorderSize = 8; bottomBorderSize = 8; } realMaxClients = maxClients; localClient = qfalse; //I guess this should end up being able to display 19 clients at once. //In a team game, if there are 9 or more clients on the team not in the lead, //we only want to show 10 of the clients on the team in the lead, so that we //have room to display the clients in the lead on the losing team. //I guess this can be accomplished simply by printing the first teams score with a maxClients //value passed in related to how many players are on both teams. if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { // // teamplay scoreboard // y += lineHeight/2; if ( cg.teamScores[0] >= cg.teamScores[1] ) { int team1MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_RED, maxClients); int team2MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_BLUE, maxClients); if (team1MaxCl > 10 && (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl) > maxClients) { team1MaxCl -= team2MaxCl; //subtract as many as you have to down to 10, once we get there //we just set it to 10 if (team1MaxCl < 10) { team1MaxCl = 10; } } team2MaxCl = (maxClients-team1MaxCl); //team2 can display however many is left over after team1's display n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n2; maxClients -= (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl); } else { int team1MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_BLUE, maxClients); int team2MaxCl = CG_GetTeamCount(TEAM_RED, maxClients); if (team1MaxCl > 10 && (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl) > maxClients) { team1MaxCl -= team2MaxCl; //subtract as many as you have to down to 10, once we get there //we just set it to 10 if (team1MaxCl < 10) { team1MaxCl = 10; } } team2MaxCl = (maxClients-team1MaxCl); //team2 can display however many is left over after team1's display n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n1 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_BLUE ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_BLUE, fade, team1MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n1; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qtrue ); CG_DrawTeamBackground( SB_SCORELINE_X - 5, y - topBorderSize, 640 - SB_SCORELINE_X * 2 + 10, n2 * lineHeight + bottomBorderSize, 0.33f, TEAM_RED ); CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_RED, fade, team2MaxCl, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; //maxClients -= n2; maxClients -= (team1MaxCl+team2MaxCl); } maxClients = realMaxClients; n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { // // free for all scoreboard // n1 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_FREE, fade, maxClients, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n1 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; n2 = CG_TeamScoreboard( y, TEAM_SPECTATOR, fade, maxClients - n1, lineHeight, qfalse ); y += (n2 * lineHeight) + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (!localClient) { // draw local client at the bottom for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.numScores ; i++ ) { if ( cg.scores[i].client == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_DrawClientScore( y, &cg.scores[i], fadeColor, fade, lineHeight == SB_NORMAL_HEIGHT ); break; } } } // load any models that have been deferred if ( ++cg.deferredPlayerLoading > 10 ) { CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); } return qtrue; }