Пример #1

Goes to a new map, taking all clients along
void Host_Changelevel_f (void)
	char	level[MAX_QPATH];

	if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
		Con_Printf ("changelevel <levelname> : continue game on a new level\n");
	if (!sv.active || cls.demoplayback)
		Con_Printf ("Only the server may changelevel\n");

	//johnfitz -- check for client having map before anything else
	q_snprintf (level, sizeof(level), "maps/%s.bsp", Cmd_Argv(1));
	if (!COM_FileExists(level, NULL))
		Host_Error ("cannot find map %s", level);

	if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
		IN_Activate();	// -- S.A.
	key_dest = key_game;	// remove console or menu
	SV_SaveSpawnparms ();
	q_strlcpy (level, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(level));
	SV_SpawnServer (level);
	// also issue an error if spawn failed -- O.S.
	if (!sv.active)
		Host_Error ("cannot run map %s", level);
Пример #2
void BGM_PlayCDtrack (byte track, qboolean looping)
/* instead of searching by the order of music_handlers, do so by
 * the order of searchpath priority: the file from the searchpath
 * with the highest path_id is most likely from our own gamedir
 * itself. This way, if a mod has track02 as a *.mp3 file, which
 * is below *.ogg in the music_handler order, the mp3 will still
 * have priority over track02.ogg from, say, id1.
	char tmp[MAX_QPATH];
	const char *ext;
	unsigned int path_id, prev_id, type;
	music_handler_t *handler;

	if (CDAudio_Play(track, looping) == 0)
		return;			/* success */

	if (music_handlers == NULL)

	if (no_extmusic || !bgm_extmusic.value)

	prev_id = 0;
	type = 0;
	ext  = NULL;
	handler = music_handlers;
	while (handler)
		if (! handler->is_available)
			goto _next;
		if (! CDRIPTYPE(handler->type))
			goto _next;
		q_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/track%02d.%s",
				MUSIC_DIRNAME, (int)track, handler->ext);
		if (! COM_FileExists(tmp, &path_id))
			goto _next;
		if (path_id > prev_id)
			prev_id = path_id;
			type = handler->type;
			ext = handler->ext;
		handler = handler->next;
	if (ext == NULL)
		Con_Printf("Couldn't find a cdrip for track %d\n", (int)track);
		q_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/track%02d.%s",
				MUSIC_DIRNAME, (int)track, ext);
		bgmstream = S_CodecOpenStreamType(tmp, type);
		if (! bgmstream)
			Con_Printf("Couldn't handle music file %s\n", tmp);