Пример #1
bool Manager::Impl::HandleFrameEvent(XEvent* event)
  if (WindowManager::Default().IsScaleActive())
    return false;

  auto const& win = GetWindowByFrame(event->xany.window);

  // ButtonRelease events might happen also outside the frame window, in this
  // case we must unset the mouse owner, wherever the event happens.
  if (!win && event->type != ButtonRelease)
    return false;

  auto const& input_mixer = win ? win->impl_->input_mixer_ : last_mouse_owner_.lock();

  if (!input_mixer)
    return false;

  switch (event->type)
    case MotionNotify:
      input_mixer->MotionEvent(CompPoint(event->xmotion.x_root, event->xmotion.y_root), event->xmotion.time);
    case EnterNotify:
      input_mixer->EnterEvent(CompPoint(event->xcrossing.x_root, event->xcrossing.y_root));
    case LeaveNotify:
      input_mixer->LeaveEvent(CompPoint(event->xcrossing.x_root, event->xcrossing.y_root));
    case ButtonPress:
      input_mixer->ButtonDownEvent(CompPoint(event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root), event->xbutton.button, event->xbutton.time);
      if (input_mixer->GetMouseOwner())
        last_mouse_owner_ = input_mixer;
    case ButtonRelease:
      input_mixer->ButtonUpEvent(CompPoint(event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root), event->xbutton.button, event->xbutton.time);

  // This causes the Alt+Move not to work, we should probably return this value based on the actual handled state
  // return true;
  return false;
TEST(WallOffsetMovementTest, TestOffsetBottom)
    CompRect sbr (0, 750, 500, 500);
    CompRegion sr (0, 0, 1000, 1000);

    CompPoint offset = compiz::wall::movementWindowOnScreen (sbr, sr);

    EXPECT_EQ (offset, CompPoint (0, -250));
TEST(WallOffsetMovementTest, TestOffsetTopMMSlice)
    CompRect sbr (0, -250, 500, 500);
    CompRegion sr (0, 0, 1000, 1000);

    sr -= CompRegion (400, 0, 200, 0);

    CompPoint offset = compiz::wall::movementWindowOnScreen (sbr, sr);

    EXPECT_EQ (offset, CompPoint (0, 250));
void GrabEdge::ButtonDownEvent(CompPoint const& p, unsigned button, Time timestamp)
  if (button != 1)
    if (button == 2 || button == 3)
      PerformWMAction(p, button, timestamp);


  if (!IsMaximizable() && !always_wait_grab_timeout_)
    Edge::ButtonDownEvent(p, button, timestamp);

  auto const& style = Style::Get();
  unsigned max_time_delta = std::max(0, style->DoubleClickMaxTimeDelta());
  bool double_clicked = false;

  if (timestamp - last_click_time_ < max_time_delta)
    int max_distance = style->DoubleClickMaxDistance();

    if (std::abs(p.x() - last_click_pos_.x()) < max_distance &&
        std::abs(p.y() - last_click_pos_.y()) < max_distance)
      PerformWMAction(p, button, timestamp);
      double_clicked = true;

  if (!double_clicked)
    button_down_timer_.reset(new glib::Timeout(style->grab_wait()));
    button_down_timer_->Run([this] {
      Edge::ButtonDownEvent(CompPoint(pointerX, pointerY), button_down_, last_click_time_);
      return false;

  button_down_ = button;
  last_click_pos_ = p;
  last_click_time_ = timestamp;
Пример #5
compiz::wall::movementWindowOnScreen (const CompRect &serverBorderRect,
                                      const CompRegion &screenRegion)
    CompRegion sbrRegion (serverBorderRect);

    /* If the window would be partially offscreen
     * after it was moved then we should move it back
     * so that it is completely onscreen, since we moved
     * from mostly offscreen on B to mostly onscreen on A,
     * the user should be able to see their selected window */
    CompRegion inter = sbrRegion.intersected (screenRegion);
    CompRegion rem = sbrRegion - screenRegion;

    int dx = 0;
    int dy = 0;

    const CompRect::vector &rects (rem.rects ());

    for (std::vector <CompRect>::const_iterator it = rects.begin ();
            it != rects.end ();
        const CompRect &r = *it;

        if (r.x1 () >= inter.boundingRect ().x2 ())
            dx -= r.width ();
        else if (r.x2 () <= inter.boundingRect ().x1 ())
            dx += r.width ();

        if (r.y1 () >= inter.boundingRect ().y2 ())
            dy -= r.height ();
        else if (r.y2 () <= inter.boundingRect ().y1 ())
            dy += r.height ();

    return CompPoint (dx, dy);
Пример #6
compiz::window::extents::shift (const CompWindowExtents &extents,
				unsigned int            gravity)
    CompPoint rv = CompPoint ();

    switch (gravity) {
	case NorthGravity:
	case NorthWestGravity:
	case NorthEastGravity:
	    rv.setY (extents.top);
	case SouthGravity:
	case SouthWestGravity:
	case SouthEastGravity:
	    rv.setY (-extents.bottom);

    switch (gravity) {
	case WestGravity:
	case NorthWestGravity:
	case SouthWestGravity:
	    rv.setX (extents.left);
	case EastGravity:
	case NorthEastGravity:
	case SouthEastGravity:
	    rv.setX (-extents.right);

    return rv;
Пример #7
CompWindow::serverPos () const
    return CompPoint (serverGeometry ().x (),
		      serverGeometry ().y ());
Пример #8
CompWindow::pos () const
    return CompPoint (geometry ().x (), geometry ().y ());
TEST_F(CompPlaceScreenSizeChangeTestScreenSizeChange, TestScreenSizeChange)
    CompSize		     current, old;
    compiz::window::Geometry g (200, 250, 300, 400, 0);

    MockScreenSizeChangeObject ms (g);

    current = CompSize (1280, 800);

    /* Reserve top, bottom and left parts of the screen for
     * fake "24px" panels */
    CompRect workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    /* First test that changing the screen size
     * to something smaller here doesn't cause our
     * (small) window to be moved */

    old = current;
    current = CompSize (1024, 768);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (200, 250, 300, 400, 0));

    /* Making the screen size bigger with no
     * saved geometry should cause the window not to move */

    old = current;
    current = CompSize (2048, 768);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (200, 250, 300, 400, 0));

    /* Move the window to the other "monitor" */

    ms.setGeometry (compiz::window::Geometry (1025, 250, 300, 400, 0));

    old = current;

    /* Unplug a "monitor" */
    current = CompSize (1024, 768);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (724, 250, 300, 400, 0));

    old = current;

    /* Re-plug the monitor - window should go back
     * to the same position */
    current = CompSize (2048, 768);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (1025, 250, 300, 400, 0));

    old = current;

    /* Plug 2 monitors downwards, no change */
    current = CompSize (2048, 1536);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (1025, 250, 300, 400, 0));

    /* Move the window to the bottom "monitor" */

    ms.setGeometry (compiz::window::Geometry (1025, 791, 300, 400, 0));

    old = current;

    /* Unplug bottom "monitor" */
    current = CompSize (2048, 768);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (1025, 344, 300, 400, 0));

    old = current;

    /* Re-plug bottom "monitor" */
    current = CompSize (2048, 1356);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (1025, 791, 300, 400, 0));

    /* Move the entire window right a viewport */

    g.setPos (g.pos () + CompPoint (current.width (), 0));

    ms.setGeometry (g);

    /* Now change the screen resolution again - the window should
     * move to be within the constrained size of its current
     * viewport */

    /* Unplug a "monitor" */
    old = current;
    current = CompSize (1024, 1356);

    workArea = CompRect (0, 0, current.width (), current.height ());
    reserveStruts (workArea);

    ms.setWorkArea (workArea);

    g = ms.adjustForSize (old, current);

    EXPECT_EQ (g, compiz::window::Geometry (current.width () + 724, 791, 300, 400, 0));
Пример #10
CompPoint::operator- (const CompPoint &rhs) const
    return CompPoint (mX - rhs.mX, mY - rhs.mY);
Пример #11
CompPoint::operator+ (const CompPoint &rhs) const
    return CompPoint (mX + rhs.mX, mY + rhs.mY);