Пример #1
mDNSexport mDNSBool NSEC3WildcardAnswerProof(mDNS *const m, CacheRecord *ncr, DNSSECVerifier *dv)
    int skip;
    const domainname *nc;
    CacheRecord *closerEncloser;

    (void) m;

    // Find the next closer name and prove that it is covered by the NSEC3
    skip = CountLabels(&dv->origName) - CountLabels(dv->wildcardName) - 1;
    if (skip)
        nc = SkipLeadingLabels(&dv->origName, skip);
        nc = &dv->origName;

    LogDNSSEC("NSEC3WildcardAnswerProof: wildcard name %##s", nc->c);

    if (!NSEC3Find(m, NSEC3Covers, ncr, (domainname *)nc, mDNSNULL, &closerEncloser, mDNSNULL, dv->q.qtype))
        LogMsg("NSEC3WildcardAnswerProof: Cannot find closer encloser");
        return mDNSfalse;
    if (!closerEncloser)
        LogMsg("NSEC3WildcardAnswerProof: closerEncloser NULL");
        return mDNSfalse;
    if (NSEC3OptOut(closerEncloser))
        dv->flags |= NSEC3_OPT_OUT;
    // NSEC3 Verification is done by the caller
    return mDNStrue;
Пример #2
// Return the number of labels that matches starting from the right (excluding the
// root label)
mDNSexport int CountLabelsMatch(const domainname *const d1, const domainname *const d2)
    int count, c1, c2;
    int match, i, skip1, skip2;

    c1 = CountLabels(d1);
    skip1 = c1 - 1;
    c2 = CountLabels(d2);
    skip2 = c2 - 1;

    // Root label always matches. And we don't include it here to
    // match CountLabels
    match = 0;

    // Compare as many labels as possible starting from the rightmost
    count = c1 < c2 ? c1 : c2;
    for (i = count; i > 0; i--)
        const domainname *da, *db;

        da = SkipLeadingLabels(d1, skip1);
        db = SkipLeadingLabels(d2, skip2);
        if (!SameDomainName(da, db)) return match;
    return match;
Пример #3
mDNSlocal const domainname *NSECClosestEncloser(ResourceRecord *rr, domainname *qname)
    const domainname *oname = rr->name;
    const RDataBody2 *const rdb = (RDataBody2 *)rr->rdata->u.data;
    const domainname *nxt = (const domainname *)&rdb->data;
    int match1, match2;

    match1 = CountLabelsMatch(oname, qname);
    match2 = CountLabelsMatch(nxt, qname);
    // Return the closest i.e the one that matches more labels
    if (match1 > match2)
        return SkipLeadingLabels(oname, CountLabels(oname) - match1);
        return SkipLeadingLabels(nxt, CountLabels(nxt) - match2);
Пример #4
// This function can be called with NSEC3ClosestEncloser, NSEC3Covers and NSEC3CEProof
// Passing in NSEC3ClosestEncloser means "find an exact match for the origName".
// Passing in NSEC3Covers means "find an NSEC3 that covers the origName".
// i.e., in both cases the nsec3 records are iterated to find the best match and returned.
// With NSEC3ClosestEncloser, as we are just looking for a name match, extra checks for
// the types being present or absent will not be checked.
// If NSEC3CEProof is passed, the name is tried as such first by iterating through all NSEC3s
// finding a ClosestEncloser or CloserEncloser and then one label skipped from the left and
// retried again till both the closest and closer encloser is found.
// ncr is the negative cache record that has the NSEC3 chain
// origName is the name for which we are trying to find the ClosestEncloser etc.
// closestEncloser and closerEncloser are the return values of the function
// ce is the closest encloser that will be returned if we find one
mDNSlocal mDNSBool NSEC3Find(mDNS *const m, NSEC3FindValues val, CacheRecord *ncr, domainname *origName, CacheRecord **closestEncloser,
	CacheRecord **closerEncloser, const domainname **ce, mDNSu16 qtype)
    int i;
    int labelCount = CountLabels(origName);
    CacheRecord *cr;
    rdataNSEC3 *nsec3;

    (void) qtype; // unused
    // Pick the first NSEC for the iterations, salt etc.
    for (cr = ncr->nsec; cr; cr = cr->next)
        if (cr->resrec.rrtype == kDNSType_NSEC3)
            const RDataBody2 *const rdb = (RDataBody2 *)cr->resrec.rdata->u.data;
            nsec3 = (rdataNSEC3 *)rdb->data;
    if (!cr)
        LogMsg("NSEC3Find: cr NULL");
        return mDNSfalse;

    // Note: The steps defined in this function are for "NSEC3CEProof". As part of NSEC3CEProof,
    // we need to find both the closestEncloser and closerEncloser which can also be found
    // by passing NSEC3ClosestEncloser and NSEC3Covers respectively.
    // Section 8.3 of RFC 5155.
    // 1.  Set SNAME=QNAME.  Clear the flag.
    // closerEncloser is the "flag". "name" below is SNAME.

    if (closestEncloser)
        *ce = mDNSNULL;
        *closestEncloser = mDNSNULL;
    if (closerEncloser)
        *closerEncloser = mDNSNULL;

    // If we are looking for a closestEncloser or a covering NSEC3, we don't have
    // to truncate the name. For the give name, try to find the closest or closer
    // encloser.
    if (val != NSEC3CEProof)
        labelCount = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < labelCount + 1; i++)
        int hlen;
        const mDNSu8 hashName[NSEC3_MAX_HASH_LEN];
        const domainname *name;
        const mDNSu8 b32Name[NSEC3_MAX_B32_LEN+1];
        int b32len;

        name = SkipLeadingLabels(origName, i);
        if (!NSEC3HashName(name, nsec3, mDNSNULL, 0, hashName, &hlen))
            LogMsg("NSEC3Find: NSEC3HashName failed for ##s", name->c);

        b32len = baseEncode((char *)b32Name, sizeof(b32Name), (mDNSu8 *)hashName, hlen, ENC_BASE32);
        if (!b32len)
            LogMsg("NSEC3Find: baseEncode of name %##s failed", name->c);

        for (cr = ncr->nsec; cr; cr = cr->next)
            const domainname *nsecZone;
            int result, subdomain;

            if (cr->resrec.rrtype != kDNSType_NSEC3)

            nsecZone = SkipLeadingLabels(cr->resrec.name, 1);
            if (!nsecZone)
                LogMsg("NSEC3Find: SkipLeadingLabel failed for %s, current name %##s",
                    CRDisplayString(m, cr), name->c);

            // NSEC3 owner names are formed by hashing the owner name and then appending
            // the zone name to it. If we skip the first label, the rest should be
            // the zone name. See whether it is the subdomain of the name we are looking
            // for. 
            result = DNSSECCanonicalOrder(origName, nsecZone, &subdomain);
            // The check can't be a strict subdomain check. When NSEC3ClosestEncloser is
            // passed in, there can be an exact match. If it is a subdomain or an exact
            // match, we should continue with the proof.
            if (!(subdomain || !result))
                LogMsg("NSEC3Find: NSEC3 %s not a subdomain of %##s, result %d", CRDisplayString(m, cr),
                    origName->c, result);

            // 2.1) If there is no NSEC3 RR in the response that matches SNAME
            // (i.e., an NSEC3 RR whose owner name is the same as the hash of
            // SNAME, prepended as a single label to the zone name), clear
            // the flag.
            // Note: We don't try to determine the actual zone name. We know that
            // the labels following the hash (nsecZone) is the ancestor and we don't
            // know where the zone cut is. Hence, we verify just the hash to be
            // the same.

            if (val == NSEC3ClosestEncloser || val == NSEC3CEProof)
                if (!NSEC3SameName(&cr->resrec.name->c[1], cr->resrec.name->c[0], (const mDNSu8 *)b32Name, b32len))
                    int bmaplen;
                    mDNSu8 *bmap;

                    // For NSEC3ClosestEncloser, we are finding an exact match and
                    // "type" specific checks should be done by the caller.
                    if (val != NSEC3ClosestEncloser)
                        // DNAME bit must not be set and NS bit may be set only if SOA bit is set
                        NSEC3Parse(&cr->resrec, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL, &bmaplen, &bmap);
                        if (BitmapTypeCheck(bmap, bmaplen, kDNSType_DNAME))
                            LogDNSSEC("NSEC3Find: DNAME bit set in %s, ignoring", CRDisplayString(m, cr));
                            return mDNSfalse;
                        // This is the closest encloser and should come from the right zone.
                        if (BitmapTypeCheck(bmap, bmaplen, kDNSType_NS) &&
                            !BitmapTypeCheck(bmap, bmaplen, kDNSType_SOA))
                            LogDNSSEC("NSEC3Find: NS bit set without SOA bit in %s, ignoring", CRDisplayString(m, cr));
                            return mDNSfalse;

                    LogDNSSEC("NSEC3Find: ClosestEncloser %s found for name %##s", CRDisplayString(m, cr), name->c);
                    if (closestEncloser)
                        *ce = name;
                        *closestEncloser = cr;
                    if (val == NSEC3ClosestEncloser)
                        return mDNStrue;

            if ((val == NSEC3Covers || val == NSEC3CEProof) && !(*closerEncloser))
                if (NSEC3CoversName(m, cr, hashName, hlen, b32Name, b32len))
                    // 2.2) If there is an NSEC3 RR in the response that covers SNAME, set the flag.
                    if (closerEncloser)
                        *closerEncloser = cr;
                    if (val == NSEC3Covers)
                        return mDNStrue;
        // 2.3) If there is a matching NSEC3 RR in the response and the flag
        // was set, then the proof is complete, and SNAME is the closest
        // encloser.
        if (val == NSEC3CEProof)
            if (*closestEncloser && *closerEncloser)
                LogDNSSEC("NSEC3Find: Found closest and closer encloser");
                return mDNStrue;

            // 2.4) If there is a matching NSEC3 RR in the response, but the flag
            // is not set, then the response is bogus.
            // Note: We don't have to wait till we finish trying all the names. If the matchName
            // happens, we found the closest encloser which means we should have found the closer
            // encloser before.

            if (*closestEncloser && !(*closerEncloser))
                LogDNSSEC("NSEC3Find: Found closest, but not closer encloser");
                return mDNSfalse;
        // 3.  Truncate SNAME by one label from the left, go to step 2.
    LogDNSSEC("NSEC3Find: Cannot find name %##s (%s)", origName->c, DNSTypeName(qtype));
    return mDNSfalse;