Пример #1
void ProcessFont(HWND hWnd, std::wstring const& fontName, int weight,
    int size, DWORD italic)
    HDC hDC = GetDC(hWnd);
    SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(0, 0, 0));
    SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));

    // Create the font.
    HFONT hFont = CreateFont(size, 0, 0, 0, weight, italic, FALSE, FALSE,

    HGDIOBJ oldFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);

    RECT r;
    r.left = r.top = 0;
    r.right = gWindowWidth - 1;
    r.bottom = gWindowHeight - 1;
    FillRect(hDC, &r, nullptr);
    wchar_t msg[256];
    wsprintf(msg, L"Rendering %s, weight = %d, size = %d, italics = %d",
        fontName.c_str(), weight, size, italic);
    TextOut(hDC, 8, 3*size, msg, (int)wcslen(msg));

    int width, height;
    unsigned char* texels;
    float characterData[257];
    CreateFontData(hDC, width, height, texels, characterData);

    CreateHeaderFile(fontName, weight, size, italic);
    CreateSourceFile(fontName, weight, size, italic, width, height, texels,

    delete[] texels;

    SelectObject(hDC, oldFont);
    ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC);
Пример #2
	iResourceBase* cFontManager::Create(const tString& asName)
		return CreateFontData(asName, 16, 32, 255);
Пример #3
BOOL OnLoadFont()
	int i;
	char path[260] = {0};
	// Set up file name requester data
	memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn));
	ofn.lStructSize   = sizeof(ofn);
	ofn.hwndOwner     = appWnd;
	ofn.lpstrFilter   = appSaveFilter;
	ofn.lpstrFile     = path;
	ofn.nMaxFile      = sizeof(path);
	// Get open file name
	if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn))
		// Open the font file for read
		FILE *file = fopen(path, "rb");

		// If the file couldn't be opened...
		if (!file)
			// Exit
			return FALSE;

		// Read the font header
		fread(&fontHeader, sizeof(fontHeader), 1, file);

		// If the font identifier doesn't match...
		if (fontHeader.fontIdent != FONT_ID)
			// Bail out
			return FALSE;

		// Create font data

		// Read all the font character headers
		fread(charHeaderList, sizeof(CharHeader), fontHeader.numChar, file);

		// Read all character images
		for (i = 0; i < fontHeader.numChar; i++)
			// Get character image size
			CharImage size;
			fread(&size, sizeof(size), 1, file);

			// Allocate character image
			CharImage *charImage = (CharImage *)
				new BYTE [sizeof(CharImage) + size.charWidth * size.charHeight];

			// Add character image to list
			charImageList[i] = charImage;

			// Copy character image size
			charImage->charWidth = size.charWidth;
			charImage->charHeight = size.charHeight;

			// Read character image data
			fread(charImage->charData, 1, charImage->charWidth * charImage->charHeight, file);

		// Close the font file

		// File was read successfully
		return TRUE;
		// File was not read successfully
		return FALSE;
Пример #4
BOOL OnCaptureFont()
	int i;
	// Init CHOOSEFONT structure
	memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf));
	cf.lStructSize    = sizeof(cf);
	cf.lpLogFont      = &appLogFont;
	cf.hwndOwner      = appWnd;
	cf.Flags          = CF_SCREENFONTS;
	if (appFont)
	// Select a font
	if (ChooseFont(&cf))
		// if a font already exists...
		if (appFont)
			// delete the old font
			appFont = NULL;

		// remember the point size
		int size = appLogFont.lfHeight;

		// scale the point size
		appLogFont.lfHeight = size * appFontScale;

		// create the new font
		appFont = CreateFontIndirect(&appLogFont);

		// restore the point size
		appLogFont.lfHeight = size;
		return FALSE;

	// Delete any existing font data

	// Capture it now
	if (!appFont)
		return FALSE;
	hDC = GetDC(appWnd);
	if (hDC)
		EDispMode oldMode;
		KERNINGPAIR kp[256];
		DWORD np;
		  np = GetKerningPairs(hDC, 256, kp);
		  for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
		  LOG_DIAG(("Kerning pair: %c -> %c = %d", (char)kp[i].wFirst, (char)kp[i].wSecond, kp[i].iKernAmount));
		oldMode = dispMode;
		dispMode = DISP_CAPTURE;
		// Set up DC
		SelectObject(hDC, appFont);
		SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
		// Calculate max sizes of any font character
		RECT cli;
		RECT win;

    int tmMaxCharWidth;
    int tmHeight;
    int tmLastChar;
    int tmFirstChar;
    int tmAscent;
    int tmDescent;
    int tmCharSet;
    GLYPHSET *gs = NULL;

    if (UnicodeMode())
      gs = (GLYPHSET *)malloc(sizeof(GLYPHSET) + sizeof(WCRANGE) * 5000);

      if (!fnGetFontUnicodeRanges || !fnGetFontUnicodeRanges(hDC, gs))
        MessageBox(appWnd, "GetFontUnicodeRanges failed", "Error", MB_OK);
        return (FALSE);

		  GetTextMetricsW(hDC, &tmw);

      tmMaxCharWidth = tmw.tmMaxCharWidth;
      tmHeight = tmw.tmHeight;
      tmLastChar = tmw.tmLastChar;
      tmFirstChar = tmw.tmFirstChar;
      tmAscent = tmw.tmAscent;
      tmDescent = tmw.tmDescent;
      tmCharSet = tmw.tmCharSet;

		  // Create new font data
      GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tma);

      tmMaxCharWidth = tma.tmMaxCharWidth;
      tmHeight = tma.tmHeight;
      tmLastChar = tma.tmLastChar;
      tmFirstChar = tma.tmFirstChar;
      tmAscent = tma.tmAscent;
      tmDescent = tma.tmDescent;
      tmCharSet = tma.tmCharSet;

		  // Create new font data
		  CreateFontData(tmLastChar - tmFirstChar + 1);

		GetClientRect(appWnd, &cli);
		GetWindowRect(appWnd, &win);
		if (cli.right < tmMaxCharWidth || cli.bottom < tmHeight)
			int newW;// = max(cli.right, tm.tmMaxCharWidth);
			int newH;// = max(cli.bottom, tm.tmHeight);
			newW = (win.right - win.left) - (cli.right - cli.left) + max(cli.right, tmMaxCharWidth);
			newH = (win.bottom - win.top) - (cli.bottom - cli.top) + max(cli.bottom, tmHeight);
			MoveWindow(appWnd, win.left, win.top, newW, newH, TRUE);
		// Calculate y shift
		int yShift = -tmAscent % appFontScale;

    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0)
      char buf[1024];
      char *chSet = "Unknown";

      switch (tmCharSet)
        case ANSI_CHARSET:          chSet = "ANSI"; break;
        case DEFAULT_CHARSET:       chSet = "DEFAULT"; break;
        case SYMBOL_CHARSET:        chSet = "SYMBOL"; break;
        case SHIFTJIS_CHARSET:      chSet = "SHIFTJIS"; break;
        case HANGUL_CHARSET:        chSet = "HANGUL"; break;
        case GB2312_CHARSET:        chSet = "GP2312"; break;
        case CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET:   chSet = "CHINESEBIG5"; break;
        case OEM_CHARSET:           chSet = "OEM"; break;
        case JOHAB_CHARSET:         chSet = "JOHAB"; break;
        case HEBREW_CHARSET:        chSet = "HEBREW"; break;
        case ARABIC_CHARSET:        chSet = "ARABIC"; break;
        case GREEK_CHARSET:         chSet = "GREEK"; break;
        case TURKISH_CHARSET:       chSet = "TURKISH"; break;
        case VIETNAMESE_CHARSET:    chSet = "VIETNAMESE"; break;
        case THAI_CHARSET:          chSet = "THAI"; break;
        case EASTEUROPE_CHARSET:    chSet = "EASTEUROPE"; break;
        case RUSSIAN_CHARSET:       chSet = "RUSSIAN"; break;
        case MAC_CHARSET:           chSet = "MAC"; break;
        case BALTIC_CHARSET:        chSet = "BALTIC"; break;

      if (gs)
        wsprintf(buf, "size=%d\ncharset=%s\nranges=%d\ntotal=%d", tmHeight, chSet, gs->cRanges, gs->cGlyphsSupported);
        wsprintf(buf, "size=%d\nchars range=%d .. %d\ncharset=%s\ntotal=%d", tmHeight, tmFirstChar, tmLastChar, chSet, fontHeader.numChar);

      MessageBox(appWnd, buf, "Info", MB_OK);

		// Fill in the font header
		fontHeader.fontHeight   = (BYTE)((tmHeight + yShift) / appFontScale);
		fontHeader.fontAscent   = (BYTE)((tmAscent + yShift) / appFontScale);
		fontHeader.fontDescent  = (BYTE)((tmDescent) / appFontScale);

    S32 pct = -1;

    if (UnicodeMode())
      int i = 0;

      for (int range = 0; range < gs->cRanges; range++)
        for (int gch = 0; gch < gs->ranges[range].cGlyphs; gch++)
          CaptureOneChar(hDC, i, gch + gs->ranges[range].wcLow, yShift);

		  for (i = 0; i < fontHeader.numChar; i++)
        CaptureOneChar(hDC, i, i + tmFirstChar, yShift);

		// Display and capture each letter
		for (i = 0; i < fontHeader.numChar; i++)
			int x, y, xx, yy;
			SIZE charSize;

			// Generate character value
			int charValue = i + tmFirstChar;

			// Display the character
			InvalidateRect(appWnd, NULL, TRUE);

      if (UnicodeMode())
        CH str[2] = { CH(charValue), 0 };

        GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, str, 1, &charSize);
			  TextOutW(hDC, 0, 0, str, 1);
        char str[2] = { char(charValue), 0};

        GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, str, 1, &charSize);
			  TextOut(hDC, 0, 0, str, 1);

			// Clear character rectangle
			RECT charRect;
			charRect.left = LONG_MAX;
			charRect.top = LONG_MAX;
			charRect.right = LONG_MIN;
			charRect.bottom = LONG_MIN;
			bool setRect = false;

			// Determine clipping rectangle
			for (y = 0; y < charSize.cy; y++)
				for (x = 0; x < charSize.cx; x++)
					// Capture the pixel
					COLORREF clr = GetPixel(hDC, x, y + yShift);

					// If the pixel is not white...
					if (GetRValue(clr) < 255)
						// Update the character rectangle
						if (charRect.left > x)
							charRect.left = x;
						if (charRect.top > y)
							charRect.top = y;
						if (charRect.right < x)
							charRect.right = x;
						if (charRect.bottom < y)
							charRect.bottom = y;
						setRect = true;

			if (setRect)
				// Calculate x shift
				int xShift = charRect.left % appFontScale;

				// Rescale the size
				charSize.cx = (charSize.cx + appFontScale - 1) / appFontScale;
				charSize.cy = (charSize.cy + appFontScale - 1) / appFontScale;

				// Rescale the rectangle
				charRect.left = (charRect.left - xShift) / appFontScale;
				charRect.top = charRect.top / appFontScale;
				charRect.right = (charRect.right - xShift) / appFontScale + 1;
				charRect.bottom = (charRect.bottom) / appFontScale + 1;

				// Get width and height
				int w = charRect.right - charRect.left;
				int h = charRect.bottom - charRect.top;

				// Create a new character image
				CharImage *charImage = (CharImage *)
					new BYTE [sizeof(CharImage) + w * h];

				// Push the character image into the character list
				charImageList[i] = charImage;

				// Store the character dimensions
				charImage->charWidth = (BYTE)w;
				charImage->charHeight = (BYTE)h;

				// Start in the upper left corner
				BYTE *pixel = charImage->charData;

				// Capture the character
				for (y = charRect.top; y < charRect.bottom; y++)
					for (x = charRect.left; x < charRect.right; x++)
						// Clear the pixel sum
						DWORD sum = 0;

						// Average value over block
						for (yy = (y) * appFontScale; yy < (y + 1) * appFontScale; yy++)
							for (xx = (x) * appFontScale; xx < (x + 1) * appFontScale; xx++)
								// Capture the pixel
								COLORREF clr = GetPixel(hDC, xx + xShift, yy + yShift);

								// Add pixel intensity to sum
								sum += GetRValue(clr);

						// Get the average pixel intensity
						sum = (sum + sum + appFontScale2) / (appFontScale2 + appFontScale2);

						// Store the pixel value
						*pixel++ = U8(0xFF - (BYTE)sum);

				// Get the current character header
				CharHeader *charHeader = &charHeaderList[i];

				// Fill in the character header
				charHeader->charValue = (CH)charValue;
				charHeader->fullWidth = (BYTE)charSize.cx;
				charHeader->rectX0 = (BYTE)charRect.left;
				charHeader->rectY0 = (BYTE)charRect.top;
				charHeader->rectX1 = (BYTE)charRect.right;
				charHeader->rectY1 = (BYTE)charRect.bottom;
				// Rescale the size
				charSize.cx = (charSize.cx + appFontScale - 1) / appFontScale;
				charSize.cy = (charSize.cy + appFontScale - 1) / appFontScale;

				// Create a new character image
				CharImage *charImage = (CharImage *)
					new BYTE [sizeof(CharImage)];

				// Push the character image into the character list
				charImageList[i] = charImage;

				// Zero width and height
				charImage->charWidth = 0;
				charImage->charHeight = 0;

				// Get the current character header
				CharHeader *charHeader = &charHeaderList[i];

				// Fill in the character header
				charHeader->charValue = (CH)charValue;
				charHeader->fullWidth = (BYTE)charSize.cx;
				charHeader->rectX0 = 0;
				charHeader->rectY0 = 0;
				charHeader->rectX1 = 0;
				charHeader->rectY1 = 0;

      // Update window text
      S32 newPct = S32(F32(i) * 100.0F / F32(fontHeader.numChar));

      if (pct != newPct)
        char buf[256];
        pct = newPct;
        sprintf(buf, ProgressCaption, fontHeader.numChar, pct);
        SetWindowText(appWnd, buf);

    // Restore window text
    SetWindowText(appWnd, DefaultCaption);
		dispMode = oldMode;
		InvalidateRect(appWnd, NULL, TRUE);
		ReleaseDC(appWnd, hDC);

	return TRUE;