Пример #1
bool Texture::CreateFromSurface(SDL_Surface *s, bool forceRGBA)
	bool freeSurface = false;

	SDL_PixelFormat *pixfmt = s->format;

	GLenum targetGLformat;
	SDL_PixelFormat *targetPixfmt;
	bool needConvert = !GetTargetFormat(pixfmt, &targetGLformat, &targetPixfmt, forceRGBA);

	if (needConvert) {
		s = SDL_ConvertSurface(s, targetPixfmt, SDL_SWSURFACE);
		freeSurface = true;

	// store incoming 24-bit as GL_RGB to save on texture memory
	if (targetGLformat == GL_RGB && m_format.internalFormat == GL_RGBA) {
		m_format.internalFormat = GL_RGB;
		m_format.dataFormat = GL_RGB;

	unsigned int width = s->w;
	unsigned int height = s->h;

	// extend to power-of-two if necessary
	int width2 = ceil_pow2(s->w);
	int height2 = ceil_pow2(s->h);
	if (s->w != width2 || s->h != height2) {
		SDL_Surface *s2 = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width2, height2, targetPixfmt->BitsPerPixel, targetPixfmt->Rmask, targetPixfmt->Gmask, targetPixfmt->Bmask, targetPixfmt->Amask);

		SDL_SetAlpha(s, 0, 0);
		SDL_SetAlpha(s2, 0, 0);
		SDL_BlitSurface(s, 0, s2, 0);

		if (freeSurface)

		s = s2;
		freeSurface = true;

		m_texWidth = float(width) / float(width2);
		m_texHeight = float(height) / float(height2);
		m_texWidth = m_texHeight = 1.0f;

	CreateFromArray(s->pixels, s->w, s->h);

	m_width = width;
	m_height = height;

	if (freeSurface)

	return true;
Пример #2
bool NPSafeArray::InvokeDefault(NPObject *npobj, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount,
								NPVariant *result) {
	NPSafeArray *safe = static_cast<NPSafeArray*>(npobj);
	if (safe->arr_.m_psa != NULL)
		return false;
	if (argCount < 1)
		return false;
	if (!NPVARIANT_IS_OBJECT(*args)) {
		return false;
	NPObject *obj = NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT(*args);
	if (obj->_class != &NPSafeArray::npClass) {
		return false;
	NPSafeArray *safe_original = static_cast<NPSafeArray*>(obj);
	if (safe_original->arr_.m_psa == NULL) {
		return false;

	NPSafeArray *ret = CreateFromArray(safe->instance, safe_original->arr_);
	OBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT(ret, *result);
	return true;