Пример #1
CVector CreateVectorFromList (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pList)

//	CreateVectorFromList
//	Creates a vector from a code chain list

	CVector vVec;

	if (pList->IsList())
		CreateBinaryFromList(CC, pList, &vVec);
	else if (pList->IsInteger())
		CSpaceObject *pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pList);
		if (pObj)
			vVec = pObj->GetPos();

	return vVec;
Пример #2
bool IDockScreenDisplay::ParseBackgrounDesc (ICCItem *pDesc, SBackgroundDesc *retDesc)

//	ParseBackroundDesc
//	Parses a descriptor. Returns TRUE if successful.

	CCodeChain &CC = g_pUniverse->GetCC();

	//	Nil means no default value

	if (pDesc->IsNil())
		retDesc->iType = backgroundDefault;

	//	If we have a struct, we expect a certain format

	else if (pDesc->IsSymbolTable())
		CString sType = pDesc->GetStringAt(FIELD_TYPE);
		if (sType.IsBlank() || strEquals(sType, TYPE_NONE))
			retDesc->iType = backgroundNone;

		else if (strEquals(sType, TYPE_HERO))
			retDesc->iType = backgroundObjHeroImage;
			retDesc->pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pDesc->GetElement(FIELD_OBJ));
			if (retDesc->pObj == NULL)
				return false;
		else if (strEquals(sType, TYPE_IMAGE))
			retDesc->iType = backgroundImage;

			ICCItem *pImage = pDesc->GetElement(FIELD_IMAGE);
			if (pImage == NULL)
				return false;

			else if (pImage->IsInteger())
				retDesc->dwImageID = pImage->GetIntegerValue();

				return false;
		else if (strEquals(sType, TYPE_OBJECT))
			retDesc->pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pDesc->GetElement(FIELD_OBJ));
			if (retDesc->pObj == NULL)
				return false;

            if (retDesc->pObj->IsPlayer())
    			retDesc->iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
    			retDesc->iType = backgroundObjHeroImage;
		else if (strEquals(sType, TYPE_SCHEMATIC))
			retDesc->iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
			retDesc->pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pDesc->GetElement(FIELD_OBJ));
			if (retDesc->pObj == NULL)
				return false;
			return false;

	//	Otherwise, we can't parse.
	//	LATER: We should eventually handle a list-based image descriptor, but we
	//	would need to enhance SBackgroundDesc for that.

		return false;

	//	Success
	return true;
Пример #3
bool GetPosOrObject (CEvalContext *pEvalCtx, 
					 ICCItem *pArg, 
					 CVector *retvPos, 
					 CSpaceObject **retpObj,
					 int *retiLocID)

//	GetPosOrObject
//	pArg is either a position or an object. We return a position and/or the object.

	CCodeChain &CC(*pEvalCtx->pCC);

	CVector vPos;
	CSpaceObject *pObj = NULL;
	int iLocID = -1;

	if (pArg->IsNil())
	else if (pArg->IsList())
		//	Is this a location criteria?

		CString sTag = pArg->GetElement(0)->GetStringValue();
		if (strEquals(sTag, CONSTLIT("location")))
			CSystem *pSystem = g_pUniverse->GetCurrentSystem();
			if (pSystem == NULL)
				return false;

			//	Get the criteria and parse it

			CString sCriteria = (pArg->GetCount() > 1 ? pArg->GetElement(1)->GetStringValue() : NULL_STR);
			if (sCriteria.IsBlank())
				return false;

			CAttributeCriteria Criteria;
			if (Criteria.Parse(sCriteria) != NOERROR)
				return false;

			//	Get a random location

			if (!pSystem->FindRandomLocation(Criteria, 0, NULL, &iLocID))
				return false;

			//	Return the position

			CLocationDef *pLoc = pSystem->GetLocation(iLocID);
			vPos = pLoc->GetOrbit().GetObjectPos();

		//	Otherwise, we assume a vector

			vPos = CreateVectorFromList(CC, pArg);
		pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg);
		if (pObj)
			vPos = pObj->GetPos();

	//	Done

	if (retvPos)
		*retvPos = vPos;

	if (retpObj)
		*retpObj = pObj;

	if (retiLocID)
		*retiLocID = iLocID;

	return true;
Пример #4
CDamageSource GetDamageSourceArg (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pArg)

//	GetDamageSourceArg
//	Returns a CDamageSource

	if (pArg->IsNil())
		return CDamageSource(NULL, killedByDamage);

	//	Killed by the given object (explosion)

	else if (pArg->IsInteger())
		CSpaceObject *pSource = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg);
		return CDamageSource(pSource, killedByDamage);

	//	Custom death; string describes the cause of death (no explosion)

	else if (pArg->IsIdentifier())
		CString sCause = pArg->GetElement(0)->GetStringValue();
		return CDamageSource(NULL, killedByOther, NULL, sCause, 0);

	//	Killed by a custom cause (explosion)

	else if (pArg->IsList() && pArg->GetCount() == 2 && pArg->GetElement(0)->IsIdentifier())
		CString sSourceName = pArg->GetElement(0)->GetStringValue();
		DWORD dwSourceFlags = (DWORD)pArg->GetElement(1)->GetIntegerValue();
		return CDamageSource(NULL, killedByDamage, NULL, sSourceName, dwSourceFlags);

	//	Full control over death

	else if (pArg->IsList())
		CSpaceObject *pSource = NULL;
		CSpaceObject *pSecondarySource = NULL;
		CString sSourceName;
		DWORD dwSourceFlags = 0;
		DestructionTypes iCause = killedByDamage;

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 1)
			pSource = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg->GetElement(0));

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 2)
			iCause = ::GetDestructionCause(pArg->GetElement(1)->GetStringValue());

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 3)
			pSecondarySource = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg->GetElement(2));

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 4)
			sSourceName = pArg->GetElement(3)->GetStringValue();

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 5)
			dwSourceFlags = (DWORD)pArg->GetElement(4)->GetIntegerValue();

		return CDamageSource(pSource, iCause, pSecondarySource, sSourceName, dwSourceFlags);
		return CDamageSource();
Пример #5
CStation *CreateStationObjFromItem (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pArg) 
	CSpaceObject *pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg);
	return (pObj ? pObj->AsStation() : NULL);
Пример #6
CShip *CreateShipObjFromItem (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pArg) 
	CSpaceObject *pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg);
	return (pObj ? pObj->AsShip() : NULL);
Пример #7
CDamageSource GetDamageSourceArg (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pArg)

//	GetDamageSourceArg
//	Returns a CDamageSource

	if (pArg->IsNil())
		return CDamageSource(NULL, killedByDamage);

	//	Killed by the given object (explosion)

	else if (pArg->IsInteger())
		//	NOTE: CDamageSource knows how to deal with destroyed objects, so it
		//	is OK if we don't bother checking here whether pSource is destroyed.

		CSpaceObject *pSource = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg);
		return CDamageSource(pSource, killedByDamage);

	//	Custom death; string describes the cause of death (no explosion)

	else if (pArg->IsIdentifier())
		CString sCause = pArg->GetElement(0)->GetStringValue();

		//	If the cause happens to be a destruction cause ID, then use that.

		DestructionTypes iCause = ::GetDestructionCause(sCause);
		if (iCause != killedNone)
			return CDamageSource(NULL, iCause, NULL, NULL_STR, 0);

		//	Otherwise, this is a custom death

		return CDamageSource(NULL, killedByOther, NULL, sCause, 0);

	//	Killed by a custom cause (explosion)

	else if (pArg->IsList() && pArg->GetCount() == 2 && pArg->GetElement(0)->IsIdentifier())
		CString sSourceName = pArg->GetElement(0)->GetStringValue();
		DWORD dwSourceFlags = (DWORD)pArg->GetElement(1)->GetIntegerValue();
		return CDamageSource(NULL, killedByDamage, NULL, sSourceName, dwSourceFlags);

	//	Full control over death

	else if (pArg->IsList())
		CSpaceObject *pSource = NULL;
		CSpaceObject *pSecondarySource = NULL;
		CString sSourceName;
		DWORD dwSourceFlags = 0;
		DestructionTypes iCause = killedByDamage;

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 1)
			pSource = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg->GetElement(0));

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 2)
			iCause = ::GetDestructionCause(pArg->GetElement(1)->GetStringValue());

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 3)
			pSecondarySource = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pArg->GetElement(2));

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 4)
			sSourceName = pArg->GetElement(3)->GetStringValue();

		if (pArg->GetCount() >= 5)
			dwSourceFlags = (DWORD)pArg->GetElement(4)->GetIntegerValue();

		return CDamageSource(pSource, iCause, pSecondarySource, sSourceName, dwSourceFlags);
		return CDamageSource();