Пример #1
int unpack_attributes_record(JCR *jcr, int32_t stream, char *rec, ATTR *attr)
   char *p;
    * An Attributes record consists of:
    *    File_index
    *    Type   (FT_types)
    *    Filename
    *    Attributes
    *    Link name (if file linked i.e. FT_LNK)
    *    Extended attributes (Win32)
    *  plus optional values determined by AR_ flags in upper bits of Type
    *    Data_stream
   attr->stream = stream;
   Dmsg1(400, "Attr: %s\n", rec);
   if (sscanf(rec, "%d %d", &attr->file_index, &attr->type) != 2) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error scanning attributes: %s\n"), rec);
      Dmsg1(100, "\nError scanning attributes. %s\n", rec);
      return 0;
   Dmsg2(400, "Got Attr: FilInx=%d type=%d\n", attr->file_index, attr->type);
   if (attr->type & AR_DATA_STREAM) {
      attr->data_stream = 1;
   } else {
      attr->data_stream = 0;
   attr->type &= FT_MASK;             /* keep only type bits */
   p = rec;
   while (*p++ != ' ')               /* skip record file index */
      { }
   while (*p++ != ' ')               /* skip type */
      { }

   attr->fname = p;                   /* set filname position */
   while (*p++ != 0)                  /* skip filename */
      { }
   attr->attr = p;                    /* set attributes position */
   while (*p++ != 0)                  /* skip attributes */
      { }
   attr->lname = p;                   /* set link position */
   while (*p++ != 0)                  /* skip link */
      { }
   pm_strcpy(attr->attrEx, p);        /* copy extended attributes, if any */

   if (attr->data_stream) {
      int64_t val;
      while (*p++ != 0)               /* skip extended attributes */
         { }
      from_base64(&val, p);
      attr->data_stream = (int32_t)val;
   Dmsg7(400, "unpack_attr FI=%d Type=%d fname=%s attr=%s lname=%s attrEx=%s ds=%d\n",
      attr->file_index, attr->type, attr->fname, attr->attr, attr->lname,
      attr->attrEx, attr->data_stream);
   *attr->ofname = 0;
   *attr->olname = 0;
   return 1;
Пример #2
static inline ssize_t write_data_to_block(DEV_BLOCK *block, const DEV_RECORD *rec)
   uint32_t len;

   len = MIN(rec->remainder, block_write_navail(block));
          ((unsigned char *)rec->data) + (rec->data_len - rec->remainder),
   block->bufp += len;
   block->binbuf += len;

#ifdef xxxxxSMCHECK
   if (!sm_check_rtn(__FILE__, __LINE__, False)) {
       * We damaged a buffer
      Dmsg7(0, "Damaged block FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s datalen=%d\n"
            "len=%d rem=%d remainder=%d\n",
            FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec->FileIndex), rec->VolSessionId,
            stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec->Stream, rec->FileIndex),
            rec->data_len, len, block_write_navail(block),
      Dmsg5(0, "Damaged block: bufp=%x binbuf=%d buf_len=%d rem=%d moved=%d\n",
            block->bufp, block->binbuf, block->buf_len,
            block_write_navail(block), len);
      Dmsg2(0, "Damaged block: buf=%x binbuffrombuf=%d \n",
            block->buf, block->bufp-block->buf);
      Emsg0(M_ABORT, 0, _("Damaged buffer\n"));

   return len;
Пример #3
 * Check if maxruntime has expired and if the job can be
 *   canceled.
static bool job_check_maxruntime(JCR *jcr)
   bool cancel = false;
   JOBRES *job = jcr->res.job;
   utime_t run_time;

   if (job_canceled(jcr) || !jcr->job_started) {
      return false;
   if (job->MaxRunTime == 0 && job->FullMaxRunTime == 0 &&
       job->IncMaxRunTime == 0 && job->DiffMaxRunTime == 0) {
      return false;
   run_time = watchdog_time - jcr->start_time;
   Dmsg7(200, "check_maxruntime %llu-%u=%llu >= %llu|%llu|%llu|%llu\n",
         watchdog_time, jcr->start_time, run_time, job->MaxRunTime, job->FullMaxRunTime,
         job->IncMaxRunTime, job->DiffMaxRunTime);

   if (jcr->getJobLevel() == L_FULL && job->FullMaxRunTime != 0 &&
         run_time >= job->FullMaxRunTime) {
      Dmsg0(200, "check_maxwaittime: FullMaxcancel\n");
      cancel = true;
   } else if (jcr->getJobLevel() == L_DIFFERENTIAL && job->DiffMaxRunTime != 0 &&
         run_time >= job->DiffMaxRunTime) {
      Dmsg0(200, "check_maxwaittime: DiffMaxcancel\n");
      cancel = true;
   } else if (jcr->getJobLevel() == L_INCREMENTAL && job->IncMaxRunTime != 0 &&
         run_time >= job->IncMaxRunTime) {
      Dmsg0(200, "check_maxwaittime: IncMaxcancel\n");
      cancel = true;
   } else if (job->MaxRunTime > 0 && run_time >= job->MaxRunTime) {
      Dmsg0(200, "check_maxwaittime: Maxcancel\n");
      cancel = true;

   return cancel;
Пример #4
 * Open the device with the operating system and
 * initialize buffer pointers.
 * Returns:  true on success
 *           false on error
 * Note, for a tape, the VolName is the name we give to the
 *    volume (not really used here), but for a file, the
 *    VolName represents the name of the file to be created/opened.
 *    In the case of a file, the full name is the device name
 *    (archive_name) with the VolName concatenated.
bool DEVICE::open(DCR *dcr, int omode)
   int preserve = 0;
   if (is_open()) {
      if (openmode == omode) {
         return true;
      } else {
         Dmsg1(200, "Close fd=%d for mode change in open().\n", m_fd);
         preserve = state & (ST_LABEL|ST_APPEND|ST_READ);
   if (dcr) {
      VolCatInfo = dcr->VolCatInfo;    /* structure assign */

   label_type = B_BACULA_LABEL;

   if (is_tape() || is_fifo()) {
      open_tape_device(dcr, omode);
   } else if (is_ftp()) {
      open_device(dcr, omode);
   } else {
      Dmsg1(100, "call open_file_device mode=%s\n", mode_to_str(omode));
      open_file_device(dcr, omode);
   state |= preserve;                 /* reset any important state info */
   Dmsg2(100, "preserve=0x%x fd=%d\n", preserve, m_fd);

   Dmsg7(100, "open dev: fd=%d dev=%p dcr=%p vol=%s type=%d dev_name=%s mode=%s\n",
         m_fd, getVolCatName(), this, dcr, dev_type, print_name(), mode_to_str(omode));
   return m_fd >= 0;
Пример #5
 * Note, we receive the whole attribute record, but we select out only the stat
 * packet, VolSessionId, VolSessionTime, FileIndex, file type, and file name to
 * store in the catalog.
static void update_attribute(JCR *jcr, char *msg, int32_t msglen)
   uint32_t VolSessionId, VolSessionTime;
   int32_t Stream;
   uint32_t FileIndex;
   char *p;
   int len;
   char *fname, *attr;
   ATTR_DBR *ar = NULL;
   uint32_t reclen;

    * Start transaction allocates jcr->attr and jcr->ar if needed
   db_start_transaction(jcr, jcr->db);     /* start transaction if not already open */
   ar = jcr->ar;

    * Start by scanning directly in the message buffer to get Stream
    * there may be a cached attr so we cannot yet write into
    * jcr->attr or jcr->ar
   p = msg;
   skip_nonspaces(&p);                /* UpdCat */
   skip_nonspaces(&p);                /* Job=nnn */
   skip_nonspaces(&p);                /* "FileAttributes" */
   p += 1;

    * The following "SD header" fields are serialized
   unser_begin(p, 0);
   unser_uint32(VolSessionId);        /* VolSessionId */
   unser_uint32(VolSessionTime);      /* VolSessionTime */
   unser_int32(FileIndex);            /* FileIndex */
   unser_int32(Stream);               /* Stream */
   unser_uint32(reclen);              /* Record length */
   p += unser_length(p);              /* Raw record follows */

    * At this point p points to the raw record, which varies according
    *  to what kind of a record (Stream) was sent.  Note, the integer
    *  fields at the beginning of these "raw" records are in ASCII with
    *  spaces between them so one can use scanf or manual scanning to
    *  extract the fields.
    * File Attributes
    *   File_index
    *   File type
    *   Filename (full path)
    *   Encoded attributes
    *   Link name (if type==FT_LNK or FT_LNKSAVED)
    *   Encoded extended-attributes (for Win32)
    *   Delta sequence number (32 bit int)
    * Restore Object
    *   File_index
    *   File_type
    *   Object_index
    *   Object_len (possibly compressed)
    *   Object_full_len (not compressed)
    *   Object_compression
    *   Plugin_name
    *   Object_name
    *   Binary Object data

   Dmsg1(400, "UpdCat msg=%s\n", msg);
   Dmsg5(400, "UpdCat VolSessId=%d VolSessT=%d FI=%d Strm=%d reclen=%d\n",
         VolSessionId, VolSessionTime, FileIndex, Stream, reclen);

   jcr->SDJobBytes += reclen; /* update number of bytes transferred for quotas */

    * Depending on the stream we are handling dispatch.
   switch (Stream) {
      if (jcr->cached_attribute) {
         Dmsg2(400, "Cached attr. Stream=%d fname=%s\n", ar->Stream, ar->fname);
         if (!db_create_attributes_record(jcr, jcr->db, ar)) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Attribute create error: ERR=%s"), db_strerror(jcr->db));
         jcr->cached_attribute = false;

       * Any cached attr is flushed so we can reuse jcr->attr and jcr->ar
      jcr->attr = check_pool_memory_size(jcr->attr, msglen);
      memcpy(jcr->attr, msg, msglen);
      p = jcr->attr - msg + p;         /* point p into jcr->attr */
      skip_nonspaces(&p);              /* skip FileIndex */
      ar->FileType = str_to_int32(p);
      skip_nonspaces(&p);              /* skip FileType */
      fname = p;
      len = strlen(fname);             /* length before attributes */
      attr = &fname[len+1];
      ar->DeltaSeq = 0;
      if (ar->FileType == FT_REG) {
         p = attr + strlen(attr) + 1;  /* point to link */
         p = p + strlen(p) + 1;        /* point to extended attributes */
         p = p + strlen(p) + 1;        /* point to delta sequence */
          * Older FDs don't have a delta sequence, so check if it is there
         if (p - jcr->attr < msglen) {
            ar->DeltaSeq = str_to_int32(p); /* delta_seq */

      Dmsg2(400, "dird<stored: stream=%d %s\n", Stream, fname);
      Dmsg1(400, "dird<stored: attr=%s\n", attr);

      ar->attr = attr;
      ar->fname = fname;
      if (ar->FileType == FT_DELETED) {
         ar->FileIndex = 0;     /* special value */
      } else {
         ar->FileIndex = FileIndex;
      ar->Stream = Stream;
      ar->link = NULL;
      if (jcr->mig_jcr) {
         ar->JobId = jcr->mig_jcr->JobId;
      } else {
         ar->JobId = jcr->JobId;
      ar->Digest = NULL;
      ar->DigestType = CRYPTO_DIGEST_NONE;
      jcr->cached_attribute = true;

      Dmsg2(400, "dird<filed: stream=%d %s\n", Stream, fname);
      Dmsg1(400, "dird<filed: attr=%s\n", attr);
      ROBJECT_DBR ro;

      memset(&ro, 0, sizeof(ro));
      ro.Stream = Stream;
      ro.FileIndex = FileIndex;
      if (jcr->mig_jcr) {
         ro.JobId = jcr->mig_jcr->JobId;
      } else {
         ro.JobId = jcr->JobId;

      Dmsg1(100, "Robj=%s\n", p);

      skip_nonspaces(&p);                  /* skip FileIndex */
      ro.FileType = str_to_int32(p);        /* FileType */
      ro.object_index = str_to_int32(p);    /* Object Index */
      ro.object_len = str_to_int32(p);      /* object length possibly compressed */
      ro.object_full_len = str_to_int32(p); /* uncompressed object length */
      ro.object_compression = str_to_int32(p); /* compression */

      ro.plugin_name = p;                      /* point to plugin name */
      len = strlen(ro.plugin_name);
      ro.object_name = &ro.plugin_name[len+1]; /* point to object name */
      len = strlen(ro.object_name);
      ro.object = &ro.object_name[len+1];      /* point to object */
      ro.object[ro.object_len] = 0;            /* add zero for those who attempt printing */

      Dmsg7(100, "oname=%s stream=%d FT=%d FI=%d JobId=%d, obj_len=%d\nobj=\"%s\"\n",
            ro.object_name, ro.Stream, ro.FileType, ro.FileIndex, ro.JobId,
            ro.object_len, ro.object);

       * Store it.
      if (!db_create_restore_object_record(jcr, jcr->db, &ro)) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Restore object create error. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db));
      if (crypto_digest_stream_type(Stream) != CRYPTO_DIGEST_NONE) {
         fname = p;
         if (ar->FileIndex != FileIndex) {
            Jmsg3(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("%s not same File=%d as attributes=%d\n"),
               stream_to_ascii(Stream), FileIndex, ar->FileIndex);
         } else {
             * Update digest in catalog
            char digestbuf[BASE64_SIZE(CRYPTO_DIGEST_MAX_SIZE)];
            int len = 0;
            int type = CRYPTO_DIGEST_NONE;

            switch(Stream) {
            case STREAM_MD5_DIGEST:
               len = CRYPTO_DIGEST_MD5_SIZE;
               type = CRYPTO_DIGEST_MD5;
            case STREAM_SHA1_DIGEST:
               len = CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA1_SIZE;
               type = CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA1;
            case STREAM_SHA256_DIGEST:
               len = CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA256_SIZE;
               type = CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA256;
            case STREAM_SHA512_DIGEST:
               len = CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA512_SIZE;
               type = CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA512;
                * Never reached ...
               Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Catalog error updating file digest. Unsupported digest stream type: %d"), Stream);

            bin_to_base64(digestbuf, sizeof(digestbuf), fname, len, true);

            Dmsg3(400, "DigestLen=%d Digest=%s type=%d\n", strlen(digestbuf),
                  digestbuf, Stream);

            if (jcr->cached_attribute) {
               ar->Digest = digestbuf;
               ar->DigestType = type;

               Dmsg2(400, "Cached attr with digest. Stream=%d fname=%s\n", ar->Stream, ar->fname);

                * Update BaseFile table
               if (!db_create_attributes_record(jcr, jcr->db, ar)) {
                  Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("attribute create error. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db));
               jcr->cached_attribute = false;
            } else {
               if (!db_add_digest_to_file_record(jcr, jcr->db, ar->FileId, digestbuf, type)) {
                  Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Catalog error updating file digest. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db));