void DpsAppendTarget(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, const char *url, const char *lang, const int hops, int parent) { DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc, *Save; size_t i; TRACE_IN(Indexer, "AppendTarget"); DPS_GETLOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); DPS_GETLOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); if (Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows > 0) { for (i = Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows - 1; i > 0; i--) { Doc = &Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc[i]; if ((strcasecmp(DpsVarListFindStr(&Doc->Sections, "URL", ""), url) == 0) && (strcmp(DpsVarListFindStr(&Doc->RequestHeaders, "Accept-Language", ""), lang) == 0)) { DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; } } } if ((Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc = DpsRealloc(Save = Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc, (Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows + 1) * sizeof(DPS_DOCUMENT))) == NULL) { Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc = Save; DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; } Doc = &Indexer->Conf->Targets.Doc[Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows]; DpsDocInit(Doc); DpsVarListAddStr(&Doc->Sections, "URL", url); DpsVarListAddInt(&Doc->Sections, "Hops", hops); DpsVarListDel(&Doc->Sections, "URL_ID"); DpsVarListReplaceInt(&Doc->Sections, "Referrer-ID", parent); if (*lang != '\0') DpsVarListAddStr(&Doc->RequestHeaders, "Accept-Language", lang); if (DPS_OK == DpsURLAction(Indexer, Doc, DPS_URL_ACTION_FINDBYURL)) { urlid_t url_id = DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc->Sections, "DP_ID", 0); if (url_id != 0) Indexer->Conf->Targets.num_rows++; else DpsDocFree(Doc); } /* fprintf(stderr, "-- AppandTarget: url:%s URL_ID:%d\n", url, DpsStrHash32(url));*/ DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_CONF); DpsURLAction(Indexer, Doc, DPS_URL_ACTION_ADD); DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_THREAD); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; }
static int DoStore(DPS_AGENT *Agent, urlid_t rec_id, Byte *Doc, size_t DocSize, char *Client) { z_stream zstream; DPS_BASE_PARAM P; int rc = DPS_OK; Byte *CDoc = NULL; size_t dbnum = ((size_t)rec_id) % ((Agent->flags & DPS_FLAG_UNOCON) ? Agent->Conf->dbl.nitems : Agent->dbl.nitems); DPS_DB *db = (Agent->flags & DPS_FLAG_UNOCON) ? &Agent->Conf->dbl.db[dbnum] : &Agent->dbl.db[dbnum]; zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL; zstream.zfree = Z_NULL; zstream.opaque = Z_NULL; zstream.next_in = Doc; if (deflateInit2(&zstream, 9, Z_DEFLATED, 15, 9, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) == Z_OK) { zstream.avail_in = DocSize; zstream.avail_out = 2 * DocSize; CDoc = zstream.next_out = (Byte *) DpsMalloc(2 * DocSize + 1); if (zstream.next_out == NULL) { return DPS_ERROR; } deflate(&zstream, Z_FINISH); deflateEnd(&zstream); /* store operations */ bzero(&P, sizeof(P)); P.subdir = "store"; P.basename = "doc"; P.indname = "doc"; P.rec_id = rec_id; P.mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; P.NFiles = (db->StoredFiles) ? db->StoredFiles : DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "StoredFiles", 0x100); P.vardir = (db->vardir) ? db->vardir : DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); P.A = Agent; if (DpsBaseWrite(&P, CDoc, zstream.total_out) != DPS_OK) { DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "store/doc write error: %s", strerror(errno)); rc = DPS_ERROR; } DpsBaseClose(&P); if (rc == DPS_OK) DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "[%s] Stored rec_id: %x Size: %d Ratio: %5.2f%%", Client, rec_id, DocSize, 100.0 * zstream.total_out / DocSize); if (Agent->Flags.OptimizeAtUpdate) { DpsBaseOptimize(&P, ((int)rec_id) >> DPS_BASE_BITS); }
static int MakeNestedIndex(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_UINT8URLIDLIST *L, const char *lim_name, DPS_DB *db) { DPS_ENV *Conf = Indexer->Conf; size_t k, prev; urlid_t *data=NULL; DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN *ind=NULL; size_t mind=1000, nind=0, ndata; char fname[PATH_MAX]; int dat_fd=0, ind_fd=0; int rc=DPS_OK; const char *vardir = (db->vardir) ? db->vardir : DpsVarListFindStr(&Conf->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); if(!L->Item)return(1); if (L->nitems > 1) DpsSort(L->Item, L->nitems, sizeof(DPS_UINT8URLID), (qsort_cmp)cmp_ind8); data = (urlid_t*)DpsMalloc((L->nitems + 1) * sizeof(urlid_t)); if(!data){ DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't alloc %d bytes [%s:%d]", (L->nitems + 1) * sizeof(urlid_t), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } ind=(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN*)DpsMalloc(mind*sizeof(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN)); if(!ind){ DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't alloc %d bytes [%s:%d]", mind * sizeof(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } prev=0; for(k=0; k < L->nitems; k++) { data[k] = L->Item[k].url_id; if((k == L->nitems-1) || (L->Item[k].hi != L->Item[prev].hi) || (L->Item[k].lo != L->Item[prev].lo)) { if(nind==mind){ mind+=1000; ind=(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN*)DpsRealloc(ind,mind*sizeof(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN)); if(!ind) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't alloc %d bytes [%s:%d]", mind * sizeof(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } } /* Fill index */ ind[nind].hi = L->Item[prev].hi; ind[nind].lo = L->Item[prev].lo; ind[nind].pos = prev * sizeof(*data); if (k == L->nitems - 1) ind[nind].len = (k - prev + 1) * sizeof(*data); else ind[nind].len = (k - prev) * sizeof(*data); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "%08X%08X - %d %d\n", ind[nind].hi, ind[nind].lo, (int)ind[nind].pos, ind[nind].len); nind++; prev=k; } } ndata = L->nitems; ClearIndex8(L); dps_snprintf(fname,sizeof(fname)-1,"%s%c%s%c%s.dat", vardir,DPSSLASH, DPS_TREEDIR,DPSSLASH, lim_name); if((dat_fd = DpsOpen3(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | DPS_BINARY, DPS_IWRITE)) < 0) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't open '%s': %s [%s:%d]", fname, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } DpsWriteLock(dat_fd); if((ndata * sizeof(*data)) != (size_t)write(dat_fd, data, ndata * sizeof(*data))) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't write '%s': %s [%s:%d]", fname, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } DpsUnLock(dat_fd); DpsClose(dat_fd); DPS_FREE(data); dps_snprintf(fname,sizeof(fname)-1,"%s%c%s%c%s.ind", vardir, DPSSLASH,DPS_TREEDIR, DPSSLASH, lim_name); if((ind_fd = DpsOpen3(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | DPS_BINARY, DPS_IWRITE)) < 0) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't open '%s': %s [%s:%d]", fname, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } DpsWriteLock(ind_fd); if((nind*sizeof(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN)) != (size_t)write(ind_fd,ind,nind*sizeof(DPS_UINT8_POS_LEN))){ DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't write '%s': %s [%s:%d]", fname, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } DpsUnLock(ind_fd); DpsClose(ind_fd); DPS_FREE(ind); return(0); err1: ClearIndex8(L); DPS_FREE(data); DPS_FREE(ind); if(dat_fd) DpsClose(dat_fd); if(ind_fd) DpsClose(ind_fd); return(1); }
__C_LINK int __DPSCALL DpsCacheMakeIndexes(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_DB *db) { DPS_UINT8URLIDLIST L8; DPS_UINT4URLIDLIST L4; DPS_VARLIST *v = &Indexer->Conf->Vars; size_t i, r; char *ind, *nm, *lfname; bzero(&L4, sizeof(DPS_UINT4URLIDLIST)); bzero(&L8, sizeof(DPS_UINT8URLIDLIST)); r = (size_t) 'l'; for (i = 0; i < v->Root[r].nvars; i++) { if (!strncasecmp("Limit-", v->Root[r].Var[i].name, 6)) { ind = v->Root[r].Var[i].val; lfname = v->Root[r].Var[i].name; nm = lfname + 6; if (!strcasecmp(ind, "category")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Category index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating category index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit8(Indexer, &L8, "Category", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_HEX8STR, db)) { MakeNestedIndex(Indexer, &L8, DPS_LIMFNAME_CAT, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "tag")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Tag index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating tag index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "Tag", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_STRCRC32, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_TAG, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "link")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Link index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating link index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "link", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_INT, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_LINK, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "time")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Time index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating time index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "last_mod_time", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_HOUR, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_TIME, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "hostname")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Hostname index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating hostname index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "url", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_HOSTNAME, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_HOST, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "language")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Language index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating language index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "Content-Language", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_STR2CRC32, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_LANG, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "content")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Content-Type index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating Content-Type index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "Content-Type", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_STRCRC32, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_CTYPE, db); } } else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "siteid")) { /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Site_id index creation", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating Site_id index"); if (DPS_OK == DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L4, "site_id", DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_INT, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, DPS_LIMFNAME_SITE, db); } } else { char *buf, *req, *dbaddr; DPS_DB ldb, *pdb = &ldb; size_t buf_len = dps_strlen(nm) + 16; if ((buf = (char*) DpsMalloc(buf_len * sizeof(char))) == NULL) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't alloc %d chars at %s:%d", buf_len, __FILE__, __LINE__); return DPS_ERROR; } dps_setproctitle("[%d] %s index creation", Indexer->handle, nm); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Creating %s index", nm); dps_snprintf(buf, buf_len, "Req-%s", nm); req = DpsVarListFindStr(&Indexer->Conf->Vars, buf, NULL); if (req != NULL) { dps_snprintf(buf, buf_len, "dbaddr-%s", nm); dbaddr = DpsVarListFindStr(&Indexer->Conf->Vars, buf, NULL); if (dbaddr != NULL) { DpsDBSetAddr(pdb, dbaddr, DPS_OPEN_MODE_READ); } else { pdb = db; } if (!strcasecmp(ind, "nex8str")) { if (DPS_OK == DpsSQLLimit8(Indexer, &L8, req, DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_HEX8STR, pdb)) { MakeNestedIndex(Indexer, &L8, lfname, pdb); } } else { int field_type = DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_INT; if (!strcasecmp(ind, "strcrc32")) field_type = DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_STRCRC32; else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "hour")) field_type = DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_HOUR; else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "hostname")) field_type = DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_HOSTNAME; else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "char2")) field_type = DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_STR2CRC32; else if (!strcasecmp(ind, "int")) field_type = DPS_IFIELD_TYPE_INT; if (DPS_OK == DpsSQLLimit4(Indexer, &L4, req, field_type, db)) { MakeLinearIndex(Indexer, &L4, lfname, db); } } } } /* To see the URL being indexed in "ps" output on xBSD */ dps_setproctitle("[%d] Indexes done.", Indexer->handle); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Done"); } } return DPS_OK; }
static int MakeLinearIndex(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, const char *field, const char *lim_name, int type, DPS_DB *db) { DPS_ENV *Conf = Indexer->Conf; DPS_UINT4URLIDLIST L; size_t k,prev; urlid_t *data = NULL; DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN *ind=NULL; size_t mind=1000,nind=0; char fname[PATH_MAX]; int dat_fd=0, ind_fd=0, rc; const char *vardir = (db->vardir) ? db->vardir : DpsVarListFindStr(&Conf->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); bzero(&L, sizeof(DPS_UINT4URLIDLIST)); rc = DpsLimit4(Indexer, &L, field, type, db); if(rc != DPS_OK) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Error: %s [%s:%d]", DpsEnvErrMsg(Conf), __FILE__, __LINE__); goto err1; } if(!L.Item)return(1); if (L.nitems > 1) DpsSort(L.Item, L.nitems, sizeof(DPS_UINT4URLID), (qsort_cmp)cmp_ind4); data = (urlid_t*)DpsMalloc((L.nitems + 1) * sizeof(*data)); if(!data) { fprintf(stderr,"Error1: %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto err1; } ind=(DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN*)DpsMalloc(mind*sizeof(DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN)); if(!ind) { fprintf(stderr,"Error2: %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto err1; } prev=0; for(k=0; k<L.nitems; k++) { data[k]=L.Item[k].url_id; if((k==L.nitems-1) || (L.Item[k].val!=L.Item[prev].val)) { if(nind==mind) { mind+=1000; ind=(DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN*)DpsRealloc(ind,mind*sizeof(DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN)); if(!ind) { fprintf(stderr,"Error3: %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto err1; } } /* Fill index */ ind[nind].val=L.Item[prev].val; ind[nind].pos = prev * sizeof(*data); if (k == L.nitems - 1) ind[nind].len = (k - prev + 1) * sizeof(*data); else ind[nind].len = (k - prev) * sizeof(*data); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "%d - pos:%x len:%d\n", ind[nind].val, (int)ind[nind].pos, ind[nind].len); nind++; prev=k; } } if (L.mapped) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H if (munmap(L.Item, (L.nitems + 1) * sizeof(DPS_UINT4URLID))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't shmdt '%s': %s\n", L.shm_name, strerror(errno)); } #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_SHM_H) if (shmdt(L.Item)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't shmdt '%s': %s\n", L.shm_name, strerror(errno)); } #endif unlink(L.shm_name); } else { DPS_FREE(L.Item); } dps_snprintf(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s%c%s%c%s.dat", vardir,DPSSLASH, DPS_TREEDIR, DPSSLASH, lim_name); if((dat_fd = DpsOpen3(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | DPS_BINARY, DPS_IWRITE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open '%s': %s\n",fname,strerror(errno)); goto err1; } DpsWriteLock(dat_fd); if((L.nitems * sizeof(*data)) != (size_t)write(dat_fd, data, L.nitems * sizeof(*data))) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't write '%s': %s\n",fname,strerror(errno)); goto err1; } DpsUnLock(dat_fd); DpsClose(dat_fd); DPS_FREE(data); dps_snprintf(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s%c%s%c%s.ind", vardir,DPSSLASH, DPS_TREEDIR, DPSSLASH, lim_name); if((ind_fd = DpsOpen3(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | DPS_BINARY, DPS_IWRITE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open '%s': %s\n",fname,strerror(errno)); goto err1; } DpsWriteLock(ind_fd); if((nind*sizeof(DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN)) != (size_t)write(ind_fd,ind,nind*sizeof(DPS_UINT4_POS_LEN))) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't write '%s': %s\n",fname,strerror(errno)); goto err1; } DpsUnLock(ind_fd); DpsClose(ind_fd); DPS_FREE(ind); return(0); err1: if (L.mapped) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H if (munmap(L.Item, (L.nitems + 1) * sizeof(DPS_UINT4URLID))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't shmdt '%s': %s\n", L.shm_name, strerror(errno)); } #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_SHM_H) if (shmdt(L.Item)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't shmdt '%s': %s\n", L.shm_name, strerror(errno)); } #endif unlink(L.shm_name); } else { DPS_FREE(L.Item); } DPS_FREE(data); DPS_FREE(ind); if(dat_fd) DpsClose(dat_fd); if(ind_fd) DpsClose(ind_fd); return(1); }
int DpsChineseListLoad(DPS_AGENT *Agent, DPS_CHINALIST *List, const char *charset, const char *fname) { struct stat sb; char *str, *data = NULL, *cur_n = NULL; DPS_CHINAWORD chinaword; char word[PATH_MAX]; dpsunicode_t uword[256]; DPS_CHARSET *sys_int, *fcs; DPS_CONV to_uni; int fd; char savebyte; sys_int = DpsGetCharSet("sys-int"); if (!(fcs = DpsGetCharSet(charset))) { if (Agent->Conf->is_log_open) DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Charset '%s' not found or not supported", charset); else fprintf(stderr, "Charset '%s' not found or not supported", charset); return DPS_ERROR; } DpsConvInit(&to_uni, fcs, sys_int, Agent->Conf->CharsToEscape, DPS_RECODE_HTML); if (*fname != '/') { dps_snprintf(word, sizeof(word), "%s/%s", DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Conf->Vars, "EtcDir", DPS_CONF_DIR), fname); fname = word; } if (stat(fname, &sb)) { if (Agent->Conf->is_log_open) DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to stat FreqDic file '%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to stat FrecDic file '%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); return DPS_ERROR; } if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) <= 0) { if (Agent->Conf->is_log_open) DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open FreqDic file '%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open FreqDic file '%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); return DPS_ERROR; } if ((data = (char*)DpsMalloc(sb.st_size + 1)) == NULL) { if (Agent->Conf->is_log_open) DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to alloc %d bytes", sb.st_size); else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to alloc %ld bytes", (long)sb.st_size); close(fd); return DPS_ERROR; } if (read(fd, data, sb.st_size) != (ssize_t)sb.st_size) { if (Agent->Conf->is_log_open) DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read FreqDic file '%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read FreqDic file '%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); DPS_FREE(data); close(fd); return DPS_ERROR; } data[sb.st_size] = '\0'; str = data; cur_n = strchr(str, NL_INT); if (cur_n != NULL) { cur_n++; savebyte = *cur_n; *cur_n = '\0'; } close(fd); bzero((void*)&chinaword, sizeof(chinaword)); chinaword.word = uword; while(str != NULL) { if(!str[0]) goto loop_continue; if(str[0]=='#') goto loop_continue; sscanf(str, "%d %63s ", &chinaword.freq, word ); DpsConv(&to_uni, (char*)uword, sizeof(uword), word, sizeof(word)); DpsChineseListAdd(List, &chinaword); loop_continue: str = cur_n; if (str != NULL) { *str = savebyte; cur_n = strchr(str, NL_INT); if (cur_n != NULL) { cur_n++; savebyte = *cur_n; *cur_n = '\0'; } } } DPS_FREE(data); DpsChineseListSort(List); { register size_t i, j = 0; for (i = 1; i < List->nwords; i++) { if (cmpchinese(&List->ChiWord[j], &List->ChiWord[i]) == 0) { List->ChiWord[j].freq += List->ChiWord[i].freq; } else { j++; } } for (i = j + 1; i < List->nwords; i++) { DPS_FREE(List->ChiWord[i].word); } List->nwords = j + 1; } return DPS_OK; }
int main(int argc,char **argv, char **envp) { int ch, sleeps = 1, optimize = 0, obi = 0; unsigned int from = 0, to = 0xFFF, p_to = 0; DPS_ENV * Env; const char * config_name = DPS_CONF_DIR "/cached.conf"; DpsInit(argc, argv, envp); /* Initialize library */ DpsInitMutexes(); Env=DpsEnvInit(NULL); if (Env == NULL) exit(1); DpsSetLockProc(Env, DpsLockProc); /*#ifndef HAVE_SETPROCTITLE*/ ARGV = argv; ARGC = argc; /*#endif*/ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "blt:f:op:w:v:h?")) != -1){ switch (ch) { case 'f': sscanf(optarg, "%x", &from); break; case 't': sscanf(optarg, "%x", &p_to); break; case 'w': DpsVarListReplaceStr(&Env->Vars, "VarDir", optarg); break; case 'v': DpsSetLogLevel(NULL, atoi(optarg)); break; case 'b': obi++; break; case 'o': optimize++; break; case 'p': sleeps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': default: usage(); DpsEnvFree(Env); DpsDeInit(); DpsDestroyMutexes(); return 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if(argc > 1) { usage(); DpsEnvFree(Env); DpsDeInit(); DpsDestroyMutexes(); return 1; } else if (argc == 1) { config_name = argv[0]; } { DPS_LOGDEL *del_buf=NULL; size_t del_count = 0, log, bytes, n = 0; int dd, log_fd; struct stat sb; char dname[PATH_MAX] = ""; DPS_BASE_PARAM P; DPS_LOGWORD *log_buf = NULL; DPS_AGENT *Indexer = DpsAgentInit(NULL, Env, 0); log2stderr = 1; if (Indexer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't alloc Agent at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(DPS_ERROR); } if(DPS_OK != DpsEnvLoad(Indexer, config_name, (dps_uint8)0)){ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", DpsEnvErrMsg(Env)); DpsEnvFree(Env); DpsDeInit(); DpsDestroyMutexes(); return DPS_ERROR; } DpsOpenLog("splitter", Env, log2stderr); Indexer->flags = Env->flags = DPS_FLAG_UNOCON; DpsVarListAddLst(&Indexer->Vars, &Env->Vars, NULL, "*"); bzero(&P, sizeof(P)); P.subdir = DPS_TREEDIR; P.basename = "wrd"; P.indname = "wrd"; P.mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; P.NFiles = DpsVarListFindInt(&Indexer->Conf->Vars, "WrdFiles", 0x300); P.vardir = DpsStrdup(DpsVarListFindStr(&Indexer->Conf->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR)); P.A = Indexer; if (p_to != 0) to = p_to; else to = P.NFiles - 1; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB P.zlib_method = Z_DEFLATED; P.zlib_level = 9; P.zlib_windowBits = DPS_BASE_WRD_WINDOWBITS; P.zlib_memLevel = 9; P.zlib_strategy = DPS_BASE_WRD_STRATEGY; #endif /* Open del log file */ dps_snprintf(dname,sizeof(dname),"%s%c%s%cdel-split.log", P.vardir, DPSSLASH, DPS_SPLDIR, DPSSLASH); if((dd = DpsOpen2(dname, O_RDONLY | DPS_BINARY)) < 0) { dps_strerror(NULL, 0, "Can't open del log '%s'", dname); exit(DPS_ERROR); } DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "VarDir: %s, WrdFiles: %d [%x]", P.vardir, P.NFiles, P.NFiles); /* Allocate del buffer */ fstat(dd, &sb); if (sb.st_size != 0) { del_buf=(DPS_LOGDEL*)DpsMalloc((size_t)sb.st_size + 1); if (del_buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't alloc %d bytes at %s:%d\n", (int)sb.st_size, __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(0); } del_count=read(dd,del_buf,(size_t)sb.st_size)/sizeof(DPS_LOGDEL); } DpsClose(dd); /* Remove duplicates URLs in DEL log */ /* Keep only oldest records for each URL */ if (del_count > 0) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Sorting del_buf: %d items", del_count); if (del_count > 1) DpsSort(del_buf, (size_t)del_count, sizeof(DPS_LOGDEL), DpsCmpurldellog); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Removing DelLogDups"); del_count = DpsRemoveDelLogDups(del_buf, del_count); } DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Processing Bufs from %d [%x] to %d [%x]", from, from, to, to); for(log = from; log <= to; log++) { /* Open log file */ dps_snprintf(dname, sizeof(dname), "%s%c%s%c%03X-split.log", P.vardir, DPSSLASH, DPS_SPLDIR, DPSSLASH, log); if((log_fd = DpsOpen2(dname, O_RDWR|DPS_BINARY)) < 0){ if (errno == ENOENT) { dps_strerror(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Can't open '%s'", dname); n = 0; /* continue;*/ } else { dps_strerror(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't open '%s'", dname); continue; } } else { DpsWriteLock(log_fd); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Processing Log: %x", log); fstat(log_fd, &sb); log_buf = (sb.st_size > 0) ? (DPS_LOGWORD*)DpsMalloc((size_t)sb.st_size + 1) : NULL; if (log_buf != NULL) { unlink(dname); bytes = read(log_fd,log_buf,(size_t)sb.st_size); (void)ftruncate(log_fd, (off_t)0); DpsUnLock(log_fd); DpsClose(log_fd); n = bytes / sizeof(DPS_LOGWORD); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Sorting log_buf: %d items", n); if (n > 1) DpsSort(log_buf, n, sizeof(DPS_LOGWORD), (qsort_cmp)DpsCmplog); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Removing OldWords"); n = DpsRemoveOldWords(log_buf, n, del_buf, del_count); if (n > 1) DpsSort(log_buf, n, sizeof(DPS_LOGWORD), (qsort_cmp)DpsCmplog_wrd); } else { n = 0; DpsUnLock(log_fd); DpsClose(log_fd); } } DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Processing Buf, optimize: %d", optimize); if (obi) DpsBaseOptimize(&P, log); DpsProcessBuf(Indexer, &P, log, log_buf, n, del_buf, del_count); if (optimize) DpsBaseOptimize(&P, log); DpsBaseClose(&P); DPS_FREE(log_buf); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "pas done: %d from %d to %d", log, from, to); DPSSLEEP(sleeps); } DPS_FREE(del_buf); DpsAgentFree(Indexer); DPS_FREE(P.vardir); } fprintf(stderr, "Splitting done.\n"); DpsEnvFree(Env); DpsDeInit(); DpsDestroyMutexes(); #ifdef EFENCE fprintf(stderr, "Memory leaks checking\n"); DpsEfenceCheckLeaks(); #endif #ifdef FILENCE fprintf(stderr, "FD leaks checking\n"); DpsFilenceCheckLeaks(NULL); #endif return 0; }
void RelLink(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_URL *curURL, DPS_URL *newURL, char **str, int ReverseAliasFlag) { const char *schema = newURL->schema ? newURL->schema : curURL->schema; const char *hostname = newURL->hostname ? newURL->hostname : curURL->hostname; const char *auth = newURL->auth ? newURL->auth : curURL->auth; const char *path = (newURL->path && newURL->path[0]) ? newURL->path : curURL->path; const char *fname = ((newURL->filename && newURL->filename[0]) || (newURL->path && newURL->path[0])) ? newURL->filename : curURL->filename; const char *query_string = newURL->query_string; char *pathfile = (char*)DpsMalloc(dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(path)) + dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(fname)) + dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(query_string)) + 5); int cascade; DPS_MATCH *Alias; char *alias = NULL; size_t aliassize, nparts = 10; DPS_MATCH_PART Parts[10]; if (newURL->hostinfo == NULL) newURL->charset_id = curURL->charset_id; if (pathfile == NULL) return; /* sprintf(pathfile, "/%s%s%s", DPS_NULL2EMPTY(path), DPS_NULL2EMPTY(fname), DPS_NULL2EMPTY(query_string));*/ pathfile[0] = '/'; dps_strcpy(pathfile + 1, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(path)); dps_strcat(pathfile, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(fname)); dps_strcat(pathfile, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(query_string)); DpsURLNormalizePath(pathfile); if (!strcasecmp(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), "mailto") || !strcasecmp(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), "javascript") || !strcasecmp(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), "feed") ) { *str = (char*)DpsMalloc(dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema)) + dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(newURL->specific)) + 4); if (*str == NULL) return; /* sprintf(*str, "%s:%s", DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), DPS_NULL2EMPTY(newURL->specific));*/ dps_strcpy(*str, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema)); dps_strcat(*str, ":"); dps_strcat(*str, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(newURL->specific)); } else if(/*!strcasecmp(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), "file") ||*/ !strcasecmp(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), "htdb")) { *str = (char*)DpsMalloc(dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema)) + dps_strlen(pathfile) + 4); if (*str == NULL) return; /* sprintf(*str, "%s:%s", DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), pathfile);*/ dps_strcpy(*str, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema)); dps_strcat(*str, ":"); dps_strcat(*str, pathfile); }else{ *str = (char*)DpsMalloc(dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema)) + dps_strlen(pathfile) + dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(hostname)) + dps_strlen(DPS_NULL2EMPTY(auth)) + 8); if (*str == NULL) return; /* sprintf(*str, "%s://%s%s", DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema), DPS_NULL2EMPTY(hostinfo), pathfile);*/ dps_strcpy(*str, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(schema)); dps_strcat(*str, "://"); if (auth) { dps_strcat(*str, auth); dps_strcat(*str,"@"); } dps_strcat(*str, DPS_NULL2EMPTY(hostname)); dps_strcat(*str, pathfile); } if(!strncmp(*str, "ftp://", 6) && (strstr(*str, ";type="))) *(strstr(*str, ";type")) = '\0'; DPS_FREE(pathfile); if (ReverseAliasFlag) { const char *alias_prog = DpsVarListFindStr(&Indexer->Vars, "ReverseAliasProg", NULL); if (alias_prog) { int result; aliassize = 256 + 2 * dps_strlen(*str); alias = (char*)DpsRealloc(alias, aliassize); if (alias == NULL) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "No memory (%d bytes). %s line %d", aliassize, __FILE__, __LINE__); goto ret; } alias[0] = '\0'; result = DpsAliasProg(Indexer, alias_prog, *str, alias, aliassize - 1); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "ReverseAliasProg result: '%s'", alias); if(result != DPS_OK) goto ret; DPS_FREE(*str); *str = (char*)DpsStrdup(alias); } for(cascade = 0; ((Alias=DpsMatchListFind(&Indexer->Conf->ReverseAliases,*str,nparts,Parts))) && (cascade < 1024); cascade++) { aliassize = dps_strlen(Alias->arg) + dps_strlen(Alias->pattern) + dps_strlen(*str) + 128; alias = (char*)DpsRealloc(alias, aliassize); if (alias == NULL) { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "No memory (%d bytes). %s line %d", aliassize, __FILE__, __LINE__); goto ret; } DpsMatchApply(alias,aliassize,*str,Alias->arg,Alias,nparts,Parts); if(alias[0]){ DpsLog(Indexer,DPS_LOG_DEBUG,"ReverseAlias%d: pattern:%s, arg:%s -> '%s'", cascade, Alias->pattern, Alias->arg, alias); DPS_FREE(*str); *str = (char*)DpsStrdup(alias); } else break; if (Alias->last) break; } } ret: DPS_FREE(alias); }
int DpsCloneListSearchd(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc, DPS_RESULT *Res, DPS_DB *db) { DPS_SEARCHD_PACKET_HEADER hdr; ssize_t nsent,nrecv; char *msg = NULL, *dinfo = NULL; char *tok, *lt; char buf[128]; int done = 0; int rc = DPS_OK; TRACE_IN(Indexer, "DpsCloneListSearchd"); dps_snprintf(buf, 128, "%s", DpsVarListFindStr(&Doc->Sections, "DP_ID", "0")); hdr.cmd = DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_CLONES; hdr.len = dps_strlen(buf); nsent = DpsSearchdSendPacket(db->searchd, &hdr, buf); while(!done){ nrecv = DpsRecvall(db->searchd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), 360); if(nrecv != sizeof(hdr)){ DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Received incomplete header from searchd (%d bytes)", (int)nrecv); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return(DPS_ERROR); }else{ #ifdef DEBUG_SDP DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Received header cmd=%d len=%d\n", hdr.cmd, hdr.len); #endif } switch(hdr.cmd){ case DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_ERROR: msg = (char*)DpsMalloc(hdr.len + 1); if (msg == NULL) { done=1; break; } nrecv = DpsRecvall(db->searchd, msg, hdr.len, 360); msg[(nrecv >= 0) ? nrecv : 0] = '\0'; sprintf(Indexer->Conf->errstr, "Searchd error: '%s'", msg); rc = DPS_ERROR; DPS_FREE(msg); done = 1; break; case DPS_SEARCHD_CMD_DOCINFO: dinfo = (char*)DpsMalloc(hdr.len + 1); if (dinfo == NULL) { done=1; break; } nrecv = DpsRecvall(db->searchd, dinfo, hdr.len, 360); dinfo[(nrecv >= 0) ? nrecv : 0] = '\0'; #ifdef DEBUG_SDP DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Received DOCINFO size=%d buf=%s\n", hdr.len, dinfo); #endif if (strcasecmp(dinfo, "nocloneinfo") != 0) { tok = dps_strtok_r(dinfo, "\r\n", <, NULL); while(tok){ DPS_DOCUMENT *D; size_t nd = Res->num_rows++; Res->Doc = (DPS_DOCUMENT*)DpsRealloc(Res->Doc, (Res->num_rows + 1) * sizeof(DPS_DOCUMENT)); if (Res->Doc == NULL) { sprintf(Indexer->Conf->errstr, "Realloc error"); rc = DPS_ERROR; break; } D = &Res->Doc[nd]; DpsDocInit(D); DpsDocFromTextBuf(D, tok); tok = dps_strtok_r(NULL, "\r\n", <, NULL); } } DPS_FREE(dinfo); done = 1; break; default: sprintf(Indexer->Conf->errstr, "Unknown searchd response: cmd=%d len=%d", hdr.cmd, hdr.len); rc = DPS_ERROR; done = 1; break; } } TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return rc; }
int __DPSCALL DpsFindWordsSearchd(DPS_AGENT *query, DPS_RESULT *Res, DPS_DB *searchd) { size_t maxlen = 1024; char *request, *edf = NULL, *e_empty = NULL; const char *df = DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "DateFormat", NULL); const char *empty = DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "empty", NULL); const char *qs = DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "QUERY_STRING", ""); const char *tmplt = DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "tmplt", ""); int res=DPS_OK; TRACE_IN(query, "DpsFindWordsSearchd"); if (df) { edf = (char*)DpsMalloc(dps_strlen(df) * 10 + 1); if (edf == NULL) { sprintf(query->Conf->errstr,"Can't allocate memory"); TRACE_OUT(query); return DPS_ERROR; } DpsEscapeURL(edf, df); maxlen += dps_strlen(edf); } if (empty) { e_empty = (char*)DpsMalloc(dps_strlen(empty) * 10 + 1); if (e_empty == NULL) { sprintf(query->Conf->errstr, "Can't allocate memory"); TRACE_OUT(query); return DPS_ERROR; } DpsEscapeURL(e_empty, empty); maxlen += dps_strlen(e_empty); } maxlen += dps_strlen(qs) + dps_strlen(tmplt) + 64; if (NULL==(request=(char*)DpsMalloc(maxlen))) { sprintf(query->Conf->errstr,"Can't allocate memory"); DPS_FREE(edf); TRACE_OUT(query); return DPS_ERROR; } dps_snprintf(request, maxlen, "%s&BrowserCharset=%s&IP=%s&g-lc=%s&ExcerptSize=%s&ExcerptPadding=%s&DoExcerpt=%s&tmplt=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s&sp=%s&sy=%s&s=%s", qs, DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "BrowserCharset", "iso-8859-1"), DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "IP", "localhost"), DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "g-lc", "en"), DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "ExcerptSize", "256"), DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "ExcerptPadding", "40"), (query->Flags.do_excerpt) ? "yes" : "no", tmplt, (edf) ? "&DateFormat=" : "", (edf) ? edf : "", (e_empty) ? "&empty=" : "", (e_empty) ? e_empty : "", (searchd->label) ? "&label=" : "", (searchd->label) ? searchd->label : "", DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "sp", "1"), DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "sy", "1"), DpsVarListFindStr(&query->Vars, "s", "RP") ); DPS_FREE(edf); DPS_FREE(e_empty); request[maxlen-1]='\0'; res = DpsSearchdSendWordRequest(query, searchd, request); DPS_FREE(request); if (DPS_OK != res) { TRACE_OUT(query); return res; } /* res = DpsSearchdGetWordResponse(query, Res, searchd); called later from DpsFind */ TRACE_OUT(query); return res; }
void DpsParseHTTPResponse(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc) { char *token, *lt, *headers, savec; int status, oldstatus; DPS_DSTR header; time_t now, last_mod_time; Doc->Buf.content=NULL; oldstatus = DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc->Sections, "Status", 0); DpsVarListReplaceInt(&Doc->Sections, "ResponseSize", (int)Doc->Buf.size); DpsVarListDel(&Doc->Sections, "Content-Length"); /* DpsVarListDel(&Doc->Sections, "Last-Modified");*/ /* if it's not deleted Lat-Modified equals to the first appearance in db */ if (Doc->Buf.buf == NULL) return; /* Cut HTTP response header first */ for(token=Doc->Buf.buf;*token;token++){ if(!strncmp(token,"\r\n\r\n",4)){ if (token <= Doc->Buf.buf + Doc->Buf.size - 4) { *token='\0'; Doc->Buf.content = token + 4; } break; } else if(!strncmp(token,"\n\n",2)){ if (token <= Doc->Buf.buf + Doc->Buf.size - 2) { *token='\0'; Doc->Buf.content = token + 2; } break; } } /* Bad response, return */ if(!Doc->Buf.content) { if (token <= Doc->Buf.buf + Doc->Buf.size - 4) { if (token[2] == CR_CHAR) Doc->Buf.content = token + 4; else Doc->Buf.content = token + 2; } } /* Copy headers not to break them */ headers = (char*)DpsStrdup(Doc->Buf.buf); /* Now lets parse response header lines */ token = dps_strtok_r(headers, "\r\n", <, &savec); if(!token) { DpsFree(headers); return; } if(!strncmp(token,"HTTP/",5)){ status = atoi(token + 8); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&Doc->Sections,"ResponseLine",token); DpsVarListReplaceInt(&Doc->Sections, "Status", (oldstatus > status) ? oldstatus : status ); }else{ DpsFree(headers); return; } token = dps_strtok_r(NULL, "\r\n", <, &savec); DpsDSTRInit(&header, 128); while(token){ if(strchr(token,':')) { if (header.data_size) { DpsParseHTTPHeader(Indexer, Doc, &header); DpsDSTRFree(&header); DpsDSTRInit(&header, 128); } } DpsDSTRAppendStr(&header, token); token = dps_strtok_r(NULL, "\r\n", <, &savec); } if (header.data_size) { DpsParseHTTPHeader(Indexer, Doc, &header); } DpsDSTRFree(&header); DPS_FREE(headers); { now = Indexer->now; last_mod_time = DpsHttpDate2Time_t(DpsVarListFindStr(&Doc->Sections, "Last-Modified", "")); if (last_mod_time > now + 3600 * 4) { /* we have a document with Last-Modified time in the future */ DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "Last-Modified date is deep in future (%d>%d), dropping it.", last_mod_time, now); DpsVarListDel(&Doc->Sections, "Last-Modified"); } } /* Bad response, return */ if(!Doc->Buf.content) { return; } DpsVarListReplaceInt(&Doc->Sections,"Content-Length", Doc->Buf.buf-Doc->Buf.content+(int)Doc->Buf.size + DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc->Sections,"Content-Length", 0)); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv, char **envp) { const char *env, *bcharset, *lcharset, *conf_dir; char template_name[PATH_MAX+6]=""; char *template_filename = NULL; char *query_string = NULL; char self[1024]=""; char *url = NULL; const char *ResultContentType; int res,httpd=0; size_t catcolumns = 0; int page_size,page_number; DPS_ENV *Env; DPS_AGENT *Agent; DPS_VARLIST query_vars; /* Output Content-type if under HTTPD */ /* Some servers do not pass QUERY_STRING */ /* if the query was empty, so check */ /* REQUEST_METHOD too to be safe */ httpd=(getenv("QUERY_STRING")||getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")); if (!(conf_dir=getenv("DPS_ETC_DIR"))) conf_dir=DPS_CONF_DIR; DpsInit(argc, argv, envp); Env=DpsEnvInit(NULL); if (Env == NULL) { if(httpd){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); } printf("Can't alloc Env\n"); exit(0); } DpsVarListInit(&query_vars); Agent = DpsAgentInit(NULL, Env, 0); if (Agent == NULL) { if(httpd){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); } printf("Can't alloc Agent\n"); exit(0); } DpsVarListAddEnviron(&Env->Vars,"ENV"); /* Detect self and template name */ if((env = getenv("DPSEARCH_TEMPLATE"))) dps_strncpy(template_name, env, sizeof(template_name) - 1); else if((env = getenv("PATH_INFO")) && env[0]) dps_strncpy(template_name, env + 1, sizeof(template_name) - 1); if((env=getenv("DPSEARCH_SELF"))) dps_strncpy(self,env,sizeof(self)-1); if((env=getenv("QUERY_STRING"))){ query_string = (char*)DpsRealloc(query_string, dps_strlen(env) + 2); if (query_string == NULL) { if(httpd){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); } printf("Can't alloc query_string\n"); exit(0); } dps_strncpy(query_string, env, dps_strlen(env) + 1); /* Hack for Russian Apache from apache.lexa.ru */ /* QUERY_STRING is already converted to server */ /* character set. We must print original query */ /* string instead however. Under usual apache */ /* we'll use QUERY_STRING. Note that query_vars */ /* list will contain not unescaped values, so */ /* we don't have to escape them when displaying */ env = getenv("CHARSET_SAVED_QUERY_STRING"); DpsParseQStringUnescaped(&query_vars,env?env:query_string); /* Unescape and save variables from QUERY_STRING */ /* Env->Vars will have unescaped values however */ DpsParseQueryString(Agent,&Env->Vars,query_string); template_filename = (char*)DpsStrdup(DpsVarListFindStr(&Env->Vars, "tmplt", "")); if((env=getenv("REDIRECT_STATUS"))){ /* Check Apache internal redirect */ /* via "AddHandler" and "Action" */ if(!self[0]){ dps_strncpy(self,(env=getenv("REDIRECT_URL"))?env:"filler.cgi",sizeof(self)-1); } if(!template_name[0]){ dps_strncpy(template_name,(env=getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED"))?env:"",sizeof(template_name)-1); } if (*template_filename == '\0') { DPS_FREE(template_filename); template_filename = (char*)DpsStrdup("filler.htm"); } }else{ /* CGI executed without Apache internal redirect */ /* Detect $Self variable with OS independant SLASHES */ if(!self[0]){ dps_strncpy(self,(env=getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"))?env:"filler.cgi",sizeof(self)-1); } if(!template_name[0]){ char *s,*e; /*This is with OS specific SLASHES */ env=((env=getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME"))?env:"filler.cgi"); if(strcmp(conf_dir,".")){ /* Take from the config directory */ dps_snprintf(template_name, sizeof(template_name)-1, "%s/%s", conf_dir,(s=strrchr(env,DPSSLASH))?(s+1):(self)); }else{ /* Take from the current directory */ dps_strncpy(template_name,env,sizeof(template_name)-1); } /* Find right slash if it presents */ s=((s=strrchr(template_name,DPSSLASH))?s:template_name); if (*template_filename == '\0') { /* Find .cgi substring */ if ((e = strstr(s, ".cgi")) != NULL) { /* Replace ".cgi" with ".htm" */ e[1]='h';e[2]='t';e[3]='m'; } else { dps_strcat(s, ".htm"); } e = strrchr(s, '/'); DPS_FREE(template_filename); template_filename = (char*)DpsStrdup(e + 1); } else { dps_strncpy(s + 1, template_filename, sizeof(template_name) - (s - template_name) - 2); } } } }else{ /* Executed from command line */ /* or under server which does not */ /* pass an empty QUERY_STRING var */ if(argv[1]) { query_string = (char*)DpsRealloc(query_string, dps_strlen(argv[1]) + 10); if (query_string == NULL) { if(httpd){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); } printf("Can't realloc query_string\n"); exit(0); } sprintf(query_string, "q=%s", argv[1]); } else { query_string = (char*)DpsRealloc(query_string, 1024); if (query_string == NULL) { if(httpd){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); } printf("Can't realloc query_string\n"); exit(0); } sprintf(query_string, "q="); } /* Hack for Russian Apache from apache.lexa.ru */ /* QUERY_STRING is already converted to server */ /* character set. We must print original query */ /* string instead however. Under usual apache */ /* we'll use QUERY_STRING. Note that query_vars */ /* list will contain not unescaped values, so */ /* we don't have to escape them when displaying */ env = getenv("CHARSET_SAVED_QUERY_STRING"); DpsParseQStringUnescaped(&query_vars,env?env:query_string); /* Unescape and save variables from QUERY_STRING */ /* Env->Vars will have unescaped values however */ DpsParseQueryString(Agent,&Env->Vars,query_string); DPS_FREE(template_filename); template_filename = (char*)DpsStrdup(DpsVarListFindStr(&Env->Vars, "tmplt", "")); if (*template_filename == '\0') { DPS_FREE(template_filename); template_filename = (char*)DpsStrdup("filler.htm"); } /*// Get template name from command line variable &tmplt */ if(!template_name[0]) dps_snprintf(template_name,sizeof(template_name),"%s/%s", conf_dir, template_filename); } DpsVarListReplaceStr(&Agent->Conf->Vars, "tmplt", template_filename); DPS_FREE(template_filename); Agent->tmpl.Env_Vars = &Env->Vars; DpsURLNormalizePath(template_name); if (strncmp(template_name, conf_dir, dps_strlen(conf_dir)) || (res = DpsTemplateLoad(Agent, Env, &Agent->tmpl, template_name))) { if (strcmp(template_name, "filler.htm")) { /* trying load default template */ fprintf(stderr, "Can't load template: '%s' %s\n", template_name, Env->errstr); DPS_FREE(template_filename); template_filename = (char*)DpsStrdup("filler.htm"); dps_snprintf(template_name, sizeof(template_name), "%s/%s", conf_dir, template_filename); if ((res = DpsTemplateLoad(Agent, Env, &Agent->tmpl, template_name))) { if(httpd)printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); printf("%s\n",Env->errstr); DpsVarListFree(&query_vars); DpsEnvFree(Env); DPS_FREE(query_string); DpsAgentFree(Agent); return(0); } } else { if(httpd)printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); printf("%s\n",Env->errstr); DpsVarListFree(&query_vars); DpsEnvFree(Env); DPS_FREE(query_string); DpsAgentFree(Agent); return(0); } } /* set locale if specified */ if ((url = DpsVarListFindStr(&Env->Vars, "Locale", NULL)) != NULL) { setlocale(LC_ALL, url); /*#ifdef HAVE_ASPELL*/ { char *p; if ((p = strchr(url, '.')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; DpsVarListReplaceStr(&Env->Vars, "g-lc", url); *p = '.'; } } /*#endif*/ url = NULL; } /* Call again to load search Limits if need */ DpsParseQueryString(Agent, &Env->Vars, query_string); Agent->Flags = Env->Flags; Agent->flags |= DPS_FLAG_UNOCON; Env->flags |= DPS_FLAG_UNOCON; DpsSetLogLevel(NULL, DpsVarListFindInt(&Env->Vars, "LogLevel", 0)); DpsOpenLog("filler.cgi", Env, !strcasecmp(DpsVarListFindStr(&Env->Vars, "Log2stderr", (!httpd) ? "yes" : "no"), "yes")); DpsLog(Agent,DPS_LOG_ERROR,"filler.cgi started with '%s'",template_name); DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "VarDir: '%s'", DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Conf->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR)); DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Affixes: %d, Spells: %d, Synonyms: %d, Acronyms: %d, Stopwords: %d", Env->Affixes.naffixes,Env->Spells.nspell, Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms, Env->Acronyms.nacronyms, Env->StopWords.nstopwords); DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Chinese dictionary with %d entries", Env->Chi.nwords); DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Korean dictionary with %d entries", Env->Korean.nwords); DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "Thai dictionary with %d entries", Env->Thai.nwords); DpsVarListAddLst(&Agent->Vars, &Env->Vars, NULL, "*"); Agent->tmpl.Env_Vars = &Agent->Vars; /* DpsVarListAddEnviron(&Agent->Vars, "ENV");*/ /****************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* This is for query tracking */ DpsVarListAddStr(&Agent->Vars, "QUERY_STRING", query_string); DpsVarListAddStr(&Agent->Vars, "self", self); env = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDER_FOR"); if (env) { DpsVarListAddStr(&Agent->Vars, "IP", env); } else { env = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); DpsVarListAddStr(&Agent->Vars, "IP", env ? env : "localhost"); } bcharset = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "BrowserCharset", "iso-8859-1"); Env->bcs=DpsGetCharSet(bcharset); lcharset = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "LocalCharset", "iso-8859-1"); Env->lcs=DpsGetCharSet(lcharset); ResultContentType = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "ResultContentType", "text/html"); if(httpd){ if(!Env->bcs){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); printf("Unknown BrowserCharset '%s' in template '%s'\n",bcharset,template_name); exit(0); }else if(!Env->lcs){ printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); printf("Unknown LocalCharset '%s' in template '%s'\n",lcharset,template_name); exit(0); }else{ printf("Content-type: %s; charset=%s\r\n\r\n", ResultContentType, bcharset); } }else{ if(!Env->bcs){ printf("Unknown BrowserCharset '%s' in template '%s'\n",bcharset,template_name); exit(0); } if(!Env->lcs){ printf("Unknown LocalCharset '%s' in template '%s'\n",lcharset,template_name); exit(0); } } /* These parameters taken from "variable section of template"*/ res = DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "ps", DPS_DEFAULT_PS); page_size = dps_min(res, MAX_PS); page_number = DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "p", 0); if (page_number == 0) { page_number = DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "np", 0); DpsVarListReplaceInt(&Agent->Vars, "p", page_number + 1); } else page_number--; res = DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "np", 0) * page_size; DpsVarListAddInt(&Agent->Vars, "pn", res); catcolumns = (size_t)atoi(DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "CatColumns", "")); DpsTemplatePrint(Agent, (DPS_OUTPUTFUNCTION)&fprintf, stdout, NULL, 0, &Agent->tmpl, "top"); DpsTemplatePrint(Agent, (DPS_OUTPUTFUNCTION)&fprintf, stdout, NULL, 0, &Agent->tmpl, "restop"); DpsTemplatePrint(Agent, (DPS_OUTPUTFUNCTION)&fprintf, stdout, NULL, 0, &Agent->tmpl, "res"); DpsTemplatePrint(Agent, (DPS_OUTPUTFUNCTION)&fprintf, stdout, NULL, 0, &Agent->tmpl, "resbot"); DpsTemplatePrint(Agent, (DPS_OUTPUTFUNCTION)&fprintf, stdout, NULL, 0, &Agent->tmpl, "bottom"); DpsVarListFree(&query_vars); DpsAgentFree(Agent); DpsEnvFree(Env); DPS_FREE(query_string); DPS_FREE(url); if (httpd) fflush(NULL); else fclose(stdout); #ifdef EFENCE fprintf(stderr, "Memory leaks checking\n"); DpsEfenceCheckLeaks(); #endif #ifdef FILENCE fprintf(stderr, "FD leaks checking\n"); DpsFilenceCheckLeaks(NULL); #endif return DPS_OK; }
extern __C_LINK int __DPSCALL DpsBaseRelocate(DPS_AGENT *Agent, int base_type) { DPS_BASE_PARAM O, N; DPS_BASE_PARAM *Old = &O, *New = &N; size_t base, i, ndel, mdel = 128, data_len; urlid_t *todel = (int*)DpsMalloc(128 * sizeof(urlid_t)); void *data; bzero(Old, sizeof(O)); bzero(New, sizeof(N)); switch(base_type) { case 0: /* stored */ Old->subdir = "store"; Old->basename = "doc"; Old->indname = "doc"; Old->mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; Old->NFiles = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "OldStoredFiles", 0x100); Old->vardir = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); Old->A = Agent; New->subdir = "store"; New->basename = "doc"; New->indname = "doc"; New->mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; New->NFiles = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "StoredFiles", 0x100); New->vardir = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); New->A = Agent; DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_INFO, "Relocating stored database"); break; case 1: /* URL data */ Old->subdir = DPS_URLDIR; Old->basename = "info"; Old->indname = "info"; Old->mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; Old->NFiles = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "OldURLDataFiles", 0x300); Old->vardir = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); Old->A = Agent; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB O.zlib_method = Z_DEFLATED; O.zlib_level = 9; O.zlib_windowBits = DPS_BASE_INFO_WINDOWBITS; O.zlib_memLevel = 9; O.zlib_strategy = DPS_BASE_INFO_STRATEGY; #endif New->subdir = DPS_URLDIR; New->basename = "info"; New->indname = "info"; New->mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; New->NFiles = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "URLDataFiles", 0x300); New->vardir = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); New->A = Agent; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB N.zlib_method = Z_DEFLATED; N.zlib_level = 9; N.zlib_windowBits = DPS_BASE_INFO_WINDOWBITS; N.zlib_memLevel = 9; N.zlib_strategy = DPS_BASE_INFO_STRATEGY; #endif DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_INFO, "Relocating URLData database"); break; case 2: /* tree wrd */ Old->subdir = DPS_TREEDIR; Old->basename = "wrd"; Old->indname = "wrd"; Old->mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; Old->NFiles = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "OldWrdFiles", 0x300); Old->vardir = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); Old->A = Agent; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB O.zlib_method = Z_DEFLATED; O.zlib_level = 9; O.zlib_windowBits = DPS_BASE_WRD_WINDOWBITS; O.zlib_memLevel = 9; O.zlib_strategy = DPS_BASE_WRD_STRATEGY; #endif New->subdir = DPS_TREEDIR; New->basename = "wrd"; New->indname = "wrd"; New->mode = DPS_WRITE_LOCK; New->NFiles = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Agent->Vars, "WrdFiles", 0x300); New->vardir = DpsVarListFindStr(&Agent->Vars, "VarDir", DPS_VAR_DIR); New->A = Agent; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB N.zlib_method = Z_DEFLATED; N.zlib_level = 9; N.zlib_windowBits = DPS_BASE_WRD_WINDOWBITS; N.zlib_memLevel = 9; N.zlib_strategy = DPS_BASE_WRD_STRATEGY; #endif DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_INFO, "Relocating Wrd database"); break; default: DPS_FREE(todel); return DPS_OK; } for (base = 0; base < O.NFiles; base++) { ndel = 0; if (have_sigterm || have_sigint || have_sigalrm) { DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "%s signal received. Exiting chackup", (have_sigterm) ? "SIGTERM" : (have_sigint) ? "SIGINT" : "SIGALRM"); DpsBaseClose(Old); DpsBaseClose(New); DPS_FREE(todel); return DPS_OK; } Old->rec_id = (urlid_t)(base << DPS_BASE_BITS); if (DpsBaseOpen(Old, DPS_READ_LOCK) != DPS_OK) { DpsBaseClose(Old); DpsBaseClose(New); continue; } if (lseek(O.Ifd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) { DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't seeek for file %s", Old->Ifilename); DpsBaseClose(Old); DpsBaseClose(New); DPS_FREE(todel); return DPS_ERROR; } while (read(Old->Ifd, &Old->Item, sizeof(DPS_BASEITEM)) == sizeof(DPS_BASEITEM)) { if (Old->Item.rec_id != 0) { if (ndel >= mdel) { mdel += 128; todel = (urlid_t*)DpsRealloc(todel, mdel * sizeof(urlid_t)); if (todel == NULL) { DpsBaseClose(Old); DpsBaseClose(New); DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't realloc %d bytes %s:%d", mdel * sizeof(urlid_t), __FILE__, __LINE__); DPS_FREE(todel); return DPS_ERROR; } } todel[ndel++] = Old->Item.rec_id; } } DpsBaseClose(Old); for (i = 0; i < ndel; i++) { Old->rec_id = todel[i]; data = DpsBaseARead(Old, &data_len); if (data == NULL) continue; DpsBaseDelete(Old); DpsBaseClose(Old); New->rec_id = todel[i]; DpsBaseWrite(New, data, data_len); DpsBaseClose(New); DPS_FREE(data); } DpsLog(Agent, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "\tbase: %d [0x%x], %d records relocated", base, base, ndel); } DPS_FREE(todel); for (base = N.NFiles; base < O.NFiles; base++) { Old->rec_id = (urlid_t)(base << DPS_BASE_BITS); if (DpsBaseOpen(Old, DPS_READ_LOCK) != DPS_OK) { DpsBaseClose(Old); continue; } unlink(O.Ifilename); unlink(O.Sfilename); DpsBaseClose(Old); } return DPS_OK; }
void DpsCookiesFind(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_SERVER *Server, DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc, const char *hostinfo) { #ifdef HAVE_SQL DPS_DSTR cookie; DPS_COOKIES *Cookies = &Indexer->Cookies; DPS_COOKIE *Coo; size_t i, blen = dps_strlen(hostinfo), slen; int have_no_cookies = DpsVarListFindInt(&Doc->Sections, "have_no_cookies", 1); #ifdef WITH_PARANOIA void *paran = DpsViolationEnter(paran); #endif TRACE_IN(Indexer, "DpsCookiesFind"); DpsDSTRInit(&cookie, 1024); for(i = 0; i < Cookies->ncookies; i++) { Coo = &Cookies->Cookie[i]; slen = dps_strlen(Coo->domain); if (slen > blen) continue; if (Coo->secure == 'y' && strcasecmp(Doc->CurURL.schema, "https")) continue; if (strncasecmp(Coo->path, Doc->CurURL.path, dps_strlen(Coo->path))) continue; if (strcasecmp(Coo->domain, hostinfo + (blen - slen))) continue; if (Coo->from_config != 1) have_no_cookies = 0; if (Coo->name[0] == '\0' && Coo->value[0] == '\0') continue; if (cookie.data_size) DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "; ", 2); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, Coo->name); DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "=", 1); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, Coo->value); } if (have_no_cookies) { char buf[2*PATH_MAX]; dpshash32_t url_id; DPS_DB *db; DPS_SQLRES Res; size_t rows; int rc; if (Server != NULL) { char *PingData = DpsVarListFindStr(&Server->Vars, "AuthPing", NULL); if (PingData != NULL) { char *AuthPing = DpsStrdup(DpsTrim(PingData, " \t\r\n")); int method = DPS_METHOD_GET; dps_base64_decode(AuthPing, PingData, dps_strlen(PingData)); if (!strncasecmp(AuthPing, "GET", 3)) { method = DPS_METHOD_GET; PingData = DpsTrim(AuthPing + 3, " \t\r\n"); } else if (!strncasecmp(AuthPing, "POST", 4)) { method = DPS_METHOD_POST; PingData = DpsTrim(AuthPing + 4, " \t\r\n"); } else { DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "AuthPing should be GET or POST: %s", AuthPing); PingData = NULL; } if (PingData != NULL) { size_t size = dps_strlen(PingData); { char PingURL[size + 2]; char PingBody[size]; DPS_DOCUMENT *rDoc; int result; rDoc = DpsDocInit(NULL); DpsSpiderParamInit(&rDoc->Spider); DpsVarList2Doc(rDoc, Server); rDoc->Buf.max_size = (size_t)DpsVarListFindInt(&Indexer->Vars, "MaxDocSize", DPS_MAXDOCSIZE); rDoc->Buf.allocated_size = DPS_NET_BUF_SIZE; if ((rDoc->Buf.buf = (char*)DpsMalloc(rDoc->Buf.allocated_size + 1)) == NULL) { DpsDocFree(rDoc); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; } rDoc->Buf.buf[0]='\0'; rDoc->subdoc = Indexer->Flags.SubDocLevel + 1; #if 1 dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s://%s/", DPS_NULL2EMPTY(Doc->CurURL.schema), DPS_NULL2EMPTY(Doc->CurURL.hostinfo)); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "URL", buf); DpsURLParse(&rDoc->CurURL, buf); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_INFO, "HOME: %s", buf); rDoc->method = DPS_METHOD_HEAD; /* DpsVarListFree(&rDoc->RequestHeaders);*/ if (Doc != NULL) { DpsVarListReplaceLst(&rDoc->RequestHeaders, &Doc->RequestHeaders, NULL, "*"); } DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "have_no_cookies", "0"); DpsDocAddDocExtraHeaders(Indexer, Server, rDoc); DpsDocAddConfExtraHeaders(Indexer->Conf, rDoc); DpsVarListReplaceLst(&rDoc->Sections, &Server->Vars, NULL, "*"); DpsDocAddServExtraHeaders(Server, rDoc); DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->RequestHeaders, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "HOME.Request"); if (Doc == NULL || Indexer->Flags.cmd == DPS_IND_FILTER) { DpsDocLookupConn(Indexer, rDoc); } else { DPS_FREE(rDoc->connp.connp); rDoc->connp = Doc->connp; } result = DpsGetURL(Indexer, rDoc, NULL); /* Just get headers from the home as we need only Cookies from it */ DpsDocProcessResponseHeaders(Indexer, rDoc); DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->Sections, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "HOME.Response"); #endif sscanf(PingData, "%s %s", PingURL, PingBody); if (rDoc->method == DPS_METHOD_GET) { dps_strcat(PingURL, "?"); dps_strcat(PingURL, PingBody); } else { DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "body", PingBody); } DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "URL", PingURL); DpsURLParse(&rDoc->CurURL, PingURL); DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_INFO, "AUTH.PING: %s", PingURL); rDoc->method = method; DpsVarListFree(&rDoc->RequestHeaders); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->Sections, "have_no_cookies", "0"); DpsDocAddDocExtraHeaders(Indexer, Server, rDoc); DpsDocAddConfExtraHeaders(Indexer->Conf, rDoc); DpsVarListReplaceLst(&rDoc->Sections, &Server->Vars, NULL, "*"); DpsDocAddServExtraHeaders(Server, rDoc); if (method == DPS_METHOD_POST) { dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=%s", DpsVarListFindStr(&Indexer->Conf->Vars, "LocalCharset", "iso-8859-1")); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->RequestHeaders, "Content-Type", buf); dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", dps_strlen(PingBody)); DpsVarListReplaceStr(&rDoc->RequestHeaders, "Content-Length", buf); } DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->RequestHeaders, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "AUTHPING.Request"); #if 0 if (Doc == NULL || Indexer->Flags.cmd == DPS_IND_FILTER) { DpsDocLookupConn(Indexer, rDoc); } else { DPS_FREE(rDoc->connp.connp); rDoc->connp = Doc->connp; } #endif result = DpsGetURL(Indexer, rDoc, NULL); /* Just get it as we need only Cookies from the headers */ DpsDocProcessResponseHeaders(Indexer, rDoc); DpsVarListDel(&rDoc->Sections, "body"); DpsVarListLog(Indexer, &rDoc->Sections, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "AUTHPING.Response"); if (Doc != NULL) bzero(&rDoc->connp, sizeof(rDoc->connp)); DpsDocFree(rDoc); } } DpsFree(AuthPing); } } while(hostinfo != NULL) { url_id = DpsStrHash32(hostinfo); DpsSQLResInit(&Res); dps_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SELECT name,value,path,secure FROM cookies WHERE domain='%s'", hostinfo); if (Indexer->flags & DPS_FLAG_UNOCON) { DPS_GETLOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_DB); db = Indexer->Conf->dbl.db[url_id % Indexer->Conf->dbl.nitems]; } else { db = Indexer->dbl.db[url_id % Indexer->dbl.nitems]; } if(DPS_OK == (rc = DpsSQLQuery(db, &Res, buf))) { rows = DpsSQLNumRows(&Res); for(i = 0; i < rows; i++) { DpsCookiesAdd(Indexer, hostinfo, DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 2), DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 0), DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 1), *DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 3), 0, 0, 0); if (*DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 3) == 'y' && strcasecmp(Doc->CurURL.schema, "https")) continue; if (strncasecmp(DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 2), Doc->CurURL.path, dps_strlen(DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 2)))) continue; if (cookie.data_size) DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "; ", 2); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 0)); DpsDSTRAppend(&cookie, "=", 1); DpsDSTRAppendStr(&cookie, DpsSQLValue(&Res, i, 1)); } if (rows == 0) { DpsCookiesAdd(Indexer, hostinfo, "/", "", "", 'n', 0, 0, 0); } } DpsSQLFree(&Res); if (Indexer->flags & DPS_FLAG_UNOCON) { DPS_RELEASELOCK(Indexer, DPS_LOCK_DB); } hostinfo = strchr(hostinfo, '.'); if (hostinfo != NULL) hostinfo++; } } if (cookie.data_size) { DpsVarListReplaceStr(&Doc->RequestHeaders, "Cookie", cookie.data); } DpsDSTRFree(&cookie); #endif TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return; }