Пример #1
bool ExportFFmpeg::EncodeAudioFrame(int16_t *pFrame, int frameSize)
   AVPacket	pkt;
   int		nBytesToWrite = 0;
   uint8_t *	pRawSamples = NULL;
   int		nAudioFrameSizeOut = mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size * mEncAudioCodecCtx->channels * sizeof(int16_t);
   if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size == 1) nAudioFrameSizeOut = mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz;
   int      ret;

   nBytesToWrite = frameSize;
   pRawSamples  = (uint8_t*)pFrame;
   FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_realloc(&mEncAudioFifo, FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo) + frameSize);
   FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_realloc2(mEncAudioFifo, FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo) + frameSize);
   // Put the raw audio samples into the FIFO.
   ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_write(&mEncAudioFifo, pRawSamples, nBytesToWrite,NULL);
   ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_write(mEncAudioFifo, pRawSamples, nBytesToWrite,NULL);
   wxASSERT(ret == nBytesToWrite);

   // Read raw audio samples out of the FIFO in nAudioFrameSizeOut byte-sized groups to encode.
   while ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo)) >= nAudioFrameSizeOut)
      ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_read(&mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nAudioFrameSizeOut);
   while ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo)) >= nAudioFrameSizeOut)
      ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_read(mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nAudioFrameSizeOut, NULL);

      pkt.size = FFmpegLibsInst->avcodec_encode_audio(mEncAudioCodecCtx, 
         mEncAudioEncodedBuf, mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz,		// out
         (int16_t*)mEncAudioFifoOutBuf);				// in
      if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size == 1) { wxASSERT(pkt.size == mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz); }
      if (pkt.size < 0)
         wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't encode audio frame."));
         return false;

      // Rescale from the codec time_base to the AVStream time_base.
      if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->coded_frame && mEncAudioCodecCtx->coded_frame->pts != int64_t(AV_NOPTS_VALUE))
         pkt.pts = FFmpegLibsInst->av_rescale_q(mEncAudioCodecCtx->coded_frame->pts, mEncAudioCodecCtx->time_base, mEncAudioStream->time_base);
      //wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : (%d) Writing audio frame with PTS: %lld."), mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_number, pkt.pts);

      pkt.stream_index = mEncAudioStream->index;
      pkt.data = mEncAudioEncodedBuf;
      pkt.flags |= PKT_FLAG_KEY;

      // Write the encoded audio frame to the output file.
      if ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_interleaved_write_frame(mEncFormatCtx, &pkt)) != 0)
         wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Failed to write audio frame to file."));
         return false;
   return true;

int ExportFFmpeg::Export(AudacityProject *project,
                       int channels, wxString fName,
                       bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, Tags *metadata, int subformat)
   if (!CheckFFmpegPresence())
      return false;
   mChannels = channels;
   // subformat index may not correspond directly to fmts[] index, convert it
   mSubFormat = AdjustFormatIndex(subformat);
   if (channels > ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels)
      wxLogMessage(wxT("Attempted to export %d channels, but max. channels = %d"),channels,ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels);
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Attempted to export %d channels, but max. channels for selected output format is %d"),channels,ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels),_("Error"));
      return false;
   mName = fName;
   TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks();
   bool ret = true;

   if (mSubFormat >= FMT_LAST) return false;
   wxString shortname(ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].shortname);
   if (mSubFormat == FMT_OTHER)
      shortname = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFormat"),wxT("matroska"));
   ret = Init(shortname.mb_str(),project, metadata);

   if (!ret) return false;

   int pcmBufferSize = 1024;
   int numWaveTracks;
   WaveTrack **waveTracks;
   tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks);
   Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks,
      t0, t1,
      channels, pcmBufferSize, true,
      mSampleRate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec);
   delete [] waveTracks;

   ProgressDialog *progress = new ProgressDialog(wxFileName(fName).GetName(),
      selectionOnly ?
      wxString::Format(_("Exporting selected audio as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description) :
   wxString::Format(_("Exporting entire file as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description));

   int updateResult = eProgressSuccess;

   while(updateResult == eProgressSuccess) {
      sampleCount pcmNumSamples = mixer->Process(pcmBufferSize);

      if (pcmNumSamples == 0)

      short *pcmBuffer = (short *)mixer->GetBuffer();


      updateResult = progress->Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0, t1-t0);

   delete progress;

   delete mixer;


   return updateResult;

void AddStringTagUTF8(char field[], int size, wxString value)
      memcpy(field,value.ToUTF8(),(int)strlen(value.ToUTF8()) > size -1 ? size -1 : strlen(value.ToUTF8()));
Пример #2
int ExportFFmpeg::Export(AudacityProject *project,
                       int channels, const wxString &fName,
                       bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, const Tags *metadata, int subformat)
   if (!CheckFFmpegPresence())
      return false;
   mChannels = channels;
   // subformat index may not correspond directly to fmts[] index, convert it
   mSubFormat = AdjustFormatIndex(subformat);
   if (channels > ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels)
               _("Attempted to export %d channels, but maximum number of channels for selected output format is %d"),
      return false;
   mName = fName;
   TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks();
   bool ret = true;

   if (mSubFormat >= FMT_LAST) return false;

   wxString shortname(ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].shortname);
   if (mSubFormat == FMT_OTHER)
      shortname = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFormat"),wxT("matroska"));
   ret = Init(shortname.mb_str(),project, metadata, subformat);

   if (!ret) return false;

   int pcmBufferSize = 1024;
   int numWaveTracks;
   WaveTrack **waveTracks;
   tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks);
   Mixer *mixer = CreateMixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks,
      t0, t1,
      channels, pcmBufferSize, true,
      mSampleRate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec);
   delete[] waveTracks;

   int updateResult = eProgressSuccess;
      ProgressDialog progress(wxFileName(fName).GetName(),
         selectionOnly ?
         wxString::Format(_("Exporting selected audio as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description) :
         wxString::Format(_("Exporting entire file as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description));

      while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess) {
         sampleCount pcmNumSamples = mixer->Process(pcmBufferSize);

         if (pcmNumSamples == 0)

         short *pcmBuffer = (short *)mixer->GetBuffer();

         EncodeAudioFrame(pcmBuffer, (pcmNumSamples)*sizeof(int16_t)*mChannels);

         updateResult = progress.Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() - t0, t1 - t0);

   delete mixer;


   return updateResult;