Пример #1
void bp_add(float4 *data)
	int doff = 0;
	int3 boff;
	int itmp = brick_count % B_COUNT;
	boff.x = itmp;
	itmp = (brick_count-boff.x)/B_COUNT;
	boff.y = itmp % B_COUNT;
	boff.z = (itmp-boff.y) / B_COUNT;
	F3MULS(boff, boff, B_SIZE);
	for(int z=0; z < B_SIZE; z++)
	for(int y=0; y < B_SIZE; y++)
			data+doff, sizeof(float4)*B_SIZE);
		doff += B_SIZE;
Пример #2
void gen_oct(MESH *m, char *filename)
	// place each point into the oct-tree
	OctTree *tree = oct_new(100000, 500000);
	int depth = 6;
	float total = (float)(B_EDGE-1) / (float)B_EDGE;
	for(int i=0; i<m->nv; i++)
		F3MULS(m->v[i], m->v[i], total);
		int leaf = oct_leaf(tree, &m->v[i], depth);
		ListInt2 *tmp = malloc(sizeof(ListInt2));
		tmp->x = i;
		tmp->y = tree->brick[leaf].nv;
		tmp->next = tree->brick[leaf].v;
		tree->brick[leaf].v = tmp;

	printf("TreeBlock/Brick = (%d %d)\n",
			tree->blockcount, tree->brickcount);

//	tree->brickcount ++;
	unsigned int buf_size = 16*B_CUBE;
	float4 (*bricktex)[B_EDGE][B_EDGE] = malloc(buf_size);
	memset(bricktex, 0, buf_size);
	int3 index;
	int3 itmp;
	int id, idt;
	ListInt2 *tmp;

	printf("Generating Voxel bricks.\n");
	int lastbrickcount = tree->brickcount;
	for(int i=0; i<lastbrickcount; i++)
//		printf("Brick #%d. %d\n", i, tree->brick[i].nv);
		tmp = tree->brick[i].v;
		for(int j=0; j<tree->brick[i].nv && tmp; j++) //while(tmp)
			index.x = ((int)(m->v[tmp->x].x * (7<<depth)) % (B_SIZE-1))+1;
			index.y = ((int)(m->v[tmp->x].y * (7<<depth)) % (B_SIZE-1))+1;
			index.z = ((int)(m->v[tmp->x].z * (7<<depth)) % (B_SIZE-1))+1;
			id = i;
			itmp.x = id % B_COUNT;
			idt = (id-itmp.x) / B_COUNT;
			itmp.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			itmp.z = (idt-itmp.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(itmp, itmp, (B_SIZE));
			F3ADD(index, index, itmp);
			F3COPY(bricktex[index.z][index.y][index.x], m->n[tmp->x]);
			bricktex[index.z][index.y][index.x].w = 1.0f;
			tmp = tmp->next;


	printf("Copy neighbour voxels.\n");
	for(int i=1; i<tree->brickcount; i++)
		float size = tree->location[i].w;
		int3 d,s;
		d.x = i % B_COUNT;
		idt = (i-d.x) / B_COUNT;
		d.y = idt % B_COUNT;
		d.z = (idt-d.y) / B_COUNT;
		F3MULS(d, d, B_SIZE);

		int src;
		float3 pos;

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*1.5;
		pos.y += size * 0.5;
		pos.z += size * 0.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			for(int x=0; x<B_SIZE; x++)
			for(int y=0; y<B_SIZE; y++)
		bricktex[s.z+x][s.y+y][s.x] = bricktex[d.z+x][d.y+y][d.x+7];

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*0.5;
		pos.y += size*1.5;
		pos.z += size*0.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			for(int x=1; x<B_SIZE; x++)
			for(int y=1; y<B_SIZE; y++)
		bricktex[s.z+x][s.y][s.x+y] = bricktex[d.z+x][d.y+7][d.x+y];

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*0.5;
		pos.y += size*0.5;
		pos.z += size*1.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			for(int x=1; x<B_SIZE; x++)
			for(int y=1; y<B_SIZE; y++)
			bricktex[s.z][s.y+x][s.x+y] = bricktex[d.z+7][d.y+x][d.x+y];

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*1.5;
		pos.y += size*1.5;
		pos.z += size*0.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			for(int x=1; x<B_SIZE; x++)
			bricktex[s.z+x][s.y][s.x] = bricktex[d.z+x][d.y+7][d.x+7];

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*1.5;
		pos.y += size*0.5;
		pos.z += size*1.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			for(int x=1; x<B_SIZE; x++)
			bricktex[s.z][s.y+x][s.x] = bricktex[d.z+7][d.y+x][d.x+7];

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*0.5;
		pos.y += size*1.5;
		pos.z += size*1.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			for(int x=1; x<B_SIZE; x++)
			bricktex[s.z][s.y][s.x+x] = bricktex[d.z+7][d.y+7][d.x+x];

		F3COPY(pos, tree->location[i]);
		pos.x += size*1.5;
		pos.y += size*1.5;
		pos.z += size*1.5;
		src = oct_read(tree, &pos);
			s.x = src % B_COUNT;
			idt = (src-s.x) / B_COUNT;
			s.y = idt % B_COUNT;
			s.z = (idt-s.y) / B_COUNT;
			F3MULS(s, s, B_SIZE);

			bricktex[s.z][s.y][s.x] = bricktex[d.z+7][d.y+7][d.x+7];

	printf("TreeBlock/Brick = (%d %d)\n",
			tree->blockcount, tree->brickcount);
	printf("Walking the normals.\n");
	for(int i=1; i<tree->brickcount; i++)


	printf("Writing \"%s\".\n", filename);
	FILE *fptr = fopen(filename, "wb");
	int zero = 0;
	fwrite("VOCT", 4, 1, fptr);
	fwrite(&tree->blockcount, 4, 1, fptr);
	fwrite(&tree->brickcount, 4, 1, fptr);
	fwrite(&zero, 4, 1, fptr);
	fwrite(tree->block, tree->blockcount, sizeof(OctBlock), fptr);

	z_stream strm = { .zalloc=Z_NULL, .zfree=Z_NULL, .opaque=Z_NULL };
	int ret = deflateInit(&strm, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
	if(ret != Z_OK)
		printf("deflateInit() failed.\n");
#define CHUNK (256 * 1024)
	unsigned char in[CHUNK];
	unsigned char out[CHUNK];
	int row = sizeof(float4)*B_SIZE;

	int have, inoff = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<tree->brickcount; i++)
		int3 boff;
		int itmp = i % B_COUNT;
		boff.x = itmp;
		itmp = (i-boff.x) / B_COUNT;
		boff.y = itmp % B_COUNT;
		boff.z = (itmp-boff.y) / B_COUNT;
		F3MULS(boff, boff, B_SIZE);
		for(int z=0; z < B_SIZE; z++)
		for(int y=0; y < B_SIZE; y++)
			memcpy(in+inoff, &bricktex[boff.z+z][boff.y+y][boff.x], row);
			inoff += row;
			if(inoff+row > CHUNK)
				strm.next_in = in;
				strm.avail_in = inoff;
					strm.avail_out = CHUNK;
					strm.next_out = out;
					ret = deflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
//					assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR);
					have = CHUNK - strm.avail_out;
					fwrite(out, have, 1, fptr);
				} while (strm.avail_out == 0);
//				assert(strm.avail_in == 0);
				inoff = 0;
//		fwrite(&bricktex[boff.z+z][boff.y+y][boff.x],
//				sizeof(float4)*B_SIZE, 1, fptr);
	strm.next_in = in;
	strm.avail_in = inoff;
		strm.avail_out = CHUNK;
		strm.next_out = out;
		ret = deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);
//		assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR);
		have = CHUNK - strm.avail_out;
		fwrite(out, have, 1, fptr);
	} while (strm.avail_out == 0);
//	assert(strm.avail_in == 0);

//	fwrite(bricktex, 16*B_CUBE, 1, fptr);
//	fwrite(bricktex[B_EDGE], 16*B_CUBE, 1, fptr);