Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int n, nfirst, nlast, ninc, nlast_unb, i, irep,
    nrepeats, nb_alg;

    dtime, dtime_best, 
    gflops, max_gflops,
    diff, d_n;

    A, Aref, Aold, delta;
  /* Initialize FLAME */
  FLA_Init( );

  /* Every time trial is repeated "repeat" times and the fastest run in recorded */
  printf( "%% number of repeats:" );
  scanf( "%d", &nrepeats );
  printf( "%% %d\n", nrepeats );

  /* Enter the max GFLOPS attainable 
     This is used to set the y-axis range for the graphs. Here is how
     you figure out what to enter (on Linux machines):
     1) more /proc/cpuinfo   (this lists the contents of this file).
     2) read through this and figure out the clock rate of the machine (in GHz).
     3) Find out (from an expert of from the web) the number of floating point
        instructions that can be performed per core per clock cycle.
     4) Figure out if you are using "multithreaded BLAS" which automatically
        parallelize calls to the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.  If so,
        check how many cores are available.
     5) Multiply 2) x 3) x 4) and enter this in response to the below.

     If you enter a value for max GFLOPS that is lower that the maximum that
     is observed in the experiments, then the top of the graph is set to the 
     observed maximum.  Thus, one possibility is to simply set this to 0.0.

  printf( "%% enter max GFLOPS:" );
  scanf( "%lf", &max_gflops );
  printf( "%% %lf\n", max_gflops );

  /* Enter the algorithmic block size */
  printf( "%% enter nb_alg:" );
  scanf( "%d", &nb_alg );
  printf( "%% %d\n", nb_alg );

  /* Timing trials for matrix sizes n=nfirst to nlast in increments 
     of ninc will be performed.  Unblocked versions are only tested to
     nlast_unb */
  printf( "%% enter nfirst, nlast, ninc, nlast_unb:" );
  scanf( "%d%d%d%d", &nfirst, &nlast, &ninc, &nlast_unb );
  printf( "%% %d %d %d %d\n", nfirst, nlast, ninc, nlast_unb );

  i = 1;
  for ( n=nfirst; n<= nlast; n+=ninc ){
    /* Allocate space for the matrices */
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, n, n, 1, n, &A );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, n, n, 1, n, &Aref );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, n, n, 1, n, &Aold );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, 1, 1, 1, 1, &delta );

    /* Generate random matrix A and save in Aold */
    FLA_Random_matrix( Aold );

    /* Add something large to the diagonal to make sure it isn't ill-conditionsed */
    d_n = ( double ) n;
    *( ( double * ) FLA_Obj_buffer_at_view( delta ) ) = d_n;
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, delta, Aold );
    /* Set gflops = billions of floating point operations that will be performed */
    gflops = 1.0/3.0 * n * n * n * 1.0e-09;

    /* Time the reference implementation */

    //    if ( n <= nlast_unb )
      for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
	FLA_Copy( Aold, Aref );
	dtime = FLA_Clock();
	REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, Aref, nb_alg );
	dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;
	if ( irep == 0 ) 
	  dtime_best = dtime;
	  dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );
      printf( "data_REF( %d, 1:2 ) = [ %d %le ];\n", i, n,
	      gflops / dtime_best );
      fflush( stdout );

    /* Time FLA_Chol */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock();


      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
	dtime_best = dtime;
	dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    printf( "data_FLAME( %d, 1:2 ) = [ %d %le ];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best );

    if ( gflops / dtime_best > max_gflops ) 
      max_gflops = gflops / dtime_best;

    fflush( stdout );

    /* Time the your implementations */

    /* Variant 1 unblocked */
    if ( n <= nlast_unb ){
      for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){

	FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
	dtime = FLA_Clock();

	Chol_unb_var1( A );
	REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, A, nb_alg );

	dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

	if ( irep == 0 ) 
	  dtime_best = dtime;
	  dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

      diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

      printf( "data_unb_var1( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
	      gflops / dtime_best, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 1 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      Chol_blk_var1( A, nb_alg );
      REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
	dtime_best = dtime;
	dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var1( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 2 unblocked */
    if ( n <= nlast_unb ){
      for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
	FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
	dtime = FLA_Clock();

	Chol_unb_var2( A );
      REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, A, nb_alg );

	dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;
	if ( irep == 0 ) 
	  dtime_best = dtime;
	  dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );
      diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );
      printf( "data_unb_var2( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
	      gflops / dtime_best, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 2 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      Chol_blk_var2( A, nb_alg );
      REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
	dtime_best = dtime;
	dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var2( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 3 unblocked */
    if ( n <= nlast_unb ){
      for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
	FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
	dtime = FLA_Clock();
	Chol_unb_var3( A );
      REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, A, nb_alg );

	dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;
	if ( irep == 0 ) 
	  dtime_best = dtime;
	  dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );
      diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );
      printf( "data_unb_var3( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
	      gflops / dtime_best, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 3 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      Chol_blk_var3( A, nb_alg );
      REF_Chol( TIME_LAPACK, A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
	dtime_best = dtime;
	dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var3( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    FLA_Obj_free( &A );
    FLA_Obj_free( &Aold );
    FLA_Obj_free( &Aref );
    FLA_Obj_free( &delta );
    printf( "\n" );


  /* Print the MATLAB commands to plot the data */

  /* Delete all existing figures */
  printf( "close all\n" );

  /* Plot the performance of FLAME */
  printf( "plot( data_FLAME( :,1 ), data_FLAME( :, 2 ), '-k;libflame;' ); \n" );

  /* Indicate that you want to add to the existing plot */
  printf( "hold on\n" );

  /* Plot the performance of the reference implementation */
  printf( "plot( data_REF( :,1 ), data_REF( :, 2 ), '-m;reference;' ); \n" );

  /* Plot the performance of your implementations */
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var1( :,1 ), data_unb_var1( :, 2 ), \"-rx;UnbVar1;\" ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var2( :,1 ), data_unb_var2( :, 2 ), \"-go;UnbVar2;\" ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var3( :,1 ), data_unb_var3( :, 2 ), \"-b*;UnbVar3;\" ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var1( :,1 ), data_blk_var1( :, 2 ), \"-rx;BlkVar1;\", \"markersize\", 3 ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var2( :,1 ), data_blk_var2( :, 2 ), \"-go;BlkVar2;\", \"markersize\", 3  ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var3( :,1 ), data_blk_var3( :, 2 ), \"-b*;BlkVar3;\", \"markersize\", 3  ); \n" );


  /* Plot the performance of FLAME */
  printf( "plot( data_FLAME( :,1 ), data_FLAME( :, 2 ), 'k--' ); \n" );

  /* Indicate that you want to add to the existing plot */
  printf( "hold on\n" );

  /* Plot the performance of the reference implementation */
  printf( "plot( data_REF( :,1 ), data_REF( :, 2 ), 'k-' ); \n" );

  /* Plot the performance of your implementations */
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var1( :,1 ), data_unb_var1( :, 2 ), 'r-.x' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var2( :,1 ), data_unb_var2( :, 2 ), 'g-.o' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var3( :,1 ), data_unb_var3( :, 2 ), 'b-.*' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var1( :,1 ), data_blk_var1( :, 2 ), 'r-x'); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var2( :,1 ), data_blk_var2( :, 2 ), 'g-o'); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var3( :,1 ), data_blk_var3( :, 2 ), 'b-*'); \n" );

  printf( "hold off \n");

  printf( "xlabel( 'matrix dimension m=n' );\n");
  printf( "ylabel( 'GFLOPS/sec.' );\n");
  printf( "axis( [ 0 %d 0 %3.1f ] ); \n", nlast, max_gflops );

  printf( "legend( 2 ); \n" );

  printf(" print -landscape -solid -color -deps -F:24 Chol.eps\n" );
  printf( "legend( 'FLA Chol', ...\n");
  printf( "        'Simple loops', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var1', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var2', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var3', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var1', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var2', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var3', 2);\n");

  printf( "print -r100 -dpdf Chol.pdf\n");

  FLA_Finalize( );

  exit( 0 );
Пример #2
FLA_Error FLA_Lyap_n_unb_var4( FLA_Obj isgn, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj C )
  FLA_Obj ATL,   ATR,      A00,  a01,     A02, 
          ABL,   ABR,      a10t, alpha11, a12t,
                           A20,  a21,     A22;

  FLA_Obj CTL,   CTR,      C00,  c01,     C02, 
          CBL,   CBR,      c10t, gamma11, c12t,
                           C20,  c21,     C22;

  FLA_Obj WTL,   WTR,      W00,  w01,     W02,
          WBL,   WBR,      w10t, omega11, w12t,
                           W20,  w21,     W22;

  FLA_Obj W, omega;

  FLA_Scal( isgn, C );

  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, A, &W );
  FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &omega );

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,    &ATL, &ATR,
                      &ABL, &ABR,     0, 0, FLA_BR );

  FLA_Part_2x2( C,    &CTL, &CTR,
                      &CBL, &CBR,     0, 0, FLA_BR );

  FLA_Part_2x2( W,    &WTL, &WTR,
                      &WBL, &WBR,     0, 0, FLA_BR );

  while ( FLA_Obj_length( CTL ) > 0 ){

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, /**/ ATR,       &A00,  &a01,     /**/ &A02,
                                                &a10t, &alpha11, /**/ &a12t,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                           ABL, /**/ ABR,       &A20,  &a21,     /**/ &A22,
                           1, 1, FLA_TL );

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( CTL, /**/ CTR,       &C00,  &c01,     /**/ &C02,
                                                &c10t, &gamma11, /**/ &c12t,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                           CBL, /**/ CBR,       &C20,  &c21,     /**/ &C22,
                           1, 1, FLA_TL );

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( WTL, /**/ WTR,       &W00,  &w01,     /**/ &W02,
                                                &w10t, &omega11, /**/ &w12t,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                           WBL, /**/ WBR,       &W20,  &w21,     /**/ &W22,
                           1, 1, FLA_TL );


    // gamma11 = gamma11 / ( alpha11 + alpha11' );
    FLA_Copyt( FLA_CONJ_NO_TRANSPOSE, alpha11, omega );
    FLA_Mult_add( FLA_ONE, alpha11, omega );
    FLA_Inv_scal( omega, gamma11 );

    // c01 = c01 - a01 * gamma11;
    FLA_Axpys( FLA_MINUS_ONE, gamma11, a01, FLA_ONE, c01 );

    // c01 = inv( triu(A00) + conj(alpha) * I ) * c01;
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_CONJUGATE, alpha11, W00 );

    // C00 = C00 - a01 * c01' - c01 * a01';


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &ATL, /**/ &ATR,       A00,  /**/ a01,     A02,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                                                     a10t, /**/ alpha11, a12t,
                              &ABL, /**/ &ABR,       A20,  /**/ a21,     A22,
                              FLA_BR );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &CTL, /**/ &CTR,       C00,  /**/ c01,     C02,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                                                     c10t, /**/ gamma11, c12t,
                              &CBL, /**/ &CBR,       C20,  /**/ c21,     C22,
                              FLA_BR );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &WTL, /**/ &WTR,       W00,  /**/ w01,     W02,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                                                     w10t, /**/ omega11, w12t,
                              &WBL, /**/ &WBR,       W20,  /**/ w21,     W22,
                              FLA_BR );

  FLA_Obj_free( &W );
  FLA_Obj_free( &omega );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    p_first, p_last, p_inc,
    i, j,
    n_param_combos = N_PARAM_COMBOS;

  int sign;
  char *colors = "brkgmcbrkg";
  char *ticks  = "o+*xso+*xs";
  char m_dim_desc[14];
  char n_dim_desc[14];
  char m_dim_tag[10];
  char n_dim_tag[10];

  double max_gflops=6.0;


    A, C, C_ref, scale, isgn, norm;


  fprintf( stdout, "%c number of repeats:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &n_repeats );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', n_repeats );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c Enter sign (-1 or 1):", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &sign );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', sign );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c enter problem size first, last, inc:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d%d%d", &p_first, &p_last, &p_inc );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d %d %d\n", '%', p_first, p_last, p_inc );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c enter m (-1 means bind to problem size): ", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &m_input );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', m_input );

  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  if     ( m_input >  0 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = %d", m_input );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dc", m_input);
  else if( m_input <  -1 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = p/%d", -m_input );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dp", -m_input );
  else if( m_input == -1 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = p" );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dp", 1 );

  if ( 0 < sign )
    isgn = FLA_ONE;
    isgn = FLA_MINUS_ONE;

  //datatype = FLA_FLOAT;
  datatype = FLA_DOUBLE;
  //datatype = FLA_COMPLEX;
  //datatype = FLA_DOUBLE_COMPLEX;

  for ( p = p_first, i = 1; p <= p_last; p += p_inc, i += 1 )
    m = m_input;

    if( m < 0 ) m = p / abs(m_input);

    for ( param_combo = 0; param_combo < n_param_combos; param_combo++ ){

      FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &A );
      FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &C );
      FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &C_ref );

      FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );
      FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &norm );

      FLA_Norm1( A, norm );
      FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, norm, A );

      FLA_Random_matrix( C );
      FLA_Hermitianize( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, C );

      fprintf( stdout, "data_lyap_%s( %d, 1:5 ) = [ %d  ", pc_str[param_combo], i, p );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Lyap( param_combo, FLA_ALG_REFERENCE, n_repeats, m,
                 isgn, A, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Lyap( param_combo, FLA_ALG_FRONT, n_repeats, m,
                 isgn, A, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      fprintf( stdout, " ]; \n" );
      fflush( stdout );

      FLA_Obj_free( &A );
      FLA_Obj_free( &C );
      FLA_Obj_free( &C_ref );
      FLA_Obj_free( &scale );
      FLA_Obj_free( &norm );

    fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "figure;\n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "hold on;\n" );

  for ( i = 0; i < n_param_combos; i++ ) {
    fprintf( stdout, "plot( data_lyap_%s( :,1 ), data_lyap_%s( :, 2 ), '%c:%c' ); \n",
            pc_str[i], pc_str[i], colors[ i ], ticks[ i ] );
    fprintf( stdout, "plot( data_lyap_%s( :,1 ), data_lyap_%s( :, 4 ), '%c-.%c' ); \n",
            pc_str[i], pc_str[i], colors[ i ], ticks[ i ] );

  fprintf( stdout, "legend( ... \n" );

  for ( i = 0; i < n_param_combos; i++ )
    fprintf( stdout, "'ref\\_lyap\\_%s', 'fla\\_lyap\\_%s', ... \n", pc_str[i], pc_str[i] );

  fprintf( stdout, "'Location', 'SouthEast' ); \n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "xlabel( 'problem size p' );\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "ylabel( 'GFLOPS/sec.' );\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "axis( [ 0 %d 0 %.2f ] ); \n", p_last, max_gflops );
  fprintf( stdout, "title( 'FLAME lyap front-end performance (%s)' );\n", m_dim_desc );
  fprintf( stdout, "print -depsc lyap_front_%s.eps\n", m_dim_tag );
  fprintf( stdout, "hold off;\n");
  fflush( stdout );

  FLA_Finalize( );

  return 0;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    m_input, n_input,
    m, n,
    p_first, p_last, p_inc,
    i, j,
    n_variants = 18;

  int  sign;
  int  blocksize[16];

  char *colors = "brkgmcbrkg";
  char *ticks  = "o+*xso+*xs";
  char m_dim_desc[14];
  char n_dim_desc[14];
  char m_dim_tag[10];
  char n_dim_tag[10];

  double max_gflops=6.0;


    A, B, C, C_ref, scale, isgn, norm;

  /* Initialize FLAME */

  fprintf( stdout, "%c number of repeats:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &n_repeats );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', n_repeats );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c Enter blocking size:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &nb_alg );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', nb_alg );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c enter problem size first, last, inc:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d%d%d", &p_first, &p_last, &p_inc );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d %d %d\n", '%', p_first, p_last, p_inc );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c Enter sign (-1 or 1):", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &sign );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', sign );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c enter m n (-1 means bind to problem size): ", '%' );
  scanf( "%d %d", &m_input, &n_input );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d %d\n", '%', m_input, n_input );

  /* Delete all existing data structures */
  fprintf( stdout, "\nclear all;\n\n" );

  if     ( m_input >  0 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = %d", m_input );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dc", m_input);
  else if( m_input <  -1 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = p/%d", -m_input );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dp", -m_input );
  else if( m_input == -1 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = p" );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dp", 1 );
  if     ( n_input >  0 ) {
    sprintf( n_dim_desc, "n = %d", n_input );
    sprintf( n_dim_tag,  "n%dc", n_input);
  else if( n_input <  -1 ) {
    sprintf( n_dim_desc, "n = p/%d", -n_input );
    sprintf( n_dim_tag,  "n%dp", -n_input );
  else if( n_input == -1 ) {
    sprintf( n_dim_desc, "n = p" );
    sprintf( n_dim_tag,  "n%dp", 1 );

  if ( 0 < sign )
    isgn = FLA_ONE;
    isgn = FLA_MINUS_ONE;

  for ( p = p_first, i = 1; p <= p_last; p += p_inc, i += 1 )

    m = m_input;
    n = n_input;

    if( m < 0 ) m = p / abs(m_input);
    if( n < 0 ) n = p / abs(n_input);

    //datatype = FLA_FLOAT;
    //datatype = FLA_DOUBLE;
    //datatype = FLA_COMPLEX;
    datatype = FLA_DOUBLE_COMPLEX;

    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &A );
    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, n, n, 0, 0, &B );
    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, n, 0, 0, &C );
    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, n, 0, 0, &C_ref );

    if ( datatype == FLA_DOUBLE || datatype == FLA_DOUBLE_COMPLEX )
      FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );
      FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, 1, 1, 0, 0, &norm );
    else if ( datatype == FLA_FLOAT || datatype == FLA_COMPLEX )
      FLA_Obj_create( FLA_FLOAT, 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );
      FLA_Obj_create( FLA_FLOAT, 1, 1, 0, 0, &norm );

    FLA_Random_matrix( C );

    FLA_Norm1( A, norm );
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, norm, A );

    FLA_Norm1( B, norm );
    if ( FLA_Obj_is( isgn, FLA_MINUS_ONE ) )
      FLA_Negate( norm );
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, norm, B );

    time_Sylv_nn( 0, FLA_ALG_REFERENCE, n_repeats, m, n, nb_alg,
                  isgn, A, B, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

    fprintf( stdout, "data_REF( %d, 1:2 ) = [ %d  %6.3lf ]; \n", i, p, gflops );
    fflush( stdout );

    for ( variant = 1; variant <= n_variants; variant++ ){
      fprintf( stdout, "data_var%d( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d  ", variant, i, p );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Sylv_nn( variant, FLA_ALG_UNB_OPT, n_repeats, m, n, nb_alg,
                    isgn, A, B, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Sylv_nn( variant, FLA_ALG_BLOCKED, n_repeats, m, n, nb_alg,
                    isgn, A, B, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      fprintf( stdout, " ]; \n" );
      fflush( stdout );

    FLA_Obj_free( &A );
    FLA_Obj_free( &B );
    FLA_Obj_free( &C );
    FLA_Obj_free( &C_ref );
    FLA_Obj_free( &scale );
    FLA_Obj_free( &norm );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  /* Print the MATLAB commands to plot the data */

  /* Delete all existing figures */
  fprintf( stdout, "figure;\n" );

  /* Plot the performance of the reference implementation */
  fprintf( stdout, "plot( data_REF( :,1 ), data_REF( :, 2 ), '-' ); \n" );

  /* Indicate that you want to add to the existing plot */
  fprintf( stdout, "hold on;\n" );

  /* Plot the data for the other numbers of threads */
  for ( i = 1; i <= n_variants; i++ ){
    fprintf( stdout, "plot( data_var%d( :,1 ), data_var%d( :, 2 ), '%c:%c' ); \n", 
             i, i, colors[ i-1 ], ticks[ i-1 ] );

  fprintf( stdout, "legend( ... \n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "'Reference', ... \n" );

  for ( i = 1; i <= n_variants; i++ )
    fprintf( stdout, "'FLAME var%d', ... \n", i );

  fprintf( stdout, "'Location', 'SouthEast' ); \n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "xlabel( 'problem size p' );\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "ylabel( 'GFLOPS/sec.' );\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "axis( [ 0 %d 0 %.2f ] ); \n", p_last, max_gflops );
  fprintf( stdout, "title( 'FLAME sylv\\_nn performance (%s)' );\n", 
           m_dim_desc );
  fprintf( stdout, "print -depsc sylv_nn_%s.eps\n", m_dim_tag );
  fprintf( stdout, "hold off;\n");
  fflush( stdout );

  FLA_Finalize( );
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    n, nfirst, nlast, ninc, i, irep,
    nrepeats, nb_alg;


    A, Aref, Aold, delta;
  /* Initialize FLAME */
  FLA_Init( );

  /* Every time trial is repeated "repeat" times and the fastest run in recorded */
  printf( "%% number of repeats:" );
  scanf( "%d", &nrepeats );
  printf( "%% %d\n", nrepeats );

  /* Enter the max GFLOPS attainable 
     This is used to set the y-axis range for the graphs. Here is how
     you figure out what to enter (on Linux machines):
     1) more /proc/cpuinfo   (this lists the contents of this file).
     2) read through this and figure out the clock rate of the machine (in GHz).
     3) Find out (from an expert of from the web) the number of floating point
        instructions that can be performed per core per clock cycle.
     4) Figure out if you are using "multithreaded BLAS" which automatically
        parallelize calls to the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.  If so,
        check how many cores are available.
     5) Multiply 2) x 3) x 4) and enter this in response to the below.

  printf( "%% enter max GFLOPS:" );
  scanf( "%lf", &max_gflops );
  printf( "%% %lf\n", max_gflops );

  /* Enter the algorithmic block size */
  printf( "%% enter nb_alg:" );
  scanf( "%d", &nb_alg );
  printf( "%% %d\n", nb_alg );

  /* Turn on parameter checking */
  FLA_Check_error_level_set( FLA_FULL_ERROR_CHECKING );

  /* Timing trials for matrix sizes n=nfirst to nlast in increments 
     of ninc will be performed */
  printf( "%% enter nfirst, nlast, ninc:" );
  scanf( "%d%d%d", &nfirst, &nlast, &ninc );
  printf( "%% %d %d %d\n", nfirst, nlast, ninc );

  i = 1;
  for ( n=nfirst; n<= nlast; n+=ninc ){
    /* Allocate space for the matrices */
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, n, n, 0, 0, &A );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, n, n, 0, 0, &Aref );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, n, n, 0, 0, &Aold );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_DOUBLE, 1, 1, 0, 0, &delta );

    /* Generate random matrix A and save in Aold */
    FLA_Random_matrix( Aold );

    /* Add something large to the diagonal to make sure it isn't ill-conditionsed */
    d_n = ( double ) n;
    *( ( double * ) FLA_Obj_buffer( delta ) ) = d_n;
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, delta, Aold );
    /* Set gflops = billions of floating point operations that will be performed */
    gflops = 2.0/3.0 * n * n * n * 1.0e-09;

    /* Time the reference implementation */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, Aref );

      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      REF_LU( Aref );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    printf( "data_REF( %d, 1:2 ) = [ %d %le ];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Time FLA_LU */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      FLA_LU_nopiv( A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    printf( "data_FLAME( %d, 1:2 ) = [ %d %le ];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Time the your implementations */

    /* Variant 1 unblocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){

      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_unb_var1( A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_unb_var1( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 1 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_blk_var1( A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var1( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 2 unblocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){

      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_unb_var2( A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_unb_var2( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 2 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_blk_var2( A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var2( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 3 unblocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){

      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_unb_var3( A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_unb_var3( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 3 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_blk_var3( A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var3( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 4 unblocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){

      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_unb_var4( A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_unb_var4( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 4 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_blk_var4( A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var4( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 5 unblocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){

      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_unb_var5( A );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_unb_var5( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    /* Variant 5 blocked */

    for ( irep=0; irep<nrepeats; irep++ ){
      FLA_Copy( Aold, A );
      dtime = FLA_Clock();

      LU_blk_var5( A, nb_alg );

      dtime = FLA_Clock() - dtime;

      if ( irep == 0 ) 
        dtime_best = dtime;
        dtime_best = ( dtime < dtime_best ? dtime : dtime_best );

    diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A, Aref );

    printf( "data_blk_var5( %d, 1:3 ) = [ %d %le  %le];\n", i, n,
            gflops / dtime_best, diff );
    fflush( stdout );

    FLA_Obj_free( &A );
    FLA_Obj_free( &Aold );
    FLA_Obj_free( &Aref );
    FLA_Obj_free( &delta );
    printf( "\n" );


  /* Print the MATLAB commands to plot the data */

  /* Delete all existing figures */
  printf( "close all\n" );

  /* Plot the performance of FLAME */
  printf( "plot( data_FLAME( :,1 ), data_FLAME( :, 2 ), 'k--' ); \n" );

  /* Indicate that you want to add to the existing plot */
  printf( "hold on\n" );

  /* Plot the performance of the reference implementation */
  printf( "plot( data_REF( :,1 ), data_REF( :, 2 ), 'k-' ); \n" );

  /* Plot the performance of your implementations */

  printf( "plot( data_unb_var1( :,1 ), data_unb_var1( :, 2 ), 'r-.' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var2( :,1 ), data_unb_var2( :, 2 ), 'g-.' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var3( :,1 ), data_unb_var3( :, 2 ), 'b-.' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var4( :,1 ), data_unb_var4( :, 2 ), 'm-.' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_unb_var5( :,1 ), data_unb_var5( :, 2 ), 'c-.' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var1( :,1 ), data_blk_var1( :, 2 ), 'r--' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var2( :,1 ), data_blk_var2( :, 2 ), 'g--' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var3( :,1 ), data_blk_var3( :, 2 ), 'b--' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var4( :,1 ), data_blk_var4( :, 2 ), 'm--' ); \n" );
  printf( "plot( data_blk_var5( :,1 ), data_blk_var5( :, 2 ), 'c--' ); \n" );

  printf( "hold on \n");

  printf( "xlabel( 'matrix dimension m=n' );\n");
  printf( "ylabel( 'GFLOPS/sec.' );\n");
  printf( "axis( [ 0 %d 0 %3.1f ] ); \n", nlast, max_gflops );
  printf( "legend( 'FLA LU nopiv', ...\n");
  printf( "        'Simple loops', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var1', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var2', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var3', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var4', ...\n");
  printf( "        'unb var5', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var1', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var2', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var3', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var4', ...\n");
  printf( "        'blk var5', 2);\n");

  printf( "print -r100 -depsc LU.eps\n");

  FLA_Finalize( );

  return 0;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    p_first, p_last, p_inc,
    i, j,
    n_variants = 4;

  int  sign;
  int  blocksize[16];

  char *colors = "brkgmcbrkg";
  char *ticks  = "o+*xso+*xs";
  char m_dim_desc[14];
  char n_dim_desc[14];
  char m_dim_tag[10];
  char n_dim_tag[10];

  double max_gflops=6.0;


    A, C, C_ref, scale, isgn, norm;


  fprintf( stdout, "%c number of repeats:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &n_repeats );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', n_repeats );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c Enter sign (-1 or 1):", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &sign );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', sign );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c Enter blocking size:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &nb_alg );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', nb_alg );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c enter problem size first, last, inc:", '%' );
  scanf( "%d%d%d", &p_first, &p_last, &p_inc );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d %d %d\n", '%', p_first, p_last, p_inc );

  fprintf( stdout, "%c enter m (-1 means bind to problem size): ", '%' );
  scanf( "%d", &m_input );
  fprintf( stdout, "%c %d\n", '%', m_input );

  fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  if     ( m_input >  0 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = %d", m_input );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dc", m_input);
  else if( m_input <  -1 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = p/%d", -m_input );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dp", -m_input );
  else if( m_input == -1 ) {
    sprintf( m_dim_desc, "m = p" );
    sprintf( m_dim_tag,  "m%dp", 1 );

  if ( 0 < sign )
    isgn = FLA_ONE;
    isgn = FLA_MINUS_ONE;

  for ( p = p_first, i = 1; p <= p_last; p += p_inc, i += 1 )

    m = m_input;

    if( m < 0 ) m = p / abs(m_input);

    //datatype = FLA_FLOAT;
    //datatype = FLA_DOUBLE;
    //datatype = FLA_COMPLEX;
    datatype = FLA_DOUBLE_COMPLEX;

    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &A );
    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &C );
    FLA_Obj_create( datatype, m, m, 0, 0, &C_ref );

    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &norm );

    FLA_Norm1( A, norm );
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, norm, A );

    FLA_Random_matrix( C );
    FLA_Hermitianize( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, C );

    time_Lyap_h( 0, FLA_ALG_REFERENCE, n_repeats, m, nb_alg,
                 isgn, A, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

    fprintf( stdout, "data_REF( %d, 1:2 ) = [ %d  %6.3lf ]; \n", i, p, gflops );
    fflush( stdout );
    for ( variant = 1; variant <= n_variants; variant++ ){
      fprintf( stdout, "data_var%d( %d, 1:7 ) = [ %d  ", variant, i, p );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Lyap_h( variant, FLA_ALG_UNBLOCKED, n_repeats, m, nb_alg,
                   isgn, A, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Lyap_h( variant, FLA_ALG_UNB_OPT, n_repeats, m, nb_alg,
                   isgn, A, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      time_Lyap_h( variant, FLA_ALG_BLOCKED, n_repeats, m, nb_alg,
                   isgn, A, C, C_ref, scale, &dtime, &diff, &gflops );

      fprintf( stdout, "%6.3lf %6.2le ", gflops, diff );
      fflush( stdout );

      fprintf( stdout, " ]; \n" );
      fflush( stdout );

    FLA_Obj_free( &A );
    FLA_Obj_free( &C );
    FLA_Obj_free( &C_ref );
    FLA_Obj_free( &scale );
    FLA_Obj_free( &norm );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "figure;\n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "plot( data_REF( :,1 ), data_REF( :, 2 ), '-' ); \n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "hold on;\n" );

  for ( i = 1; i <= n_variants; i++ ){
    fprintf( stdout, "plot( data_var%d( :,1 ), data_var%d( :, 2 ), '%c:%c' ); \n", 
             i, i, colors[ i-1 ], ticks[ i-1 ] );

  fprintf( stdout, "legend( ... \n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "'Reference', ... \n" );

  for ( i = 1; i <= n_variants; i++ )
    fprintf( stdout, "'FLAME var%d', ... \n", i );

  fprintf( stdout, "'Location', 'SouthEast' ); \n" );

  fprintf( stdout, "xlabel( 'problem size p' );\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "ylabel( 'GFLOPS/sec.' );\n" );
  fprintf( stdout, "axis( [ 0 %d 0 %.2f ] ); \n", p_last, max_gflops );
  fprintf( stdout, "title( 'FLAME sylv\\_nn performance (%s)' );\n", 
           m_dim_desc );
  fprintf( stdout, "print -depsc sylv_nn_%s.eps\n", m_dim_tag );
  fprintf( stdout, "hold off;\n");
  fflush( stdout );
  FLA_Finalize( );

  return 0;