Пример #1
// USB 初期化
int InitUSB()
	FT_STATUS ftStatus;

	// USB をオープン
	ftStatus = FT_OpenEx("USBCONEMU", FT_OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION, &ftHandle);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) return 1;

	// Output mode 設定
	ftStatus = FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, 0x00, 0x40);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) return 1;

	// バッファサイズ設定
	ftStatus = FT_SetUSBParameters(ftHandle, MAX_BUFSIZE, 0);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) return 1;

	// デバイスリセット
	ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice(ftHandle);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) return 1;

	// バッファクリア
	ftStatus = FT_Purge(ftHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) return 1;

	// Time Out 設定
	ftStatus = FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle, NULL, NULL);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) return 1;

	return 0;
Пример #2
FT_STATUS ftdimut_setup() {
  FT_STATUS ftStatus; 
  unsigned char timer;

  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
	ftStatus = FT_Open(0, &ftHandle);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice(ftHandle);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_Purge(ftHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandle, 15625);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(ftHandle, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle, FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle, 1000, 1000);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_GetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, &timer);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, 1);
  if(ftStatus != FT_OK) return ftStatus;

  return FT_OK;
Пример #3
 *  TODO: Необходимо отрефакторить код
bool FtdiDevices::reset() {
  FT_STATUS ftStatus;
  ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice(m_ftHandleA);
  if (!FT_SUCCESS(ftStatus)) {
    return false;
  return true;
Пример #4
QString FTD2XXInterface::readLabel(uchar label, int *ESTA_code)
    FT_HANDLE ftdi = NULL;

    if (FT_Open(id(), &ftdi) != FT_OK)
        return QString();

    if(FT_ResetDevice(ftdi) != FT_OK)
        return QString();

    if(FT_SetBaudRate(ftdi, 250000) != FT_OK)
        return QString();

    if(FT_SetDataCharacteristics(ftdi, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_2, FT_PARITY_NONE) != FT_OK)
        return QString();

    if(FT_SetFlowControl(ftdi, 0, 0, 0) != FT_OK)
        return QString();

    QByteArray request;
    request.append(ENTTEC_PRO_DMX_ZERO); // data length LSB
    request.append(ENTTEC_PRO_DMX_ZERO); // data length MSB

    DWORD written = 0;
    if (FT_Write(ftdi, (char*) request.data(), request.size(), &written) != FT_OK)
        return QString();

    if (written == 0)
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Cannot write data to device";
        return QString();

    uchar* buffer = (uchar*) malloc(sizeof(uchar) * 40);
    Q_ASSERT(buffer != NULL);

    int read = 0;
    QByteArray array;
    FT_SetTimeouts(ftdi, 500,0);
    FT_Read(ftdi, buffer, 40, (LPDWORD) &read);
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "----- Read: " << read << " ------";
    for (int i = 0; i < read; i++)
        array.append((char) buffer[i]);

    if (array[0] != ENTTEC_PRO_START_OF_MSG)
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Reply message wrong start code: " << QString::number(array[0], 16);
    *ESTA_code = (array[5] << 8) | array[4];
    array.remove(0, 6); // 4 bytes of Enttec protocol + 2 of ESTA ID
    array.replace(ENTTEC_PRO_END_OF_MSG, '\0'); // replace Enttec termination with string termination

    return QString(array);
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char * pcBufRead;
	DWORD dwBytesRead;
	FILE * fh;
	FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
	FT_STATUS ftStatus;
	int iport;
	if(argc > 1) {
		sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &iport);
	else {
		iport = 0;
	fh = fopen("target.bin", "wb+");
	if(fh == NULL) {
		printf("Cant open source file\n");
		return 1;
	ftStatus = FT_Open(iport, &ftHandle);
	if(ftStatus != FT_OK) {
			This can fail if the ftdi_sio driver is loaded
		 	use lsmod to check this and rmmod ftdi_sio to remove
			also rmmod usbserial
		printf("FT_Open(%d) failed\n", iport);
		return 1;

	pcBufRead = (char *)malloc(BUF_SIZE);
	FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandle, 115200);
	FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0, 0);
	FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle, 0, 0);				// infinite timeouts	
	FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, 0xFF, 0x01);
	FT_Read(ftHandle, pcBufRead, BUF_SIZE, &dwBytesRead);

	fwrite(pcBufRead, 1, dwBytesRead, fh);
	return 0;
Пример #6
int gecko_opendevice()
	// Open by Serial Number
	status = FT_OpenEx("GECKUSB0", FT_OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER, &fthandle);
	if(status != FT_OK){
		eprintf("Error: Couldn't connect to USB Gecko. Please check Installation\n");
		return 0;
	// Reset the Device
	status = FT_ResetDevice(fthandle);
	if(status != FT_OK){
		eprintf("Error: Couldnt Reset Device %d\n",status);
		status = FT_Close(fthandle);
		return 0;
	// Set a 3 second timeout for this example
	status = FT_SetTimeouts(fthandle,3000,3000);
	if(status != FT_OK){
		eprintf("Error: Timeouts failed to set %d\n",status);
		status = FT_Close(fthandle);
		return 0;
	// Purge RX buffer
	status = FT_Purge(fthandle,FT_PURGE_RX);
	if(status != FT_OK){
		eprintf("Error: Problem clearing buffers %d\n",status);
		status = FT_Close(fthandle);
		return 0;
	// Purge TX buffer
	status = FT_Purge(fthandle,FT_PURGE_TX);
	if(status != FT_OK){
		eprintf("Error: Problem clearing buffers %d\n",status);
		status = FT_Close(fthandle);
		return 0;
	// Set packet size in bytes - 65536 packet is maximum packet size (USB 2.0)
	status = FT_SetUSBParameters(fthandle,65536,0);
	if(status != FT_OK){
		eprintf("Error: Couldnt Set USB Parameters %d\n",status);
		status = FT_Close(fthandle);
		return 0;
	// take breath
	return 1;
Пример #7
int dxl_hal_open()
	FT_STATUS ft_status;


	ft_status = FT_Open( 1, &ghFt_Handle );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_ResetDevice( ghFt_Handle );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_SetDataCharacteristics( ghFt_Handle, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_SetFlowControl( ghFt_Handle, FT_FLOW_NONE, (UCHAR)0, (UCHAR)0 );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_SetLatencyTimer( ghFt_Handle, LATENCY_TIME );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_SetUSBParameters( ghFt_Handle, IN_TRASFER_SIZE, 0 );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_SetTimeouts( ghFt_Handle, 0, 0 );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	ft_status = FT_Purge( ghFt_Handle, FT_PURGE_RX|FT_PURGE_TX );
	if( ft_status != FT_OK )

	return 1;

	return 0;
bool DYNA_initialize(FT_HANDLE ftHandleDYNA)

    FT_STATUS ft_status;

    ft_status = FT_ResetDevice(ftHandleDYNA);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(ftHandleDYNA, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandleDYNA, FT_FLOW_NONE, (UCHAR)0, (UCHAR)0);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandleDYNA, LATENCY_TIME);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_SetUSBParameters(ftHandleDYNA, IN_TRASFER_SIZE, 0);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandleDYNA, 0, 0);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_Purge(ftHandleDYNA, FT_PURGE_RX|FT_PURGE_TX);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    ft_status = FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandleDYNA, 1000000);
    if( ft_status != FT_OK )
        goto DYNA_init_error;

    return true;

    qDebug() << "\n\nUSB2Dynamixel Initialization Error!";
    return false;
Пример #9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int        retCode = -1; // Assume failure
	int        f = 0;
	FT_STATUS  ftStatus = FT_OK;
	FT_HANDLE  ftHandle = NULL;
	int        portNum = -1; // Deliberately invalid
	DWORD      bytesToWrite = 0;
	DWORD      bytesWritten = 0;
	int        inputRate = -1; // Entered on command line
	int        baudRate = 38400; // Rate to actually use
	int        rates[] = {50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 
	                      300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 
	                      9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 
	                      230400, 460800, 576000, 921600};
	if (argc > 1)
		sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &portNum);
	if (portNum < 0)
		// Missing, or invalid.  Just use first port.
		portNum = 0;
	if (portNum > 16)
		// User probably specified a baud rate without a port number
		printf("Syntax: %s [port number] [baud rate]\n", argv[0]);
		portNum = 0;
	if (argc > 2)
		sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &inputRate);

		for (f = 0; f < (int)(ARRAY_SIZE(rates)); f++)
			if (inputRate == rates[f])
				// User entered a rate we support, so we'll use it.
				baudRate = inputRate;
	if (baudRate < 0)
		baudRate = 9600;
	printf("Trying FTDI device %d at %d baud.\n", portNum, baudRate);
	ftStatus = FT_Open(portNum, &ftHandle);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("FT_Open(%d) failed, with error %d.\n", portNum, (int)ftStatus);
		printf("Use lsmod to check if ftdi_sio (and usbserial) are present.\n");
		printf("If so, unload them using rmmod, as they conflict with ftd2xx.\n");
		goto exit;

	assert(ftHandle != NULL);

	ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice(ftHandle);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_ResetDevice returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;
	ftStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandle, (ULONG)baudRate);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_SetBaudRate(%d) returned %d.\n", 
		goto exit;
	ftStatus = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(ftHandle, 
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_SetDataCharacteristics returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;
	// Indicate our presence to remote computer
	ftStatus = FT_SetDtr(ftHandle);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_SetDtr returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;

	// Flow control is needed for higher baud rates
	ftStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0, 0);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_SetFlowControl returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;

	// Assert Request-To-Send to prepare remote computer
	ftStatus = FT_SetRts(ftHandle);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_SetRts returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;

	ftStatus = FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle, 3000, 3000);	// 3 seconds
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_SetTimeouts returned %d\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;

	bytesToWrite = (DWORD)(sizeof(testPattern) - 1); // Don't write string terminator
	ftStatus = FT_Write(ftHandle, 
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
		printf("Failure.  FT_Write returned %d\n", (int)ftStatus);
		goto exit;
	if (bytesWritten != bytesToWrite)
		printf("Failure.  FT_Write wrote %d bytes instead of %d.\n",
		goto exit;

	// Success
	retCode = 0;
	printf("Successfully wrote %d bytes\n", (int)bytesWritten);

	if (ftHandle != NULL)

	return retCode;
Пример #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int             retCode = -1; // Assume failure
    int             f = 0;
    DWORD           driverVersion = 0;
    FT_STATUS       ftStatus = FT_OK;
    FT_HANDLE       ftHandle = NULL;
    int             portNum = 0; // First device found
    size_t          bufferSize = 64 * 1024;
    DWORD           bytesToWrite;
    DWORD           bytesWritten = 0;
    DWORD           bytesReceived = 0;
    DWORD           bytesRead = 0;
    struct timeval  startTime;
    int             journeyDuration;
    unsigned char  *writeBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned char  *readBuffer = NULL;
    int             queueChecks = 0;
    ULONG           rates[] = {300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
                               19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 
                               230400, 460800, 576000, 921600,
                               1500000, 2000000, 3000000};
                    // TODO: detect high-speed device and use 8240000

    // Make printfs immediate (no buffer)
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    writeBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc((size_t)bufferSize);
    if (writeBuffer == NULL)
        goto exit;

    // Fill write buffer with consecutive values
    for (f = 0; f < (int)bufferSize; f++) 
        writeBuffer[f] = (unsigned char)f + 64;
    printf("Opening FTDI device %d.\n", portNum);
    ftStatus = FT_Open(portNum, &ftHandle);
    if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
        printf("FT_Open(%d) failed, with error %d.\n", portNum, (int)ftStatus);
        printf("On Linux, lsmod can check if ftdi_sio (and usbserial) are present.\n");
        printf("If so, unload them using rmmod, as they conflict with ftd2xx.\n");
        goto exit;

    assert(ftHandle != NULL);

	ftStatus = FT_GetDriverVersion(ftHandle, &driverVersion);
	if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
		printf("Failure.  FT_GetDriverVersion returned %d.\n",
        goto exit;

    printf("Using D2XX version %08x\n", driverVersion);

	ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice(ftHandle);
    if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
        printf("Failure.  FT_ResetDevice returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
        goto exit;
    // Flow control is needed for higher baud rates
    ftStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0, 0);
    if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
        printf("Failure.  FT_SetFlowControl returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
        goto exit;

    ftStatus = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(ftHandle, 
    if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
        printf("Failure.  FT_SetDataCharacteristics returned %d.\n",
        goto exit;
    for (f = 0; f < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(rates); f++)
        ftStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandle, rates[f]);
        if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
            printf("Failure.  FT_SetBaudRate(%d) returned %d.\n", 
            goto exit;
        // Assert Request-To-Send to prepare receiver
        ftStatus = FT_SetRts(ftHandle);
        if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
            printf("Failure.  FT_SetRts returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
            goto exit;

        if (rates[f] < 57600)
            // Keep test duration reasonable by transferring fewer 
            // bytes at low baud rates.
            bytesToWrite = rates[f] / 4;
            bytesToWrite = bufferSize;

        printf("\nBaud rate %d.  Writing %d bytes to loopback device...\n", 

        ftStatus = FT_Write(ftHandle, 
        if (ftStatus != FT_OK) 
            printf("Failure.  FT_Write returned %d\n", (int)ftStatus);
            goto exit;
        if (bytesWritten != bytesToWrite)
            printf("Failure.  FT_Write wrote %d bytes instead of %d.\n",
            goto exit;

        printf("%d bytes written.\n", (int)bytesWritten);

        // Keep checking queue until D2XX has received all the bytes we wrote.
        // Estimate total time to write and read, so we can time-out.
        // Each byte has 8 data bits plus a stop bit and perhaps a 1-bit gap.
        journeyDuration = bytesWritten * (8 + 1 + 1) / (int)rates[f];
        journeyDuration += 1;  // Round up
        journeyDuration *= 2;  // It's a return journey
        printf("Estimate %d seconds remain.\n", journeyDuration);
        gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
        for (bytesReceived = 0, queueChecks = 0; 
             bytesReceived < bytesWritten; 
            // Periodically check for time-out 
            if (queueChecks % 32 == 0)
                struct timeval now;
                struct timeval elapsed;
                gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
                timersub(&now, &startTime, &elapsed);

                if (elapsed.tv_sec > (long int)journeyDuration)
                    // We've waited too long.  Give up.
                    printf("\nTimed out after %ld seconds\n", elapsed.tv_sec);
                // Display number of bytes D2XX has received
                       queueChecks == 0 ? "Number of bytes in D2XX receive-queue: " : ", ",

            ftStatus = FT_GetQueueStatus(ftHandle, &bytesReceived);
            if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
                printf("\nFailure.  FT_GetQueueStatus returned %d.\n",
                goto exit;

        printf("\nGot %d (of %d) bytes.\n", (int)bytesReceived, (int)bytesWritten);

        // Even if D2XX has the wrong number of bytes, create our
        // own buffer so we can read and display them.
        free(readBuffer); // Free previous iteration's buffer.
		readBuffer = (unsigned char *)calloc(bytesReceived, sizeof(unsigned char));
        if (readBuffer == NULL)
            printf("Failed to allocate %d bytes.\n", bytesReceived);
            goto exit;

        // Then copy D2XX's buffer to ours.
        ftStatus = FT_Read(ftHandle, readBuffer, bytesReceived, &bytesRead);
        if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
            printf("Failure.  FT_Read returned %d.\n", (int)ftStatus);
            goto exit;

        if (bytesRead != bytesReceived)
            printf("Failure.  FT_Read only read %d (of %d) bytes.\n",
            goto exit;
        if (0 != memcmp(writeBuffer, readBuffer, bytesRead))
            printf("Failure.  Read-buffer does not match write-buffer.\n");
            printf("Write buffer:\n");
            dumpBuffer(writeBuffer, bytesReceived);
            printf("Read buffer:\n");
            dumpBuffer(readBuffer, bytesReceived);
            goto exit;

        // Fail if D2XX's queue lacked (or had surplus) bytes.
        if (bytesReceived != bytesWritten)
            printf("Failure.  D2XX received %d bytes but we expected %d.\n",
            dumpBuffer(readBuffer, bytesReceived);
            goto exit;

        // Check that queue hasn't gathered any additional unexpected bytes
        bytesReceived = 4242; // deliberately junk
        ftStatus = FT_GetQueueStatus(ftHandle, &bytesReceived);
        if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
            printf("Failure.  FT_GetQueueStatus returned %d.\n",
            goto exit;

        if (bytesReceived != 0)
            printf("Failure.  %d bytes in input queue -- expected none.\n",
            goto exit;

    // Success
    printf("\nTest PASSED.\n");
    retCode = 0;


    if (ftHandle != NULL)

    return retCode;
Пример #11
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    FT_HANDLE fthandle;
    FT_STATUS status;
    DWORD numdev = 0;

    // Open the first device connected to the system (which has index 0). You can use the various other
    // functions such as open_by_description to make this much more flexible and user friendly to let the user
    // choose which device to open. See the D2xx Programmers Guide for more information

    // Check how many FTDI devices are connected and installed. If one or more connected, open the first one
    status = FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(&numdev);

    if 	((status == FT_OK) && (numdev > 0) )
        // Open the device now
        status = FT_Open(0, &fthandle);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);

        // Set the In transfer size. You can set up to 64K if required. Ideally, use a small value like this for
        // receiving a few bytes at a time or a larger value if you will be transferring large amounts of data
        status = FT_SetUSBParameters(fthandle, 256, 0);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);

        // Reset the device
        status = FT_ResetDevice(fthandle);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);

        // Set the handshaking mode in the driver, for I2C chips this has no affect on the external I2C interface
        // since it does not have handshake lines but this enables internal handshake in the driver
        status = FT_SetFlowControl(fthandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);

        // Set Timeouts to ensure a Read or Write will return if unable to be completed
        // Setting both read and write timeouts to 5 seconds
        status = FT_SetTimeouts(fthandle, 5000, 5000);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);

        // Set Latency Timer (keeping it at default of 16ms here)
        status = FT_SetLatencyTimer(fthandle, 16);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);

        // Now write some data to the chips buffer
        char data_out[12] = "HELLO WORLD";
        DWORD w_data_len = 12;
        DWORD data_written;

        status = FT_Write(fthandle, data_out, w_data_len, &data_written);
        if(status != FT_OK)
            printf("status not ok %d\n", status);
            printf("12 Bytes Sent, waiting for bytes to come back\n");
// The I2C Master should now be able to read these 12 bytes from the FT-X over I2C. This example expects the
// I2C Master to send the bytes back over I2C to the FT-X

        // Now read the data which the I2C master has written to the FT-X
        char data_in[12];
        DWORD data_read;
        DWORD MyBytesReceived = 0;
        DWORD SoftwareTimeout = 0;

        // Wait for the FT-X to send our 12 bytes back to the PC
        while((MyBytesReceived <12) && (SoftwareTimeout < 500))
            FT_GetQueueStatus(fthandle, &MyBytesReceived);
            SoftwareTimeout ++;

        // Check if the loop exited due to timing out or receiving 12 bytes
        if(SoftwareTimeout == 500)
            printf("Timed out waiting for data\n");
            // Now read the received bytes
            status = FT_Read(fthandle, data_in, MyBytesReceived, &data_read);
            if(status != FT_OK)
                printf("status not ok %d\n", status);
                printf("data read %s\n", data_in);
        // Close the device
        status = FT_Close(fthandle);
        printf("No FTDI devices connected to the computer \n");

    printf("Press Return To End Program");
    printf("closed \n");
    return 0;
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  static const struct option long_opts[] = {
    {"prompt",     no_argument,       NULL, 'p'},
    {"verbose",    no_argument,       NULL, 'v'},
    {"help",       no_argument,       NULL, 'h'},
    {NULL,         no_argument,       NULL, 0}

  opterr = 0;
  int c;
  int option_index = 0;
  while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vph", long_opts, &option_index)) != -1)
    switch (c) {
      case 'v':
      case 'p':
      case 'h':
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      case '?':
        fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
  DWORD num_devs;
  int iport = 0;

  /* See how many devices are plugged in, fail if greater than 1 */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Creating device info list\n");
  ft_status = FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(&num_devs);
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to create device info list, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)
    printf("Making sure only one FTDI device is plugged in\n");
  /* Check that there aren't more than 1 device plugged in */
  if (num_devs > 1){
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : More than one FTDI device plugged in\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Get VID/PID from FTDI device */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Getting VID/PID from device\n");
  ft_status = FT_GetVIDPID(&VID,&PID);
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to get VID and PID from FTDI device, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)
    printf("    VID = %04x, PID = %04x\n",VID,PID);
  /* Set the VID/PID found */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Setting VID/PID\n");
  ft_status = FT_SetVIDPID(VID,PID);
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to set VID and PID, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Get info about the device and print to user */
  //FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail seems to not work very reliably
  //DWORD lpdw_flags;
  //DWORD lpdw_type;
  //DWORD lpdw_id;
  //char pc_serial_number[16];
  //char pc_description[64];
  //ft_status = FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail(0,&lpdw_flags,&lpdw_type,&lpdw_id,NULL,pc_serial_number,pc_description,&ft_handle);
  //if (ft_status != FT_OK){
  //  fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to get device info, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
  //  return EXIT_FAILURE;
  //if (verbose || !dont_prompt){
  //  printf("Device Information : \n");
  //  printf("     Description   : %s\n", pc_description);
  //  printf("     Serial Number : %s\n", pc_serial_number);
  //  printf("     Flags         : 0x%x\n", lpdw_flags);
  //  printf("     Type          : 0x%x\n", lpdw_type);
  //  printf("     ID            : 0x%x\n", lpdw_id);

  /* Ask user if this is the correct device */
  if (!dont_prompt) {
    char correct_device;
    printf("Is this the correct device? (y/n) : ");
    while ((correct_device != 'y') && (correct_device != 'n')) {
      printf("\rPlease enter y or n");
    if (correct_device == 'n'){
      printf("Exiting, since this is not the device we want to program\n");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  /* Open the device */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Attempting to open device using read VID/PID...");
  ft_status = FT_Open(iport, &ft_handle);
  /* If that didn't work, try some other likely VID/PID combos */
  /* Try 0403:6014 */
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    if (verbose)
      printf("FAILED\nTrying VID=0x0403, PID=0x6014...");
    ft_status = FT_SetVIDPID(0x0403,0x6014);
    if (ft_status != FT_OK){
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to set VID and PID, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    ft_status = FT_Open(iport, &ft_handle);
  /* Try 0403:8398 */
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    if (verbose)
      printf("FAILED\nTrying VID=0x0403, PID=0x8398...");
    ft_status = FT_SetVIDPID(0x0403,0x8398);
    if (ft_status != FT_OK){
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to set VID and PID, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    ft_status = FT_Open(iport, &ft_handle);
  /* Exit program if we still haven't opened the device */
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    if (verbose)
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to open device : ft_status = %d\nHave you tried (sudo rmmod ftdi_sio)?\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)

  /* Erase the EEPROM */
  ft_status = FT_EraseEE(ft_handle);
  if(ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Device EEPROM could not be erased : ft_status = %d\n", ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)
    printf("Erased device's EEPROM\n");

  /* Assign appropriate values to eeprom data */
  eeprom_data.Signature1 = 0x00000000;
  eeprom_data.Signature2 = 0xffffffff;
  eeprom_data.Version = 5; /* 5=FT232H */
  eeprom_data.VendorId = USB_CUSTOM_VID;        
  eeprom_data.ProductId = USB_CUSTOM_PID;
  eeprom_data.Manufacturer = "FTDI";
  eeprom_data.ManufacturerId = "FT";
  eeprom_data.Description = "Piksi Passthrough";
  eeprom_data.IsFifoH = 1; /* needed for FIFO samples passthrough */

  /* Program device EEPROM */
  ft_status = FT_EE_Program(ft_handle, &eeprom_data);
  if (ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to program device EEPROM : ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)
    printf("Programmed device's EEPROM\n");

  /* Reset the device */
  ft_status = FT_ResetDevice(ft_handle);
  if (ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Device could not be reset : ft_status = %d\n", ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)
    printf("Reset device\n");

  /* Close the device */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Closing device\n");
  if(ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to close device : ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  printf("Re-configuring for FIFO mode successful, please unplug and replug your device now\n");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #13
bool FTDIDMXDevice::open()
	// Change QString to char* (not const char* note)

	char *serial;
	QByteArray a = m_path.toLatin1();

	serial = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (a.count() + 1));
	memcpy(serial, a.constData(), a.count());
	serial[a.count()] = 0;

#ifndef WIN32
	// Windows users cannot dynamiccaly set VID/PID of harward
	if (FT_SetVIDPID(m_vid, m_pid) == FT_OK && 
	    FT_OpenEx(serial, FT_OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER, &m_handle) == FT_OK)
	if (FT_OpenEx(serial, FT_OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER, &m_handle) == FT_OK)
		if (!FT_SUCCESS(FT_ResetDevice(m_handle)))
			qWarning() << "Unable to reset FTDI device" << m_path;
			return false;

		// Set the baud rate 12 will give us 250Kbits
		if (!FT_SUCCESS(FT_SetDivisor(m_handle, 12)))
			qWarning() << "Unable to set divisor on FTDI device"
				   << m_path;
			return false;

		// Set the data characteristics
		if (!FT_SUCCESS(FT_SetDataCharacteristics(m_handle,
			qWarning() << "Unable to set data characteristics on"
				   << "FTDI device" << m_path;
			return false;

		// Set flow control
	 	if (!FT_SUCCESS(FT_SetFlowControl(m_handle, FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0)))
			qWarning() << "Unable to set flow control on"
				   << "FTDI device" << m_path;
			return false;

		// set RS485 for sendin

		// Clear TX RX buffers
		FT_Purge(m_handle,FT_PURGE_TX | FT_PURGE_RX);

		m_threadRunning = true;

		return true;
		qWarning() << "Unable to open FTDIDMX"
			   << m_output << ":" << serial;
		return false;

bool FTDIDMXDevice::close()
	// Kill thread
	m_threadRunning = false;

	return true;
Пример #14
int nifalcon_load_firmware(falcon_device* dev, const char* firmware_filename)
	unsigned long bytes_written;
	unsigned char check_msg_1[3] = {0x0a, 0x43, 0x0d};
	unsigned char check_msg_2[1] = "A";
	unsigned char send_buf[128], receive_buf[128];
	FILE* firmware_file;
	if(!dev->is_open) nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, "tried load firmware to an unopened device");

	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_ResetDevice(dev->falcon)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;

	//Set to:
	// 9600 baud
	// 8n1
	// No Flow Control
	// RTS Low
	// DTR High	
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_SetBaudRate(dev->falcon, 9600)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(dev->falcon, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_SetFlowControl(dev->falcon, FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_ClrRts(dev->falcon)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_ClrDtr(dev->falcon)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_SetDtr(dev->falcon)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;

	//Send 3 bytes: 0x0a 0x43 0x0d
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_write(dev, check_msg_1, 3)) < 3) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	//Expect 5 bytes back
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_read(dev, receive_buf, 5, 1000)) < 5) return -dev->falcon_status_code;	

	//Set to:
	// DTR Low
	// 140000 baud (0x15 clock ticks per signal)
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_ClrDtr(dev->falcon)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_SetBaudRate(dev->falcon, 140000)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;

	//Send "A" character
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_write(dev, check_msg_2, 1)) < 0) return -dev->falcon_status_code;

	//Expect back 2 bytes:
	// 0x13 0x41 
	if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_read(dev, receive_buf, 2, 1000)) < 0) return -dev->falcon_status_code;	

	firmware_file = fopen(firmware_filename, "rb");

		nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, "cannot find falcon firmware file");
		int firmware_bytes_read;
		int i;
		firmware_bytes_read = fread(send_buf, 1, 128, firmware_file);
		if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_write(dev, send_buf, firmware_bytes_read)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code;
		if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_read(dev, receive_buf, firmware_bytes_read, 1000)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code;
		if(firmware_bytes_read < 128) break;

	if((dev->falcon_status_code = FT_SetBaudRate(dev->falcon, 1456312)) != FT_OK) return -dev->falcon_status_code;
	return FT_OK;
Пример #15
void image_transfer(FILE *fp, ftdi_context_t *c, u8 dump, u8 type, u32 addr, u32 size)
	u32		ram_addr = addr;
	int		bytes_left = size;
	int		bytes_done = 0;
	int		bytes_do;
	int		trunc_flag = 0;
	int		i; 
	int		chunk = 0;
        struct timespec time_start;
        struct timespec time_stop;
        double          time_duration;
        time_t          time_diff_seconds;
        long            time_diff_nanoseconds;
	dev_cmd_resp_t	r;
	// make sure handle is valid
	if(!c->handle) die(err[DEV_ERR_NULL_HANDLE], __FUNCTION__);

	// decide a better, more optimized chunk size
	if(size > 16 * 1024 * 1024) 
		chunk = 32;
	else if( size > 2 * 1024 * 1024)
		chunk = 16;
		chunk = 4;

	// convert to megabytes
	chunk *= 128 * 1024;
	if(c->verbose) _printf(info[INFO_CHUNK], CHUNK_SIZE);
	if(c->verbose) _printf(info[INFO_OPT_CHUNK], chunk);

	// get initial time count
// 	QueryPerformanceFrequency(&time_freq);
// 	QueryPerformanceCounter(&time_start);
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_start);

		if(bytes_left >= chunk) 
			bytes_do = chunk;
			bytes_do = bytes_left;
		if(bytes_do % 512 != 0) {
			trunc_flag = 1;
			bytes_do -= (bytes_do % 512);
		if(bytes_do <= 0) break;
		for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
			if(i == 1) {

				_printf("Retrying FT_ResetDevice() success\n");
				// set synchronous FIFO mode
				//FT_SetBitMode(c->handle, 0xff, 0x40);
				_printf("Retrying FT_SetBitMode() success\n");
				FT_Purge(c->handle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX);
				_printf("Retrying FT_Purge() success\n");

			device_sendcmd(c, &r, dump ? DEV_CMD_DUMPRAM : DEV_CMD_LOADRAM, 2, 0, 1, 
				ram_addr, (bytes_do & 0xffffff) | type << 24);

				c->status = FT_Read(c->handle, buffer, bytes_do, &c->bytes_written);
				fwrite(buffer, bytes_do, 1, fp);
				fread(buffer, bytes_do, 1, fp);
				c->status = FT_Write(c->handle, buffer, bytes_do, &c->bytes_written);
			if(c->bytes_written) break;
		// check for a timeout
		if(c->bytes_written == 0) die(err[DEV_ERR_TIMED_OUT], __FUNCTION__);
		// dump success response
		c->status = FT_Read(c->handle, buffer, 4, &c->bytes_read);

		bytes_left -= bytes_do;
		bytes_done += bytes_do;
		ram_addr += bytes_do;

		// progress bar
		prog_draw(bytes_done, size);

		c->status = FT_GetStatus(c->handle, &c->bytes_read, &c->bytes_written, &c->event_status);
	// stop the timer
// 	QueryPerformanceCounter(&time_stop);
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_stop);
        // get the difference of the timer
        time_diff_seconds = time_stop.tv_sec - time_start.tv_sec;
        time_diff_nanoseconds = time_stop.tv_nsec - time_start.tv_nsec;
	time_duration = (double)time_diff_seconds + (double)(time_diff_nanoseconds/1000000000.0f);
	// erase progress bar
	if(c->verbose && trunc_flag) 
		_printf(info[INFO_COMPLETED_TIME],	time_duration, (float)size/1048576.0f/(float)time_duration);
static void FTClassicPort_resetDevice(FTClassicPort *self){
	self->status = FT_ResetDevice(self->handle);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  static const struct option long_opts[] = {
    {"verbose",  no_argument,        NULL, 'v'},
    {"help",     no_argument,        NULL, 'h'},
    {"id",       required_argument,  NULL, 'i'},
    {NULL,       no_argument,        NULL, 0}

  opterr = 0;
  int c;
  int option_index = 0;
  while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vhi:", long_opts, &option_index)) != -1)
    switch (c) {
      case 'v':
      case 'h':
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      case 'i': {
        pid = parse_pid(optarg);
        if (!pid) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Invalid ID argument.\n");
          return EXIT_FAILURE;
      case '?':
        if (optopt == 'i')
          fprintf(stderr, "ID argument requires an argument.\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

  int iport = 0;

  /* Try to open device using input PID, or our custom PID if no input. */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Trying to open with VID=0x%04x, PID=0x%04x...",USB_CUSTOM_VID,pid);
  ft_status = FT_SetVIDPID(USB_CUSTOM_VID, pid);
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to set VID and PID, ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  ft_status = FT_Open(iport, &ft_handle);

  /* Exit program if we haven't opened the device. */
  if (ft_status != FT_OK){
    if (verbose)
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to open device : ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (verbose)

  /* Erase the EEPROM to set the device to UART mode. */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Erasing device EEPROM\n");
  ft_status = FT_EraseEE(ft_handle);
  if(ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Device EEPROM could not be erased : ft_status = %d\n", ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Reset the device. */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Resetting device\n");
  ft_status = FT_ResetDevice(ft_handle);
  if(ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Device could not be reset : ft_status = %d\n", ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Close the device. */
  if (verbose)
    printf("Closing device\n");
  if(ft_status != FT_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : Failed to close device : ft_status = %d\n",ft_status);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (verbose)
    printf("Re-configuring for UART mode successful, please unplug and replug your device now\n");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #18
bool CApoxObj::open( const char *szFileName, unsigned long flags )
	const char *p;
	unsigned long busspeed = 125;
	m_emergencyInfo = 0;
	char szDrvParams[ MAX_PATH ];
	m_initFlag = flags;

	m_RxMsgState = USB_IDLE;

	// save parameter string and conbert to upper case
	strncpy( szDrvParams, szFileName, MAX_PATH );
	_strupr( szDrvParams );

	// Initiate statistics
	m_stat.cntReceiveData = 0;
	m_stat.cntReceiveFrames = 0;
	m_stat.cntTransmitData = 0;
	m_stat.cntTransmitFrames = 0;

	m_stat.cntBusOff = 0;
	m_stat.cntBusWarnings = 0;
	m_stat.cntOverruns = 0;

	// if open we have noting to do
	if ( m_bRun ) return true;
	// serial
	p = strtok( szDrvParams, ";" );
	if ( NULL != p ) {		
		strcpy( m_SerialNumber, p );	

	// Bus-Speed
	p = strtok( NULL, ";" );
	if ( NULL != p ) {		
		if ( ( NULL != strstr( p, "0x" ) ) || ( NULL != strstr( p, "0X" ) )  ) {
			sscanf( p + 2, "%x", &busspeed );
		else {
			busspeed = atol( p );

	// Handle busspeed
	uint8_t nSpeed = CAN_BAUD_1000;
	switch ( busspeed ) {

		case 125:
			nSpeed = CAN_BAUD_125;

		case 250:
			nSpeed = CAN_BAUD_250;

		case 500:
			nSpeed = CAN_BAUD_500;

		case 1000:
			nSpeed = CAN_BAUD_1000;

			nSpeed = CAN_BAUD_125;


	FT_STATUS ftStatus;
	ftStatus = FT_OpenEx( (void *)m_SerialNumber, 
							&m_ftHandle );
	if ( !FT_SUCCESS( ftStatus ) ) return false;
	ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice( m_ftHandle );
	ftStatus = FT_Purge( m_ftHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX );
	ftStatus = FT_SetTimeouts(m_ftHandle, 378, 128);
	ftStatus = FT_SetUSBParameters ( m_ftHandle, 2048, 2048 );
	ftStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer( m_ftHandle, 3 );
	// Run run run ..... 

	m_bRun = true;

#ifdef WIN32
	// Start write thread 
	DWORD threadId;
	if ( NULL == 
			( m_hTreadTransmit = CreateThread(	NULL,
										(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) workThreadTransmit,
										&threadId ) ) ) { 
		// Failure
		return false;

	// Start read thread 
	if ( NULL == 
			( m_hTreadReceive = CreateThread(	NULL,
										(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) workThreadReceive,
										&threadId ) ) ) { 
		// Failure
		return  false;
	// Release the mutex
	UNLOCK_MUTEX( m_apoxMutex );
	UNLOCK_MUTEX( m_receiveMutex );
	UNLOCK_MUTEX( m_transmitMutex );
	UNLOCK_MUTEX( m_responseMutex );

#else // LINUX

	pthread_attr_t thread_attr;
	pthread_attr_init( &thread_attr );
	// Create the log write thread.
	if ( pthread_create( 	&m_threadId,
								this ) ) {	
		syslog( LOG_CRIT, "canallogger: Unable to create apoxdrv write thread.");
		rv = false;
		fclose( m_flog );

	// Create the log write thread.
	if ( pthread_create( 	&m_threadId,
								this ) ) {	
		syslog( LOG_CRIT, "canallogger: Unable to create apoxdrv receive thread.");
		rv = false;
		fclose( m_flog );
    // We are open
	m_bOpen = true;

	// Release the mutex
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_apoxMutex );


	// Switch to main mode if in boot mode
	if ( RUNMODE_BOOT == getAdapterRunMode() ) {
		setAdapterRunMode( RUNMODE_MAIN );

	// Set baudrate
	setBaudrate( nSpeed );

	// Set initial filter/mask	
	switch( m_initFlag & 0x03 ) {

		case 0:
		case 3:
			m_filtermask.rx_buff1_ext = 0;
			m_filtermask.rx_buff2_ext = 1;

		case 1:
			m_filtermask.rx_buff1_ext = 0;
			m_filtermask.rx_buff2_ext = 0;

		case 2:
			m_filtermask.rx_buff1_ext = 1;
			m_filtermask.rx_buff2_ext = 1;

	m_filtermask.RXM0 = 0;
	m_filtermask.RXM1 = 0;
	m_filtermask.RXF0 = 0;	
	m_filtermask.RXF1 = 0;
	m_filtermask.RXF2 = 0;
	m_filtermask.RXF3 = 0;
	m_filtermask.RXF4 = 0;
	m_filtermask.RXF5 = 0;

	setAdapterFilterMask( &m_filtermask );

	// Set transmission mode
	short trmode = ( (short)( m_initFlag & 0x0c ) >> 2 );
	if ( 0 == trmode ) trmode = TRMODE_NORMAL;
	setTransmissionMode( trmode );

	return true;