Пример #1
bool BotFindRouteExt( int botClientNum, const botRouteTarget_t *target, bool allowPartial )
	rVec start;
	Bot_t *bot = &agents[ botClientNum ];

	GetEntPosition( botClientNum, start );
	bool result = FindRoute( bot, start, *target, allowPartial );
	return static_cast<bool>( result );
DXMRoute* DXMNodeDagAdapter::AddRoute(MDagPath& path)

	if( g_DebugExtreme )
		MString name= MFnDependencyNode(GetNode()->GetSite()).name();
		MString pathName= path.fullPathName();
		DXCC_DPFA_REPORT( "(This: %s) (Path: %s)", name.asChar(), pathName.asChar() );

		return NULL;

	DXCC_ASSERT( path.node() == GetNode()->GetSite() );

	DXMRoute* route= CreateRoute();
	Routes.SetAt(route, route);

	route->Initialize(this, path);

	return route;
Пример #3
void BotUpdateCorridor( int botClientNum, const botRouteTarget_t *target, botNavCmd_t *cmd )
	rVec spos;
	rVec epos;
	Bot_t *bot = &agents[ botClientNum ];
	botRouteTargetInternal rtarget;

	if ( !cmd || !target )

	GetEntPosition( botClientNum, spos );

	rtarget = *target;
	epos = rtarget.pos;

	UpdatePathCorridor( bot, spos, rtarget );

	if ( !bot->offMesh )
		if ( bot->needReplan )
			if ( FindRoute( bot, spos, rtarget, false ) )
				bot->needReplan = false;

		cmd->havePath = !bot->needReplan;

		if ( overOffMeshConnectionStart( bot, spos ) )
			dtPolyRef refs[ 2 ];
			rVec start;
			rVec end;
			int corner = bot->numCorners - 1;
			dtPolyRef con = bot->cornerPolys[ corner ];

			if ( bot->corridor.moveOverOffmeshConnection( con, refs, start, end, bot->nav->query ) )
				bot->offMesh = true;
				bot->offMeshPoly = con;
				bot->offMeshEnd = end;
				bot->offMeshStart = start;

		dtPolyRef firstPoly = bot->corridor.getFirstPoly();
		dtPolyRef lastPoly = bot->corridor.getLastPoly();

		if ( !PointInPoly( bot, firstPoly, spos ) )
			bot->needReplan = true;

		if ( rtarget.type == BOT_TARGET_DYNAMIC )
			if ( !PointInPolyExtents( bot, lastPoly, epos, rtarget.polyExtents ) )
				bot->needReplan = true;

		rVec rdir;
		BotCalcSteerDir( bot, rdir );

		VectorCopy( rdir, cmd->dir );
		recast2quake( cmd->dir );

		cmd->directPathToGoal = bot->numCorners <= 1;

		VectorCopy( bot->corridor.getPos(), cmd->pos );
		recast2quake( cmd->pos );

		// if there are no corners, we have reached the goal
		// FIXME: this must be done because of a weird bug where the target is not reachable even if 
		// the path was checked for a partial path beforehand
		if ( bot->numCorners == 0 )
			VectorCopy( cmd->pos, cmd->tpos );
			VectorCopy( bot->corridor.getTarget(), cmd->tpos );

			float height;
			if ( dtStatusSucceed( bot->nav->query->getPolyHeight( bot->corridor.getLastPoly(), cmd->tpos, &height ) ) )
				cmd->tpos[ 1 ] = height;
			recast2quake( cmd->tpos );
	if ( bot->offMesh )
		qVec pos, proj;
		qVec start = bot->offMeshStart;
		qVec end = bot->offMeshEnd;
		qVec dir;
		qVec pVec;

		GetEntPosition( botClientNum, pos );
		start[ 2 ] = pos[ 2 ];
		end[ 2 ] = pos[ 2 ];

		ProjectPointOntoVectorBounded( pos, start, end, proj );
		VectorCopy( proj, cmd->pos );
		cmd->directPathToGoal = false;
		VectorSubtract( end, pos, cmd->dir );
		VectorNormalize( cmd->dir );

		VectorCopy( bot->corridor.getTarget(), cmd->tpos );
		float height;
		if ( dtStatusSucceed( bot->nav->query->getPolyHeight( bot->corridor.getLastPoly(), cmd->tpos, &height ) ) )
			cmd->tpos[ 1 ] = height;
		recast2quake( cmd->tpos );

		cmd->havePath = true;

		if ( withinRadiusOfOffMeshConnection( bot, spos, bot->offMeshEnd, bot->offMeshPoly ) )
			bot->offMesh = false;
void DXMNodeDagAdapter::RemoveRoute(MDagPath& path, bool deleteIt)
	DXMRoute* route= FindRoute(path);
		RemoveRoute(route, deleteIt);