bool SMFRenderStateGLSL::Init(const CSMFGroundDrawer* smfGroundDrawer) { const std::string names[GLSL_SHADER_COUNT - 1] = { "SMFShaderGLSL-Standard", "SMFShaderGLSL-Deferred", }; const std::string defs = ("#define SMF_TEXSQUARE_SIZE " + FloatToString( SMF_TEXSQUARE_SIZE) + "\n") + ("#define SMF_INTENSITY_MULT " + FloatToString(CGlobalRendering::SMF_INTENSITY_MULT) + "\n") + ("#define SMF_CLIP_PLANE_IDX " + IntToString( IWater::ClipPlaneIndex()) + "\n") + ("#define SMF_FRAGDATA_COUNT " + IntToString(GL::GeometryBuffer::ATTACHMENT_COUNT) + "\n"); if (useLuaShaders) { for (unsigned int n = GLSL_SHADER_STANDARD; n <= GLSL_SHADER_DEFERRED; n++) { glslShaders[n] = shaderHandler->CreateProgramObject("[SMFGroundDrawer::Lua]", names[n] + "-Lua"); // release ID created by GLSLProgramObject's ctor; should be 0 glslShaders[n]->Release(); } } else { for (unsigned int n = GLSL_SHADER_STANDARD; n <= GLSL_SHADER_DEFERRED; n++) { // load from VFS files glslShaders[n] = shaderHandler->CreateProgramObject("[SMFGroundDrawer::VFS]", names[n]); glslShaders[n]->AttachShaderObject(shaderHandler->CreateShaderObject("GLSL/SMFVertProg4.glsl", defs, GL_VERTEX_SHADER)); glslShaders[n]->AttachShaderObject(shaderHandler->CreateShaderObject("GLSL/SMFFragProg4.glsl", defs, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)); } } glslShaders[GLSL_SHADER_CURRENT] = glslShaders[GLSL_SHADER_STANDARD]; return true; }
std::string TextClass::XMFLOAT3ToString(XMFLOAT3 toConvert) { return "( " + FloatToString(toConvert.x) + ", " + FloatToString(toConvert.y) + ", " + FloatToString(toConvert.z) + " )"; }
void DataClass::sendBluetooth(Measurement* measurement, int timeDec, int valueDec) { _signalBluetooth(); Serial.println(DataLine(measurement->_name, FloatToString(measurement->_time, timeDec), FloatToString(measurement->_value, valueDec))); }
void DataClass::sendBluetooth(Actuator* actuator, int timeDec, int valueDec) { _signalBluetooth(); Serial.println(DataLine(actuator->_name, FloatToString(actuator->_time, timeDec), FloatToString(actuator->_value, valueDec))); }
std::string ProfileReport::BuildProfileReport(){ std::string myReport = "==="+ m_name +" ==="; myReport += "\nTotal : " + FloatToString((float)m_totalElapsedTime, "%.03f") +"ms"; myReport += "\nAverage: " + FloatToString((float)m_averageElapsedTime, "%.03f") + "ms"; myReport += "\nNum Calls: " + IntToString(m_numCalls) +"\n"; //myReport += "\n% Frame Time: " + DoubleToString(m_percentFrameTime) + "\n"; return myReport; }
static std::string GetUnitDefBuildOptionToolTip(const UnitDef* ud, bool disabled) { std::string tooltip; tooltip += (disabled)? "\xff\xff\x22\x22" "DISABLED: " "\xff\xff\xff\xff": "Build: "; tooltip += (ud->humanName + " - " + ud->tooltip); tooltip += ("\nHealth " + FloatToString(ud->health, "%.0f")); tooltip += ("\nMetal cost " + FloatToString(ud->metal, "%.0f")); tooltip += ("\nEnergy cost " + FloatToString(ud->energy, "%.0f")); tooltip += ("\nBuild time " + FloatToString(ud->buildTime, "%.0f")); return tooltip; }
int printAllCutFlow(TString *cuts, int nbCuts){ cout << "<cutFlow_"+name+">" << endl; printCutFlow(cuts,nbCuts,"all","1"); for (int i = 110; i < 160 ; i=i+10){ int lowRange = i - 5; int highRange = i + 5; TString lowPart = "dipho_mgg>"+FloatToString(lowRange); TString highPart = "dipho_mgg<"+FloatToString(highRange); TString theCond = lowPart + "&&" + highPart; TString theName = "masse"+FloatToString(i); printCutFlow(cuts,nbCuts,theName,theCond); } cout << "</cutFlow_"+name+">" << endl; }
globle char *GetLogicalName( void *theEnv, int whichArgument, char *defaultLogicalName) { char *logicalName; DATA_OBJECT result; EnvRtnUnknown(theEnv,whichArgument,&result); if ((GetType(result) == SYMBOL) || (GetType(result) == STRING) || (GetType(result) == INSTANCE_NAME)) { logicalName = ValueToString(result.value); if ((strcmp(logicalName,"t") == 0) || (strcmp(logicalName,"T") == 0)) { logicalName = defaultLogicalName; } } else if (GetType(result) == FLOAT) { logicalName = ValueToString(EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,FloatToString(theEnv,DOToDouble(result)))); } else if (GetType(result) == INTEGER) { logicalName = ValueToString(EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,LongIntegerToString(theEnv,DOToLong(result)))); } else { logicalName = NULL; } return(logicalName); }
const char *GetLogicalName( UDFContext *context, const char *defaultLogicalName) { Environment *theEnv = context->environment; const char *logicalName; UDFValue theArg; if (! UDFNextArgument(context,ANY_TYPE_BITS,&theArg)) { return NULL; } if (CVIsType(&theArg,LEXEME_BITS) || CVIsType(&theArg,INSTANCE_NAME_BIT)) { logicalName = theArg.lexemeValue->contents; if ((strcmp(logicalName,"t") == 0) || (strcmp(logicalName,"T") == 0)) { logicalName = defaultLogicalName; } } else if (CVIsType(&theArg,FLOAT_BIT)) { logicalName = CreateSymbol(theEnv,FloatToString(theEnv,theArg.floatValue->contents))->contents; } else if (CVIsType(&theArg,INTEGER_BIT)) { logicalName = CreateSymbol(theEnv,LongIntegerToString(theEnv,theArg.integerValue->contents))->contents; } else { logicalName = NULL; } return(logicalName); }
LispObject* SqrtFloat(LispObject* int1, LispEnvironment& aEnvironment,int aPrecision) { ANumber i1(*int1->Number(aPrecision)->iNumber); ANumber res(aPrecision); i1.ChangePrecision(aPrecision); Sqrt(res,i1); return FloatToString(res, aEnvironment); }
void DataClass::sendSD(Measurement* measurement, int timeDec, int valueDec) { String filename = _filenameForSD(measurement->_name); char buf[filename.length()+1]; filename.toCharArray(buf, filename.length()+1); File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE); if (!measurement->_SDOpen) { measurement->_SDOpen = true; dataFile.println("---"); dataFile.println("Time,Value"); } dataFile.println(FloatToString(measurement->_time, timeDec) + "," + FloatToString(measurement->_value, valueDec)); dataFile.close(); }
globle void PrintFloat( char *fileid, double number) { char *theString; theString = FloatToString(number); PrintRouter(fileid,theString); }
LispObject* ModFloat( LispObject* int1, LispObject* int2, LispEnvironment& aEnvironment, int aPrecision) { ANumber quotient(static_cast<int>(0)); ANumber remainder(static_cast<int>(0)); DivideInteger( quotient, remainder, int1->String()->c_str(), int2->String()->c_str(), aPrecision); return FloatToString(remainder, aEnvironment,10); }
Log& Log::operator<<( float i ) { if(Instance) { string Message = FloatToString(i); Instance->WriteAll(Message.c_str()); } return *this; }
globle void PrintFloat( void *theEnv, const char *fileid, double number) { const char *theString; theString = FloatToString(theEnv,number); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,fileid,theString); }
void WriteFloat( Environment *theEnv, const char *fileid, double number) { const char *theString; theString = FloatToString(theEnv,number); WriteString(theEnv,fileid,theString); }
void CArborEdit::SetValue( double val) { if( EditStyleIs(EDIT_CURRENCY) || EditStyleIs(EDIT_FLOAT)) { LPTSTR buff = new char[80]; FloatToString( buff, val) ; SetWindowText(buff); delete buff; } }
bool wxRealFormValidator::OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyFormView *WXUNUSED(view), wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) ) { // The item used for viewing the real number: should be a text item. wxWindow *m_propertyWindow = property->GetWindow(); if (!m_propertyWindow || !m_propertyWindow->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl))) return false; wxTextCtrl *textItem = (wxTextCtrl *)m_propertyWindow; textItem->SetValue(FloatToString(property->GetValue().RealValue())); return true; }
void DataClass::sendSD(Sensor* sensor, int newTrial, int trialNum, int timeDec, int valueDec) { String filename = _filenameForSD(sensor->_name); char buf[filename.length()+1]; filename.toCharArray(buf, filename.length()+1); File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE); if (!sensor->_SDOpen) { sensor->_SDOpen = true; } if (newTrial) { dataFile.println("---"); dataFile.println("Trial " + String(trialNum)); dataFile.println("Time,Value"); } dataFile.println(FloatToString(sensor->_timer.duration(), timeDec) + "," + FloatToString(sensor->readValue(), valueDec)); dataFile.close(); }
bool SMFRenderStateGLSL::Init(const CSMFGroundDrawer* smfGroundDrawer) { if (!globalRendering->haveGLSL) { // not possible to do (GLSL) shader-based map rendering return false; } if (!configHandler->GetBool("AdvMapShading")) { // not allowed to do (GLSL) shader-based map rendering return false; } const std::string names[GLSL_SHADER_COUNT - 1] = { "SMFShaderGLSL-Standard", "SMFShaderGLSL-Deferred", }; const std::string defs = ("#define SMF_TEXSQUARE_SIZE " + FloatToString( SMF_TEXSQUARE_SIZE) + "\n") + ("#define SMF_INTENSITY_MULT " + FloatToString(CGlobalRendering::SMF_INTENSITY_MULT) + "\n"); if (useLuaShaders) { for (unsigned int n = GLSL_SHADER_STANDARD; n <= GLSL_SHADER_DEFERRED; n++) { glslShaders[n] = shaderHandler->CreateProgramObject("[SMFGroundDrawer::Lua]", names[n] + "-Lua", false); // release ID created by GLSLProgramObject's ctor; should be 0 glslShaders[n]->Release(); } } else { for (unsigned int n = GLSL_SHADER_STANDARD; n <= GLSL_SHADER_DEFERRED; n++) { // load from VFS files glslShaders[n] = shaderHandler->CreateProgramObject("[SMFGroundDrawer::VFS]", names[n], false); glslShaders[n]->AttachShaderObject(shaderHandler->CreateShaderObject("GLSL/SMFVertProg.glsl", "#version 120\n" + defs, GL_VERTEX_SHADER)); glslShaders[n]->AttachShaderObject(shaderHandler->CreateShaderObject("GLSL/SMFFragProg.glsl", "#version 120\n" + defs, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)); } } glslShaders[GLSL_SHADER_CURRENT] = glslShaders[GLSL_SHADER_STANDARD]; return true; }
LispObject* PowerFloat(LispObject* int1, LispObject* int2, LispEnvironment& aEnvironment,int aPrecision) { if (int2->Number(aPrecision)->iNumber->iExp != 0) throw LispErrNotInteger(); // Raising to the power of an integer can be done fastest by squaring // and bitshifting: x^(a+b) = x^a*x^b . Then, regarding each bit // in y (seen as a binary number) as added, the algorithm becomes: // ANumber x(*int1->Number(aPrecision)->iNumber); ANumber y(*int2->Number(aPrecision)->iNumber); bool neg = y.iNegative; y.iNegative=false; // result <- 1 ANumber result("1",aPrecision); // base <- x ANumber base(aPrecision); base.CopyFrom(x); ANumber copy(aPrecision); // while (y!=0) while (!y.IsZero()) { // if (y&1 != 0) if ( (y[0] & 1) != 0) { // result <- result*base copy.CopyFrom(result); Multiply(result,copy,base); } // base <- base*base copy.CopyFrom(base); Multiply(base,copy,copy); // y <- y>>1 BaseShiftRight(y,1); } if (neg) { ANumber one("1",aPrecision); ANumber dummy(10); copy.CopyFrom(result); Divide(result,dummy,one,copy); } // result return FloatToString(result, aEnvironment); }
LispObject* LispFactorial(LispObject* int1, LispEnvironment& aEnvironment,int aPrecision) { int nr = InternalAsciiToInt(*int1->String()); if (nr < 0) throw LispErrInvalidArg(); ANumber fac("1",aPrecision); int i; for (i=2;i<=nr;i++) { BaseTimesInt(fac,i, WordBase); } return FloatToString(fac, aEnvironment); }
//upkeep void SliderWidget::Update(double deltaSeconds) { ProgressBarWidget::Update(deltaSeconds); AABB2 mySliderBounds = GetRenderBounds(); Vector2 mySliderLength = mySliderBounds.CalcLengthOfSides(); m_sliderButton->SetDimensions(Vector2(mySliderLength.x * 0.1f, mySliderLength.y * 1.25f)); //set percent num WidgetStateProperties& currentStateProperties = GetCurrentStateProperties(); float myPercent; currentStateProperties.GetProperty("percent", myPercent); std::string percentString = FloatToString(myPercent * 100, "%.0f") + "%"; m_sliderButton->SetText(percentString); m_sliderButton->Update(deltaSeconds); }
C_Game::C_Game(sf::RenderWindow* sc) : C_Mod(sc) { sf::Clock loadTimer; glewInit(); InitFog(); InitTexture(); _cam->setPosition(Vector3D(CHUNK_SIZE/2, CHUNK_SIZE/2, CHUNK_ZVALUE/2 +1.6f)); _cam->setSpeed(0.0006); _screen->ShowMouseCursor(false); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); InitCubes(); _boolJumping = false; _frameJumping = 0; InitGUI(); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_DIRT, 0); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND, 1); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+1, 2); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+2, 3); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+3, 4); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+4, 5); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+5, 6); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+6, 7); SetItemInHotkeys(CUBE_SAND+7, 8); _actuelCubeInHand = _itemInHotkeys[0]; C_Log::GetSingleton()->AddMessage( std::string("Scene loaded in " + FloatToString(loadTimer.GetElapsedTime()) + "sec.") ); /*C_LineEdit *widg = new C_LineEdit(); widg->move(10, sc->GetHeight()-40); widg->resize(350, 30); AddWidget(widg);*/ Launch(); }
std::string info_getValueAsString(const InfoItem* infoItem) { assert(infoItem != NULL); std::string stringValue = ""; switch (infoItem->valueType) { case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_STRING: { stringValue = infoItem->valueTypeString; } break; case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER: { stringValue = IntToString(infoItem->value.typeInteger); } break; case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: { stringValue = FloatToString(infoItem->value.typeFloat); } break; case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL: { stringValue = IntToString((int) infoItem->value.typeBool); } break; } return stringValue; }
void QTPFSPathDrawer::DrawNode( const QTPFS::QTNode* node, const MoveDef* md, CVertexArray* va, bool fillQuad, bool showCost, bool batchDraw ) const { #define xminw (node->xmin() * SQUARE_SIZE) #define xmaxw (node->xmax() * SQUARE_SIZE) #define zminw (node->zmin() * SQUARE_SIZE) #define zmaxw (node->zmax() * SQUARE_SIZE) #define xmidw (node->xmid() * SQUARE_SIZE) #define zmidw (node->zmid() * SQUARE_SIZE) const float3 verts[5] = { float3(xminw, CGround::GetHeightReal(xminw, zminw, false) + 4.0f, zminw), float3(xmaxw, CGround::GetHeightReal(xmaxw, zminw, false) + 4.0f, zminw), float3(xmaxw, CGround::GetHeightReal(xmaxw, zmaxw, false) + 4.0f, zmaxw), float3(xminw, CGround::GetHeightReal(xminw, zmaxw, false) + 4.0f, zmaxw), float3(xmidw, CGround::GetHeightReal(xmidw, zmidw, false) + 4.0f, zmidw), }; static const unsigned char colors[3][4] = { {1 * 255, 0 * 255, 0 * 255, 1 * 255}, // red --> blocked {0 * 255, 1 * 255, 0 * 255, 1 * 255}, // green --> passable {0 * 255, 0 * 255, 1 * 64, 1 * 64}, // light blue --> pushed }; const unsigned char* color = (!showCost)? &colors[2][0]: (node->moveCostAvg == QTPFS_POSITIVE_INFINITY)? &colors[0][0]: &colors[1][0]; if (!batchDraw) { if (!camera->InView(verts[4])) { return; } va->Initialize(); va->EnlargeArrays(4, 0, VA_SIZE_C); if (!fillQuad) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); } } va->AddVertexQC(verts[0], color); va->AddVertexQC(verts[1], color); va->AddVertexQC(verts[2], color); va->AddVertexQC(verts[3], color); if (!batchDraw) { va->DrawArrayC(GL_QUADS); if (!fillQuad) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); } } if (showCost && camera->GetPos().SqDistance(verts[4]) < (1000.0f * 1000.0f)) { font->SetTextColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); font->glWorldPrint(verts[4], 5.0f, FloatToString(node->GetMoveCost(), "%8.2f")); } #undef xminw #undef xmaxw #undef zminw #undef zmaxw #undef xmidw #undef zmidw }
void CGWorldOpenGL::WriteGWorldToDXF(CStdioFile *pFile, BOOL bShowClosureError, STATIONSHOW bShowStationNames, BOOL bBoxFixedPoints) { // blocks CString stationBlockName = "STATION"; CString fixedPointBlockName = "FIXEDPOINT"; // layers CString stationLayerName1 = "S_STATION100"; CString stationLayerName2 = "S_STATION500"; CString shotLayerName = "S_SHOT"; CString wallsLayerName = "S_PASSAGEWIDTH"; CString ceilingLayerName = "S_PASSAGEHEIGHT"; CString errorLayerName = "S_ERRORS"; CString heightLayerName = "S_STATIONHEIGHT"; //CString heightLayerName2 = "S_STATIONHEIGHT500"; CString namesLayerName1 = "S_STATIONNAMES100"; CString namesLayerName2 = "S_STATIONNAMES500"; CString fixedPointLayerName = "S_FIXEDPOINT"; CString wireFrameLayerName = "S_SURFACEDATA"; CString crossSectionLayerName = "S_CROSSSECTION"; CString surfaceShotLayerName = "S_SURFACESHOT"; // show hourglass mouse pointer CWinApp *pApp = AfxGetApp(); pApp -> BeginWaitCursor(); // write DXF header /////////////////// pFile-> WriteString("0\nSECTION\n2\nHEADER\n"); // (note: a header section must exist (even if empty) to support LAYER tables) // read value off one item to set drawing limits (otherwise the cave may end-up in one corner of the autocad screen) if(m_ConstraintArray.GetSize()) // test just in case the user tries to export an empty file { const CGWorldOpenGLConstraint & fixedPoint=m_ConstraintArray.GetAt(0); pFile-> WriteString("9\n$LIMMIN\n10\n"+FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[0])+ "\n20\n"+FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[1])+ "\n9\n$LIMMAX\n10\n"+FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[0])+"\n20\n"+FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[1])+"\n"); } pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDSEC\n"); // write tables /////////////// pFile-> WriteString("0\nSECTION\n2\nTABLES\n"); // write layers const int countLayers = 14; //15; CString layerNames[countLayers] = {"0", stationLayerName1, stationLayerName2, shotLayerName, wallsLayerName, ceilingLayerName, errorLayerName, heightLayerName, /*heightLayerName2,*/ namesLayerName1, namesLayerName2, fixedPointLayerName, wireFrameLayerName, crossSectionLayerName, surfaceShotLayerName }; int layerColor[countLayers] = {7, 1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 1, 6, /*6,*/ 4, 4, 2, 8, 5, 9}; pFile-> WriteString("0\nTABLE\n2\nLAYER\n70\n"+IntToString(countLayers)+"\n"); // change last item (after 70) to max number of layers for (int i=0; i<countLayers; ++i) // write each layer pFile-> WriteString("0\nLAYER\n2\n"+layerNames[i]+"\n70\n0\n62\n"+IntToString(layerColor[i])+"\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDTAB\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDSEC\n"); // define blocks (to be included later in the drawing) //////////////// pFile-> WriteString("0\nSECTION\n2\nBLOCKS\n"); // define station block pFile-> WriteString("0\nBLOCK\n8\n"+ stationLayerName1 + "\n2\n" + stationBlockName + "\n70\n0\n10\n0\n20\n0\n30\n0\n"); // small triangle pFile-> WriteString("0\nSOLID\n8\n" + stationLayerName1 + "\n10\n0\n20\n0.15\n30\n0\n11\n-0.1299\n21\n-0.075\n31\n0\n12\n0.1299\n22\n-0.075\n32\n0\n13\n0.1299\n23\n-0.075\n33\n0\n"); // large triangle pFile-> WriteString("0\nPOLYLINE\n8\n" + stationLayerName2 + "\n66\n1\n10\n0.0\n20\n0.0\n30\n0.0\n70\n1\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nVERTEX\n8\n" + stationLayerName2 + "\n10\n0\n20\n0.5\n30\n0\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nVERTEX\n8\n" + stationLayerName2 + "\n10\n-0.433\n20\n-0.25\n30\n0\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nVERTEX\n8\n" + stationLayerName2 + "\n10\n0.433\n20\n-0.25\n30\n0\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nSEQEND\n8\n" + stationLayerName2 + "\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDBLK\n8\n" + stationLayerName1+"\n"); // define fixedPoint block pFile-> WriteString("0\nBLOCK\n8\n"+ fixedPointLayerName + "\n2\n" + fixedPointBlockName + "\n70\n0\n10\n0\n20\n0\n30\n0\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nSOLID\n8\n" + fixedPointLayerName + "\n10\n0.5\n20\n0.5\n30\n0\n11\n-0.5\n21\n0.5\n31\n0\n12\n0.5\n22\n-0.5\n32\n0\n13\n-0.5\n23\n-0.5\n33\n0\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDBLK\n8\n" + fixedPointLayerName+"\n"); pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDSEC\n"); // write DXF entities ///////////////////// pFile-> WriteString("0\nSECTION\n2\nENTITIES\n"); // write lines int iCount=m_LineArray.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<iCount; i++) { const CGWorldOpenGLLine& Line=m_LineArray.GetAt(i); BOOL bShowThisLine=TRUE; CString layer = "0"; // lines of undefined types go to layer 0 switch (Line.lineType) { // diferent types of lines are output to different layers case LT_SHOT: layer = shotLayerName; break; case LT_SURFACESHOT: layer = surfaceShotLayerName; break; case LT_CLOSUREERROR: layer = errorLayerName; bShowThisLine=bShowClosureError; break; case LT_PASSAGEWIDTH: layer = wallsLayerName; break; case LT_PASSAGEHEIGHT: layer = ceilingLayerName; break; case LT_SURFACE: layer = wireFrameLayerName; break; case LT_CROSSSECTION: layer = crossSectionLayerName; break; // case LT_WIREFRAME: // those should not be seen since they only appear on screen when rotating // default: // (there should be no other types) // break; } if (bShowThisLine) pFile-> WriteString("0\nLINE\n8\n" + layer + "\n10\n" + FloatToString(Line.pt1[0]) + "\n20\n" + FloatToString(Line.pt1[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(Line.pt1[2]) + "\n11\n" + FloatToString(Line.pt2[0]) + "\n21\n" + FloatToString(Line.pt2[1]) + "\n31\n" + FloatToString(Line.pt2[2]) + "\n"); } // write stations and station's name and height int iLabelCount=m_LabelArray.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<iLabelCount; i++) { const CGWorldOpenGLLabel & Label=m_LabelArray.GetAt(i); // write station name if (bShowStationNames==SHOW_ALL || (Label.bJunction && bShowStationNames==SHOW_INTERSECT)) { // small text pFile-> WriteString("0\nTEXT\n8\n" + namesLayerName1 + "\n72\n2\n" + "10\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0]) + "\n20\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n11\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0] - (float)0.1299) + "\n21\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n31\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n40\n0.4\n1\n" + Label.szName + "\n"); // large text pFile-> WriteString("0\nTEXT\n8\n" + namesLayerName2 + "\n72\n2\n" + "10\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0]) + "\n20\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n11\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0] - (float)0.433) + "\n21\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n31\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n40\n1.0\n1\n" + Label.szName + "\n"); } // write station height // small text pFile-> WriteString("0\nTEXT\n8\n" + heightLayerName + "\n" + //"73\n3\n" + // tag 73 is not recognized by AutoCAD v.10: we substract the font size from the y value "10\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0] + (float)0.1299) + "\n20\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]-(float)0.4) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n11\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0] + (float)0.1299) + "\n21\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]-(float)0.4) + "\n31\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n40\n0.4\n1\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n"); /* // large text pFile-> WriteString("0\nTEXT\n8\n" + heightLayerName2 + "\n73\n3\n" + "10\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0]) + "\n20\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n11\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0] + (float)0.433) + "\n21\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n31\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n40\n1.0\n1\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n"); */ // draw station pFile-> WriteString("0\nINSERT\n2\n" + stationBlockName + "\n8\n" + stationLayerName1 + "\n10\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[0])+ "\n20\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(Label.position[2]) + "\n"); } // write fixed points and fixed points' text int iFixedPointCount=m_ConstraintArray.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<iFixedPointCount; i++) { const CGWorldOpenGLConstraint & fixedPoint=m_ConstraintArray.GetAt(i); if (!fixedPoint.bSearchResultTag) // only show fixed points: not search results '?' tags { // write text pFile-> WriteString("0\nTEXT\n8\n" + fixedPointLayerName + "\n10\n" + FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[0] + (float)0.6) + "\n20\n" + FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[2]) + "\n40\n1.0\n1\n" + fixedPoint.node->GetName() + "\n"); // draw fixed point pFile-> WriteString("0\nINSERT\n2\n" + fixedPointBlockName + "\n8\n" + fixedPointLayerName + "\n10\n" + FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[0])+ "\n20\n" + FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[1]) + "\n30\n" + FloatToString(fixedPoint.position[2]) + "\n"); } } // end of 'entities' section and end of file pFile-> WriteString("0\nENDSEC\n0\nEOF\n"); // hide hourglass mouse pointer pApp -> EndWaitCursor(); }
globle const char *DataObjectToString( void *theEnv, DATA_OBJECT *theDO) { void *thePtr; const char *theString; char *newString; const char *prefix, *postfix; size_t length; struct externalAddressHashNode *theAddress; char buffer[30]; switch (GetpType(theDO)) { case MULTIFIELD: prefix = "("; theString = ValueToString(ImplodeMultifield(theEnv,theDO)); postfix = ")"; break; case STRING: prefix = "\""; theString = DOPToString(theDO); postfix = "\""; break; case INSTANCE_NAME: prefix = "["; theString = DOPToString(theDO); postfix = "]"; break; case SYMBOL: return(DOPToString(theDO)); case FLOAT: return(FloatToString(theEnv,DOPToDouble(theDO))); case INTEGER: return(LongIntegerToString(theEnv,DOPToLong(theDO))); case RVOID: return(""); #if OBJECT_SYSTEM case INSTANCE_ADDRESS: thePtr = DOPToPointer(theDO); if (thePtr == (void *) &InstanceData(theEnv)->DummyInstance) { return("<Dummy Instance>"); } if (((struct instance *) thePtr)->garbage) { prefix = "<Stale Instance-"; theString = ValueToString(((struct instance *) thePtr)->name); postfix = ">"; } else { prefix = "<Instance-"; theString = ValueToString(GetFullInstanceName(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) thePtr)); postfix = ">"; } break; #endif case EXTERNAL_ADDRESS: theAddress = (struct externalAddressHashNode *) DOPToPointer(theDO); /* TBD Need specific routine for creating name string. */ gensprintf(buffer,"<Pointer-%d-%p>",(int) theAddress->type,DOPToExternalAddress(theDO)); thePtr = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,buffer); return(ValueToString(thePtr)); #if DEFTEMPLATE_CONSTRUCT case FACT_ADDRESS: if (DOPToPointer(theDO) == (void *) &FactData(theEnv)->DummyFact) { return("<Dummy Fact>"); } thePtr = DOPToPointer(theDO); gensprintf(buffer,"<Fact-%lld>",((struct fact *) thePtr)->factIndex); thePtr = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,buffer); return(ValueToString(thePtr)); #endif default: return("UNK"); } length = strlen(prefix) + strlen(theString) + strlen(postfix) + 1; newString = (char *) genalloc(theEnv,length); newString[0] = '\0'; genstrcat(newString,prefix); genstrcat(newString,theString); genstrcat(newString,postfix); thePtr = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,newString); genfree(theEnv,newString,length); return(ValueToString(thePtr)); }
int stack_push_float(object store, string name, float entry) { return stack_push_string(store,name,FloatToString(entry)); }
int array_set_float(object store, string name, int i, float entry) { return array_set_string(store,name,i,FloatToString(entry)); }