Пример #1
 * gdk_drag_drop_succeeded:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * Returns whether the dropped data has been successfully
 * transferred. This function is intended to be used while
 * handling a %GDK_DROP_FINISHED event, its return value is
 * meaningless at other times.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the drop was successful.
 * Since: 2.6
gdk_drag_drop_succeeded (GdkDragContext *context)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context), FALSE);

  return GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)->drop_status (context);
Пример #2
Файл: gdkdnd.c Проект: 3v1n0/gtk
 * gdk_drag_get_selection:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext.
 * Returns the selection atom for the current source window.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the selection atom, or %GDK_NONE
gdk_drag_get_selection (GdkDragContext *context)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context), GDK_NONE);

  return GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)->get_selection (context);
Пример #3
 * gdk_drag_drop:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * @time_: the timestamp for this operation
 * Drops on the current destination.
 * This function is called by the drag source.
gdk_drag_drop (GdkDragContext *context,
               guint32         time_)
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context));

  GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)->drag_drop (context, time_);
Пример #4
 * gdk_drop_finish:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * @success: %TRUE if the data was successfully received
 * @time_: the timestamp for this operation
 * Ends the drag operation after a drop.
 * This function is called by the drag destination.
gdk_drop_finish (GdkDragContext *context,
                 gboolean        success,
                 guint32         time_)
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context));

  GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)->drop_finish (context, success, time_);
Пример #5
 * gdk_drop_reply:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * @accepted: %TRUE if the drop is accepted
 * @time_: the timestamp for this operation
 * Accepts or rejects a drop.
 * This function is called by the drag destination in response
 * to a drop initiated by the drag source.
gdk_drop_reply (GdkDragContext *context,
                gboolean        accepted,
                guint32         time_)
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context));

  GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)->drop_reply (context, accepted, time_);
Пример #6
 * gdk_drag_status:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * @action: the selected action which will be taken when a drop happens,
 *    or 0 to indicate that a drop will not be accepted
 * @time_: the timestamp for this operation
 * Selects one of the actions offered by the drag source.
 * This function is called by the drag destination in response to
 * gdk_drag_motion() called by the drag source.
gdk_drag_status (GdkDragContext *context,
                 GdkDragAction   action,
                 guint32         time_)
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context));

  GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)->drag_status (context, action, time_);
Пример #7
 * gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * @drag_window: a window which may be at the pointer position, but
 *     should be ignored, since it is put up by the drag source as an icon
 * @screen: the screen where the destination window is sought
 * @x_root: the x position of the pointer in root coordinates
 * @y_root: the y position of the pointer in root coordinates
 * @dest_window: (out): location to store the destination window in
 * @protocol: (out): location to store the DND protocol in
 * Finds the destination window and DND protocol to use at the
 * given pointer position.
 * This function is called by the drag source to obtain the
 * @dest_window and @protocol parameters for gdk_drag_motion().
 * Since: 2.2
gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen (GdkDragContext  *context,
                                 GdkWindow       *drag_window,
                                 GdkScreen       *screen,
                                 gint             x_root,
                                 gint             y_root,
                                 GdkWindow      **dest_window,
                                 GdkDragProtocol *protocol)
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context));

  *dest_window = GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)
      ->find_window (context, drag_window, screen, x_root, y_root, protocol);
Пример #8
 * gdk_drag_motion:
 * @context: a #GdkDragContext
 * @dest_window: the new destination window, obtained by
 *     gdk_drag_find_window()
 * @protocol: the DND protocol in use, obtained by gdk_drag_find_window()
 * @x_root: the x position of the pointer in root coordinates
 * @y_root: the y position of the pointer in root coordinates
 * @suggested_action: the suggested action
 * @possible_actions: the possible actions
 * @time_: the timestamp for this operation
 * Updates the drag context when the pointer moves or the
 * set of actions changes.
 * This function is called by the drag source.
 * Returns:
gdk_drag_motion (GdkDragContext *context,
                 GdkWindow      *dest_window,
                 GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                 gint            x_root,
                 gint            y_root,
                 GdkDragAction   suggested_action,
                 GdkDragAction   possible_actions,
                 guint32         time_)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context), FALSE);

  return GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context)
       ->drag_motion (context,