Пример #1
// x must be already open for writing
// x must have a parent
static void _left_rotate(ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk *sb, stm_blk *xb, node_t *x) {
    stm_blk *rb, *rlb, *pb;
    node_t *r, *rl, *p;

    rb = GET_RIGHT(x);
    pb = GET_PARENT(x);

    r = WRITE_OBJ(rb);
    p = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
    rlb = GET_LEFT(r);

    x = WRITE_OBJ(xb);
    SET_RIGHT(x, rlb);
    if ( rlb != NULL ) {
        rl = WRITE_OBJ(rlb);
        SET_PARENT(rl, xb);

    SET_PARENT(r, pb);
    if(pb == NULL) {
        set_t * s = (set_t*) WRITE_OBJ(sb);
        SET_ROOT(s, rb);
    } else if ( GET_LEFT(p) == xb ) {
        SET_LEFT(p, rb);
    } else {
        SET_RIGHT(p, rb);
    SET_LEFT(r, xb);
    SET_PARENT(x, rb);
Пример #2
bool Cube::CheckL()
    CubeColor centre = GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][1][1]);
    return GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][0][0]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][0][1]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][0][2]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][1][0]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][1][1]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][1][2]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][2][0]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][2][1]) == centre &&
           GET_LEFT(subCubes[0][2][2]) == centre;
Пример #3
// x must be already open for writing
// x must have a parent
static void _right_rotate(ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk *sb, stm_blk *xb, node_t *x) {
    stm_blk *lb, *lrb, *pb;
    node_t *l, *lr, *p;

    lb = GET_LEFT(x);
    pb = GET_PARENT(x);

    l = WRITE_OBJ(lb);
    p = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
    lrb = GET_RIGHT(l);

    x = WRITE_OBJ(xb);
    SET_LEFT(x, lrb);
    if (lrb != NULL ) {
        lr = WRITE_OBJ(lrb);
        SET_PARENT(lr, xb);

    SET_PARENT(l, pb);
    if(pb == NULL) {
        set_t * s = (set_t*) WRITE_OBJ(sb);
        SET_ROOT(s, lb);
    } else if ( xb == GET_RIGHT(p) ) {
        SET_RIGHT(p, lb);
    } else {
        SET_LEFT(p, lb);
    SET_RIGHT(l, xb);
    SET_PARENT(x, lb);
Пример #4
static stm_blk * _successor_non_stm(ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk * tb) {
    stm_blk *chb, *pb, *plb;
    node_t *t, *ch, *p;

    if(tb == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        t = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, tb);
        if(GET_RIGHT(t) != NULL) {
            pb = GET_RIGHT(t);
            p = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, pb);
            while ( (plb=GET_LEFT(p)) != NULL ) {
                pb = plb;
                p = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, pb);
            return pb;
        } else {//GET_RIGHT(t) == NULLL
            pb = GET_PARENT(t);
            p = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, pb);
            chb = tb;
            ch = t;

            while(pb != NULL && chb == GET_RIGHT(p)) {
                chb = pb;
                ch = p;
                pb = GET_PARENT(p);
                p = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, pb);
            return pb;
Пример #5
// Return the left most node in the tree
static stm_blk * _first_node_non_stm (ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk *sb) {
    stm_blk *pb;
    node_t *p;

    set_t * s = (set_t*) init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, sb);
    pb = GET_ROOT(s);

    if(pb != NULL) {
        p = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, pb);
        while ( GET_LEFT(p) != NULL ) {
            pb = GET_LEFT(p);
            p = init_stm_blk__(ptst, MEMORY, pb);
    return pb;
Пример #6
/*delete_node function divide the delete operation into three situations by the size
of the block the pointer points to.
1. the size = 8. Delete it from the list_for_8 single direction linked list
2. the size = 16. Delete it from the list_for_16 double directions linked list
3. Others. Call the function delete to delete a node in the Binary Search Tree*/
inline static void delete_node(void *bp)
    if (GET_SIZE(bp) == 8) {
    	/*the previous free block condition can be judged by the third bit*/
    	if (bp == list_for_8) {
    		list_for_8 = (void *)GET_LEFT(bp);
    	/*search the position of bp when bp is not the first node*/
    	void * finder = list_for_8;
    	void * before = finder;
    	while (finder != bp) {
    		before = finder;
    		finder = (void *)GET_LEFT(finder);
    	PUT_LEFT(before, GET_LEFT(finder));
    } else if (GET_SIZE(bp) == 16) {
    	if (bp == list_for_16) {
    		list_for_16 = (void *)GET_RIGHT(bp);
    		PUT_LEFT(list_for_16, NULL_POINTER);
    	void * bpleft = (void *)GET_LEFT(bp);
    	void * bpright = (void *)GET_RIGHT(bp);
    	PUT_RIGHT(GET_LEFT(bp), bpright);
    	PUT_LEFT(GET_RIGHT(bp), bpleft);
    } else {
    	/*delete a node in the BST*/
Пример #7
/*this is used by the first node of a size*/
inline static int get_direction(void * bp) {
	void * parent = (void *)GET_PARENT(bp);
	if (parent == NULL_POINTER) {
		return 0;
	if ((void *)GET_LEFT(parent) == bp) {
		return 1;
	if ((void *)GET_RIGHT(parent) == bp) {
		return 2;
	return -1;

Пример #8
static void *match( size_t asize )
    if(asize == 8 && list_for_8 != NULL_POINTER) return list_for_8;
    if(asize <= 16 && list_for_16 != NULL_POINTER) return list_for_16;
	/* the most fit block */
	void *fit = NULL_POINTER;
	/* temporary location of the search */
	void *temp = root;
	/* use tree to implement a comparative best fit search */
	while(temp != NULL_POINTER){
		if( asize <= GET_SIZE(temp) ){
			fit = temp;
			temp = (void *)GET_LEFT(temp);
		} else
			temp = (void *)GET_RIGHT(temp);
	return fit;
Пример #9
static stm_blk * _lookup(ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk *sb, setkey_t k) {
    stm_blk *pb;
    node_t  *p;

    set_t * s = (set_t*) READ_OBJ(sb);
    pb = GET_ROOT(s);
    while ( pb != NULL ) {
        p = READ_OBJ(pb);
        int cmp = k - GET_KEY(p);
        if (cmp == 0) {

            return pb;
        pb = (cmp < 0) ? GET_LEFT(p) : GET_RIGHT(p);

    return NULL;
Пример #10
// to_s
char* streamkey_to_s(char *dest, stream_key_t *key)
  uint16_t sport, dport;

  if (0) //pkt_is_v6(pkt))
    sprintf(dest, "IPV6 STREAM HERE");
    //sprintf(dest, "%s_%s_%d_%s_%d", get_proto_name(pkt->ip6.ip_p),"?:?:?",sport, "?:?:?", dport);
    return dest;
    char leftip[16], rightip[16];
    ip2string(leftip, GET_LEFT(key));
    ip2string(rightip, GET_RIGHT(key));

    sprintf(dest, "%s_%s_%d_%s_%d", get_proto_name(key->v4.ipproto), leftip, key->v4.lport, rightip, key->v4.rport);
    return dest;

Пример #11
string Cube::Serialize()
    string data;
    for (int z = 0; z < 3; ++z)
        for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
                cube_t subcube = subCubes[x][y][z];
                data += ColorCharMap[GET_FRONT(subcube)];
                data += ColorCharMap[GET_BACK(subcube)];
                data += ColorCharMap[GET_LEFT(subcube)];
                data += ColorCharMap[GET_RIGHT(subcube)];
                data += ColorCharMap[GET_UP(subcube)];
                data += ColorCharMap[GET_DOWN(subcube)];
    return data;
Пример #12
// compute simple hash on stream key (for HashTable)
hash_stream_key(const void *_key)
  stream_key_t *key = (stream_key_t *)_key;

  uint32_t val = *(uint32_t *)key;
  val = GET_LEFT(key) ^ GET_RIGHT(key);
  val *= key->v4.rport;
  val = val ^ key->v4.lport;

  //char pbuf[80];
  //printf ("HASH: %s %u\n", streamkey_to_s(pbuf, key), val);

  if (!net_stream_is_v6(key)) return val;

  val = val ^ *(uint32_t *)key->addrs2;
  val = val ^ *(uint32_t*)(key->addrs2+4);
  val = val ^ *(uint32_t*)(key->addrs2+8);
  val = val ^ *(uint32_t*)(key->addrs2+12);
  val = val ^ *(uint32_t*)(key->addrs2+16);

  return val;
Пример #13
static void _fix_after_insertion(ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk *sb, stm_blk *xb, node_t *x) {
    stm_blk *pb, *gpb, *yb, *lub;
    node_t  *p, *gp, *y;

    // rebalance tree
    set_t * s = (set_t*)READ_OBJ(sb);
    while (xb != NULL && GET_PARENT(x) != NULL) {
        pb = GET_PARENT(x);
        p = READ_OBJ(pb);
        if (IS_BLACK(p)) // case 2 - parent is black

        gpb = GET_PARENT(p);
        gp = READ_OBJ(gpb);
        lub = GET_LEFT(gp);

        if (pb == lub) {
            // parent is red, p=GET_LEFT(g)
            yb = GET_RIGHT(gp); // y (uncle)
            y  = READ_OBJ(yb);
            if (IS_RED(y)) {
                // case 3 - parent is red, uncle is red (p = GET_LEFT(gp))
                p = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                y = WRITE_OBJ(yb);
                gp = WRITE_OBJ(gpb);
                SET_COLOUR(p, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(y, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(gp, RED);
                xb = gpb;
                x  = gp;
            } else {
                // parent is red, uncle is black (p = GET_LEFT(gp))
                if ( xb == GET_RIGHT(p) ) {
                    // case 4 - parent is red, uncle is black, x = GET_RIGHT(p), p = GET_LEFT(gp)
                    xb = pb;
                    x  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                    _left_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, xb, x);
                // case 5 - parent is red, uncle is black, x = GET_LEFT(p), p = GET_LEFT(gp)
                p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                gpb = GET_PARENT(p);
                gp  = WRITE_OBJ(gpb);
                SET_COLOUR(p, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(gp, RED);
                if (gp != NULL) {
                    _right_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, gpb, gp);
        } else {
            // parent is red, p = GET_RIGHT(gp)
            yb = lub;
            y  = READ_OBJ(yb);
            if (IS_RED(y)) {
                // case 3 - parent is red, uncle is red (p = GET_RIGHT(gp))
                p = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                y = WRITE_OBJ(yb);
                gp = WRITE_OBJ(gpb);
                SET_COLOUR(p, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(y, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(gp, RED);
                xb = gpb;
                x  = gp;
            } else {
                // parent is red, uncle is black (p = GET_RIGHT(gp))
                if ( xb == GET_LEFT(p) ) {
                    // case 4 - parent is red, uncle is black, x = GET_LEFT(p), p = GET_RIGHT(gp)
                    xb = pb;
                    x  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                    _right_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, xb, x);
                    pb = GET_PARENT(x);
                // case 5 - parent is red, uncle is black, x = GET_RIGHT(p), p = GET_RIGHT(gp)
                p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                gpb = GET_PARENT(p);
                gp  = WRITE_OBJ(gpb);
                SET_COLOUR(p, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(gp, RED);
                if(gp != NULL) {
                    _left_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, gpb, gp);

    s = (set_t*)READ_OBJ(sb);
    stm_blk * rob = GET_ROOT(s);
    node_t * ro = READ_OBJ(rob);
    if (IS_RED(ro)) {
        ro = WRITE_OBJ(rob);
Пример #14
static void _fix_after_deletion(ptst_t *ptst, stm_tx *tx, stm_blk *sb, stm_blk *xb, node_t *x) {
    stm_blk *pb, *plb, *sibb, *siblb, *sibrb;
    node_t *p, *sib, *sibl, *sibr;
    set_t *s;

    while (GET_PARENT(x)!=NULL && IS_BLACK(x)) {
        pb = GET_PARENT(x);
        p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
        plb = GET_LEFT(p);
        if ( xb == plb ) {
            sibb = GET_RIGHT(p);
            sib  = WRITE_OBJ(sibb);
            if (IS_RED(sib)) {
                SET_COLOUR(sib, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(p, RED);
                _left_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, pb, p);
	            pb = GET_PARENT(x);
                sibb = GET_RIGHT(p);
                sib  = WRITE_OBJ(sibb);

            siblb = GET_LEFT(sib);
            sibl  = READ_OBJ(siblb);
            sibrb = GET_RIGHT(sib);
            sibr  = READ_OBJ(sibrb);
            if (IS_BLACK(sibl) && IS_BLACK(sibr)) {
                SET_COLOUR(sib, RED);
                xb = GET_PARENT(x);
                x  = WRITE_OBJ(xb);
            } else {
                if (IS_BLACK(sibr)) {
                    sibl = WRITE_OBJ(siblb);
                    SET_COLOUR(sibl, BLACK);
                    _right_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, sibb, sib);
                    pb = GET_PARENT(x);
                    p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                    sibb = GET_RIGHT(p);

                sib  = WRITE_OBJ(sibb);
                SET_COLOUR(sib, GET_COLOUR(p));
                p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                SET_COLOUR(p, BLACK);
                sibrb = GET_RIGHT(sib);
                sibr  = WRITE_OBJ(sibrb);
                SET_COLOUR(sibr, BLACK);
                _left_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, pb, p);
                s = (set_t*)READ_OBJ(sb);
                xb = GET_ROOT(s);
                x  = WRITE_OBJ(xb);
        } else  { // inverse
            sibb = plb;
            sib  = WRITE_OBJ(sibb);
            if (IS_RED(sib)) {
                SET_COLOUR(sib, BLACK);
                SET_COLOUR(p, RED);
                _right_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, pb, p);
                pb = GET_PARENT(x);
                sibb = GET_LEFT(p);
                sib  = WRITE_OBJ(sibb);

            siblb = GET_LEFT(sib);
            sibl  = READ_OBJ(siblb);
            sibrb = GET_RIGHT(sib);
            sibr  = READ_OBJ(sibrb);
            if (IS_BLACK(sibl) && IS_BLACK(sibr)) {
                SET_COLOUR(sib, RED);
                xb = GET_PARENT(x);
                x  = WRITE_OBJ(xb);
            } else {
                if (IS_BLACK(sibl)) {
                    sibr = WRITE_OBJ(sibrb);
                    SET_COLOUR(sibr, BLACK);
                    SET_COLOUR(sib, RED);
                    _left_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, sibb, sib);
                    pb = GET_PARENT(x);
                    p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                    sibb = GET_LEFT(p);

                sib = WRITE_OBJ(sibb);
                SET_COLOUR(sib, GET_COLOUR(p));
                p  = WRITE_OBJ(pb);
                SET_COLOUR(p, BLACK);
                siblb = GET_LEFT(sib);
                sibl = WRITE_OBJ(siblb);
                SET_COLOUR(sibl, BLACK);
                _right_rotate(ptst, tx, sb, pb, p);
                s = (set_t*)READ_OBJ(sb);
                xb = GET_ROOT(s);
                x  = WRITE_OBJ(xb);

    if(IS_RED(x)) {
        SET_COLOUR(x, BLACK);
Пример #15
inline static void insert_node( void *bp ) {

	RESET_PREALLOC_INFO(GET_NEXT(bp)); //reset the second bit of the HDRPer of the next block

    if (GET_SIZE(bp) == 8) {
    	PUT_LEFT(bp, list_for_8);
    	list_for_8 = bp;
    	/*used to be wrong with mistaking SET to RESET */
    } else if (GET_SIZE(bp) == 16){
    	if (list_for_16 == NULL_POINTER) {
    		PUT_RIGHT(bp, list_for_16);
    		list_for_16 = bp;
    	PUT_RIGHT(bp, list_for_16);
    	PUT_LEFT(list_for_16, bp);
    	list_for_16 = bp;
    } else {					//use BST when block size > 16
    	if (root == NULL_POINTER) {
    		root = bp;   //root is also an address.
    	} else {
    		void *parent = root;
    		void *temp = root;
    		int flag = 0; 
    		/*flag = 0 : the root itself; flag = 1 : left; flag = 2 : right*/
    		while (temp != NULL_POINTER) {
    			/*when finding the free block in BST with the same size*/
    			if (GET_SIZE(temp) == GET_SIZE(bp)) {
    				PUT_LEFT(bp, GET_LEFT(temp));
    				PUT_RIGHT(bp, GET_RIGHT(temp));
    				PUT_BROTHER(bp, temp);
    				PUT_PARENT(GET_LEFT(temp), bp);
    				PUT_PARENT(GET_RIGHT(temp), bp);
    				PUT_LEFT(temp, bp);

    				PUT_PARENT(bp, GET_PARENT(temp));
    				if (flag == 0) {
    					root = bp;
    				} else if (flag == 1) {
    					PUT_LEFT(parent, bp);
    				} else {
    					PUT_RIGHT(parent, bp);
    			} else if (GET_SIZE(temp) < GET_SIZE(bp)) {
    				parent = temp;
    				temp = (void *)GET_RIGHT(temp);
    				flag = 2;
    			} else {
    				parent = temp;
    				temp = (void *)GET_LEFT(temp);
    				flag = 1;
    		/*insert new node*/
    		if (flag == 1) {
    			PUT_LEFT(parent, bp);
    		} else {
    			PUT_RIGHT(parent, bp);
			PUT_PARENT(bp, parent);
Пример #16

/*The delete function is used to delete a node in the binary search tree. If mainly divide
the operation into three situations.
1. bp points to the first element of the size but it is ot the only node of the size
2. bp points to the only element of the size. In this situation, call the delet_first_node
function to do further operations.
3. bp points to a node which is not the first node of the size.
The variable direction, is used to judge either the node to be delete is the left child,
or the right child, or the root itself.*/
inline static void delete(void *bp) {

	/*if bp points to the first element of the size*/
	void * left = (void *)GET_LEFT(bp);
	if ((left == NULL_POINTER) || (GET_SIZE(left) != GET_SIZE(bp))) {
		int direction = get_direction(bp);
		if (direction == -1) {
			printf("sth wrong with direction ! /n");
		/*when the node to be delete is not the only node of the size*/
		if ((void *)GET_BROTHER(bp) != NULL_POINTER) {
			void * nextbrother = (void *)GET_BROTHER(bp);
			PUT_LEFT(nextbrother, GET_LEFT(bp));
			PUT_RIGHT(nextbrother, GET_RIGHT(bp));
			PUT_PARENT(nextbrother, GET_PARENT(bp));
			if ((void *)GET_LEFT(bp) != NULL_POINTER) {
				PUT_PARENT((void *)GET_LEFT(bp), nextbrother);