Пример #1
Val   _lib7_P_IO_readbuf   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type: (Int, rw_vector_of_one_byte_unts::Rw_Vector, Int,   Int) -> Int
    //                fd   data                       nbytes start
    // Read nbytes of data from the specified file
    // into the given array starting at start.
    // Return the number of bytes read.
    // Assume bounds have been checked.
    // This fn gets bound as   readbuf'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-io.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-io-64.pkg


    int	  fd     =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0 );
//  Val	  buf    =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1 );	// We'll do this after the read().
    int	  nbytes =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 2 );
//  int   offset =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 3 );	// We'll do this after the read().

    int  n;

    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  vec_buf;

    {	char* c_vec								// Get a pointer to 'nbytes' of free ram outside the Mythryl heap
	    = 									// (i.e., ram guaranteed not to move around during a heapcleaning).
	    buffer_mythryl_heap_nonvalue( &vec_buf, nbytes );

/*  do { */									// Backed out 2010-02-26 CrT: See discussion at bottom of src/c/lib/socket/connect.c

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_P_IO_readbuf", &arg );	// 'arg' is still live here! 
	    n = read( fd, c_vec, nbytes );
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_P_IO_readbuf" );

/*  } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);	*/					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.

	// The heapcleaner may have moved everything around
	// during our read() call, so we wait until now to
	// track down the location of our buf vector:
	Val   buf    =                                GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1 );
	char* start  = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(buf) + GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 3 );

	// Copy the bytes read into given
	// string 'buf' on Mythryl heap:
	memcpy( start, c_vec, n );						// Caller is responsible for guaranteeing that this will not overrun the vector and clobber the Mythryl heap.

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &vec_buf );

Пример #2
Val   _lib7_P_Process_exece   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // _lib7_P_Process_exece : String * String list * String list -> 'a
    // Overlay a new process image, using specified environment.
    // This fn gets bound as   exece   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-process.pkg

    Val  path   =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 0 );
    Val  arglst =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1 );
    Val	 envlst =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 2 );

    // Use the heap for temp space for
    // the argv[] and envp[] vectors:
    char** cp =  (char**)(task->heap_allocation_pointer);

    #ifdef SIZES_C_64_MYTHRYL_32
	// 8-byte align it:

    char** argv = cp;
    for (Val p = arglst;  p != LIST_NIL;  p = LIST_TAIL(p)) {
        *cp++ = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(LIST_HEAD(p));
    *cp++ = 0;						// Terminate the argv[].

    char** envp = cp;
    for (Val p = envlst;  p != LIST_NIL;  p = LIST_TAIL(p)) {
        *cp++ = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(LIST_HEAD(p));
    *cp++ = 0;						// Terminate the envp[].

    int status =  execve( HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(path), argv, envp );

    CHECK_RETURN (task, status)
Пример #3
/* do__set_window_title
 * opengl-client.api        type:   (Session, String) -> Void
 * opengl-client-driver.api type:   (Session, String) -> Void
static Val   do__set_window_title   (Task* task, Val arg)

    char*             s0 =   HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING (GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1));

    glfwSetWindowTitle( s0 );

    return HEAP_VOID;
Пример #4
/* do__negate_boolean
 * opengl-client.api        type:   (Session, Bool) -> Bool
 * opengl-client-driver.api type:   (Session, Bool) -> Bool
static Val   do__negate_boolean   (Task* task, Val arg)

    int               b0 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1) == HEAP_TRUE;

    int result = !b0;

    return  result ? HEAP_TRUE : HEAP_FALSE;
Пример #5
Val   _lib7_P_FileSys_link   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (String, String) -> Void
    //                  existing newname
    // Creates a hard link from newname to existing file.
    // This fn gets bound as   link'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-file.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-file-system-64.pkg

    Val	existing =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 0);
    Val	newname  =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 1);

    int status = link(HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(existing), HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(newname));

    CHECK_RETURN_UNIT (task, status)
Пример #6
Val   _lib7_P_IO_writebuf   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (Int, rw_vector_of_one_byte_unts::Rw_Vector, Int,   Int) -> Int
    //                  fd    data                                  nbytes start  
    // Write nbytes of data from the given rw_vector to the specified file, 
    // starting at the given offset. Assume bounds have been checked.
    // This fn gets bound as   writevec', writearr'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io-64.pkg


    int		fd         = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT(                               arg, 0);
    Val		buf        = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(                               arg, 1);
    size_t	nbytes     = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT(                               arg, 2);
    char*	heap_data  = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(buf) + GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT(arg, 3);

    ssize_t    	n;

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy heap_data into C storage: 
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  data_buf;
    {	char* c_data
	    buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &data_buf, (void*) heap_data, nbytes );

	do {
	    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
		n = write (fd, c_data, nbytes);
	    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );
      } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &data_buf );

    Val result = RETURN_STATUS_EXCEPT_RAISE_SYSERR_ON_NEGATIVE_STATUS__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, n, NULL);				// from   src/c/lib/raise-error.h

    return result;
Пример #7
Val   _lib7_netdb_get_service_by_name   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (String, Null_Or(String)) ->   Null_Or(   (String, List(String), Int, String)   )
    // This fn gets bound as   get_service_by_name'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/net-service-db.pkg

    Val	mlServ  =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 0 );
    Val	mlProto =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1 );

    char* proto;

    if (mlProto == OPTION_NULL)   proto = NULL;
    else			  proto = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(OPTION_GET(mlProto));

    return _util_NetDB_mkservent (						// _util_NetDB_mkservent	def in   src/c/lib/socket/util-mkservent.c
               getservbyname( HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( mlServ ), proto)
Пример #8
Val    _lib7_P_Process_exec   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:  (String, List(String) -> X
    // Overlay a new process image
    // This fn gets bound as   exec   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-process.pkg


    Val path   = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 0);
    Val arglst = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 1);

    // Use the heap for temp space for the argv[] vector
    char** cp =  (char**) (task->heap_allocation_pointer);

    #ifdef SIZES_C_64_MYTHRYL_32
	// 8-byte align it:
	cp = (char **)ROUNDUP((Unt2)cp, POINTER_BYTESIZE);

    char** argv =  cp;
    for (Val p = arglst;  p != LIST_NIL;  p = LIST_TAIL(p)) {
        *cp++ = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(LIST_HEAD(p));
    *cp++ = 0;							// Terminate the argv[].

    int status = execv(HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(path), argv);

Пример #9
Val   _lib7_P_FileSys_openf   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:  (String, Unt,  Unt) -> int
    //                 name    flags mode
    // Open a file and return the file descriptor.
    // This fn gets bound as   openf'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-file.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-file-system-64.pkg


    Val path  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 0);
    int flags = TUPLE_GETWORD(         arg, 1);
    int mode  = TUPLE_GETWORD(         arg, 2);

    int	 fd;

    char* heap_path = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( path );

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy heap_path into C storage: 
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  path_buf;
    {	char* c_path
	    buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf, (void*) heap_path, strlen( heap_path ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.

    /*  do { */									// Backed out 2010-02-26 CrT: See discussion at bottom of src/c/lib/socket/connect.c

	    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_P_FileSys_openf", NULL );
		fd    = open( c_path, flags, mode );
	    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_P_FileSys_openf" );

    /*  } while (fd < 0 && errno == EINTR);	*/					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf );

Пример #10
Val   _lib7_P_FileSys_chown   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type: (String, Unt, Unt) -> Void
    //                name    uid  gid
    // Change owner and group of file given its name.
    // This fn gets bound as   chown'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-file.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-file-system-64.pkg


    int   status;

    Val	  path = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(   arg, 0);
    uid_t uid  = TUPLE_GETWORD(           arg, 1);
    gid_t gid  = TUPLE_GETWORD(           arg, 2);

    char* heap_path=  HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(path);

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy heap_path into C storage: 
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  path_buf;
    {	char* c_path
	    buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf, (void*) path, strlen( heap_path ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	    status = chown (c_path, uid, gid);
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );
	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf );


    return result;
Пример #11
Val   _lib7_P_IO_fcntl_l   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (Int, Int, Flock_Rep) -> Flock_Rep
    //    Flock_Rep = (Int, Int, Offset, Offset, Int)
    // Handle record locking.
    // This fn gets bound as   fcntl_l   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io.pkg
    int fd        =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0 );
    int cmd       =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 1 );
    Val flock_rep =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 2 );

    struct flock     flock;
    int              status;
    flock.l_type   =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( flock_rep, 0 );
    flock.l_whence =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( flock_rep, 1 );
    flock.l_start  =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( flock_rep, 2 );
    flock.l_len    =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( flock_rep, 3 );
    do {
	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	    status = fcntl(fd, cmd, &flock);
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );
    } while (status < 0 && errno == EINTR);					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.

    if (status < 0)   return RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, status, NULL);

    Val result = make_five_slot_record( task,
		TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( flock.l_type ),
		TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( flock.l_whence ), 
		TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( flock.l_start ),
		TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( flock.l_len ),
		TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( flock.l_pid )
    return result;
Пример #12
/* do__open_window2
 * opengl-client.api        type:    {  session: Session,  wide: Int, high: Int,  redbits: Int, greenbits: Int, bluebits: Int,  alphabits: Int, depthbits: Int, stencilbits: Int,  fullscreen: Bool } -> Bool
 * opengl-client-driver.api type:   (Session, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Bool) -> Bool
static Val   do__open_window2   (Task* task, Val arg)

    int               i0 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 1);
    int               i1 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 2);
    int               i2 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 3);
    int               i3 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 4);
    int               i4 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 5);
    int               i5 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 6);
    int               i6 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 7);
    int               i7 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 8);
    int               b8 =                            GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 9) == HEAP_TRUE;

    int result = glfwOpenWindow(   /*wide*/i0, /*high*/i1,   /*redbits*/i2, /*greenbits*/i3, /*bluebits*/i4,   /*alphabits*/i5, /*depthbits*/i6, /*stencilbits*/i7,   /*fullscreen*/b8 ? GLFW_FULLSCREEN : GLFW_WINDOW );

    return  result ? HEAP_TRUE : HEAP_FALSE;
Val   get_or_set_socket_nodelay_option   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (Int,  Null_Or(Bool)) -> Bool
    // NOTE: this is a TCP level option, so we cannot use the utility function.
    // This fn gets bound as   ctl_delay   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/internet-socket.pkg


    int	socket =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0 );
    Val	ctl    =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1 );							// Last use of 'arg'.
    Bool flag;
    int status;

    if (ctl == OPTION_NULL) {
	socklen_t opt_size = sizeof(int);

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "get_or_set_socket_nodelay_option", NULL );
	    status = getsockopt (socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (sockoptval_t)&flag, &opt_size);
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "get_or_set_socket_nodelay_option" );

	ASSERT((status < 0) || (opt_size == sizeof(int)));

    } else {

	flag = (Bool) TAGGED_INT_TO_C_INT(OPTION_GET(ctl));

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "get_or_set_socket_nodelay_option", NULL );
	    status = setsockopt (socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (sockoptval_t)&flag, sizeof(int));
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "get_or_set_socket_nodelay_option" );

    if (status < 0)     return RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, status, NULL);
    else		return (flag ? HEAP_TRUE : HEAP_FALSE);
Пример #14
Val   _lib7_P_FileSys_mkfifo   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:  (String, Unt) -> Void
    //                 name    mode
    // Make a FIFO special file.
    // This fn gets bound as   make_pipe'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-file.pkg
    // This fn gets bound as   make_fifo'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-file-system-64.pkg


    int     status;

    Val	    path = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(  arg, 0);
    mode_t  mode = TUPLE_GETWORD(          arg, 1);
    char*  heap_path = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( path );
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  path_buf;
    {	char* c_path
	    buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf, (void*) heap_path, strlen( heap_path ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_P_FileSys_mkfifo", NULL );
	    status = mkfifo (c_path, mode);
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_P_FileSys_mkfifo" );

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf );

Пример #15
static int   fetch_imports   (
    //       =============
    Task* task,
    FILE*          file,
    const char*    filename,
    int            next_import_record_slot_to_fill,
    Val    tree_node
) {
    // We are traversing a Mythryl heap tree of records
    // constituting the complete set of exported values
    // (functions, variables...) from some previously
    // loaded compiledfile external to the compiledfile
    // currently loading.
    // Our task is to select from that tree those
    // values which are of interest to (imported by)
    // the compiledfile currently being loaded:  We will
    // save these values in an import record being
    // constructed on the heap.
    // Our guide is a list of 'kid_count' selectors
    // (slot numbers within tree_node) which we read
    // read from the compiledfile being loaded.
    // If this list is empty, then 'tree_node' is
    // itself one of the values we're importing,
    // and we just save a pointer to it in the
    // import record and return.
    // Otherwise, We do a recursive walk of some
    // subtree of the Lib7 record tree rooted at
    // 'tree_node', saving in the import record
    // each leaf visited. We read out of the compiledfile
    // a 'kid_count' long sequence of selectors giving
    // which children of 'tree_node' to recursively
    // visit, and call ourself recursively on each of
    // the thus-indicated children of 'tree_node.

    // How many children of 'tree_node' should we visit?
    Int1  kid_count
        read_packed_int1 (file, filename);

    if (!kid_count) {

        // Save tree_node in the import record...
	set_slot_in_nascent_heapchunk( task, next_import_record_slot_to_fill, tree_node );

	++ next_import_record_slot_to_fill;

    } else {

        // Recursively visit each of those children in turn:
	while (kid_count --> 0) {

            // Which child should we visit next?
	    Int1 kid_selector =  read_packed_int1( file, filename );

            // Visit it:
                fetch_imports   (
		    GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( tree_node, kid_selector )

    return  next_import_record_slot_to_fill;
Пример #16
static Val   picklehash_to_exports_tree   (Picklehash* picklehash)   {
    //       ==========================
    Val        p;

    // We identify a (particular version of) a compiledfile using
    // a 16-byte hash of its serialized ("pickled") form.
    // Our global PERVASIVE_PACKAGE_PICKLE_LIST__GLOBAL is a singly
    // linked list with one entry for each compiledfile which
    // we have loaded into memory.
    // Each entry in the list maps the picklehash naming that
    // compiledfile to the tree of values (functions etc)
    // exported by the compiledfile for use by other compiled_files.
    // Here we look up the export tree associated with a given
    // picklehash by doing an O(N) scan down the linklist.
    // XXX BUGGO FIXME  It is criminally st00pid to be using an
    // O(N) lookup algorithm for a linklist which will often be
    // hundreds or even thousands of entries long, on which we
    // may be doing up to a million lookups.  Especially when
    // the key comparisons are expensive.  Can't we arrange to
    // use our standard redblack tree implementation here?

    // For all compiled_files loaded into memory:

        // If the picklehash on this record
        // matches our search key picklehash...
        Val id = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(p, 0);
	if (memcmp( (char*) picklehash, HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(id), PICKLEHASH_BYTES) == 0) {

	    // ... then return its matching export tree:
	    return  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(p, 1);

    // If we get here, something is badly broken:
    // We should never be asked to find a picklehash
    // which isn't in the list -- all COMPILED_FILES_TO_LOAD
    // lists are supposed to be topologically sorted by
    // dependencies, so we never load an compiledfile until
    // we've loaded every compiledfile it depends upon.
    {   char	buf[ PICKLEHASH_BYTES * 4 ];
	picklehash_to_hex_string( buf, PICKLEHASH_BYTES * 4, picklehash );
	die ("unable to find picklehash (compiledfile identifier) '%s'", buf);	// Doesn't return.
    exit(1);										// Redundant -- just to suppress gcc warning.
Пример #17
Val   _lib7_P_FileSys_utime   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type: (String, one_word_int::Int, one_word_int::Int) -> Void
    //                name    actime      modtime
    // Sets file access and modification times.
    // If actime = -1, then set both to current time.
    // This fn gets bound as   utime'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-file.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-file-system-64.pkg


    int status;

    Val	    path    =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 0);
    time_t  actime  =  TUPLE_GET_INT1(        arg, 1);
    time_t  modtime =  TUPLE_GET_INT1(        arg, 2);

    char* heap_path =  HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( path );

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy heap_path into C storage: 
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  path_buf;
    {	char* c_path
	    buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf, (void*) heap_path, strlen( heap_path ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.

	if (actime == -1) {

	    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
		status = utime( c_path, NULL );
	    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	} else {

	    struct utimbuf tb;

	    tb.actime = actime;
	    tb.modtime = modtime;

	    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
		status = utime( c_path, &tb );
	    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &path_buf );


    return result;
Val   get_or_set_socket_linger_option   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type: (Socket_Fd, Null_Or(Null_Or(Int))) -> Null_Or(Int)
    // Set/get the SO_LINGER option as follows:
    //   NULL		=> get current setting
    //   THE(NULL)	=> disable linger
    //   THE(THE t)	=> enable linger with timeout t.
    // This function gets bound as   ctl_linger   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/socket-guts.pkg


    int  socket = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0 );
    Val	    ctl = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1 );							// Last use of 'arg'.

    struct linger   optVal;
    int		    status;

    if (ctl == OPTION_NULL) {
	socklen_t  optSz =  sizeof( struct linger );

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	    status =  getsockopt( socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (sockoptval_t)&optVal, &optSz );
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	ASSERT( status < 0  ||  optSz == sizeof( struct linger ));
    } else {
	ctl = OPTION_GET(ctl);

	if (ctl == OPTION_NULL) {
	    optVal.l_onoff = 0;	    // Argument is THE(NULL); disable linger.
	} else {
	    optVal.l_onoff = 1;	    // argument is THE t; enable linger.
	    optVal.l_linger = TAGGED_INT_TO_C_INT(OPTION_GET(ctl));

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	    status = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (sockoptval_t)&optVal, sizeof(struct linger));
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

    if (status < 0)  		return RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, status, NULL);
    if (optVal.l_onoff == 0)    return OPTION_NULL;

    Val result =   OPTION_THE(  task,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( optVal.l_linger )  );

    return result;
Пример #19
Val   _lib7_Sock_recv   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type: (Socket, Int, Bool, Bool) -> vector_of_one_byte_unts::Vector
    // The arguments are: socket, number of bytes, OOB flag and peek flag.
    // The result is the vector of bytes received.
    // This fn gets bound as   recv_v'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/socket-guts.pkg


    Val vec;
    ssize_t n;

    int	socket = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0 );
    int	nbytes = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 1 );
    Val	oob    = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 2 );
    Val	peek   = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 3 );

    int		           flag  = 0;
    if (oob  == HEAP_TRUE) flag |= MSG_OOB;
    if (peek == HEAP_TRUE) flag |= MSG_PEEK;

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so allocate a C-world buffer
    // to read the bytes into:
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  read_buf;
    {   unsigned char* c_read =  buffer_mythryl_heap_nonvalue( &read_buf, nbytes );
//										log_if("recv.c/before: socket d=%d nbytes d=%d oob=%s peek=%s\n",socket,nbytes,(oob == HEAP_TRUE)?"TRUE":"FALSE",(peek == HEAP_TRUE)?"TRUE":"FALSE");
	errno = 0;

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
            do {								// Backed out 2010-02-26 CrT: See discussion at bottom of src/c/lib/socket/connect.c
		//								// Restored   2012-08-07 CrT
		n = recv (socket, c_read, nbytes, flag);
            } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	if (n <= 0) {
	    unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &read_buf );
	    if (n <  0)   return RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, status, NULL);
	    if (n == 0)   return ZERO_LENGTH_STRING__GLOBAL;

	// Allocate result vector to hold the bytes read.
	// NB: This might cause a heapcleaning, moving things around:
	vec = allocate_nonempty_wordslots_vector__may_heapclean( task, BYTES_TO_WORDS(n), NULL );

	// Copy bytes read into result vector:
        memcpy( PTR_CAST(char*, vec), c_read, n);
//										log_if(   "recv.c/after: n d=%d errno d=%d (%s)\n", n, errno, errno ? strerror(errno) : "");
//										hexdump_if( "recv.c/after: Received data: ", PTR_CAST(unsigned char*, vec), n );
	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &read_buf );

    Val result = make_vector_header( task,  STRING_TAGWORD, vec, n );

    return result;
Пример #20
Val   _lib7_P_IO_copy   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (String, String) -> Int
    // Copy a file  and return its length.
    // This fn gets bound as   copy   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io-64.pkg				# Actually, I haven't gotten around to this yet.


    Val	existing =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 0);
    Val	new_name =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 1);

    char* heap_existing =  HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( existing );
    char* heap_new_name =  HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( new_name );

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy heap_path into C storage:
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  existing_buf;
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  new_name_buf;

    int ok = TRUE;

    ssize_t total_bytes_written  = 0;

    {   char* c_existing =  buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &existing_buf, (void*) heap_existing, strlen( heap_existing ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.
        char* c_new_name =  buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &new_name_buf, (void*) heap_new_name, strlen( heap_new_name ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.

        RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
        struct stat statbuf;
        int fd_out;
        int fd_in = open(c_existing, O_RDONLY);								// Open the input file.
        if (fd_in >= 0) {
            if (0 <= fstat(fd_in, &statbuf)) {								// Get the mode of the input file so that we can ...
                fd_out = creat( c_new_name, statbuf.st_mode );						// ... open the output file with same mode as input file.
                if (0 <= fd_out) {
                    char buffer[ 4096 ];
                    ssize_t bytes_read;
                    int ok = TRUE;
                    while (ok) {										// Read up to one buffer[]-load from fd_in.
                        do {
                            bytes_read = read( fd_in, buffer, 4096 );
                        } while (bytes_read <  0 && errno == EINTR);					// Retry if interrupted by SIGALRM or such.
                        if      (bytes_read <  0) {
                            ok = FALSE;
                        if      (bytes_read == 0) {
                        ssize_t buffer_bytes_written  = 0;
                        while (ok  &&  (buffer_bytes_written < bytes_read)) {				// Write buffer[] contents to fd_out. Usually one write() will do it, but this is not guaranteed.
                            ssize_t bytes_to_write = bytes_read - buffer_bytes_written;
                            ssize_t bytes_written;
                            do {
                                bytes_written  = write( fd_out, buffer+buffer_bytes_written, bytes_to_write );
                            } while (bytes_written < 0 && errno == EINTR);					// Retry if interrupted by SIGALRM or such.
                            ok = ok && (bytes_written > 0);
                            buffer_bytes_written += bytes_written;
                            total_bytes_written += bytes_written;
                } else {
                    ok = FALSE;
            } else {
                ok = FALSE;
        } else {
            ok = FALSE;
        RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

        unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &existing_buf );
        unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &new_name_buf );

    Val        result;

    if (!ok)   result = RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, -1, NULL);						// XXX SUCKO FIXME I'm being totally sloppy about accurate diagnostics here.  Feel free to submit a patch improving this.
    else       result = TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( total_bytes_written );

    return result;
Пример #21
Val   _lib7_Sock_recvbuffrom   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (Socket, rw_vector_of_one_byte_unts::Rw_Vector, Int, Int, Bool, Bool) -> (Int, Addr)
    // The arguments are:
    //     socket,
    //     data buffer,
    //     start position,
    //     number of bytes,
    //     OOB flag
    //     peek flag.
    // The result is:
    //     number of bytes read
    //     source address.
    // This fn gets bound as   recv_from_a   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/socket-guts.pkg


    char       address_buf[  MAX_SOCK_ADDR_BYTESIZE ];
    socklen_t  address_len = MAX_SOCK_ADDR_BYTESIZE;

    int	  socket  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0);
//  Val   buf     = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1);				// Mythryl buffer to read bytes into.	// We'll fetch this after the call, since it may move around during the call.
    int   offset  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 2);				// Offset within buf to read bytes into.
    int	  nbytes  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 3);				// Number of bytes to read.

    int	  flag = 0;

    int	   n;

    if (GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 4) == HEAP_TRUE) flag |= MSG_OOB;
    if (GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 5) == HEAP_TRUE) flag |= MSG_PEEK;

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl heap
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so allocate a C-side read buffer:
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  readbuf_buf;
    {   char* c_readbuf =  buffer_mythryl_heap_nonvalue( &readbuf_buf, nbytes );

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, &arg );		// 'arg' is still live here!
	    do {
		n = recvfrom( socket,
			      (struct sockaddr *)address_buf,
	    } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	if (n < 0) {
	    unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &readbuf_buf );
	    return RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, status, NULL);

	Val   buf      =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1);			// Mythryl buffer to read bytes into.
	char* bufstart =  HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(buf) + offset;

	memcpy( bufstart, c_readbuf, n);

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &readbuf_buf );

    Val	data    =  make_biwordslots_vector_sized_in_bytes__may_heapclean(   task, address_buf,                   address_len, NULL );
    Val address =  make_vector_header(					    task,  UNT8_RO_VECTOR_TAGWORD, data, address_len);

    Val result  =  make_two_slot_record(task,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(n), address);

    return result;
Пример #22
Val   _lib7_Sock_sendbuf   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:
    //     ( Int,	    # socket fd
    //       Wy8Vector,     # byte vector
    //       Int,           # start offset
    //       Int,           # vector length (end offset)
    //       Bool,          # don't-route flag
    //       Bool           # default-oob flag
    //     )
    //     ->
    //     Int
    // Send data from the buffer; bytes is either a rw_vector_of_one_byte_unts.Rw_Vector, or
    // a vector_of_one_byte_unts.vector.  The arguments are: socket, data buffer, start
    // position, number of bytes, OOB flag, and don't_route flag.
    // This fn gets bound as   send_v, send_a   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/socket-guts.pkg
    int   socket    = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0);
    Val   buf       = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1);
    int   offset    = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 2);
    int   nbytes    = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 3);
    Val   oob       = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 4);
    Val   dontroute = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 5);									// Last use of 'arg'.

    char* heap_data = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(buf) + offset;

    // Compute flags parameter:
    int                         flgs  = 0;
    if (oob       == HEAP_TRUE) flgs |= MSG_OOB;
    if (dontroute == HEAP_TRUE) flgs |= MSG_DONTROUTE;

//															log_if( "sendbuf.c/top: socket d=%d nbytes d=%d OOB=%s DONTROUTE=%s\n",
//																socket, nbytes, (oob == HEAP_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", (dontroute == HEAP_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
//															);
//															hexdump_if( "sendbuf.c/top: Data to send: ", (unsigned char*)heap_data, nbytes );

    errno = 0;

    int n;

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl heap
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy 'heap_data' into C storage:
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  data_buf;
    {   char* c_data =  buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &data_buf, (void*) heap_data, nbytes );

        RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
        do {
            n = send (socket, c_data, nbytes, flgs);
        } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);										// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.
        RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );
//															log_if( "sendbuf.c/bot: n d=%d errno d=%d\n", n, errno );
        unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &data_buf );

    return result;