Пример #1
  * Function computing G matrix for the system using circular truncation
  nG: the user given nG, will be changed
  reciprocalLattice: the reciprocal lattice
  Gx_mat: the G matrix in x direction
  Gy_mat: the G matrix in y direction
  static void GSelCircular(
    int& nG,
    const Lattice& reciprocalLattice,
    RCWArMatrix& Gx_mat,
    RCWArMatrix& Gy_mat
    double Lk[4] = {
      reciprocalLattice.bx[0] / (2 * M_PI),
      reciprocalLattice.bx[1] / (2 * M_PI),
      reciprocalLattice.by[0] / (2 * M_PI),
      reciprocalLattice.by[1] / (2 * M_PI),
    const double u = hypot(Lk[0],Lk[1]);
  	const double v = hypot(Lk[2],Lk[3]);
  	const double u2 = Lk[0]*Lk[0] + Lk[1]*Lk[1];
  	const double v2 = Lk[2]*Lk[2] + Lk[3]*Lk[3];
  	const double uv = Lk[0]*Lk[2] + Lk[1]*Lk[3];
  	double Lkprod[3] = { u2, 2*uv, v2 };
  	const double uxv = fabs(Lk[0]*Lk[3] - Lk[1]*Lk[2]);

  	const double circ_area = nG * uxv;
  	const double circ_radius = sqrt(circ_area/M_PI) + u + v;

  	const int u_extent = 1+(int)(circ_radius/(u*sqrt(1.-uv*uv/(u2*v2))));
  	const int v_extent = 1+(int)(circ_radius/(v*sqrt(1.-uv*uv/(u2*v2))));
  	const int uext21 = 2*u_extent+1;
  	const int vext21 = 2*v_extent+1;
    int *Gtemp = new int[2*uext21*vext21];
  	int i, j;

  	for(i = 0; i < uext21; ++i){
  		for(j = 0; j < vext21; ++j){
  			Gtemp[2*(i+j*uext21)+0] = i-u_extent;
  			Gtemp[2*(i+j*uext21)+1] = j-v_extent;
  	UTILITY::Sort(Gtemp, uext21*vext21, 2*sizeof(int), &Gcmp, &Lkprod[0]);
  	j = uext21*vext21;
  	if(nG < j){ j = nG; }
  	for(i = j; i > 0; --i){
  		if(!G_same(&Gtemp[2*(i-1)], &Gtemp[2*(i-0)], Lk)){
  	nG = i;
    Gx_mat.set_size(nG, 1);
    Gy_mat.set_size(nG, 1);

  	for(i = 0; i < nG; ++i){
  		Gx_mat(i, 0) = Gtemp[2*i+0];
  		Gy_mat(i, 0) = Gtemp[2*i+1];
    RCWArMatrix GxMat_temp = Gx_mat * reciprocalLattice.bx[0] + Gy_mat * reciprocalLattice.by[0];
    Gy_mat = Gx_mat * reciprocalLattice.bx[1] + Gy_mat * reciprocalLattice.by[1];
    Gx_mat = GxMat_temp;
  	delete [] Gtemp;
Пример #2
static int Gsel_circular(unsigned int *NG, const double Lk[4], int *G) {
    // NG * |u x v| is approximately the area in k-space we will need cover
    // with a circular disc. (u and v are the 2 shortest lattice vectors)
    // From the area, we can find the radius (and round it up). Then, we
    // can find the minimum extends in each of the two lattice directions.

    const double u = hypot(Lk[0],Lk[1]);
    const double v = hypot(Lk[2],Lk[3]);
    const double u2 = Lk[0]*Lk[0] + Lk[1]*Lk[1];
    const double v2 = Lk[2]*Lk[2] + Lk[3]*Lk[3];
    const double uv = Lk[0]*Lk[2] + Lk[1]*Lk[3];
    double Lkprod[3] = { u2, 2*uv, v2 };
    const double uxv = fabs(Lk[0]*Lk[3] - Lk[1]*Lk[2]);

    const double circ_area = (double)(*NG) * uxv;
    const double circ_radius = sqrt(circ_area/M_PI) + u+v;

    const int u_extent = 1+(int)(circ_radius/(u*sqrt(1.-uv*uv/(u2*v2))));
    const int v_extent = 1+(int)(circ_radius/(v*sqrt(1.-uv*uv/(u2*v2))));
    const int uext21 = 2*u_extent+1;
    const int vext21 = 2*v_extent+1;
    int *Gtemp = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*uext21*vext21);
    int i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < uext21; ++i) {
        for(j = 0; j < vext21; ++j) {
            Gtemp[2*(i+j*uext21)+0] = i-u_extent;
            Gtemp[2*(i+j*uext21)+1] = j-v_extent;
    sort(Gtemp, uext21*vext21, 2*sizeof(int), &Gcmp, &Lkprod[0]);
    j = uext21*vext21;
    if((int)*NG < j) {
        j = *NG;
    for(i = j; i > 0; --i) {
        if(!G_same(&Gtemp[2*(i-1)], &Gtemp[2*(i-0)], Lk)) {
    *NG = i;
    for(i = 0; i < (int)*NG; ++i) {
        G[2*i+0] = Gtemp[2*i+0];
        G[2*i+1] = Gtemp[2*i+1];

    return 0;