Пример #1
bool ChatHandler::HandleShowInstancesCommand(const char* args, WorldSession* m_session)
    Player* plr = getSelectedChar(m_session, true);
    if (!plr)
        return true;

    uint32 count = 0;
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Show persistent instances of " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << plr->GetName() << "|r\n";
    for (uint32 difficulty = 0; difficulty < NUM_INSTANCE_MODES; difficulty++)
        for (PlayerInstanceMap::iterator itr = plr->getPlayerInfo()->savedInstanceIds[difficulty].begin(); itr != plr->getPlayerInfo()->savedInstanceIds[difficulty].end(); ++itr)
            ss << " - " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << (*itr).second << "|r";
            MapInfo* mapInfo = WorldMapInfoStorage.LookupEntry((*itr).first);
            if (mapInfo != NULL)
                ss << " (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << mapInfo->name << "|r)";
            Instance* pInstance = sInstanceMgr.GetInstanceByIds((*itr).first, (*itr).second);
            if (pInstance == NULL)
                ss << " - " << MSG_COLOR_RED << "Expired!|r";
                ss << " [" << GetMapTypeString(static_cast<uint8>(pInstance->m_mapInfo->type)) << "]";
                if (pInstance->m_mapInfo->type == INSTANCE_MULTIMODE)
                    ss << " [" << GetDifficultyString(static_cast<uint8>(pInstance->m_difficulty)) << "]";
                ss << " - ";
                if (pInstance->m_mapMgr == NULL)
                    ss << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << "Shut Down|r";
                    if (!pInstance->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers())
                        ss << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << "Idle|r";
                        ss << MSG_COLOR_GREEN << "In use|r";
            ss << "\n";

    if (count == 0)
        ss << "Player is not assigned to any persistent instances.\n";
        ss << "Player is assigned to " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << count << "|r persistent instances.\n";

    SendMultilineMessage(m_session, ss.str().c_str());
    sGMLog.writefromsession(m_session, "used show instances command on %s,", plr->GetName());
    return true;
Пример #2
bool ChatHandler::HandleResetInstanceCommand(const char* args, WorldSession* m_session)

    uint32 instanceId;
    int argc = 1;
    char* playername = NULL;
    char* guidString = (char*)args;

    // Parse arguments
    char* space = (char*)strchr(args, ' ');
    if (space)
        *space = '\0';
        playername = space + 1;
        argc = 2;

    instanceId = atoi(guidString);
    if (!instanceId)
        RedSystemMessage(m_session, "You must specify an instance id.");
        return true;

    Player* plr;

    if (argc == 1)
        plr = getSelectedChar(m_session, true);
        plr = objmgr.GetPlayer((const char*)playername, false);;

    if (!plr)
        RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player not found");
        return true;

    Instance* instance = sInstanceMgr.GetInstanceByIds(NUM_MAPS, instanceId);
    if (instance == NULL)
        RedSystemMessage(m_session, "There's no instance with id %u.", instanceId);
        return true;

    if (IS_PERSISTENT_INSTANCE(instance))
        if (m_session->CanUseCommand('z'))
            bool foundSomething = false;
            for (uint32 difficulty = 0; difficulty < NUM_INSTANCE_MODES; difficulty++)
                PlayerInstanceMap::iterator itr = plr->getPlayerInfo()->savedInstanceIds[difficulty].find(instance->m_mapId);
                if (itr == plr->getPlayerInfo()->savedInstanceIds[difficulty].end() || (*itr).second != instance->m_instanceId)
                plr->SetPersistentInstanceId(instance->m_mapId, difficulty, 0);
                SystemMessage(m_session, "Instance with id %u (%s) is persistent and will only be revoked from player.", instanceId, GetDifficultyString(static_cast<uint8>(difficulty)));
                foundSomething = true;
            if (!foundSomething)
                RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player is not assigned to persistent instance with id %u.", instanceId);
            return true;
            RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Instance with id %u is persistent and can only be removed from player by admins.", instanceId);
            return true;

    if (instance->m_mapMgr && instance->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers())
        RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Failed to reset non-persistent instance with id %u, due to player still inside.", instanceId);
        return true;

    if (instance->m_creatorGroup)
        Group* group = plr->GetGroup();
        if (group == NULL || instance->m_creatorGroup != group->GetID())
            RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player %s is not a member of the group assigned to the non-persistent instance with id %u.", plr->GetName(), instanceId);
            return true;
    else if (instance->m_creatorGuid == 0 || instance->m_creatorGuid != plr->GetLowGUID())
        RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player %s is not assigned to instance with id %u.", plr->GetName(), instanceId);
        return true;

    // tell player the instance was reset
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_INSTANCE_RESET, 4);
    data << instance->m_mapId;

    // shut down instance
    sInstanceMgr.DeleteBattlegroundInstance(instance->m_mapId, instance->m_instanceId);
    //    RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Resetting single non-persistent instances is not available yet.");
    sGMLog.writefromsession(m_session, "used reset instance command on %s, instance %u,", plr->GetName(), instanceId);
    return true;
Пример #3
bool ChatHandler::HandleResetInstanceCommand(const char* args, WorldSession *m_session)
	uint32 instanceId = (args ? atoi(args) : 0);
	if(instanceId == 0)
		return false;

	Player * plr = getSelectedChar(m_session, true);
		return true;

	Instance *instance = sInstanceMgr.GetInstanceByIds(NUM_MAPS, instanceId);
	if(instance == NULL)
		RedSystemMessage(m_session, "There's no instance with id %u.", instanceId);
		return true;

			bool foundSomething = false;
			for(int difficulty=0; difficulty<NUM_INSTANCE_MODES; difficulty++)
				PlayerInstanceMap::iterator itr = plr->m_playerInfo->savedInstanceIds[difficulty].find(instance->m_mapId);
				if(itr == plr->m_playerInfo->savedInstanceIds[difficulty].end() || (*itr).second != instance->m_instanceId)
				plr->SetPersistentInstanceId(instance->m_mapId, difficulty, 0);
				SystemMessage(m_session, "Instance with id %u (%s) is persistent and will only be revoked from player.", instanceId, GetDifficultyString(difficulty));
				foundSomething = true;
				RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player is not assigned to persistent instance with id %u.", instanceId);
			return true;
			RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Instance with id %u is persistent and can only be removed from player by admins.", instanceId);
			return true;

	if(instance->m_mapMgr && instance->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers())
		RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Failed to reset non-persistent instance with id %u, due to player still inside.", instanceId);
		return true;

		Group *group = plr->GetGroup();
		if(group == NULL || instance->m_creatorGroup != group->GetID())
			RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player %s is not a member of the group assigned to the non-persistent instance with id %u.", plr->GetName(), instanceId);
			return true;
	else if(instance->m_creatorGuid == 0 || instance->m_creatorGuid != plr->GetLowGUID())
		RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Player %s is not assigned to instance with id %u.", plr->GetName(), instanceId);
		return true;

	//TODO: Reset that instance...^^
	RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Resetting single non-persistent instances is not available yet.");
	sGMLog.writefromsession(m_session, "used reset instance command on %s, instance %u,", plr->GetName(), instanceId);
	return true;
Пример #4
bool ChatHandler::HandleGetInstanceInfoCommand(const char* args, WorldSession* m_session)
    Player* plr = m_session->GetPlayer();
    if (plr == NULL)
        return false;

    bool userInput = true;
    uint32 instanceId = (args ? atoi(args) : 0);
    if (instanceId == 0)
        userInput = false;
        instanceId = plr->GetInstanceID();
        if (instanceId == 0)
            return false;

    Instance* instance = sInstanceMgr.GetInstanceByIds(NUM_MAPS, instanceId);
    if (instance == NULL)
        if (userInput)
            RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Instance with id %u not found.", instanceId);
            return true;
        return false;

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Instance ID: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << instance->m_instanceId << "|r (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN;
    if (instance->m_mapInfo == NULL)
        ss << instance->m_mapId;
        ss << instance->m_mapInfo->name;
    ss << "|r)\n";
    ss << "Persistent: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << (instance->m_persistent ? "Yes" : "No") << "|r\n";
    if (instance->m_mapInfo != NULL)
        ss << "Type: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << GetMapTypeString(static_cast<uint8>(instance->m_mapInfo->type)) << "|r";

        if (instance->m_mapInfo->type == INSTANCE_MULTIMODE)
            ss << " (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << GetDifficultyString(static_cast<uint8>(instance->m_difficulty)) << "|r)";

        if (instance->m_mapInfo->type == INSTANCE_RAID)
            ss << " (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << GetRaidDifficultyString(static_cast<uint8>(instance->m_difficulty)) << "|r)";

        ss << "\n";
    ss << "Created: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << ConvertTimeStampToDataTime((uint32)instance->m_creation) << "|r\n";
    if (instance->m_expiration != 0)
        ss << "Expires: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << ConvertTimeStampToDataTime((uint32)instance->m_expiration) << "|r\n";

    if (instance->m_mapMgr == NULL)
        ss << "Status: " << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << "Shut Down|r\n";
    else if (!instance->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers())
        ss << "Status: " << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << "Idle|r";
        if (instance->m_mapMgr->InactiveMoveTime && instance->m_mapMgr->GetMapInfo()->type != INSTANCE_NULL)
            ss << " (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << "Shutdown in " << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << (((long)instance->m_mapMgr->InactiveMoveTime - UNIXTIME) / 60) << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << " minutes|r)";
        ss << "\n";
        ss << "Status: " << MSG_COLOR_GREEN << "In use|r (" << MSG_COLOR_GREEN << (uint32)instance->m_mapMgr->GetPlayerCount() << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << " players inside|r)\n";

    SendMultilineMessage(m_session, ss.str().c_str());

    return true;
Пример #5
bool ChatHandler::HandleGetInstanceInfoCommand(const char* args, WorldSession *m_session)
	Player *plr = m_session->GetPlayer();
	if(plr == NULL)
		return false;

	bool userInput = true;
	uint32 instanceId = (args ? atoi(args) : 0);
	if(instanceId == 0)
		userInput = false;
		instanceId = plr->GetInstanceID();
		if(instanceId == 0)
			return false;

	Instance *instance = sInstanceMgr.GetInstanceByIds(NUM_MAPS, instanceId);
	if(instance == NULL)
			RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Instance with id %u not found.", instanceId);
			return true;
		return false;

	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "Instance ID: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << instance->m_instanceId << "|r (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN;
	if(instance->m_mapInfo == NULL)
		ss << instance->m_mapId;
		ss << instance->m_mapInfo->name;
	ss << "|r)\n";
	ss << "Persistent: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << (instance->m_persistent ? "Yes" : "No") << "|r\n";
	if(instance->m_mapInfo != NULL)
		ss << "Type: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << GetMapTypeString(instance->m_mapInfo->type) << "|r";
		if(instance->m_mapInfo->type == INSTANCE_MULTIMODE)
			ss << " (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << GetDifficultyString(instance->m_difficulty) << "|r)";
		ss << "\n";
	ss << "Created: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << ConvertTimeStampToDataTime((uint32)instance->m_creation) << "|r\n";
	ss << "Expires: " << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << ConvertTimeStampToDataTime((uint32)instance->m_expiration) << "|r\n";

	if(instance->m_mapMgr == NULL)
		ss << "Status: " << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << "Shut Down|r\n";
	else if(!instance->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers())
		ss << "Status: " << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << "Idle|r";
		if(instance->m_mapMgr->InactiveMoveTime && instance->m_mapMgr->GetMapInfo()->type != INSTANCE_NULL)
			ss << " (" << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << "Shutdown in " << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << ( ((long)instance->m_mapMgr->InactiveMoveTime - UNIXTIME) / 60 ) << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << " minutes|r)";
		ss << "\n";
		ss << "Status: " << MSG_COLOR_GREEN << "In use|r (" << MSG_COLOR_GREEN << (uint32)instance->m_mapMgr->GetPlayerCount() << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << " players inside|r)\n";
		//ss << "Playerlist:\n";
		//int cnt = 0;
		////TODO: Implement lock...
		//for(PlayerStorageMap::iterator itr = instance->m_mapMgr->m_PlayerStorage.begin(); itr != instance->m_mapMgr->m_PlayerStorage.end(); ++itr)
		//	if(cnt > 0)
		//		ss << ", ";
		//	if((*itr).second->GetSession()->GetPermissionCount() > 0)
		//		ss << MSG_COLOR_LIGHTRED << (*itr).second->GetName() << "|r";
		//	else
		//		ss << MSG_COLOR_CYAN << (*itr).second->GetName() << "|r";

		//	cnt++;
		//	if(cnt >= 5)
		//	{
		//		cnt = 0;
		//		ss << "\n";
		//	}
	SendMultilineMessage(m_session, ss.str().c_str());
	return true;