/// returns true when a harborpoint is in SEAATTACK_DISTANCE for figures!
bool GameWorldBase::IsAHarborInSeaAttackDistance(const MapPoint pos) const
    for(unsigned i = 1; i <= GetNumHarborPoints(); ++i)
        if(CalcDistance(pos, GetHarborPoint(i)) < SEAATTACK_DISTANCE)
            if(FindHumanPath(pos, GetHarborPoint(i), SEAATTACK_DISTANCE) != 0xff)
                return true;
    return false;
std::vector<unsigned short> GameWorldBase::GetFilteredSeaIDsForAttack(const MapPoint targetPt,
                                                                      const std::vector<unsigned short>& usableSeas,
                                                                      const unsigned char player_attacker) const
    // Walk to the flag of the bld/harbor. Important to check because in some locations where the coast is north of the harbor this might be
    // blocked
    const MapPoint flagPt = GetNeighbour(targetPt, Direction::SOUTHEAST);
    std::vector<unsigned short> confirmedSeaIds;
    // Check each possible harbor
    for(unsigned curHbId = 1; curHbId <= GetNumHarborPoints(); ++curHbId)
        const MapPoint harborPt = GetHarborPoint(curHbId);

        if(CalcDistance(harborPt, targetPt) > SEAATTACK_DISTANCE)

        // Not attacking this harbor and harbors block?
        if(targetPt != harborPt && GetGGS().getSelection(AddonId::SEA_ATTACK) == 1)
            // Does an enemy harbor exist at current harbor spot? -> Can't attack through this harbor spot
            const auto* hb = GetSpecObj<nobHarborBuilding>(harborPt);
            if(hb && GetPlayer(player_attacker).IsAttackable(hb->GetPlayer()))

        for(unsigned z = 0; z < 6; ++z)
            const unsigned short seaId = GetSeaId(curHbId, Direction::fromInt(z));
            // sea id is not in compare list or already confirmed? -> skip rest
            if(!helpers::contains(usableSeas, seaId) || helpers::contains(confirmedSeaIds, seaId))

            // checks previously tested sea ids to skip pathfinding
            bool previouslytested = false;
            for(unsigned k = 0; k < z; k++)
                if(seaId == GetSeaId(curHbId, Direction::fromInt(k)))
                    previouslytested = true;

            // Can figures reach flag from coast
            MapPoint coastalPt = GetCoastalPoint(curHbId, seaId);
            if((flagPt == coastalPt) || FindHumanPath(flagPt, coastalPt, SEAATTACK_DISTANCE) != INVALID_DIR)
                // all sea ids confirmed? return without changes
                if(confirmedSeaIds.size() == usableSeas.size())
                    return confirmedSeaIds;
    return confirmedSeaIds;
unsigned GameWorldBase::GetHarborInDir(const MapPoint pt, const unsigned origin_harborId, const ShipDirection& dir,
                                       T_IsHarborOk isHarborOk) const

    // Herausfinden, in welcher Richtung sich dieser Punkt vom Ausgangspunkt unterscheidet
    unsigned char coastal_point_dir = 0xFF;
    const MapPoint hbPt = GetHarborPoint(origin_harborId);

    for(unsigned char i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
        if(GetNeighbour(hbPt, Direction::fromInt(i)) == pt)
            coastal_point_dir = i;

    RTTR_Assert(coastal_point_dir != 0xff);

    unsigned short seaId = GetSeaId(origin_harborId, Direction::fromInt(coastal_point_dir));
    const std::vector<HarborPos::Neighbor>& neighbors = GetHarborNeighbors(origin_harborId, dir);

    for(auto neighbor : neighbors)
        if(IsHarborAtSea(neighbor.id, seaId) && isHarborOk(neighbor.id))
            return neighbor.id;

    // Nichts gefunden
    return 0;
std::vector<unsigned> GameWorldBase::GetUsableTargetHarborsForAttack(const MapPoint targetPt, std::vector<bool>& use_seas,
                                                                     const unsigned char player_attacker) const
    // Walk to the flag of the bld/harbor. Important to check because in some locations where the coast is north of the harbor this might be
    // blocked
    const MapPoint flagPt = GetNeighbour(targetPt, Direction::SOUTHEAST);
    std::vector<unsigned> harbor_points;
    // Check each possible harbor
    for(unsigned curHbId = 1; curHbId <= GetNumHarborPoints(); ++curHbId)
        const MapPoint harborPt = GetHarborPoint(curHbId);

        if(CalcDistance(harborPt, targetPt) > SEAATTACK_DISTANCE)

        // Not attacking this harbor and harbors block?
        if(targetPt != harborPt && GetGGS().getSelection(AddonId::SEA_ATTACK) == 1)
            // Does an enemy harbor exist at current harbor spot? -> Can't attack through this harbor spot
            const auto* hb = GetSpecObj<nobHarborBuilding>(harborPt);
            if(hb && GetPlayer(player_attacker).IsAttackable(hb->GetPlayer()))

        // add seaIds from which we can actually attack the harbor
        bool harborinlist = false;
        for(unsigned z = 0; z < 6; ++z)
            const unsigned short seaId = GetSeaId(curHbId, Direction::fromInt(z));
            // checks previously tested sea ids to skip pathfinding
            bool previouslytested = false;
            for(unsigned k = 0; k < z; k++)
                if(seaId == GetSeaId(curHbId, Direction::fromInt(k)))
                    previouslytested = true;

            // Can figures reach flag from coast
            const MapPoint coastalPt = GetCoastalPoint(curHbId, seaId);
            if((flagPt == coastalPt) || FindHumanPath(flagPt, coastalPt, SEAATTACK_DISTANCE) != INVALID_DIR)
                use_seas.at(seaId - 1) = true;
                    harborinlist = true;
    return harbor_points;
/// Bestimmt für einen beliebigen Punkt auf der Karte die Entfernung zum nächsten Hafenpunkt
unsigned GameWorldBase::CalcDistanceToNearestHarbor(const MapPoint pos) const
    unsigned min_distance = 0xffffffff;
    for(unsigned i = 1; i <= GetNumHarborPoints(); ++i)
        min_distance = std::min(min_distance, this->CalcDistance(pos, GetHarborPoint(i)));

    return min_distance;
/// Ist es an dieser Stelle für einen Spieler möglich einen Hafen zu bauen
bool GameWorldBase::IsHarborPointFree(const unsigned harborId, const unsigned char player) const
    MapPoint hbPos(GetHarborPoint(harborId));

    // Überprüfen, ob das Gebiet in einem bestimmten Radius entweder vom Spieler oder gar nicht besetzt ist außer wenn der Hafen und die
    // Flagge im Spielergebiet liegen
    MapPoint flagPos = GetNeighbour(hbPos, Direction::SOUTHEAST);
    if(GetNode(hbPos).owner != player + 1 || GetNode(flagPos).owner != player + 1)
        if(CheckPointsInRadius(hbPos, 4, IsPointOwnerDifferent(*this, player), false))
            return false;

    return GetNode(hbPos).bq == BQ_HARBOR;
/// Liefert Hafenpunkte im Umkreis von einem bestimmten Militärgebäude
std::vector<unsigned> GameWorldBase::GetHarborPointsAroundMilitaryBuilding(const MapPoint pt) const
    std::vector<unsigned> harbor_points;
    // Nach Hafenpunkten in der Nähe des angegriffenen Gebäudes suchen
    // Alle unsere Häfen durchgehen
    for(unsigned i = 1; i <= GetNumHarborPoints(); ++i)
        const MapPoint harborPt = GetHarborPoint(i);

        if(CalcDistance(harborPt, pt) <= SEAATTACK_DISTANCE)
            // Wird ein Weg vom Militärgebäude zum Hafen gefunden bzw. Ziel = Hafen?
            if(pt == harborPt)
            else if(FindHumanPath(pt, harborPt, SEAATTACK_DISTANCE) != 0xff)
    return harbor_points;
Пример #8
/// Ist es an dieser Stelle für einen Spieler möglich einen Hafen zu bauen
bool GameWorldBase::IsHarborPointFree(const unsigned harbor_id, const unsigned char player, const unsigned short sea_id) const
	Point<MapCoord> coords(GetHarborPoint(harbor_id));

	// Befindet sich der Hafenpunkt auch an dem erforderlichen Meer?
	bool at_sea = false;
	for(unsigned i = 0;i<6;++i)
		if(harbor_pos[harbor_id].cps[i].sea_id == sea_id)
			at_sea = true;

		return false;

	// Überprüfen, ob das Gebiet in einem bestimmten Radius entweder vom Spieler oder gar nicht besetzt ist
	for(MapCoord tx=GetXA(coords.x,coords.y,0), r=1;r<=4;tx=GetXA(tx,coords.y,0),++r)
		MapCoord tx2 = tx, ty2 = coords.y;
		for(unsigned i = 2;i<8;++i)
			for(MapCoord r2=0;r2<r;GetPointA(tx2,ty2,i%6),++r2)
				unsigned char owner = GetNode(tx2,ty2).owner;
				if(owner != 0 && owner != player+1)
					return false;

	return (CalcBQ(coords.x,coords.y,0,false,false,true) == BQ_HARBOR);