Пример #1
bool FitsFile::HasGroups()
	try {
		return GetKeywordValue("GROUPS") == "T";
	} catch(FitsIOException &e)
		return false;
Пример #2
int FitsFile::GetTableColumnIndex(const std::string &columnName)
	int colCount = GetColumnCount();
	for(int i=1;i<=colCount;++i)
		std::stringstream s;
		s << "TTYPE" << i;
		if(GetKeywordValue(s.str()) == columnName)
			return i;
	throw FitsIOException(std::string("Can not find column with name ") + columnName);
Пример #3
bool FitsFile::HasGroupParameter(const std::string &parameterName)
	if(!HasGroups()) return false;
	int parameterCount = GetParameterCount();
	for(int i=1;i<=parameterCount;++i)
		std::stringstream s;
		s << "PTYPE" << i;
		if(GetKeywordValue(s.str()) == parameterName)
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #4
int FitsFile::GetGroupParameterIndex(const std::string &parameterName)
		throw FitsIOException("HDU has no groups");
	int parameterCount = GetParameterCount();
	for(int i=1;i<=parameterCount;++i)
		std::stringstream s;
		s << "PTYPE" << i;
		if(GetKeywordValue(s.str()) == parameterName)
			return i-1;
	throw FitsIOException(std::string("Can not find parameter with name ") + parameterName);
Пример #5
bool FitsFile::HasTableColumn(const std::string &columnName, int& columnIndex)
	int colCount = GetColumnCount();
	for(int i=1;i<=colCount;++i)
		std::stringstream s;
		s << "TTYPE" << i;
		if(GetKeywordValue(s.str()) == columnName)
			columnIndex = i;
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #6
avtFITSFileFormat::Initialize(avtDatabaseMetaData *md)
    const char *mName = "avtFITSFileFormat::Initialize: ";

    if(fits == 0)
        debug4 << mName << "Opening " << filename << endl;
        int status = 0;
        if(fits_open_file(&fits, filename, 0, &status))
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidFilesException, filename);

        char card[FLEN_CARD], tmp[100];
        std::string fileComment;
        int hdutype = 0;

        // Iterate over the HDU's
        for(int hdu = 1; !(fits_movabs_hdu(fits, hdu, &hdutype, &status)); hdu++) 
            debug4 << mName << "Looking at HDU " << hdu << endl;

            // Get no. of keywords
            int nkeys = 0, keypos = 0;
            if(fits_get_hdrpos(fits, &nkeys, &keypos, &status))

            if(hdutype == IMAGE_HDU)
                debug4 << mName << "HDU " << hdu << " contains an image" << endl;
                //int status2 = 0;
                char value[FLEN_VALUE];
                std::string objname, bunit, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel;

                // Try and get the key value for BUNIT
                if(GetKeywordValue("BUNIT", value))
                    bunit = std::string(value);
                    debug4 << "\tBUNIT=" << value << endl;

                // Try and get the key value for OBJECT
                if(GetKeywordValue("OBJECT", value))
                    objname = std::string(value);
                    debug4 << "\tOBJECT=" << value << endl;
#if 0
// Re-enable these someday when we read the mesh coordinates from the file
// and use them to construct a sensible mesh.
                // Try and get the key value for CTYPE1
                if(GetKeywordValue("CTYPE1", value))
                    xlabel = std::string(value);
                    debug4 << "\tCTYPE1=" << value << endl;

                // Try and get the key value for CTYPE2
                if(GetKeywordValue("CTYPE2", value))
                    ylabel = std::string(value);
                    debug4 << "\tCTYPE2=" << value << endl;

                // Try and get the key value for CTYPE3
                if(GetKeywordValue("CTYPE3", value))
                    zlabel = std::string(value);
                    debug4 << "\tCTYPE3=" << value << endl;
                // Use the keywords to create a comment.
                SNPRINTF(tmp, 100, "Header listing for HDU #%d:\n", hdu);
                fileComment += tmp;
                for(int jj = 1; jj <= nkeys; jj++)
                    if(fits_read_record(fits, jj, card, &status))
                    std::string cs(card);
                    fileComment += cs;
                    if(cs.size() > 0 && cs[cs.size()-1] != '\n')
                        fileComment += "\n";
                fileComment += "\n\n";

                // Get the image's dimensions.
                int ndims = 0;
                if(fits_get_img_dim(fits, &ndims, &status))
                debug4 << mName << "Num dimensions: " << ndims << ", status=" << status << endl;
                long *dims = new long[ndims];
                if(fits_get_img_size(fits, ndims, dims, &status))
                if(ndims == 0)
                    debug4 << mName << "The image has no dimensions. Skip it." << endl;

                // Create a mesh name for the image.
                intVector mdims;
                std::string meshName("image");
                debug4 << mName << "Image dimensions: ";
                bool dimensionsNonZero = false;
                for(int i = 0; i < ndims; ++i)
                    char num[20];
                    if(i > 0)
                        SNPRINTF(num, 20, "x%d", (int)dims[i]);
                        SNPRINTF(num, 20, "%d", (int)dims[i]);
                    meshName += num;
                    dimensionsNonZero |= (dims[i] != 0);
                    debug4 << dims[i] << ", ";
                debug4 << endl;
                    debug4 << mName << "All dimensions were zero. skip." << endl;
                if(ndims == 1 && objname != "")
                    meshName = objname;
                if(meshDimensions.find(meshName) == meshDimensions.end())
                    meshDimensions[meshName] = mdims;

                    // Create metadata if necessary.
                    if(md != 0)
                        if(ndims == 1)
                            debug4 << mName << "Adding a curve called "
                                   << meshName.c_str() << " for HDU "
                                   << hdu << endl;

                            avtCurveMetaData *cmd = new avtCurveMetaData;
                            cmd->name = meshName;
                            if(xlabel != "")
                                cmd->xLabel = xlabel;
                            if(ylabel != "")
                                cmd->yLabel = ylabel;

                            // Do this because we use GetVar to read the data
                            // that we use to create the curve.
                            varToHDU[meshName] = hdu;
                            varToMesh[meshName] = meshName;
                            int sdims, tdims;
                            int nrealdims = (ndims <= 3) ? ndims : 3;
                            if(nrealdims == 3 && dims[2] == 3)
                                nrealdims = 2;
                            sdims = tdims = nrealdims;

                            debug4 << mName << "Adding a " << sdims
                                   << " dimensional mesh called "
                                   << meshName.c_str() << " for HDU "
                                   << hdu << endl;

                            avtMeshMetaData *mmd = new avtMeshMetaData(
                                meshName, 1, 1, 1, 0, sdims, tdims,
                            if(xlabel != "")
                                mmd->xLabel = xlabel;
                            if(ylabel != "")
                                mmd->yLabel = ylabel;
                            if(zlabel != "")
                                mmd->zLabel = zlabel;


                // Create a name for the variable at this HDU
                if(ndims > 1)
                    char varname[100];
                    SNPRINTF(varname, 100, "hdu%d", hdu);
                    std::string vName(varname);
                    if(objname != "")
                        vName = objname;
                    varToHDU[vName] = hdu;
                    varToMesh[vName] = meshName;

                    // Create metadata if necessary
                    if(md != 0)
                        // Limit the dimensions to 3.
                        int ncomps = 1;
                        int nrealdims = (ndims <= 3) ? ndims : 3;
                        if(nrealdims == 3 && dims[2] == 3)
                            ncomps = 3;

                        if(ncomps == 1)
                            debug4 << mName << "Adding a scalar called "
                                   << vName.c_str() << " for HDU "
                                   << hdu << endl;
                            // Add the scalar metadata
                            avtScalarMetaData *smd = new avtScalarMetaData(
                                vName, meshName, AVT_ZONECENT);
                            smd->hasUnits = bunit != "";
                            smd->units = bunit;
                            debug4 << mName << "Adding a color vector called "
                                   << vName.c_str() << " for HDU "
                                   << hdu << endl;

                            // Add the vector metadata
                            avtVectorMetaData *vmd = new avtVectorMetaData(
                                vName, meshName, AVT_ZONECENT, 4);
//                          vmd->hasUnits = true;
//                          vmd->units = 

                delete [] dims;
            else if(hdutype == ASCII_TBL)
                debug4 << mName << "HDU " << hdu
                       << " contains an ascii table" << endl;
            else if(hdutype == BINARY_TBL)
                debug4 << mName << "HDU " << hdu
                       << " contains a binary table" << endl;

                // Use the keywords to create a comment.
                SNPRINTF(tmp, 100, "Header listing for HDU #%d:\n", hdu);
                debug4 << tmp;
                for(int jj = 1; jj <= nkeys; jj++)
                    if(fits_read_record(fits, jj, card, &status))
                    std::string cs(card);
                    if(cs.size() > 0 && cs[cs.size()-1] != '\n')
                        cs += "\n";
                    debug4 << "\t" << cs.c_str();

        if(md != 0)
Пример #7
double FitsFile::GetDoubleKeywordValue(const std::string &keywordName)
	return atof(GetKeywordValue(keywordName).c_str());
Пример #8
int FitsFile::GetIntKeywordValue(const std::string &keywordName)
	return atoi(GetKeywordValue(keywordName).c_str());