Пример #1
int GetGrpInfo6 (StisInfo6 *sts, Hdr *hdr) {

/* arguments:
StisInfo6 *sts  io: calibration switches and info
Hdr *hdr        i: header of current IMSET

	int status;

	int sdqflags;			/* serious data quality flags */
	char *buf;			/* scratch for keyword value */
	int use_def = 1;		/* use default if missing keyword */
	int no_default = 0;		/* missing keyword is fatal error */
	int GetDetTemp (Hdr *, int, double *);

	/* Get the dispersion axis. */
	if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "DISPAXIS", use_def, 1, &sts->dispaxis)))
	    return (status);
	if (sts->dispaxis < 1 || sts->dispaxis > 2) {
	    printf ("ERROR    Dispaxis = %d is invalid\n", sts->dispaxis);
	    return (INVALID);

	/* This should be SCIENCE or WAVECAL. */
	if ((buf = (char *) calloc (STIS_FNAME+1, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	    return (OUT_OF_MEMORY);
	if ((status = Get_KeyS (hdr, "ASN_MTYP",
                                use_def, "unknown", buf, STIS_FNAME)))
	    return (status);
	sts->wavecal = (strcmp (buf, "WAVECAL") == 0);
	free (buf);

	/* Exposure info. */
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPTIME", no_default, 0., &sts->exptime)))
	    return (status);
	if (sts->exptime < 0.) {
	    printf ("ERROR    Exposure time is invalid:  %14.6g\n",
	    return (INVALID);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPSTART", no_default, 0., &sts->expstart)))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPEND", no_default, 0., &sts->expend)))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "DOPPMAG", use_def, 0., &sts->doppmag)))
	    return (status);
	if (sts->doppmag > 0. && strcmp (sts->obsmode, "TIME-TAG") != 0) {
	    /* doppon could be False in timetag mode; otherwise, reset
		doppzero to zero if on-board Doppler correction was not done.
	    int doppon;
	    if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "DOPPON", use_def, 0, &doppon)))
		return (status);
	    if (!doppon)
		sts->doppmag = 0.;
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "DOPPZERO", use_def, 0., &sts->doppzero)))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "ORBITPER", use_def, 1., &sts->orbitper)))
	    return (status);

	/* Find out which data quality bits are considered serious;
	   default value means all bits are serious.
	if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "SDQFLAGS", use_def, ALL_BITS, &sdqflags)))
	    return (status);
	sdqflags &= ~HOTPIX;		/* hot (but probably just warm) pixel */
	sdqflags &= ~SMALLBLEM;		/* too small to be concerned about */
	sts->sdqflags_orig = (short) sdqflags;
	sts->cc_sdqflags   = (short) sdqflags;

	/* This turns off the data quality flag checking everywhere
           except  in crosscorrelation module.
	sts->sdqflags = 0;

	/* Get the "plate scale" coefficients. */
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CD1_1", no_default, 0., &sts->cd[0])))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CD2_2", no_default, 0., &sts->cd[1])))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRPIX1", no_default, 1., &sts->crpix[0])))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRVAL1", no_default, 0., &sts->crval[0])))
	    return (status);

	/* Get the linear transformation (zero indexed) from the reference
	   coordinate system to current image pixel coordinates.
	if ((status = GetLT0 (hdr, sts->ltm, sts->ltv)))
	    return (status);

	/* Get the detector temperature (or housing temperature, if CCD). */
	if (sts->fluxcorr == PERFORM) {
	    if ((status = GetDetTemp (hdr, sts->detector,
			&sts->detector_temp))) {
		return (status);
	} else {
	    sts->detector_temp = -1.;

	/* Get the MSM slop. */
	if (sts->wavecal) {
	    sts->msm_offset[0] = 0.0;
	    sts->msm_offset[1] = 0.0;
	} else {
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "SHIFTA1",
                                    use_def, 0., &sts->msm_offset[0])))
		return (status);
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "SHIFTA2",
                                    use_def, 0., &sts->msm_offset[1])))
		return (status);

        /* Get the mean dark count rate and the number of
           combined images for CTI correction. */
        if ((status = Get_KeyD(hdr, "MEANDARK", no_default, 0.,
            return status;
        if ((status = Get_KeyI(hdr, "NCOMBINE", no_default, 0.,
            return status;

	return (0);
Пример #2
int doDQI (StisInfo1 *sts, SingleGroup *x) {

/* arguments:
StisInfo1 *sts    i: calibration switches, etc
SingleGroup *x    io: image to be calibrated; DQ array written to in-place

	int status;

	TblInfo tabinfo;	/* pointer to table descriptor, etc */
	TblRow tabrow;		/* values read from a table row */

	ShortTwoDArray ydq;		/* scratch space */

	/* mappings from one coordinate system to another */
	double ri_m[2], ri_v[2];	/* reference to image */
	double rs_m[2], rs_v[2];	/* reference to scratch */
	double si_m[2], si_v[2];	/* scratch to image */

	/* for copying from scratch array (only copy overlap region): */
	int first[2], last[2];	/* corners of overlap region in image coords */
	int sfirst[2];		/* lower left corner of overlap in scratch */
	int rbin[2];		/* bin size of image relative to ref bin size */

	int snpix[2];		/* size of scratch array */
	int npix[2];		/* size of current image */

	float *ds;		/* Doppler smearing array */
	int nds, d0;		/* size of ds and index in ds of zero point */
	int k, kmin, kmax;	/* loop index; range of indexes in ds */
	int doppmin, doppmax;	/* Doppler offsets relative to d0 */

	int in_place;		/* true if same bin size and no Doppler */
	int high_res;		/* true if Doppler or either axis is high-res */
	int i, j, i0, j0;	/* indexes for scratch array ydq */
	int m, n;		/* indexes for data quality array in x */
	short sum_dq;		/* for binning data quality array */

	int row;		/* loop index for row number */

	void FlagFilter (StisInfo1 *, ShortTwoDArray *,
		int, int, double *, double *);
	int MakeDopp (double, double, double, double, double, int,
		float *, int *, int *);

	/* We could still flag saturation even if the bpixtab was dummy. */
	if (sts->dqicorr != PERFORM && sts->dqicorr != DUMMY)
	    return (0);

	/* For the CCD, check for and flag saturation. */
	if (sts->detector == CCD_DETECTOR) {
	    for (j = 0;  j < x->sci.data.ny;  j++) {
		for (i = 0;  i < x->sci.data.nx;  i++) {
		    if ((int) Pix (x->sci.data, i, j) > sts->saturate) {
			sum_dq = DQPix (x->dq.data, i, j) | SATPIXEL;
			DQSetPix (x->dq.data, i, j, sum_dq);	/* saturated */

	/* Get the linear transformation between reference and input image. */
	if ((status = GetLT0 (&x->sci.hdr, ri_m, ri_v))) /* zero indexed LTV */
	    return (status);

	/* Flag regions beyond the bounderies of the aperture, for CCD data. */
	if (sts->detector == CCD_DETECTOR) {
	    FlagFilter (sts, &x->dq.data, x->dq.data.nx, x->dq.data.ny,
			ri_m, ri_v);

	/* There might not be any bad pixel table.  If not, quit now. */
	if (sts->bpix.exists == EXISTS_NO || sts->dqicorr != PERFORM)
	    return (0);

	initShortData (&ydq);

	/* In some cases we can set the data quality flags directly in
	   the DQ array, but in other cases we must create a scratch
	   array and copy back to the original.  Either the original or
	   the scratch may be in high-res mode.
	if (sts->detector == CCD_DETECTOR) {

	    if (sts->bin[0] == 1 && sts->bin[1] == 1)
		in_place = 1;			/* no binning */
		in_place = 0;
	    high_res = 0;

	} else {				/* MAMA */

	    if (sts->doppcorr == PERFORM) {

		high_res = 1;

		if (sts->bin[0] == 1 && sts->bin[1] == 1)
		    in_place = 1;		/* high-res in both axes */
		    in_place = 0;

	    } else {				/* no Doppler convolution */

		if (sts->bin[0] == 2 && sts->bin[1] == 2) {
		    high_res = 0;		/* both axes low-res */
		    in_place = 1;
		} else if (sts->bin[0] == 1 && sts->bin[1] == 1) {
		    high_res = 1;		/* both axes high-res */
		    in_place = 1;
		} else {
		    high_res = 1;		/* low-res in one axis */
		    in_place = 0;

	/* Get the other linear transformations (ri_m & ri_v were gotten
	   earlier, just after checking for saturation.)
	if (!in_place) {
	    if (high_res) {
		/* DQ array is binned finer than reference coords */
		rs_m[0] = 2.;
		rs_m[1] = 2.;
		rs_v[0] = 0.5;
		rs_v[1] = 0.5;
		/* assumes rs_m = 2, rs_v = 0.5 */
		si_m[0] = ri_m[0] * 0.5;
		si_m[1] = ri_m[1] * 0.5;
		si_v[0] = ri_v[0] - ri_m[0] * 0.25;
		si_v[1] = ri_v[1] - ri_m[1] * 0.25;
	    } else {
		/* scratch is in reference coords */
		rs_m[0] = 1.;
		rs_m[1] = 1.;
		rs_v[0] = 0.;
		rs_v[1] = 0.;
		/* assumes rs_m = 1, rs_v = 0 */
		si_m[0] = ri_m[0];
		si_m[1] = ri_m[1];
		si_v[0] = ri_v[0];
		si_v[1] = ri_v[1];

	if (sts->doppcorr == PERFORM) {
	    /* Compute the Doppler smearing array, if we need it.  We need
		the size (nds) and zero point (d0), not the array itself.
	    nds = 2 * (sts->doppmag + 1) + 21;	/* reassigned by makeDopp */
	    ds = (float *) calloc (nds, sizeof (float));
	    if ((status = MakeDopp (sts->doppzero, sts->doppmag, sts->orbitper,
                                    sts->expstart, sts->exptime, sts->dispsign,
                                    ds, &nds, &d0)))
		return (status);
	    /* Find the range of non-zero elements in ds. */
	    kmin = nds - 1;		/* initial values */
	    kmax = 0;
	    for (k = 0;  k < nds;  k++) {
		if (ds[k] > 0.) {	/* there will be no negative values */
		    if (k < kmin)
			kmin = k;
		    if (k > kmax)
			kmax = k;
	    /* It's the indexes relative to d0 that are important. */
	    doppmin = kmin - d0;
	    doppmax = kmax - d0;
	    free (ds);
	} else {
	    doppmin = 0;
	    doppmax = 0;

	/* Open the data quality initialization table, find columns, etc. */
	if ((status = OpenBpixTab (sts->bpix.name, &tabinfo)))
	    return (status);

	/* Size of scratch image */
	if (high_res) {
	    snpix[0] = 2 * tabinfo.axlen1;
	    snpix[1] = 2 * tabinfo.axlen2;
	} else {
	    snpix[0] = tabinfo.axlen1;
	    snpix[1] = tabinfo.axlen2;

	/* size of current image */
	npix[0] = x->dq.data.nx;
	npix[1] = x->dq.data.ny;

	if (!in_place) {
	    /* Allocate space for a scratch array. */
	    allocShortData (&ydq, snpix[0], snpix[1], True);
	    if (hstio_err()) {
		printf (
		"ERROR    (doDQI) couldn't allocate data quality array.\n");
		return (OUT_OF_MEMORY);
	    for (j = 0;  j < snpix[1];  j++)
		for (i = 0;  i < snpix[0];  i++)
		    DQSetPix (ydq, i, j, 0);		/* initially OK */

	/* Read each row of the table, and fill in data quality values. */

	for (row = 1;  row <= tabinfo.nrows;  row++) {

	    if ((status = ReadBpixTab (&tabinfo, row, &tabrow))) {
		printf ("ERROR    Error reading BPIXTAB.\n");
		return (status);

	    if (!SameString (tabrow.opt_elem, sts->opt_elem))

	    if (tabrow.xstart < 0 || tabrow.xstart >= tabinfo.axlen1 ||
		tabrow.ystart < 0 || tabrow.ystart >= tabinfo.axlen2) {
		printf (
	"Warning  Starting pixel (%d,%d) in BPIXTAB is out of range.\n",
			tabrow.xstart+1, tabrow.ystart+1);
		continue;			/* ignore this row */

	    /* Assign the flag value to all relevant pixels. */
	    if (in_place) {
		if (high_res)
		    DQIHigh (&x->dq.data, ri_v, &tabrow, doppmin, doppmax);
		    DQINormal (&x->dq.data, ri_v, &tabrow);
	    } else {				/* use scratch array */
		if (high_res)
		    DQIHigh (&ydq, rs_v, &tabrow, doppmin, doppmax);
		    DQINormal (&ydq, rs_v, &tabrow);

	if ((status = CloseBpixTab (&tabinfo)))	/* done with the table */
	    return (status);

	if (!in_place) {

	    /* Get corners of region of overlap between image and
		scratch array.
	    FirstLast (si_m, si_v, snpix, npix, rbin, first, last, sfirst);

	    /* We have been writing to a scratch array ydq.  Now copy or
		bin the values down to the actual size of x.
	    j0 = sfirst[1];
	    for (n = first[1];  n <= last[1];  n++) {
		i0 = sfirst[0];
		for (m = first[0];  m <= last[0];  m++) {
		    sum_dq = DQPix (x->dq.data, m, n);
		    for (j = j0;  j < j0+rbin[1];  j++)
			for (i = i0;  i < i0+rbin[0];  i++)
			    sum_dq |= DQPix (ydq, i, j);
		    DQSetPix (x->dq.data, m, n, sum_dq);
		    i0 += rbin[0];
		j0 += rbin[1];

	    freeShortData (&ydq);			/* done with ydq */

	return (0);
Пример #3
int GetGrpInfo4 (StisInfo4 *sts, Hdr *hdr) {

/* arguments:
StisInfo4 *sts  io: calibration switches and info
Hdr *hdr        i: header of current imset

	int status;

	int sdqflags;			/* serious data quality flags */
	int use_def = 1;		/* use default if missing keyword */
	Bool value;			/* value of IMSET_OK keyword */

	/* Get IMSET_OK, which will be false if the current imset was
	   flagged as having zero exptime or constant pixel values.
	if ((status = Get_KeyB (hdr, "IMSET_OK", use_def, True, &value)) != 0)
	    return status;
	if (value)
	    sts->imset_ok = 1;
	    sts->imset_ok = 0;

	/* Get the dispersion axis. */
	if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "DISPAXIS", use_def, 1, &sts->dispaxis)))
	    return (status);
	if (sts->dispaxis < 1 || sts->dispaxis > 2) {
	    printf (
	"ERROR    DISPAXIS = %d is invalid for spectroscopic data.\n",
	    return (GENERIC_ERROR_CODE);

	/* Find out which data quality bits (all, by default) are considered
	   serious.  Note that we reset some bits, so that we can include
	   pixels that are flagged with these conditions.
	if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "SDQFLAGS", use_def, 32767, &sdqflags)))
	    return (status);
	sdqflags &= ~DATAMASKED;	/* behind occulting bar */
	sdqflags &= ~HOTPIX;		/* hot (but probably just warm) pixel */
	sdqflags &= ~SMALLBLEM;		/* too small to be concerned about */
	sts->sdqflags = (short) sdqflags;

	/* Get the LTMi_i and LTVi keywords, converted to zero indexing. */
	if ((status = GetLT0 (hdr, sts->ltm, sts->ltv)))
	    return (status);
	sts->scale[0] = 1. / sts->ltm[0];
	sts->scale[1] = 1. / sts->ltm[1];

	/* Get the coordinate parameters. */
	if (sts->disp_type == PRISM_DISP) {

	    /* For prism data prior to 2-D rectification, the coordinate
		parameters in the header are for RA & Dec, but we need
		cross-dispersion spatial coordinates.
	    GetSDC (sts);
	    sts->crpix[1] = sts->crpix[1] * sts->ltm[1] + sts->ltv[1];
	    sts->cdelt[1] /= sts->ltm[1];

	} else {

	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRPIX1", use_def, 0., &sts->crpix[0])))
		return (status);
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRPIX2", use_def, 0., &sts->crpix[1])))
		return (status);
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRVAL1", use_def, 0., &sts->crval[0])))
		return (status);
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRVAL2", use_def, 0., &sts->crval[1])))
		return (status);
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CD1_1", use_def, 1., &sts->cdelt[0])))
		return (status);
	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CD2_2", use_def, 1., &sts->cdelt[1])))
		return (status);
	    /* Convert CRPIX to zero index. */

	/* We only need the exposure time to verify that it's greater
	   than zero.  That's why the default is zero.
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPTIME", use_def, 0., &sts->exptime)))
	    return (status);

	/* Exposure start time is needed for trace rotation */
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPSTART", 0, 0., &sts->expstart)))
	  return (status);

	return (0);
Пример #4
int GetGrpInfo7 (StisInfo7 *sts, Hdr *hdr) {

/* arguments:
StisInfo7 *sts  io: calibration switches and info
Hdr *hdr        i: header of current imset

	int status;

	int sdqflags;			/* serious data quality flags */
	char *buf;			/* scratch for keyword value */
	int use_def = 1;		/* use default if missing keyword */
	int no_default = 0;		/* missing keyword is fatal error */
	int GetDetTemp (Hdr *, int, double *);

	/* Get generic parameters. */

	/* This should be SCIENCE or WAVECAL. */
	if ((buf = calloc (STIS_FNAME+1, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	    return (OUT_OF_MEMORY);
	if ((status = Get_KeyS (hdr, "ASN_MTYP",
                                use_def, "unknown", buf, STIS_FNAME)))
	    return (status);
	/* Possible values for wavecals are "AUTO-WAVECAL" and "GO-WAVECAL" */
	sts->wavecal = (strstr (buf, "WAVECAL") != NULL);
	free (buf);

	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPTIME", no_default, 0., &sts->exptime)))
	    return (status);
	if (sts->exptime < 0.) {
	    printf ("ERROR    Exposure time %.6g is invalid.\n",
	    return (GENERIC_ERROR_CODE);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPSTART", no_default, 0., &sts->expstart)))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "EXPEND", no_default, 0., &sts->expend)))
	    return (status);

	/* Find out which data quality bits are considered serious;
	   default value means all bits are serious.
	if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "SDQFLAGS", use_def, 32767, &sdqflags)))
	    return (status);
	sts->sdqflags = (short) sdqflags;

	/* Get the linear transformation (zero indexed) from the reference
	   coordinate system to current image pixel coordinates.
	if ((status = GetLT0 (hdr, sts->ltm, sts->ltv)))
	    return (status);

	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRPIX1", use_def, 0., &sts->crpix[0])))
	    return (status);
	if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "CRPIX2", use_def, 0., &sts->crpix[1])))
	    return (status);
	sts->crpix[0]--;	/* convert to zero-indexed */

	/* Get the detector temperature (or housing temperature, if CCD). */
	if (sts->fluxcorr == PERFORM) {
	    if ((status = GetDetTemp (hdr, sts->detector,
			&sts->detector_temp))) {
		return (status);
	} else {
	    sts->detector_temp = -1.;

	/* Get the MSM offset found during wavecal processing. */
	if (sts->wavecal) {

	    sts->msm_slop[0] = 0.;
	    sts->msm_slop[1] = 0.;

	} else {

	    if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "SHIFTA1",
                                    use_def, 0., &sts->msm_slop[0])))
		return (status);

	    if (sts->wx2dcorr == COMPLETE) {
		/* shifta2 has already been accounted for by wx2d */
		sts->msm_slop[1] = 0.;
	    } else {
		if ((status = Get_KeyD (hdr, "SHIFTA2",
                                        use_def, 0., &sts->msm_slop[1])))
		    return (status);

	if (sts->obstype == SPECTROSCOPIC_TYPE) {

	    /* Get the dispersion axis. */
	    if ((status = Get_KeyI (hdr, "DISPAXIS",
                                    use_def, 1, &sts->dispaxis)))
		return (status);
	    if (sts->dispaxis < 1 || sts->dispaxis > 2) {
		printf ("ERROR    Dispaxis = %d is invalid.\n", sts->dispaxis);

	} else {

	    sts->dispaxis = 0;

	return (0);