Пример #1
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::DetectNearbyEnemy(PlayerTypes eEnemy, bool bNaval)
	UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		for(int iDirectionLoop = 0; iDirectionLoop < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; ++iDirectionLoop)
			CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iDirectionLoop));
			if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL && pAdjacentPlot->isWater()==bNaval && pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == eEnemy)
				UnitHandle pOtherUnit = pAdjacentPlot->getBestDefender(eEnemy);
					if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
						CvString strMsg;
						strMsg.Format("Ran into enemy unit during attack (x=%d y=%d). Need to declare war to continue!", pAdjacentPlot->getX(), pAdjacentPlot->getY());

					return pAdjacentPlot;
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	return NULL;
	int tmp_index = unit_index;
	unit_index = 0;
	CombatUnit* result = GetNextUnit();
	unit_index = tmp_index;

	return result;
Пример #3
/// Find first unit who is sitting in this domain
UnitHandle CvArmyAI::GetFirstUnitInDomain(DomainTypes eDomain)
	UnitHandle pUnit, pCurrentUnit;

	pCurrentUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		if(pCurrentUnit->plot()->isWater() && eDomain == DOMAIN_SEA || !pCurrentUnit->plot()->isWater() && eDomain == DOMAIN_LAND)
			return pCurrentUnit;
		pCurrentUnit = GetNextUnit();

	return pUnit;
/// Everyone in the water now?
bool CvArmyAI::AreAllInWater()
	UnitHandle pUnit;

	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
			return false;
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	return true;
Пример #5
/// Return distance from this plot of unit in army farthest away
int CvArmyAI::GetFurthestUnitDistance(CvPlot* pPlot)
	int iLargestDistance = 0;
	CvUnit* pUnit = GetFirstUnit();

		int iNewDistance = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY());
		if(iNewDistance > iLargestDistance)
			iLargestDistance = iNewDistance;
		pUnit = GetNextUnit(pUnit);
	return iLargestDistance;
Пример #6
// Gather up all units for this team
int GroundTaskingManagerClass::CollectGroundAssets (int to_collect)
	Unit			u,pu;
	int				count=0,objListBuilt=0;

	// Create the unit lists
	VuListIterator	myit(AllParentList);
	u = GetFirstUnit(&myit);
	while (u)
		if (u->GetTeam() == owner && u->GetDomain() == DOMAIN_LAND && !u->Scripted())
			// We've got at least one unit to assign - build our objective lists
			if (!objListBuilt)
				objListBuilt = 1;
			// We want to order support battalions individually.
			if (!u->Real() && FindUnitSupportRole(u))
				pu = u;
				u = pu->GetFirstUnitElement();
				while (u)
					AddToLists(u, to_collect);
					u = pu->GetNextUnitElement();
				AddToLists(u, to_collect);
		u = GetNextUnit(&myit);
	return count;
Пример #7
void GroundTaskingManagerClass::RequestEngineer (Objective o, int division)
	Unit				u;

	VuListIterator	myit(AllParentList);
	u = GetFirstUnit(&myit);
	while (u)
		if (u->GetTeam() == owner && u->GetDomain() == DOMAIN_LAND && 
						u->GetUnitNormalRole() == GRO_ENGINEER && u->GetUnitDivision() == division && u->GetUnitOrders() != GORD_REPAIR)
		u = GetNextUnit(&myit);
	// Find the best _free_ engineer to send to this location
Пример #8
INT unit_getNext(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
	CDebug cDbg("unit getNext");

	myUnit* lpUnit = (myUnit*)JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);

	if(!lpUnit || IsBadReadPtr(lpUnit, sizeof(myUnit)) || lpUnit->_dwPrivateType != PRIVATE_UNIT)
		return JS_TRUE;

	UnitAny* pUnit = D2CLIENT_FindUnit(lpUnit->dwUnitId, lpUnit->dwType);

		return JS_TRUE;

	if(argc > 0 && JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[0]))
		strcpy_s(lpUnit->szName, 128, JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0])));

	if(argc > 0 && JSVAL_IS_INT(argv[0]))
		lpUnit->dwClassId = JSVAL_TO_INT(argv[0]);

	if(argc > 1 && JSVAL_IS_INT(argv[1]))
		lpUnit->dwMode = JSVAL_TO_INT(argv[1]);

	pUnit = GetNextUnit(pUnit, lpUnit->szName, lpUnit->dwClassId, lpUnit->dwType, lpUnit->dwMode);

		JS_ClearScope(cx, obj);
		if(JS_ValueToObject(cx, JSVAL_NULL, &obj) == JS_FALSE)
			return JS_TRUE;
		*rval = INT_TO_JSVAL(0);
		lpUnit->dwUnitId = pUnit->dwUnitId;
		JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, lpUnit);
		*rval = INT_TO_JSVAL(1);

	return JS_TRUE;
Пример #9
/// Can all units in this army move on ocean?
bool CvArmyAI::IsAllOceanGoing()
	CvUnit* pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		if(pUnit->getDomainType() != DOMAIN_SEA && !pUnit->IsHasEmbarkAbility())
			return false;

		// If can move over ocean, not a coastal vessel
			return false;

		pUnit = GetNextUnit(pUnit);

	return true;
Пример #10
/// Find average speed of units in army
int CvArmyAI::GetMovementRate()
	int iMovementAverage = 2;   // A reasonable default
	int iNumUnits = 0;
	int iTotalMovementAllowance = 0;
	UnitHandle pUnit;

	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		iTotalMovementAllowance += pUnit->baseMoves();
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if(iNumUnits > 0)
		iMovementAverage = (iTotalMovementAllowance + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;

	return iMovementAverage;
Пример #11
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!)
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(float* pfVarX, float* pfVarY)
	int iTotalX = 0;
	int iTotalY = 0;
	int iNumUnits = 0;

	UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
	if (!pUnit)
		return NULL;

	int iTotalX2 = 0;
	int iTotalY2 = 0;
	int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth();
	int iWorldHeight = GC.getMap().getGridHeight();

	//the first unit is our reference ...
	int iRefX = pUnit->getX();
	int iRefY = pUnit->getY();
	pUnit = GetNextUnit();

		int iDX = pUnit->getX() - iRefX;
		int iDY = pUnit->getY() - iRefY;

		if (GC.getMap().isWrapX())
			if( iDX > +(iWorldWidth / 2))
				iDX -= iWorldWidth;
			if( iDX < -(iWorldWidth / 2))
				iDX += iWorldWidth;
		if (GC.getMap().isWrapY())
			if( iDY > +(iWorldHeight / 2))
				iDY -= iWorldHeight;
			if( iDY < -(iWorldHeight / 2))
				iDY += iWorldHeight;

		iTotalX += iDX;
		iTotalY += iDY;
		iTotalX2 += iDX*iDX;
		iTotalY2 += iDY*iDY;

		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if (iNumUnits==0)
		return NULL;

	//this is for debugging
	float fVarX = (iTotalX2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits);
	float fVarY = (iTotalY2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits);

	//finally, compute average (with rounding)
	int iAvgX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefX;
	int iAvgY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefY;

	if (fVarX > 64 || fVarY > 64)
		CvString msg = CvString::format("Warning: Army %d with %d units Center of Mass (%d,%d) has a large variance (%.2f,%.2f)\n", GetID(), iNumUnits, iAvgX, iAvgY, fVarX, fVarY);
		OutputDebugString( msg.c_str() );

	//this handles wrapped coordinates
	CvPlot* pCOM = GC.getMap().plot(iAvgX, iAvgY);

	if (!pCOM)
		return NULL;

	if (pfVarX)
		*pfVarX = fVarX;
	if (pfVarY)
		*pfVarY = fVarY;

	//don't return it directly but use the plot of the closest unit
	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
	std::vector<SPlotWithScore> vPlots;
	while (pUnit)
		if (pUnit->plot()->getDomain()==GetDomainType())
			int iDistToCOM = plotDistance(*pUnit->plot(),*pCOM);
			int iDistToTarget = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(),pUnit->getY(),GetGoalX(),GetGoalY());
			vPlots.push_back( SPlotWithScore(pUnit->plot(),iDistToCOM*100+iDistToTarget) );

		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if (vPlots.empty())
		return NULL;

	//this sorts ascending!
	return vPlots.front().pPlot;
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!)
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(DomainTypes eDomainRequired)
	CvPlot* pRtnValue = NULL;
	int iTotalX = 0;
	int iTotalY = 0;
	int iNumUnits = 0;
	UnitHandle pUnit;
	int iReferenceUnitX = -1;
	int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth();

	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		iReferenceUnitX = pUnit->getX();

		int iUnitX = pUnit->getX();

		bool bWorldWrapAdjust = false;
		int iDiff = iUnitX - iReferenceUnitX;
		if(abs(iDiff) > (iWorldWidth / 2))
			bWorldWrapAdjust = true;

			iTotalX += iUnitX + iWorldWidth;
			iTotalX += iUnitX;
		iTotalY += pUnit->getY();
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if(iNumUnits > 0)
		int iAverageX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;
		if(iAverageX >= iWorldWidth)
			iAverageX = iAverageX - iWorldWidth;
		int iAverageY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;
		pRtnValue = GC.getMap().plot(iAverageX, iAverageY);

	// Domain check
	if (eDomainRequired != NO_DOMAIN && pRtnValue)
		if (pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND || !pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA)
			// Find an adjacent plot that works
			for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
				CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI));
				if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
					if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND)
						return pLoopPlot;

			// Try two plots out if really having problems
			for (int iDX = -2; iDX <= 2; iDX++)
				for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++)
					CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY, 2);
					if (pLoopPlot)
						if (plotDistance(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY()) == 2)
							if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND)
								return pLoopPlot;

			// Give up - just use location of first unit
			pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
			pRtnValue = pUnit->plot();

	return pRtnValue;
Пример #13
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!)
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(DomainTypes eDomainRequired)
	CvPlot* pRtnValue = NULL;
	int iTotalX = 0;
	int iTotalY = 0;
	int iNumUnits = 0;
	UnitHandle pUnit;
	int iReferenceUnitX = -1;
	int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth();

	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		iReferenceUnitX = pUnit->getX();

		int iUnitX = pUnit->getX();

		bool bWorldWrapAdjust = false;
		int iDiff = iUnitX - iReferenceUnitX;
		if(abs(iDiff) > (iWorldWidth / 2))
			bWorldWrapAdjust = true;

			iTotalX += iUnitX + iWorldWidth;
			iTotalX += iUnitX;
		iTotalY += pUnit->getY();
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if(iNumUnits > 0)
		int iAverageX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;
		if(iAverageX >= iWorldWidth)
			iAverageX = iAverageX - iWorldWidth;
		int iAverageY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;
		pRtnValue = GC.getMap().plot(iAverageX, iAverageY);

	// Domain check
	if (eDomainRequired != NO_DOMAIN && pRtnValue)
		if (pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND || !pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA)
			// Find an adjacent plot that works
			for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
				CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI));
				if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
					if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND)
						return pLoopPlot;

			// Try two plots out if really having problems
			int iMaxDX, iDX;
			CvPlot* pLoopPlot;
			for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++)
				iMaxDX = 2 - MAX(0, iDY);
				for (iDX = -2 - MIN(0, iDY); iDX <= iMaxDX; iDX++) // MIN() and MAX() stuff is to reduce loops (hexspace!)
					// No need for range check because loops are set up properly
					pLoopPlot = plotXY(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY);
					if (pLoopPlot)
						if (hexDistance(iDX, iDY) == 2)
			for (int iDX = -2; iDX <= 2; iDX++)
				for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++)
					CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY, 2);
					if (pLoopPlot)
						if (hexDistance(iDX, iDY) == 2)
						if (plotDistance(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY()) == 2)
							if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND)
								return pLoopPlot;

			// Give up - just use location of first unit
			pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
			pRtnValue = pUnit->plot();

	return pRtnValue;

/// Return distance from this plot of unit in army farthest away
int CvArmyAI::GetFurthestUnitDistance(CvPlot* pPlot)
	int iLargestDistance = 0;
	UnitHandle pUnit;
	int iNewDistance;

	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		iNewDistance = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY());
		if(iNewDistance > iLargestDistance)
			iLargestDistance = iNewDistance;
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();
	return iLargestDistance;


/// Retrieve index of the formation used by this army
int CvArmyAI::GetFormationIndex() const
	return m_iFormationIndex;

/// Set index of the formation used by this army
void CvArmyAI::SetFormationIndex(int iFormationIndex)
	CvArmyFormationSlot slot;

	if(m_iFormationIndex != iFormationIndex)
		m_iFormationIndex = iFormationIndex;

		CvMultiUnitFormationInfo* thisFormation = GC.getMultiUnitFormationInfo(m_iFormationIndex);
			int iNumSlots = thisFormation->getNumFormationSlotEntries();

			// Build all the formation entries
			for(int iI = 0; iI < iNumSlots; iI++)

/// How many slots are there in this formation if filled
int CvArmyAI::GetNumFormationEntries() const
	return m_FormationEntries.size();

/// How many slots do we currently have filled?
int CvArmyAI::GetNumSlotsFilled() const
	int iRtnValue = 0;

	for(unsigned int iI = 0; iI < m_FormationEntries.size(); iI++)
		if(m_FormationEntries[iI].m_iUnitID != ARMY_NO_UNIT)
	return iRtnValue;
Пример #14
// Supplies units - must be called by Campaign Master
int SupplyUnits (Team who, CampaignTime deltaTime)
	Objective		o,s;
	Unit			unit;
	int				supply,fuel,replacements,gots,gotf,type;
	int				sneeded=0,fneeded=0,rneeded=0;
	float			sratio,fratio,rratio;
	GridIndex		x,y;
	MissionRequestClass	mis;
	// A.S. begin additional variables 2001-12-09
	// A.S. We now distinguish between aircrafts and ground vehicles 
	int				rneeded_a=0, rneeded_v=0, repl_a=0, repl_v=0;	
	float			rratio_a, rratio_v,	a_v_nratio, repl; 			// A.S. 
	float			sqnbonus, lambda;								// A.S. 
	int				repl_a_s = 0, repl_v_s = 0, repl_s = 0, repl_sa = 0, prob = 0;	// A.S. debug variables
	// end added section

	if (!TeamInfo[who] || !(TeamInfo[who]->flags & TEAM_ACTIVE))
		return 0;

	sratio = fratio = rratio = 0.0F;

	// A.S. begin, 2001-12-09.
	rratio_a = rratio_v = a_v_nratio = repl = lambda = 0.0F;		// A.S.
	sqnbonus = RelSquadBonus;									    // A.S. gives Sqn relative (!) more repl. than Bde.
	// end added section

	// zero supply values
		VuListIterator objit(AllObjList);
		o = GetFirstObjective(&objit);
		while (o){
			if (o->GetTeam() == who)
				o->static_data.local_data = 0;
			o = GetNextObjective(&objit);

	// Calculate needs
		VuListIterator myit(AllUnitList);
		unit = GetFirstUnit(&myit);
		while (unit)
			if (unit->GetTeam() == who && (unit->IsBattalion() || unit->IsSquadron()))
				sneeded += unit->GetUnitSupplyNeed(FALSE);
				fneeded += unit->GetUnitFuelNeed(FALSE);
				rneeded += unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles();
				// A.S. begin
				if (unit->IsSquadron() && NoTypeBonusRepl)		// A.S. extra calculation for squadrons 
					rneeded_a += unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles(); 

				// end added section
			unit = GetNextUnit(&myit);

	// A.S. begin, 2001-12-09.
	if (NoTypeBonusRepl) { 
		rneeded_v = rneeded - rneeded_a;						//A.S. calculation for groud vehicles
		if (rneeded > 0)
			a_v_nratio = ( (float)rneeded_a ) / rneeded;
			a_v_nratio = 1;
		repl = (float)TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail();    // aggregate replacements available
		lambda =  a_v_nratio * sqnbonus;
		if (lambda > 1)
			lambda = 1;
	// end added section

	// Calculate the maximum ratio of supply we can give out
	if (sneeded > 0)
		sratio = (float)TeamInfo[who]->GetSupplyAvail() / sneeded;
	if (sratio > MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO)
		sratio = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
	if (fneeded > 0)
		fratio = (float)TeamInfo[who]->GetFuelAvail() / fneeded;
	if (fratio > MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO)
		fratio = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
	if (rneeded > 0)
		rratio = (float)TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() / rneeded;

	if (!NoTypeBonusRepl) // A.S. added if-condiion 2001-12-09 
		if (rratio > 0.25F)	
			rratio = 0.25F;		

	// A.S. begin, 2001-12-09
	if  (NoTypeBonusRepl) 
		if (rratio > MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO) {		
			rratio = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
		if (rneeded_a > 0)
			rratio_a = repl / rneeded_a;			
			rratio_a = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
		if (rneeded_v > 0)
			rratio_v = repl / rneeded_v;
			rratio_v = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
		if (rratio_a > MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO)
			rratio_a = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
		if (rratio_v > MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO)
			rratio_v = MAX_SUPPLY_RATIO;
		if (repl == 0) {							// to handle situations like 0/0 !
			rratio_a = 0;
			rratio_v = 0;
	// end added section

	// Supply units
		VuListIterator myit(AllUnitList);
		unit = GetFirstUnit(&myit);
		while (unit)
			// We only supply/repair Battalions and Squadrons
			if (
				unit->GetTeam() == who && (unit->IsBattalion() || unit->IsSquadron()) &&
				TheCampaign.CurrentTime - unit->GetLastResupplyTime() > unit->GetUnitSupplyTime()
				float			typeBonus = 1.0F;

				if (unit->GetUnitCurrentRole() == GRO_ATTACK)
					typeBonus = 6.0F;
				if (unit->IsSquadron())
					typeBonus = 2.0F;
				// Add some randomness
				typeBonus += ((rand()%50)-25.0F)/100.0F;
				if (typeBonus < 0.0F)
					typeBonus = 0.0F;

				supply = FloatToInt32(unit->GetUnitSupplyNeed(FALSE) * sratio * typeBonus);
				fuel = FloatToInt32(unit->GetUnitFuelNeed(FALSE) * fratio * typeBonus);

				// A.S.  2001-12-09. No Type Bonus for replacements. This helps fixing the bug that units can get more replacements than available.
				if (NoTypeBonusRepl)
					typeBonus = 1.0F;		
				// end added section
				replacements = FloatToInt32((unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles()) * rratio * typeBonus);

				// A.S. begin, 2001-12-09
				repl_s += replacements;				// debug
				if (NoTypeBonusRepl) 	// New code for distinguishing between aircrafts and ground vehicles 
					if (unit->IsSquadron())				// this algorithm guarantees that no team can get more repl than available
						prob = rand() % 100;
						repl_a = FloatToInt32((unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles()) * (lambda) * rratio_a);
						if ( TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() >= 1  && prob < 51  &&  ( ((float)unit->GetTotalVehicles())/unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() <= 0.8F)) // rounding up with probability 0.5
							repl_a = FloatToInt32( (float) ceil( (unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles()) * (lambda) * rratio_a) );
						if (repl_a > 0) 
							TeamInfo[who]->SetReplacementsAvail( TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() - repl_a );
							unit->ChangeVehicles( min(repl_a, TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail()) );
							repl_a_s += min(repl_a, TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail()); // debug
					else {
						prob = rand() % 100;
						repl_v = FloatToInt32((unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles()) * (1 - lambda) * rratio_v);
						if ( TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() > 12  && prob < 51  &&  ( ((float)unit->GetTotalVehicles())/unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() <= 0.85F)) // rounding up
							repl_v = FloatToInt32( (float) ceil( (unit->GetFullstrengthVehicles() - unit->GetTotalVehicles()) * (1 - lambda) * rratio_v) );
						if (repl_v > 0) 
							TeamInfo[who]->SetReplacementsAvail(TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() - repl_v);
							unit->ChangeVehicles( min(repl_v, TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail()) );
							repl_v_s += min(repl_v, TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail()); // debug
					// prob = rand() % 100;
					if (replacements)	// ++++++ old code begin ++++++
					TeamInfo[who]->SetReplacementsAvail(TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() - replacements);
					if (unit->IsSquadron())
						repl_sa += replacements; // A.S. debug
						TeamInfo[who]->SetReplacementsAvail(TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail() - replacements);
				}	// end added section  (important: this section replaces(!) the section marked with ++++++ old code ++++++ !)
				if (fuel || supply)
					o = FindNearestFriendlyObjective(who, &x, &y, 0);
					if (o)
						s = FindNearestSupplySource(o);
						if (s)
							TeamInfo[who]->SetSupplyAvail(TeamInfo[who]->GetSupplyAvail() - supply);
							TeamInfo[who]->SetFuelAvail(TeamInfo[who]->GetFuelAvail() - fuel);
							gots = supply;
							gotf = fuel;
							if (SendSupply(s,o,&gots,&gotf))
			unit = GetNextUnit(&myit);

	// A.S. debug begin
	//if (NoTypeBonusRepl) {
	//	if (who == 2 || who==6) {	
	//		FILE *deb;
	//		deb = fopen("c:\\temp\\deb1.txt", "a");
	//		fprintf(deb, "Team %2d  ReplaAvail = %3d  A_Needed = %3d  V_Needed %4d  Aircraft = %2d  Vehicle = %3d  TIME = %d\n", who, (int)repl, rneeded_a, rneeded_v, repl_a_s, repl_v_s, TheCampaign.CurrentTime );   
	//		fclose(deb);
	//	}
	//else {
	//	if (who == 2 || who==6) {	// A.S. debug
	//		FILE *deb;
	//		deb = fopen("c:\\temp\\deb1.txt", "a");
	//		fprintf(deb, "Team %2d  ReplaAvail = %3d  Needed = %3d | Repl_a = %2d repl_v = %3d | TIME = %d\n", who, TeamInfo[who]->GetReplacementsAvail(), rneeded, repl_sa, (repl_s-repl_sa) , TheCampaign.CurrentTime % CampaignHours );   
	//		fclose(deb);
	//	}
	// A.S. debug end

	// Reset loss values, set supply values, and request missions
		VuListIterator objit(AllObjList);
		o = GetFirstObjective(&objit);
		while (o){
			if (o->GetTeam() == who){
				supply = LOBYTE(o->static_data.local_data);
				fuel = HIBYTE(o->static_data.local_data);
				if (supply > 5 || fuel > 5){
					type = o->GetType();
					if (type == TYPE_ROAD || type == TYPE_INTERSECT)
						// Request an interdiction mission
						mis.requesterID = o->Id();
						mis.vs = o->GetTeam();
						mis.who = GetEnemyTeam(mis.vs);
						mis.tot = Camp_GetCurrentTime() + (30+rand()%480)*CampaignMinutes;
						mis.tot_type = TYPE_NE;
						mis.targetID = FalconNullId;
						mis.mission = AMIS_INT;
						mis.roe_check = ROE_AIR_ATTACK;
						mis.context = enemySupplyInterdictionZone;
					// RV - Biker - Do something special for bridges
					//if (type == TYPE_BRIDGE || type == TYPE_DEPOT || type == TYPE_PORT)
					if (type == TYPE_DEPOT || type == TYPE_PORT)
						// Request an interdiction strike mission
						mis.requesterID = o->Id();
						mis.vs = o->GetTeam();
						mis.who = GetEnemyTeam(mis.vs);
						mis.tot = Camp_GetCurrentTime() + (30+rand()%480)*CampaignMinutes;
						mis.tot_type = TYPE_NE;
						mis.targetID = o->Id();
						mis.mission = AMIS_INTSTRIKE;
						mis.roe_check = ROE_AIR_ATTACK;

						if (type == TYPE_DEPOT)
								mis.context = enemySupplyInterdictionDepot;
						if (type == TYPE_PORT)
								mis.context = enemySupplyInterdictionPort;
					if (type == TYPE_BRIDGE) {
						// Check distance to FLOT
						GridIndex ox = 0, oy = 0;
						o->GetLocation(&ox, &oy);
						float dist = DistanceToFront(ox,oy);

						if (dist >= 50.0f) {
							mis.requesterID = o->Id();
							mis.tx = ox;
							mis.ty = oy;
							mis.vs = o->GetTeam();
							mis.who = GetEnemyTeam(mis.vs);
							mis.tot = Camp_GetCurrentTime() + (30+rand()%480)*CampaignMinutes;
							mis.tot_type = TYPE_NE;
							mis.targetID = o->Id();
							mis.mission = AMIS_INTSTRIKE;
							mis.roe_check = ROE_AIR_ATTACK;
							mis.context = enemySupplyInterdictionBridge;
			o = GetNextObjective(&objit);
	return 1;
Пример #15
/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!)
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(DomainTypes eDomainRequired)
	int iTotalX = 0;
	int iTotalY = 0;
	int iNumUnits = 0;

#if defined(MOD_BALANCE_CORE)
	UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit();

	if (!pUnit)
		return NULL;

	int iTotalX2 = 0;
	int iTotalY2 = 0;
	int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth();
	int iWorldHeight = GC.getMap().getGridHeight();

	//the first unit is our reference ...
	int iRefX = pUnit->getX();
	int iRefY = pUnit->getY();
	pUnit = GetNextUnit();

		int iDX = pUnit->getX() - iRefX;
		int iDY = pUnit->getY() - iRefY;

		if (GC.getMap().isWrapX())
			if( iDX > +(iWorldWidth / 2))
				iDX -= iWorldWidth;
			if( iDX < -(iWorldWidth / 2))
				iDX += iWorldWidth;
		if (GC.getMap().isWrapY())
			if( iDY > +(iWorldHeight / 2))
				iDY -= iWorldHeight;
			if( iDY < -(iWorldHeight / 2))
				iDY += iWorldHeight;

		iTotalX += iDX;
		iTotalY += iDY;
		iTotalX2 += iDX*iDX;
		iTotalY2 += iDY*iDY;

		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if (iNumUnits==0)
		return NULL;

	//this is for debugging
	float fVarX = (iTotalX2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits);
	float fVarY = (iTotalY2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits);

	//finally, compute average (with rounding)
	int iAvgX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefX;
	int iAvgY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefY;

	if (fVarX > 64 || fVarY > 64)
		CvString msg = CvString::format("Warning: Army %d with %d units Center of Mass (%d,%d) has a large variance (%.2f,%.2f)\n", GetID(), iNumUnits, iAvgX, iAvgY, fVarX, fVarY);
		OutputDebugString( msg.c_str() );

	//this handles wrapped coordinates
	CvPlot* pCOM = GC.getMap().plot(iAvgX, iAvgY);

	if (!pCOM)
		return NULL;

	//don't return it directly but use the plot of the closest unit
	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
	std::vector<SPlotWithScore> vPlots;
	while (pUnit)
		if (eDomainRequired == NO_DOMAIN || pUnit->plot()->getDomain()==eDomainRequired)
			vPlots.push_back( SPlotWithScore(pUnit->plot(),plotDistance(*pUnit->plot(),*pCOM)) );

		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if (vPlots.empty())
		return NULL;

	//this sorts ascending!
	return vPlots.front().pPlot;

	CvPlot* pRtnValue = NULL;
	UnitHandle pUnit;
	int iReferenceUnitX = -1;
	int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth();

	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		iReferenceUnitX = pUnit->getX();

		int iUnitX = pUnit->getX();

		bool bWorldWrapAdjust = false;
		int iDiff = iUnitX - iReferenceUnitX;
		if(abs(iDiff) > (iWorldWidth / 2))
			bWorldWrapAdjust = true;

			iTotalX += iUnitX + iWorldWidth;
			iTotalX += iUnitX;
		iTotalY += pUnit->getY();
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if(iNumUnits > 0)
		int iAverageX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;
		if(iAverageX >= iWorldWidth)
			iAverageX = iAverageX - iWorldWidth;
		int iAverageY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits;
		pRtnValue = GC.getMap().plot(iAverageX, iAverageY);

	// Domain check
	if (eDomainRequired != NO_DOMAIN && pRtnValue)
		if (pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND || !pRtnValue->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA)
			// Find an adjacent plot that works
			for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
				CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI));
				if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
					if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND)
						return pLoopPlot;

			// Try two plots out if really having problems
			for (int iDX = -2; iDX <= 2; iDX++)
				for (int iDY = -2; iDY <= 2; iDY++)
					CvPlot *pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), iDX, iDY, 2);
					if (pLoopPlot)
						if (plotDistance(pRtnValue->getX(), pRtnValue->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY()) == 2)
							if (pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_SEA || !pLoopPlot->isWater() && eDomainRequired == DOMAIN_LAND)
								return pLoopPlot;

			// Give up - just use location of first unit
			pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
			pRtnValue = pUnit->plot();
	return pRtnValue;