Пример #1
/// binoprhs
///   ::= ('+' primary)*
static ExprAST *ParseBinOpRHS(int ExprPrec, ExprAST *LHS) {
  // If this is a binop, find its precedence.
  while (1) {
    int TokPrec = GetTokPrecedence();

    // If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
    // consume it, otherwise we are done.
    if (TokPrec < ExprPrec)
      return LHS;

    // Okay, we know this is a binop.
    int BinOp = CurTok;
    getNextToken();  // eat binop

    // Parse the primary expression after the binary operator.
    ExprAST *RHS = ParsePrimary();
    if (!RHS) return 0;

    // If BinOp binds less tightly with RHS than the operator after RHS, let
    // the pending operator take RHS as its LHS.
    int NextPrec = GetTokPrecedence();
    if (TokPrec < NextPrec) {
      RHS = ParseBinOpRHS(TokPrec+1, RHS);
      if (RHS == 0) return 0;

    // Merge LHS/RHS.
    LHS = new BinaryExprAST(BinOp, LHS, RHS);
Пример #2
/// binoprhs
///   ::= ('+' primary)*
static std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseBinOpRHS(int ExprPrec,
                                              std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> LHS) {
  // If this is a binop, find its precedence.
  while (1) {
    int TokPrec = GetTokPrecedence();

    // If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
    // consume it, otherwise we are done.
    if (TokPrec < ExprPrec)
      return LHS;

    // Okay, we know this is a binop.
    int BinOp = CurTok;
    getNextToken(); // eat binop

    // Parse the primary expression after the binary operator.
    auto RHS = ParsePrimary();
    if (!RHS)
      return nullptr;

    // If BinOp binds less tightly with RHS than the operator after RHS, let
    // the pending operator take RHS as its LHS.
    int NextPrec = GetTokPrecedence();
    if (TokPrec < NextPrec) {
      RHS = ParseBinOpRHS(TokPrec + 1, std::move(RHS));
      if (!RHS)
        return nullptr;

    // Merge LHS/RHS.
    LHS = helper::make_unique<BinaryExprAST>(BinOp, std::move(LHS),
Пример #3
/// binoprhs
///   ::= ('+' primary)*
std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> UDFParser::ParseBinOpRHS(
    int expr_prec, std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> lhs) {
  // If this is a binop, find its precedence.
  while (true) {
    int tok_prec = GetTokPrecedence();

    // If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
    // consume it, otherwise we are done.
    if (tok_prec < expr_prec) {
      return lhs;

    // Okay, we know this is a binop.
    int bin_op = cur_tok_;
    GetNextToken();  // eat binop

    // Parse the primary expression after the binary operator.
    auto rhs = ParsePrimary();
    if (!rhs) {
      return nullptr;

    // If BinOp binds less tightly with rhs than the operator after rhs, let
    // the pending operator take rhs as its lhs.
    int next_prec = GetTokPrecedence();
    if (tok_prec < next_prec) {
      rhs = ParseBinOpRHS(tok_prec + 1, std::move(rhs));
      if (!rhs) {
        return nullptr;

    // Merge lhs/rhs.
    lhs = llvm::make_unique<BinaryExprAST>(bin_op, std::move(lhs),
Пример #4
* Handle the rhs of a binary operation, where
* binoprhs ::= (binop primary)*
static std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseBinOpRHS(int minExprPrec,
                                              std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> lhs)
    while (1) {
        int tokPrec = GetTokPrecedence();

        // token's precedence is too low to do anything with so we're done
        if (tokPrec < minExprPrec) {
            return lhs;

        // otherwise, precedence it high enough so we should handle the binop
        int binOp = CurTok;
        getNextToken(); // advance past the binop

        // parse the primary expression after the operator
        auto rhs = ParsePrimary();

        if (!rhs) {
            return nullptr;

        // determine the direction of associativity
        int nextPrec = GetTokPrecedence();

        if (tokPrec < nextPrec) {
            rhs = ParseBinOpRHS(tokPrec + 1, std::move(rhs));
            if (!rhs) {
                return nullptr;

        // merge the lhs and rhs
        lhs = llvm::make_unique<BinaryExprAST>(binOp, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs));