Пример #1
 *	ICO_ExtractIconExW		[internal]
 *  nIcons = 0: returns number of Icons in file
 * returns
 *  invalid file: -1
 *  failure:0;
 *  success: number of icons in file (nIcons = 0) or nr of icons retrieved
static UINT ICO_ExtractIconExW(
	LPCWSTR lpszExeFileName,
	HICON * RetPtr,
	INT nIconIndex,
	UINT nIcons,
	UINT cxDesired,
	UINT cyDesired,
	UINT *pIconId,
	UINT flags)
	UINT		ret = 0;
	UINT		cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2;
	LPBYTE		pData;
	DWORD		sig;
	HANDLE		hFile;
	UINT16		iconDirCount = 0; //,iconCount = 0;
	LPBYTE		peimage;
	HANDLE		fmapping;
	DWORD		fsizeh,fsizel;
        WCHAR		szExePath[MAX_PATH];
        DWORD		dwSearchReturn;

	TRACE("%s, %d, %d %p 0x%08x\n", debugstr_w(lpszExeFileName), nIconIndex, nIcons, pIconId, flags);

        dwSearchReturn = SearchPathW(NULL, lpszExeFileName, NULL, sizeof(szExePath) / sizeof(szExePath[0]), szExePath, NULL);
        if ((dwSearchReturn == 0) || (dwSearchReturn > sizeof(szExePath) / sizeof(szExePath[0])))
            WARN("File %s not found or path too long\n", debugstr_w(lpszExeFileName));
            return -1;

	if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ret;
	fsizel = GetFileSize(hFile,&fsizeh);

	/* Map the file */
	fmapping = CreateFileMappingW(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY | SEC_COMMIT, 0, 0, NULL);
	if (!fmapping)
	  WARN("CreateFileMapping error %ld\n", GetLastError() );
	  return 0xFFFFFFFF;

	if (!(peimage = MapViewOfFile(fmapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)))
	  WARN("MapViewOfFile error %ld\n", GetLastError() );
	  return 0xFFFFFFFF;

	cx1 = LOWORD(cxDesired);
	cx2 = HIWORD(cxDesired);
	cy1 = LOWORD(cyDesired);
	cy2 = HIWORD(cyDesired);

	if (pIconId) /* Invalidate first icon identifier */
		*pIconId = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	if (!pIconId) /* if no icon identifier array present use the icon handle array as intermediate storage */
	  pIconId = (UINT*)RetPtr;

	sig = USER32_GetResourceTable(peimage, fsizel, &pData);

/* ico file or NE exe/dll*/
#if 0
	if (sig==IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE || sig==1) /* .ICO file */
	  BYTE		*pCIDir = 0;
	  NE_TYPEINFO	*pTInfo = (NE_TYPEINFO*)(pData + 2);
	  NE_NAMEINFO	*pIconStorage = NULL;
	  NE_NAMEINFO	*pIconDir = NULL;

	  TRACE("-- OS2/icon Signature (0x%08lx)\n", sig);

	  if (pData == (BYTE*)-1)
	    pCIDir = ICO_GetIconDirectory(peimage, &lpiID, &uSize);	/* check for .ICO file */
	    if (pCIDir)
	      iconDirCount = 1; iconCount = lpiID->idCount;
	      TRACE("-- icon found %p 0x%08lx 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", pCIDir, uSize, iconDirCount, iconCount);
	  else while (pTInfo->type_id && !(pIconStorage && pIconDir))
	    if (pTInfo->type_id == NE_RSCTYPE_GROUP_ICON)	/* find icon directory and icon repository */
	      iconDirCount = pTInfo->count;
	      pIconDir = ((NE_NAMEINFO*)(pTInfo + 1));
	      TRACE("\tfound directory - %i icon families\n", iconDirCount);
	    if (pTInfo->type_id == NE_RSCTYPE_ICON)
	      iconCount = pTInfo->count;
	      pIconStorage = ((NE_NAMEINFO*)(pTInfo + 1));
	      TRACE("\ttotal icons - %i\n", iconCount);
	    pTInfo = (NE_TYPEINFO *)((char*)(pTInfo+1)+pTInfo->count*sizeof(NE_NAMEINFO));

	  if ((pIconStorage && pIconDir) || lpiID)	  /* load resources and create icons */
	    if (nIcons == 0)
	      ret = iconDirCount;
	      if (lpiID && pCIDir)	/* *.ico file, deallocate heap pointer*/
	        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pCIDir);
	    else if (nIconIndex < iconDirCount)
	      UINT16   i, icon;
	      if (nIcons > iconDirCount - nIconIndex)
	        nIcons = iconDirCount - nIconIndex;

	      for (i = 0; i < nIcons; i++)
	        /* .ICO files have only one icon directory */
	        if (lpiID == NULL)	/* not *.ico */
	          pCIDir = USER32_LoadResource(peimage, pIconDir + i + nIconIndex, *(WORD*)pData, &uSize);
	        pIconId[i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(pCIDir, TRUE, (i & 1) ? cx2 : cx1, (i & 1) ? cy2 : cy1, flags);
	      if (lpiID && pCIDir)	/* *.ico file, deallocate heap pointer*/
	        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pCIDir);

	      for (icon = 0; icon < nIcons; icon++)
	        pCIDir = NULL;
	        if (lpiID)
	          pCIDir = ICO_LoadIcon(peimage, lpiID->idEntries + (int)pIconId[icon], &uSize);
	          for (i = 0; i < iconCount; i++)
	            if (pIconStorage[i].id == ((int)pIconId[icon] | 0x8000) )
	              pCIDir = USER32_LoadResource(peimage, pIconStorage + i, *(WORD*)pData, &uSize);

	        if (pCIDir)
	          RetPtr[icon] = (HICON)CreateIconFromResourceEx(pCIDir, uSize, TRUE, 0x00030000,
	                                                         (icon & 1) ? cx2 : cx1, (icon & 1) ? cy2 : cy1, flags);
	          RetPtr[icon] = 0;
	      ret = icon;	/* return number of retrieved icons */
/* end ico file */

/* exe/dll */
	else if( sig == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
	if( sig == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
	  LPBYTE		idata,igdata;
	  PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS	pe_header;
	  const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *rootresdir,*iconresdir,*icongroupresdir;
	  const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *idataent,*igdataent;
	  UINT	i, j;

	  dheader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)peimage;
	  pe_header = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(peimage+dheader->e_lfanew);	  /* it is a pe header, USER32_GetResourceTable checked that */
	  pe_sections = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)(((char*)pe_header) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER)
	                                        + pe_header->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
	  rootresdir = NULL;

	  /* search for the root resource directory */
	  for (i=0;i<pe_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;i++)
	    if (pe_sections[i].Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA)
	    if (fsizel < pe_sections[i].PointerToRawData+pe_sections[i].SizeOfRawData) {
              FIXME("File %s too short (section is at %ld bytes, real size is %ld)\n",
	      goto end;
	    /* FIXME: doesn't work when the resources are not in a separate section */
	    if (pe_sections[i].VirtualAddress == pe_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].VirtualAddress)
	      rootresdir = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)(peimage+pe_sections[i].PointerToRawData);

	  if (!rootresdir)
	    WARN("haven't found section for resource directory.\n");
	    goto end;		/* failure */

	  /* search for the group icon directory */
	  if (!(icongroupresdir = find_entry_by_id(rootresdir, LOWORD(RT_GROUP_ICON), rootresdir)))
	    WARN("No Icongroupresourcedirectory!\n");
	    goto end;		/* failure */
	  iconDirCount = icongroupresdir->NumberOfNamedEntries + icongroupresdir->NumberOfIdEntries;

	  /* only number of icons requested */
	  if( !pIconId )
	    ret = iconDirCount;
	    goto end;		/* success */

	  if( nIconIndex < 0 )
	    /* search resource id */
	    int n = 0;
	    int iId = abs(nIconIndex);
	    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY* xprdeTmp = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY*)(icongroupresdir+1);

	    while(n<iconDirCount && xprdeTmp)
              if(xprdeTmp->Id ==  iId)
                  nIconIndex = n;
	    if (nIconIndex < 0)
	      WARN("resource id %d not found\n", iId);
	      goto end;		/* failure */
	    /* check nIconIndex to be in range */
	    if (nIconIndex >= iconDirCount)
	      WARN("nIconIndex %d is larger than iconDirCount %d\n",nIconIndex,iconDirCount);
	      goto end;		/* failure */

	  /* assure we don't get too much */
	  if( nIcons > iconDirCount - nIconIndex )
	    nIcons = iconDirCount - nIconIndex;

	  /* starting from specified index */
	  xresent = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY*)(icongroupresdir+1) + nIconIndex;

	  for (i=0; i < nIcons; i++,xresent++)
	    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *resdir;

	    /* go down this resource entry, name */
	    resdir = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY*)((const char *)rootresdir+(xresent->OffsetToDirectory));

	    /* default language (0) */
	    resdir = find_entry_default(resdir,rootresdir);
	    igdataent = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY*)resdir;

	    /* lookup address in mapped image for virtual address */
	    igdata = NULL;

	    for (j=0;j<pe_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;j++)
	      if (igdataent->OffsetToData < pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress)
	      if (igdataent->OffsetToData+igdataent->Size > pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress+pe_sections[j].SizeOfRawData)

	      if (igdataent->OffsetToData-pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress+pe_sections[j].PointerToRawData+igdataent->Size > fsizel) {
	        FIXME("overflow in PE lookup (%s has len %ld, have offset %ld), short file?\n", debugstr_w(lpszExeFileName), fsizel,
	        	   igdataent->OffsetToData - pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress + pe_sections[j].PointerToRawData + igdataent->Size);
	        goto end; /* failure */
	      igdata = peimage+(igdataent->OffsetToData-pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress+pe_sections[j].PointerToRawData);

	    if (!igdata)
	      FIXME("no matching real address for icongroup!\n");
	      goto end;	/* failure */
	    pIconId[i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(igdata, TRUE, cx1, cy1, flags);
	        if (cx2 && cy2) pIconId[++i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(igdata, TRUE, cx2, cy2, flags);

	  if (!(iconresdir=find_entry_by_id(rootresdir,LOWORD(RT_ICON),rootresdir)))
	    WARN("No Iconresourcedirectory!\n");
	    goto end;		/* failure */

	  for (i=0; i<nIcons; i++)
	    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *xresdir;
	    xresdir = find_entry_by_id(iconresdir, LOWORD(pIconId[i]), rootresdir);
	    if (!xresdir)
	      WARN("icon entry %d not found\n", LOWORD(pIconId[i]));
	    xresdir = find_entry_default(xresdir, rootresdir);
	    if (!xresdir)
	      WARN("icon entry %d not found\n", LOWORD(pIconId[i]));
	    idataent = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY*)xresdir;
	    idata = NULL;

	    /* map virtual to address in image */
	    for (j=0;j<pe_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;j++)
	      if (idataent->OffsetToData < pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress)
	      if (idataent->OffsetToData+idataent->Size > pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress+pe_sections[j].SizeOfRawData)
	      idata = peimage+(idataent->OffsetToData-pe_sections[j].VirtualAddress+pe_sections[j].PointerToRawData);
	    if (!idata)
	      WARN("no matching real address found for icondata!\n");
	    RetPtr[i] = CreateIconFromResourceEx(idata, idataent->Size, TRUE, 0x00030000, cx1, cy1, flags);
            if (cx2 && cy2)
                RetPtr[++i] = CreateIconFromResourceEx(idata, idataent->Size, TRUE, 0x00030000, cx2, cy2, flags);
	  ret = i;	/* return number of retrieved icons */
	}			/* if(sig == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) */

	UnmapViewOfFile(peimage);	/* success */
	return ret;
Пример #2
 *	ICO_ExtractIconExW		[internal]
 *  nIcons = 0: returns number of Icons in file
 * returns
 *  invalid file: -1
 *  failure:0;
 *  success: number of icons in file (nIcons = 0) or nr of icons retrieved
static UINT ICO_ExtractIconExW(
	LPCWSTR lpszExeFileName,
	HICON * RetPtr,
	INT nIconIndex,
	UINT nIcons,
	UINT cxDesired,
	UINT cyDesired,
	UINT *pIconId,
	UINT flags)
	UINT		ret = 0;
	UINT		cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2;
	LPBYTE		pData;
	DWORD		sig;
	HANDLE		hFile;
	UINT16		iconDirCount = 0, iconCount = 0;
	LPBYTE		peimage;
	HANDLE		fmapping;
	DWORD		fsizeh,fsizel;
        WCHAR		szExePath[MAX_PATH];
        DWORD		dwSearchReturn;

	TRACE("%s, %d, %d %p 0x%08x\n", debugstr_w(lpszExeFileName), nIconIndex, nIcons, pIconId, flags);

        dwSearchReturn = SearchPathW(NULL, lpszExeFileName, NULL, sizeof(szExePath) / sizeof(szExePath[0]), szExePath, NULL);
        if ((dwSearchReturn == 0) || (dwSearchReturn > sizeof(szExePath) / sizeof(szExePath[0])))
            WARN("File %s not found or path too long\n", debugstr_w(lpszExeFileName));
            return -1;

	if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ret;
	fsizel = GetFileSize(hFile,&fsizeh);

	/* Map the file */
	fmapping = CreateFileMappingW(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY | SEC_COMMIT, 0, 0, NULL);
	if (!fmapping)
	  WARN("CreateFileMapping error %ld\n", GetLastError() );
	  return 0xFFFFFFFF;

	if (!(peimage = MapViewOfFile(fmapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)))
	  WARN("MapViewOfFile error %ld\n", GetLastError() );
	  return 0xFFFFFFFF;

	cx1 = LOWORD(cxDesired);
	cx2 = HIWORD(cxDesired);
	cy1 = LOWORD(cyDesired);
	cy2 = HIWORD(cyDesired);

	if (pIconId) /* Invalidate first icon identifier */
		*pIconId = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	if (!pIconId) /* if no icon identifier array present use the icon handle array as intermediate storage */
	  pIconId = (UINT*)RetPtr;

	sig = USER32_GetResourceTable(peimage, fsizel, &pData);

#ifdef WINE
/* ico file or NE exe/dll*/
	if (sig==IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE || sig==1) /* .ICO file */
	  BYTE		*pCIDir = 0;
	  NE_TYPEINFO	*pTInfo = (NE_TYPEINFO*)(pData + 2);
	  NE_NAMEINFO	*pIconStorage = NULL;
	  NE_NAMEINFO	*pIconDir = NULL;
	  ULONG		uSize = 0;

          TRACE("-- OS2/icon Signature (0x%08x)\n", sig);

	  if (pData == (BYTE*)-1)
	    pCIDir = ICO_GetIconDirectory(peimage, &lpiID, &uSize);	/* check for .ICO file */
	    if (pCIDir)
	      iconDirCount = 1; iconCount = lpiID->idCount;
              TRACE("-- icon found %p 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", pCIDir, uSize, iconDirCount, iconCount);
	  else while (pTInfo->type_id && !(pIconStorage && pIconDir))
	    if (pTInfo->type_id == NE_RSCTYPE_GROUP_ICON)	/* find icon directory and icon repository */
	      iconDirCount = pTInfo->count;
	      pIconDir = ((NE_NAMEINFO*)(pTInfo + 1));
	      TRACE("\tfound directory - %i icon families\n", iconDirCount);
	    if (pTInfo->type_id == NE_RSCTYPE_ICON)
	      iconCount = pTInfo->count;
	      pIconStorage = ((NE_NAMEINFO*)(pTInfo + 1));
	      TRACE("\ttotal icons - %i\n", iconCount);
	    pTInfo = (NE_TYPEINFO *)((char*)(pTInfo+1)+pTInfo->count*sizeof(NE_NAMEINFO));

	  if ((pIconStorage && pIconDir) || lpiID)	  /* load resources and create icons */
	    if (nIcons == 0)
	      ret = iconDirCount;
              if (lpiID)	/* *.ico file, deallocate heap pointer*/
	        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pCIDir);
	    else if (nIconIndex < iconDirCount)
	      UINT16   i, icon;
	      if (nIcons > iconDirCount - nIconIndex)
	        nIcons = iconDirCount - nIconIndex;

	      for (i = 0; i < nIcons; i++)
	        /* .ICO files have only one icon directory */
	        if (lpiID == NULL)	/* not *.ico */
	          pCIDir = USER32_LoadResource(peimage, pIconDir + i + nIconIndex, *(WORD*)pData, &uSize);
	        pIconId[i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(pCIDir, TRUE, cx1, cy1, flags);
                if (cx2 && cy2) pIconId[++i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(pCIDir, TRUE,  cx2, cy2, flags);
              if (lpiID)	/* *.ico file, deallocate heap pointer*/
	        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pCIDir);

	      for (icon = 0; icon < nIcons; icon++)
	        pCIDir = NULL;
	        if (lpiID)
	          pCIDir = ICO_LoadIcon(peimage, lpiID->idEntries + (int)pIconId[icon], &uSize);
	          for (i = 0; i < iconCount; i++)
	            if (pIconStorage[i].id == ((int)pIconId[icon] | 0x8000) )
	              pCIDir = USER32_LoadResource(peimage, pIconStorage + i, *(WORD*)pData, &uSize);

	        if (pCIDir)
	          RetPtr[icon] = CreateIconFromResourceEx(pCIDir, uSize, TRUE, 0x00030000,
                                                                 cx1, cy1, flags);
                  if (cx2 && cy2)
                      RetPtr[++icon] = CreateIconFromResourceEx(pCIDir, uSize, TRUE, 0x00030000,
                                                                       cx2, cy2, flags);
	          RetPtr[icon] = 0;
	      ret = icon;	/* return number of retrieved icons */
    if (sig == 1 || sig == 2) /* .ICO or .CUR file */
        TRACE("-- icon Signature (0x%08x)\n", sig);

        if (pData == (BYTE*)-1)
            INT cx[2] = {cx1, cx2}, cy[2] = {cy1, cy2};
            INT index;

            for(index = 0; index < 2; index++)
                DWORD dataOffset;
                LPBYTE imageData;
                POINT hotSpot;
                LPICONIMAGE entry;

                dataOffset = get_best_icon_file_offset(peimage, fsizel, cx[index], cy[index], sig == 1, flags, sig == 1 ? NULL : &hotSpot);

                if (dataOffset)
                    HICON icon;
                    WORD *cursorData = NULL;

                    imageData = peimage + dataOffset;
                    entry = (LPICONIMAGE)(imageData);

                    if(sig == 2)
                        /* we need to prepend the bitmap data with hot spots for CreateIconFromResourceEx */
                        cursorData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, entry->icHeader.biSizeImage + 2 * sizeof(WORD));


                        cursorData[0] = hotSpot.x;
                        cursorData[1] = hotSpot.y;

                        memcpy(cursorData + 2, imageData, entry->icHeader.biSizeImage);

                        imageData = (LPBYTE)cursorData;

                    icon = CreateIconFromResourceEx(imageData, entry->icHeader.biSizeImage, sig == 1, 0x00030000, cx[index], cy[index], flags);

                    if (icon)
                        RetPtr[index] = icon;
                        iconCount = 1;

                    if(cursorData != NULL)
                        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cursorData);

        ret = iconCount;	/* return number of retrieved icons */
/* end ico file */

/* exe/dll */
	else if( sig == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
        BYTE *idata, *igdata;
        const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *rootresdir, *iconresdir, *icongroupresdir;
        const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *idataent, *igdataent;
        const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *xresent;
        ULONG size;
        UINT i;

        rootresdir = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData((HMODULE)peimage, FALSE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE, &size);
        if (!rootresdir)
            WARN("haven't found section for resource directory.\n");
            goto end;

	  /* search for the group icon directory */
	  if (!(icongroupresdir = find_entry_by_id(rootresdir, LOWORD(RT_GROUP_ICON), rootresdir)))
	    WARN("No Icongroupresourcedirectory!\n");
	    goto end;		/* failure */
	  iconDirCount = icongroupresdir->NumberOfNamedEntries + icongroupresdir->NumberOfIdEntries;

	  /* only number of icons requested */
	  if( !pIconId )
	    ret = iconDirCount;
	    goto end;		/* success */

	  if( nIconIndex < 0 )
	    /* search resource id */
	    int n = 0;
	    int iId = abs(nIconIndex);
	    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY* xprdeTmp = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY*)(icongroupresdir+1);

	    while(n<iconDirCount && xprdeTmp)
              if(xprdeTmp->Id ==  iId)
                  nIconIndex = n;
	    if (nIconIndex < 0)
	      WARN("resource id %d not found\n", iId);
	      goto end;		/* failure */
	    /* check nIconIndex to be in range */
	    if (nIconIndex >= iconDirCount)
	      WARN("nIconIndex %d is larger than iconDirCount %d\n",nIconIndex,iconDirCount);
	      goto end;		/* failure */

	  /* assure we don't get too much */
	  if( nIcons > iconDirCount - nIconIndex )
	    nIcons = iconDirCount - nIconIndex;

	  /* starting from specified index */
	  xresent = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY*)(icongroupresdir+1) + nIconIndex;

	  for (i=0; i < nIcons; i++,xresent++)
	    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *resdir;

	    /* go down this resource entry, name */
            resdir = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *)((const char *)rootresdir + xresent->OffsetToDirectory);

	    /* default language (0) */
	    resdir = find_entry_default(resdir,rootresdir);
	    igdataent = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY*)resdir;

	    /* lookup address in mapped image for virtual address */
        igdata = RtlImageRvaToVa(RtlImageNtHeader((HMODULE)peimage), (HMODULE)peimage, igdataent->OffsetToData, NULL);
        if (!igdata)
	      FIXME("no matching real address for icongroup!\n");
	      goto end;	/* failure */
	    pIconId[i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(igdata, TRUE, cx1, cy1, flags);
            if (cx2 && cy2) pIconId[++i] = LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(igdata, TRUE, cx2, cy2, flags);

	  if (!(iconresdir=find_entry_by_id(rootresdir,LOWORD(RT_ICON),rootresdir)))
	    WARN("No Iconresourcedirectory!\n");
	    goto end;		/* failure */

	  for (i=0; i<nIcons; i++)
	    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *xresdir;
	    xresdir = find_entry_by_id(iconresdir, LOWORD(pIconId[i]), rootresdir);
            if( !xresdir )
              WARN("icon entry %d not found\n", LOWORD(pIconId[i]));
	    xresdir = find_entry_default(xresdir, rootresdir);
	    idataent = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY*)xresdir;

        idata = RtlImageRvaToVa(RtlImageNtHeader((HMODULE)peimage), (HMODULE)peimage, idataent->OffsetToData, NULL);
        if (!idata)
	      WARN("no matching real address found for icondata!\n");
	    RetPtr[i] = CreateIconFromResourceEx(idata, idataent->Size, TRUE, 0x00030000, cx1, cy1, flags);
            if (cx2 && cy2)
                RetPtr[++i] = CreateIconFromResourceEx(idata, idataent->Size, TRUE, 0x00030000, cx2, cy2, flags);
	  ret = i;	/* return number of retrieved icons */
	}			/* if(sig == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) */

	UnmapViewOfFile(peimage);	/* success */
	return ret;