Пример #1
void SGFReader::parseLine(Game& game, std::string line)
    while(!line.empty() && (isspace(line.front()) || line.front() == ';')) line.erase(0, 1);
    if(line.empty()) return;

    if(line == "(")
    else if(line == ")")

    for(Dispatch::type_map::const_iterator i = s_dispatch.map().begin(); i != s_dispatch.map().end(); ++i)
        std::size_t pos_bracket = line.find('[');
        if(pos_bracket == std::string::npos)
            throw InvalidLine(line);

        if(line.substr(0, pos_bracket) != i->first) continue;
        line.erase(0, i->first.size());

        if(line.size() < 2 || *line.begin() != '[' || *(--line.end()) != ']')
            throw InvalidLine(line);
        line.erase(0, 1);
        pos_bracket = line.find(']');
        if(pos_bracket != std::string::npos) //several instructions on a single line!!
            std::string leftOver = line.substr(pos_bracket + 1) + ']';
            line = line.substr(0, pos_bracket);
            i->second(game, line);
            parseLine(game, leftOver);
        else i->second(game, line);
    throw UnreckognizedCommand(line);
Пример #2
uint8_t SGFReader::parsePosition(char c) throw(InvalidLine)
    if(c >= 'a' && c < 'z')
        return (uint8_t)(c - 'a');
    if(c >= 'A' && c < 'Z')
        return (uint8_t)(c - 'A' + 27);
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << c << " isn't a valid position";
    throw InvalidLine(oss.str());
    return -1;
Пример #3
void Node::updateOpen()
    int count = 0;

    // Blank it again
    fill(&open[0], &open[0]+4, true); // By default every direction is open

    // For each of the connections, set open[dir] to false
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (connections[i].exists())
            const Coord* other;

            // Keep track so we can check if it's valid afterwards

            // Note that this can be simplified if we always make sure a line
            // ends with the node pointed to by dest, but until then, check
            // based on coordinates
            const Line& line = *(connections[i].line);

            // A line must be at least the beginning and ending node
            if (line.size() < 2)
                throw InvalidLine(line);

            if (line.front() == loci) // At beginning
                other = &line[1];
            else if (line.back() == loci) // At end
                other = &line[line.size()-2];
            else // In the middle? It should be at the beginning or end!
                throw InvalidLine(line);

            // It can't be the same point
            if (loci == *other)
                throw InvalidLine(line);

            // Determine direction
            if (loci.x == other->x) // Vertical
                if (loci.y < other->y) // Down
                    if (open[Down])
                        open[Down] = false;
                        throw NodeEntryCollision();
                else // Up
                    if (open[Up])
                        open[Up] = false;
                        throw NodeEntryCollision();
            else if (loci.y == other->y) // Horizontal
                if (loci.x < other->x) // Right
                    if (open[Right])
                        open[Right] = false;
                        throw NodeEntryCollision();
                else // Left
                    if (open[Left])
                        open[Left] = false;
                        throw NodeEntryCollision();
            else // Neither, so invalid
                throw InvalidLine(line);

    // If there's only two, they must be 180 degrees from each other
    if (count == 2 &&
        !((open[Left] == false && open[Right] == false) ||
         (open[Up]   == false && open[Down]  == false)))
        throw InvalidCorner();
Пример #4
Point SGFReader::parsePoint(const std::string& line) throw(InvalidLine)
    if(line.size() != 2) throw InvalidLine(line + " isn't a valid position for a move");
    return Point(parsePosition(line.front()), parsePosition(line.back()));
Пример #5
void SGFReader::parseGM(Game& /*game*/, std::string line)
    if(line != "1") throw InvalidLine("Impossible to parsing anything other than a game of go.");
Пример #6
void SGFReader::parseFF(Game& /*game*/, std::string line)
    if(line != "4") throw InvalidLine("SGF" + line + " not supported");