Пример #1
// Moves the contents of all of the children graphs (recursively) into the target graph.  This does not clone, it's destructive to the source
void FEdGraphUtilities::MergeChildrenGraphsIn(UEdGraph* MergeTarget, UEdGraph* ParentGraph, bool bRequireSchemaMatch, bool bInIsCompiling/* = false*/)
	// Determine if we are regenerating a blueprint on load
	UBlueprint* Blueprint = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraph(MergeTarget);
	const bool bIsLoading = Blueprint ? Blueprint->bIsRegeneratingOnLoad : false;

	// Merge all children nodes in too
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < ParentGraph->SubGraphs.Num(); ++Index)
		UEdGraph* ChildGraph = ParentGraph->SubGraphs[Index];

		auto NodeOwner = Cast<const UEdGraphNode>(ChildGraph ? ChildGraph->GetOuter() : nullptr);
		const bool bNonVirtualGraph = NodeOwner ? NodeOwner->ShouldMergeChildGraphs() : true;

		// Only merge children in with the same schema as the parent
		auto ChildSchema = ChildGraph ? ChildGraph->GetSchema() : nullptr;
		auto TargetSchema = MergeTarget ? MergeTarget->GetSchema() : nullptr;
		const bool bSchemaMatches = ChildSchema && TargetSchema && ChildSchema->GetClass()->IsChildOf(TargetSchema->GetClass());
		const bool bDoMerge = bNonVirtualGraph && (!bRequireSchemaMatch || bSchemaMatches);
		if (bDoMerge)
			// Even if we don't require a match to recurse, we do to actually copy the nodes
			if (bSchemaMatches)
				ChildGraph->MoveNodesToAnotherGraph(MergeTarget, IsAsyncLoading() || bIsLoading, bInIsCompiling);

			MergeChildrenGraphsIn(MergeTarget, ChildGraph, bRequireSchemaMatch, bInIsCompiling);
Пример #2
void USoundNodeModPlayer::LoadAsset()
	if (IsAsyncLoading())
		SoundMod = SoundModAssetPtr.Get();
		if (SoundMod == nullptr)
			LoadPackageAsync(SoundModAssetPtr.GetLongPackageName(), FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &USoundNodeModPlayer::OnSoundModLoaded));
		SoundMod = SoundModAssetPtr.LoadSynchronous();
Пример #3
void USoundNodeWavePlayer::LoadAsset()
	if (IsAsyncLoading())
		SoundWave = SoundWaveAssetPtr.Get();
		if (SoundWave == nullptr)
			const FString LongPackageName = SoundWaveAssetPtr.GetLongPackageName();
			if (!LongPackageName.IsEmpty())
				LoadPackageAsync(LongPackageName, FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &USoundNodeWavePlayer::OnSoundWaveLoaded));
		SoundWave = SoundWaveAssetPtr.LoadSynchronous();
Пример #4
// Clones the content from SourceGraph and merges it into MergeTarget; including merging/flattening all of the children from the SourceGraph into MergeTarget
void FEdGraphUtilities::CloneAndMergeGraphIn(UEdGraph* MergeTarget, UEdGraph* SourceGraph, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog, bool bRequireSchemaMatch, bool bInIsCompiling/* = false*/, TArray<UEdGraphNode*>* OutClonedNodes)
	// Clone the graph, then move all of it's children
	UEdGraph* ClonedGraph = CloneGraph(SourceGraph, NULL, &MessageLog, true);
	MergeChildrenGraphsIn(ClonedGraph, ClonedGraph, bRequireSchemaMatch);

	// Duplicate the list of cloned nodes
	if (OutClonedNodes != NULL)

	// Determine if we are regenerating a blueprint on load
	UBlueprint* Blueprint = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraph(MergeTarget);
	const bool bIsLoading = Blueprint ? Blueprint->bIsRegeneratingOnLoad : false;

	// Move them all to the destination
	ClonedGraph->MoveNodesToAnotherGraph(MergeTarget, IsAsyncLoading() || bIsLoading, bInIsCompiling);
bool UUpdateManager::Tick(float InDeltaTime)
	if (CurrentUpdateState == EUpdateState::WaitingOnInitialLoad)
		WorstNumFilesPendingLoadViewed = FMath::Max(GetNumAsyncPackages(), WorstNumFilesPendingLoadViewed);
		//UE_LOG(LogInit, Log, TEXT("Load progress %f (%d %d)"), GetLoadProgress(), GetNumAsyncPackages(), WorstNumFilesPendingLoadViewed);

		if (!IsAsyncLoading())
			const double LoadTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds() - LoadStartTime;
			UE_LOG(LogHotfixManager, Log, TEXT("Finished initial load/hotfix phase in %fs"), LoadTime);
			ACCUM_LOADTIME(TEXT("FinishedInitialLoadHotfix"), LoadTime);


			return false;

	return true;
Пример #6
void UWorld::LoadSecondaryLevels(bool bForce, TSet<FString>* CookedPackages)
	check( GIsEditor );

	// streamingServer
	// Only load secondary levels in the Editor, and not for commandlets.
	if( (!IsRunningCommandlet() || bForce)
	// Don't do any work for world info actors that are part of secondary levels being streamed in! 
	&& !IsAsyncLoading())
		for( int32 LevelIndex=0; LevelIndex<StreamingLevels.Num(); LevelIndex++ )
			ULevelStreaming* const StreamingLevel = StreamingLevels[LevelIndex];
			if( StreamingLevel )
				bool bAlreadyCooked = false;
				// If we are cooking don't cook sub levels multiple times if they've already been cooked
				FString PackageFilename;
				const FString StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageName = StreamingLevel->GetWorldAssetPackageName();
				if (CookedPackages)
					if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageName, NULL, &PackageFilename))
						PackageFilename = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(PackageFilename);
						bAlreadyCooked |= CookedPackages->Contains( PackageFilename );

				bool bAlreadyLoaded = false;
				UPackage* LevelPackage = FindObject<UPackage>(NULL, *StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageName,true);
				// don't need to do any extra work if the level is already loaded
				if ( LevelPackage && LevelPackage->IsFullyLoaded() ) 
					bAlreadyLoaded = true;

				if ( !bAlreadyCooked && !bAlreadyLoaded )
					bool bLoadedLevelPackage = false;
					const FName StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageFName = StreamingLevel->GetWorldAssetPackageFName();
					// Load the package and find the world object.
					if( FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageFName) == false )
						ULevel::StreamedLevelsOwningWorld.Add(StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageFName, this);
						LevelPackage = LoadPackage( NULL, *StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageName, LOAD_None );

						if( LevelPackage )
							bLoadedLevelPackage = true;

							// Find the world object in the loaded package.
							UWorld* LoadedWorld	= UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(LevelPackage);
							// If the world was not found, it could be a redirector to a world. If so, follow it to the destination world.
							if (!LoadedWorld)
								LoadedWorld = UWorld::FollowWorldRedirectorInPackage(LevelPackage);

							if ( !LevelPackage->IsFullyLoaded() )
								// LoadedWorld won't be serialized as there's a BeginLoad on the stack so we manually serialize it here.
								check( LoadedWorld->GetLinker() );
								LoadedWorld->GetLinker()->Preload( LoadedWorld );

							// Keep reference to prevent garbage collection.
							check( LoadedWorld->PersistentLevel );

							ULevel* NewLoadedLevel = LoadedWorld->PersistentLevel;
							NewLoadedLevel->OwningWorld = this;

						UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("Streaming level uses short package name (%s). Level will not be loaded."), *StreamingLevelWorldAssetPackageName);

					// Remove this level object if the file couldn't be found.
					if ( !bLoadedLevelPackage )
						StreamingLevels.RemoveAt( LevelIndex-- );
Пример #7
void UGameEngine::Tick( float DeltaSeconds, bool bIdleMode )

	int32 LocalTickCycles=0;
	// -----------------------------------------------------
	// Non-World related stuff
	// -----------------------------------------------------

	if( DeltaSeconds < 0.0f )
		// End users don't have access to the secure parts of UDN.  Regardless, they won't
		// need the warning because the game ships with AMD drivers that address the issue.
		UE_LOG(LogEngine, Fatal,TEXT("Negative delta time!"));
		// Send developers to the support list thread.
		UE_LOG(LogEngine, Fatal,TEXT("Negative delta time! Please see https://udn.epicgames.com/lists/showpost.php?list=ue3bugs&id=4364"));

	// Tick allocator
	if( GMalloc != NULL )
		GMalloc->Tick( DeltaSeconds );

	// Tick the module manager

	if (!IsRunningDedicatedServer() && !IsRunningCommandlet())
		// Clean up the game viewports that have been closed.

	// If all viewports closed, time to exit.
	if(GIsClient && GameViewport == NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogEngine, Log,  TEXT("All Windows Closed") );
		FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( 0 );

	if ( GameViewport != NULL )
		// Decide whether to drop high detail because of frame rate.

	// Update subsystems.
		// This assumes that UObject::StaticTick only calls ProcessAsyncLoading.
		StaticTick( DeltaSeconds );

	// -----------------------------------------------------
	// Begin ticking worlds
	// -----------------------------------------------------

	int32 OriginalGWorldContext = INDEX_NONE;
	for (int32 i=0; i < WorldList.Num(); ++i)
		if (WorldList[i].World() == GWorld)
			OriginalGWorldContext = WorldList[i].ContextHandle;

	bool WorldWasPaused = false;

	for (int32 WorldIdx = 0; WorldIdx < WorldList.Num(); ++WorldIdx)
		FWorldContext &Context = WorldList[WorldIdx];
		if (Context.World() == NULL)

		WorldWasPaused |= Context.World()->IsPaused();

		GWorld = Context.World();

		// Tick all travel and Pending NetGames (Seamless, server, client)
		TickWorldTravel(Context, DeltaSeconds);

		if (!IsRunningDedicatedServer() && !IsRunningCommandlet())
			// Only update reflection captures in game once all 'always loaded' levels have been loaded
			// This won't work with actual level streaming though
			if (Context.World()->AreAlwaysLoadedLevelsLoaded())
				// Update sky light first because it's considered direct lighting, sky diffuse will be visible in reflection capture indirect specular

		if (!bIdleMode)
			// Tick the world.
			Context.World()->Tick( LEVELTICK_All, DeltaSeconds );

		// Issue cause event after first tick to provide a chance for the game to spawn the player and such.
		if( Context.World()->bWorldWasLoadedThisTick )
			Context.World()->bWorldWasLoadedThisTick = false;
			const TCHAR* InitialExec = Context.LastURL.GetOption(TEXT("causeevent="),NULL);
			ULocalPlayer* GamePlayer = Context.GamePlayers.Num() > 0 ? Context.GamePlayers[0] : NULL;
			if( InitialExec && GamePlayer )
				UE_LOG(LogEngine, Log, TEXT("Issuing initial cause event passed from URL: %s"), InitialExec);
				GamePlayer->Exec( GamePlayer->GetWorld(), *(FString("CAUSEEVENT ") + InitialExec), *GLog );

			Context.World()->bTriggerPostLoadMap = true;

		// Tick the viewports.
		if ( GameViewport != NULL && !bIdleMode )
		// fixme: this will only happen once due to the static bool, but still need to figure out how to handle this for multiple worlds
		if (FPlatformProperties::SupportsWindowedMode())
			// Hide the splashscreen and show the game window
			static bool bFirstTime = true;
			if ( bFirstTime )
				bFirstTime = false;
				if ( GameViewportWindow.IsValid() )
					FSlateApplication::Get().RegisterGameViewport( GameViewportWidget.ToSharedRef() );

		if (!bIdleMode && !IsRunningDedicatedServer() && !IsRunningCommandlet())
			// Render everything.

		// Block on async loading if requested.
		if( Context.World()->bRequestedBlockOnAsyncLoading )
			// Only perform work if there is anything to do. This ensures we are not syncronizing with the GPU
			// and suspending the device needlessly.
			bool bWorkToDo = IsAsyncLoading();
			if (!bWorkToDo)
				bWorkToDo = Context.World()->IsVisibilityRequestPending();
			if (bWorkToDo)
				// tell clients to do the same so they don't fall behind
				for( FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = Context.World()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator )
					APlayerController* PlayerController = *Iterator;
					UNetConnection* Conn = Cast<UNetConnection>(PlayerController->Player);
					if (Conn != NULL && Conn->GetUChildConnection() == NULL)
						// call the event to replicate the call
						// flush the connection to make sure it gets sent immediately

				FStreamingPause::GameThreadWantsToSuspendRendering( GameViewport ? GameViewport->Viewport : NULL );

				// Flushes level streaming requests, blocking till completion.

			Context.World()->bRequestedBlockOnAsyncLoading = false;

		// streamingServer
		if( GIsServer == true )

		// Update Audio. This needs to occur after rendering as the rendering code updates the listener position.
		if( GetAudioDevice() )
			GetAudioDevice()->Update( !Context.World()->IsPaused() );


		if( GIsClient )
			// GStreamingManager is updated outside of a world context. For now, assuming it needs to tick here, before possibly calling PostLoadMap. 
			// Will need to take another look when trying to support multiple worlds.

			// Update resource streaming after viewports have had a chance to update view information. Normal update.
			GStreamingManager->Tick( DeltaSeconds );

			if ( Context.World()->bTriggerPostLoadMap )
				Context.World()->bTriggerPostLoadMap = false;

				// Turns off the loading movie (if it was turned on by LoadMap) and other post-load cleanup.


		// See whether any map changes are pending and we requested them to be committed.

	// ----------------------------
	//	End per-world ticking
	// ----------------------------

	// Restore original GWorld*. This will go away one day.
	if (OriginalGWorldContext != INDEX_NONE)
		GWorld = WorldContextFromHandle(OriginalGWorldContext).World();

	// tell renderer about GWorld->IsPaused(), before rendering
			bool, bGamePaused, WorldWasPaused,