Пример #1
void clRowEntry::RenderText(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const clColours& colours, const wxString& text, int x, int y,
                            size_t col)
    if(IsHighlight()) {
        const clMatchResult& hi = GetHighlightInfo();
        Str3Arr_t arr;
        if(!hi.Get(col, arr)) {
            RenderTextSimple(win, dc, colours, text, x, y, col);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        const wxColour& defaultTextColour =
            m_tree->IsNativeTheme() ? colours.GetItemTextColour()
                                    : (IsSelected() ? colours.GetSelItemTextColour() : colours.GetItemTextColour());
        const wxColour& defaultTextColour = IsSelected() ? colours.GetSelItemTextColour() : colours.GetItemTextColour();
        const wxColour& matchBgColour = colours.GetMatchedItemBgText();
        const wxColour& matchTextColour = colours.GetMatchedItemText();
        int xx = x;
        wxRect rowRect = GetItemRect();
        for(size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
            wxString str = arr[i];
            bool is_match = (i == 1); // the middle entry is always the matched string
            wxSize sz = dc.GetTextExtent(str);
            if(is_match) {
                // draw a match rectangle
                dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(rowRect, 3.0);
            } else {
            dc.DrawText(str, xx, y);
            xx += sz.GetWidth();
    } else {
        // No match
        RenderTextSimple(win, dc, colours, text, x, y, col);
Пример #2
void GUI_ListBox::Draw(SURFHANDLE surf, RECT &drawablerect, int xoffset, int yoffset)

	BLITDATA blitdata;
	calculateBlitData(xoffset + rect.left, yoffset + rect.top, drawablerect, blitdata);

	//width or height == 0 indicates that the element is completely outside its
	//parents rect, so no need to draw.
	if (blitdata.width > 0 && blitdata.height > 0)
		//draw background and frame
		oapiBlt(surf, src, &blitdata.tgtrect, &blitdata.srcrect, SURF_PREDEF_CK);

	//find printable rect (
	RECT printableRect = _R(rect.left + xoffset + style->MarginLeft(), rect.top + yoffset + style->MarginTop(), rect.right + xoffset - scrlBarWidth - style->MarginLeft(), rect.bottom + yoffset - style->MarginBottom());

	//draw entries

	int posInDrawList = 0;						//notes the position in the currently visible list as opposed to the entire list

	auto s = cState();

	for (UINT i = scrollbar->GetScrollPos(); i < s->entries.size() && int(i) < scrollbar->GetScrollPos() + nLines; ++i, ++posInDrawList)
		int tgty = printableRect.top + (posInDrawList * (font->GetfHeight() + lineSpace));	
		if (!s->noSelect && !s->selectBox && selected == i || s->selectBox && IsHighlight(i)) 
			font->Print(surf, s->entries[i], printableRect.left, tgty, printableRect, true, listJustification);
			font->Print(surf, s->entries[i], printableRect.left, tgty, printableRect, false, listJustification);
