Пример #1
void notify_except_rlevel
    dbref loc,
    dbref player,
    dbref exception,
    const UTF8 *msg,
    int xflags
    if (  loc != exception
       && IsReal(loc, player))
        notify_check(loc, player, msg,
            (MSG_ME_ALL | MSG_F_UP | MSG_S_INSIDE | MSG_NBR_EXITS_A| xflags));

    dbref first;
    DOLIST(first, Contents(loc))
        if (  first != exception
           && IsReal(first, player))
            notify_check(first, player, msg,
                (MSG_ME | MSG_F_DOWN | MSG_S_OUTSIDE | xflags));
Пример #2
void notify_except2_rlevel2
    dbref loc,
    dbref player,
    dbref exc1,
    dbref exc2,
    const UTF8 *msg
    if (  loc != exc1
       && loc != exc2
       && IsReal(loc, player))
        notify_check(loc, player, msg,

    dbref first;
    DOLIST(first, Contents(loc))
        if (  first != exc1
           && first != exc2
           && IsReal(first, player)
           && IsReal(first, exc2))
            notify_check(first, player, msg,
                (MSG_ME | MSG_F_DOWN | MSG_S_OUTSIDE));
Пример #3
Maybe<Real> NewtonPolySolve::FindSmallestPositiveRoot(const RPolynomial& p, const Real /*lastSmallestPositive*/) {
	if (NumberOfSignChanges(p) == 0)
		return Maybe<Real>();

	const CPolynomial q(p);
	//	bool converged;
	//	RPolynomial t = RPolynomial::MakeT();
	//	Scalar x = NextRoot(q, Scalar(lastSmallestPositive), &converged);
	//	if (converged && IsReal(x) && x.real() > 0 && NumberOfSignChanges(p.EvaluateAt(t + x.real() + .1)) == 0)
	//		return x.real();

	//	/*if (converged && )
	//		return x;*/

	const ScalarList roots = FindRoots(q);
	Maybe<Real> result;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)roots.size() ; i++) {
		if (IsReal(roots[i]) && roots[i].real() > 0) {
			if (result.IsValid()) {
				result = std::min(result.Get(), roots[i].real());
			} else {
				result = roots[i].real();
	return result;
Пример #4
bool BoolFun(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	CppAD::AD<Complex> x = Complex(1.,  0.);
	CppAD::AD<Complex> y = Complex(1.,  1.);

	ok &= IsReal(x);
	ok &= ! AbsGeq(x, y);

	return ok;
Пример #5
bool Json::operator == (const Json& other) const {
    if (this == &other) return true;
    if (IsNull()) return other.IsNull();
    if (other.IsNull()) return false;
    if (value_->type() != other.value_->type()) return false;
    if (IsInteger()) return integer() == other.integer();
    if (IsUInteger()) return uinteger() == other.uinteger();
    if (IsReal()) return real() == other.real();
    if (IsString()) return string() == other.string();
    if (IsArray())  return array() == other.array();
    if (IsObject()) return object() == other.object();
    return false;
Пример #6
String NumericEdit::ValueAsString( double v ) const
   v = Range( v, lowerBound, upperBound );

   if ( IsReal() )
      if ( IsScientificNotationEnabled() )
         if ( sciTriggerExp < 0 || v != 0 && (Abs( v ) > Pow10I<double>()( +sciTriggerExp ) ||
                                              Abs( v ) < Pow10I<double>()( -sciTriggerExp )) )
            return String().Format( "%.*e", precision, v );

      return String().Format( "%.*f", ActualPrecision( precision, v ), v );

   return String().Format( "%.0f", v );
Пример #7
String NumericEdit::ValueAsString( double v ) const
   v = Range( v, m_lowerBound, m_upperBound );

   if ( IsReal() )
      if ( m_scientific )
         if ( m_sciTriggerExp < 0 || v != 0 && (Abs( v ) > Pow10I<double>()( +m_sciTriggerExp ) ||
                                                Abs( v ) < Pow10I<double>()( -m_sciTriggerExp )) )
            return String().Format( "%.*le", int( m_precision ), v );

      return String().Format( "%.*lf", PrecisionForValue( int( m_precision ), v ), v );

   return String().Format( "%.0lf", v );
Пример #8
static int 
parse_MSF(FILE *fp, AINFO *ainfo)
  char buffer[LINEBUFLEN];
  char *sptr;
  int  nseq;
  /* Get first dividing line. MSF format specifies ints after MSF: and Check:
   * but we don't make sure of this 
  do {
    if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL) { squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
  } while (strstr(buffer, " MSF: ") == NULL ||
	   strstr(buffer, " Check: ") == NULL ||
	   strstr(buffer, " ..") == NULL);

  /* Get names, weights from header
  nseq = 0;
  while (1) 
      if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL) { squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
      if (is_blankline(buffer)) continue; 
      if (strncmp(buffer, "//", 2) == 0) break;

      sptr = strtok(buffer, WHITESPACE);
      if (sptr == NULL || strcmp(sptr, "Name:") != 0 || strstr(sptr+5, "Weight:") != 0)
	{ squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
      if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) {squid_errno=SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
      SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[nseq]), sptr, SQINFO_NAME);

      while (sptr != NULL && strcmp(sptr, "Weight:") != 0) sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE);
      if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) {squid_errno=SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
      if (! IsReal(sptr)) { squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
      ainfo->wgt[nseq] = atof(sptr);


  if (nseq != ainfo->nseq) { squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
  return 1;
Пример #9
static void promote_match(dbref what, int confidence)
    // Check is the object is visible.
    if (  Good_obj(what)
       && (confidence & CON_LOCAL)
       && !IsReal(md.player, what)
       && what != Location(md.player))
#endif // REALITY_LVLS
    // Check for type and locks, if requested.
    if (md.pref_type != NOTYPE)
        if (  Good_obj(what)
           && Typeof(what) == md.pref_type)
            confidence |= CON_TYPE;
    if (md.check_keys)
        MSTATE save_md;

        if (  Good_obj(what)
           && could_doit(md.player, what, A_LOCK))
            confidence |= CON_LOCK;

    // If nothing matched, take it.
    if (md.count == 0)
        md.match = what;
        md.confidence = confidence;
        md.count = 1;

    // If confidence is lower, ignore.
    if (confidence < md.confidence)

    // If confidence is higher, replace.
    if (confidence > md.confidence)
        md.match = what;
        md.confidence = confidence;
        md.count = 1;

    // Equal confidence, pick randomly.
    if (RandomINT32(1,md.count) == 1)
        md.match = what;
Пример #10
bool Json::IsNumber() const {
    if (IsInteger() || IsUInteger() || IsReal()) return true;
    return false;
Пример #11
bool ProcessParameter::ScientificNotation() const
   if ( !IsReal() )
      return false;
   return (*API->Process->GetParameterScientificNotation)( m_data->handle ) != api_false;
Пример #12
int ProcessParameter::Precision() const
   if ( !IsReal() )
      return 0;
   return (*API->Process->GetParameterPrecision)( m_data->handle );
Пример #13
EXPR *FindBasic( EXPR *def )
    unsigned int i ;
    EXPR *expr, *E1, *E2 ;

    if( IsReal(def) )
	expr = new UNIT ;
  	U(expr)->Ehead = String( "Ordinate" ) ;
	ListAppend( expr, def->Copy() ) ;
	return expr ;

    if( IsLabel( def ) )
	for( i = 0 ; i < U(UnitList)->used ; i++ )
	    if( U(UN(i))->Ehead == def )
		expr = UN(i)->Copy() ;
		delete U(expr)->Eeval ;
		U(expr)->Eeval = NULL_EXPR ;
		return expr ;
	IOerror( IO_ERR, "FindBasic", "%s is an undefined unit", LabelValue(def) ) ;
	return garbageunit() ;

    if( !IsOper(def) )
	IOerror( IO_FATAL, "FindBasic", "unexpected in units definition" ) ;
	return garbageunit() ;

    if( D(def)->oper == OPER_MINUS )
	expr = FindBasic( D(def)->Eleft ) ;
	if( U(expr)->used > 1 )
	    IOerror( IO_ERR, "FindBasic", "illegal negation of unit" ) ;
	    return garbageunit() ;
	E1 = OP3( "u-", U(expr)->list[0], NULL_EXPR ) ;
	delete U(expr)->list[0] ;
	U(expr)->list[0] = E1 ;
	return expr ;

    E1 = FindBasic( D(def)->Eleft ) ;
    E2 = FindBasic( D(def)->Eright ) ;

    switch( D(def)->oper )

	    expr = UnitOP3( "*", "+", E1, E2 ) ;
	    break ;
	    expr = UnitOP3( "/", "-", E1, E2 ) ;
	    break ;
	case OPER_POW:
	    expr = UnitOP3( "^", "*", E1, E2 ) ;
	    break ;
	    IOerror( IO_ERR, "FindBasic", "unexpected operator in unit" ) ;
	    expr = garbageunit() ;
	    break ;

    delete E1 ;
    delete E2 ;
    return expr ;
Пример #14
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * did_it_rlevel: Have player do something to/with thing, watching the
 * attributes. 'what' is actually ignored, the desclist match being used
 * instead.
void did_it_rlevel
    dbref player,
    dbref thing,
    int   what,
    const UTF8 *def,
    int   owhat,
    const UTF8 *odef,
    int   awhat,
    int   ctrl_flags,
    const UTF8 *args[],
    int   nargs
    if (MuxAlarm.bAlarmed)

    UTF8 *d, *buff, *act, *charges, *bp;
    dbref aowner;
    int num, aflags;
    int i;
    bool found_a_desc;

    reg_ref **preserve = NULL;
    bool need_pres = false;

    // Message to player.
    if (0 < what)
        // Get description list.
        DESC_INFO *desclist = desclist_match(player, thing);
        found_a_desc = false;
        for (i = 0; i < desclist->n; i++)
            // Ok, if it's A_DESC, we need to check against A_IDESC.
            if (  A_IDESC == what
               && A_DESC == desclist->descs[i])
                d = atr_pget(thing, A_IDESC, &aowner, &aflags);
                d = atr_pget(thing, desclist->descs[i], &aowner, &aflags);

            if ('\0' != d[0])
                // No need for the 'def' message.
                found_a_desc = true;
                if (!need_pres)
                    need_pres = true;
                    preserve = PushRegisters(MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
                buff = bp = alloc_lbuf("did_it.1");
                mux_exec(d, LBUF_SIZE-1, buff, &bp, thing, thing, player,
                    AttrTrace(aflags, EV_EVAL|EV_FIGNORE|EV_TOP),
                    args, nargs);
                *bp = '\0';

                if (  A_HTDESC == desclist->descs[i]
                   && Html(player))
                    safe_str(T("\r\n"), buff, &bp);
                    *bp = '\0';
                    notify_html(player, buff);
                    notify(player, buff);

        if (!found_a_desc)
            // No desc found... try the default desc (again).
            // A_DESC or A_HTDESC... the worst case we look for it twice.
            d = atr_pget(thing, what, &aowner, &aflags);
            if ('\0' != d[0])
                // No need for the 'def' message
                found_a_desc = true;
                if (!need_pres)
                    need_pres = true;
                    preserve = PushRegisters(MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
                buff = bp = alloc_lbuf("did_it.1");
                mux_exec(d, LBUF_SIZE-1, buff, &bp, thing, thing, player,
                    AttrTrace(aflags, EV_EVAL|EV_FIGNORE|EV_TOP),
                    args, nargs);
                *bp = '\0';

                if (  A_HTDESC == what
                   && Html(player))
                    safe_str(T("\r\n"), buff, &bp);
                    *bp = '\0';
                    notify_html(player, buff);
                    notify(player, buff);
            else if (def)
                notify(player, def);
    else if (  what < 0
            && def)
        notify(player, def);

    if (isPlayer(thing))
       d = atr_pget(mudconf.master_room, get_atr(T("ASSET_DESC")), &aowner, &aflags);
       if (*d)
          if (!need_pres)
             need_pres = true;
             preserve = PushRegisters(MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
          buff = bp = alloc_lbuf("did_it.1");
          mux_exec(d, LBUF_SIZE-1, buff, &bp, thing, thing, player,
              AttrTrace(aflags, EV_EVAL|EV_FIGNORE|EV_TOP),
              args, nargs);
          *bp = '\0';
          notify(player, buff);

    // Message to neighbors.
    dbref loc;
    if (  0 < owhat
       && Has_location(player)
       && Good_obj(loc = Location(player)))
        d = atr_pget(thing, owhat, &aowner, &aflags);
        if (*d)
            if (!need_pres)
                need_pres = true;
                preserve = PushRegisters(MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);
            buff = bp = alloc_lbuf("did_it.2");
            mux_exec(d, LBUF_SIZE-1, buff, &bp, thing, thing, player,
                AttrTrace(aflags, EV_EVAL|EV_FIGNORE|EV_TOP),
                args, nargs);
            *bp = '\0';

            if (*buff)
                if (aflags & AF_NONAME)
                    notify_except2_rlevel2(loc, player, player, thing, buff);
                    notify_except2_rlevel2(loc, player, player, thing,
                        tprintf(T("%s %s"), Name(player), buff));
        else if (odef)
            if (ctrl_flags & VERB_NONAME)
                notify_except2_rlevel2(loc, player, player, thing, odef);
                notify_except2_rlevel2(loc, player, player, thing,
                    tprintf(T("%s %s"), Name(player), odef));
    else if (  owhat < 0
            && odef
            && Has_location(player)
            && Good_obj(loc = Location(player)))
        if (ctrl_flags & VERB_NONAME)
            notify_except2_rlevel2(loc, player, player, thing, odef);
            notify_except2_rlevel2(loc, player, player, thing,
                tprintf(T("%s %s"), Name(player), odef));

    // If we preserved the state of the global registers, restore them.
    if (need_pres)
        PopRegisters(preserve, MAX_GLOBAL_REGS);

    // Do the action attribute.
    if (  awhat > 0
       && IsReal(thing, player))
        act = atr_pget(thing, awhat, &aowner, &aflags);
        if (*act != '\0')
            charges = atr_pget(thing, A_CHARGES, &aowner, &aflags);
            if (*charges)
                num = mux_atol(charges);
                if (num > 0)
                    buff = alloc_sbuf("did_it.charges");
                    mux_ltoa(num-1, buff);
                    atr_add_raw(thing, A_CHARGES, buff);
                    buff = atr_pget(thing, A_RUNOUT, &aowner, &aflags);
                    if (*buff != '\0')
                        act = buff;

            CLinearTimeAbsolute lta;
            wait_que(thing, player, player, AttrTrace(aflags, 0), false, lta,
                NOTHING, 0,
                nargs, args,
Пример #15
/* Function: ReadSELEX()
 * Date:     SRE, Sun Jun  6 18:24:09 1999 [St. Louis]
 * Purpose:  Parse an alignment read from an open SELEX format
 *           alignment file. (SELEX is a single alignment format).
 *           Return the alignment, or NULL if we've already read the
 *           alignment or there's no alignment data in the file.
 * Limitations: SELEX is the only remaining multipass parser for
 *           alignment files. It cannot read from gzip or from stdin.
 *           It Die()'s here if you try. The reason for this
 *           that SELEX allows space characters as gaps, so we don't
 *           know the borders of an alignment block until we've seen
 *           the whole block. I could rewrite to allow single-pass
 *           parsing (by storing the whole block in memory) but
 *           since SELEX is now legacy, why bother.
 *           Note that the interface is totally kludged: fastest
 *           possible adaptation of old ReadSELEX() to the new
 *           MSA interface.  
 * Args:     afp  - open alignment file
 * Returns:  MSA *  - an alignment object
 *                    caller responsible for an MSAFree()
 *           NULL if no alignment data.          
  MSA     *msa;                 /* RETURN: mult seq alignment   */
  FILE    *fp;                  /* ptr to opened seqfile        */
  char   **aseqs;               /* aligned seqs                 */
  int      num = 0;		/* number of seqs read          */
  char     buffer[LINEBUFLEN];	/* input buffer for lines       */
  char     bufcpy[LINEBUFLEN];	/* strtok'able copy of buffer   */
  struct block_struc {          /** alignment data for a block: */
    int lcol;			/* furthest left aligned sym    */
    int rcol;			/* furthest right aligned sym   */
  } *blocks = NULL;
  int      blocknum;		/* number of blocks in file     */
  char    *nptr;                /* ptr to start of name on line */
  char    *sptr;                /* ptr into sequence on line    */
  int      currnum;		/* num. seqs in given block     */
  int      currblock;		/* index for blocks             */
  int      i;			/* loop counter                 */
  int      seqidx;		/* counter for seqs             */
  int      alen;                /* length of alignment          */
  int      warn_names;          /* becomes TRUE if names don't match between blocks */
  int      headnum;		/* seqidx in per-sequence header info */
  int      currlen;
  int      count;
  int      have_cs = 0;
  int      have_rf = 0;
  AINFO    base_ainfo, *ainfo;	/* hack: used to be passed ptr to AINFO */

  /* Convert from MSA interface to what old ReadSELEX() did:
   *     - copy our open fp, rather than opening file
   *     - verify that we're not reading a gzip or stdin
  if (feof(afp->f)) return NULL;
  if (afp->do_gzip || afp->do_stdin)
    Die("Can't read a SELEX format alignment from a pipe, stdin, or gzip'ed file"); 
  fp    = afp->f;
  ainfo = &base_ainfo;

   * First pass across file. 
   * Count seqs, get names, determine column info
   * Determine what sorts of info are active in this file.

				/* get first line of the block 
				 * (non-comment, non-blank) */
      if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL)
	{ squid_errno = SQERR_NODATA; return 0; }
      strcpy(bufcpy, buffer);
      if (*buffer == '#')
	  if      (strncmp(buffer, "#=CS",    4) == 0) have_cs = 1;
	  else if (strncmp(buffer, "#=RF",    4) == 0) have_rf = 1;
  while ((nptr = strtok(bufcpy, WHITESPACE)) == NULL || 
	 (strchr(commentsyms, *nptr) != NULL));

  blocknum   = 0;
  warn_names = FALSE;
  while (!feof(fp))
				/* allocate for info about this block. */
      if (blocknum == 0)
	blocks = (struct block_struc *) MallocOrDie (sizeof(struct block_struc));
	blocks = (struct block_struc *) ReallocOrDie (blocks, (blocknum+1) * sizeof(struct block_struc));
      blocks[blocknum].lcol = LINEBUFLEN+1;
      blocks[blocknum].rcol = -1;
      currnum = 0;
      while (nptr != NULL)	/* becomes NULL when this block ends. */
				/* First block only: save names */
	if (blocknum == 0)
	    if (currnum == 0)
	      ainfo->sqinfo = (SQINFO *) MallocOrDie (sizeof(SQINFO));
	      ainfo->sqinfo = (SQINFO *) ReallocOrDie (ainfo->sqinfo, (currnum + 1) * sizeof(SQINFO));

	    ainfo->sqinfo[currnum].flags = 0;
	    SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[currnum]), nptr, SQINFO_NAME);
	else			/* in each additional block: check names */
	    if (strcmp(ainfo->sqinfo[currnum].name, nptr) != 0)
	      warn_names = TRUE;

				/* check rcol, lcol */
	if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) != NULL)
				/* is this the furthest left we've
				   seen word 2 in this block? */
	    if (sptr - bufcpy < blocks[blocknum].lcol) 
	      blocks[blocknum].lcol = sptr - bufcpy;
				/* look for right side in buffer */
	    for (sptr = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;  
		 strchr(WHITESPACE, *sptr) != NULL;
		 sptr --)
	      /* do nothing */ ;
	    if (sptr - buffer > blocks[blocknum].rcol)
	      blocks[blocknum].rcol = sptr - buffer;

				/* get the next line; blank line means end of block */
	    if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL) 
	      { nptr = NULL; break; }
	    strcpy(bufcpy, buffer);

	    if      (strncmp(buffer, "#=SS",    4) == 0) ainfo->sqinfo[currnum-1].flags |= SQINFO_SS;
	    else if (strncmp(buffer, "#=SA",    4) == 0) ainfo->sqinfo[currnum-1].flags |= SQINFO_SA;
	    else if (strncmp(buffer, "#=CS",    4) == 0) have_cs = 1;
	    else if (strncmp(buffer, "#=RF",    4) == 0) have_rf = 1;

	    if ((nptr = strtok(bufcpy, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	  } while (strchr(commentsyms, *nptr) != NULL);

				/* check that number of sequences matches expected */
      if (blocknum == 0)
	num = currnum;
      else if (currnum != num)
	Die("Parse error in ReadSELEX()");

				/* get first line of next block 
				 * (non-comment, non-blank) */
	  if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL) { nptr = NULL; break; }
	  strcpy(bufcpy, buffer);
      while ((nptr = strtok(bufcpy, WHITESPACE)) == NULL || 
	     (strchr(commentsyms, *nptr) != NULL));

   * Get ready for second pass:
   *   figure out the length of the alignment
   *   malloc space
   *   rewind the file

  alen = 0;
  for (currblock = 0; currblock < blocknum; currblock++)
    alen += blocks[currblock].rcol - blocks[currblock].lcol + 1;


  /* allocations. we can't use AllocateAlignment because of
   * the way we already used ainfo->sqinfo.
  aseqs     = (char **) MallocOrDie (num * sizeof(char *));
  if (have_cs) 
    ainfo->cs = (char *) MallocOrDie ((alen+1) * sizeof(char));
  if (have_rf) 
    ainfo->rf = (char *) MallocOrDie ((alen+1) * sizeof(char));

  for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
      aseqs[i]     = (char *) MallocOrDie ((alen+1) * sizeof(char));
      if (ainfo->sqinfo[i].flags & SQINFO_SS)
	ainfo->sqinfo[i].ss = (char *) MallocOrDie ((alen+1) * sizeof(char));
      if (ainfo->sqinfo[i].flags & SQINFO_SA)
	ainfo->sqinfo[i].sa = (char *) MallocOrDie ((alen+1) * sizeof(char));
  ainfo->alen = alen;
  ainfo->nseq = num; 
  ainfo->wgt  = (float *) MallocOrDie (sizeof(float) * num);
  FSet(ainfo->wgt, num, 1.0);

   * Second pass across file. Parse header; assemble sequences
  /* We've now made a complete first pass over the file. We know how
   * many blocks it contains, we know the number of seqs in the first
   * block, and we know every block has the same number of blocks;
   * so we can be a bit more cavalier about error-checking as we
   * make the second pass.

  /* Look for header
  headnum = 0;
  for (;;)
      if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL)
	Die("Parse error in ReadSELEX()");
      strcpy(bufcpy, buffer);
      if ((nptr = strtok(bufcpy, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) continue; /* skip blank lines */

      if (strcmp(nptr, "#=AU") == 0  && (sptr = strtok(NULL, "\n")) != NULL)
	ainfo->au = Strdup(sptr);
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=ID") == 0 && (sptr = strtok(NULL, "\n")) != NULL)
	ainfo->name = Strdup(sptr);
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=AC") == 0 && (sptr = strtok(NULL, "\n")) != NULL)
	ainfo->acc  = Strdup(sptr);
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=DE") == 0 && (sptr = strtok(NULL, "\n")) != NULL)
	ainfo->desc = Strdup(sptr);
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=GA") == 0)
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=GA line in ReadSELEX()");
	  ainfo->ga1 = atof(sptr);

	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=GA line in ReadSELEX()");
	  ainfo->ga2 = atof(sptr);

	  ainfo->flags |= AINFO_GA;
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=TC") == 0)
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=TC line in ReadSELEX()");
	  ainfo->tc1 = atof(sptr);

	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=TC line in ReadSELEX()");
	  ainfo->tc2 = atof(sptr);

	  ainfo->flags |= AINFO_TC;
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=NC") == 0)
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=NC line in ReadSELEX()");
	  ainfo->nc1 = atof(sptr);

	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=NC line in ReadSELEX()");
	  ainfo->nc2 = atof(sptr);

	  ainfo->flags |= AINFO_NC;
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=SQ") == 0)      /* per-sequence header info */
				/* first field is the name */
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX()");
	  if (strcmp(sptr, ainfo->sqinfo[headnum].name) != 0) warn_names = TRUE;

				/* second field is the weight */
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX()");
	  if (!IsReal(sptr)) 
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX(): weight is not a number");
	  ainfo->wgt[headnum] = atof(sptr);

				/* third field is database source id */
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX(): incomplete line");
	  SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[headnum]), sptr, SQINFO_ID);

				/* fourth field is database accession number */
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE)) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX(): incomplete line");
	  SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[headnum]), sptr, SQINFO_ACC);

				/* fifth field is start..stop::olen */
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, ".:")) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX(): incomplete line");
	  SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[headnum]), sptr, SQINFO_START);

	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, ".:")) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX(): incomplete line");
	  SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[headnum]), sptr, SQINFO_STOP);
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, ":\t ")) == NULL)
	    Die("Parse error in #=SQ line in ReadSELEX(): incomplete line");
	  SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[headnum]), sptr, SQINFO_OLEN);

				/* rest of line is optional description */
	  if ((sptr = strtok(NULL, "\n")) != NULL)
	    SetSeqinfoString(&(ainfo->sqinfo[headnum]), sptr, SQINFO_DESC);
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=CS") == 0) break;
      else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=RF") == 0) break;
      else if (strchr(commentsyms, *nptr) == NULL) break; /* non-comment, non-header */

  currlen = 0;
  for (currblock = 0 ; currblock < blocknum; currblock++)
				/* parse the block */
      seqidx = 0;
      while (nptr != NULL)
				/* Consensus structure */
	  if (strcmp(nptr, "#=CS") == 0)
	      if (! copy_alignment_line(ainfo->cs, currlen, strlen(nptr)-1, 
					buffer, blocks[currblock].lcol, blocks[currblock].rcol, (char) '.'))
		Die("Parse error in #=CS line in ReadSELEX()");

				/* Reference coordinates */
	  else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=RF") == 0)
	      if (! copy_alignment_line(ainfo->rf, currlen, strlen(nptr)-1, 
					buffer, blocks[currblock].lcol, blocks[currblock].rcol, (char) '.'))
		Die("Parse error in #=RF line in ReadSELEX()");
				/* Individual secondary structure */
	  else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=SS") == 0)
	      if (! copy_alignment_line(ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx-1].ss, currlen, strlen(nptr)-1,
					buffer, blocks[currblock].lcol, 
					blocks[currblock].rcol, (char) '.'))
		Die("Parse error in #=SS line in ReadSELEX()");

				/* Side chain % surface accessibility code */
	  else if (strcmp(nptr, "#=SA") == 0)
	      if (! copy_alignment_line(ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx-1].sa, currlen, strlen(nptr)-1,
					buffer, blocks[currblock].lcol, 
					blocks[currblock].rcol, (char) '.'))
		Die("Parse error in #=SA line in ReadSELEX()");
				/* Aligned sequence; avoid unparsed machine comments */
	  else if (strncmp(nptr, "#=", 2) != 0)
	      if (! copy_alignment_line(aseqs[seqidx], currlen, strlen(nptr)-1, 
					buffer, blocks[currblock].lcol, blocks[currblock].rcol, (char) '.'))
		Die("Parse error in alignment line in ReadSELEX()");

				/* get next line */
	  for (;;)
	      nptr = NULL;
	      if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL) break;	/* EOF */
	      strcpy(bufcpy, buffer);
	      if ((nptr = strtok(bufcpy, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) break; /* blank */
	      if (strncmp(buffer, "#=", 2) == 0) break;      /* machine comment */
	      if (strchr(commentsyms, *nptr) == NULL) break; /* data */
	} /* end of a block */

      currlen += blocks[currblock].rcol - blocks[currblock].lcol + 1;

				/* get line 1 of next block */
      for (;;)
	  if (fgets(buffer, LINEBUFLEN, fp) == NULL) break; /* no data */
	  strcpy(bufcpy, buffer);
	  if ((nptr = strtok(bufcpy, WHITESPACE)) == NULL) continue; /* blank */
	  if (strncmp(buffer, "#=", 2) == 0)       break; /* machine comment */
	  if (strchr(commentsyms, *nptr) == NULL) break; /* non-comment */
    } /* end of the file */

  /* Lengths in sqinfo are for raw sequence (ungapped),
   * and SS, SA are 0..rlen-1 not 0..alen-1.
   * Only the seqs with structures come out of here with lengths set.
  for (seqidx = 0; seqidx < num; seqidx++)
      int apos, rpos;
				/* secondary structures */
      if (ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].flags & SQINFO_SS)
	  for (apos = rpos = 0; apos < alen; apos++)
	    if (! isgap(aseqs[seqidx][apos]))
		ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].ss[rpos] = ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].ss[apos];
	  ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].ss[rpos] = '\0';
				/* Surface accessibility */
      if (ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].flags & SQINFO_SA)
	  for (apos = rpos = 0; apos < alen; apos++)
	    if (! isgap(aseqs[seqidx][apos]))
		ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].sa[rpos] = ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].sa[apos];
	  ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].sa[rpos] = '\0';

				/* NULL-terminate all the strings */
  if (ainfo->rf != NULL) ainfo->rf[alen] = '\0';
  if (ainfo->cs != NULL) ainfo->cs[alen] = '\0';
  for (seqidx = 0; seqidx < num; seqidx++)
    aseqs[seqidx][alen]            = '\0';
				/* find raw sequence lengths for sqinfo */
  for (seqidx = 0; seqidx < num; seqidx++)
      count = 0;
      for (sptr = aseqs[seqidx]; *sptr != '\0'; sptr++)
	if (!isgap(*sptr)) count++;
      ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].len    = count;
      ainfo->sqinfo[seqidx].flags |= SQINFO_LEN;

   * Garbage collection and return
  if (warn_names) 
    Warn("sequences may be in different orders in blocks of %s?", afp->fname);

  /* Convert back to MSA structure. (Wasteful kludge.)
  msa = MSAFromAINFO(aseqs, ainfo);
  FreeAlignment(aseqs, ainfo);
  return msa;
Пример #16
/* Function: ParsePAMFile()
 * Purpose:  Given a pointer to an open file containing a PAM matrix,
 *           parse the file and allocate and fill a 2D array of
 *           floats containing the matrix. The PAM file is
 *           assumed to be in the format that NCBI distributes
 *           with BLAST. BLOSUM matrices also work fine, as
 *           produced by Henikoff's program "MATBLAS".
 *           Parses both old format and new format BLAST matrices.
 *           Old format just had rows of integers.
 *           New format includes a leading character on each row.
 *           The PAM matrix is a 27x27 matrix, 0=A..25=Z,26=*.
 *           Note that it's not a 20x20 matrix as you might expect;
 *           this is for speed of indexing as well as the ability
 *           to deal with ambiguous characters.
 * Args:     fp        - open PAM file
 *           ret_pam   - RETURN: pam matrix, integers                   
 *           ret_scale - RETURN: scale factor for converting
 *                       to real Sij. For instance, PAM120 is
 *                       given in units of ln(2)/2. This may
 *                       be passed as NULL if the caller
 *                       doesn't care.
 * Returns:  1 on success; 0 on failure and sets squid_errno to
 *           indicate the cause. ret_pam is allocated here and
 *           must be freed by the caller (use FreePAM).
ParsePAMFile(FILE *fp, int ***ret_pam, float *ret_scale)
  int    **pam;
  char     buffer[512];		/* input buffer from fp                  */
  int      order[27];		/* order of fields, obtained from header */
  int      nsymbols;		/* total number of symbols in matrix     */
  char    *sptr;
  int      idx;
  int      row, col;
  float    scale;
  int      gotscale = FALSE;
  if (fp == NULL) { squid_errno = SQERR_NODATA; return 0; }
  /* Look at the first non-blank, non-comment line in the file.
   * It gives single-letter codes in the order the PAM matrix
   * is arrayed in the file. 
  do {
    if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) 
      { squid_errno = SQERR_NODATA; return 0; }

    /* Get the scale factor from the header.
     * For BLOSUM files, we assume the line looks like:
     *     BLOSUM Clustered Scoring Matrix in 1/2 Bit Units
     * and we assume that the fraction is always 1/x;
     * For PAM files, we assume the line looks like:
     *     PAM 120 substitution matrix, scale = ln(2)/2 = 0.346574
     * and we assume that the number following the final '=' is our scale
    if (strstr(buffer, "BLOSUM Clustered Scoring Matrix") != NULL &&
	(sptr = strchr(buffer, '/')) != NULL)
	if (! isdigit(*sptr)) { squid_errno = SQERR_FORMAT; return 0; }
	scale = (float) (log(2.0) / atof(sptr));
	gotscale = TRUE;
    else if (strstr(buffer, "substitution matrix,") != NULL)
	while ((sptr = strrchr(buffer, '=')) != NULL) {
	  sptr += 2;
	  if (IsReal(sptr)) {
	    scale = atof(sptr);
	    gotscale = TRUE;
  } while ((sptr = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL || *sptr == '#');

  idx = 0;
  do {
    order[idx] = (int) *sptr - (int) 'A';
    if (order[idx] < 0 || order[idx] > 25) order[idx] = 26;
  } while ((sptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) != NULL);
  nsymbols = idx;
  /* Allocate a pam matrix. For speed of indexing, we use
   * a 27x27 matrix so we can do lookups using the ASCII codes
   * of amino acid single-letter representations, plus one
   * extra field to deal with the "*" (terminators).
  if ((pam = (int **) calloc (27, sizeof(int *))) == NULL)
    Die("calloc failed");
  for (idx = 0; idx < 27; idx++)
    if ((pam[idx] = (int *) calloc (27, sizeof(int))) == NULL)
      Die("calloc failed");

  /* Parse the rest of the file.
  for (row = 0; row < nsymbols; row++)
      if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) 
	{ squid_errno = SQERR_NODATA; return 0; }

      if ((sptr = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL)
	{ squid_errno = SQERR_NODATA; return 0; }
      for (col = 0; col < nsymbols; col++)
	  if (sptr == NULL) { squid_errno = SQERR_NODATA; return 0; }

	  /* Watch out for new BLAST format, with leading characters
	  if (*sptr == '*' || isalpha((int) *sptr))
	    col--;  /* hack hack */
	    pam [order[row]] [order[col]] = atoi(sptr);

	  sptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n");
  /* Return
  if (ret_scale != NULL)
      if (gotscale) *ret_scale = scale;
	  Warn("Failed to parse PAM matrix scale factor. Defaulting to ln(2)/2!");
	  *ret_scale = log(2.0) / 2.0;
  *ret_pam = pam;
  return 1;
Пример #17
/* Function: Getopt()
 * Purpose:  Portable command line option parsing with abbreviated
 *           option switches. Replaces UNIX getopt(). Using UNIX getopt()
 *           hinders portability to non-UNIX platforms, and getopt()
 *           is also limited to single letter options.
 *           Getopt() implements a superset of UNIX getopt().
 *           All of getopt()'s single-character switch behavior
 *           is emulated, and "--" by itself terminates the options.
 *           Additionally, Getopt() provides extended switches
 *           like "--youroptionhere", and Getopt() type checks
 *           arguments.  
 *           Extended options must start with "--", as in "--option1".
 *           Normal options must start with "-", as in "-o".
 *           Normal options may be concatenated, as in "-a -b" == "-ab".
 *           See bottom of this .c file after #fdef GETOPT_TESTDRIVER
 *           for an example of calling Getopt().
 * Args:     argc  - from main(). number of elems in argv.
 *           argv  - from main(). argv[0] is the name of the command.
 *           opt   - array of opt_s structures, defining option switches
 *           nopts - number of switches in opt
 *           usage - a (possibly long) string to print if usage error.
 *           ret_optind - RETURN: the index in argv[] of the next 
 *                        valid command-line token.
 *           ret_optname- RETURN: ptr to the name of option switch 
 *                        seen, or NULL if no option was seen.
 *           ret_optarg - RETURN: ptr to the optional argument, if any;
 *                        NULL if option takes no argument.
 * Return:   1 if a valid option was parsed.
 *           0 if no option was found, and command-line parsing is complete.
 *           Die()'s here if an error is detected.
Getopt(int argc, char **argv, struct opt_s *opt, int nopts, char *usage,
       int *ret_optind, char **ret_optname, char **ret_optarg)
  int i;
  int arglen;
  int nmatch;
  static int optindex   = 1;        /* init to 1 on first call  */
  static char *optptr = NULL;     /* ptr to next valid switch */
  int opti=0;

  /* Check to see if we've run out of options.
   * A '-' by itself is an argument (e.g. "read from stdin")
   * not an option.
  if (optindex >= argc || argv[optindex][0] != '-' || strcmp(argv[optindex], "-") == 0)
      *ret_optind  = optindex; 
      *ret_optarg  = NULL; 
      *ret_optname = NULL; 
      return 0; 

  /* Check to see if we're being told that this is the end
   * of the options with the special "--" flag.
  if (strcmp(argv[optindex], "--") == 0)
      *ret_optind  = optindex; 
      *ret_optname = NULL;
      *ret_optarg  = NULL; 
      return 0; 

  /* We have a real option. Find which one it is.
   * We handle single letter switches "-o" separately
   * from full switches "--option", based on the "-" vs. "--"
   * prefix -- single letter switches can be concatenated
   * as long as they don't have arguments.
				/* full option */
  if (optptr == NULL && strncmp(argv[optindex], "--", 2) == 0)
      /* Use optptr to parse argument in options of form "--foo=666"
      if ((optptr = strchr(argv[optindex], '=')) != NULL)
	{ *optptr = '\0'; optptr++; }

      arglen = strlen(argv[optindex]);
      nmatch = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < nopts; i++)
	if (opt[i].single == FALSE && 
	    strncmp(opt[i].name, argv[optindex], arglen) == 0)
	    opti = i;
	    if (arglen == strlen(opt[i].name)) break; /* exact match, stop now */
      if (nmatch > 1 && arglen != strlen(opt[i].name)) 
	Die("Option \"%s\" is ambiguous; please be more specific.\n%s",
	    argv[optindex], usage);
      if (nmatch == 0)
	Die("No such option \"%s\".\n%s", argv[optindex], usage);

      *ret_optname = opt[opti].name;

      /* Set the argument, if there is one
      if (opt[opti].argtype != sqdARG_NONE) 
	  if (optptr != NULL)
	    {			/* --foo=666 style */
	      *ret_optarg = optptr;
	      optptr = NULL;
	  else if (optindex+1 >= argc)
	    Die("Option %s requires an argument\n%s", opt[opti].name, usage);
	  else			/* "--foo 666" style */
	      *ret_optarg = argv[optindex+1];
      else  /* sqdARG_NONE */
	  if (optptr != NULL) 
	    Die("Option %s does not take an argument\n%s", opt[opti].name, usage);
	  *ret_optarg = NULL;
  else				/* else, a single letter option "-o" */
				/* find the option */
      if (optptr == NULL) 
	optptr = argv[optindex]+1;
      for (opti = -1, i = 0; i < nopts; i++)
	if (opt[i].single == TRUE && *optptr == opt[i].name[1])
	  { opti = i; break; }
      if (opti == -1)
	Die("No such option \"%c\".\n%s", *optptr, usage);
      *ret_optname = opt[opti].name;

				/* set the argument, if there is one */
      if (opt[opti].argtype != sqdARG_NONE) 
	  if (*(optptr+1) != '\0')   /* attached argument */
	      *ret_optarg = optptr+1;
	  else if (optindex+1 < argc) /* unattached argument */
	      *ret_optarg = argv[optindex+1];
	  else Die("Option %s requires an argument\n%s", opt[opti].name, usage);

	  optptr = NULL;	/* can't concatenate after an argument */
      else  /* sqdARG_NONE */
	  *ret_optarg = NULL;
	  if (*(optptr+1) != '\0')   /* concatenation */
	      optindex++;                /* move to next field */
	      optptr = NULL;


  /* Type check the argument, if there is one
  if (opt[opti].argtype != sqdARG_NONE) 
      if (opt[opti].argtype == sqdARG_INT && ! IsInt(*ret_optarg))
	Die("Option %s requires an integer argument\n%s",
	    opt[opti].name, usage);
      else if (opt[opti].argtype == sqdARG_FLOAT && ! IsReal(*ret_optarg))
	Die("Option %s requires a numerical argument\n%s",
	    opt[opti].name, usage);
      else if (opt[opti].argtype == sqdARG_CHAR && strlen(*ret_optarg) != 1)
	Die("Option %s requires a single-character argument\n%s",
	    opt[opti].name, usage);
      /* sqdARG_STRING is always ok, no type check necessary */

  *ret_optind = optindex;
  return 1;