Пример #1
void CustomGrid::DrawRowLabel( wxDC& dc, int row )
    //init dc font and colours
    dc.SetFont( m_labelFont );
	dc.SetBrush( wxBrush( m_labelBackgroundColour, wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID ) );
    int w = dc.GetTextExtent(_T("Speed")).x;
    wxString label1,label2;
    label1 = GetRowLabelValue(row).BeforeFirst(',', &label2);
    bool pline = true;
    //row is the first of 3 for the same parameter (wind ... waves ...)
    if(GetNumberRows() > row + 2 && label1 == GetRowLabelValue(row + 2).BeforeFirst(',')){
        pline = false;
        if(IsRowVisible(row + 2))
            label1 = _T(" ");
    //row is the second of 3 or the first of 2
    else if(GetNumberRows() > row + 1 && label1 == GetRowLabelValue(row + 1).BeforeFirst(',')){
        pline = false;
        if(row > 0 && label1 == GetRowLabelValue(row - 1).BeforeFirst(',')){    //second of 3
            if(!IsRowVisible(row + 1))
                label1 = _T(" ");
    //row is the last of 3
    else if(row > 1 && label1 == GetRowLabelValue(row - 2).BeforeFirst(',')){
        if(IsRowVisible(row - 1))
            label1 = _T(" ");
    //row is the last of 2
    else if(row > 0 && label1 == GetRowLabelValue(row - 1).BeforeFirst(',')){
        if(IsRowVisible(row - 1))
            label1 = _T(" ");
    //draw first part of the label
    wxRect aRect(5, GetRowTop(row), m_rowLabelWidth - w, GetRowHeight(row));
    dc.DrawLabel(label1, aRect, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
    //draw second part of the label
    wxRect bRect(m_rowLabelWidth - w, GetRowTop(row), w, GetRowHeight(row));
    dc.SetFont( wxFont(m_labelFont).Scale(0.85) );
    dc.DrawLabel(label2 , bRect, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
    //draw row lines around labels
        dc.DrawLine(0, GetRowBottom(row) - 1, m_rowLabelWidth, GetRowBottom(row) - 1);
    dc.DrawLine(0, GetRowTop(row), 0, GetRowBottom(row) );
    dc.DrawLine(m_rowLabelWidth - 1, GetRowTop(row), m_rowLabelWidth - 1, GetRowBottom(row) );
Пример #2
void ProperList::EnsureVisible(size_t n)
        size_t ve = GetVisibleRowsEnd();
        if(n > ve)
            ScrollRows(n - ve);