Пример #1
ToxAV *toxav_new(Tox *tox, TOXAV_ERR_NEW *error)
    ToxAV *av = NULL;

    if (tox == NULL) {
        rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_NULL;
        goto END;

    if (((Messenger *)tox)->msi_packet) {
        goto END;

    av = calloc (sizeof(ToxAV), 1);

    if (av == NULL) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Allocation failed!");
        rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_MALLOC;
        goto END;

    if (create_recursive_mutex(av->mutex) != 0) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Mutex creation failed!");
        rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_MALLOC;
        goto END;

    av->m = (Messenger *)tox;
    av->msi = msi_new(av->m);

    if (av->msi == NULL) {
        rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_MALLOC;
        goto END;

    av->interval = 200;
    av->msi->av = av;

    msi_register_callback(av->msi, callback_invite, msi_OnInvite);
    msi_register_callback(av->msi, callback_start, msi_OnStart);
    msi_register_callback(av->msi, callback_end, msi_OnEnd);
    msi_register_callback(av->msi, callback_error, msi_OnError);
    msi_register_callback(av->msi, callback_error, msi_OnPeerTimeout);
    msi_register_callback(av->msi, callback_capabilites, msi_OnCapabilities);


    if (error)
        *error = rc;

    if (rc != TOXAV_ERR_NEW_OK) {
        av = NULL;

    return av;
Пример #2
    bool SDLPlatform::_initialize()
        m_touchpad = false;

        if( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) < 0 )
            LOGGER_CRITICAL(m_serviceProvider)("SDL initialization failed");
            return false;

        const Char* sdlPlatform = SDL_GetPlatform();
        const int sdlRam = SDL_GetSystemRAM();

        m_platformName = Helper::stringizeString(m_serviceProvider, sdlPlatform);

        LOGGER_WARNING(m_serviceProvider)("Device info:"

        LOGGER_WARNING(m_serviceProvider)("Platform: %s"
            , sdlPlatform

        LOGGER_WARNING(m_serviceProvider)("RAM: %d MB"
            , sdlRam

        m_sdlInput = new SDLInput();
        if( !m_sdlInput->initialize() )
            return false;

        return true;
Пример #3
 * @brief Encode audio frame
 * @param av Handler
 * @param dest dest
 * @param dest_max Max dest size
 * @param frame The frame
 * @param frame_size The frame size
 * @return int
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
 * @retval >0 On success
int toxav_prepare_audio_frame ( ToxAv *av, int32_t call_index, uint8_t *dest, int dest_max, const int16_t *frame,
                                int frame_size)
    if (cii(call_index, av->msi_session) || !av->calls[call_index].call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    CallSpecific *call = &av->calls[call_index];

    if (!call->call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    int32_t rc = opus_encode(call->cs->audio_encoder, frame, frame_size, dest, dest_max);

    if (rc < 0) {
        LOGGER_ERROR("Failed to encode payload: %s\n", opus_strerror(rc));
        return ErrorInternal;

    return rc;
Пример #4
 * @brief Receive decoded audio frame.
 * @param av Handler.
 * @param frame_size The size of dest in frames/samples (one frame/sample is 16 bits or 2 bytes
 *                   and corresponds to one sample of audio.)
 * @param dest Destination of the raw audio (16 bit signed pcm with AUDIO_CHANNELS channels).
 *             Make sure it has enough space for frame_size frames/samples.
 * @return int
 * @retval >=0 Size of received data in frames/samples.
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
inline__ int toxav_recv_audio ( ToxAv *av, int32_t call_index, int frame_size, int16_t *dest )
    if ( !dest ) return ErrorInternal;

    if (cii(call_index, av->msi_session) || !av->calls[call_index].call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    CallSpecific *call = &av->calls[call_index];

    uint8_t packet [RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE];

    int recved_size = toxav_recv_rtp_payload(av, call_index, TypeAudio, packet);

    if ( recved_size == ErrorAudioPacketLost ) {
        int dec_size = opus_decode(call->cs->audio_decoder, NULL, 0, dest, frame_size, 1);

        if ( dec_size < 0 ) {
            LOGGER_WARNING("Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(dec_size));
            return ErrorInternal;
        } else return dec_size;

    } else if ( recved_size ) {
        int dec_size = opus_decode(call->cs->audio_decoder, packet, recved_size, dest, frame_size, 0);

        if ( dec_size < 0 ) {
            LOGGER_WARNING("Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(dec_size));
            return ErrorInternal;
        } else return dec_size;
    } else {
        return 0; /* Nothing received */
Пример #5
 * Callback for networking core.
int rtp_handle_packet ( void *object, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length )
    RTPSession *session = object;
    RTPMessage *msg;

    if ( !session || length < 13 ) { /* 12 is the minimum length for rtp + desc. byte */
        LOGGER_WARNING("No session or invalid length of received buffer!");
        return -1;

    msg = msg_parse ( data + 1, length - 1 );

    if ( !msg ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Could not parse message!");
        return -1;

    /* Check if message came in late */
    if ( check_late_message(session, msg) < 0 ) { /* Not late */
        session->rsequnum = msg->header->sequnum;
        session->timestamp = msg->header->timestamp;

    queue_message(session, msg);

    return 0;
Пример #6
TagLib::ByteVector TagLib::EncodeBase64(const TagLib::ByteVector& input)
    ByteVector result;

    CFErrorRef error;
    SFB::SecTransform encoder = SecEncodeTransformCreate(kSecBase64Encoding, &error);
    if(nullptr == encoder) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine", "SecEncodeTransformCreate failed: " << error);
        return TagLib::ByteVector::null;

    SFB::CFData sourceData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)input.data(), (CFIndex)input.size(), kCFAllocatorNull);
        return TagLib::ByteVector::null;

    if(!SecTransformSetAttribute(encoder, kSecTransformInputAttributeName, sourceData, &error)) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine", "SecTransformSetAttribute failed: " << error);
        return TagLib::ByteVector::null;

    SFB::CFData encodedData = (CFDataRef)SecTransformExecute(encoder, &error);
    if(!encodedData) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine", "SecTransformExecute failed: " << error);
        return TagLib::ByteVector::null;

    result.setData((const char *)CFDataGetBytePtr((CFDataRef)encodedData), (TagLib::uint)CFDataGetLength((CFDataRef)encodedData));

    return result;
Пример #7
int ac_queue_message(void *acp, struct RTPMessage *msg)
    if (!acp || !msg) {
        return -1;

    ACSession *ac = (ACSession *)acp;

    if ((msg->header.pt & 0x7f) == (rtp_TypeAudio + 2) % 128) {
        LOGGER_WARNING(ac->log, "Got dummy!");
        return 0;

    if ((msg->header.pt & 0x7f) != rtp_TypeAudio % 128) {
        LOGGER_WARNING(ac->log, "Invalid payload type!");
        return -1;

    int rc = jbuf_write(ac->log, (struct JitterBuffer *)ac->j_buf, msg);

    if (rc == -1) {
        LOGGER_WARNING(ac->log, "Could not queue the message!");
        return -1;

    return 0;
Пример #8
 * @brief Send audio frame.
 * @param av Handler.
 * @param data The audio data encoded with toxav_prepare_audio_frame().
 * @param size Its size in number of bytes.
 * @return int
 * @retval 0 Success.
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
int toxav_send_audio ( ToxAv *av, int32_t call_index, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int size)
    if (size > MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE)
        return ErrorInternal;

    if (cii(call_index, av->msi_session) || !av->calls[call_index].call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    CallSpecific *call = &av->calls[call_index];

    if (!call->call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    int rc = toxav_send_rtp_payload(av, call_index, TypeAudio, data, size);

    return rc;
Пример #9
void handle_push(MSICall *call, const MSIMessage *msg)

    LOGGER_DEBUG(call->session->messenger->log, "Session: %p Handling 'push' friend: %d", call->session,

    if (!msg->capabilities.exists) {
        LOGGER_WARNING(call->session->messenger->log, "Session: %p Invalid capabilities on 'push'");
        call->error = msi_EInvalidMessage;
        goto FAILURE;

    switch (call->state) {
        case msi_CallActive: {
            /* Only act if capabilities changed */
            if (call->peer_capabilities != msg->capabilities.value) {
                LOGGER_INFO(call->session->messenger->log, "Friend is changing capabilities to: %u", msg->capabilities.value);

                call->peer_capabilities = msg->capabilities.value;

                if (invoke_callback(call, msi_OnCapabilities) == -1) {
                    goto FAILURE;

        case msi_CallRequesting: {
            LOGGER_INFO(call->session->messenger->log, "Friend answered our call");

            /* Call started */
            call->peer_capabilities = msg->capabilities.value;
            call->state = msi_CallActive;

            if (invoke_callback(call, msi_OnStart) == -1) {
                goto FAILURE;

        /* Pushes during initialization state are ignored */
        case msi_CallInactive: // fall-through
        case msi_CallRequested: {
            LOGGER_WARNING(call->session->messenger->log, "Ignoring invalid push");


    send_error(call->session->messenger, call->friend_number, call->error);
Пример #10
SFB::Audio::Metadata::unique_ptr SFB::Audio::Metadata::CreateMetadataForURL(CFURLRef url, CFErrorRef *error)
	if(nullptr == url)
		return nullptr;

	// If this is a file URL, use the extension-based resolvers
	SFB::CFString scheme = CFURLCopyScheme(url);

	// If there is no scheme the URL is invalid
	if(!scheme) {
			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, EINVAL, nullptr);
		return nullptr;

	if(kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(CFSTR("file"), scheme, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive)) {
		// Verify the file exists
		SInt32 errorCode = noErr;
		SFB::CFBoolean fileExists = (CFBooleanRef)CFURLCreatePropertyFromResource(kCFAllocatorDefault, url, kCFURLFileExists, &errorCode);
		if(fileExists) {
			if(CFBooleanGetValue(fileExists)) {
				SFB::CFString pathExtension = CFURLCopyPathExtension(url);
				if(pathExtension) {
					// Some extensions (.oga for example) support multiple audio codecs (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex)

					for(auto subclassInfo : sRegisteredSubclasses) {
						if(subclassInfo.mHandlesFilesWithExtension(pathExtension)) {
							unique_ptr metadata(subclassInfo.mCreateMetadata(url));
								return metadata;
			else {
				LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.Metadata", "The requested URL doesn't exist");
				if(error) {
					SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” does not exist."), "");
					SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("File not found"), "");
					SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file may exist on removable media or may have been deleted."), "");
					*error = CreateErrorForURL(Metadata::ErrorDomain, Metadata::InputOutputError, description, url, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);
			LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.Metadata", "CFURLCreatePropertyFromResource failed: " << errorCode);		

	return nullptr;
Пример #11
 * @brief Encode video frame
 * @param av Handler
 * @param dest Where to
 * @param dest_max Max size
 * @param input What to encode
 * @return int
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
 * @retval >0 On success
int toxav_prepare_video_frame(ToxAv *av, int32_t call_index, uint8_t *dest, int dest_max, vpx_image_t *input)
    if (cii(call_index, av->msi_session)) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Invalid call index: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    CallSpecific *call = &av->calls[call_index];

    if (!call->call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    if (reconfigure_video_encoder_resolution(call->cs, input->d_w, input->d_h) != 0) {
        return ErrorInternal;

    int rc = vpx_codec_encode(&call->cs->v_encoder, input, call->cs->frame_counter, 1, 0, MAX_ENCODE_TIME_US);

    if ( rc != VPX_CODEC_OK) {
        LOGGER_ERROR("Could not encode video frame: %s\n", vpx_codec_err_to_string(rc));
        return ErrorInternal;


    vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL;
    const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt;
    int copied = 0;

    while ( (pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(&call->cs->v_encoder, &iter)) ) {
        if (pkt->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT) {
            if ( copied + pkt->data.frame.sz > dest_max ) {
                return ErrorPacketTooLarge;

            memcpy(dest + copied, pkt->data.frame.buf, pkt->data.frame.sz);
            copied += pkt->data.frame.sz;

    return copied;
Пример #12
RTPSession *rtp_new ( int payload_type, Messenger *messenger, int friend_num )
    RTPSession *retu = calloc(1, sizeof(RTPSession));

    if ( !retu ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
        return NULL;

    if ( -1 == custom_lossy_packet_registerhandler(messenger, friend_num, payload_type, rtp_handle_packet, retu)) {
        LOGGER_ERROR("Error setting custom register handler for rtp session");
        return NULL;

    LOGGER_DEBUG("Registered packet handler: pt: %d; fid: %d", payload_type, friend_num);

    retu->version   = RTP_VERSION;   /* It's always 2 */
    retu->padding   = 0;             /* If some additional data is needed about the packet */
    retu->extension = 0;           /* If extension to header is needed */
    retu->cc        = 1;           /* Amount of contributors */
    retu->csrc      = NULL;        /* Container */
    retu->ssrc      = random_int();
    retu->marker    = 0;
    retu->payload_type = payload_type % 128;

    retu->dest = friend_num;

    retu->rsequnum = retu->sequnum = 0;

    retu->ext_header = NULL; /* When needed allocate */

    if ( !(retu->csrc = calloc(1, sizeof (uint32_t))) ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
        return NULL;

    retu->csrc[0] = retu->ssrc; /* Set my ssrc to the list receive */

    /* Also set payload type as prefix */
    retu->prefix = payload_type;

    return retu;
Пример #13
SInt64 SFB::Audio::DSFDecoder::_SeekToFrame(SInt64 frame)
	// Round down to nearest multiple of 8 frames
	frame = (frame / 8) * 8;

	// Seek to the start of the block containing frame
	auto blockSizePerChannelInFrames = mFormat.ByteCountToFrameCount(mBlockByteSizePerChannel);
	auto blockNumber = (size_t)frame / blockSizePerChannelInFrames;
	auto blockOffset = blockNumber * mBlockByteSizePerChannel * mFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;

	if(!GetInputSource().SeekToOffset(mAudioOffset + (SInt64)blockOffset)) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.Decoder.DSF", "_SeekToFrame() failed for offset: " << mAudioOffset + (SInt64)blockOffset);
		return -1;

		return -1;

	// Skip to the specified frame
	UInt32	framesToSkip	= (UInt32)frame % blockSizePerChannelInFrames;
	UInt32	framesInBuffer	= (UInt32)mFormat.ByteCountToFrameCount(mBufferList->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize);

	// Copy data from the buffer to output
	for(UInt32 i = 0; i < mBufferList->mNumberBuffers; ++i) {
		uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)mBufferList->mBuffers[i].mData;
		memmove(dst, dst + mFormat.FrameCountToByteCount(framesToSkip), mFormat.FrameCountToByteCount(framesInBuffer - framesToSkip));
		mBufferList->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize -= (UInt32)mFormat.FrameCountToByteCount(framesToSkip);

	mCurrentFrame = frame;

	return _GetCurrentFrame();
Пример #14
int invoke_callback(MSICall *call, MSICallbackID cb)

    if (call->session->callbacks[cb]) {
        LOGGER_DEBUG(call->session->messenger->log, "Invoking callback function: %d", cb);

        if (call->session->callbacks[cb](call->session->av, call) != 0) {
                           "Callback state handling failed, sending error");
            goto FAILURE;

        return 0;

    /* If no callback present or error happened while handling,
     * an error message will be sent to friend

    if (call->error == msi_ENone) {
        call->error = msi_EHandle;

    return -1;
Пример #15
 * Builds header from control session values.
RTPHeader *build_header ( RTPSession *session )
    RTPHeader *retu = calloc ( 1, sizeof (RTPHeader) );

    if ( !retu ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
        return NULL;

    ADD_FLAG_VERSION ( retu, session->version );
    ADD_FLAG_PADDING ( retu, session->padding );
    ADD_FLAG_EXTENSION ( retu, session->extension );
    ADD_FLAG_CSRCC ( retu, session->cc );
    ADD_SETTING_MARKER ( retu, session->marker );
    ADD_SETTING_PAYLOAD ( retu, session->payload_type );

    retu->sequnum = session->sequnum;
    retu->timestamp = current_time_monotonic(); /* milliseconds */
    retu->ssrc = session->ssrc;

    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < session->cc; i++ )
        retu->csrc[i] = session->csrc[i];

    retu->length = 12 /* Minimum header len */ + ( session->cc * size_32 );

    return retu;
bool MemoryMappedFileInputSource::Close(CFErrorRef *error)
	if(!IsOpen()) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource.MemoryMappedFile", "Close() called on an InputSource that hasn't been opened");
		return true;

	memset(&mFilestats, 0, sizeof(mFilestats));

	if(nullptr != mMemory) {
		int result = munmap(mMemory, mFilestats.st_size);

		mMemory = nullptr;
		mCurrentPosition = nullptr;

		if(-1 == result) {
				*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, errno, nullptr);
			return false; 

	mIsOpen = false;
	return true;
Пример #17
bool HTTPInputSource::Open(CFErrorRef *error)
	if(IsOpen()) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource.HTTP", "Open() called on an InputSource that is already open");
		return true;

	// Set up the HTTP request
	mRequest = CFHTTPMessageCreateRequest(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("GET"), mURL, kCFHTTPVersion1_1);
	if(NULL == mRequest) {
			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, ENOMEM, NULL);
		return false;

	CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue(mRequest, CFSTR("User-Agent"), CFSTR("SFBAudioEngine"));

	// Seek support
	if(0 < mDesiredOffset) {
		CFStringRef byteRange = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("bytes=%ld-"), mDesiredOffset);
		CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue(mRequest, CFSTR("Range"), byteRange);
		CFRelease(byteRange), byteRange = NULL;

	mReadStream = CFReadStreamCreateForStreamedHTTPRequest(kCFAllocatorDefault, mRequest, NULL);
	if(NULL == mReadStream) {
		CFRelease(mRequest), mRequest = NULL;
			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, ENOMEM, NULL);
		return false;

	// Start the HTTP connection
	CFStreamClientContext myContext = { 0, this, NULL, NULL, NULL };

	CFOptionFlags clientFlags = kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted | kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable | kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
    if(!CFReadStreamSetClient(mReadStream, clientFlags, myCFReadStreamClientCallBack, &myContext)) {
		CFRelease(mRequest), mRequest = NULL;
		CFRelease(mReadStream), mReadStream = NULL;
			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, ENOMEM, NULL);
		return false;

	CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(mReadStream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

	if(!CFReadStreamOpen(mReadStream)) {
		CFRelease(mRequest), mRequest = NULL;
		CFRelease(mReadStream), mReadStream = NULL;
			*error = CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX, ENOMEM, NULL);
		return false;

	while(NULL == mResponseHeaders)
		CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0, true);

	mIsOpen = true;
	return true;
Пример #18
int callback_invite(void *toxav_inst, MSICall *call)
    ToxAV *toxav = toxav_inst;

    ToxAVCall *av_call = call_new(toxav, call->friend_number, NULL);

    if (av_call == NULL) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Failed to initialize call...");
        return -1;

    call->av_call = av_call;
    av_call->msi_call = call;

    if (toxav->ccb.first)
        toxav->ccb.first(toxav, call->friend_number, call->peer_capabilities & msi_CapSAudio,
                         call->peer_capabilities & msi_CapSVideo, toxav->ccb.second);
    else {
        /* No handler to capture the call request, send failure */
        return -1;

    return 0;
Пример #19
	ResourceReferencePtr ResourceManager::getResourceReference( const ConstString & _name ) const
		const ResourceEntry * entry = this->findResource_( _name );

		if( entry == nullptr )
			LOGGER_WARNING(m_serviceProvider)("ResourceManager::getResourceReference: resource '%s' does not exist"
				, _name.c_str()

			return nullptr;
        if( entry->isLocked == true )
			LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("ResourceManager::getResourceReference: resource '%s' is LOCK!"
				, _name.c_str()

			return nullptr;
		const ResourceReferencePtr & resource = entry->resource;

		return resource;
Пример #20
 * Allocate message and store data there
RTPMessage *rtp_new_message ( RTPSession *session, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length )
    if ( !session ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("No session!");
        return NULL;

    uint8_t *from_pos;
    RTPMessage *retu = calloc(1, sizeof (RTPMessage));

    if ( !retu ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
        return NULL;

    /* Sets header values and copies the extension header in retu */
    retu->header = build_header ( session ); /* It allocates memory and all */
    retu->ext_header = session->ext_header;

    uint32_t total_length = length + retu->header->length + 1;

    retu->data[0] = session->prefix;

    if ( retu->ext_header ) {
        total_length += ( 4 /* Minimum ext header len */ + retu->ext_header->length * size_32 );

        from_pos = add_header ( retu->header, retu->data + 1 );
        from_pos = add_ext_header ( retu->ext_header, from_pos + 1 );
    } else {
        from_pos = add_header ( retu->header, retu->data + 1 );

     * Parses the extension header into the message
     * Of course if any

    /* Appends data on to retu->data */
    memcpy ( from_pos, data, length );

    retu->length = total_length;

    retu->next = NULL;

    return retu;
Пример #21
	bool SoundConverterFFMPEGToOGG::convert()
        FileGroupInterfacePtr fileGroup;
        if( FILE_SERVICE(m_serviceProvider)->hasFileGroup( m_options.pakName, &fileGroup ) == false )
            LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("SoundConverterFFMPEGToOGG::convert_: not found file group '%s'"
                , m_options.pakName.c_str()

            return false;

        const ConstString & pakPath = fileGroup->getPath();            

        String full_input = pakPath.c_str();
        full_input += m_options.inputFileName.c_str();

        String full_output = pakPath.c_str();
        full_output += m_options.outputFileName.c_str();

        WString unicode_input;
        if( Helper::utf8ToUnicode( m_serviceProvider, full_input, unicode_input ) == false )
            LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("SoundConverterFFMPEGToOGG::convert_: invalid convert input utf8 to unicode %s"
                , full_input.c_str()

            return false;
        WString unicode_output;
        if( Helper::utf8ToUnicode( m_serviceProvider, full_output, unicode_output ) == false )
            LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("SoundConverterFFMPEGToOGG::convert_: invalid convert output utf8 to unicode %s"
                , full_output.c_str()
            return false;

        WString buffer = L"ffmpeg.exe -loglevel error -y -threads 4 -i \""  + unicode_input + L"\" -map_metadata -1 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -acodec libvorbis -aq 100 \"" + unicode_output + L"\"";
		LOGGER_WARNING(m_serviceProvider)( "SoundDecoderConverterFFMPEGToOGG:: converting file '%ls' to '%ls'"
			, unicode_input.c_str()
			, unicode_output.c_str()

        if( WINDOWSLAYER_SERVICE(m_serviceProvider)
            ->cmd( buffer ) == false )
			LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("SoundConverterFFMPEGToOGG::convert_: invalid convert:"

			return false;

        return true;
Пример #22
bool SFB::InputSource::SeekToOffset(SInt64 offset)
	if(!IsOpen() || 0 > offset) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource", "Close() called on an InputSource that hasn't been opened");
		return false;

	return _SeekToOffset(offset);
Пример #23
bool SFB::InputSource::SupportsSeeking() const
	if(!IsOpen()) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource", "SupportsSeeking() called on an InputSource that hasn't been opened");
		return false;

	return _SupportsSeeking();
Пример #24
SInt64 SFB::InputSource::GetLength() const
	if(!IsOpen()) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource", "GetLength() called on an InputSource that hasn't been opened");
		return 0;

	return _GetLength();
Пример #25
bool SFB::InputSource::AtEOF() const
	if(!IsOpen()) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource", "AtEOF() called on an InputSource that hasn't been opened");
		return true;

	return _AtEOF();
Пример #26
SInt64 SFB::InputSource::Read(void *buffer, SInt64 byteCount)
	if(!IsOpen() || nullptr == buffer || 0 > byteCount) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.InputSource", "Read() called on an InputSource that hasn't been opened");
		return -1;

	return _Read(buffer, byteCount);
Пример #27
 * Extracts external header from payload. Must be called AFTER extract_header()!
RTPExtHeader *extract_ext_header ( const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t length )
    const uint8_t *it = payload;

    RTPExtHeader *retu = calloc(1, sizeof (RTPExtHeader));

    if ( !retu ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
        return NULL;

    uint16_t ext_length;
    memcpy(&ext_length, it, sizeof(ext_length));
    ext_length = ntohs(ext_length);
    it += 2;

    if ( length < ( ext_length * sizeof(uint32_t) ) ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Length invalid!");
        return NULL;

    retu->length  = ext_length;
    memcpy(&retu->type, it, sizeof(retu->type));
    retu->type = ntohs(retu->type);
    it += 2;

    if ( !(retu->table = calloc(ext_length, sizeof (uint32_t))) ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
        return NULL;

    uint16_t x;

    for ( x = 0; x < ext_length; x++ ) {
        it += 4;
        memcpy(&(retu->table[x]), it, sizeof(retu->table[x]));
        retu->table[x] = ntohl(retu->table[x]);

    return retu;
Пример #28
 * Parses data into RTPMessage struct. Stores headers separately from the payload data
 * and so the length variable is set accordingly.
RTPMessage *msg_parse ( const uint8_t *data, int length )
    RTPMessage *retu = calloc(1, sizeof (RTPMessage));

    retu->header = extract_header ( data, length ); /* It allocates memory and all */

    if ( !retu->header ) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Header failed to extract!");
        return NULL;

    uint16_t from_pos = retu->header->length;
    retu->length = length - from_pos;

    if ( GET_FLAG_EXTENSION ( retu->header ) ) {
        retu->ext_header = extract_ext_header ( data + from_pos, length );

        if ( retu->ext_header ) {
            retu->length -= ( 4 /* Minimum ext header len */ + retu->ext_header->length * size_32 );
            from_pos += ( 4 /* Minimum ext header len */ + retu->ext_header->length * size_32 );
        } else { /* Error */
            LOGGER_WARNING("Ext Header failed to extract!");
            rtp_free_msg(NULL, retu);
            return NULL;
    } else {
        retu->ext_header = NULL;

    if ( length - from_pos <= MAX_RTP_SIZE )
        memcpy ( retu->data, data + from_pos, length - from_pos );
    else {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Invalid length!");
        rtp_free_msg(NULL, retu);
        return NULL;

    retu->next = NULL;

    return retu;
Пример #29
 * @brief Send audio frame.
 * @param av Handler.
 * @param frame The frame (raw 16 bit signed pcm with AUDIO_CHANNELS channels audio.)
 * @param frame_size Its size in number of frames/samples (one frame/sample is 16 bits or 2 bytes)
 *                   frame size should be AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE.
 * @return int
 * @retval 0 Success.
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
inline__ int toxav_send_audio ( ToxAv *av, int32_t call_index, const uint8_t *frame, int frame_size)
    if (cii(call_index, av->msi_session) || !av->calls[call_index].call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    return toxav_send_rtp_payload(av, call_index, TypeAudio, frame, frame_size);
Пример #30
bool Semaphore::TimedWait(mach_timespec_t duration)
	kern_return_t result = semaphore_timedwait(mSemaphore, duration);

	if(KERN_SUCCESS != result && KERN_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT != result) {
		LOGGER_WARNING("org.sbooth.AudioEngine.Semaphore", "Semaphore couldn't timedwait: " << mach_error_string(result));
		return false;

	return true;