Пример #1
 * Function:        BOOL UDPPut(BYTE v)
 * PreCondition:    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * Input:           v       - Data byte to loaded into transmit buffer
 * Output:          TRUE if transmit buffer is still ready to accept
 *                  more data bytes
 *                  FALSE if transmit buffer can no longer accept
 *                  any more data byte.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Given data byte is put into UDP transmit buffer
 *                  and active UDP socket buffer length is incremented
 *                  by one.
 *                  If buffer has become full, FALSE is returned.
 *                  Or else TRUE is returned.
 * Note:            This function loads data into an active UDP socket
 *                  as determined by previous call to UDPIsPutReady()
    WORD temp;

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    if ( p->TxCount == 0 )
         * This is the very first byte that is loaded in UDP buffer.
         * Remember what transmit buffer we are loading, and
         * start loading this and next bytes in data area of UDP
         * packet.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer();

        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));

        p->TxOffset = 0;

     * Load it.

    if ( p->TxOffset++ >= p->TxCount )

#if 0
     * Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
     * If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.

#define SIZEOF_MAC_HEADER       (14)

     * Depending on what communication media is used, allowable UDP
     * data length will vary.
#if !defined(STACK_USE_SLIP)
#define MAX_UDP_DATA  (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(IP_HEADER) - sizeof(UDP_HEADER) )

    temp = p->TxCount;
    if ( temp >= MAX_UDP_DATA )

    return TRUE;
Пример #2
 * Function:        void ARPPut(NODE_INFO* more, BYTE opCode)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           remote  - Remote node info
 *                  opCode  - ARP op code to send
 * Output:          TRUE - The ARP packet was generated properly
 *					FALSE - Unable to allocate a TX buffer
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        None
 * Note:            None
BOOL ARPPut(NODE_INFO *remote, BYTE opCode)
    ARP_PACKET packet;

	BUFFER MyTxBuffer;
	MyTxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);
	// Do not respond if there is no room to generate the ARP reply
	if(MyTxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
		return FALSE;

	MACSetTxBuffer(MyTxBuffer, 0);
    packet.HardwareType             = HW_ETHERNET;
    packet.Protocol                 = ARP_IP;
    packet.MACAddrLen               = sizeof(MAC_ADDR);
    packet.ProtocolLen              = sizeof(IP_ADDR);

    if ( opCode == ARP_REQUEST )
        packet.Operation            = ARP_OPERATION_REQ;
        packet.TargetMACAddr.v[0]   = 0xff;
        packet.TargetMACAddr.v[1]   = 0xff;
        packet.TargetMACAddr.v[2]   = 0xff;
        packet.TargetMACAddr.v[3]   = 0xff;
        packet.TargetMACAddr.v[4]   = 0xff;
        packet.TargetMACAddr.v[5]   = 0xff;
        packet.Operation            = ARP_OPERATION_RESP;
        packet.TargetMACAddr        = remote->MACAddr;

    packet.SenderMACAddr = AppConfig.MyMACAddr;
    packet.SenderIPAddr  = AppConfig.MyIPAddr;

    // Check to see if target is on same subnet, if not, find Gateway MAC.
    // Once we get Gateway MAC, all access to remote host will go through Gateway.
    if((packet.SenderIPAddr.Val ^ remote->IPAddr.Val) & AppConfig.MyMask.Val)
		packet.TargetIPAddr = AppConfig.MyGateway;
        packet.TargetIPAddr             = remote->IPAddr;


    MACPutHeader(&packet.TargetMACAddr, MAC_ARP, sizeof(packet));

    //MACPutArray((int8*)&packet, sizeof(packet));
    MACPutArray(&packet, sizeof(ARP_PACKET));

	return TRUE;
Пример #3
 * Given number of data bytes from the given array are put into the UDP transmit buffer
 * and active UDP socket buffer length is incremented by number of bytes. The data is
 * NOT sent yet, and the UDPFlush() function must be called to send all data contained
 * in the transmit buffer.
 * If there is not enough space in the transmit buffer for all the data, the contents of
 * the transmit buffer will be sent, and this function will return the actual amount of
 * bytes that were sent. In this case, it is VERY IMPORTANT to call the UDPIsPutReady()
 * function again before calling the UDPPut() or UDPPutArray() functions! This will however
 * only happen if the transmit buffer fills up. The transmit buffer for UDP data is
 * = (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 42), which is usually 982 bytes. If writing less then this to
 * the transmit buffer before calling UDPFlush(), then this function will always return the
 * requested number of bytes!
 * Note: This function loads data into an active UDP socket as determined by previous
 * call to UDPIsPutReady().
 * @preCondition    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * @param[in] buffer Buffer containing data that has to be sent.
 * @param count     Number of bytes to send
 * @return          Number of bytes added to the transmit buffer.<br>
 *                  !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!<br>
 *                  If this value is less then the number of bytes we requested to send, then 
 *                  UDPIsPutReady() must be called again before calling the UDPPut() or
 *                  UDPPutArray() functions!
WORD UDPPutArray(BYTE *buffer, WORD count)
    WORD temp;
	WORD ckCount = 0;
    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    //This UDP Socket does not contain any unsent data, and currently does not own a TX Buffer!
    //Assign it the next available TX Buffer
    if ( p->TxCount == 0 )
        //Get handle to next available TX Buffer. The UDPIsPutReady() function that has to be called
        //prior to this function will determine if there is an available TX Buffer.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

        // Make sure that we received a TX buffer
        if(p->TxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
            return FALSE;

        //This sets the current TX Buffer pointer to the given offset after the IP header.
        //We give the size of the UDP header here as a parameter. This causes the current
        //write pointer to be set to firt byte after the UDP header, which is the UDP data
        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
    //This function request more bytes to be written to the TX Buffer then there is space 
    if ((p->TxCount + count) > UDPGetMaxDataLength()) {
        //Update count with maximum number of bytes that there is place for in the TX Buffer
        count = UDPGetMaxDataLength() - p->TxCount;

    //Write buffer
    MACPutArray(buffer, count);
	while (ckCount <= count) {
		if (p->TxCount+ckCount & 1) {
			udpChecksum += *(buffer+ckCount);
			} else
			udpChecksum += ((WORD)*(buffer+ckCount) << 8);

    //Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
    //If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.
    p->TxCount +=  count;

    if ( p->TxCount >= UDPGetMaxDataLength() )
    return count;   //Return actual number of bytes sent
Пример #4
 * A ICMP packet is created and put on MAC.
 * @preCondition ICMPIsTxReady() == TRUE
 * @param remote    Remote node info
 * @param code      ICMP_ECHO_REPLY or ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
 * @param data      Data bytes
 * @param len       Number of bytes to send
 * @param id        ICMP identifier
 * @param seq       ICMP sequence number
void ICMPPut(NODE_INFO *remote,
             ICMP_CODE code,
             BYTE *data,
             BYTE len,
             WORD id,
             WORD seq)
    ICMP_PACKET    packet;
    BUFFER MyTxBuffer;
    MyTxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

    // Abort if there is no where in the Ethernet controller to 
    // store this packet.
    if(MyTxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)

    IPSetTxBuffer(MyTxBuffer, 0);


    packet.Code             = 0;
    packet.Type             = code;
    packet.Checksum         = 0;
    packet.Identifier       = id;
    packet.SequenceNumber   = seq;

    memcpy((void*)packet.Data, (void*)data, len);


#if defined(NON_MCHP_MAC)   //This is NOT a Microchip MAC
    packet.Checksum         = CalcIPChecksum((BYTE*)&packet,

                (WORD)(ICMP_HEADER_SIZE + len));

    IPPutArray((BYTE*)&packet, ICMPLen);

#if !defined(NON_MCHP_MAC)  //This is a Microchip MAC
    // Calculate and write the ICMP checksum using the Microchip MAC's DMA
    packet.Checksum = MACCalcTxChecksum(sizeof(IP_HEADER), ICMPLen);
    IPSetTxBuffer(MyTxBuffer, 2);
    MACPutArray((BYTE*)&packet.Checksum, 2);

Пример #5
 * Given data byte is put into the UDP transmit buffer and active UDP socket buffer
 * length is incremented. The data is NOT sent yet, and the UDPFlush() function must
 * be called to send all data contained in the transmit buffer.
 * If the transmit buffer filled up, the contents of the transmit buffer will be sent,
 * and this function will return FALSE. In this case, it is VERY IMPORTANT to call the
 * UDPIsPutReady() function again before calling the UDPPut() or UDPPutArray() functions!
 * Note: This function loads data into an active UDP socket as determined by previous
 * call to UDPIsPutReady().
 * @preCondition    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * @param v       - Data byte to loaded into transmit buffer
 * @return          TRUE if transmit buffer is still ready to accept more data bytes <br>
 *                  FALSE if transmit buffer can no longer accept any more data byte.<br>
 *                  If FALSE is returned, then UDPIsPutReady() has to be called again before
 *                  calling the UDPPut() or UDPPutArray() functions!

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];

    //This UDP Socket does not contain any unsent data, and currently does not own a TX Buffer!
    //Assign it the next available TX Buffer
    if ( p->TxCount == 0 )
        // This is the very first byte that is loaded in UDP buffer.
        // Remember what transmit buffer we are loading, and
        // start loading this and next bytes in data area of UDP packet.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

        // Make sure that we received a TX buffer
        if(p->TxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
            return FALSE;

        //This sets the current TX Buffer pointer to the given offset after the IP header.
        //We give the size of the UDP header here as a parameter. This causes the current
        //write pointer to be set to firt byte after the UDP header, which is the UDP data area.
        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));
	    udpChecksum = 0;
        //p->TxOffset = 0;  /* TxOffset is not required! */

    //Load it.
	if (p->TxCount & 1) {
		udpChecksum += v;
		} else
		udpChecksum += ((WORD)v << 8);
    //Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
    //If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.

    if ( p->TxCount >= UDPGetMaxDataLength() )
		udpChecksum = 0;
    return TRUE;
Пример #6
 * Function:        BOOL UDPPut(BYTE v)
 * PreCondition:    UDPIsPutReady() == TRUE with desired UDP socket
 *                  that is to be loaded.
 * Input:           v       - Data byte to loaded into transmit buffer
 * Output:          TRUE if transmit buffer is still ready to accept
 *                  more data bytes
 *                  FALSE if transmit buffer can no longer accept
 *                  any more data byte.
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        Given data byte is put into UDP transmit buffer
 *                  and active UDP socket buffer length is incremented
 *                  by one.
 *                  If buffer has become full, FALSE is returned.
 *                  Or else TRUE is returned.
 * Note:            This function loads data into an active UDP socket
 *                  as determined by previous call to UDPIsPutReady()
    WORD temp;
    WORD tempOffset;
    WORD tempCount;

    p = &UDPSocketInfo[activeUDPSocket];


    if ( tempCount == 0 )
        // This is the very first byte that is loaded in UDP buffer.
        // Remember what transmit buffer we are loading, and
        // start loading this and next bytes in data area of UDP packet.
        p->TxBuffer = MACGetTxBuffer(TRUE);

      // Make sure that we received a TX buffer
      if(p->TxBuffer == INVALID_BUFFER)
         return FALSE;

        IPSetTxBuffer(p->TxBuffer, sizeof(UDP_HEADER));

        p->TxOffset = 0;


   /*if (v>=0x20)
      debug_udp("-%c", v);
      debug_udp("-0x%X", v);*/
    // Load it.

    // Keep track of number of bytes loaded.
    // If total bytes fill up buffer, transmit it.
    if (tempOffset >= tempCount)

    /* //broken in ccs?
    if ( p->TxOffset++ >= p->TxCount )

#define SIZEOF_MAC_HEADER       (14)

    // Depending on what communication media is used, allowable UDP
    // data length will vary.
#define MAX_UDP_DATA  (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(IP_HEADER) - sizeof(UDP_HEADER) )

   p->TxOffset = tempOffset;

    //temp = p->TxCount;
    //if ( temp >= MAX_UDP_DATA )
    p->TxCount = tempCount;
    if (tempCount >= MAX_UDP_DATA)

    return TRUE;