Пример #1
MPI_File ADIO_Open(MPI_Comm orig_comm,
		   MPI_Comm comm, const char *filename, int file_system,
		   ADIOI_Fns *ops,
		   int access_mode, ADIO_Offset disp, MPI_Datatype etype, 
		   MPI_Datatype filetype,
		   MPI_Info info, int perm, int *error_code)
    MPI_File mpi_fh;
    ADIO_File fd;
    int err, rank, procs;
    static char myname[] = "ADIO_OPEN";
    int  max_error_code;
    MPI_Info dupinfo;
    int syshints_processed, can_skip;
    char *p;

    *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* obtain MPI_File handle */
    mpi_fh = MPIO_File_create(sizeof(struct ADIOI_FileD));
    if (mpi_fh == MPI_FILE_NULL) {
	*error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code,
	goto fn_exit;

    fd = MPIO_File_resolve(mpi_fh);

    fd->cookie = ADIOI_FILE_COOKIE;
    fd->fp_ind = disp;
    fd->fp_sys_posn = 0;
    fd->comm = comm;       /* dup'ed in MPI_File_open */
    fd->filename = ADIOI_Strdup(filename);
    fd->file_system = file_system;
    fd->fs_ptr = NULL;

    fd->fns = ops;

    fd->disp = disp;
    fd->split_coll_count = 0;
    fd->shared_fp_fd = ADIO_FILE_NULL;
    fd->atomicity = 0;
    fd->etype = etype;          /* MPI_BYTE by default */
    fd->filetype = filetype;    /* MPI_BYTE by default */
    fd->etype_size = 1;  /* default etype is MPI_BYTE */

    fd->file_realm_st_offs = NULL;
    fd->file_realm_types = NULL;

    fd->perm = perm;

    fd->async_count = 0;

    fd->fortran_handle = -1;

    fd->err_handler = ADIOI_DFLT_ERR_HANDLER;

    fd->io_buf_window = MPI_WIN_NULL;
    fd->io_buf_put_amounts_window = MPI_WIN_NULL;

    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &procs);
/* create and initialize info object */
    fd->hints = (ADIOI_Hints *)ADIOI_Calloc(1, sizeof(struct ADIOI_Hints_struct));
    if (fd->hints == NULL) {
	*error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code,
	goto fn_exit;
    fd->hints->cb_config_list = NULL;
    fd->hints->ranklist = NULL;
    fd->hints->initialized = 0;
    fd->info = MPI_INFO_NULL;

    /* move system-wide hint processing *back* into open, but this time the
     * hintfile reader will do a scalable read-and-broadcast.  The global
     * ADIOI_syshints will get initialized at first open.  subsequent open
     * calls will just use result from first open.
     * We have two goals here:
     * 1: avoid processing the hintfile multiple times
     * 2: have all processes participate in hintfile processing (so we can read-and-broadcast)
     * a code might do an "initialize from 0", so we can only skip hint
     * processing once everyone has particpiated in hint processing */
    if (ADIOI_syshints == MPI_INFO_NULL)
	syshints_processed = 0;
	syshints_processed = 1;

    MPI_Allreduce(&syshints_processed, &can_skip, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, fd->comm);
    if (!can_skip) {
	if (ADIOI_syshints == MPI_INFO_NULL)
	ADIOI_process_system_hints(fd, ADIOI_syshints);

    ADIOI_incorporate_system_hints(info, ADIOI_syshints, &dupinfo);
    ADIO_SetInfo(fd, dupinfo, &err);
    if (dupinfo != MPI_INFO_NULL) {
	*error_code = MPI_Info_free(&dupinfo);
	if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
	    goto fn_exit;
    ADIOI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_filesystem_type", fd->fns->fsname);

    /* Instead of repeatedly allocating this buffer in collective read/write,
     * allocating up-front might make memory management on small platforms
     * (e.g. Blue Gene) more efficent */

    fd->io_buf = ADIOI_Malloc(fd->hints->cb_buffer_size);
     /* deferred open: 
     * we can only do this optimization if 'fd->hints->deferred_open' is set
     * (which means the user hinted 'no_indep_rw' and collective buffering).
     * Furthermore, we only do this if our collective read/write routines use
     * our generic function, and not an fs-specific routine (we can defer opens
     * only if we use our aggreagation code). */
    if (fd->hints->deferred_open && 
		    !(uses_generic_read(fd) \
			    && uses_generic_write(fd))) {
	    fd->hints->deferred_open = 0;
    if (ADIO_Feature(fd, ADIO_SCALABLE_OPEN))
	    /* disable deferred open on these fs so that scalable broadcast
	     * will always use the propper communicator */
	    fd->hints->deferred_open = 0;

    /* on BlueGene, the cb_config_list is built when hints are processed. No
     * one else does that right now */
    if (fd->hints->ranklist == NULL) {
	build_cb_config_list(fd, orig_comm, comm, rank, procs, error_code);
	if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) 
	    goto fn_exit;
    fd->is_open = 0;
    fd->my_cb_nodes_index = -2;
    fd->is_agg = is_aggregator(rank, fd);
    /* deferred open used to split the communicator to create an "aggregator
     * communicator", but we only used it as a way to indicate that deferred
     * open happened.  fd->is_open and fd->is_agg are sufficient */

    /* actual opens start here */
    /* generic open: one process opens to create the file, all others open */
    /* nfs open: everybody opens or else you'll end up with "file not found"
     * due to stupid nfs consistency semantics */
    /* scalable open: one process opens and broadcasts results to everyone */

    ADIOI_OpenColl(fd, rank, access_mode, error_code);

    /* for debugging, it can be helpful to see the hints selected. Some file
     * systes set up the hints in the open call (e.g. lustre) */
    p = getenv("ROMIO_PRINT_HINTS");
    if (rank == 0 && p != NULL ) {

    MPI_Allreduce(error_code, &max_error_code, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, comm);
    if (max_error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {

        /* If the file was successfully opened, close it */
        if (*error_code == MPI_SUCCESS) {
            /* in the deferred open case, only those who have actually
               opened the file should close it */
            if (fd->hints->deferred_open)  {
                if (fd->is_agg) {
                    (*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Close))(fd, error_code);
            else {
                (*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Close))(fd, error_code);
	if (fd->info != MPI_INFO_NULL) MPI_Info_free(&(fd->info));
        fd = ADIO_FILE_NULL;
	if (*error_code == MPI_SUCCESS)
	    *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,
					       MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname,
					       __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO,
					       "**oremote_fail", 0);

    return fd;
Пример #2
MPI_File ADIO_Open(MPI_Comm orig_comm,
		   MPI_Comm comm, char *filename, int file_system,
		   ADIOI_Fns *ops,
		   int access_mode, ADIO_Offset disp, MPI_Datatype etype, 
		   MPI_Datatype filetype,
		   int iomode /* ignored */,
		   MPI_Info info, int perm, int *error_code)
    MPI_File mpi_fh;
    ADIO_File fd;
    ADIO_cb_name_array array;
    int orig_amode_excl, orig_amode_wronly, err, rank, procs, agg_rank;
    char *value;
    static char myname[] = "ADIO_OPEN";

    int rank_ct, max_error_code;
    int *tmp_ranklist;
    MPI_Comm aggregator_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL; /* just for deferred opens */

    *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* obtain MPI_File handle */
    mpi_fh = MPIO_File_create(sizeof(struct ADIOI_FileD));
    if (mpi_fh == MPI_FILE_NULL) {
    fd = MPIO_File_resolve(mpi_fh);

    fd->cookie = ADIOI_FILE_COOKIE;
    fd->fp_ind = disp;
    fd->fp_sys_posn = 0;
    fd->comm = comm;       /* dup'ed in MPI_File_open */
    fd->filename = strdup(filename);
    fd->file_system = file_system;

    fd->fns = (ADIOI_Fns *) ADIOI_Malloc(sizeof(ADIOI_Fns));
    *fd->fns = *ops;

    fd->disp = disp;
    fd->split_coll_count = 0;
    fd->shared_fp_fd = ADIO_FILE_NULL;
    fd->atomicity = 0;
    fd->etype = etype;          /* MPI_BYTE by default */
    fd->filetype = filetype;    /* MPI_BYTE by default */
    fd->etype_size = 1;  /* default etype is MPI_BYTE */

    fd->perm = perm;

    fd->async_count = 0;

    fd->err_handler = ADIOI_DFLT_ERR_HANDLER;

/* create and initialize info object */
    fd->hints = (ADIOI_Hints *)ADIOI_Malloc(sizeof(struct ADIOI_Hints_struct));
    if (fd->hints == NULL) {
    fd->hints->cb_config_list = NULL;
    fd->hints->ranklist = NULL;
    fd->hints->initialized = 0;
    fd->info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
    ADIO_SetInfo(fd, info, &err);

/* gather the processor name array if we don't already have it */

/* this has to be done here so that we can cache the name array in both
 * the dup'd communicator (in case we want it later) and the original
 * communicator
    ADIOI_cb_gather_name_array(orig_comm, comm, &array);

/* parse the cb_config_list and create a rank map on rank 0 */
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
    if (rank == 0) {
	MPI_Comm_size(comm, &procs);
	tmp_ranklist = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(sizeof(int) * procs);
	if (tmp_ranklist == NULL) {

	rank_ct = ADIOI_cb_config_list_parse(fd->hints->cb_config_list, 
					     array, tmp_ranklist,

	/* store the ranklist using the minimum amount of memory */
	if (rank_ct > 0) {
	    fd->hints->ranklist = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(sizeof(int) * rank_ct);
	    memcpy(fd->hints->ranklist, tmp_ranklist, sizeof(int) * rank_ct);
	fd->hints->cb_nodes = rank_ct;
	value = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc((MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL+1)*sizeof(char));
	sprintf(value, "%d", rank_ct);
	MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "cb_nodes", value);
/* bcast the rank map (could do an allgather above and avoid
 * this...would that really be any better?)
    if (fd->hints->cb_nodes <= 0) {
	*error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,
					   myname, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO,
					   "**ioagnomatch", 0);
        goto fn_exit;

    /* deferred open: 
     * we can only do this if 'fd->hints->deferred_open' is set (which means
     * the user hinted 'no_indep_rw' and collective buffering).  Furthermore,
     * we only do this if our collective read/write routines use our generic
     * function, and not an fs-specific routine (we can defer opens only if we
     * use our aggreagation code). 
     * if we are an aggregator, create a new communicator.  we'll use this
     * aggregator communicator for opens and closes.  otherwise, we have a NULL
     * communicator until we try to do independent IO */
    fd->agg_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
    fd->is_open = 0;
    fd->io_worker = 0;
    if (fd->hints->deferred_open && 
		    ADIOI_Uses_generic_read(fd) &&
		    ADIOI_Uses_generic_write(fd) ) {
	    /* MPI_Comm_split will create a communication group of aggregators.
	     * for non-aggregators it will return MPI_COMM_NULL .  we rely on
	     * fd->agg_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL for non-aggregators in several
	     * tests in the code  */
	    if (is_aggregator(rank, fd)) {
		    MPI_Comm_split(fd->comm, 1, 0, &aggregator_comm);
		    fd->agg_comm = aggregator_comm;
		    MPI_Comm_rank(fd->agg_comm, &agg_rank);
		    if (agg_rank == 0) {
			    fd->io_worker = 1;
	    } else {
		    MPI_Comm_split(fd->comm, MPI_UNDEFINED, 0, &aggregator_comm);
		    fd->agg_comm = aggregator_comm;

    } else {
	    if (rank == 0) {
		    fd->io_worker = 1;

    orig_amode_excl = access_mode;

    /* we used to do this EXCL|CREAT workaround in MPI_File_open, but if we are
     * doing deferred open, we more easily know who the aggregators are in
     * ADIO_Open */
    if ((access_mode & MPI_MODE_CREATE) && (access_mode & MPI_MODE_EXCL)) {
       /* the open should fail if the file exists. Only *1* process should
	   check this. Otherwise, if all processes try to check and the file
	   does not exist, one process will create the file and others who
	   reach later will return error. */
       if(fd->io_worker) {
    		fd->access_mode = access_mode;
    		(*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Open))(fd, error_code);
		MPI_Bcast(error_code, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);
		/* if no error, close the file and reopen normally below */
		if (*error_code == MPI_SUCCESS) 
			(*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Close))(fd, error_code);
       else MPI_Bcast(error_code, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);

       if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {
           goto fn_exit;
       else {
           /* turn off EXCL for real open */
           access_mode = access_mode ^ MPI_MODE_EXCL; 

    /* if we are doing deferred open, non-aggregators should return now */
    if (fd->hints->deferred_open && 
		    ADIOI_Uses_generic_read(fd) &&
		    ADIOI_Uses_generic_write(fd) ) {
        if (fd->agg_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
            /* we might have turned off EXCL for the aggregators.
             * restore access_mode that non-aggregators get the right
             * value from get_amode */
            fd->access_mode = orig_amode_excl;
            *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS;
            goto fn_exit;

/* For writing with data sieving, a read-modify-write is needed. If 
   the file is opened for write_only, the read will fail. Therefore,
   if write_only, open the file as read_write, but record it as write_only
   in fd, so that get_amode returns the right answer. */

    orig_amode_wronly = access_mode;
    if (access_mode & ADIO_WRONLY) {
	access_mode = access_mode ^ ADIO_WRONLY;
	access_mode = access_mode | ADIO_RDWR;
    fd->access_mode = access_mode;

    (*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Open))(fd, error_code);

    /* if error, may be it was due to the change in amode above. 
       therefore, reopen with access mode provided by the user.*/ 
    fd->access_mode = orig_amode_wronly;  
    if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) 
        (*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Open))(fd, error_code);

    /* if we turned off EXCL earlier, then we should turn it back on */
    if (fd->access_mode != orig_amode_excl) fd->access_mode = orig_amode_excl;

    /* for deferred open: this process has opened the file (because if we are
     * not an aggregaor and we are doing deferred open, we returned earlier)*/
    fd->is_open = 1;

    MPI_Allreduce(error_code, &max_error_code, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, comm);
    if (max_error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {

        /* If the file was successfully opened, close it */
        if (*error_code == MPI_SUCCESS) {
            /* in the deferred open case, only those who have actually
               opened the file should close it */
            if (fd->hints->deferred_open && 
                ADIOI_Uses_generic_read(fd) &&
                ADIOI_Uses_generic_write(fd) ) {
                if (fd->agg_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
                    (*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Close))(fd, error_code);
            else {
                (*(fd->fns->ADIOI_xxx_Close))(fd, error_code);

	if (fd->fns) ADIOI_Free(fd->fns);
	if (fd->filename) free(fd->filename);
	if (fd->info != MPI_INFO_NULL) MPI_Info_free(&(fd->info));
        fd = ADIO_FILE_NULL;
	if (*error_code == MPI_SUCCESS)
	    *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,
					       MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname,
					       __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO,
					       "**oremote_fail", 0);

    return fd;