Пример #1
BOOLEAN IsSAMSiteFullOfMilitia( INT16 sSectorX, INT16 sSectorY )
	BOOLEAN fSamSitePresent = FALSE;
	INT32 iNumberOfMilitia = 0;
	INT32 iMaxNumber = 0;

	// check if SAM site is ours?
	fSamSitePresent = IsThisSectorASAMSector(  sSectorX, sSectorY, 0 );

	if( fSamSitePresent == FALSE )
		return( FALSE );

	if( SectorOursAndPeaceful( sSectorX, sSectorY, 0 ) )
		// don't count GREEN militia, they can be trained into regulars first
		iNumberOfMilitia += MilitiaInSectorOfRank( sSectorX, sSectorY, REGULAR_MILITIA );
		iNumberOfMilitia += MilitiaInSectorOfRank( sSectorX, sSectorY, ELITE_MILITIA );

	// now check the number of militia
	if ( iMaxNumber > iNumberOfMilitia )
		return( FALSE );

	return( TRUE );
Пример #2
UINT8 CountAllMilitiaInSector(INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY)
	UINT8 ubMilitiaTotal = 0;
	UINT8 ubRank;

	// find out if there are any town militia in this SECTOR (don't care about other sectors in same town)
	for( ubRank = 0; ubRank < MAX_MILITIA_LEVELS; ubRank++ )
		ubMilitiaTotal += MilitiaInSectorOfRank(sMapX, sMapY, ubRank);

Пример #3
BOOLEAN IsTownFullMilitia( INT8 bTownId )
	INT32 iCounter = 0;
	INT16 sSectorX = 0, sSectorY = 0;
	INT32 iNumberOfMilitia = 0;
	INT32 iMaxNumber = 0;

	while( pTownNamesList[ iCounter ] != 0 )
		if( pTownNamesList[ iCounter ] == bTownId )
			// get the sector x and y
			sSectorX = pTownLocationsList[ iCounter ] % MAP_WORLD_X;
			sSectorY = pTownLocationsList[ iCounter ] / MAP_WORLD_X;

			// if sector is ours get number of militia here
			if( SectorOursAndPeaceful( sSectorX, sSectorY, 0 ) )
				// don't count GREEN militia, they can be trained into regulars first
				iNumberOfMilitia += MilitiaInSectorOfRank( sSectorX, sSectorY, REGULAR_MILITIA );
				iNumberOfMilitia += MilitiaInSectorOfRank( sSectorX, sSectorY, ELITE_MILITIA );


	// now check the number of militia
	if ( iMaxNumber > iNumberOfMilitia )
		return( FALSE );

	return( TRUE );
Пример #4
// call this if the player attacks his own militia
void HandleMilitiaDefections(INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY)
	UINT8 ubRank;
	UINT8 ubMilitiaCnt;
	UINT8 ubCount;
	UINT32 uiChanceToDefect;

	for( ubRank = 0; ubRank < MAX_MILITIA_LEVELS; ubRank++ )
		ubMilitiaCnt = MilitiaInSectorOfRank(sMapX, sMapY, ubRank);

		// check each guy at each rank to see if he defects
		for (ubCount = 0; ubCount < ubMilitiaCnt; ubCount++)
			switch( ubRank )
					uiChanceToDefect = 50;
					uiChanceToDefect = 75;
					uiChanceToDefect = 90;
					Assert( 0 );

			// roll the bones; should I stay or should I go now?  (for you music fans out there)
			if (Random(100) < uiChanceToDefect)
				//B'bye!  (for you SNL fans out there)
				StrategicRemoveMilitiaFromSector(sMapX, sMapY, ubRank, 1);
void AddCommonInfoToBox(void)
	CHAR16 wString[ 64 ];
	UINT32 hStringHandle = 0;
	BOOLEAN fKnownSite = FALSE;
	UINT8 ubMilitiaTotal = 0;
	UINT8 ubNumEnemies;
	UINT16 usSectorValue = 0;

	// get the sector value
	usSectorValue = SECTOR( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );

	BOOLEAN fVisited = (SectorInfo[ usSectorValue ].uiFlags & SF_ALREADY_VISITED);
	UINT8 ubTownId = GetTownIdForSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );

	// visited sector check
	if ( fVisited )
		fKnownSite = TRUE;

	// known town check, to exclude non-town sectors
	else if( gfHiddenTown[ ubTownId ] && ubTownId != BLANK_SECTOR )
		fKnownSite = TRUE;
	// known SAM Site check
		for (UINT16 x=0; x < MAX_NUMBER_OF_SAMS; x++)
			if ( pSamList[x] == usSectorValue )
				if ( fSamSiteFound[ x ] )
					fKnownSite = TRUE;
	fKnownSite = TRUE;
	switch( usSectorValue )
		case SEC_D2: //Chitzena SAM
			if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_ONE ] )
				fKnownSite = FALSE;
		case SEC_D15: //Drassen SAM
			if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_TWO ] )
				fKnownSite = FALSE;
		case SEC_I8: //Cambria SAM
			if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_THREE ] )
				fKnownSite = FALSE;
		// SAM Site 4 in Meduna is within town limits, so it's always controllable

	// in sector where militia can be trained,
	// control of the sector matters, display who controls this sector.	Map brightness no longer gives this!
	if ( MilitiaTrainingAllowedInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, 0 ) && fKnownSite )
		// controlled:
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMiscSectorStrings[ 4 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// No/Yes
		swprintf( wString, L"%s", pwMiscSectorStrings[ ( StrategicMap[ CALCULATE_STRATEGIC_INDEX( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ].fEnemyControlled ) ? 6 : 5 ] );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// militia - is there any?
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 11 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		ubMilitiaTotal = CountAllMilitiaInSector(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY);
		if (ubMilitiaTotal > 0)
			// some militia, show total & their breakdown by level
			swprintf( wString, L"%d (%d/%d/%d)", ubMilitiaTotal,
												MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, GREEN_MILITIA),
												MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, REGULAR_MILITIA),
												MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, ELITE_MILITIA));
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			// no militia: don't bother displaying level breakdown
			wcscpy( wString, L"0");
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// HEADROCK HAM 3.6: Only show these for sectors that have a training facility
		BOOLEAN fMilitiaTrainingAllowed = FALSE;
		BOOLEAN fMobileTrainingAllowed = FALSE;

		// percentage of current militia squad training completed
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 10 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// Sector contains Militia training facility?
		for (UINT8 ubCounter = 0; ubCounter < MAX_NUM_FACILITY_TYPES; ubCounter++)
			if (gFacilityLocations[usSectorValue][ubCounter].fFacilityHere)
				if (gFacilityTypes[ubCounter].ubMilitiaTrainersAllowed)
					fMilitiaTrainingAllowed = TRUE;
		if (fMilitiaTrainingAllowed)
			// Show percent completed
			swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", SectorInfo[ usSectorValue ].ubMilitiaTrainingPercentDone );
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			// Show N/A
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, New113HAMMessage[19] );

		// HEADROCK HAM 3.6: percentage of current Mobile Militia squad training completed
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 12 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// Sector contains Mobile training facility?
		for (UINT8 ubCounter = 0; ubCounter < MAX_NUM_FACILITY_TYPES; ubCounter++)
			if (gFacilityLocations[usSectorValue][ubCounter].fFacilityHere)
				if (gFacilityTypes[ubCounter].ubMobileMilitiaTrainersAllowed)
					fMobileTrainingAllowed = TRUE;

		if (fMobileTrainingAllowed)
			// Show percentage completed
			swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", SectorInfo[ usSectorValue ].ubMobileMilitiaTrainingPercentDone );
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			// Show N/A
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, New113HAMMessage[19] );

	// enemy forces
	swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMiscSectorStrings[ 0 ] );
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// how many are there, really?
	ubNumEnemies = NumEnemiesInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );
	AssertGE(gGameExternalOptions.ubGameMaximumNumberOfEnemies, NumFreeEnemySlots());
	unsigned numEnemiesOnMap = gGameExternalOptions.ubGameMaximumNumberOfEnemies - NumFreeEnemySlots();

	switch ( WhatPlayerKnowsAboutEnemiesInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) )
			// show "Unknown"
			wcscpy(wString, pwMiscSectorStrings[ 3 ] );

		// HEADROCK HAM 5: New Case
			// if there are any there
			if ( ubNumEnemies > 0 )
				// show "?", but not exactly how many
				wcscpy(wString, L"?" );
				// we know there aren't any (or we'd be seing them on map, too)
				wcscpy(wString, L"0" );

		// HEADROCK HAM 5: New case
			// show exactly how many
			if (numEnemiesOnMap != ubNumEnemies)
				swprintf( wString, L"%d (%d)", numEnemiesOnMap, ubNumEnemies );
				swprintf( wString, L"%d", ubNumEnemies );

	AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
void AddCommonInfoToBox(void)
	CHAR16 wString[ 64 ];
	UINT32 hStringHandle = 0;
	UINT8 ubMilitiaTotal = 0;
	UINT8 ubNumEnemies;

	switch( SECTOR( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) )
		case SEC_D2: //Chitzena SAM
			if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_ONE ] )
				fUnknownSAMSite = TRUE;
		case SEC_D15: //Drassen SAM
			if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_TWO ] )
				fUnknownSAMSite = TRUE;
		case SEC_I8: //Cambria SAM
			if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_THREE ] )
				fUnknownSAMSite = TRUE;
		// SAM Site 4 in Meduna is within town limits, so it's always controllable

	// in sector where militia can be trained,
	// control of the sector matters, display who controls this sector.  Map brightness no longer gives this!
	if ( MilitiaTrainingAllowedInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, 0 ) && !fUnknownSAMSite )
		// controlled:
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMiscSectorStrings[ 4 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// No/Yes
		swprintf( wString, L"%s", pwMiscSectorStrings[ ( StrategicMap[ CALCULATE_STRATEGIC_INDEX( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ].fEnemyControlled ) ? 6 : 5 ] );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// militia - is there any?
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 11 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		ubMilitiaTotal = CountAllMilitiaInSector(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY);
		if (ubMilitiaTotal > 0)
			// some militia, show total & their breakdown by level
	 		swprintf( wString, L"%d  (%d/%d/%d)", ubMilitiaTotal,
												MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, GREEN_MILITIA),
												MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, REGULAR_MILITIA),
												MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, ELITE_MILITIA));
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			// no militia: don't bother displaying level breakdown
			wcscpy( wString, L"0");
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// percentage of current militia squad training completed
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 10 ] );
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", SectorInfo[ SECTOR( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ].ubMilitiaTrainingPercentDone );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// enemy forces
	swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMiscSectorStrings[ 0 ] );
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// how many are there, really?
	ubNumEnemies = NumEnemiesInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );
	switch ( WhatPlayerKnowsAboutEnemiesInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) )
			// show "Unknown"
			wcscpy(wString, pwMiscSectorStrings[ 3 ] );

			// if there are any there
			if ( ubNumEnemies > 0 )
				// show "?", but not exactly how many
				wcscpy(wString, L"?" );
				// we know there aren't any (or we'd be seing them on map, too)
				wcscpy(wString, L"0" );

			// show exactly how many
			swprintf( wString, L"%d", ubNumEnemies );

	AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
Пример #7
void TownMilitiaTrainingCompleted( SOLDIERTYPE *pTrainer, INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY )
	SECTORINFO *pSectorInfo = &( SectorInfo[ SECTOR( sMapX, sMapY ) ] );
	UINT8 ubMilitiaTrained = 0;
	BOOLEAN fFoundOne;
	INT16 sNeighbourX, sNeighbourY;
	UINT8 ubTownId;

	// get town index
	ubTownId = StrategicMap[ sMapX + sMapY * MAP_WORLD_X ].bNameId;

	if( ubTownId == BLANK_SECTOR )
		Assert( IsThisSectorASAMSector( sMapX, sMapY, 0 ) );

	// force tactical to update militia status
	gfStrategicMilitiaChangesMade = TRUE;

	// ok, so what do we do with all this training?  Well, in order of decreasing priority:
	// 1) If there's room in training sector, create new GREEN militia guys there
	// 2) If not enough room there, create new GREEN militia guys in friendly sectors of the same town
	// 3) If not enough room anywhere in town, promote a number of GREENs in this sector into regulars
	// 4) If not enough GREENS there to promote, promote GREENs in other sectors.
	// 5) If all friendly sectors of this town are completely filled with REGULAR militia, then training effect is wasted

	while (ubMilitiaTrained < MILITIA_TRAINING_SQUAD_SIZE)
		// is there room for another militia in the training sector itself?
		if (CountAllMilitiaInSector(sMapX, sMapY) < MAX_ALLOWABLE_MILITIA_PER_SECTOR)
			// great! Create a new GREEN militia guy in the training sector
			StrategicAddMilitiaToSector(sMapX, sMapY, GREEN_MILITIA, 1);
			fFoundOne = FALSE;

			if( ubTownId != BLANK_SECTOR )
				InitFriendlyTownSectorServer(ubTownId, sMapX, sMapY);

				// check other eligible sectors in this town for room for another militia
				while( ServeNextFriendlySectorInTown( &sNeighbourX, &sNeighbourY ) )
					// is there room for another militia in this neighbouring sector ?
					if (CountAllMilitiaInSector(sNeighbourX, sNeighbourY) < MAX_ALLOWABLE_MILITIA_PER_SECTOR)
						// great! Create a new GREEN militia guy in the neighbouring sector
						StrategicAddMilitiaToSector(sNeighbourX, sNeighbourY, GREEN_MILITIA, 1);

						fFoundOne = TRUE;

			// if we still haven't been able to train anyone
			if (!fFoundOne)
				// alrighty, then.  We'll have to *promote* guys instead.

				// are there any GREEN militia men in the training sector itself?
				if (MilitiaInSectorOfRank(sMapX, sMapY, GREEN_MILITIA) > 0)
					// great! Promote a GREEN militia guy in the training sector to a REGULAR
					StrategicPromoteMilitiaInSector(sMapX, sMapY, GREEN_MILITIA, 1);
					if( ubTownId != BLANK_SECTOR )
						// dammit! Last chance - try to find other eligible sectors in the same town with a Green guy to be promoted
						InitFriendlyTownSectorServer(ubTownId, sMapX, sMapY);

						// check other eligible sectors in this town for room for another militia
						while( ServeNextFriendlySectorInTown( &sNeighbourX, &sNeighbourY ) )
							// are there any GREEN militia men in the neighbouring sector ?
							if (MilitiaInSectorOfRank(sNeighbourX, sNeighbourY, GREEN_MILITIA) > 0)
								// great! Promote a GREEN militia guy in the neighbouring sector to a REGULAR
								StrategicPromoteMilitiaInSector(sNeighbourX, sNeighbourY, GREEN_MILITIA, 1);

								fFoundOne = TRUE;

					// if we still haven't been able to train anyone
					if (!fFoundOne)
						// Well, that's it.  All eligible sectors of this town are full of REGULARs or ELITEs.
						// The training goes to waste in this situation.
						break; // the main while loop

		// next, please!

	// if anyone actually got trained
	if (ubMilitiaTrained > 0)
		// update the screen display
		fMapPanelDirty = TRUE;

		if( ubTownId != BLANK_SECTOR )
			// loyalty in this town increases a bit because we obviously care about them...
			IncrementTownLoyalty( ubTownId, LOYALTY_BONUS_FOR_TOWN_TRAINING );


	// the trainer announces to player that he's finished his assignment.  Make his sector flash!
	AssignmentDone( pTrainer, TRUE, FALSE );

	// handle completion of town by training group
	HandleCompletionOfTownTrainingByGroupWithTrainer( pTrainer );
