Пример #1
// Description:
//      Send initialization/configuration bytes to the OLED controller.
static void __oledWriteInit(void){

    // Initialize the OLED display.
    OLED_RESET_HIGH();  // tie reset pin high
    delay1ms();         // wait for Vdd to become stable
    OLED_RESET_LOW();   // tie reset pin low
    delayxms(10);       // wait for reset
    OLED_RESET_HIGH();  // tie reset pin high

    // Send initialization commands (most of these are taken from the
    // Adafruit SSD1306 library).
    OLED_DISPLAY_OFF();         // turn off display
    OLED_CLOCK(8, 1);           // Fosc = speed 8, display clock = Fosc
    OLED_MULTIPLEX(64);         // MUX = 32
    OLED_VERTICAL_OFFSET(0);    // no vertical offset
    OLED_START_LINE(0);         // start at line 0 of RAM
    OLED_CHARGE_PUMP_ENABLE();  // enable 7.5V charge pump
    OLED_VERTICAL_MODE();       // use vertical addressing mode
    OLED_REVERSE_COLUMN();      // don't reverse column addressing
    OLED_REVERSE_ROW();         // reverse row addressing
    // Configure COM pins.
    OLED_CONTRAST(127);         // set contrast to 0.5
    // Period 1 = 15 DCLK, period 2 = 1 DCLK.
    OLED_VCOMH_077VCC();        // Vcomh deselect = 0.77 * Vcc
    OLED_DISPLAY_RESUME();      // resume display
    OLED_DISPLAY_NORMAL();      // normal display mode
    OLED_DISPLAY_ON();          // turn on OLED panel
Пример #2
 * @brief  : Configure the OLED.
 * @param  : Aucun.
 * @return : Rien.
void LBF_OLED_Init(uint16_t *fconf)
     * note : Procedure de configuration selon
     * la datasheet du densitron DD-160128FC-1A
    // display off, analog reset
    OLED_WriteReg(0x04, 0x01);
    // Power save mode : normal
    OLED_WriteReg(0x04, 0x00);
    // Display off
    OLED_WriteReg(0x06, 0x00);
    // Export1 internal clock and OSC operates with external resistor
    OLED_WriteReg(0x02, 0x01);

    // Iref controlled by external resistor
    OLED_WriteReg(0x80, 0x00);
    if(fconf[0] == 0xFFFF)
        // VALEURS PAR DEFAUTS ************************************************
        // Clock div ratio 1: freq setting 90Hz
        OLED_WriteReg(0x03, 0x30);
        // Driving current R G B - default R = 82uA / G = 56uA / B = 58uA
        OLED_WriteReg(0x10, 0x52);     // 0x52
        OLED_WriteReg(0x11, 0x38);     // 0x38
        OLED_WriteReg(0x12, 0x3A);     // 0x3A
        // Precharge time R G B
        OLED_WriteReg(0x08, 0x01);     // 0x04 / 0x01
        OLED_WriteReg(0x09, 0x01);     // 0x05 / 0x01
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0A, 0x01);     // 0x05 / 0x01
        // Precharge current R G B
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0B, 0x0A);     // 0x9D / 0x0A
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0C, 0x0A);     // 0x8C / 0x0A
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0D, 0x0A);     // 0x57 / 0x0A
        uint8_t freq;
        freq = (uint8_t)(fconf[1]/5) - 15;
        // Frame Frequency
//        OLED_WriteReg(0x03, (freq << 8));
        OLED_WriteReg(0x03, (freq << 4));
        // Driving current R G B
        OLED_WriteReg(0x10, (uint8_t)fconf[2]);
        OLED_WriteReg(0x11, (uint8_t)fconf[3]);
        OLED_WriteReg(0x12, (uint8_t)fconf[4]);
        // Precharge time R G B
        OLED_WriteReg(0x08, (uint8_t)fconf[5]);
        OLED_WriteReg(0x09, (uint8_t)fconf[6]);
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0A, (uint8_t)fconf[7]);
        // Precharge current R G B
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0B, (uint8_t)fconf[8]);
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0C, (uint8_t)fconf[9]);
        OLED_WriteReg(0x0D, (uint8_t)fconf[10]);

//    * Display mode set :
//     *  - RGB
//     *  - Column = 0->159
//     *  - Column data display = Normal display
//     *
    OLED_WriteReg(0x13, 0x00);
    // External interface mode=MPU
    OLED_WriteReg(0x14, 0x31);     // 0x01 ?
//   * Memory write mode :
//     *  - 8 bits dual transfer
//     *  - 65K support
//     *  - Horizontal address counter is increased
//     *  - Vertical address counter is increased
//     *  - The data is continuously written horizontally
//     *
    OLED_WriteReg(0x16, 0x66);
    // Duty = 128
    OLED_WriteReg(0x28, 0x7F);
    // Display start on line 0
    OLED_WriteReg(0x29, 0x00);
    //DDRAM read address start point 0x2E~0x2F
    OLED_WriteReg(0x2E, 0x00);     // X
    OLED_WriteReg(0x2F, 0x00);     // Y
    // Display screen saver size 0x33~0x36
    OLED_WriteReg(0x33, 0x00);     // Screen saver columns start
    OLED_WriteReg(0x34, 0x9F);     // Screen saver columns end
    OLED_WriteReg(0x35, 0x00);     // Screen saver row start
    OLED_WriteReg(0x36, 0x7F);     // Screen saver row end
    // CLEAR SCREEN !!
    // Display ON
    OLED_WriteReg(0x06, 0x01);
