Пример #1
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Insert the point at the center of the CSide connecting two segments between the two points.
// This is messy because we must insert into the list.  The simplest (and not too slow) way to do this is to start
// at the end of the list and go backwards.
int InsertCenterPoints (tPointSeg *pointSegP, int numPoints)
	int	i, j;

for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
	j = i + 2;
	InsertTransitPoint (pointSegP + i + 1, pointSegP + i, pointSegP + j, pointSegP [j].nConnSide);
return OptimizePath (pointSegP, numPoints);
Пример #2

  Returns true if there is a path all the way to the goal.
bool FindOptimalPath( const pathNode_t *root, const obstacle_t *obstacles, int numObstacles, const float height, const idVec3 &curDir, idVec3 &seekPos ) {
	int i, numPathPoints, bestNumPathPoints;
	const pathNode_t *node, *lastNode, *bestNode;
	idVec2 optimizedPath[MAX_OBSTACLE_PATH];
	float pathLength, bestPathLength;
	bool pathToGoalExists, optimizedPathCalculated;

	seekPos.z = height;

	pathToGoalExists = false;
	optimizedPathCalculated = false;

	bestNode = root;
	bestNumPathPoints = 0;
	bestPathLength = idMath::INFINITY;

	node = root;
	while( node ) {

		pathToGoalExists |= ( node->dist < 0.1f );

		if ( node->dist <= bestNode->dist ) {

			if ( idMath::Fabs( node->dist - bestNode->dist ) < 0.1f ) {

				if ( !optimizedPathCalculated ) {
					bestNumPathPoints = OptimizePath( root, bestNode, obstacles, numObstacles, optimizedPath );
					bestPathLength = PathLength( optimizedPath, bestNumPathPoints, curDir.ToVec2() );
					seekPos.ToVec2() = optimizedPath[1];

				numPathPoints = OptimizePath( root, node, obstacles, numObstacles, optimizedPath );
				pathLength = PathLength( optimizedPath, numPathPoints, curDir.ToVec2() );

				if ( pathLength < bestPathLength ) {
					bestNode = node;
					bestNumPathPoints = numPathPoints;
					bestPathLength = pathLength;
					seekPos.ToVec2() = optimizedPath[1];
				optimizedPathCalculated = true;

			} else {

				bestNode = node;
				optimizedPathCalculated = false;

		if ( node->children[0] ) {
			node = node->children[0];
		} else if ( node->children[1] ) {
			node = node->children[1];
		} else {
			for ( lastNode = node, node = node->parent; node; lastNode = node, node = node->parent ) {
				if ( node->children[1] && node->children[1] != lastNode ) {
					node = node->children[1];

	if ( !pathToGoalExists ) {
		seekPos.ToVec2() = root->children[0]->pos;
	} else if ( !optimizedPathCalculated ) {
		OptimizePath( root, bestNode, obstacles, numObstacles, optimizedPath );
		seekPos.ToVec2() = optimizedPath[1];

	if ( ai_showObstacleAvoidance.GetBool() ) {
		idVec3 start, end;
		start.z = end.z = height + 4.0f;
		numPathPoints = OptimizePath( root, bestNode, obstacles, numObstacles, optimizedPath );
		for ( i = 0; i < numPathPoints-1; i++ ) {
			start.ToVec2() = optimizedPath[i];
			end.ToVec2() = optimizedPath[i+1];
			gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorCyan, start, end, 1 );

	return pathToGoalExists;
Пример #3
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Create a path from objP->info.position.vPos to the center of nEndSeg.
//	Return a list of (segment_num, point_locations) at pointSegP
//	Return number of points in *numPoints.
//	if nMaxDepth == -1, then there is no maximum depth.
//	If unable to create path, return -1, else return 0.
//	If randomFlag !0, then introduce randomness into path by looking at sides in random order.  This means
//	that a path between two segments won't always be the same, unless it is unique.p.
//	If bSafeMode is set, then additional points are added to "make sure" that points are reachable.p.  I would
//	like to say that it ensures that the CObject can move between the points, but that would require knowing what
//	the CObject is (which isn't passed, right?) and making fvi calls (slow, right?).  So, consider it the more_or_less_safeFlag.
//	If nEndSeg == -2, then end seg will never be found and this routine will drop out due to depth (xProbably called by CreateNSegmentPath).
int CreatePathPoints (CObject *objP, int nStartSeg, int nEndSeg, tPointSeg *pointSegP, short *numPoints,
							 int nMaxDepth, int bRandom, int bSafeMode, int nAvoidSeg)
	short				nCurSeg;
	short				nSide, hSide;
	int				qTail = 0, qHead = 0;
	int				h, i, j;
	sbyte				bVisited [MAX_SEGMENTS_D2X];
	segQueueEntry	segmentQ [MAX_SEGMENTS_D2X];
	short				depth [MAX_SEGMENTS_D2X];
	int				nCurDepth;
	sbyte				randomXlate [MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT];
	tPointSeg		*origPointSegs = pointSegP;
	int				lNumPoints;
	CSegment			*segP;
	CFixVector		vCenter;
	int				nParentSeg, nDestSeg;
	tFVIQuery		fq;
	tFVIData			hitData;
	int				hitType;
	int				bAvoidPlayer;

ValidateAllPaths ();

if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) && (objP->cType.aiInfo.behavior == AIB_RUN_FROM) && (nAvoidSeg != -32767)) {
	bRandom = 1;
	nAvoidSeg = gameData.objs.consoleP->info.nSegment;
bAvoidPlayer = gameData.objs.consoleP->info.nSegment == nAvoidSeg;
if (nMaxDepth == -1)
lNumPoints = 0;
memset (bVisited, 0, sizeof (bVisited [0]) * gameData.segs.nSegments);
memset (depth, 0, sizeof (depth [0]) * gameData.segs.nSegments);
//	If there is a CSegment we're not allowed to visit, mark it.
if (nAvoidSeg != -1) {
	Assert (nAvoidSeg <= gameData.segs.nLastSegment);
	if ((nStartSeg != nAvoidSeg) && (nEndSeg != nAvoidSeg)) {
		bVisited [nAvoidSeg] = 1;
		depth [nAvoidSeg] = 0;

nCurSeg = nStartSeg;
bVisited [nCurSeg] = 1;
nCurDepth = 0;

#if DBG
if (objP->Index () == nDbgObj)
	nDbgObj = nDbgObj;
if (bRandom)
	CreateRandomXlate (randomXlate);
nCurSeg = nStartSeg;
bVisited [nCurSeg] = 1;
while (nCurSeg != nEndSeg) {
	segP = SEGMENTS + nCurSeg;
	if (bRandom && (d_rand () < 8192))	//create a different xlate at random time intervals
		CreateRandomXlate (randomXlate);

	for (nSide = 0; nSide < MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT; nSide++) {
		hSide = bRandom ? randomXlate [nSide] : nSide;
		if (!IS_CHILD (segP->m_children [hSide]))
		if (!((segP->IsDoorWay (hSide, NULL) & WID_FLY_FLAG) ||
			  (AIDoorIsOpenable (objP, segP, hSide))))
		nDestSeg = segP->m_children [hSide];
		if (bVisited [nDestSeg])
		if (bAvoidPlayer && ((nCurSeg == nAvoidSeg) || (nDestSeg == nAvoidSeg))) {
			vCenter = segP->SideCenter (hSide);
			fq.p0					= &objP->info.position.vPos;
			fq.startSeg			= objP->info.nSegment;
			fq.p1					= &vCenter;
			fq.radP0				=
			fq.radP1				= objP->info.xSize;
			fq.thisObjNum		= objP->Index ();
			fq.ignoreObjList	= NULL;
			fq.flags				= 0;
			fq.bCheckVisibility = false;
			hitType = FindVectorIntersection (&fq, &hitData);
			if (hitType != HIT_NONE)
		if (nDestSeg < 0)
		if (nCurSeg < 0)
		segmentQ [qTail].start = nCurSeg;
		segmentQ [qTail].end = nDestSeg;
		segmentQ [qTail].nConnSide = (ubyte) hSide;
		bVisited [nDestSeg] = 1;
		depth [qTail++] = nCurDepth + 1;
		if (depth [qTail-1] == nMaxDepth) {
			nEndSeg = segmentQ [qTail-1].end;
			goto pathTooLong;
			}	// end if (depth [...
		}	//	for (nSide.p...

	if (qHead >= qTail) {
		//	Couldn't get to goal, return a path as far as we got, which is probably acceptable to the unparticular caller.
		nEndSeg = segmentQ [qTail-1].end;
	nCurSeg = segmentQ [qHead].end;
	nCurDepth = depth [qHead];

pathTooLong: ;
	}	//	while (nCurSeg ...
//	Set qTail to the CSegment which ends at the goal.
while (segmentQ [--qTail].end != nEndSeg)
	if (qTail < 0) {
		*numPoints = lNumPoints;
		return -1;
for (i = qTail; i >= 0; ) {
	nParentSeg = segmentQ [i].start;
	if (nParentSeg == nStartSeg)
	while (segmentQ [--i].end != nParentSeg)
		Assert (i >= 0);

if (bSafeMode && ((pointSegP - gameData.ai.routeSegs) + 2 * lNumPoints + 1 >= LEVEL_POINT_SEGS)) {
	//	Ouch! Cannot insert center points in path.  So return unsafe path.
	console.printf (CON_DBG, "Resetting all paths because of bSafeMode.p.\n");
	AIResetAllPaths ();
	*numPoints = lNumPoints;
	return -1;
pointSegP->nSegment = nStartSeg;
pointSegP->point = SEGMENTS [nStartSeg].Center ();
if (bSafeMode)
	lNumPoints *= 2;
j = lNumPoints++;
h = bSafeMode + 1;
for (i = qTail; i >= 0; j -= h) {
	nDestSeg = segmentQ [i].end;
	nParentSeg = segmentQ [i].start;
	pointSegP [j].nSegment = nDestSeg;
	pointSegP [j].point = SEGMENTS [nDestSeg].Center ();
	pointSegP [j].nConnSide = segmentQ [i].nConnSide;
	if (nParentSeg == nStartSeg)
	while (segmentQ [--i].end != nParentSeg)
		Assert (qTail >= 0);
if (bSafeMode) {
	for (i = 0; i < lNumPoints - 1; i = j) {
		j = i + 2;
		InsertTransitPoint (pointSegP + i + 1, pointSegP + i, pointSegP + j, pointSegP [j].nConnSide);
	lNumPoints = OptimizePath (pointSegP, lNumPoints);
pointSegP += lNumPoints;

ValidatePath (2, origPointSegs, lNumPoints);

ValidatePath (3, origPointSegs, lNumPoints);

// -- MK, 10/30/95 -- This code causes apparent discontinuities in the path, moving a point
//	into a new CSegment.  It is not necessarily bad, but it makes it hard to track down actual
//	discontinuity xProblems.
if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) && ROBOTINFO (objP->info.nId).companion)
	MoveTowardsOutside (origPointSegs, &lNumPoints, objP, 0);

ValidatePath (4, origPointSegs, lNumPoints);

*numPoints = lNumPoints;
return 0;