 * @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnDestruct}
static DECLCALLBACK(int) gimdevR3Destruct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns)
    PGIMDEV  pThis    = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PGIMDEV);
    PVM      pVM      = PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns);
    uint32_t cRegions = 0;

    PGIMMMIO2REGION pCur = GIMR3GetMmio2Regions(pVM, &cRegions);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRegions; i++, pCur++)
        int rc = PDMDevHlpMMIOExDeregister(pDevIns, NULL, pCur->iRegion);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return rc;

     * Signal and wait for the debug thread to terminate.
    if (pThis->hDbgRecvThread != NIL_RTTHREAD)
        pThis->fDbgRecvThreadShutdown = true;
        if (pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem != NIL_RTSEMEVENT)

        int rc = RTThreadWait(pThis->hDbgRecvThread, 20000, NULL /*prc*/);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            pThis->hDbgRecvThread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
            LogRel(("GIMDev: Debug thread did not terminate, rc=%Rrc!\n", rc));
            return VERR_RESOURCE_BUSY;

     * Now clean up the semaphore & buffer now that the thread is gone.
    if (pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem != NIL_RTSEMEVENT)
        pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI;
    if (pThis->Dbg.pvDbgRecvBuf)
        pThis->Dbg.pvDbgRecvBuf = NULL;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
 * Executes the VMMDEV_TESTING_CMD_VALUE_REG command when the data is ready.
 * @param   pDevIns             The PDM device instance.
 * @param   pThis               The instance VMMDev data.
static void vmmdevTestingCmdExec_ValueReg(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, VMMDevState *pThis)
    char *pszRegNm = strchr(pThis->TestingData.String.sz, ':');
    if (pszRegNm)
        *pszRegNm++ = '\0';
        pszRegNm = RTStrStrip(pszRegNm);
    char        *pszValueNm = RTStrStrip(pThis->TestingData.String.sz);
    size_t const cchValueNm = strlen(pszValueNm);
    if (cchValueNm && pszRegNm && *pszRegNm)
        PUVM        pUVM  = PDMDevHlpGetUVM(pDevIns);
        PVM         pVM   = PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns);
        VMCPUID     idCpu = VMMGetCpuId(pVM);
        uint64_t    u64Value;
        int rc2 = DBGFR3RegNmQueryU64(pUVM, idCpu, pszRegNm, &u64Value);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
            const char *pszWarn = rc2 == VINF_DBGF_TRUNCATED_REGISTER ? " truncated" : "";
#if 1 /*!RTTestValue format*/
            char szFormat[128], szValue[128];
            RTStrPrintf(szFormat, sizeof(szFormat), "%%VR{%s}", pszRegNm);
            rc2 = DBGFR3RegPrintf(pUVM, idCpu, szValue, sizeof(szValue), szFormat);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
                VMMDEV_TESTING_OUTPUT(("testing: VALUE '%s'%*s: %16s {reg=%s}%s\n",
                                       (ssize_t)cchValueNm - 12 > 48 ? 0 : 48 - ((ssize_t)cchValueNm - 12), "",
                                       szValue, pszRegNm, pszWarn));
                VMMDEV_TESTING_OUTPUT(("testing: VALUE '%s'%*s: %'9llu (%#llx) [0] {reg=%s}%s\n",
                                       (ssize_t)cchValueNm - 12 > 48 ? 0 : 48 - ((ssize_t)cchValueNm - 12), "",
                                       u64Value, u64Value, pszRegNm, pszWarn));
            VMMDEV_TESTING_OUTPUT(("testing: error querying register '%s' for value '%s': %Rrc\n",
                                   pszRegNm, pszValueNm, rc2));
        VMMDEV_TESTING_OUTPUT(("testing: malformed register value '%s'/'%s'\n", pszValueNm, pszRegNm));
/** @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnConstruct} */
static DECLCALLBACK(int) ox958R3Construct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfg)
    PDEVOX958   pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PDEVOX958);
    bool        fRCEnabled = true;
    bool        fR0Enabled = true;
    bool        fMsiXSupported = false;
    int         rc;


     * Validate and read configuration.
    if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfg, "RCEnabled\0"
                                N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: Unknown option specified"));

    rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "RCEnabled", &fRCEnabled, true);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: Failed to read \"RCEnabled\" as boolean"));

    rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "R0Enabled", &fR0Enabled, true);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: failed to read \"R0Enabled\" as boolean"));

    rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "MsiXSupported", &fMsiXSupported, true);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: failed to read \"MsiXSupported\" as boolean"));

    rc = CFGMR3QueryU32Def(pCfg, "UartCount", &pThis->cUarts, OX958_UARTS_MAX);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: failed to read \"UartCount\" as unsigned 32bit integer"));

    if (!pThis->cUarts || pThis->cUarts > OX958_UARTS_MAX)
        return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                   N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: \"UartCount\" has invalid value %u (must be in range [1 .. %u]"),
                                   pThis->cUarts, OX958_UARTS_MAX);

     * Init instance data.
    pThis->fR0Enabled            = fR0Enabled;
    pThis->fRCEnabled            = fRCEnabled;
    pThis->pDevInsR3             = pDevIns;
    pThis->pDevInsR0             = PDMDEVINS_2_R0PTR(pDevIns);
    pThis->pDevInsRC             = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns);

    /* Fill PCI config space. */
    PDMPciDevSetVendorId         (&pThis->PciDev, OX958_PCI_VENDOR_ID);
    PDMPciDevSetDeviceId         (&pThis->PciDev, OX958_PCI_DEVICE_ID);
    PDMPciDevSetCommand          (&pThis->PciDev, 0x0000);
    PDMPciDevSetStatus           (&pThis->PciDev, VBOX_PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST);
    PDMPciDevSetCapabilityList   (&pThis->PciDev, OX958_PCI_MSI_CAP_OFS);
    PDMPciDevSetCapabilityList   (&pThis->PciDev, 0x70);
    PDMPciDevSetRevisionId       (&pThis->PciDev, 0x00);
    PDMPciDevSetClassBase        (&pThis->PciDev, 0x07); /* Communication controller. */
    PDMPciDevSetClassSub         (&pThis->PciDev, 0x00); /* Serial controller. */
    PDMPciDevSetClassProg        (&pThis->PciDev, 0x02); /* 16550. */

    PDMPciDevSetRevisionId       (&pThis->PciDev, 0x00);
    PDMPciDevSetSubSystemVendorId(&pThis->PciDev, OX958_PCI_VENDOR_ID);
    PDMPciDevSetSubSystemId      (&pThis->PciDev, OX958_PCI_DEVICE_ID);

    PDMPciDevSetInterruptLine       (&pThis->PciDev, 0x00);
    PDMPciDevSetInterruptPin        (&pThis->PciDev, 0x01);
    /** @todo More Capabilities. */

    rc = PDMDevHlpSetDeviceCritSect(pDevIns, PDMDevHlpCritSectGetNop(pDevIns));
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

     * Register PCI device and I/O region.
    rc = PDMDevHlpPCIRegister(pDevIns, &pThis->PciDev);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

    MsiReg.cMsiVectors     = 1;
    MsiReg.iMsiCapOffset   = OX958_PCI_MSI_CAP_OFS;
    MsiReg.iMsiNextOffset  = OX958_PCI_MSIX_CAP_OFS;
    MsiReg.fMsi64bit       = true;
    if (fMsiXSupported)
        MsiReg.cMsixVectors    = VBOX_MSIX_MAX_ENTRIES;
        MsiReg.iMsixCapOffset  = OX958_PCI_MSIX_CAP_OFS;
        MsiReg.iMsixNextOffset = 0x00;
        MsiReg.iMsixBar        = OX958_PCI_MSIX_BAR;
    rc = PDMDevHlpPCIRegisterMsi(pDevIns, &MsiReg);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        PCIDevSetCapabilityList(&pThis->PciDev, 0x0);
        /* That's OK, we can work without MSI */

    rc = PDMDevHlpPCIIORegionRegister(pDevIns, 0, _16K, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM, ox958R3Map);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

    PVM pVM = PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns);
    RTR0PTR pfnSerialIrqReqR0 = NIL_RTR0PTR;
    RTRCPTR pfnSerialIrqReqRC = NIL_RTRCPTR;

    if (   fRCEnabled
        rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, pDevIns->pReg->szRCMod, "ox958IrqReq", &pfnSerialIrqReqRC);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return rc;

    if (fR0Enabled)
        rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolR0(pVM, pDevIns->pReg->szR0Mod, "ox958IrqReq", &pfnSerialIrqReqR0);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return rc;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pThis->cUarts; i++)
        POX958UART pUart = &pThis->aUarts[i];
        rc = uartR3Init(&pUart->UartCore, pDevIns, UARTTYPE_16550A, i, 0, ox958IrqReq, pfnSerialIrqReqR0, pfnSerialIrqReqRC);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("OXPCIe958 configuration error: failed to initialize UART %u"), i);

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
static DECLCALLBACK(int) gimDevR3DbgRecvThread(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser)

     * Validate.
    AssertReturn(pDevIns, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

    AssertReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    AssertReturn(pThis->DbgSetup.cbDbgRecvBuf, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
    AssertReturn(pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem != NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2);
    AssertReturn(pThis->Dbg.pvDbgRecvBuf, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3);

    PVM pVM = PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns);
    AssertReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);

    PPDMISTREAM pDbgDrvStream = pThis->Dbg.pDbgDrvStream;
    AssertReturn(pDbgDrvStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);

    for (;;)
         * Read incoming debug data.
        size_t cbRead = pThis->DbgSetup.cbDbgRecvBuf;
        int rc = pDbgDrvStream->pfnRead(pDbgDrvStream, pThis->Dbg.pvDbgRecvBuf, &cbRead);
        if (   RT_SUCCESS(rc)
            && cbRead > 0)
             * Notify the consumer thread.
            if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&pThis->Dbg.fDbgRecvBufRead) == false)
                if (pThis->DbgSetup.pfnDbgRecvBufAvail)
                pThis->Dbg.cbDbgRecvBufRead = cbRead;
                ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->Dbg.fDbgRecvBufRead, true);

             * Wait until the consumer thread has acknowledged reading of the
             * current buffer or we're asked to shut down.
             * It is important that we do NOT re-invoke 'pfnRead' before the
             * current buffer is consumed, otherwise we risk data corruption.
            while (   ASMAtomicReadBool(&pThis->Dbg.fDbgRecvBufRead) == true
                   && !pThis->fDbgRecvThreadShutdown)
                RTSemEventMultiWait(pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
#ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
        else if (rc == VERR_NET_CONNECTION_REFUSED)
             * With the current, simplistic PDMISTREAM interface, this is the best we can do.
             * Even using RTSocketSelectOne[Ex] on Linux returns immediately with 'ready-to-read'
             * on localhost UDP sockets that are not connected on the other end.
            /** @todo Fix socket waiting semantics on localhost Linux unconnected UDP sockets. */
        else if (   rc != VINF_TRY_AGAIN
                 && rc != VERR_TRY_AGAIN
                 && rc != VERR_NET_CONNECTION_RESET_BY_PEER)
            LogRel(("GIMDev: Debug thread terminating with rc=%Rrc\n", rc));

        if (pThis->fDbgRecvThreadShutdown)
            LogRel(("GIMDev: Debug thread shutting down\n"));

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnConstruct}
static DECLCALLBACK(int) gimdevR3Construct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfg)
    RT_NOREF2(iInstance, pCfg);
    Assert(iInstance == 0);

     * Initialize relevant state bits.
    pThis->pDevInsR3  = pDevIns;
    pThis->pDevInsR0  = PDMDEVINS_2_R0PTR(pDevIns);
    pThis->pDevInsRC  = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns);

     * Get debug setup requirements from GIM.
    PVM pVM = PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns);
    int rc = GIMR3GetDebugSetup(pVM, &pThis->DbgSetup);
    if (   RT_SUCCESS(rc)
        && pThis->DbgSetup.cbDbgRecvBuf > 0)
         * Attach the stream driver for the debug connection.
        PPDMISTREAM pDbgDrvStream = NULL;
        pThis->IDbgBase.pfnQueryInterface = gimdevR3QueryInterface;
        rc = PDMDevHlpDriverAttach(pDevIns, GIMDEV_DEBUG_LUN, &pThis->IDbgBase, &pThis->pDbgDrvBase, "GIM Debug Port");
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            pDbgDrvStream = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pThis->pDbgDrvBase, PDMISTREAM);
            if (pDbgDrvStream)
                LogRel(("GIMDev: LUN#%u: Debug port configured\n", GIMDEV_DEBUG_LUN));
                LogRel(("GIMDev: LUN#%u: No unit\n", GIMDEV_DEBUG_LUN));
                rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2;
            pThis->pDbgDrvBase = NULL;
            LogRel(("GIMDev: LUN#%u: No debug port configured! rc=%Rrc\n", GIMDEV_DEBUG_LUN, rc));

        if (!pDbgDrvStream)
            Assert(rc != VINF_SUCCESS);
            return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("Debug port configuration expected when GIM configured with debugging support"));

        void *pvDbgRecvBuf = RTMemAllocZ(pThis->DbgSetup.cbDbgRecvBuf);
        if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pvDbgRecvBuf))
            LogRel(("GIMDev: Failed to alloc %u bytes for debug receive buffer\n", pThis->DbgSetup.cbDbgRecvBuf));
            return VERR_NO_MEMORY;

         * Update the shared debug struct.
        pThis->Dbg.pDbgDrvStream    = pDbgDrvStream;
        pThis->Dbg.pvDbgRecvBuf     = pvDbgRecvBuf;
        pThis->Dbg.cbDbgRecvBufRead = 0;
        pThis->Dbg.fDbgRecvBufRead  = false;

         * Create the sempahore and the debug receive thread itself.
        rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate(&pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThis->hDbgRecvThread, gimDevR3DbgRecvThread, pDevIns, 0 /*cbStack*/, RTTHREADTYPE_IO,
                                RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "GIMDebugRecv");
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                pThis->Dbg.hDbgRecvThreadSem = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI;

                pThis->Dbg.pvDbgRecvBuf = NULL;
                return rc;
            return rc;

     * Register this device with the GIM component.
    GIMR3GimDeviceRegister(pVM, pDevIns, pThis->DbgSetup.cbDbgRecvBuf ? &pThis->Dbg : NULL);

     * Get the MMIO2 regions from the GIM provider.
    uint32_t cRegions = 0;
    PGIMMMIO2REGION pRegionsR3 = GIMR3GetMmio2Regions(pVM, &cRegions);
    if (   cRegions
        && pRegionsR3)
         * Register the MMIO2 regions.
        PGIMMMIO2REGION pCur = pRegionsR3;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRegions; i++, pCur++)
            rc = PDMDevHlpMMIO2Register(pDevIns, NULL, pCur->iRegion, pCur->cbRegion, 0 /* fFlags */, &pCur->pvPageR3,
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                return rc;

            pCur->fRegistered = true;

#if defined(VBOX_WITH_2X_4GB_ADDR_SPACE)
            RTR0PTR pR0Mapping = 0;
            rc = PDMDevHlpMMIO2MapKernel(pDevIns, NULL, pCur->iRegion, 0 /* off */, pCur->cbRegion, pCur->szDescription,
            AssertLogRelMsgRCReturn(rc, ("PDMDevHlpMapMMIO2IntoR0(%#x,) -> %Rrc\n", pCur->cbRegion, rc), rc);
            pCur->pvPageR0 = pR0Mapping;
            pCur->pvPageR0 = (RTR0PTR)pCur->pvPageR3;

             * Map into RC if required.
            if (pCur->fRCMapping)
                RTRCPTR pRCMapping = 0;
                rc = PDMDevHlpMMHyperMapMMIO2(pDevIns, NULL, pCur->iRegion, 0 /* off */, pCur->cbRegion, pCur->szDescription,
                AssertLogRelMsgRCReturn(rc, ("PDMDevHlpMMHyperMapMMIO2(%#x,) -> %Rrc\n", pCur->cbRegion, rc), rc);
                pCur->pvPageRC = pRCMapping;
                pCur->pvPageRC = NIL_RTRCPTR;

            LogRel(("GIMDev: Registered %s\n", pCur->szDescription));

    /** @todo Register SSM: PDMDevHlpSSMRegister(). */
    /** @todo Register statistics: STAM_REG(). */
    /** @todo Register DBGFInfo: PDMDevHlpDBGFInfoRegister(). */

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
 * Construct the DMI table.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pDevIns             The device instance.
 * @param   pTable              Where to create the DMI table.
 * @param   cbMax               The maximum size of the DMI table.
 * @param   pUuid               Pointer to the UUID to use if the DmiUuid
 *                              configuration string isn't present.
 * @param   pCfg                The handle to our config node.
 * @param   cCpus               Number of VCPUs.
 * @param   pcbDmiTables        Size of DMI data in bytes.
 * @param   pcNumDmiTables      Number of DMI tables.
int FwCommonPlantDMITable(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint8_t *pTable, unsigned cbMax, PCRTUUID pUuid, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint16_t cCpus, uint16_t *pcbDmiTables, uint16_t *pcNumDmiTables)
#define CHECKSIZE(cbWant) \
    { \
        size_t cbNeed = (size_t)(pszStr + cbWant - (char *)pTable) + 5; /* +1 for strtab terminator +4 for end-of-table entry */ \
        if (cbNeed > cbMax) \
        { \
            if (fHideErrors) \
            { \
                LogRel(("One of the DMI strings is too long -- using default DMI data!\n")); \
                continue; \
            } \
            return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA, RT_SRC_POS, \
                                       N_("One of the DMI strings is too long. Check all bios/Dmi* configuration entries. At least %zu bytes are needed but there is no space for more than %d bytes"), cbNeed, cbMax); \
        } \

#define READCFGSTRDEF(variable, name, default_value) \
    { \
        if (fForceDefault) \
            pszTmp = default_value; \
        else \
        { \
            rc = CFGMR3QueryStringDef(pCfg, name, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), default_value); \
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \
            { \
                if (fHideErrors) \
                { \
                    LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"" name "\" as a string failed -- using default DMI data!\n")); \
                    continue; \
                } \
                return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, \
                                           N_("Configuration error: Querying \"" name "\" as a string failed")); \
            } \
            else if (!strcmp(szBuf, "<EMPTY>")) \
                pszTmp = ""; \
            else \
                pszTmp = szBuf; \
        } \
        if (!pszTmp[0]) \
            variable = 0; /* empty string */ \
        else \
        { \
            variable = iStrNr++; \
            size_t cStr = strlen(pszTmp) + 1; \
            CHECKSIZE(cStr); \
            memcpy(pszStr, pszTmp, cStr); \
            pszStr += cStr ; \
        } \

#define READCFGSTR(variable, name) \
    READCFGSTRDEF(variable, # name, s_szDef ## name)

#define READCFGINT(variable, name) \
    { \
        if (fForceDefault) \
            variable = s_iDef ## name; \
        else \
        { \
            rc = CFGMR3QueryS32Def(pCfg, # name, & variable, s_iDef ## name); \
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \
            { \
                if (fHideErrors) \
                { \
                    LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"" # name "\" as an int failed -- using default DMI data!\n")); \
                    continue; \
                } \
                return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, \
                                           N_("Configuration error: Querying \"" # name "\" as an int failed")); \
            } \
        } \

#define START_STRUCT(tbl)                                       \
        pszStr                       = (char *)(tbl + 1);       \
        iStrNr                       = 1;

#define TERM_STRUCT \
    { \
        *pszStr++                    = '\0'; /* terminate set of text strings */ \
        if (iStrNr == 1) \
            *pszStr++                = '\0'; /* terminate a structure without strings */ \

    bool fForceDefault = false;
     * There will be two passes. If an error occurs during the first pass, a
     * message will be written to the release log and we fall back to default
     * DMI data and start a second pass.
    bool fHideErrors = true;
     * There will be one pass, every error is fatal and will prevent the VM
     * from starting.
    bool fHideErrors = false;

    uint8_t fDmiUseHostInfo;
    int rc = CFGMR3QueryU8Def(pCfg, "DmiUseHostInfo", &fDmiUseHostInfo, 0);
    if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"DmiUseHostInfo\""));

    /* Sync up with host default DMI values */
    if (fDmiUseHostInfo)

    uint8_t fDmiExposeMemoryTable;
    rc = CFGMR3QueryU8Def(pCfg, "DmiExposeMemoryTable", &fDmiExposeMemoryTable, 0);
    if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"DmiExposeMemoryTable\""));
    uint8_t fDmiExposeProcessorInf;
    rc = CFGMR3QueryU8Def(pCfg, "DmiExposeProcInf", &fDmiExposeProcessorInf, 0);
    if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
        return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"DmiExposeProcInf\""));

    for  (;; fForceDefault = true, fHideErrors = false)
        int  iStrNr;
        char szBuf[256];
        char *pszStr = (char *)pTable;
        char szDmiSystemUuid[64];
        char *pszDmiSystemUuid;
        const char *pszTmp;

        if (fForceDefault)
            pszDmiSystemUuid = NULL;
            rc = CFGMR3QueryString(pCfg, "DmiSystemUuid", szDmiSystemUuid, sizeof(szDmiSystemUuid));
            if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND)
                pszDmiSystemUuid = NULL;
            else if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                if (fHideErrors)
                    LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"DmiSystemUuid\" as a string failed, using default DMI data\n"));
                return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                           N_("Configuration error: Querying \"DmiSystemUuid\" as a string failed"));
                pszDmiSystemUuid = szDmiSystemUuid;

         * DMI BIOS information (Type 0) *
        PDMIBIOSINF pBIOSInf         = (PDMIBIOSINF)pszStr;

        pszStr                       = (char *)&pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMajor;
        pBIOSInf->header.u8Length    = RT_OFFSETOF(DMIBIOSINF, u8ReleaseMajor);

        /* don't set these fields by default for legacy compatibility */
        int iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor, iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor;
        READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor, DmiBIOSReleaseMajor);
        READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor, DmiBIOSReleaseMinor);
        if (iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor != 0 || iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor != 0)
            pszStr = (char *)&pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMajor;
            pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMIBIOSINF, u8FirmwareMajor);
            pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMajor  = iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor;
            pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMinor  = iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor;

            int iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor, iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor;
            READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor, DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor);
            READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor, DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor);
            if (iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor != 0 || iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor != 0)
                pszStr = (char *)(pBIOSInf + 1);
                pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(DMIBIOSINF);
                pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMajor = iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor;
                pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMinor = iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor;

        iStrNr                       = 1;
        pBIOSInf->header.u8Type      = 0; /* BIOS Information */
        pBIOSInf->header.u16Handle   = 0x0000;
        READCFGSTR(pBIOSInf->u8Vendor,  DmiBIOSVendor);
        READCFGSTR(pBIOSInf->u8Version, DmiBIOSVersion);
        pBIOSInf->u16Start           = 0xE000;
        READCFGSTR(pBIOSInf->u8Release, DmiBIOSReleaseDate);
        pBIOSInf->u8ROMSize          = 1; /* 128K */
        pBIOSInf->u64Characteristics = RT_BIT(4)   /* ISA is supported */
                                     | RT_BIT(7)   /* PCI is supported */
                                     | RT_BIT(15)  /* Boot from CD is supported */
                                     | RT_BIT(16)  /* Selectable Boot is supported */
                                     | RT_BIT(27)  /* Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services supported */
                                     | RT_BIT(30)  /* Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video Services supported */
                                     /* any more?? */
        pBIOSInf->u8CharacteristicsByte1 = RT_BIT(0)   /* ACPI is supported */
                                         /* any more?? */
        pBIOSInf->u8CharacteristicsByte2 = 0
                                         /* any more?? */

         * DMI system information (Type 1) *
        PDMISYSTEMINF pSystemInf     = (PDMISYSTEMINF)pszStr;
        pSystemInf->header.u8Type    = 1; /* System Information */
        pSystemInf->header.u8Length  = sizeof(*pSystemInf);
        pSystemInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0001;
        READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8Manufacturer, DmiSystemVendor);
        READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8ProductName,  DmiSystemProduct);
        READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8Version,      DmiSystemVersion);
        READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8SerialNumber, DmiSystemSerial);

        RTUUID uuid;
        if (pszDmiSystemUuid)
            rc = RTUuidFromStr(&uuid, pszDmiSystemUuid);
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                if (fHideErrors)
                    LogRel(("Configuration error: Invalid UUID for DMI tables specified, using default DMI data\n"));
                return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                           N_("Configuration error: Invalid UUID for DMI tables specified"));
            uuid.Gen.u32TimeLow = RT_H2BE_U32(uuid.Gen.u32TimeLow);
            uuid.Gen.u16TimeMid = RT_H2BE_U16(uuid.Gen.u16TimeMid);
            uuid.Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion = RT_H2BE_U16(uuid.Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion);
            pUuid = &uuid;
        memcpy(pSystemInf->au8Uuid, pUuid, sizeof(RTUUID));

        pSystemInf->u8WakeupType     = 6; /* Power Switch */
        READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8SKUNumber, DmiSystemSKU);
        READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8Family, DmiSystemFamily);

         * DMI board information (Type 2) *
        PDMIBOARDINF pBoardInf       = (PDMIBOARDINF)pszStr;
        int iDmiBoardBoardType;
        pBoardInf->header.u8Type     = 2; /* Board Information */
        pBoardInf->header.u8Length   = sizeof(*pBoardInf);
        pBoardInf->header.u16Handle  = 0x0008;
        READCFGSTR(pBoardInf->u8Manufacturer, DmiBoardVendor);
        READCFGSTR(pBoardInf->u8Product,      DmiBoardProduct);
        READCFGSTR(pBoardInf->u8Version,      DmiBoardVersion);
        READCFGSTR(pBoardInf->u8SerialNumber, DmiBoardSerial);
        READCFGSTR(pBoardInf->u8AssetTag,     DmiBoardAssetTag);
        pBoardInf->u8FeatureFlags    = RT_BIT(0) /* hosting board, e.g. motherboard */
        READCFGSTR(pBoardInf->u8LocationInChass, DmiBoardLocInChass);
        pBoardInf->u16ChassisHandle  = 0x0003; /* see type 3 */
        READCFGINT(iDmiBoardBoardType, DmiBoardBoardType);
        pBoardInf->u8BoardType = iDmiBoardBoardType;
        pBoardInf->u8cObjectHandles  = 0;


         * DMI System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) *
        PDMICHASSIS pChassis         = (PDMICHASSIS)pszStr;
        pszStr                       = (char*)&pChassis->u32OEMdefined;
        iStrNr                       = 1;
        pChassis->header.u8Type      = 3; /* System Enclosure or Chassis */
        pChassis->header.u8Type      = 0x7e; /* inactive */
        pChassis->header.u8Length    = RT_OFFSETOF(DMICHASSIS, u32OEMdefined);
        pChassis->header.u16Handle   = 0x0003;
        READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8Manufacturer, DmiChassisVendor);
        int iDmiChassisType;
        READCFGINT(iDmiChassisType, DmiChassisType);
        pChassis->u8Type             = iDmiChassisType;
        READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8Version, DmiChassisVersion);
        READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8SerialNumber, DmiChassisSerial);
        READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8AssetTag, DmiChassisAssetTag);
        pChassis->u8BootupState      = 0x03; /* safe */
        pChassis->u8PowerSupplyState = 0x03; /* safe */
        pChassis->u8ThermalState     = 0x03; /* safe */
        pChassis->u8SecurityStatus   = 0x03; /* none XXX */
# if 0
        /* v2.3+, currently not supported */
        pChassis->u32OEMdefined      = 0;
        pChassis->u8Height           = 0; /* unspecified */
        pChassis->u8NumPowerChords   = 0; /* unspecified */
        pChassis->u8ContElems        = 0; /* no contained elements */
        pChassis->u8ContElemRecLen   = 0; /* no contained elements */
# endif

         * DMI Processor Information (Type 4) *

         * This is just a dummy processor. Should we expose the real guest CPU features
         * here? Accessing this information at this point is difficult.
        char szSocket[32];
        if (fDmiExposeProcessorInf)
            pProcessorInf->header.u8Type   = 4; /* Processor Information */
            pProcessorInf->header.u8Type   = 126; /* inactive structure */
        pProcessorInf->header.u8Length     = sizeof(*pProcessorInf);
        pProcessorInf->header.u16Handle    = 0x0007;
        RTStrPrintf(szSocket, sizeof(szSocket), "Socket #%u", 0);
        pProcessorInf->u8SocketDesignation = iStrNr++;
            size_t cStr = strlen(szSocket) + 1;
            memcpy(pszStr, szSocket, cStr);
            pszStr += cStr;
        pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorType     = 0x03; /* Central Processor */
        pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorFamily   = 0xB1; /* Pentium III with Intel SpeedStep(TM) */
        READCFGSTR(pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorManufacturer, DmiProcManufacturer);

        pProcessorInf->u64ProcessorID      = UINT64_C(0x0FEBFBFF00010676);
                                             /* Ext Family ID  = 0
                                              * Ext Model ID   = 2
                                              * Processor Type = 0
                                              * Family ID      = 6
                                              * Model          = 7
                                              * Stepping       = 6
                                              * Features: FPU, VME, DE, PSE, TSC, MSR, PAE, MCE, CX8,
                                              *           APIC, SEP, MTRR, PGE, MCA, CMOV, PAT, PSE-36,
                                              *           CFLSH, DS, ACPI, MMX, FXSR, SSE, SSE2, SS */
        READCFGSTR(pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorVersion, DmiProcVersion);
        pProcessorInf->u8Voltage           = 0x02;   /* 3.3V */
        pProcessorInf->u16ExternalClock    = 0x00;   /* unknown */
        pProcessorInf->u16MaxSpeed         = 3000;   /* 3GHz */
        pProcessorInf->u16CurrentSpeed     = 3000;   /* 3GHz */
        pProcessorInf->u8Status            = RT_BIT(6)  /* CPU socket populated */
                                           | RT_BIT(0)  /* CPU enabled */
        pProcessorInf->u8ProcessorUpgrade  = 0x04;   /* ZIF Socket */
        pProcessorInf->u16L1CacheHandle    = 0xFFFF; /* not specified */
        pProcessorInf->u16L2CacheHandle    = 0xFFFF; /* not specified */
        pProcessorInf->u16L3CacheHandle    = 0xFFFF; /* not specified */
        pProcessorInf->u8SerialNumber      = 0;      /* not specified */
        pProcessorInf->u8AssetTag          = 0;      /* not specified */
        pProcessorInf->u8PartNumber        = 0;      /* not specified */
        pProcessorInf->u8CoreCount         = cCpus;  /*  */
        pProcessorInf->u8CoreEnabled       = cCpus;
        pProcessorInf->u8ThreadCount       = 1;
                                           = RT_BIT(2); /* 64-bit capable */
        pProcessorInf->u16ProcessorFamily2 = 0;

         * DMI Physical Memory Array (Type 16) *
        uint64_t u64RamSize;
        rc = CFGMR3QueryU64(pCfg, "RamSize", &u64RamSize);
        if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
            return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc,
                                    N_("Configuration error: Failed to read \"RamSize\""));

        PDMIRAMARRAY pMemArray = (PDMIRAMARRAY)pszStr;
        if (fDmiExposeMemoryTable)
            pMemArray->header.u8Type     = 16;     /* Physical Memory Array */
            pMemArray->header.u8Type     = 126;    /* inactive structure */
        pMemArray->header.u8Length       = sizeof(*pMemArray);
        pMemArray->header.u16Handle      = 0x0005;
        pMemArray->u8Location            = 0x03;   /* Motherboard */
        pMemArray->u8Use                 = 0x03;   /* System memory */
        pMemArray->u8MemErrorCorrection  = 0x01;   /* Other */
        pMemArray->u32MaxCapacity        = (uint32_t)(u64RamSize / _1K); /* RAM size in K */
        pMemArray->u16MemErrorHandle     = 0xfffe; /* No error info structure */
        pMemArray->u16NumberOfMemDevices = 1;

         * DMI Memory Device (Type 17)         *
        if (fDmiExposeMemoryTable)
            pMemDev->header.u8Type       = 17;     /* Memory Device */
            pMemDev->header.u8Type       = 126;    /* inactive structure */
        pMemDev->header.u8Length         = sizeof(*pMemDev);
        pMemDev->header.u16Handle        = 0x0006;
        pMemDev->u16PhysMemArrayHandle   = 0x0005; /* handle of array we belong to */
        pMemDev->u16MemErrHandle         = 0xfffe; /* system doesn't provide this information */
        pMemDev->u16TotalWidth           = 0xffff; /* Unknown */
        pMemDev->u16DataWidth            = 0xffff; /* Unknown */
        int16_t u16RamSizeM = (uint16_t)(u64RamSize / _1M);
        if (u16RamSizeM == 0)
            u16RamSizeM = 0x400; /* 1G */
        pMemDev->u16Size                 = u16RamSizeM; /* RAM size */
        pMemDev->u8FormFactor            = 0x09; /* DIMM */
        pMemDev->u8DeviceSet             = 0x00; /* Not part of a device set */
        READCFGSTRDEF(pMemDev->u8DeviceLocator, " ", "DIMM 0");
        READCFGSTRDEF(pMemDev->u8BankLocator, " ", "Bank 0");
        pMemDev->u8MemoryType            = 0x03; /* DRAM */
        pMemDev->u16TypeDetail           = 0;    /* Nothing special */
        pMemDev->u16Speed                = 1600; /* Unknown, shall be speed in MHz */
        READCFGSTR(pMemDev->u8Manufacturer, DmiSystemVendor);
        READCFGSTRDEF(pMemDev->u8SerialNumber, " ", "00000000");
        READCFGSTRDEF(pMemDev->u8AssetTag, " ", "00000000");
        READCFGSTRDEF(pMemDev->u8PartNumber, " ", "00000000");
        pMemDev->u8Attributes            = 0; /* Unknown */

         * DMI OEM strings (Type 11) *
        pOEMStrings->header.u8Type    = 0xb; /* OEM Strings */
        pOEMStrings->header.u8Type    = 126; /* inactive structure */
        pOEMStrings->header.u8Length  = sizeof(*pOEMStrings);
        pOEMStrings->header.u16Handle = 0x0002;
        pOEMStrings->u8Count          = 2;

        char szTmp[64];
        RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "vboxVer_%u.%u.%u",
                    RTBldCfgVersionMajor(), RTBldCfgVersionMinor(), RTBldCfgVersionBuild());
        READCFGSTRDEF(pOEMStrings->u8VBoxVersion, "DmiOEMVBoxVer", szTmp);
        RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "vboxRev_%u", RTBldCfgRevision());
        READCFGSTRDEF(pOEMStrings->u8VBoxRevision, "DmiOEMVBoxRev", szTmp);

         * DMI OEM specific table (Type 128) *
        pOEMSpecific->header.u8Type    = 0x80; /* OEM specific */
        pOEMSpecific->header.u8Length  = sizeof(*pOEMSpecific);
        pOEMSpecific->header.u16Handle = 0x0008; /* Just next free handle */
        pOEMSpecific->u32CpuFreqKHz    = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)((uint64_t)TMCpuTicksPerSecond(PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDevIns)) / 1000));

        /* End-of-table marker - includes padding to account for fixed table size. */
        PDMIHDR pEndOfTable          = (PDMIHDR)pszStr;
        pszStr                       = (char *)(pEndOfTable + 1);
        pEndOfTable->u8Type          = 0x7f;

        pEndOfTable->u8Length        = sizeof(*pEndOfTable);
        pEndOfTable->u16Handle       = 0xFEFF;
        *pcbDmiTables = ((uintptr_t)pszStr - (uintptr_t)pTable) + 2;

        /* We currently plant 10 DMI tables. Update this if tables number changed. */
        *pcNumDmiTables = 10;

        /* If more fields are added here, fix the size check in READCFGSTR */

        /* Success! */

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
    if (pMsiReg->cMsixVectors == 0)
         return VINF_SUCCESS;

     /* We cannot init MSI-X on raw devices yet. */

    uint16_t   cVectors    = pMsiReg->cMsixVectors;
    uint8_t    iCapOffset  = pMsiReg->iMsixCapOffset;
    uint8_t    iNextOffset = pMsiReg->iMsixNextOffset;
    uint8_t    iBar        = pMsiReg->iMsixBar;

    if (cVectors > VBOX_MSIX_MAX_ENTRIES)
        AssertMsgFailed(("Too many MSI-X vectors: %d\n", cVectors));
        return VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA;

    if (iBar > 5)
        AssertMsgFailed(("Using wrong BAR for MSI-X: %d\n", iBar));

    Assert(iCapOffset != 0 && iCapOffset < 0xff && iNextOffset < 0xff);

    int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;

    /* If device is passthrough, BAR is registered using common mechanism. */
    if (!pciDevIsPassthrough(pDev))
        rc = PDMDevHlpPCIIORegionRegister (pDev->pDevIns, iBar, 0x1000, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM, msixMap);
        if (RT_FAILURE (rc))
            return rc;

    pDev->Int.s.u8MsixCapOffset = iCapOffset;
    pDev->Int.s.u8MsixCapSize   = VBOX_MSIX_CAP_SIZE;
    PVM pVM = PDMDevHlpGetVM(pDev->pDevIns);

    pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR3     = NULL;

    rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, 0x1000, 1, MM_TAG_PDM_DEVICE_USER, (void **)&pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR3);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc) || (pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR3 == NULL))
        return VERR_NO_VM_MEMORY;
    RT_BZERO(pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR3, 0x1000);
    pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR0     = MMHyperR3ToR0(pVM, pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR3);
    pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageRC     = MMHyperR3ToRC(pVM, pDev->Int.s.pMsixPageR3);

    /* R3 PCI helper */
    pDev->Int.s.pPciBusPtrR3    = pPciHlp;

    PCIDevSetByte(pDev,  iCapOffset + 0, VBOX_PCI_CAP_ID_MSIX);
    PCIDevSetByte(pDev,  iCapOffset + 1, iNextOffset); /* next */
    PCIDevSetWord(pDev,  iCapOffset + VBOX_MSIX_CAP_MESSAGE_CONTROL, cVectors - 1);

    uint32_t offTable = 0, offPBA = 0x800;

    PCIDevSetDWord(pDev,  iCapOffset + VBOX_MSIX_TABLE_BIROFFSET, offTable | iBar);
    PCIDevSetDWord(pDev,  iCapOffset + VBOX_MSIX_PBA_BIROFFSET,   offPBA   | iBar);


    return VINF_SUCCESS;