Пример #1
void PlotDegrees(const vector <TStr>& Parameters, const TFltPrV& In, const TFltPrV& Out, const TStr& Type){
    const TStr& Name = Parameters[NAME];
    const TStr& Plt = Parameters[PLT];
    PlotPoints(In, Out, Type + Name, Plt);
Пример #2
void PlotDegrees(const vector <TStr>& Parameters, const TFltPrV& In, const TFltPrV& Out, const TStr& Type){
	const TStr& Name = Parameters[NAME];
	const TStr& Plt = Parameters[PLT];
	const TStr& PType = Parameters[PTYPE];
	const TStr& BinRadix = Parameters[BINRADIX];
	const TInt BinRadixV = BinRadix.GetInt();

	if ( PType == "full" || PType == "all" ){
		PlotPoints(In, Out, Type + Name, Plt);

	if ( PType == "exp" || PType == "all" )
		PlotSparse(In, Type + Name + "Sparse", true, Plt, BinRadixV);
		PlotSparse(Out, Type + Name + "Sparse", false, Plt, BinRadixV);
Пример #3
void ProcessVideo(std::string videoName)
    cv::VideoCapture inputVideo(videoName);
    cv::Size size = cv::Size((int) inputVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH),    //Acquire input size
                      (int) inputVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)*2);
    cv::VideoWriter outputVideo("output_video.avi", 0, inputVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS),size, true);
    cv::Mat src, res, colourRes, stacked;
    PathDetect pd;
    std::vector<double> red{0,0,255.0};
    while( true ) //Show the image captured in the window and repeat
        inputVideo >> src;              // read
        if( src.empty()) break;         // check if at end
        std::vector< cv::Point> points;
        res = pd.GetPoints(src, points);
        cvtColor(res, colourRes, CV_GRAY2RGB);
        PlotPoints(colourRes, points, red);
        stacked = StackImages(src, colourRes);
        outputVideo << stacked;
        imwrite("finalimage.jpg", stacked);