Пример #1
void FDependsNode::PrintNode() const
	UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Log, TEXT("*** Printing DependsNode: %s ***"), *PackageName.ToString());
	UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Log, TEXT("*** Dependencies:"));
	UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Log, TEXT("*** Referencers:"));
Пример #2
**  Tell if we can show the popup content.
**  verify each sub condition for that.
**  @param condition   condition to verify.
**  @param unit        unit that certain condition can refer.
**  @return            0 if we can't show the content, else 1.
static bool CanShowPopupContent(const PopupConditionPanel *condition,
								const ButtonAction &button,
								CUnitType *type)
	if (!condition) {
		return true;

	if (condition->HasHint && button.Hint.empty()) {
		return false;

	if (condition->HasDescription && button.Description.empty()) {
		return false;

	if (condition->HasDependencies && PrintDependencies(*ThisPlayer, button).empty()) {
		return false;

	if (condition->ButtonAction != -1 && button.Action != condition->ButtonAction) {
		return false;

	if (condition->ButtonValue.empty() == false && button.ValueStr != condition->ButtonValue) {
		return false;

	if (type && condition->BoolFlags && !type->CheckUserBoolFlags(condition->BoolFlags)) {
		return false;

	if (condition->Variables && type) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < UnitTypeVar.GetNumberVariable(); ++i) {
			if (condition->Variables[i] != CONDITION_TRUE) {
				if ((condition->Variables[i] == CONDITION_ONLY) ^ type->Stats[ThisPlayer->Index].Variables[i].Enable) {
					return false;
	return true;