Пример #1
/* the following solver uses the Power Iteration
 * It is rather simple:
 * 1. You choose a starting vektor x_0 (shouldn't be zero)
 * 2. apply it on the Matrix
 *               x_(k+1) = A * x_k
 * 3. Repeat this very often.
 * The vector converges to the dominat eigenvector, which belongs to the eigenvalue with the biggest absolute value.
 * But there is a problem:
 * With every step, the norm of vector grows. Therefore it's necessary to scale it with every step.
 * Important warnings:
 * I.   This function does not converge if the Matrix is singular
 * II.  Pay attention to the loop-condition! It does not end if it's close to the eigenvector!
 *      It ends if the steps are getting too close to each other.
DoubleVect4 dominant_Eigenvector(struct DoubleMat44 A, unsigned int maximum_iterations, double precision,
                                 struct DoubleMat44 sigma_A, DoubleVect4 *sigma_x)
  unsigned int  k;
  DoubleVect4 x_k,
  double delta = 1,


  //for(k=0; (k<maximum_iterations) && (delta>precision); k++){
  for (k = 0; k < maximum_iterations; k++) {

    // Next step
    DOUBLE_MAT_VMULT4(x_kp1, A, x_k);

    // Scale the vector
    scale = 1 / INFTY_NORM4(x_kp1);
    QUAT_SMUL(x_kp1, x_kp1, scale);

    // Calculate the difference between to steps for the loop condition. Store temporarily in x_k
    QUAT_DIFF(x_k, x_k, x_kp1);
    delta = INFTY_NORM4(x_k);

    // Update the next step
    x_k = x_kp1;
    if (delta <= precision) {
      DOUBLE_MAT_VMULT4(*sigma_x, sigma_A, x_k);
      QUAT_SMUL(*sigma_x, *sigma_x, scale);

  printf("Number of iterations: %4i\n", k);
  if (k == maximum_iterations) {
    printf("Orientation did not converge. Using maximum uncertainty\n");
    QUAT_ASSIGN(*sigma_x, 0, M_PI_2, M_PI_2, M_PI_2);
  return x_k;
Пример #2
/*    This function estimates a quaternion from a set of observations
 * B is the "attitude profile matrix". Use the other functions to fill it with the attitude observations.
 * The function solves Wahba's problem using Paul Davenport's solution.
 * Unfortunatly Davenport unpublished his solution, but you can still find descriptions of it in the web
 * ( e.g: home.comcast.net/~mdshuster2/PUB_2006c_J_GenWahba_AAS.pdf )
struct DoubleQuat estimated_attitude(struct DoubleMat33 B, unsigned int maximum_iterations, double precision,
                                     struct DoubleMat33 sigma_B, struct DoubleQuat *sigma_q)
  double      traceB,
              z1, z2, z3;
  struct DoubleMat44 K, sigma_K;
  struct DoubleQuat  q_guessed;

  K = generate_K_matrix(B);
  sigma_K = generate_K_matrix(sigma_B);

  /* compute the estimated quaternion */
  q_guessed = dominant_Eigenvector(square_skaled(K), maximum_iterations, precision, sigma_K,
                                   sigma_q);    // K² is tricky. I'm mean, I know

  /* Final scaling, because the eigenvector hat not the length = 1 */
  double scale = 1 / NORM_VECT4(q_guessed);
  QUAT_SMUL(q_guessed, q_guessed, scale);
  QUAT_SMUL(*sigma_q, *sigma_q, scale);
  return q_guessed;
void stabilization_attitude_ref_update(void) {

  /* integrate reference attitude            */
  struct FloatQuat qdot;
  FLOAT_QUAT_DERIVATIVE(qdot, stab_att_ref_rate, stab_att_ref_quat);
  QUAT_SMUL(qdot, qdot, DT_UPDATE);
  QUAT_ADD(stab_att_ref_quat, qdot);
#else // use finite step (involves trig)
  struct FloatQuat delta_q;
  FLOAT_QUAT_DIFFERENTIAL(delta_q, stab_att_ref_rate, DT_UPDATE);
  /* compose new ref_quat by quaternion multiplication of delta rotation and current ref_quat */
  struct FloatQuat new_ref_quat;
  FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(new_ref_quat, delta_q, stab_att_ref_quat);
  QUAT_COPY(stab_att_ref_quat, new_ref_quat);

  /* integrate reference rotational speeds   */
  struct FloatRates delta_rate;
  RATES_SMUL(delta_rate, stab_att_ref_accel, DT_UPDATE);
  RATES_ADD(stab_att_ref_rate, delta_rate);

  /* compute reference angular accelerations */
  struct FloatQuat err;
  /* compute reference attitude error        */
  FLOAT_QUAT_INV_COMP(err, stab_att_sp_quat, stab_att_ref_quat);
  /* wrap it in the shortest direction       */
  /* propagate the 2nd order linear model    */
  stab_att_ref_accel.p = -2.*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].zeta.p*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.p*stab_att_ref_rate.p
    - stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.p*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.p*err.qx;
  stab_att_ref_accel.q = -2.*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].zeta.q*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.q*stab_att_ref_rate.q
    - stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.q*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.q*err.qy;
  stab_att_ref_accel.r = -2.*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].zeta.r*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.r*stab_att_ref_rate.r
    - stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.r*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.r*err.qz;

  /*	saturate acceleration */
  const struct FloatRates MIN_ACCEL = { -REF_ACCEL_MAX_P, -REF_ACCEL_MAX_Q, -REF_ACCEL_MAX_R };
  const struct FloatRates MAX_ACCEL = {  REF_ACCEL_MAX_P,  REF_ACCEL_MAX_Q,  REF_ACCEL_MAX_R };
  RATES_BOUND_BOX(stab_att_ref_accel, MIN_ACCEL, MAX_ACCEL);

  /* saturate angular speed and trim accel accordingly */

  /* compute ref_euler */
  FLOAT_EULERS_OF_QUAT(stab_att_ref_euler, stab_att_ref_quat);
void stabilization_attitude_ref_update() {

  /* integrate reference attitude            */
  struct FloatQuat qdot;
  FLOAT_QUAT_DERIVATIVE(qdot, stab_att_ref_rate, stab_att_ref_quat);
  QUAT_SMUL(qdot, qdot, DT_UPDATE);
  QUAT_ADD(stab_att_ref_quat, qdot);

  /* integrate reference rotational speeds   */
  struct FloatRates delta_rate;
  RATES_SMUL(delta_rate, stab_att_ref_accel, DT_UPDATE);
  RATES_ADD(stab_att_ref_rate, delta_rate);

  /* compute reference angular accelerations */
  struct FloatQuat err;
  /* compute reference attitude error        */
  FLOAT_QUAT_INV_COMP(err, stab_att_sp_quat, stab_att_ref_quat);
  /* wrap it in the shortest direction       */
  /* propagate the 2nd order linear model    */
  stab_att_ref_accel.p = -2.*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].zeta.p*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.p*stab_att_ref_rate.p
    - stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.p*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.p*err.qx;
  stab_att_ref_accel.q = -2.*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].zeta.q*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.q*stab_att_ref_rate.q
    - stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.q*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.q*err.qy;
  stab_att_ref_accel.r = -2.*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].zeta.r*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.r*stab_att_ref_rate.r
    - stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.r*stab_att_ref_model[ref_idx].omega.r*err.qz;

  /*	saturate acceleration */
  const struct FloatRates MIN_ACCEL = { -REF_ACCEL_MAX_P, -REF_ACCEL_MAX_Q, -REF_ACCEL_MAX_R };
  const struct FloatRates MAX_ACCEL = {  REF_ACCEL_MAX_P,  REF_ACCEL_MAX_Q,  REF_ACCEL_MAX_R };
  RATES_BOUND_BOX(stab_att_ref_accel, MIN_ACCEL, MAX_ACCEL);

  /* compute ref_euler */
  FLOAT_EULERS_OF_QUAT(stab_att_ref_euler, stab_att_ref_quat);