Пример #1
void qpsolvede( double    c[],  int  nx,       double Q[],
		double xlow[],  char ixlow[], 
		double xupp[],  char ixupp[],
		double    A[],  int  my,       double   bA[],
		double    C[],  int  mz,
		double clow[],  char iclow[],
		double cupp[],  char icupp[],
		double    x[],  double gamma[],     double phi[],
		double    y[],
		double    z[],  double lambda[],  double pi[],
		double   *objectiveValue,
		int print_level,
		int * ierr )
  QpGenContext   ctx;
  QpGenDenseGondzioSetup( c,  nx,  Q,     xlow,   ixlow,  xupp,  ixupp,
			  A,  my,  bA,
			  C,  mz,  clow,  iclow,  cupp,   icupp,
			  &ctx, ierr );
  if( *ierr == 0 ) {
    Solver * solver = (Solver *) ctx.solver;
    gOoqpPrintLevel = print_level;

    QpGenFinish( &ctx, x, gamma, phi, y, z, lambda, pi, objectiveValue, ierr );
  QpGenCleanup( &ctx );
Пример #2
  int OoqpInterface::
  eval(const double** arg, double** res, casadi_int* iw, double* w, void* mem) const {

    return_status_ = -1;
    success_ = false;
    if (inputs_check_) {
      check_inputs(arg[CONIC_LBX], arg[CONIC_UBX], arg[CONIC_LBA], arg[CONIC_UBA]);

    // Get problem data
    double* g=w; w += nx_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_G], nx_, g);
    double* lbx=w; w += nx_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_LBX], nx_, lbx);
    double* ubx=w; w += nx_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_UBX], nx_, ubx);
    double* lba=w; w += na_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_LBA], na_, lba);
    double* uba=w; w += na_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_UBA], na_, uba);
    double* H=w; w += nnz_in(CONIC_H);
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_H], nnz_in(CONIC_H), H);
    double* A=w; w += nnz_in(CONIC_A);
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_A], nnz_in(CONIC_A), A);

    // Temporary memory
    double* c_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* bA_ = w; w += na_;
    double* xlow_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* xupp_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* clow_ = w; w += na_;
    double* cupp_ = w; w += na_;
    double* x_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* gamma_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* phi_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* y_ = w; w += na_;
    double* z_ = w; w += na_;
    double* lambda_ = w; w += na_;
    double* pi_ = w; w += na_;
    char* ixlow_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += nx_;
    char* ixupp_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += nx_;
    char* iclow_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += na_;
    char* icupp_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += na_;
    double* dQ_ = w; w += nQ_;
    double* dA_ = w; w += nA_;
    double* dC_ = w; w += nA_;
    int* irowQ_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nQ_;
    int* jcolQ_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nQ_;
    int* irowA_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* jcolA_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* irowC_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* jcolC_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* x_index_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nx_;
    int* c_index_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += na_;
    double* p_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* AT = w; w += nA_;

    // Parameter contribution to the objective
    double objParam = 0;

    // Get the number of free variables and their types
    casadi_int nx = 0, np=0;
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
      if (lbx[i]==ubx[i]) {
        // Save parameter
        p_[np] = lbx[i];

        // Add contribution to objective
        objParam += g[i]*p_[np];

        // Save index
        x_index_[i] = -1-np++;

      } else {
        // True free variable
        if (lbx[i]==-numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          xlow_[nx] = 0;
          ixlow_[nx] = 0;
        } else {
          xlow_[nx] = lbx[i];
          ixlow_[nx] = 1;
        if (ubx[i]==numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          xupp_[nx] = 0;
          ixupp_[nx] = 0;
        } else {
          xupp_[nx] = ubx[i];
          ixupp_[nx] = 1;
        c_[nx] = g[i];
        x_index_[i] = nx++;

    // Get quadratic term
    const casadi_int* H_colind = H_.colind();
    const casadi_int* H_row = H_.row();
    casadi_int nnzQ = 0;
    // Loop over the columns of the quadratic term
    for (casadi_int cc=0; cc<nx_; ++cc) {

      // Loop over nonzero elements of the column
      for (casadi_int el=H_colind[cc]; el<H_colind[cc+1]; ++el) {

        // Only upper triangular part
        casadi_int rr=H_row[el];
        if (rr>cc) break;

        // Get variable types
        casadi_int icc=x_index_[cc];
        casadi_int irr=x_index_[rr];

        if (icc<0) {
          if (irr<0) {
            // Add contribution to objective
            objParam += icc==irr ? H[el]*sq(p_[-1-icc])/2 : H[el]*p_[-1-irr]*p_[-1-icc];
          } else {
            // Add contribution to gradient term
            c_[irr] += H[el]*p_[-1-icc];
        } else {
          if (irr<0) {
            // Add contribution to gradient term
            c_[icc] += H[el]*p_[-1-irr];
          } else {
            // Add to sparsity pattern
            irowQ_[nnzQ] = icc; // row-major --> indices swapped
            jcolQ_[nnzQ] = irr; // row-major --> indices swapped
            dQ_[nnzQ++] = H[el];

    // Get the transpose of the sparsity pattern to be able to loop over the constraints
    casadi_trans(A, A_, AT, spAT_, iw);

    // Loop over constraints
    const casadi_int* A_colind = A_.colind();
    const casadi_int* A_row = A_.row();
    const casadi_int* AT_colind = spAT_.colind();
    const casadi_int* AT_row = spAT_.row();
    casadi_int nA=0, nC=0, /*mz=0, */ nnzA=0, nnzC=0;
    for (casadi_int j=0; j<na_; ++j) {
      if (lba[j] == -numeric_limits<double>::infinity() &&
          uba[j] ==  numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
        // Redundant constraint
        c_index_[j] = 0;
      } else if (lba[j]==uba[j]) {
        // Equality constraint
        bA_[nA] = lba[j];

        // Add to A
        for (casadi_int el=AT_colind[j]; el<AT_colind[j+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int i=AT_row[el];
          if (x_index_[i]<0) {
            // Parameter
            bA_[nA] -= AT[el]*p_[-x_index_[i]-1];
          } else {
            // Free variable
            irowA_[nnzA] = nA;
            jcolA_[nnzA] = x_index_[i];
            dA_[nnzA++] = AT[el];
        c_index_[j] = -1-nA++;
      } else {
        // Inequality constraint
        if (lba[j]==-numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          clow_[nC] = 0;
          iclow_[nC] = 0;
        } else {
          clow_[nC] = lba[j];
          iclow_[nC] = 1;
        if (uba[j]==numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          cupp_[nC] = 0;
          icupp_[nC] = 0;
        } else {
          cupp_[nC] = uba[j];
          icupp_[nC] = 1;

        // Add to C
        for (casadi_int el=AT_colind[j]; el<AT_colind[j+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int i=AT_row[el];
          if (x_index_[i]<0) {
            // Parameter
            if (iclow_[nC]==1) clow_[nC] -= AT[el]*p_[-x_index_[i]-1];
            if (icupp_[nC]==1) cupp_[nC] -= AT[el]*p_[-x_index_[i]-1];
          } else {
            // Free variable
            irowC_[nnzC] = nC;
            jcolC_[nnzC] = x_index_[i];
            dC_[nnzC++] = AT[el];
        c_index_[j] = 1+nC++;

    // Reset the solution
    casadi_fill(x_, nx_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(gamma_, nx_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(phi_, nx_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(y_, na_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(z_, na_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(lambda_, na_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(pi_, na_, 0.);

    // Solve the QP
    double objectiveValue;

    int ierr;
    if (false) { // Use C interface
      // TODO(jgillis): Change to conicvehb, see OOQP users guide
      qpsolvesp(c_, nx,
                irowQ_,  nnzQ, jcolQ_, dQ_,
                xlow_, ixlow_,
                xupp_, ixupp_,
                irowA_, nnzA, jcolA_, dA_,
                bA_, nA,
                irowC_, nnzC, jcolC_, dC_,
                clow_, nC, iclow_,
                cupp_, icupp_,
                x_, gamma_, phi_,
                z_, lambda_, pi_,
                print_level_, &ierr);
    } else { // Use C++ interface
      // All OOQP related allocations in evaluate

      std::vector<int> krowQ(nx+1);
      std::vector<int> krowA(nA+1);
      std::vector<int> krowC(nC+1);

      //casadi_int status_code = 0;
      makehb(irowQ_, nnzQ, get_ptr(krowQ), nx, &ierr);
      if (ierr == 0) makehb(irowA_, nnzA, get_ptr(krowA), nA, &ierr);
      if (ierr == 0) makehb(irowC_, nnzC, get_ptr(krowC), nC, &ierr);

      if (ierr == 0) {
        QpGenContext ctx;

        QpGenHbGondzioSetup(c_, nx, get_ptr(krowQ), jcolQ_, dQ_,
                            xlow_, ixlow_, xupp_, ixupp_,
                            get_ptr(krowA), nA, jcolA_, dA_, bA_,
                            get_ptr(krowC), nC, jcolC_, dC_,
                            clow_, iclow_, cupp_, icupp_, &ctx,
        if (ierr == 0) {
          Solver* solver = static_cast<Solver *>(ctx.solver);
          gOoqpPrintLevel = print_level_;

          QpGenFinish(&ctx, x_, gamma_, phi_,
                      y_, z_, lambda_, pi_,
                      &objectiveValue, &ierr);


    return_status_ = ierr;
    success_ = ierr==SUCCESSFUL_TERMINATION;
    if (ierr>0) {
      casadi_warning("Unable to solve problem: " + str(errFlag(ierr)));
    } else if (ierr<0) {
      casadi_error("Fatal error: " + str(errFlag(ierr)));

    // Retrieve eliminated decision variables
    for (casadi_int i=nx_-1; i>=0; --i) {
      casadi_int ii = x_index_[i];
      if (ii<0) {
        x_[i] = p_[-1-ii];
      } else {
        x_[i] = x_[ii];

    // Retreive eliminated dual variables (linear bounds)
    for (casadi_int j=na_-1; j>=0; --j) {
      casadi_int jj = c_index_[j];
      if (jj==0) {
        lambda_[j] = 0;
      } else if (jj<0) {
        lambda_[j] = -y_[-1-jj];
      } else {
        lambda_[j] = pi_[-1+jj]-lambda_[-1+jj];

    // Retreive eliminated dual variables (simple bounds)
    for (casadi_int i=nx_-1; i>=0; --i) {
      casadi_int ii = x_index_[i];
      if (ii<0) {
        // The dual solution for the fixed parameters follows from the KKT conditions
        gamma_[i] = -g[i];
        for (casadi_int el=H_colind[i]; el<H_colind[i+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int j=H_row[el];
          gamma_[i] -= H[el]*x_[j];
        for (casadi_int el=A_colind[i]; el<A_colind[i+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int j=A_row[el];
          gamma_[i] -= A[el]*lambda_[j];
      } else {
        gamma_[i] = phi_[ii]-gamma_[ii];

    // Save optimal cost
    if (res[CONIC_COST]) *res[CONIC_COST] = objectiveValue + objParam;

    // Save primal solution
    casadi_copy(x_, nx_, res[CONIC_X]);

    // Save dual solution (linear bounds)
    casadi_copy(lambda_, na_, res[CONIC_LAM_A]);

    // Save dual solution (simple bounds)
    casadi_copy(gamma_, nx_, res[CONIC_LAM_X]);
    return 0;