Пример #1
 * GCI_migrateRxString converts a RXSTRING into a GCI_str. No further memory
 * allocation is done and it is STRONGLY forbidden to use GCI_strfree.
 * The return value shall be used for further operations.
static const GCI_str *GCI_migrateRxString( GCI_str *str,
                                           const RXSTRING *string )
   if ( !RXVALIDSTRING( *string ) && !RXZEROLENSTRING( *string ) )
      str->val = NULL;
      str->used = str->max = 0;
      str->val = (char *) RXSTRPTR( *string );
      str->used = str->max = (int) RXSTRLEN( *string );
   return str;
Пример #2
 * assignedRxString builds a RXSTRING of a GCI_str. The RXSTRING is set
 * in the usual manner and a terminating zero is appended without notification
 * of the target. NULL-strings are converted to empty strings.
 * Returns 1 on error, 0 on success.
static int assignRxString( void *hidden,
                           PRXSTRING dest,
                           const GCI_str *src )
   char *h;

   if ( RXNULLSTRING( *dest ) || ( RXSTRLEN( *dest ) < (ULONG) src->used+1 ) )
      if ( ( h = (char *) IfcAllocateMemory( (ULONG) (src->used+1) ) ) == NULL )
         return 1;
      h = RXSTRPTR( *dest );

   memcpy( h, src->val, src->used );
   h[(int) (src->used)] = '\0';
   MAKERXSTRING( *dest, h, (ULONG) src->used );
   return 0;
Пример #3
ExecuteMacro(char *argv, int namelength)
    RXSTRING rxRc;
    RXSTRING rxArg[2];
    int rxArgCount = 0;
    char pszName[CCHMAXPATH];
    char *rxArgStr;
    short sRc;
    long rc;

    if (namelength >= sizeof(pszName))
	return 1;
    /* FIXME HBB 20010121: 3rd argument doesn't make sense. Either
     * this should be sizeof(pszName), or it shouldn't use
     * safe_strncpy(), here */
    safe_strncpy(pszName, argv, namelength + 1);
    rxArgStr = &argv[namelength];
    RXSTRPTR(rxRc) = NULL;

#if 0
       C-like calling of function: program name is first
       In REXX you would have to use
       Parse Arg param0, param1
       to get the program name in param0 and the arguments in param1.

       Some versions before gnuplot 3.7pl1 used a similar approach but
       passed program name and arguments in a single string:
       (==> Parse Arg param0 param1)

    MAKERXSTRING(rxArg[0], pszName, strlen(pszName));
    if (*rxArgStr) {
	MAKERXSTRING(rxArg[1], rxArgStr, strlen(rxArgStr));
       REXX standard calling (gnuplot 3.7pl1 and above):
       The program name is not supplied and so all actual arguments
       are in a single string:
       Parse Arg param
       We even handle blanks like cmd.exe when calling REXX programs.

    if (*rxArgStr) {
	MAKERXSTRING(rxArg[0], rxArgStr, strlen(rxArgStr));

    CallFromRexx = TRUE;
    rc = RexxStart(
    CallFromRexx = FALSE;

   /* am: a word WRT errors codes:
      the negative ones don't seem to have symbolic names, you can get
      them from the OREXX reference, they're not in REXX Programming Guide -
      no idea where to retrieve them from a Warp 3 reference ??
      The positive ones are somehow referenced in REXXPG
    if (rc < 0) {
	/* REXX error */
    } else if (rc > 0) {
	/* Interpreter couldn't be started */
	if (rc == -4)
	   /* run was cancelled, but don't give error message */
	    rc = 0;
    } else if (rc==0) {
	/* all was fine */

/* We don't we try to use rxRc ?
   BTW, don't use free() instead since it's allocated inside RexxStart()
   and not in our executable using the EMX libraries */
   if (RXSTRPTR(rxRc))
       /* I guess it's NULL if something major went wrong,
	  NULL strings are usually not part of the REXX language ... */

   return rc;