Пример #1
 * drvSetDefaultCommConfigW (SERIALUI.@)
 * Used by Win98 KERNEL to set the default config for a COMM port
 * FIXME: uses the wrong registry key... should use a digit, not
 *        the comm port name.
BOOL WINAPI drvSetDefaultCommConfigW(
	LPCWSTR lpszDevice, LPCOMMCONFIG lpCommConfig, DWORD dwSize)
    HKEY hKeyReg=0, hKeyPort=0;
    WCHAR szKeyName[100];
    DWORD r,dwDCBSize;
    static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','s','\\','%','s',0 };

    TRACE("%p %p %lx\n",lpszDevice,lpCommConfig,dwSize);

        return FALSE;

    if(dwSize < sizeof (COMMCONFIG))
        return FALSE;

    r = RegConnectRegistryW(NULL, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hKeyReg);
    if(r != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        return FALSE;

    snprintfW(szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(WCHAR), fmt, lpszCommKey ,lpszDevice);
    r = RegCreateKeyW(hKeyReg, szKeyName, &hKeyPort);
    if(r == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        dwDCBSize = sizeof (DCB);
        r = RegSetValueExW( hKeyPort, lpszDCB, 0, REG_BINARY,
        TRACE("write key r=%ld\n",r);


    return (r==ERROR_SUCCESS);
Пример #2
BOOL My_RegConnectRegistryW()
	LPCWSTR lpMachineName=NULL;
	PHKEY phkResult=NULL;
	LONG returnVal_Real = NULL;
	LONG returnVal_Intercepted = NULL;

	DWORD error_Real = 0;
	DWORD error_Intercepted = 0;
	returnVal_Real = RegConnectRegistryW (lpMachineName,hKey,phkResult);
	error_Real = GetLastError();
	returnVal_Intercepted = RegConnectRegistryW (lpMachineName,hKey,phkResult);
	error_Intercepted = GetLastError();
	}__except(puts("in filter"), 1){puts("exception caught");}
	return ((returnVal_Real == returnVal_Intercepted) && (error_Real == error_Intercepted));
Пример #3
ConnectMachine (
    PPERF_MACHINE   pThisMachine
    LONGLONG    llCurrentTime;
    PDH_STATUS  pdhStatus;
    LONG        lStatus;

    // only one thread at a time can try to connect to a machine.


    // get the current time
    GetLocalFileTime (&llCurrentTime);

    if (pThisMachine->llRetryTime < llCurrentTime) {
        if (pThisMachine->llRetryTime != 0) {
            // connect to system's performance registry
            if (lstrcmpiW(pThisMachine->szName, szStaticLocalMachineName) == 0) {
                // this is the local machine so use the local reg key
                pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA;
            } else {
                __try {
                    // close any open keys
                    if (pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != NULL) {
                        RegCloseKey (pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData);
                        pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL;
                } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
                    lStatus = GetExceptionCode();

                // now try to connect

                __try {
                    // this can generate exceptions in some error cases
                    // so trap them here and continue
                    // remote machine so try to connect to it.
                    lStatus = RegConnectRegistryW (
                } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
                    lStatus = GetExceptionCode();
                if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                    pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData = NULL;

            if (pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData != NULL) {
                // successfully connected to computer's registry, so
                // get the performance names from that computer and cache them

                if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings != NULL) {
                    // reload the perf strings, incase new ones have been
                    // installed
                    G_FREE (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings);
                    pThisMachine->szPerfStrings = NULL;

                pThisMachine->szPerfStrings = BuildNameTable (
                    (pThisMachine->hKeyPerformanceData == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA ?
                        NULL : pThisMachine->szName),

                if (pThisMachine->szPerfStrings != NULL) {
                    pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
                    pThisMachine->dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
                } else {
                    // unable to read system counter name strings
                    pdhStatus = PDH_CANNOT_READ_NAME_STRINGS;
                    pThisMachine->dwStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE;
            } else {
                // unable to connect to remote machine
                pdhStatus = PDH_CANNOT_CONNECT_MACHINE;
                pThisMachine->dwStatus = PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE;
        } else {
            // already connected
            // (note: is there a way to test this?)
            pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
            pThisMachine->dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;

        if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            // this attempt didn't work so reset retry counter  to
            // wait some more for the machine to come back up.
            pThisMachine->llRetryTime = llCurrentTime + RETRY_TIME_INTERVAL;
        } else {
            // clear the retry counter to allow function calls
            pThisMachine->llRetryTime = 0;
    } else {
Пример #4
 * drvGetDefaultCommConfigW (SERIALUI.@)
 * Used by Win9x KERNEL to get the default config for a COMM port
 * FIXME: uses the wrong registry key... should use a digit, not
 *        the comm port name.
BOOL WINAPI drvGetDefaultCommConfigW(
	LPCWSTR lpszDevice, LPCOMMCONFIG lpCommConfig, LPDWORD lpdwSize)
    HKEY hKeyReg, hKeyPort;
    WCHAR szKeyName[100];
    DWORD r,dwSize,dwType;
    static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','s','\\','%','s',0 };

    TRACE("%p %p %p\n",lpszDevice,lpCommConfig,lpdwSize);

        return FALSE;

        return FALSE;

    if(*lpdwSize < sizeof (COMMCONFIG))
        return FALSE;

    *lpdwSize = sizeof (COMMCONFIG);
    memset(lpCommConfig, 0 , sizeof (COMMCONFIG));
    lpCommConfig->dwSize = sizeof (COMMCONFIG);
    lpCommConfig->wVersion = 1;

    r = RegConnectRegistryW(NULL, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hKeyReg);
    if(r != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        return FALSE;

    snprintfW(szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(WCHAR), fmt, lpszCommKey ,lpszDevice);
    r = RegOpenKeyW(hKeyReg, szKeyName, &hKeyPort);
    if(r == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        dwSize = sizeof (DCB);
        dwType = 0;
        r = RegQueryValueExW( hKeyPort, lpszDCB, NULL,
                             &dwType, (LPBYTE)&lpCommConfig->dcb, &dwSize);
        if ((r==ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwType != REG_BINARY))
            r = 1;
        if ((r==ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwSize != sizeof(DCB)))
            r = 1;

        /* FIXME: default to a hardcoded commconfig */

        lpCommConfig->dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
        lpCommConfig->dcb.BaudRate = 9600;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.fBinary = TRUE;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.fParity = FALSE;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.ByteSize = 8;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
        return TRUE;


    return (r==ERROR_SUCCESS);
Пример #5
 * drvGetDefaultCommConfigW (SERIALUI.@)
 * Used by Win9x KERNEL to get the default config for a COMM port
 * FIXME: uses the wrong registry key... should use a digit, not
 *        the comm port name.
DWORD WINAPI drvGetDefaultCommConfigW(
	LPCWSTR lpszDevice, LPCOMMCONFIG lpCommConfig, LPDWORD lpdwSize)
    HKEY hKeyReg, hKeyPort;
    WCHAR szKeyName[100];
    DWORD r,dwSize,dwType;
    static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','s','\\','%','s',0 };

    TRACE("(%s, %p, %p) *lpdwSize: %u\n", debugstr_w(lpszDevice), lpCommConfig, lpdwSize, lpdwSize ? *lpdwSize : 0);

    if ((!lpszDevice) || (!lpCommConfig) || (!lpdwSize)) {

    if (*lpdwSize < sizeof (COMMCONFIG)) {
        *lpdwSize = sizeof (COMMCONFIG);

    /* only "com1" - "com9" is allowed */
    r = sizeof(comW) / sizeof(WCHAR);       /* len of "com\0" */
    lstrcpynW(szKeyName, lpszDevice, r);    /* simulate a lstrcmpnW */

    if( lstrcmpiW(szKeyName, comW) ||
        (lpszDevice[r] < '1') || (lpszDevice[r] > '9') || lpszDevice[r+1]) {
        return ERROR_BADKEY;

    *lpdwSize = sizeof (COMMCONFIG);
    memset(lpCommConfig, 0 , sizeof (COMMCONFIG));
    lpCommConfig->dwSize = sizeof (COMMCONFIG);
    lpCommConfig->wVersion = 1;
    lpCommConfig->dwProviderSubType = PST_RS232;

    r = RegConnectRegistryW(NULL, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hKeyReg);
    if(r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r;

    snprintfW(szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(WCHAR), fmt, lpszCommKey ,lpszDevice);
    r = RegOpenKeyW(hKeyReg, szKeyName, &hKeyPort);
    if(r == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        dwSize = sizeof (DCB);
        dwType = 0;
        r = RegQueryValueExW( hKeyPort, lpszDCB, NULL,
                             &dwType, (LPBYTE)&lpCommConfig->dcb, &dwSize);

        if ((r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_BINARY) || (dwSize != sizeof(DCB))) {
            return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

        /* FIXME: default to a hardcoded commconfig */
        lpCommConfig->dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
        lpCommConfig->dcb.BaudRate = 9600;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.fBinary = TRUE;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.fParity = FALSE;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.ByteSize = 8;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
        lpCommConfig->dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;


    return r;