Пример #1
OGRErr OGRShapeLayer::CreateSpatialIndex( int nMaxDepth )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we have an existing spatial index, blow it away first.       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CheckForQIX() )

    bCheckedForQIX = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a quadtree structure for this file.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPTree	*psTree;

    psTree = SHPCreateTree( hSHP, 2, nMaxDepth, NULL, NULL );

    if( NULL == psTree )
        // TODO - mloskot: Is it better to return OGRERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY?

        CPLDebug( "SHAPE",
                  "Index creation failure. Likely, memory allocation error." );

        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Trim unused nodes from the tree.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPTreeTrimExtraNodes( psTree );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Dump tree to .qix file.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszQIXFilename;

    pszQIXFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLResetExtension( pszFullName, "qix" ));

    CPLDebug( "SHAPE", "Creating index file %s", pszQIXFilename );

    SHPWriteTree( psTree, pszQIXFilename );
    CPLFree( pszQIXFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPDestroyTree( psTree );


    return OGRERR_NONE;
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    SHPHandle	hSHP;
    SHPTree	*psTree;
    int		nExpandShapes = 0;
    int		nMaxDepth = 0;
    int		bDoSearch = 0;
    double	adfSearchMin[4], adfSearchMax[4];
    const char *pszOutputIndexFilename = NULL;
    const char *pszInputIndexFilename = NULL;
    const char *pszTargetFile = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Consume flags.							*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    while( argc > 1 )
        if( strcmp(argv[1],"-v") == 0 )
            nExpandShapes = 1;
        else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-maxdepth") == 0 && argc > 2 )
            nMaxDepth = atoi(argv[2]);
            argv += 2;
            argc -= 2;
        else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-o") == 0 && argc > 2 )
            pszOutputIndexFilename = argv[2];
            argv += 2;
            argc -= 2;
        else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-i") == 0 && argc > 2 )
            pszInputIndexFilename = argv[2];
            argv += 2;
            argc -= 2;
        else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-search") == 0 && argc > 5 )
            bDoSearch = 1;

            adfSearchMin[0] = atof(argv[2]);
            adfSearchMin[1] = atof(argv[3]);
            adfSearchMax[0] = atof(argv[4]);
            adfSearchMax[1] = atof(argv[5]);

            adfSearchMin[2] = adfSearchMax[2] = 0.0;
            adfSearchMin[3] = adfSearchMax[3] = 0.0;

            if( adfSearchMin[0] > adfSearchMax[0]
                || adfSearchMin[1] > adfSearchMax[1] )
                printf( "Min greater than max in search criteria.\n" );
            argv += 5;
            argc -= 5;
        else if( pszTargetFile == NULL )				
            pszTargetFile = argv[1];
            printf( "Unrecognised argument: %s\n", argv[1] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do a search with an existing index file?                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bDoSearch && pszInputIndexFilename != NULL )
        FILE *fp = fopen( pszInputIndexFilename, "rb" );
        int  *panResult, nResultCount = 0, iResult;

        if( fp == NULL )
            perror( pszInputIndexFilename );
            exit( 1 );

        panResult = SHPSearchDiskTree( fp, adfSearchMin, adfSearchMax, 
                                       &nResultCount );

        printf( "Result: " );
        for( iResult = 0; iResult < nResultCount; iResult++ )
            printf( "%d ", panResult[iResult] );
        printf( "\n" );
        free( panResult );

        fclose( fp );
        exit( 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Display a usage message.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( pszTargetFile == NULL )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open the passed shapefile.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hSHP = SHPOpen( pszTargetFile, "rb" );

    if( hSHP == NULL )
	printf( "Unable to open:%s\n", pszTargetFile );
	exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a quadtree structure for this file.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psTree = SHPCreateTree( hSHP, 2, nMaxDepth, NULL, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Trim unused nodes from the tree.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPTreeTrimExtraNodes( psTree );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Dump tree to .qix file.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( pszOutputIndexFilename != NULL )
        SHPWriteTree( psTree, pszOutputIndexFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Dump tree by recursive descent.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( !bDoSearch )
        SHPTreeNodeDump( psTree, psTree->psRoot, "", nExpandShapes );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      or do a search instead.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        SHPTreeNodeSearchAndDump( psTree, adfSearchMin, adfSearchMax );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPDestroyTree( psTree );

    SHPClose( hSHP );


    exit( 0 );
Пример #3
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    SHPHandle	hSHP;
    SHPTree	*psTree;
    int		nExpandShapes = 0;
    int		nMaxDepth = 0;
    int		nDoSearch = 0;
    double	adfSearchMin[4], adfSearchMax[4];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Consume flags.							*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    while( argc > 1 )
        if( strcmp(argv[1],"-v") == 0 )
            nExpandShapes = 1;
        else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-maxdepth") == 0 && argc > 2 )
            nMaxDepth = atoi(argv[2]);
            argv += 2;
            argc -= 2;
        else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-search") == 0 && argc > 5 )
            nDoSearch = 1;

            adfSearchMin[0] = atof(argv[2]);
            adfSearchMin[1] = atof(argv[3]);
            adfSearchMax[0] = atof(argv[4]);
            adfSearchMax[1] = atof(argv[5]);

            adfSearchMin[2] = adfSearchMax[2] = 0.0;
            adfSearchMin[3] = adfSearchMax[3] = 0.0;

            if( adfSearchMin[0] > adfSearchMax[0]
                || adfSearchMin[1] > adfSearchMax[1] )
                printf( "Min greater than max in search criteria.\n" );
            argv += 5;
            argc -= 5;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Display a usage message.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( argc < 2 )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open the passed shapefile.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hSHP = SHPOpen( argv[1], "rb" );

    if( hSHP == NULL )
	printf( "Unable to open:%s\n", argv[1] );
	exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a quadtree structure for this file.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psTree = SHPCreateTree( hSHP, 2, nMaxDepth, NULL, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Trim unused nodes from the tree.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPTreeTrimExtraNodes( psTree );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Dump tree by recursive descent.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !nDoSearch )
        SHPTreeNodeDump( psTree, psTree->psRoot, "", nExpandShapes );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      or do a search instead.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        SHPTreeNodeSearchAndDump( psTree, adfSearchMin, adfSearchMax );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SHPDestroyTree( psTree );

    SHPClose( hSHP );


    exit( 0 );
Пример #4
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  char out_filename[256];
  if( argc != 4 )
    fprintf( stderr, "closeshp poly_shape arc_shape output_shape\n" );
    return 1;
  char *poly_file = argv[1];
  char *arc_file = argv[2];
  char *out_file = argv[3];

  struct source poly, arc, simplified;
  memset( &poly, 0, sizeof(poly) );
  memset( &arc, 0, sizeof(arc) );
  memset( &simplified, 0, sizeof(simplified) );
  poly.in_memory = arc.in_memory = 0;
  simplified.in_memory = 1;

  /* open shapefiles and dbf files */
  if( SourceOpen( &poly, poly_file, SHPT_POLYGON ) )
    return 1;
  if( SourceOpen( &arc, arc_file, SHPT_ARC ) )
    return 1;

  sprintf( out_filename, "%s_p", out_file );
  shp_out = SHPCreate( out_filename, SHPT_POLYGON );
  if( !shp_out )
    fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't create shapefile '%s': %s\n", out_file, strerror(errno));
    return 1;
  dbf_out = DBFCreate( out_filename );
  if( !dbf_out )
    fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't create DBF '%s': %s\n", out_file, strerror(errno));
    return 1;
//  DBFAddField( dbf_out, "way_id", FTInteger, 11, 0 );
//  DBFAddField( dbf_out, "orientation", FTInteger, 1, 0 );
  DBFAddField( dbf_out, "error", FTInteger, 1, 0 );
  DBFAddField( dbf_out, "tile_x", FTInteger, 4, 0 );
  DBFAddField( dbf_out, "tile_y", FTInteger, 4, 0 );

  /* Initialise node arrays */
  v_x = malloc( MAX_NODES * sizeof(double) );
  v_y = malloc( MAX_NODES * sizeof(double) );
  if( !v_x || !v_y )
    fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for nodes\n" );
    return 1;
  /* Setup state */
  struct state state;
  memset( &state, 0, sizeof(state) );
  ResizeSubareas(&state, INIT_MAX_SUBAREAS);
  // Temporary file for simplified shapes
      // Make the file and open it
      char filename[32];
      sprintf( filename, "tmp_coastline_%d", getpid() );
      simplified.shp = SHPCreate( filename, SHPT_ARC );
      if( !simplified.shp )
          fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't open temporary shapefile: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
          return 1;
      // And now unlink them so they're cleaned up when we die
      int len = strlen( filename );
      strcpy( filename+len, ".shp" );
      strcpy( filename+len, ".shx" );
      // Setup the bitmap while creating the simplified polygons
      InitBitmap( &arc, &simplified );
      InitBitmap( &poly, &simplified );
      // And index the simplified polygons
      simplified.shx = SHPCreateTree( simplified.shp, 2, 10, NULL, NULL );
      if( !simplified.shx )
          fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't build temporary shapetree\n" );
          return 1;
      SHPGetInfo( simplified.shp, &simplified.shape_count, NULL, NULL, NULL );
      simplified.shapes = calloc( simplified.shape_count, sizeof(SHPObject*) );
  /* Split coastlines into arcs no longer than MAX_NODES_PER_ARC long */
  sprintf( out_filename, "%s_i", out_file );
  SplitCoastlines( &poly, &arc, out_filename );

#if !TEST  
  for( int i=0; i<DIVISIONS; i++ )
    for( int j=0; j<DIVISIONS; j++ )  //Divide the world into mercator blocks approx 100km x 100km
  for( int i=204; i<=204; i++ )
    for( int j=248; j<=248; j++ )  //Divide the world into mercator blocks approx 100km x 100km
      state.x = i;
      state.y = j;
      double left   = -MERC_MAX + (i*MERC_BLOCK) - TILE_OVERLAP;
      double right  = -MERC_MAX + ((i+1)*MERC_BLOCK) + TILE_OVERLAP;
      double bottom = -MERC_MAX + (j*MERC_BLOCK) - TILE_OVERLAP;
      double top    = -MERC_MAX + ((j+1)*MERC_BLOCK) + TILE_OVERLAP;
      if( left  < -MERC_MAX ) left  = -MERC_MAX;
      if( right > +MERC_MAX ) right = +MERC_MAX;
      state.lb[0] = left;
      state.lb[1] = bottom;
      state.rt[0] = right;
      state.rt[1] = top;
//        fprintf( stderr, "\rProcessing (%d,%d)  (%.2f,%.2f)-(%.2f,%.2f)   ", i, j, left, bottom, right, top );
        fprintf( stderr, "\rProcessing (%d,%d)  (%.2f,%.2f)-(%.2f,%.2f)   ", i, j, state.lb[0], state.lb[1], state.rt[0], state.rt[1] );
      state.seg_count = 0;
      state.subarea_count = 0;
      state.subarea_nodecount = 0;
      state.enclosed = 0;
      // Optimisation: if we have determined nothing enters the tile, we can used the simplified tiles
      // Basically, we only need to test for enclosure
      if( check_tile( state.x, state.y ) )
        Process( &state, &poly, 1 );
        Process( &state, &arc,  0 );
        Process( &state, &simplified, 0 );

      OutputSegs( &state );
  free( state.sub_areas );
  free( simplified.shapes );
  SHPDestroyTree( poly.shx );
  SHPDestroyTree( arc.shx );
  SHPDestroyTree( simplified.shx );
  DBFClose( poly.dbf );
  DBFClose( arc.dbf );
  DBFClose( dbf_out );
  SHPClose( poly.shp );
  SHPClose( arc.shp );
  SHPClose( simplified.shp );
  SHPClose( shp_out );
  return 0;