int main(void) { printf("ORF pid %d\n", (int) getpid()); SRCAM cam; // int ret = SR_OpenDlg(&cam, 2, 0); // 2: call open dialog, 0: no parent window // int ret = SR_OpenETH(&cam, ""); int ret = SR_OpenETH(&cam, ""); if(ret<=0) return -1; // ret holds the number of cameras found cv::Size imsize(SR_GetCols(cam), SR_GetRows(cam)); // SR image size int sizebytes = 2 * imsize.area() * sizeof(unsigned short); // number of bytes sent from the SR // namedWindow("mainWin",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvNamedWindow("mainWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); int sizestep = sizeof(float)*3; // size step from one xyz component to the next int c=-1; // user input variable // enable software trigger mode so that the LEDs will only turn // on when SR_Acquire() is called SR_SetMode(cam,AM_SW_TRIGGER); std::time_t start_time = std::time(0); while(c==-1) // infinite loop, breaks if key pressed { ret = SR_Acquire(cam); cv::Mat xyz(imsize, CV_32FC3, cv::Scalar::all(0)); if(ret!=sizebytes) break; // the coordinates are stored as three channels in the format // (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ... ) squentially row by row SR_CoordTrfFlt( cam, &((float*)xyz.ptr())[0], // pointer to first x &((float*)xyz.ptr())[1], // pointer to first y &((float*)xyz.ptr())[2], // pointer to first z sizestep, sizestep, sizestep); // increments to next element cv::Mat z, z_display; // z channel and output image extractImageCOI(&CvMat(xyz), z, 2); // extract the z channel (change the 2 for another channel) z.convertTo(z_display, CV_8UC1, 256.0 / 5.0, 0); // convert to 8 bit (0..255) values, here for 5 meter camera cv::imshow("mainWin", z_display); // display image std::time_t t = std::time() - start_time; printf("ORF data taken at %d seconds\n", t); //std::cout << "ORF data taken at" << t << "seconds\n"; std::stringstream filename; filename << "./ORF_photos/" << t << ".bmp" cv::imwrite(filename.str(),z_display); c = cvWaitKey(1000); // wait 1 sec before continuing loop. if user presses a button, the loop will exit } SR_Close(cam); return 0; }
void mesa_info() { assert(_srcam); // library version unsigned short version[4]; SR_GetVersion(version); fprintf(stderr, "Library Version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", version[0], version[1], version[2], version[3]); // device string size_t len = 512; char buf[len]; memset(buf, 0, len); SR_GetDeviceString(_srcam, buf, len); fprintf(stderr, "Device String: %s\n", buf); // Acquire Mode int mode = SR_GetMode(_srcam); fprintf(stderr, "Acquire Mode: 0x%x \n ", mode); // dimensions fprintf(stderr, "Size (r x c): %d x %d\n", SR_GetRows(_srcam), SR_GetCols(_srcam)); ImgEntry *imgent; int r = SR_GetImageList(_srcam, &imgent); fprintf(stderr, "Images available: %d\n", r); for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "Image %d -- Type: %s, DataType: %s, W: %d, H: %d\n", i, imgtype_string(imgent[i].imgType), datatype_string(imgent[i].dataType), imgent[i].width, imgent[i].height); } // ModFrq fprintf(stderr, "Modulation Frequency: %s\n", modfrq_to_string(SR_GetModulationFrequency(_srcam))); // integration time fprintf(stderr, "Integration time code: %d\n", SR_GetIntegrationTime(_srcam)); // amplitude threshold fprintf(stderr, "Amplitude Threshold: %d\n", SR_GetAmplitudeThreshold(_srcam)); // Distance Offset // Deprecated: Only for SR2 // fprintf(stderr, "Distance Offset: %d\n", SR_GetDistanceOffset(_srcam)); }
mesa_t mesa_init_frame() { mesa_t frame; if(_srccam_init == 1) { frame.rows = SR_GetRows(_srcam); frame.cols = SR_GetCols(_srcam); } else { frame.rows = 144; frame.cols = 176; } frame.len = frame.rows * frame.cols; size_t sz_frame = frame.len * sizeof(float); frame.x = (float*) malloc (sz_frame); frame.y = (float*) malloc (sz_frame); frame.z = (float*) malloc (sz_frame); frame.img_size = frame.len * sizeof(uint16_t); frame.cloud_size = sz_frame * 3; //if(_srccam_init == 0) { frame.distance = (unsigned char*) malloc(frame.img_size); frame.amplitude = (unsigned char*) malloc(frame.img_size); frame.confidence = (unsigned char*) malloc(frame.img_size); //} // This probably causes a memory leak, but this needs to be done when you use an array of mesa_t frames. assert(frame.x); assert(frame.y); assert(frame.z); mesa_set_modes(0); return frame; }
int main() { CMesaDevice* srCam = 0; int res; //--------- Connect LIDAR --------- //ここにバージョン取得の関数を書く //--------- Connect LIDAR --------- SR_OpenETH(&srCam, ""); //--------- Set Acquire Mode --------- int mode = AM_COR_FIX_PTRN|AM_CONV_GRAY|AM_DENOISE_ANF; //recommended mode SR_SetMode(srCam, mode); printf("Acquire mode: %d \n", mode); //--------- Get Distance Data --------- ImgEntry* imgEntryArray; //ここに距離データ取得の関数を書く //--------- Get Rows & Cols --------- int rows, cols; rows = SR_GetRows(srCam); cols = SR_GetCols(srCam); printf("rows: %d cols: %d \n", rows, cols); //--------- Transform sphirical coodinate to xyz coordinate(Do not edit)--------- int pitch = sizeof(short); short* X = (short*)(malloc(rows * cols * pitch)); short* Y = (short*)(malloc(rows * cols * pitch)); short* Z = (short*)(malloc(rows * cols * pitch)); SR_CoordTrfUint16(srCam, X, Y, (unsigned short*)Z, pitch, pitch, pitch); //--------- Output only first 5 data(Do not edit) --------- printf("Distance data (x,y,z), with mm unit:\n"); for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { printf("%d %d %d\n", X[j], Y[j], Z[j]); } //--------- Output into PLY file(Do not edit) --------- std::ofstream ofs("lidar_data.ply"); // write header ofs << "ply" << std::endl; ofs << "format ascii 1.0" << std::endl; ofs << "element vertex " << rows*cols-1 << std::endl; ofs << "property float x" << std::endl; ofs << "property float y" << std::endl; ofs << "property float z" << std::endl; ofs << "end_header" << std::endl; // write contents for(int i = 0; i < rows * cols - 1; i++) { ofs << X[i] << " " << Y[i] << " " << Z[i] << std::endl; } ofs.close(); //--------- Deconnect LIDAR(Do not edit) --------- SR_Close(srCam); return 0; }