Пример #1
const char *OpenSSLQueryCipher(STREAM *S)
void *ptr;

if (! S) return(NULL);
if (! ptr) return(NULL);

const SSL_CIPHER *Cipher;
char *Tempstr=NULL;

Cipher=SSL_get_current_cipher((const SSL *) ptr);

if (Cipher)
Tempstr=FormatStr(Tempstr,"%d bit %s",SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(Cipher,NULL), SSL_CIPHER_get_name(Cipher));

Tempstr=SSL_CIPHER_description(Cipher, Tempstr, 1024);



Пример #2
static int openssl_ssl_current_cipher(lua_State *L)
  SSL* s = CHECK_OBJECT(1, SSL, "openssl.ssl");
  const SSL_CIPHER* c = SSL_get_current_cipher(s);
  if (c)
    int bits, algbits;
    char err[LUAL_BUFFERSIZE] = {0};;


    AUXILIAR_SET(L, -1, "name",     SSL_CIPHER_get_name(c), string);
    AUXILIAR_SET(L, -1, "version",  SSL_CIPHER_get_version(c), string);

    AUXILIAR_SET(L, -1, "id", SSL_CIPHER_get_id(c), integer);
    bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(c, &algbits);
    AUXILIAR_SET(L, -1, "bits", bits, integer);
    AUXILIAR_SET(L, -1, "algbits", algbits, integer);

    AUXILIAR_SET(L, -1, "description", SSL_CIPHER_description((SSL_CIPHER*)c, err, sizeof(err)), string);

    return 1;
  return 0;
Пример #3
static int
tlso_session_strength( tls_session *sess )
	tlso_session *s = (tlso_session *)sess;

	return SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_get_current_cipher(s), NULL);
Пример #4
static const char *
openssl_iostream_get_security_string(struct ssl_iostream *ssl_io)
    const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    const COMP_METHOD *comp;
    const char *comp_str;
    int bits, alg_bits;

    if (!ssl_io->handshaked)
        return "";

    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl_io->ssl);
    bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &alg_bits);
    comp = SSL_get_current_compression(ssl_io->ssl);
    comp_str = comp == NULL ? "" :
               t_strconcat(" ", SSL_COMP_get_name(comp), NULL);
    comp_str = "";
    return t_strdup_printf("%s with cipher %s (%d/%d bits)%s",
                           bits, alg_bits, comp_str);
Пример #5
static int get_bits(str* res, int* i, sip_msg_t* msg) 
	str bits;
	int b;
	static char buf[1024];

	struct tcp_connection* c;
	SSL* ssl;

	c = get_cur_connection(msg);
	if (!c) {
		INFO("TLS connection not found in select_bits\n");
		goto err;
	ssl = get_ssl(c);
	if (!ssl) goto err;

	b = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl), 0);
	bits.s = int2str(b, &bits.len);
	if (bits.len >= 1024) {
		ERR("Bits string too long\n");
		goto err;
	memcpy(buf, bits.s, bits.len);
	res->s = buf;
	res->len = bits.len;
	if (i) *i = b;
	return 0;

	if (c) tcpconn_put(c);
	return -1;
Пример #6
static int ssl_socket_open (CONNECTION * conn)
  sslsockdata *data;
  int maxbits;

  if (raw_socket_open (conn) < 0)
    return -1;

  data = (sslsockdata *) safe_calloc (1, sizeof (sslsockdata));
  conn->sockdata = data;

  data->ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_client_method ());

  /* disable SSL protocols as needed */
  if (!option(OPTTLSV1))
    SSL_CTX_set_options(data->ctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1);
  /* TLSv1.1/1.2 support was added in OpenSSL 1.0.1, but some OS distros such
   * as Fedora 17 are on OpenSSL 1.0.0.
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
  if (!option(OPTTLSV1_1))
    SSL_CTX_set_options(data->ctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1);
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
  if (!option(OPTTLSV1_2))
    SSL_CTX_set_options(data->ctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2);
  if (!option(OPTSSLV2))
    SSL_CTX_set_options(data->ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2);
  if (!option(OPTSSLV3))
    SSL_CTX_set_options(data->ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3);

  ssl_get_client_cert(data, conn);

  data->ssl = SSL_new (data->ctx);
  SSL_set_fd (data->ssl, conn->fd);

  if (ssl_negotiate(conn, data))
    mutt_socket_close (conn);
    return -1;

  data->isopen = 1;

  conn->ssf = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits (SSL_get_current_cipher (data->ssl),

  return 0;
Пример #7
 * Adds Ciphers to the Cipher List structure
 * @param options Options for this run
 * @param ssl_method SSL method to populate ciphers for.
 * @return Boolean: true = success | false = error
int populate_ciphers(struct sslCheckOptions *options, const SSL_METHOD *ssl_method)
	struct sslCipher *cipher_ptr;
	int i;
	// STACK_OF is a sign that you should be using C++ :)
	STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cipher_list;
	SSL_CTX *ctx;
	SSL *ssl = NULL;

	ctx = SSL_CTX_new(ssl_method);
	if (ctx == NULL) {
		printf("%sERROR: Could not create CTX object.%s\n", COL_RED, RESET);
		return false;

	SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL");

	ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
	if (ssl == NULL) {
		printf("%sERROR: Could not create SSL object.%s\n", COL_RED, RESET);
		return false;

	cipher_list = SSL_get_ciphers(ssl);

	if (options->ciphers != NULL) {
		cipher_ptr = options->ciphers;
		while (cipher_ptr->next != NULL)
			cipher_ptr = cipher_ptr->next;

	// Create Cipher Struct Entries...
	for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(cipher_list); i++) {
		if (options->ciphers == NULL) {
			options->ciphers = malloc(sizeof(struct sslCipher));
			cipher_ptr = options->ciphers;
		} else {
			cipher_ptr->next = malloc(sizeof(struct sslCipher));
			cipher_ptr = cipher_ptr->next;

		memset(cipher_ptr, 0, sizeof(struct sslCipher));
		cipher_ptr->next = NULL;

		// Add cipher information...
		cipher_ptr->sslMethod = ssl_method;
		cipher_ptr->name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(cipher_list, i));
		cipher_ptr->version = SSL_CIPHER_get_version(sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(cipher_list, i));
		SSL_CIPHER_description(sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(cipher_list, i), cipher_ptr->description, sizeof(cipher_ptr->description) - 1);
		cipher_ptr->bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(cipher_list, i), &cipher_ptr->alg_bits);


	return true;
Пример #8
int pn_ssl_get_ssf(pn_ssl_t *ssl0)
  const SSL_CIPHER *c;

  pni_ssl_t *ssl = get_ssl_internal(ssl0);
  if (ssl && ssl->ssl && (c = SSL_get_current_cipher( ssl->ssl ))) {
    return SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(c, NULL);
  return 0;
Пример #9
/* SSL info callback, this is used to trace engine state changes
 * and to check when the handshake is finished, so we can display
 * some cipher and session information and process callbacks.
void ssl_info(SSL *ssl, int where, int ret)
  int sock;
  X509 *cert;
  char buf[256];
  ssl_appdata *data;
  SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
  int secret, processed;
  /* We're doing non-blocking IO, so we check here if the handshake has
     finished */
  if (where & SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE) {
    if (!(data = (ssl_appdata *) SSL_get_app_data(ssl)))
    /* Callback for completed handshake. Cheaper and more convenient than
       using H_tls */
    sock = SSL_get_fd(ssl);    
    if (data->cb)
    /* Call TLS binds. We allow scripts to take over or disable displaying of
       certificate information. */
    if (check_tcl_tls(sock))

    putlog(data->loglevel, "*", "TLS: handshake successful. Secure connection "

    if ((cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl))) 
      ssl_showcert(cert, data->loglevel);
      putlog(data->loglevel, "*", "TLS: peer did not present a certificate");

    /* Display cipher information */
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl);
    processed = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &secret);
    putlog(data->loglevel, "*", "TLS: cipher used: %s %s; %d bits (%d secret)",
           SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher), SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher),
           processed, secret);
    /* secret are the actually secret bits. If processed and secret differ,
       the rest of the bits are fixed, i.e. for limited export ciphers */

    /* More verbose information, for debugging only */
    SSL_CIPHER_description(cipher, buf, sizeof buf);
    debug1("TLS: cipher details: %s", buf);

  /* Display the state of the engine for debugging purposes */
  debug1("TLS: state change: %s", SSL_state_string_long(ssl));
Пример #10
int tls_init_data_session(const int fd, const int passive)
    const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    int ret;
    int ret_;

    (void) passive;
    if (tls_ctx == NULL) {
        logfile(LOG_ERR, MSG_TLS_NO_CTX);
        tls_error(__LINE__, 0);
    if (tls_data_cnx != NULL) {
    } else if ((tls_data_cnx = SSL_new(tls_ctx)) == NULL) {
        tls_error(__LINE__, 0);
    if (SSL_set_fd(tls_data_cnx, fd) != 1) {
        tls_error(__LINE__, 0);
    for (;;) {
        ret = SSL_accept(tls_data_cnx);
        if (ret <= 0) {
            ret_ = SSL_get_error(tls_data_cnx, ret);
            if (ret == -1 && (ret_ == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
                              ret_ == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)) {
            logfile(LOG_INFO, MSG_LOGOUT);
    if (broken_client_compat == 0 && SSL_session_reused(tls_data_cnx) == 0) {
        tls_error(__LINE__, 0);
# endif
    if ((cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(tls_data_cnx)) != NULL) {
        int strength_bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, NULL);

        logfile(LOG_INFO, MSG_TLS_INFO, SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher),
                SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher), strength_bits);
        if (strength_bits < MINIMAL_CIPHER_STRENGTH_BITS) {
            die(534, LOG_ERR, MSG_TLS_WEAK);
    return 0;
Пример #11
static VALUE
ossl_ssl_cipher_to_ary(SSL_CIPHER *cipher)
    VALUE ary;
    int bits, alg_bits;

    ary = rb_ary_new2(4);
    rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new2(SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher)));
    rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new2(SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher)));
    bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &alg_bits);
    rb_ary_push(ary, INT2FIX(bits));
    rb_ary_push(ary, INT2FIX(alg_bits));

    return ary;
Пример #12
struct chiper_info *
_SSL_get_cipher_info (SSL * ssl)

	c = SSL_get_current_cipher (ssl);
	strncpy (chiper_info.version, SSL_CIPHER_get_version (c),
				sizeof (chiper_info.version));
	strncpy (chiper_info.chiper, SSL_CIPHER_get_name (c),
				sizeof (chiper_info.chiper));
	SSL_CIPHER_get_bits (c, &chiper_info.chiper_bits);

	return (&chiper_info);
Пример #13
return the certificate even if it wasn't validated.");

static PyObject *PySSL_cipher (PySSLObject *self) {

	PyObject *retval, *v;
	SSL_CIPHER *current;
	char *cipher_name;
	char *cipher_protocol;

	if (self->ssl == NULL)
		return Py_None;
	current = SSL_get_current_cipher(self->ssl);
	if (current == NULL)
		return Py_None;

	retval = PyTuple_New(3);
	if (retval == NULL)
		return NULL;

	cipher_name = (char *) SSL_CIPHER_get_name(current);
	if (cipher_name == NULL) {
		PyTuple_SET_ITEM(retval, 0, Py_None);
	} else {
		v = PyUnicode_FromString(cipher_name);
		if (v == NULL)
			goto fail0;
		PyTuple_SET_ITEM(retval, 0, v);
	cipher_protocol = SSL_CIPHER_get_version(current);
	if (cipher_protocol == NULL) {
		PyTuple_SET_ITEM(retval, 1, Py_None);
	} else {
		v = PyUnicode_FromString(cipher_protocol);
		if (v == NULL)
			goto fail0;
		PyTuple_SET_ITEM(retval, 1, v);
	v = PyLong_FromLong(SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(current, NULL));
	if (v == NULL)
		goto fail0;
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM(retval, 2, v);
	return retval;

	return NULL;
Пример #14
 * Return information about the connection.
static int meth_info(lua_State *L)
  int bits = 0;
  int algbits = 0;
  char buf[256] = {0};
  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
  p_ssl ssl = (p_ssl)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "SSL:Connection");
  cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl->ssl);
  if (!cipher)
    return 0;
  SSL_CIPHER_description(cipher, buf, sizeof(buf));
  bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &algbits);
  lua_pushstring(L, buf);
  lua_pushnumber(L, bits);
  lua_pushnumber(L, algbits);
  return 3;
Пример #15
void SSLGetSessionCipher(SSL* pSSLSession,
                         char* pszBuffer,
                         int iBufferSize)
    SSL_CIPHER* pCipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(pSSLSession);

                    "protocol=%s, cipher=%s(%d)",
                    SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(pCipher, NULL));
Пример #16
int ssl_session_vars(SSL *ssl) {
  char *x;
  SSL_SESSION *session;
  int n;
  int m;
  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
  unsigned char u;
  unsigned char c;

  if (!env_str("SSL_PROTOCOL",SSL_get_version(ssl)))
    return 0;

  session = SSL_get_session(ssl);
  x = session->session_id;
  n = session->session_id_length;
  if (!stralloc_ready(&btemp,2 * n)) return 0;
  btemp.len = 2 * n;
  while (n--) {
    u = x[n];
    c = '0' + (u & 15); if (c > '0' + 9) c += 'a' - '0' - 10;
    btemp.s[2 * n + 1] = c;
    u >>= 4;
    c = '0' + (u & 15); if (c > '0' + 9) c += 'a' - '0' - 10;
    btemp.s[2 * n] = c;
  if (!env_val("SSL_SESSION_ID",btemp.s,btemp.len)) return 0;

  if (!env_str("SSL_CIPHER",SSL_get_cipher_name(ssl))) return 0;
  cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl);
  if (!cipher) return 0;
  n = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,&m);
  if (!env_str("SSL_CIPHER_EXPORT",n < 56 ? "true" : "false")) return 0;
  if (!env_val("SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE",strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,n))) return 0;
  if (!env_val("SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE",strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,m))) return 0;

  if (!env_str("SSL_VERSION_INTERFACE","ucspi-ssl")) return 0;

  return 1;
Пример #17
static void print_cipher(CLI * c)
	SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
	const COMP_METHOD *compression, *expansion;

	if (global_options.debug_level < LOG_INFO)	
	cipher = (SSL_CIPHER *) SSL_get_current_cipher(c->ssl);
	s_log(LOG_INFO, "Negotiated %s ciphersuite: %s (%d-bit encryption)",
	      SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher), SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher),
	      SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, NULL));

	compression = SSL_get_current_compression(c->ssl);
	expansion = SSL_get_current_expansion(c->ssl);
	s_log(LOG_INFO, "Compression: %s, expansion: %s",
	      compression ? SSL_COMP_get_name(compression) : "null",
	      expansion ? SSL_COMP_get_name(expansion) : "null");
Пример #18
NOEXPORT void print_cipher(CLI *c) { /* print negotiated cipher */
    SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_COMP) && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER>=0x0090800fL
    const COMP_METHOD *compression, *expansion;

    if(global_options.debug_level<LOG_INFO) /* performance optimization */
    cipher=(SSL_CIPHER *)SSL_get_current_cipher(c->ssl);
    s_log(LOG_INFO, "Negotiated %s ciphersuite: %s (%d-bit encryption)",
        SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher), SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher),
        SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, NULL));

#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_COMP) && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER>=0x0090800fL
    s_log(LOG_INFO, "Compression: %s, expansion: %s",
        compression ? SSL_COMP_get_name(compression) : "null",
        expansion ? SSL_COMP_get_name(expansion) : "null");
bool SSLConnection::doOpen() {
  if (!did_init) return false;

  ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_client_method ());

  /* disable SSL protocols as needed */
  if (!UseTLS1) {
    SSL_CTX_set_options (ctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1);
  if (!UseSSL3) {
    SSL_CTX_set_options (ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3);
  if (!UseTLS1 && !UseSSL3)
    return false;

  getClientCert ();

  ssl = SSL_new (ctx);
  SSL_set_fd (ssl,fd);

  if (!negotiate ())
    return false;

  int maxbits;
  ssf = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits (SSL_get_current_cipher (ssl),&maxbits);

  buffer_t msg;
  buffer_add_str(&msg,_("SSL/TLS connection using "),-1);
  buffer_add_str(&msg," (",2);

  return true;
Пример #20
int tls_init_new_session(void)
    const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    int ret;
    int ret_;

    if (tls_ctx == NULL || (tls_cnx = SSL_new(tls_ctx)) == NULL) {
        tls_error(__LINE__, 0);
    if (SSL_set_fd(tls_cnx, clientfd) != 1) {
        tls_error(__LINE__, 0);
    for (;;) {
        ret = SSL_accept(tls_cnx);
        if (ret != 1) {
            ret_ = SSL_get_error(tls_cnx, ret);
            if (ret == -1 &&
                (ret_ == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
                 ret_ == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)) {
            die(400, LOG_WARNING, MSG_TLS_NEEDED);
    if ((cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(tls_cnx)) != NULL) {
        int strength_bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, NULL);

        logfile(LOG_INFO, MSG_TLS_INFO, SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher),
                SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher), strength_bits);
        if (strength_bits < MINIMAL_CIPHER_STRENGTH_BITS) {
            die(534, LOG_ERR, MSG_TLS_WEAK);
    return 0;
Пример #21
int tlsops_bits(struct sip_msg *msg, pv_param_t *param,
		pv_value_t *res)
	str bits;
	int b;
	static char buf[1024];

	struct tcp_connection* c;
	SSL* ssl;

	c = get_cur_connection(msg);
	if (!c) {
		LM_INFO("TLS connection not found in select_bits\n");
		goto err;
	ssl = get_ssl(c);
	if (!ssl) goto err;

	b = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl), 0);
	bits.s = int2str(b, &bits.len);
	if (bits.len >= 1024) {
		LM_ERR("bits string too long\n");
		goto err;
	memcpy(buf, bits.s, bits.len);
	res->rs.s = buf;
	res->rs.len = bits.len;
	res->ri = b;
	res->flags = PV_VAL_STR | PV_VAL_INT;

	return 0;
	if (c) tcpconn_put(c);
	return pv_get_null(msg, param, res);
Пример #22
  * This is the actual startup routine for the connection. We expect that the
  * buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was received by us,
  * so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_client_start(const TLS_CLIENT_START_PROPS *props)
    int     sts;
    int     protomask;
    const char *cipher_list;
    SSL_SESSION *session = 0;
    SSL_CIPHER_const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    X509   *peercert;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;
    char   *myserverid;
    int     log_mask = app_ctx->log_mask;

     * When certificate verification is required, log trust chain validation
     * errors even when disabled by default for opportunistic sessions. For
     * DANE this only applies when using trust-anchor associations.
    if (TLS_MUST_TRUST(props->tls_level)
      && (!TLS_DANE_BASED(props->tls_level) || TLS_DANE_HASTA(props->dane)))
	log_mask |= TLS_LOG_UNTRUSTED;

    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("setting up TLS connection to %s", props->namaddr);

     * First make sure we have valid protocol and cipher parameters
     * Per-session protocol restrictions must be applied to the SSL connection,
     * as restrictions in the global context cannot be cleared.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	msg_warn("%s: Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, props->protocols);
	return (0);
    /* DANE requires SSLv3 or later, not SSLv2. */
    if (TLS_DANE_BASED(props->tls_level))
	protomask |= TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2;

     * Per session cipher selection for sessions with mandatory encryption
     * The cipherlist is applied to the global SSL context, since it is likely
     * to stay the same between connections, so we make use of a 1-element
     * cache to return the same result for identical inputs.
    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, vstring_str(app_ctx->why));
	return (0);
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("%s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"", props->namaddr, cipher_list);

     * OpenSSL will ignore cached sessions that use the wrong protocol. So we
     * do not need to filter out cached sessions with the "wrong" protocol,
     * rather OpenSSL will simply negotiate a new session.
     * We salt the session lookup key with the protocol list, so that sessions
     * found in the cache are plausibly acceptable.
     * By the time a TLS client is negotiating ciphers it has already offered to
     * re-use a session, it is too late to renege on the offer. So we must
     * not attempt to re-use sessions whose ciphers are too weak. We salt the
     * session lookup key with the cipher list, so that sessions found in the
     * cache are always acceptable.
     * With DANE, (more generally any TLScontext where we specified explicit
     * trust-anchor or end-entity certificates) the verification status of
     * the SSL session depends on the specified list.  Since we verify the
     * certificate only during the initial handshake, we must segregate
     * sessions with different TA lists.  Note, that TA re-verification is
     * not possible with cached sessions, since these don't hold the complete
     * peer trust chain.  Therefore, we compute a digest of the sorted TA
     * parameters and append it to the serverid.
    myserverid = tls_serverid_digest(props, protomask, cipher_list);

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
     * If session caching was enabled when TLS was initialized, the cache type
     * is stored in the client SSL context.
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(log_mask, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = myserverid;
    TLScontext->stream = props->stream;
    TLScontext->mdalg = props->mdalg;

    /* Alias DANE digest info from props */
    TLScontext->dane = props->dane;

    if ((TLScontext->con = SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
	msg_warn("Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()");
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	msg_warn("Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'");
	return (0);

     * Apply session protocol restrictions.
    if (protomask != 0)
	SSL_set_options(TLScontext->con, TLS_SSL_OP_PROTOMASK(protomask));

     * XXX To avoid memory leaks we must always call SSL_SESSION_free() after
     * calling SSL_set_session(), regardless of whether or not the session
     * will be reused.
    if (TLScontext->cache_type) {
	session = load_clnt_session(TLScontext);
	if (session) {
	    SSL_set_session(TLScontext->con, session);
	    SSL_SESSION_free(session);		/* 200411 */
#ifdef TLSEXT_MAXLEN_host_name
    if (TLS_DANE_BASED(props->tls_level)
	&& strlen(props->host) <= TLSEXT_MAXLEN_host_name) {

	 * With DANE sessions, send an SNI hint.  We don't care whether the
	 * server reports finding a matching certificate or not, so no
	 * callback is required to process the server response.  Our use of
	 * SNI is limited to giving servers that are (mis)configured to use
	 * SNI the best opportunity to find the certificate they promised via
	 * the associated TLSA RRs.  (Generally, server administrators should
	 * avoid SNI, and there are no plans to support SNI in the Postfix
	 * SMTP server).
	 * Since the hostname is DNSSEC-validated, it must be a DNS FQDN and
	 * thererefore valid for use with SNI.  Failure to set a valid SNI
	 * hostname is a memory allocation error, and thus transient.  Since
	 * we must not cache the session if we failed to send the SNI name,
	 * we have little choice but to abort.
	if (!SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(TLScontext->con, props->host)) {
	    msg_warn("%s: error setting SNI hostname to: %s", props->namaddr,
	    return (0);
	if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_DEBUG)
	    msg_info("%s: SNI hostname: %s", props->namaddr, props->host);

     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    (void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to connect state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the network socket.
    if (SSL_set_fd(TLScontext->con, vstream_fileno(props->stream)) != 1) {
	msg_info("SSL_set_fd error to %s", props->namaddr);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);

     * Turn on non-blocking I/O so that we can enforce timeouts on network
     * I/O.
    non_blocking(vstream_fileno(props->stream), NON_BLOCKING);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS will dump the SSL negotiation, TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS will
     * dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

    tls_dane_set_callback(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_connect(vstream_fileno(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	if (ERR_peek_error() != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %d", props->namaddr, sts);
	} else if (errno != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %m", props->namaddr);
	} else {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: lost connection",
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);
    /* Turn off packet dump if only dumping the handshake */
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS) == 0)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), 0);

     * The caller may want to know if this session was reused or if a new
     * session was negotiated.
    TLScontext->session_reused = SSL_session_reused(TLScontext->con);
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_CACHE) && TLScontext->session_reused)
	msg_info("%s: Reusing old session", TLScontext->namaddr);

     * Do peername verification if requested and extract useful information
     * from the certificate for later use.
    if ((peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(TLScontext->con)) != 0) {
	TLScontext->peer_status |= TLS_CERT_FLAG_PRESENT;

	 * Peer name or fingerprint verification as requested.
	 * Unconditionally set peer_CN, issuer_CN and peer_cert_fprint. Check
	 * fingerprint first, and avoid logging verified as untrusted in the
	 * call to verify_extract_name().
	verify_extract_print(TLScontext, peercert, props);
	verify_extract_name(TLScontext, peercert, props);

	if (TLScontext->log_mask &
	    msg_info("%s: subject_CN=%s, issuer_CN=%s, "
		     "fingerprint=%s, pkey_fingerprint=%s", props->namaddr,
		     TLScontext->peer_CN, TLScontext->issuer_CN,
    } else {
	TLScontext->issuer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_cert_fprint = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_pkey_fprint = mystrdup("");

     * Finally, collect information about protocol and cipher for logging
    TLScontext->protocol = SSL_get_version(TLScontext->con);
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(TLScontext->con);
    TLScontext->cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher);
    TLScontext->cipher_usebits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,

     * The TLS engine is active. Switch to the tls_timed_read/write()
     * functions and make the TLScontext available to those functions.
    tls_stream_start(props->stream, TLScontext);

     * All the key facts in a single log entry.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_SUMMARY)
	msg_info("%s TLS connection established to %s: %s with cipher %s "
		 "(%d/%d bits)",
		 !TLS_CERT_IS_PRESENT(TLScontext) ? "Anonymous" :
		 TLS_CERT_IS_MATCHED(TLScontext) ? "Verified" :
		 TLS_CERT_IS_TRUSTED(TLScontext) ? "Trusted" : "Untrusted",
	      props->namaddr, TLScontext->protocol, TLScontext->cipher_name,
		 TLScontext->cipher_usebits, TLScontext->cipher_algbits);


    return (TLScontext);
Пример #23
 * starts SSL/TLS encryption for the current session.
int starttls(int sock) {
	int retval, bits, alg_bits;/*r; */
	SSL *newssl;

	pthread_setspecific(ThreadSSL, NULL);

	if (!ssl_ctx) {
	if (!(newssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx))) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "SSL_new failed: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
	if (!(SSL_set_fd(newssl, sock))) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "SSL_set_fd failed: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
	retval = SSL_accept(newssl);
	if (retval < 1) {
		 * Can't notify the client of an error here; they will
		 * discover the problem at the SSL layer and should
		 * revert to unencrypted communications.
		long errval;
		const char *ssl_error_reason = NULL;

		errval = SSL_get_error(newssl, retval);
		ssl_error_reason = ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error());
		if (ssl_error_reason == NULL) {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "SSL_accept failed: errval=%ld, retval=%d %s\n", errval, retval, strerror(errval));
		else {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "SSL_accept failed: %s\n", ssl_error_reason);
		retval = SSL_accept(newssl);
	if (retval < 1) {
		long errval;
		const char *ssl_error_reason = NULL;

		errval = SSL_get_error(newssl, retval);
		ssl_error_reason = ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error());
		if (ssl_error_reason == NULL) {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "SSL_accept failed: errval=%ld, retval=%d (%s)\n", errval, retval, strerror(errval));
		else {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "SSL_accept failed: %s\n", ssl_error_reason);
		newssl = NULL;
	else {
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "SSL_accept success\n");
	/*r = */BIO_set_close(newssl->rbio, BIO_NOCLOSE);
	bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_get_current_cipher(newssl), &alg_bits);
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "SSL/TLS using %s on %s (%d of %d bits)\n",
		bits, alg_bits);

	pthread_setspecific(ThreadSSL, newssl);
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "SSL started\n");
Пример #24
/* Switch on a filedescriptor */
int ggz_tls_enable_fd(int fd, GGZTLSType mode, GGZTLSVerificationType verify)
	int ret, ret2;
	SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
	int bits;
	char *cipherlist;
	SSL *_tls;
	int _tls_active;
	struct list_entry *entry;

	_state = 1;
	_tls_active = 0;
	if((mode != GGZ_TLS_CLIENT) && (mode != GGZ_TLS_SERVER))
		TLSERROR("Wrong mode.");
		return 0;

	if(!_tlsctx) tls_init(verify);
	_tls = SSL_new(_tlsctx);
		cipherlist = NULL;
		stack = SSL_get_ciphers(_tls);
		while((cipher = (SSL_CIPHER*)sk_pop(stack)) != NULL)
			printf("* Cipher: %s\n", SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher));
			printf("  Bits: %i\n", SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &bits));
			printf("  Used bits: %i\n", bits);
			printf("  Version: %s\n", SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher));
			printf("  Description: %s\n", SSL_CIPHER_description(cipher, NULL, 0));
				cipherlist = (char*)realloc(cipherlist, (strlen(cipherlist) + 1) + strlen(SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher)) + 1);
				strcat(cipherlist, ":");
				strcat(cipherlist, SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher));
				cipherlist = (char*)malloc(strlen(SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher)) + 1);
				strcpy(cipherlist, SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher));
		printf("Available ciphers: %s\n", cipherlist);
		ret = SSL_set_cipher_list(_tls, cipherlist);
		if(!ret) TLSERROR("Cipher selection failed.");
		ret = SSL_set_fd(_tls, fd);
		if(!ret) TLSERROR("Assignment to connection failed.");
			SSL_set_read_ahead(_tls, 1);
			if(mode == GGZ_TLS_SERVER)
					ret = SSL_accept(_tls);
				ret = SSL_connect(_tls);
			if((ret != 1) || (!_state))
				printf("Ret: %i, State: %i\n", ret, _state);
				TLSERROR("Handshake failed.");
				ret2 = ERR_get_error();
				printf("EXT: %s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", tls_exterror(_tls, ret), ERR_error_string(ret2, NULL),
					ERR_lib_error_string(ret2), ERR_func_error_string(ret2), ERR_reason_error_string(ret2));
				printf(">>>>> Handshake successful.\n");
				if((mode == GGZ_TLS_SERVER) || (verify == GGZ_TLS_VERIFY_NONE)) _tls_active = 1;
					printf(">>>>> Client side, thus checking Certificate.\n");
					printf("Negotiated cipher: %s\n", SSL_get_cipher(_tls));
					printf("Shared ciphers: %s\n", SSL_get_shared_ciphers(_tls, NULL, 0));
						if(SSL_get_verify_result(_tls) == X509_V_OK)
							_tls_active = 1;
							printf("Error code: %li\n", SSL_get_verify_result(_tls));
							TLSERROR("Invalid certificate, or certificate is not self-signed.");
					else TLSERROR("Couldn't get certificate.");
			entry = (struct list_entry*)ggz_malloc(sizeof(struct list_entry));
			entry->tls = _tls;
			entry->fd = fd;
			entry->active = _tls_active;
			ggz_list_insert(openssllist, entry);
			return 1;
	return 0;
Пример #25
static void setup_ssl(tcptest_t *item)
	static int ssl_init_complete = 0;
	struct servent *sp;
	char portinfo[100];
	X509 *peercert;
	char *certcn, *certstart, *certend;
	int err;
	strbuffer_t *sslinfo;
	char msglin[2048];

	item->sslrunning = 1;

	if (!ssl_init_complete) {
		/* Setup entropy */
		if (RAND_status() != 1) {
			char path[PATH_MAX];	/* Path for the random file */

			/* load entropy from files */
			RAND_load_file(RAND_file_name(path, sizeof (path)), -1);

			/* load entropy from egd sockets */

			/* shuffle $RANDFILE (or ~/.rnd if unset) */
			RAND_write_file(RAND_file_name(path, sizeof (path)));
			if (RAND_status() != 1) {
				errprintf("Failed to find enough entropy on your system");
				item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;

		ssl_init_complete = 1;

	if (item->sslctx == NULL) {
		switch (item->ssloptions->sslversion) {
		  case SSLVERSION_V2:
			item->sslctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv2_client_method()); break;
		  case SSLVERSION_V3:
			item->sslctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method()); break;
			item->sslctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method()); break;
			item->sslctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); break;

		if (!item->sslctx) {
			char sslerrmsg[256];

			ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
			errprintf("Cannot create SSL context - IP %s, service %s: %s\n", 
				   inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr), item->svcinfo->svcname, sslerrmsg);
			item->sslrunning = 0;
			item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;

		/* Workaround SSL bugs */
		SSL_CTX_set_options(item->sslctx, SSL_OP_ALL);
		SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(item->sslctx, 1);

		/* Limit set of ciphers, if user wants to */
		if (item->ssloptions->cipherlist) 
			SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(item->sslctx, item->ssloptions->cipherlist);

		if (item->ssloptions->clientcert) {
			int status;
			char certfn[PATH_MAX];

			SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(item->sslctx, cert_password_cb);
			SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(item->sslctx, item);

			sprintf(certfn, "%s/certs/%s", xgetenv("XYMONHOME"), item->ssloptions->clientcert);
			status = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(item->sslctx, certfn);
			if (status == 1) {
				status = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(item->sslctx, certfn, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);

			if (status != 1) {
				char sslerrmsg[256];

				ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
				errprintf("Cannot load SSL client certificate/key %s: %s\n", 
					  item->ssloptions->clientcert, sslerrmsg);
				item->sslrunning = 0;
				item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;

	if (item->ssldata == NULL) {
		item->ssldata = SSL_new(item->sslctx);
		if (!item->ssldata) {
			char sslerrmsg[256];

			ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
			errprintf("SSL_new failed - IP %s, service %s: %s\n", 
				   inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr), item->svcinfo->svcname, sslerrmsg);
			item->sslrunning = 0;
			item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;

		/* Verify that the client certificate is working */
		if (item->ssloptions->clientcert) {
			X509 *x509;

			x509 = SSL_get_certificate(item->ssldata);
			if(x509 != NULL) {
				EVP_PKEY *pktmp = X509_get_pubkey(x509);

			if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(item->sslctx)) {
				errprintf("Private/public key mismatch for certificate %s\n", item->ssloptions->clientcert);
				item->sslrunning = 0;
				item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;

		/* SSL setup is done. Now attach the socket FD to the SSL protocol handler */
		if (SSL_set_fd(item->ssldata, item->fd) != 1) {
			char sslerrmsg[256];

			ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
			errprintf("Could not initiate SSL on connection - IP %s, service %s: %s\n", 
				   inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr), item->svcinfo->svcname, sslerrmsg);
			item->sslrunning = 0;
			item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;

	sp = getservbyport(item->addr.sin_port, "tcp");
	if (sp) {
		sprintf(portinfo, "%s (%d/tcp)", sp->s_name, item->addr.sin_port);
	else {
		sprintf(portinfo, "%d/tcp", item->addr.sin_port);
	if ((err = SSL_connect(item->ssldata)) != 1) {
		char sslerrmsg[256];

		switch (SSL_get_error (item->ssldata, err)) {
			item->sslrunning = SSLSETUP_PENDING;
			ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
			/* Filter out the bogus SSL error */
			if (strstr(sslerrmsg, "error:00000000:") == NULL) {
				errprintf("IO error in SSL_connect to %s on host %s: %s\n",
					  portinfo, inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr), sslerrmsg);
			item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;
			item->sslrunning = 0; SSL_free(item->ssldata); SSL_CTX_free(item->sslctx);
		  case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
			ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
			errprintf("Unspecified SSL error in SSL_connect to %s on host %s: %s\n",
				  portinfo, inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr), sslerrmsg);
			item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;
			item->sslrunning = 0; SSL_free(item->ssldata); SSL_CTX_free(item->sslctx);
			ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), sslerrmsg);
			errprintf("Unknown error %d in SSL_connect to %s on host %s: %s\n",
				  err, portinfo, inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr), sslerrmsg);
			item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;
			item->sslrunning = 0; SSL_free(item->ssldata); SSL_CTX_free(item->sslctx);


	/* If we get this far, the SSL handshake has completed. So grab the certificate */
	peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(item->ssldata);
	if (!peercert) {
		errprintf("Cannot get peer certificate for %s on host %s\n",
			  portinfo, inet_ntoa(item->addr.sin_addr));
		item->errcode = CONTEST_ESSL;
		item->sslrunning = 0; SSL_free(item->ssldata); SSL_CTX_free(item->sslctx);

	sslinfo = newstrbuffer(0);

	certcn = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(peercert), NULL, 0);
	certstart = strdup(xymon_ASN1_UTCTIME(X509_get_notBefore(peercert)));
	certend = strdup(xymon_ASN1_UTCTIME(X509_get_notAfter(peercert)));

	snprintf(msglin, sizeof(msglin),
		"Server certificate:\n\tsubject:%s\n\tstart date: %s\n\texpire date:%s\n", 
		certcn, certstart, certend);
	addtobuffer(sslinfo, msglin);
	item->certsubject = strdup(certcn);
	item->certexpires = sslcert_expiretime(certend);
	xfree(certcn); xfree(certstart); xfree(certend);

	/* We list the available ciphers in the SSL cert data */
		int i;

		addtobuffer(sslinfo, "\nAvailable ciphers:\n");
		sk = SSL_get_ciphers(item->ssldata);
		for (i=0; i<sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(sk); i++) {
			int b1, b2;
			char *cph;

			b1 = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(sk,i), &b2);
			cph = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(sk,i));
			snprintf(msglin, sizeof(msglin), "Cipher %d: %s (%d bits)\n", i, cph, b1);
			addtobuffer(sslinfo, msglin);

			if ((item->mincipherbits == 0) || (b1 < item->mincipherbits)) item->mincipherbits = b1;

	item->certinfo = grabstrbuffer(sslinfo);
Пример #26
/* mutt_ssl_starttls: Negotiate TLS over an already opened connection.
 *   TODO: Merge this code better with ssl_socket_open. */
int mutt_ssl_starttls (CONNECTION* conn)
        sslsockdata* ssldata;
        int maxbits;
        long ssl_options = 0;

        if (ssl_init())
                goto bail;

        ssldata = (sslsockdata*) safe_calloc (1, sizeof (sslsockdata));
/* the ssl_use_xxx protocol options don't apply. We must use TLS in TLS.
 * However, we need to be able to negotiate amongst various TLS versions,
 * which at present can only be done with the SSLv23_client_method;
 * TLSv1_client_method gives us explicitly TLSv1.0, not 1.1 or 1.2 (True as
 * of OpenSSL 1.0.1c)
        if (! (ssldata->ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_client_method()))) {
                dprint (1, (debugfile, "mutt_ssl_starttls: Error allocating SSL_CTX\n"));
                goto bail_ssldata;
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
        if (!option(OPTTLSV1_2))
                ssl_options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2;
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
        if (!option(OPTTLSV1_1))
                ssl_options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1;
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1
        if (!option(OPTTLSV1))
                ssl_options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1;
/* these are always set */
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3
        ssl_options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3;
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2
        ssl_options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2;
        if (! SSL_CTX_set_options(ssldata->ctx, ssl_options)) {
                dprint(1, (debugfile, "mutt_ssl_starttls: Error setting options to %ld\n", ssl_options));
                goto bail_ctx;

        ssl_get_client_cert(ssldata, conn);

        if (! (ssldata->ssl = SSL_new (ssldata->ctx))) {
                dprint (1, (debugfile, "mutt_ssl_starttls: Error allocating SSL\n"));
                goto bail_ctx;

        if (SSL_set_fd (ssldata->ssl, conn->fd) != 1) {
                dprint (1, (debugfile, "mutt_ssl_starttls: Error setting fd\n"));
                goto bail_ssl;

        if (ssl_negotiate (conn, ssldata))
                goto bail_ssl;

        ssldata->isopen = 1;

/* hmm. watch out if we're starting TLS over any method other than raw. */
        conn->sockdata = ssldata;
        conn->conn_read = ssl_socket_read;
        conn->conn_write = ssl_socket_write;
        conn->conn_close = tls_close;

        conn->ssf = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits (SSL_get_current_cipher (ssldata->ssl),

        return 0;

        FREE (&ssldata->ssl);
        FREE (&ssldata->ctx);
        FREE (&ssldata);
        return -1;
Пример #27
 * This is the actual startup routine for the connection. We expect that the
 * buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was received by us,
 * so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_client_start(const TLS_CLIENT_START_PROPS *props)
    const   char *myname = "tls_client_start";
    int     sts;
    int     protomask;
    const char *cipher_list;
    SSL_SESSION *session;
    SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    X509   *peercert;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;
    ACL_VSTRING *myserverid;

    if (props->log_level >= 1)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): setting up TLS connection to %s",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr);

     * First make sure we have valid protocol and cipher parameters
     * The cipherlist will be applied to the global SSL context, where it can be
     * repeatedly reset if necessary, but the protocol restrictions will be
     * is applied to the SSL connection, because protocol restrictions in the
     * global context cannot be cleared.

     * OpenSSL will ignore cached sessions that use the wrong protocol. So we
     * do not need to filter out cached sessions with the "wrong" protocol,
     * rather OpenSSL will simply negotiate a new session.
     * Still, we salt the session lookup key with the protocol list, so that
     * sessions found in the cache are always acceptable.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): nameaddr: %s: Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": aborting TLS session",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, props->protocols);
	return (0);
    myserverid = acl_vstring_alloc(100);
    acl_vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "%s&p=%d", props->serverid, protomask);

     * Per session cipher selection for sessions with mandatory encryption
     * By the time a TLS client is negotiating ciphers it has already offered to
     * re-use a session, it is too late to renege on the offer. So we must
     * not attempt to re-use sessions whose ciphers are too weak. We salt the
     * session lookup key with the cipher list, so that sessions found in the
     * cache are always acceptable.
    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): %s: %s: aborting TLS session",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, acl_vstring_str(app_ctx->why));
	return (0);
    if (props->log_level >= 2)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): %s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, cipher_list);
    acl_vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "&c=%s", cipher_list);

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
     * If session caching was enabled when TLS was initialized, the cache type
     * is stored in the client SSL context.
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(props->log_level, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = acl_vstring_export(myserverid);

    if ((TLScontext->con = SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()",
		myname, __LINE__);
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'",
		myname, __LINE__);
	return (0);

     * Apply session protocol restrictions.
    if (protomask != 0)
		((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 : 0L)
		| ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv3) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 : 0L)
		| ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 : 0L));

     * The TLS connection is realized by a BIO_pair, so obtain the pair.
     * XXX There is no need to make internal_bio a member of the TLScontext
     * structure. It will be attached to TLScontext->con, and destroyed along
     * with it. The network_bio, however, needs to be freed explicitly.
    if (!BIO_new_bio_pair(&TLScontext->internal_bio, TLS_BIO_BUFSIZE,
		&TLScontext->network_bio, TLS_BIO_BUFSIZE)) {
	acl_msg_warn("%s(%d): Could not obtain BIO_pair", myname, __LINE__);
	return (0);

     * XXX To avoid memory leaks we must always call SSL_SESSION_free() after
     * calling SSL_set_session(), regardless of whether or not the session
     * will be reused.
    if (TLScontext->cache_type) {
	session = load_clnt_session(TLScontext);
	if (session) {
	    SSL_set_session(TLScontext->con, session);
	    SSL_SESSION_free(session);		/* 200411 */
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00906011L) || (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER == 0x00907000L)

	     * Ugly Hack: OpenSSL before 0.9.6a does not store the verify
	     * result in sessions for the client side. We modify the session
	     * directly which is version specific, but this bug is version
	     * specific, too.
	     * READ: 0-09-06-01-1 = 0-9-6-a-beta1: all versions before beta1
	     * have this bug, it has been fixed during development of 0.9.6a.
	     * The development version of 0.9.7 can have this bug, too. It
	     * has been fixed on 2000/11/29.
	    SSL_set_verify_result(TLScontext->con, session->verify_result);

     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    if (var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes > 0)
	(void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to connect state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the Postfix side of the BIO-pair for
     * reading and writing.
    SSL_set_bio(TLScontext->con, TLScontext->internal_bio, TLScontext->internal_bio);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * 3 will dump the SSL negotiation, 4 will dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (props->log_level >= 3)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_connect(ACL_VSTREAM_SOCK(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): SSL_connect error to %s: %d",
		myname, __LINE__, props->namaddr, sts);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);
    /* Only log_level==4 dumps everything */
    if (props->log_level < 4)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), 0);

     * The caller may want to know if this session was reused or if a new
     * session was negotiated.
    TLScontext->session_reused = SSL_session_reused(TLScontext->con);
    if (props->log_level >= 2 && TLScontext->session_reused)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): %s: Reusing old session",
		myname, __LINE__, TLScontext->namaddr);

     * Do peername verification if requested and extract useful information
     * from the certificate for later use.
    if ((peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(TLScontext->con)) != 0) {
	TLScontext->peer_status |= TLS_CERT_FLAG_PRESENT;

	 * Peer name or fingerprint verification as requested.
	 * Unconditionally set peer_CN, issuer_CN and peer_fingerprint.
	verify_extract_name(TLScontext, peercert, props);
	verify_extract_print(TLScontext, peercert, props);
    } else {
	TLScontext->issuer_CN = acl_mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_CN = acl_mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_fingerprint = acl_mystrdup("");

     * Finally, collect information about protocol and cipher for logging
    TLScontext->protocol = SSL_get_version(TLScontext->con);
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(TLScontext->con);
    TLScontext->cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher);
    TLScontext->cipher_usebits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,

     * The TLS engine is active. Switch to the tls_timed_read/write()
     * functions and make the TLScontext available to those functions.
    tls_stream_start(props->stream, TLScontext);

     * All the key facts in a single log entry.
    if (props->log_level >= 1)
	acl_msg_info("%s(%d): %s TLS connection established to %s: %s with cipher %s "
		"(%d/%d bits)", myname, __LINE__,
		TLS_CERT_IS_MATCHED(TLScontext) ? "Verified" :
		TLS_CERT_IS_TRUSTED(TLScontext) ? "Trusted" : "Untrusted",
		props->namaddr, TLScontext->protocol, TLScontext->cipher_name,
		TLScontext->cipher_usebits, TLScontext->cipher_algbits);


    return (TLScontext);
Пример #28
  * This is the actual startup routine for the connection. We expect that the
  * buffers are flushed and the "220 Ready to start TLS" was received by us,
  * so that we can immediately start the TLS handshake process.
TLS_SESS_STATE *tls_client_start(const TLS_CLIENT_START_PROPS *props)
    int     sts;
    int     protomask;
    const char *cipher_list;
    SSL_SESSION *session;
    const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
    X509   *peercert;
    TLS_SESS_STATE *TLScontext;
    TLS_APPL_STATE *app_ctx = props->ctx;
    VSTRING *myserverid;
    int     log_mask = app_ctx->log_mask;

     * When certificate verification is required, log trust chain validation
     * errors even when disabled by default for opportunistic sessions.
    if (props->tls_level >= TLS_LEV_VERIFY)
	log_mask |= TLS_LOG_UNTRUSTED;

    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("setting up TLS connection to %s", props->namaddr);

     * First make sure we have valid protocol and cipher parameters
     * The cipherlist will be applied to the global SSL context, where it can be
     * repeatedly reset if necessary, but the protocol restrictions will be
     * is applied to the SSL connection, because protocol restrictions in the
     * global context cannot be cleared.

     * OpenSSL will ignore cached sessions that use the wrong protocol. So we
     * do not need to filter out cached sessions with the "wrong" protocol,
     * rather OpenSSL will simply negotiate a new session.
     * Still, we salt the session lookup key with the protocol list, so that
     * sessions found in the cache are always acceptable.
    protomask = tls_protocol_mask(props->protocols);
    if (protomask == TLS_PROTOCOL_INVALID) {
	/* tls_protocol_mask() logs no warning. */
	msg_warn("%s: Invalid TLS protocol list \"%s\": aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, props->protocols);
	return (0);
    myserverid = vstring_alloc(100);
    vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "%s&p=%d", props->serverid, protomask);

     * Per session cipher selection for sessions with mandatory encryption
     * By the time a TLS client is negotiating ciphers it has already offered to
     * re-use a session, it is too late to renege on the offer. So we must
     * not attempt to re-use sessions whose ciphers are too weak. We salt the
     * session lookup key with the cipher list, so that sessions found in the
     * cache are always acceptable.
    cipher_list = tls_set_ciphers(app_ctx, "TLS", props->cipher_grade,
    if (cipher_list == 0) {
	msg_warn("%s: %s: aborting TLS session",
		 props->namaddr, vstring_str(app_ctx->why));
	return (0);
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_VERBOSE)
	msg_info("%s: TLS cipher list \"%s\"", props->namaddr, cipher_list);
    vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "&c=%s", cipher_list);

     * Finally, salt the session key with the OpenSSL library version,
     * (run-time, rather than compile-time, just in case that matters).
    vstring_sprintf_append(myserverid, "&l=%ld", (long) SSLeay());

     * Allocate a new TLScontext for the new connection and get an SSL
     * structure. Add the location of TLScontext to the SSL to later retrieve
     * the information inside the tls_verify_certificate_callback().
     * If session caching was enabled when TLS was initialized, the cache type
     * is stored in the client SSL context.
    TLScontext = tls_alloc_sess_context(log_mask, props->namaddr);
    TLScontext->cache_type = app_ctx->cache_type;

    TLScontext->serverid = vstring_export(myserverid);
    TLScontext->stream = props->stream;

    if ((TLScontext->con = SSL_new(app_ctx->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) {
	msg_warn("Could not allocate 'TLScontext->con' with SSL_new()");
	return (0);
    if (!SSL_set_ex_data(TLScontext->con, TLScontext_index, TLScontext)) {
	msg_warn("Could not set application data for 'TLScontext->con'");
	return (0);

     * Apply session protocol restrictions.
    if (protomask != 0)
		   ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 : 0L)
	     | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 : 0L)
	     | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) ? SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 : 0L)
		 | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv3) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 : 0L)
	       | ((protomask & TLS_PROTOCOL_SSLv2) ? SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 : 0L));

     * XXX To avoid memory leaks we must always call SSL_SESSION_free() after
     * calling SSL_set_session(), regardless of whether or not the session
     * will be reused.
    if (TLScontext->cache_type) {
	session = load_clnt_session(TLScontext);
	if (session) {
	    SSL_set_session(TLScontext->con, session);
	    SSL_SESSION_free(session);		/* 200411 */
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00906011L) || (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER == 0x00907000L)

	     * Ugly Hack: OpenSSL before 0.9.6a does not store the verify
	     * result in sessions for the client side. We modify the session
	     * directly which is version specific, but this bug is version
	     * specific, too.
	     * READ: 0-09-06-01-1 = 0-9-6-a-beta1: all versions before beta1
	     * have this bug, it has been fixed during development of 0.9.6a.
	     * The development version of 0.9.7 can have this bug, too. It
	     * has been fixed on 2000/11/29.
	    SSL_set_verify_result(TLScontext->con, session->verify_result);


     * Before really starting anything, try to seed the PRNG a little bit
     * more.
    (void) tls_ext_seed(var_tls_daemon_rand_bytes);

     * Initialize the SSL connection to connect state. This should not be
     * necessary anymore since 0.9.3, but the call is still in the library
     * and maintaining compatibility never hurts.

     * Connect the SSL connection with the network socket.
    if (SSL_set_fd(TLScontext->con, vstream_fileno(props->stream)) != 1) {
	msg_info("SSL_set_fd error to %s", props->namaddr);
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);

     * Turn on non-blocking I/O so that we can enforce timeouts on network
     * I/O.
    non_blocking(vstream_fileno(props->stream), NON_BLOCKING);

     * If the debug level selected is high enough, all of the data is dumped:
     * TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS will dump the SSL negotiation, TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS will
     * dump everything.
     * We do have an SSL_set_fd() and now suddenly a BIO_ routine is called?
     * Well there is a BIO below the SSL routines that is automatically
     * created for us, so we can use it for debugging purposes.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_TLSPKTS)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), tls_bio_dump_cb);

     * Start TLS negotiations. This process is a black box that invokes our
     * call-backs for certificate verification.
     * Error handling: If the SSL handhake fails, we print out an error message
     * and remove all TLS state concerning this session.
    sts = tls_bio_connect(vstream_fileno(props->stream), props->timeout,
    if (sts <= 0) {
	if (ERR_peek_error() != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %d", props->namaddr, sts);
	} else if (errno != 0) {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: %m", props->namaddr);
	} else {
	    msg_info("SSL_connect error to %s: lost connection",
	uncache_session(app_ctx->ssl_ctx, TLScontext);
	return (0);
    /* Turn off packet dump if only dumping the handshake */
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_ALLPKTS) == 0)
	BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(TLScontext->con), 0);

     * The caller may want to know if this session was reused or if a new
     * session was negotiated.
    TLScontext->session_reused = SSL_session_reused(TLScontext->con);
    if ((log_mask & TLS_LOG_CACHE) && TLScontext->session_reused)
	msg_info("%s: Reusing old session", TLScontext->namaddr);

     * Do peername verification if requested and extract useful information
     * from the certificate for later use.
    if ((peercert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(TLScontext->con)) != 0) {
	TLScontext->peer_status |= TLS_CERT_FLAG_PRESENT;

	 * Peer name or fingerprint verification as requested.
	 * Unconditionally set peer_CN, issuer_CN and peer_fingerprint.
	verify_extract_name(TLScontext, peercert, props);
	verify_extract_print(TLScontext, peercert, props);

	if (TLScontext->log_mask &
	    msg_info("%s: subject_CN=%s, issuer_CN=%s, "
		     "fingerprint %s, pkey_fingerprint=%s", props->namaddr,
		     TLScontext->peer_CN, TLScontext->issuer_CN,
    } else {
	TLScontext->issuer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_CN = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_fingerprint = mystrdup("");
	TLScontext->peer_pkey_fprint = mystrdup("");

     * Finally, collect information about protocol and cipher for logging
    TLScontext->protocol = SSL_get_version(TLScontext->con);
    cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(TLScontext->con);
    TLScontext->cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher);
    TLScontext->cipher_usebits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher,

     * The TLS engine is active. Switch to the tls_timed_read/write()
     * functions and make the TLScontext available to those functions.
    tls_stream_start(props->stream, TLScontext);

     * All the key facts in a single log entry.
    if (log_mask & TLS_LOG_SUMMARY)
	msg_info("%s TLS connection established to %s: %s with cipher %s "
	      "(%d/%d bits)", TLS_CERT_IS_MATCHED(TLScontext) ? "Verified" :
		 TLS_CERT_IS_TRUSTED(TLScontext) ? "Trusted" : "Untrusted",
	      props->namaddr, TLScontext->protocol, TLScontext->cipher_name,
		 TLScontext->cipher_usebits, TLScontext->cipher_algbits);


    return (TLScontext);
Пример #29
 * ssl_setup - Set up SSL on the Connection
 * @param conn Connection
 * @retval  0 Success
 * @retval -1 Failure
static int ssl_setup(struct Connection *conn)
  struct SslSockData *ssldata = NULL;
  int maxbits;

  ssldata = mutt_mem_calloc(1, sizeof(struct SslSockData));
  conn->sockdata = ssldata;

  ssldata->sctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
  if (!ssldata->sctx)
    /* L10N: an SSL context is a data structure returned by the OpenSSL
       function SSL_CTX_new().  In this case it returned NULL: an
       error condition.  */
    mutt_error(_("Unable to create SSL context"));
    goto free_sasldata;

  /* disable SSL protocols as needed */
#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
  if (!C_SslUseTlsv12)
    SSL_CTX_set_options(ssldata->sctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2);

#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1
  if (!C_SslUseTlsv11)
    SSL_CTX_set_options(ssldata->sctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1);

#ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1
  if (!C_SslUseTlsv1)
    SSL_CTX_set_options(ssldata->sctx, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1);

  if (!C_SslUseSslv3)
    SSL_CTX_set_options(ssldata->sctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3);

  if (!C_SslUseSslv2)
    SSL_CTX_set_options(ssldata->sctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2);

  if (C_SslUsesystemcerts)
    if (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ssldata->sctx))
      mutt_debug(LL_DEBUG1, "Error setting default verify paths\n");
      goto free_ctx;

  if (C_CertificateFile && !ssl_load_certificates(ssldata->sctx))
    mutt_debug(LL_DEBUG1, "Error loading trusted certificates\n");

  ssl_get_client_cert(ssldata, conn);

  if (C_SslCiphers)
    SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ssldata->sctx, C_SslCiphers);

  if (ssl_set_verify_partial(ssldata->sctx))
    mutt_error(_("Warning: error enabling ssl_verify_partial_chains"));

  ssldata->ssl = SSL_new(ssldata->sctx);
  SSL_set_fd(ssldata->ssl, conn->fd);

  if (ssl_negotiate(conn, ssldata))
    goto free_ssl;

  ssldata->isopen = 1;
  conn->ssf = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssldata->ssl), &maxbits);

  return 0;

  ssldata->ssl = 0;
  ssldata->sctx = 0;

  return -1;
Пример #30
tls_start(conn_t * conn, ruleset_t * rs)
	SSL            *ssl;
	SSL_CTX        *ctx = (SSL_CTX *) conn->srv->ctx;
	int             maxbits, r, n = 0;
	char           *sid_ctx = "spocp";
	SSL_CIPHER     *cipher;

	if (conn->ssl != NULL) {
		tls_error(SPOCP_WARNING, conn,
			  "STARTTLS received on already encrypted connection");

	if (!(ssl = SSL_new(ctx))) {
		tls_error(SPOCP_ERR, conn, "Error creating SSL context");

	 * do these never fail ?? 

	SSL_set_session_id_context(ssl, (unsigned char *) sid_ctx,

	if (SSL_set_fd(ssl, conn->fd) == 0) {
		traceLog(LOG_ERR,"Couldn't set filedescriptor in SSL");

	n = iobuf_content(conn->in);
	traceLog(LOG_INFO,"tls_start: %d bytes in input buffer", n);
	if (n) {
		traceLog(LOG_INFO,"tls_start: %x%x%x%x", conn->in->r[0], conn->in->r[1],
			 conn->in->r[2], conn->in->r[3]);

	    traceLog(LOG_DEBUG,"Waiting for client on %d to initiate handshake",

	 * waits for the client to initiate the handshake 
		fd_set rset ; int retval ;
		FD_ZERO( &rset );
		FD_SET( conn->fd, &rset );
		traceLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Waiting for the client" ) ;
		retval = select(conn->fd+1,&rset,NULL,NULL,0) ;
	if ((r = SSL_accept(ssl)) <= 0) {
		int se ;

		if ((se = SSL_get_error(ssl, r)) == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
		} else if (se == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL) {
			unsigned long err ;

			err = ERR_get_error();
			if( err == 0L && r == 0 ) {
				traceLog(LOG_DEBUG,"EOF observed") ;
				traceLog(LOG_ERR,"I/O error occured (%ld/%d)", err, r);
		} else {
			traceLog(LOG_ERR,"SSL_get_error: %d", se);
			tls_error(SPOCP_ERR, conn, "SSL accept error");
		conn->status = CNST_ACTIVE;
		return SPOCP_SSL_ERR;
	 * } 

		traceLog(LOG_DEBUG,"SSL accept done");
		traceLog(LOG_DEBUG,"Checking client certificate");

	if (!check_cert_chain(conn, ssl, rs)) {
		traceLog(LOG_ERR,"Certificate chain check failed");
		conn->status = CNST_ACTIVE;
		return SPOCP_CERT_ERR;

	 * So the cert is OK and the hostname is in the DN, but do I want to
	 * talk to this guy ?? 

	cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl);

	conn->cipher = Strdup((char *) SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher));

	conn->ssl_vers = Strdup(SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher));

	if (server_access(conn) == 0) {
		traceLog(LOG_ERR,"Client not allowed access");

		conn->status = CNST_ACTIVE;
		return SPOCP_CERT_ERR;

	LOG(SPOCP_DEBUG) traceLog(LOG_DEBUG,"SSL accept done");

	 * TLS has been set up. Change input/output to read via TLS instead 

	conn->readn = ssl_socket_readn;
	conn->writen = ssl_socket_writen;
	conn->close = tls_close;

	conn->ssl = (void *) ssl;
	conn->tls_ssf = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(cipher, &maxbits);
	conn->status = CNST_ACTIVE;
