Пример #1
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief
    irods::error load_balanced_redirect_for_create_operation(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
        const std::string*              _opr,
        const std::string*              _curr_host,
        irods::hierarchy_parser*        _out_parser,
        float*                          _out_vote ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // capture the name, time and load lists from the DB
        std::vector< std::string > names;
        std::vector< int >         loads;
        std::vector< int >         times;
        irods::error ret = get_load_lists(
                               times );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            return PASS( ret );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // retrieve local time in order to check if the load information is up
        // to date, ie less than MAX_ELAPSE_TIME seconds old
        int    min_load = 100;
        time_t time_now = 0;
        time( &time_now );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate over children and find them in the lists
        bool resc_found = false;
        irods::resource_ptr selected_resource;
        irods::resource_child_map::iterator itr = _ctx.child_map().begin();
        for ( ; itr != _ctx.child_map().end(); ++itr ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // cache resc ptr for ease of use
            irods::resource_ptr resc = itr->second.second;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // get the resource name for comparison
            std::string resc_name;
            ret = resc->get_property< std::string >( irods::RESOURCE_NAME, resc_name );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                return PASS( ret );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // scan the list for a match
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i ) {
                if ( resc_name == names[ i ] ) {
                    if ( loads[ i ] >= 0 &&
                            min_load > loads[ i ] &&
                            ( time_now - times[ i ] ) < MAX_ELAPSE_TIME ) {
                        resc_found = true;
                        min_load = loads[i];
                        selected_resource = resc;

                } // if match

            } // for i

        } // for itr

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // if we did not find a resource, this is definitely an error
        if ( !resc_found ) {
            return ERROR(
                       "failed to find child resc in load list" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // forward the redirect call to the child for assertion of the whole operation,
        // there may be more than a leaf beneath us
        float                   vote   = 0.0;
        irods::hierarchy_parser parser = ( *_out_parser );
        irods::error err = selected_resource->call <
                           const std::string*,
                           const std::string*,
                           float* > (
                               &vote );
        std::string hier;
        parser.str( hier );
            "load_balanced node - hier : [%s], vote %f",
            vote );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( err ) );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // set the out variables
        ( *_out_parser ) = parser;
        ( *_out_vote )   = vote;

        return SUCCESS();

    } // load_balanced_redirect_for_create_operation
main (int argc,
    char **argv)
  int result;
  guint i;
  test_t tests[] = {
    SUCCESS("/xmpp-sasl/normal-auth", NULL, TRUE),
    SUCCESS("/xmpp-sasl/no-plain", NULL, FALSE),
    SUCCESS("/xmpp-sasl/only-plain", "PLAIN", TRUE),
    SUCCESS("/xmpp-sasl/only-digest-md5", "DIGEST-MD5", TRUE),
    { "/xmpp-sasl/digest-md5-final-data-in-success", "DIGEST-MD5", TRUE,
       "test", "test123", NULL },

    FAIL("/xmpp-sasl/no-supported-mechs", "NONSENSE", TRUE,
    FAIL("/xmpp-sasl/refuse-plain-only", "PLAIN", FALSE,
    FAIL("/xmpp-sasl/no-sasl-support", NULL, TRUE,

    { "/xmpp-sasl/wrong-username-plain", "PLAIN", TRUE,
    { "/xmpp-sasl/wrong-username-md5", "DIGEST-MD5", TRUE,

    { "/xmpp-sasl/wrong-password-plain", "PLAIN", TRUE,
    { "/xmpp-sasl/wrong-password-md5", "DIGEST-MD5", TRUE,

    /* Redo the MD5-DIGEST test with a username, password and realm that
     * happens to generate a \0 byte in the md5 hash of
     * 'username:realm:password'. This used to trigger a bug in the sasl helper
     * when calculating the A! part of the response MD5-DIGEST hash */
    { "/xmpp-sasl/digest-md5-A1-null-byte", "DIGEST-MD5", TRUE,
       "moose", "something", "cass-x200s" },

    /* Redo the MD5-DIGEST test with extra whitespace in the challenge */
    { "/xmpp-sasl/digest-md5-spaced-challenge", "DIGEST-MD5", FALSE,
      "moose", "something", "cass-x200s" },

    /* Redo the MD5-DIGEST test with extra \ escapes in the challenge */
    { "/xmpp-sasl/digest-md5-slash-challenge", "DIGEST-MD5", FALSE,
      "moose", "something", "cass-x200s" },

    { "/xmpp-sasl/external-handler-fail", "X-TEST", FALSE,
      "dave", "daisy daisy", "hal" },

    { "/xmpp-sasl/external-handler-succeed", "X-TEST", FALSE,
      "ripley", "open sesame", "mother" },

  test_init (argc, argv);

  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);

  for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (tests); i++)
    g_test_add_data_func (tests[i].description,
        &tests[i], run_test);

  result = g_test_run ();
  test_deinit ();
  return result;
Пример #3
 irods::error operator()( rcComm_t* ) {
     rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "mockarchive_resource::post_disconnect_maintenance_operation - [%s]",
              name_.c_str() );
     return SUCCESS();
Пример #4
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// private - walk the resource map and wire children up to parents
    error resource_manager::init_child_map( void ) {
        error result = SUCCESS();

        // Iterate over all the resources
        lookup_table< boost::shared_ptr< resource > >::iterator it;
        for ( it = resources_.begin(); it != resources_.end(); ++it ) {
            resource_ptr resc = it->second;

            // Get the children string and resource name
            std::string children_string;
            error ret = resc->get_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CHILDREN, children_string );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                result = PASSMSG( "init_child_map failed.", ret );
            else {
                std::string resc_name;
                error ret = resc->get_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_NAME, resc_name );
                if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                    result = PASSMSG( "init_child_map failed.", ret );
                else {
                    // Get the list of children and their contexts from the resource
                    children_parser parser;
                    parser.set_string( children_string );
                    children_parser::children_map_t children_list;
                    error ret = parser.list( children_list );
                    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                        result = PASSMSG( "init_child_map failed.", ret );
                    else {

                        // Iterate over all of the children
                        children_parser::children_map_t::const_iterator itr;
                        for ( itr = children_list.begin(); itr != children_list.end(); ++itr ) {
                            std::string child = itr->first;
                            std::string context = itr->second;

                            // Lookup the child resource pointer
                            lookup_table< boost::shared_ptr< resource > >::iterator child_itr = resources_.find( child );
                            if ( child_itr == resources_.end() ) {
                                std::stringstream msg;
                                msg << "Failed to find child \"" << child << "\" in resources.";
                                result = ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, msg.str() );
                            else {

                                // Add a reference to the child resource pointer and its context to the resource
                                resource_ptr child_resc = child_itr->second;
                                error ret = resc->add_child( child, context, child_resc );
                                if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                                    result = PASSMSG( "init_child_map failed.", ret );

                                // set the parent for the child resource
                                child_resc->set_parent( resc );
                        } // for itr
                    } // else parse list
                } // else get name
            } // else get child string
        } // for it
        return result;
    } // init_child_map
Пример #5
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// public - retrieve a resource given a vault path
    error resource_manager::validate_vault_path(
        std::string       _physical_path,
        rodsServerHost_t* _svr_host,
        std::string&      _out_path ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // simple flag to state a resource matching the prop and value is found
        bool found = false;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // quick check on the resource table
        if ( resources_.empty() ) {
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "empty resource table" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // quick check on the path that it has something in it
        if ( _physical_path.empty() ) {
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "empty property" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate through the map and search for our path
        lookup_table< resource_ptr >::iterator itr = resources_.begin();
        for ( ; !found && itr != resources_.end(); ++itr ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // get the host pointer from the resource
            rodsServerHost_t* svr_host = 0;
            error ret = itr->second->get_property< rodsServerHost_t* >( RESOURCE_HOST, svr_host );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                PASS( ret );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if this host matches the incoming host pointer then were good
            // otherwise continue searching
            if ( svr_host != _svr_host ) {

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // query resource for the property value
            std::string path;
            ret = itr->second->get_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_PATH, path );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if we get a good parameter and do not match non-storage nodes with an empty physical path
            if ( ret.ok() ) {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // compare incoming value and stored value
                // one may be a subset of the other so compare both ways
                if ( !path.empty() && ( _physical_path.find( path ) != std::string::npos ) ) {
                    found     = true;
                    _out_path = path;

            else {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "resource_manager::resolve_from_physical_path - ";
                msg << "failed to get vault parameter from resource";
                msg << ret.code();
                irods::log( PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret ) );


        } // for itr

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // did we find a resource and is the ptr valid?
        if ( true == found ) {
            return SUCCESS();
        else {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "failed to find resource for path [";
            msg << _physical_path;
            msg << "]";
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, msg.str() );

    } // validate_vault_path
Пример #6
// Read LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE and fill server_properties::properties
    void server_properties::capture_legacy() {
        error result = SUCCESS();
        std::string property; // property setting

        FILE *fptr;
        char buf[BUF_LEN];
        char *fchar;
        int len;
        char *key;

        memset( &DBKey, '\0', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
        memset( &DBPassword, '\0', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

        std::string cfg_file;
        error ret = irods::get_full_path_for_config_file(
                        cfg_file );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            THROW( ret.code(), ret.result() );

        if ( !fs::exists( cfg_file ) ) {

            "server_properties::capture_legacy - use of legacy configuration is deprecated" );

        fptr = fopen( cfg_file.c_str(), "r" );

        if ( fptr == NULL ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG,
                     "Cannot open LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE file %s. errno = %d\n",
                     cfg_file.c_str(), errno );
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE << " file error";
            THROW( SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR, msg.str().c_str() );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // PAM configuration - init PAM values
        result = config_props_.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );
        result = config_props_.set<size_t>( PAM_PW_LEN_KW, 20 );

        property.assign( "121" );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW, property );

        property.assign( "1209600" );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW, property );
        // init PAM values

        std::string initializer[] = {
            LOCAL_ZONE_SID_KW };
        std::vector<std::string> keys( initializer, initializer + sizeof( initializer ) / sizeof( std::string ) );

        buf[BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
        fchar = fgets( buf, BUF_LEN - 1, fptr );
        while ( fchar ) {
            if ( buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '/' ) {
                buf[0] = '\0'; /* Comment line, ignore */

             * Parsing of server configuration settings
            key = strstr( buf, DB_PASSWORD_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_PASSWORD_KW );

                // Store password in temporary string
                snprintf( DBPassword, sizeof( DBPassword ), "%s", findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

            } // DB_PASSWORD_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DB_KEY_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_KEY_KW );

                // Store key in temporary string
                snprintf( DBKey, sizeof( DBKey ), "%s", findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

            } // DB_KEY_KW

            for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++ ) {
                char * pos = strstr( buf, it->c_str() );
                if ( pos != NULL ) {

                    // Set property
                    property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( pos + it->size() ) );

                    // Update properties table
                    result = config_props_.set<std::string>( *it, property );
                    rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", it->c_str(), property.c_str() );

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_PW_LEN_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_PW_LEN_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<size_t>( PAM_PW_LEN_KW, atoi( property.c_str() ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", PAM_PW_LEN_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // PAM_PW_LEN_KW

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                std::transform( property.begin(), property.end(), property.begin(), ::tolower );
                if ( property == "true" ) {
                    result = config_props_.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, true );
                else {
                    result = config_props_.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<int>( DEF_DIR_MODE_KW, strtol( property.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", DEF_DIR_MODE_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // DEF_DIR_MODE_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<int>( DEF_FILE_MODE_KW, strtol( property.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", DEF_FILE_MODE_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // DEF_FILE_MODE_KW

            key = strstr( buf, KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW, property );
                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW, property.c_str() );

                // Now set the appropriate kerberos environment variable
                setenv( "KRB5_KTNAME", property.c_str(), 1 );

            } // KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                    ::tolower );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW, property );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW

            key = strstr( buf, MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                    ::tolower );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW, property );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW

            key = strstr( buf, REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                std::vector<std::string>           rem_sids;
                std::vector<std::string>::iterator sid_itr;
                if ( config_props_.has_entry( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW ) ) {
                    result = config_props_.get< std::vector< std::string > >( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW, rem_sids );

                    // do not want duplicate entries
                    sid_itr = std::find(
                                  property );


                if ( sid_itr == rem_sids.end() ) {
                    rem_sids.push_back( property );
                    result = config_props_.set< std::vector< std::string > >( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW, rem_sids );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW, property.c_str() );

            } // REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW

            key = strstr( buf, AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str() );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str() );
                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                if ( 32 != property.size() ) {
                    rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                             "%s field in %s must be 32 characters in length (currently %d characters in length).",
                             AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str(), LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE, property.size() );
                    fclose( fptr );
                    std::stringstream msg;
                    msg << LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE << " file error";
                    THROW( SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR, msg.str().c_str() );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( AGENT_KEY_KW, property );

            } // AGENT_KEY_KW

            fchar = fgets( buf, BUF_LEN - 1, fptr );

        } // for ( ; fchar != '\0'; )

        fclose( fptr );

        // unscramble password
        if ( strlen( DBKey ) > 0 && strlen( DBPassword ) > 0 ) {
            char sPassword[MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 10];
            strncpy( sPassword, DBPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
            obfDecodeByKey( sPassword, DBKey, DBPassword );
            memset( sPassword, 0, MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

        // store password and key in server properties
        property.assign( DBPassword );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( DB_PASSWORD_KW, property );
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", DB_PASSWORD_KW, property.c_str() );

        property.assign( DBKey );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( DB_KEY_KW, property );
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", DB_KEY_KW, property.c_str() );

        // add expected zone_name, zone_user, zone_port, zone_auth_scheme
        // as these are now read from server_properties
        rodsEnv env;
        int status = getRodsEnv( &env );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            THROW( status, "failure in getRodsEnv" );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>(
                     env.rodsZone );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        result = config_props_.set<std::string>(
                     env.rodsUserName );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        result = config_props_.set<std::string>(
                     env.rodsAuthScheme );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        result = config_props_.set<int>(
                     env.rodsPort );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        if ( 0 != env.xmsgPort ) {
            result = config_props_.set<int>(
                         env.xmsgPort );
            if ( !result.ok() ) {
                irods::log( PASS( result ) );


    } // server_properties::capture()
Пример #7
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// public - take results from genQuery, extract values and create resources
    error resource_manager::process_init_results( genQueryOut_t* _result ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // extract results from query
        if ( !_result ) {
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "_result parameter is null" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // values to extract from query
        sqlResult_t *rescId       = 0, *rescName      = 0, *zoneName   = 0, *rescType   = 0, *rescClass = 0;
        sqlResult_t *rescLoc      = 0, *rescVaultPath = 0, *freeSpace  = 0, *rescInfo   = 0;
        sqlResult_t *rescComments = 0, *rescCreate    = 0, *rescModify = 0, *rescStatus = 0;
        sqlResult_t *rescChildren = 0, *rescContext   = 0, *rescParent = 0, *rescObjCount = 0;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // extract results from query
        if ( ( rescId = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_ID ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_ID failed" );

        if ( ( rescName = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_NAME ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_NAME failed" );

        if ( ( zoneName = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_ZONE_NAME ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_ZONE_NAME failed" );

        if ( ( rescType = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_TYPE_NAME ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_TYPE_NAME failed" );

        if ( ( rescClass = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_CLASS_NAME ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_CLASS_NAME failed" );

        if ( ( rescLoc = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_LOC ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_LOC failed" );

        if ( ( rescVaultPath = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_VAULT_PATH ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_VAULT_PATH failed" );

        if ( ( freeSpace = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_FREE_SPACE ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_FREE_SPACE failed" );

        if ( ( rescInfo = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_INFO ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_INFO failed" );

        if ( ( rescComments = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_COMMENT ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_COMMENT failed" );

        if ( ( rescCreate = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_CREATE_TIME ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_CREATE_TIME failed" );

        if ( ( rescModify = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_MODIFY_TIME ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_MODIFY_TIME failed" );

        if ( ( rescStatus = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_STATUS ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_STATUS failed" );

        if ( ( rescChildren = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_CHILDREN ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_CHILDREN failed" );

        if ( ( rescContext = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_CONTEXT ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_CONTEXT failed" );

        if ( ( rescParent = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_PARENT ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_PARENT failed" );

        if ( ( rescObjCount = getSqlResultByInx( _result, COL_R_RESC_OBJCOUNT ) ) == NULL ) {
            return ERROR( UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX, "getSqlResultByInx for COL_R_RESC_OBJCOUNT failed" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate through the rows, initialize a resource for each entry
        for ( int i = 0; i < _result->rowCnt; ++i ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // extract row values
            std::string tmpRescId        = &rescId->value[ rescId->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescLoc       = &rescLoc->value[ rescLoc->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescName      = &rescName->value[ rescName->len * i ];
            std::string tmpZoneName      = &zoneName->value[ zoneName->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescType      = &rescType->value[ rescType->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescInfo      = &rescInfo->value[ rescInfo->len * i ];
            std::string tmpFreeSpace     = &freeSpace->value[ freeSpace->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescClass     = &rescClass->value[ rescClass->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescCreate    = &rescCreate->value[ rescCreate->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescModify    = &rescModify->value[ rescModify->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescStatus    = &rescStatus->value[ rescStatus->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescComments  = &rescComments->value[ rescComments->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescVaultPath = &rescVaultPath->value[ rescVaultPath->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescChildren  = &rescChildren->value[ rescChildren->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescContext   = &rescContext->value[ rescContext->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescParent    = &rescParent->value[ rescParent->len * i ];
            std::string tmpRescObjCount  = &rescObjCount->value[ rescObjCount->len * i ];

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // create the resource and add properties for column values
            resource_ptr resc;
            error ret = load_resource_plugin( resc, tmpRescType, tmpRescName, tmpRescContext );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                return PASSMSG( "Failed to load Resource Plugin", ret );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // resolve the host name into a rods server host structure
            if ( tmpRescLoc != irods::EMPTY_RESC_HOST ) {
                rodsHostAddr_t addr;
                rstrcpy( addr.hostAddr, const_cast<char*>( tmpRescLoc.c_str() ), LONG_NAME_LEN );
                rstrcpy( addr.zoneName, const_cast<char*>( tmpZoneName.c_str() ), NAME_LEN );

                rodsServerHost_t* tmpRodsServerHost = 0;
                if ( resolveHost( &addr, &tmpRodsServerHost ) < 0 ) {
                    rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "procAndQueRescResult: resolveHost error for %s",
                             addr.hostAddr );

                resc->set_property< rodsServerHost_t* >( RESOURCE_HOST, tmpRodsServerHost );

            else {
                resc->set_property< rodsServerHost_t* >( RESOURCE_HOST, 0 );

            resc->set_property<long>( RESOURCE_ID, strtoll( tmpRescId.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );
            resc->set_property<long>( RESOURCE_FREESPACE, strtoll( tmpFreeSpace.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );
            resc->set_property<long>( RESOURCE_QUOTA, RESC_QUOTA_UNINIT );

            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_ZONE,      tmpZoneName );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_NAME,      tmpRescName );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_LOCATION,  tmpRescLoc );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_TYPE,      tmpRescType );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CLASS,     tmpRescClass );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_PATH,      tmpRescVaultPath );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_INFO,      tmpRescInfo );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_COMMENTS,  tmpRescComments );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CREATE_TS, tmpRescCreate );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_MODIFY_TS, tmpRescModify );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CHILDREN,  tmpRescChildren );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_PARENT,    tmpRescParent );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CONTEXT,   tmpRescContext );
            resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_OBJCOUNT,  tmpRescObjCount );

            if ( tmpRescStatus == std::string( RESC_DOWN ) ) {
                resc->set_property<int>( RESOURCE_STATUS, INT_RESC_STATUS_DOWN );
            else {
                resc->set_property<int>( RESOURCE_STATUS, INT_RESC_STATUS_UP );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // add new resource to the map
            resources_[ tmpRescName ] = resc;

        } // for i

        return SUCCESS();

    } // process_init_results
Пример #8
 SHA256Strategy::update( const std::string& data, boost::any& _context ) const {
     SHA256_Update( boost::any_cast<SHA256_CTX>( &_context ), data.c_str(), data.size() );
     return SUCCESS();
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   unicap_handle_t handle;
   unicap_device_t device;
   unicap_format_t format_spec;
   unicap_format_t format;
   unicap_data_buffer_t buffer;
   unicap_data_buffer_t *returned_buffer;
   int i;

   SDL_Surface *screen;
   SDL_Overlay *overlay;

   int quit=0;

     Enumerate available video capture devices
   printf( "select video device\n" );
   for( i = 0; SUCCESS( unicap_enumerate_devices( NULL, &device, i ) ); i++ )
      printf( "%i: %s\n", i, device.identifier );
   if( --i > 0 )
      printf( "Select video capture device: " );
      scanf( "%d", &i );

   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_enumerate_devices( NULL, &device, i ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to get info for device '%s'\n", device.identifier );
      exit( 1 );

     Acquire a handle to selected device
   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_open( &handle, &device ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open device: %s\n", device.identifier );
      exit( 1 );

   printf( "Opened video capture device: %s\n", device.identifier );

   unicap_void_format( &format_spec );
     Get the list of video formats
   for( i = 0; SUCCESS( unicap_enumerate_formats( handle, 
						  &format, i ) ); 
	i++ )
      printf( "%d: %s\n", 
	      format.identifier );
   if( --i > 0 )
      printf( "Select video format: " );
      scanf( "%d", &i );
   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_enumerate_formats( handle, &format_spec, &format, i ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to get video format %d\n", i );
      exit( 1 );
     If a video format has more than one size, ask for which size to use
   if( format.size_count )
      for( i = 0; i < format.size_count; i++ )
	 printf( "%d: %dx%d\n", i, format.sizes[i].width, format.sizes[i].height );
	 printf( "Select video format size: " );
	 scanf( "%d", &i );
      }while( ( i < 0 ) && ( i > format.size_count ) );
      format.size.width = format.sizes[i].width;
      format.size.height = format.sizes[i].height;

     Set this video format
   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_set_format( handle, &format ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to set video format\n" );
      exit( 1 );

     Initialize the image buffer
   memset( &buffer, 0x0, sizeof( unicap_data_buffer_t ) );

      Init SDL & SDL_Overlay
   if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 )
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize SDL:  %s\n", SDL_GetError());

   screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( format.size.width, format.size.height, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
   if ( screen == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

   overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay( format.size.width, 
				   screen );
   if( overlay == NULL )
      fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create overlay: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
      exit( 1 );

     Pass the pointer to the overlay to the unicap data buffer. 
   buffer.data = overlay->pixels[0];	
   buffer.buffer_size = format.size.width * format.size.height * format.bpp / 8;

     Start the capture process on the device
   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_start_capture( handle ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to start capture on device: %s\n", device.identifier );
      exit( 1 );

   while( !quit )
      SDL_Rect rect;
      SDL_Event event;

      rect.x = rect.y = 0;
      rect.w = format.size.width;
      rect.h = format.size.height;
	Queue the buffer
	The buffer now gets filled with image data by the capture device
      if( !SUCCESS( unicap_queue_buffer( handle, &buffer ) ) )
	 fprintf( stderr, "Failed to queue a buffer on device: %s\n", device.identifier );
	 exit( 1 );
	Wait until the image buffer is ready
      if( !SUCCESS( unicap_wait_buffer( handle, &returned_buffer ) ) )
	 fprintf( stderr, "Failed to wait for buffer on device: %s\n", device.identifier );

	Display the video data
      SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay( overlay );
      SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay( overlay, &rect );

      while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
	 if( event.type == SDL_QUIT )
	    printf( "Quit\n" );
     Stop the device
   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_stop_capture( handle ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to stop capture on device: %s\n", device.identifier );

     Close the device 

     This invalidates the handle
   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_close( handle ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Failed to close the device: %s\n", device.identifier );

   return 0;
Пример #10
    int key
    PERROR error = errorSuccess;

    if (key == DOWN_KEY)
        if (m_outputWriteRegion > 0)

    if (key == UP_KEY)
        if (m_outputRegion[m_outputWriteRegion+1].activeMask != 0)

        const OUTPUT_REGION *region = &m_outputRegion[m_outputWriteRegion];

        if (key == SELECT_KEY)
            // Check if we need to perform a bank switch for this region.
            // and do that now for all the testing to be done upon it.
            if (region->bankSwitch != NO_BANK_SWITCH)
                error = region->bankSwitch( (void *) this );

                UINT8 outData;

                // If we're wanting to write active(on) then just use the mask.
                // else use the clear of the mask. This is a toggle.
                if (m_outputWriteRegionOn)
                    errorCustom->description = "OK: Active";

                    outData = region->invertMask ^ region->activeMask;
                    m_outputWriteRegionOn = false;

                    errorCustom->description = "OK: Inactive";

                    outData = region->invertMask;
                    m_outputWriteRegionOn = true;

                error = m_cpu->memoryWrite( region->address,
                                            outData );
            STRING_IO_SUMMARY(errorCustom, region->location, region->activeMask, region->description);

    if (SUCCESS(error))
        error = errorCustom;

    return error;
Пример #11
 SHA256Strategy::init( boost::any& _context ) const {
     _context = SHA256_CTX();
     SHA256_Init( boost::any_cast<SHA256_CTX>( &_context ) );
     return SUCCESS();
Пример #12
    int key
    PERROR error = errorSuccess;

    if (key == SELECT_KEY)
        const RAM_REGION *region = &m_ramRegion[m_RamWriteReadRegion];

        UINT8 expData4[4] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x44, 0x88};
        UINT8 expData1[4] = {0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA};
        UINT8 *expData = (UINT8*) NULL;;
        UINT8 recData[4] = {0};

        // This is more complicated than this simple test
        // as it needs the bit shift done to be correct.
        if (region->mask < 4)
            expData = expData1;
            expData = expData4;

        errorCustom->description = "OK:";

        // Check if we need to perform a bank switch for this region.
        // and do that now for all the testing to be done upon it.
        if (region->bankSwitch != NO_BANK_SWITCH)
            error = region->bankSwitch( (void *) this );

        // Write the first 4 bytes, maximum.
        if (SUCCESS(error))
            for (UINT16 address = 0 ; address < ARRAYSIZE(recData) ; address++)
                error = m_cpu->memoryWrite( (address + region->start),
                                            expData[address] );

                if (FAILED(error))

        if (SUCCESS(error))
            // Read the first 4 bytes, maximum.
            for (UINT16 address = 0 ; address < ARRAYSIZE(recData) ; address++)
                error = m_cpu->memoryRead( (address + region->start),
                                           &recData[address] );

                if (FAILED(error))

                STRING_UINT8_HEX(errorCustom->description, (recData[address] & region->mask) );
                error = errorCustom;
        error = onRamKeyMove(key);

    return error;
Пример #13
  /* http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/stream/svn/viewcvs.cgi/ecrypt/trunk/submissions/salsa20/full/verified.test-vectors?logsort=rev&rev=210&view=markup */

  test_salsa20(HL("80000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"),
	       H("00000000 00000000"),
	       HL("00000000 00000000"),
	       H("4DFA5E48 1DA23EA0"));

  test_salsa20(HL("00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"),
	       H("80000000 00000000"),
	       HL("00000000 00000000"),
	       H("B66C1E44 46DD9557"));

	       HL("00000000 00000000"),
	       H("05E1E7BE B697D999"));

  test_salsa20(HL("80000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"
		  "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"),
	       H("00000000 00000000"),
	       HL("00000000 00000000"),
	       H("E3BE8FDD 8BECA2E3"));

  test_salsa20(HL("00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"
		  "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"),
	       H("80000000 00000000"),
	       HL("00000000 00000000"),

	       HL("00000000 00000000"),
	       H("F5FAD53F 79F9DF58"));

		      H("00000000 00000000"),


Пример #14
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief
    irods::error load_balanced_redirect_for_open_operation(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
        const std::string*              _opr,
        const std::string*              _curr_host,
        irods::hierarchy_parser*        _out_parser,
        float*                          _out_vote ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // data struct to hold parser and vote from the search
        std::map< float, irods::hierarchy_parser > result_map;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate over all the children and pick the highest vote
        irods::resource_child_map::iterator itr = _ctx.child_map().begin();
        for ( ; itr != _ctx.child_map().end(); ++itr ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // cache resc ptr for ease of use
            irods::resource_ptr resc = itr->second.second;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // temp results from open redirect call - init parser with incoming
            // hier parser
            float                   vote   = 0.0;
            irods::hierarchy_parser parser = ( *_out_parser );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // forward the redirect call to the child for assertion of the whole operation,
            // there may be more than a leaf beneath us
            irods::error err = resc->call <
                               const std::string*,
                               const std::string*,
                               float* > (
                                   &vote );
            std::string hier;
            parser.str( hier );
            rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "load_balanced node - hier : [%s], vote %f", hier.c_str(), vote );
            if ( !err.ok() ) {
                irods::log( PASS( err ) );
            else {
                result_map[ vote ] = parser;

        } // for

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // now that we have collected all of the results the map
        // will have put the largest one at the end of the map
        // so grab that one and return the result if it is non zero
        float high_vote = result_map.rbegin()->first;
        if ( high_vote > 0.0 ) {
            ( *_out_parser ) = result_map.rbegin()->second;
            ( *_out_vote )   = high_vote;
            return SUCCESS();

        else {
            return ERROR( -1, "no valid data object found to open" );

    } // load_balanced_redirect_for_open_operation
Пример #15
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    unicap_handle_t handle;
    unicap_device_t device;
    unicap_format_t src_format;
    unicap_format_t dest_format;
    unicap_data_buffer_t src_buffer;
    unicap_data_buffer_t dest_buffer;
    unicap_data_buffer_t *returned_buffer;

    if (argc != 4) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Usage: sender <hostname> <camera name> "
        exit (1);

    //  Initialise 0MQ infrastructure

    //  1. Set error handler function (to ignore disconnected receivers)
    zmq::set_error_handler (error_handler);

    //  2. Initialise basic infrastructure for 2 threads
    zmq::dispatcher_t dispatcher (2);

    //  3. Initialise local locator (to connect to global locator)
    zmq::locator_t locator (argv [1]);

    //  4. Start one working thread (to send data to receivers)
    zmq::poll_thread_t *pt = zmq::poll_thread_t::create (&dispatcher);

    //  5. Register one API thread (the application thread - the one that
    //     is being executed at the moment)
    zmq::api_thread_t *api = zmq::api_thread_t::create (&dispatcher, &locator);

    //  6.  Define an entry point for the messages. The name of the entry point
    //      is user-defined ("camera name"). Specify that working thread "pt"
    //      will be used to listen to new connections being created as well as
    //      to send frames to existing connections.
    int e_id = api->create_exchange (argv [2], zmq::scope_global, argv [3],
        pt, 1, &pt);
    //  Open first available video capture device
    if (!SUCCESS (unicap_enumerate_devices (NULL, &device, 0))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not enumerate devices\n");
        exit (1);
    if (!SUCCESS (unicap_open (&handle, &device))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open device: %s\n", device.identifier);
        exit (1);
    printf( "Opened video capture device: %s\n", device.identifier );

    //  Find a suitable video format that we can convert to RGB24
    bool conversion_found = false;
    int index = 0;
    while (SUCCESS (unicap_enumerate_formats (handle, NULL, &src_format,
          index))) {
        printf ("Trying video format: %s\n", src_format.identifier);
        if (ucil_conversion_supported (FOURCC ('R', 'G', 'B', '3'), 
            src_format.fourcc)) {
            conversion_found = true;
    if (!conversion_found) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not find a suitable video format\n");
        exit (1);
    src_format.buffer_type = UNICAP_BUFFER_TYPE_USER;
    if (!SUCCESS (unicap_set_format (handle, &src_format))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to set video format\n");
        exit (1);
    printf ("Using video format: %s [%dx%d]\n", 

    //  Clone destination format with equal dimensions, but RGB24 colorspace
    unicap_copy_format (&dest_format, &src_format);
    strcpy (dest_format.identifier, "RGB 24bpp");
    dest_format.fourcc = FOURCC ('R', 'G', 'B', '3');
    dest_format.bpp = 24;
    dest_format.buffer_size = dest_format.size.width *
        dest_format.size.height * 3;
    //  Initialise image buffers
    memset (&src_buffer, 0, sizeof (unicap_data_buffer_t));
    src_buffer.data = (unsigned char *)malloc (src_format.buffer_size);
    src_buffer.buffer_size = src_format.buffer_size;
    memset (&dest_buffer, 0, sizeof (unicap_data_buffer_t));
    dest_buffer.data = (unsigned char *)malloc (dest_format.buffer_size);
    dest_buffer.buffer_size = dest_format.buffer_size;
    dest_buffer.format = dest_format;

    //  Start video capture
    if (!SUCCESS (unicap_start_capture (handle))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to start capture on device: %s\n",
        exit (1);

    //  Loop, sending video to defined exchange
    while (1) {

        //  Queue buffer for video capture
        if (!SUCCESS (unicap_queue_buffer (handle, &src_buffer))) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Failed to queue a buffer on device: %s\n",
            exit (1);

        //  Wait until buffer is ready
        if (!SUCCESS (unicap_wait_buffer (handle, &returned_buffer))) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Failed to wait for buffer on device: %s\n",
            exit (1);

        //  Convert colorspace
        if (!SUCCESS (ucil_convert_buffer (&dest_buffer, &src_buffer))) {
            //  TODO: This fails sometimes for unknown reasons,
            //  just skip the frame for now
            fprintf (stderr, "Failed to convert video buffer\n");

        //  Create ZMQ message
        zmq::message_t msg (dest_format.buffer_size + (2 * sizeof (uint32_t)));
        unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)msg.data();

        //  Image width in pixels
        zmq::put_uint32 (data, (uint32_t)dest_format.size.width);
        data += sizeof (uint32_t);

        //  Image height in pixels
        zmq::put_uint32 (data, (uint32_t)dest_format.size.height);
        data += sizeof (uint32_t);

        //  RGB24 image data
        memcpy (data, dest_buffer.data, dest_format.buffer_size);

        //  Send message 
        api->send (e_id, msg);
    return 0;
Пример #16
// If a 24 bit video format is founded this is the preferred one, if not, the first
// returned by unicap is selected.
// Then it tries to set the desired width and height, if these fails, tries find the
// nearest size or to set the default width and height.
// On V4L devices 24 bit format is always BGR, so it needs conversion.
// On some V4L devices using non-default width/heigth it reports BGR but returns RGB.
// ffmpeg color conversion
void ofUCUtils::set_format(int w, int h) {
	unicap_format_t formats[MAX_FORMATS];
	int format_count;
	unicap_status_t status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
	int rgb24 = -1;

	ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE,"ofUCUtils : Available formats for this device:");
	for (format_count = 0; SUCCESS (status) && (format_count < MAX_FORMATS); format_count++) {
		status = unicap_enumerate_formats (handle, NULL, &formats[format_count], format_count);
		if (SUCCESS (status)) {
			if (formats[format_count].bpp == 8) {
				rgb24 = format_count;
					"ofUCUtils : %d: %s, min size: %dx%d, max size:%dx%d, default size: %dx%d",
					format_count, formats[format_count].identifier,
			ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE,"ofUCUtils: available sizes for this format:");
			for(int i=0; i<formats[format_count].size_count;i++){
				ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE,"          %dx%d",formats[format_count].sizes[i].width,formats[format_count].sizes[i].height);

	if (format_count > 0) {
		int selected_format = 0;
		if (rgb24 != -1)
			selected_format = rgb24;
				format = formats[selected_format];
		format = formats[selected_format];

		if( (PixelFormat)src_pix_fmt==-1){
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofUCUtils : Format not suported\n");

		bool exactMatch  = false;
		int sizeDiff = 99999999;
		int mostAproxSize = -1;

		for(int i=0; i<format.size_count;i++){
			if(format.sizes[i].width == w && format.sizes[i].height==h){
				format.size.width  = format.sizes[i].width;
				format.size.height = format.sizes[i].height;
		if(!exactMatch && mostAproxSize!=-1){
			format.size.width  = format.sizes[mostAproxSize].width;
			format.size.height = format.sizes[mostAproxSize].height;

			ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofUCUtils : Can't set video format %s, with size %dx%d, will use %dx%d",
							format.identifier, w, h,
							format.size.width, format.size.height);
		}else if(format.size_count==0){
			int defaultFormatWidth = format.size.width;
			int defaultFormatHeight = format.size.height;

			format.size.width  = w;
			format.size.height = h;

			ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofUCUtils : Can't recognize supported video sizes for %s, trying with requested size: %i,%i",
										format.identifier, format.size.width, format.size.height);

			if ( !SUCCESS ( unicap_set_format (handle, &format) ) ) {
				format.size.width  = defaultFormatWidth;
				format.size.height = defaultFormatHeight;

				ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofUCUtils : Can't set requested size, trying with format defaults: %i,%i",
						defaultFormatWidth, defaultFormatHeight);
				exactMatch=true; //if we can set the requested size -> exactMatch
			ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofUCUtils : If this doesn't work try using the reported default size in initGrabber:",
					defaultFormatWidth, defaultFormatHeight);
		if ( !SUCCESS ( unicap_set_format (handle, &format) ) ) {
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "ofUCUtils : Failed to set alternative video format!");
		ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE,"ofUCUtils : Selected format: %s, with size %dx%d\n", format.identifier,
				format.size.width, format.size.height);

		if((PixelFormat)src_pix_fmt!=PIX_FMT_RGB24 || !exactMatch){
			doConversion = true;
			src=new AVPicture;
			avpicture_alloc(src, (PixelFormat)src_pix_fmt,format.size.width,format.size.height);
			dst=new AVPicture;

			toRGB_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(
							format.size.width, format.size.height, (PixelFormat)src_pix_fmt,
							d_width, d_height, PIX_FMT_RGB24,

			ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE,"ofUCUtils: Converting to RGB24 (%i,%i)\n",w,h);

			pixels=new unsigned char[d_width*d_height*3];

	   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_get_format( handle, &format ) ) )
		   ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "can't get format" );

		format.buffer_type = UNICAP_BUFFER_TYPE_SYSTEM;

	   if( !SUCCESS( unicap_set_format( handle, &format ) ) )
		   ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofUCUtils: Failed to activate SYSTEM_BUFFERS" );
Пример #17
 * test_etime
 * Returns:
 *	Number of failures.
 * Test of LCD Engine ID and Time List.	
    int             rval = SNMPERR_SUCCESS, failcount = 0;
    u_int           etime, eboot;

     * ------------------------------------ -o-
    OUTPUT("Query of empty list, two set actions.");

    rval = ISENGINEKNOWN((const u_char *) "A", 1);
    if (rval == TRUE) {
        FAILED(SNMPERR_GENERR, "Query of empty list returned TRUE.")

    rval = set_enginetime((const u_char *) "BB", 2, 2, 20, TRUE);
    FAILED(rval, "set_enginetime()");

    rval = set_enginetime((const u_char *) "CCC", 3, 31, 90127, TRUE);
    FAILED(rval, "set_enginetime()");

    SUCCESS("Check of empty list, and two additions.");

     * ------------------------------------ -o-
    OUTPUT("Add entries using macros, test for existence with macros.");

    rval = ENSURE_ENGINE_RECORD((const u_char *) "DDDD", 4);

    rval = MAKENEW_ENGINE_RECORD((const u_char *) "EEEEE", 5);
    if (rval == SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
               "MAKENEW_ENGINE_RECORD returned success for "
               "missing record.");

    rval = MAKENEW_ENGINE_RECORD((const u_char *) "BB", 2);

        ("Added entries with macros, tested for existence with macros.");

     * ------------------------------------ -o-
    OUTPUT("Dump the list and then sleep.");


    fprintf(stdout, "# Sleeping for %d second%s... ",
            sleeptime, (sleeptime == 1) ? "" : "s");


     * ------------------------------------ -o-
        ("Retrieve data from real/stubbed records, update real/stubbed.");

    rval = get_enginetime((const u_char *) "BB", 2, &eboot, &etime, TRUE);
    FAILED(rval, "get_enginetime().");

    fprintf(stdout, "# BB = <%d,%d>\n", eboot, etime);
    if ((etime < 20) || (eboot < 2)) {
               "get_enginetime() returned bad values.  (1)");

    rval = get_enginetime((const u_char *) "DDDD", 4, &eboot, &etime, FALSE);
    FAILED(rval, "get_enginetime().");

    fprintf(stdout, "# DDDD = <%d,%d>\n", eboot, etime);
    if ((etime < sleeptime) || (eboot != 0)) {
               "get_enginetime() returned bad values.  (2)");

    rval = set_enginetime((const u_char *) "CCC", 3, 234, 10000, TRUE);
    FAILED(rval, "set_enginetime().");

    rval = set_enginetime((const u_char *) "EEEEE", 5, 9876, 55555, TRUE);
    FAILED(rval, "set_enginetime().");

    SUCCESS("Retrieval and updates.");

     * ------------------------------------ -o-
    OUTPUT("Sleep again, then dump the list one last time.");

    fprintf(stdout, "# Sleeping for %d second%s...\n",
            sleeptime, (sleeptime == 1) ? "" : "s");



    return failcount;

}                               /* end test_etime() */
Пример #18
// Write & read the first few data bytes and print them into the error string.
    const RAM_REGION *ramRegion
    PERROR error = errorSuccess;
    UINT16 expData4[4] = {0x1111, 0x2222, 0x4444, 0x8888};
    UINT16 expData1[4] = {0x5555, 0xAAAA, 0x5555, 0xAAAA};
    UINT16 *expData = (UINT16*) NULL;;
    UINT16 recData[4] = {0};

    UINT8 dataBusWidth    = m_cpu->dataBusWidth(ramRegion->start);
    UINT8 dataAccessWidth = m_cpu->dataAccessWidth(ramRegion->start);

    // This is more complicated than this simple test
    // as it needs the bit shift done to be correct.
    if ((ramRegion->mask < 4) ||
        (dataAccessWidth > 1))
        expData = expData1;
        expData = expData4;

    errorCustom->description = "OK:";

    // Check if we need to perform a bank switch for this region.
    // and do that now for all the testing to be done upon it.
    if (ramRegion->bankSwitch != NO_BANK_SWITCH)
        error = ramRegion->bankSwitch( m_bankSwitchContext );

    // Write the first 4 bytes, maximum.
    if (SUCCESS(error))
        for (UINT32 index = 0 ; index < (4 / dataAccessWidth) ; index++)
            error = m_cpu->memoryWrite( (index * (dataBusWidth * ramRegion->step)) + ramRegion->start,
                                        expData[index] );

            if (FAILED(error))

    // Read the first 4 bytes, maximum.
    if (SUCCESS(error))
        if (dataAccessWidth == 1)
            for (UINT32 index = 0 ; index < 4 ; index++)
                error = m_cpu->memoryRead( (index * (dataBusWidth * ramRegion->step)) + ramRegion->start,
                                           &recData[index] );

                if (FAILED(error))

                STRING_UINT8_HEX(errorCustom->description, (recData[index] & ramRegion->mask) );
                error = errorCustom;
        else if (dataAccessWidth == 2)
            for (UINT32 index = 0 ; index < 2 ; index++)
                error = m_cpu->memoryRead( (index * (dataBusWidth * ramRegion->step)) + ramRegion->start,
                                           &recData[index] );

                if (FAILED(error))

                STRING_UINT16_HEX(errorCustom->description, (recData[index] & ramRegion->mask) );
                error = errorCustom;
            error = errorNotImplemented;

    return error;
Пример #19
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// public - connect to the catalog and query for all the
//          attached resources and instantiate them
    error resource_manager::init_from_catalog( rsComm_t* _comm ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // clear existing resource map and initialize

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // set up data structures for a gen query
        genQueryInp_t  genQueryInp;
        genQueryOut_t* genQueryOut = NULL;

        error proc_ret;

        memset( &genQueryInp, 0, sizeof( genQueryInp ) );

        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_ID,       1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_NAME,     1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_ZONE_NAME,     1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_TYPE_NAME,     1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_CLASS_NAME,    1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_LOC,           1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_VAULT_PATH,    1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_FREE_SPACE,    1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_INFO,     1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_COMMENT,  1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_CREATE_TIME,   1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_MODIFY_TIME,   1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_STATUS,   1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_CHILDREN, 1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_CONTEXT,  1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_PARENT,   1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_R_RESC_OBJCOUNT, 1 );

        genQueryInp.maxRows = MAX_SQL_ROWS;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // init continueInx to pass for first loop
        int continueInx = 1;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // loop until continuation is not requested
        while ( continueInx > 0 ) {

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // perform the general query
            int status = rsGenQuery( _comm, &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // perform the general query
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                if ( status != CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND ) {
                    rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "initResc: rsGenQuery error, status = %d",
                             status );

                clearGenQueryInp( &genQueryInp );
                return ERROR( status, "genQuery failed." );

            } // if

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // given a series of rows, each being a resource, create a resource and add it to the table
            proc_ret = process_init_results( genQueryOut );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if error is not valid, clear query and bail
            if ( !proc_ret.ok() ) {
                irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( "init_from_catalog - process_init_results failed", proc_ret );
                irods::log( log_err );
                freeGenQueryOut( &genQueryOut );
            else {
                if ( genQueryOut != NULL ) {
                    continueInx = genQueryInp.continueInx = genQueryOut->continueInx;
                    freeGenQueryOut( &genQueryOut );
                else {
                    continueInx = 0;

            } // else

        } // while

        clearGenQueryInp( &genQueryInp );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // pass along the error if we are in an error state
        if ( !proc_ret.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( "process_init_results failed.", proc_ret );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // Update child resource maps
        proc_ret = init_child_map();
        if ( !proc_ret.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( "init_child_map failed.", proc_ret );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // gather the post disconnect maintenance operations
        error op_ret = gather_operations();
        if ( !op_ret.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( "gather_operations failed.", op_ret );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // initialize the special local file system resource
        // JMC :: no longer needed
        //error spec_ret = init_local_file_system_resource();
        //if ( !spec_ret.ok() ) {
        //    return PASSMSG( "init_local_file_system_resource failed.", op_ret );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // call start for plugins
        error start_err = start_resource_plugins();
        if ( !start_err.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( "start_resource_plugins failed.", start_err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // win!
        return SUCCESS();

    } // init_from_catalog
Пример #20
// Performs all the RAM checks on the region supplied to the object.
    const RAM_REGION *ramRegion
    PERROR error = errorSuccess;

    UINT8  dataBusWidth    = m_cpu->dataBusWidth(ramRegion->start);
    UINT8  dataAccessWidth = m_cpu->dataAccessWidth(ramRegion->start);

    UINT32 regionLength    = (ramRegion->end - ramRegion->start) / ramRegion->step;
    UINT32 countLength     = (regionLength * 3) / (dataBusWidth * ramRegion->step);

    // This function only works with at least byte-wide memory.
    // Use a duplicate entry in the RAM_REGION for the byte-wide representation.
    if ((ramRegion->mask != 0x00FF) &&
        (ramRegion->mask != 0xFF00) &&
        (ramRegion->mask != 0xFFFF))
        return errorNotImplemented;

    // Clear the region first to all 0.
    // This will also perform any bank switch.
    error = write(ramRegion, 0);

    if (FAILED(error))
        return error;

    // Outer loop to periodically reset the region back to 0 to restart
    // with different seeds for the address & data values.
    for (UINT8 cycle = 0 ; (cycle < 8) && SUCCESS(error) ; cycle++)
        // Pass 1 - write/read/verify, random access

        randomSeed(ramRegion->start + ramRegion->step + ramRegion->mask + cycle);

        // The length & step are used for the iteration count as a means to equalize the random access
        // density no matter what the size of the RAM.
        for (UINT32 count = 0 ; count < countLength ; count++ )
            UINT32 address = (((UINT32) random(regionLength)) * (dataBusWidth * ramRegion->step)) + ramRegion->start;
            UINT16 expData = (((address + cycle) * 3) ^ ((address + cycle) / 5));
            UINT16 recData = 0;

            // For 16-bit we just use the same value for hi & lo.
            expData = (expData & 0xFF) | (expData << 8);

            // Pause to make sure the data is actually held valid.
            // This is done to help detect DRAM refresh failure.
            if ((count % (countLength / 4)) == 0)
                delay(cycle * 200);

            // Add in some blind writes to let the writes accumulate
            // a bit more agressively to fill in the memory with data.
            if (count & 2)
                error = m_cpu->memoryWrite(address, expData);

                if (FAILED(error))


            // Read what's there.
            error = m_cpu->memoryRead(address, &recData);

            if (FAILED(error))

            expData &= ramRegion->mask;
            recData &= ramRegion->mask;

            // If we a read a 0 then write out a value.
            if (recData == 0)
                error = m_cpu->memoryWrite(address, expData);

                if (FAILED(error))


            if (dataAccessWidth == 1)
                CHECK_VALUE_UINT8_BREAK(error, ramRegion->location, address, expData, recData);
            else if (dataAccessWidth == 2)
                CHECK_VALUE_UINT16_BREAK(error, ramRegion->location, address, expData, recData);
                error = errorNotImplemented;

            // Add in an optional clear after verify.
            // This is less agressive than the blind one to that
            // on average data accumulates in the RAM
            if (count & 4)
                error = m_cpu->memoryWrite(address, 0);

                if (FAILED(error))

        // Add in a variable delay between cycles.
        // This is to detect a very specific failure mode encountered on TMS4060
        // DRAM used on Space Invaders where the RAM fails a few seconds after the
        // data is written.
        delay(cycle * 300);

        // Pass 2 - verify/clear entire contents, random access

        randomSeed(ramRegion->start + ramRegion->step + ramRegion->mask + cycle);

        // The length & step are used for the iteration count as a means to equalize the random access
        // density no matter what the size of the RAM.
        for (UINT32 count = 0 ; count < countLength ; count++ )
            UINT32 address = (((UINT32) random(regionLength)) * (dataBusWidth * ramRegion->step)) + ramRegion->start;
            UINT16 expData = (((address + cycle) * 3) ^ ((address + cycle) / 5));
            UINT16 recData = 0;

            // For 16-bit we just use the same value for hi & lo.
            expData = (expData & 0xFF) | (expData << 8);

            // Read what's there.
            error = m_cpu->memoryRead(address, &recData);

            if (FAILED(error))

            expData &= ramRegion->mask;
            recData &= ramRegion->mask;

            // Nothing to verify if 0
            if (recData == 0)

            if (dataAccessWidth == 1)
                CHECK_VALUE_UINT8_BREAK(error, ramRegion->location, address, expData, recData);
            else if (dataAccessWidth == 2)
                CHECK_VALUE_UINT16_BREAK(error, ramRegion->location, address, expData, recData);
                error = errorNotImplemented;

            error = m_cpu->memoryWrite(address, 0);

            if (FAILED(error))


    return error;
Пример #21
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// public - initialize the special local file system resource
    error resource_manager::init_local_file_system_resource( void ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // init the local fs resource
        resource_ptr resc;
        error err = init_from_type( LOCAL_USE_ONLY_RESOURCE_TYPE,
                                    resc );
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // error check
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "resource_manager::init_local_file_system_resource - failed to create resource";
            return PASSMSG( msg.str(), err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get the zone info for the local zone
        zoneInfo_t* zone_info = 0;
        getLocalZoneInfo( &zone_info );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // build a host addr struct to get the server host info
        char host_name[ MAX_NAME_LEN ];
        gethostname( host_name, MAX_NAME_LEN );

        rodsHostAddr_t addr;
        rstrcpy( addr.hostAddr, host_name, LONG_NAME_LEN );
        rstrcpy( addr.zoneName, const_cast<char*>( zone_info->zoneName ), NAME_LEN );

        rodsServerHost_t* tmpRodsServerHost = 0;
        if ( resolveHost( &addr, &tmpRodsServerHost ) < 0 ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "procAndQueRescResult: resolveHost error for %s",
                     addr.hostAddr );

        resc->set_property< rodsServerHost_t* >( RESOURCE_HOST, tmpRodsServerHost );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // start filling in the properties
        resc->set_property<long>( RESOURCE_ID, 999 );
        resc->set_property<long>( RESOURCE_FREESPACE, 999 );
        resc->set_property<long>( RESOURCE_QUOTA, RESC_QUOTA_UNINIT );

        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_ZONE,      zone_info->zoneName );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_NAME,      LOCAL_USE_ONLY_RESOURCE );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_LOCATION,  "localhost" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_TYPE,      LOCAL_USE_ONLY_RESOURCE_TYPE );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CLASS,     "cache" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_PATH,      LOCAL_USE_ONLY_RESOURCE_VAULT );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_INFO,      "info" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_COMMENTS,  "comments" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CREATE_TS, "999" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_MODIFY_TS, "999" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CHILDREN,  "" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_PARENT,    "" );
        resc->set_property<std::string>( RESOURCE_CONTEXT,   "" );
        resc->set_property<int>( RESOURCE_STATUS, INT_RESC_STATUS_UP );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // assign to the map
        resources_[ LOCAL_USE_ONLY_RESOURCE ] = resc;

        return SUCCESS();

    } // init_local_file_system_resource
Пример #22
 error hierarchy_parser::num_levels(
     int& levels ) const {
     error result = SUCCESS();
     levels = resc_list_.size();
     return result;
Пример #23
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// private - gather the post disconnect maintenance operations
//           from the resource plugins
    error resource_manager::gather_operations() {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // vector of already processed resources
        std::vector< std::string > proc_vec;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate over all of the resources
        lookup_table< boost::shared_ptr< resource > >::iterator resc_itr;
        for ( resc_itr = resources_.begin(); resc_itr != resources_.end(); ++resc_itr ) {
            resource_ptr& resc = resc_itr->second;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // skip if already processed
            std::string name;
            error get_err = resc->get_property< std::string >( RESOURCE_NAME, name );

            if ( get_err.ok() ) {
                std::vector< std::string >::iterator itr;
                itr = std::find< std::vector< std::string >::iterator, std::string >( proc_vec.begin(), proc_vec.end(), name );
                if ( proc_vec.end() != itr ) {
            else {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "resource_manager::gather_operations - failed to get property ";
                msg << "[name] for resource";
                return PASSMSG( msg.str(), get_err );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // vector which will hold this 'top level resource' ops
            std::vector< pdmo_type > resc_ops;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // cache the parent operator
            pdmo_type pdmo_op;
            error pdmo_err = resc->post_disconnect_maintenance_operation( pdmo_op );
            if ( pdmo_err.ok() ) {
                resc_ops.push_back( pdmo_op );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // mark this resource done
            proc_vec.push_back( name );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // dive if children are present
            std::string child_str;
            error child_err = resc->get_property< std::string >( RESOURCE_CHILDREN, child_str );
            if ( child_err.ok() && !child_str.empty() ) {
                gather_operations_recursive( child_str, proc_vec, resc_ops );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if we got ops, add vector of ops to mgr's vector
            if ( !resc_ops.empty() ) {
                maintenance_operations_.push_back( resc_ops );

        } // for itr

        return SUCCESS();

    } // gather_operations
Пример #24
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief Start Up Operation
    irods::error random_start_operation(
        irods::plugin_property_map&,   // _prop_map
        irods::resource_child_map& ) { // _cmap
        return SUCCESS();

    } // random_start_operation
Пример #25
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/// private - lower level recursive call to gather the post disconnect
//            maintenance operations from the resources, in breadth first order
    error resource_manager::gather_operations_recursive( const std::string&          _children,
            std::vector< std::string >& _proc_vec,
            std::vector< pdmo_type  >&  _resc_ops ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // create a child parser to traverse the list
        children_parser parser;
        parser.set_string( _children );
        children_parser::children_map_t children_list;
        error ret = parser.list( children_list );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            return PASSMSG( "gather_operations_recursive failed.", ret );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate over all of the children, cache the operators
        children_parser::children_map_t::const_iterator itr;
        for ( itr = children_list.begin(); itr != children_list.end(); ++itr ) {
            std::string child = itr->first;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // lookup the child resource pointer
            resource_ptr resc;
            error get_err = resources_.get( child, resc );
            if ( get_err.ok() ) {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // cache operation if there is one
                pdmo_type pdmo_op;
                error pdmo_ret = resc->post_disconnect_maintenance_operation( pdmo_op );
                if ( pdmo_ret.ok() ) {
                    _resc_ops.push_back( pdmo_op );

                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // mark this child as done
                _proc_vec.push_back( child );

            else {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "failed to get resource for key [";
                msg << child;
                msg << "]";
                return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, msg.str() );

        } // for itr

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // iterate over all of the children again, recurse if they have more children
        for ( itr = children_list.begin(); itr != children_list.end(); ++itr ) {
            std::string child = itr->first;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // lookup the child resource pointer
            resource_ptr resc;
            error get_err = resources_.get( child, resc );
            if ( get_err.ok() ) {
                std::string child_str;
                error child_err = resc->get_property< std::string >( RESOURCE_CHILDREN, child_str );
                if ( child_err.ok() && !child_str.empty() ) {
                    error gather_err = gather_operations_recursive( child_str, _proc_vec, _resc_ops );

            else {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "failed to get resource for key [";
                msg << child;
                msg << "]";
                return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, msg.str() );

        } // for itr

        return SUCCESS();

    } // gather_operations_recursive
Пример #26
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief find the next valid child resource for create operation
    irods::error get_next_valid_child_resource(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
        const std::string* _opr,
        const std::string* _curr_host,
        irods::hierarchy_parser* _out_parser,
        float* _out_vote ) {
        irods::error result = SUCCESS();
        irods::error ret;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // flag
        bool   child_found = false;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // the pool of resources (children) to try
        std::vector<irods::resource_ptr> candidate_resources;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // copy children from _cmap
        irods::resource_child_map::iterator itr = _ctx.child_map().begin();
        for ( ; itr != _ctx.child_map().end(); ++itr ) {
            candidate_resources.push_back( itr->second.second );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // while we have not found a child and still have candidates
        while ( result.ok() && ( !child_found && !candidate_resources.empty() ) ) {

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // generate random index
            size_t rand_index = irods::getRandom<unsigned int>() % candidate_resources.size();

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // pick resource in pool at random index
            irods::resource_ptr resc = candidate_resources[rand_index];

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // forward the 'create' redirect to the appropriate child
            ret = resc->call< const std::string*, const std::string*, irods::hierarchy_parser*, float* >( _ctx.comm(),
                    _ctx.fco(), _opr, _curr_host, _out_parser,
                    _out_vote );
            // Found a valid child
            if ( ret.ok() && *_out_vote != 0 ) {
                child_found = true;
            else {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // remove child from pool of candidates
                candidate_resources.erase( candidate_resources.begin() + rand_index );
        } // while

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // return appropriately
        if ( result.ok() ) {
            result = ASSERT_ERROR( child_found, NO_NEXT_RESC_FOUND, "No valid child found." );

        return result;
    } // get_next_valid_child_resource
Пример #27
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // redirect_get - code to determine redirection for get operation
    irods::error mock_archive_redirect_open(
        irods::plugin_property_map& _prop_map,
        irods::file_object_ptr         _file_obj,
        const std::string&           _resc_name,
        const std::string&           _curr_host,
        float&                       _out_vote ) {
        irods::error result = SUCCESS();

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // initially set a good default
        _out_vote = 0.0;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // determine if the resource is down
        int resc_status = 0;
        irods::error get_ret = _prop_map.get< int >( irods::RESOURCE_STATUS, resc_status );
        if ( ( result = ASSERT_PASS( get_ret, "Failed to get \"status\" property." ) ).ok() ) {

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if the status is down, vote no.
            if ( INT_RESC_STATUS_DOWN != resc_status ) {

                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // get the resource host for comparison to curr host
                std::string host_name;
                get_ret = _prop_map.get< std::string >( irods::RESOURCE_LOCATION, host_name );
                if ( ( result = ASSERT_PASS( get_ret, "Failed to get \"location\" property." ) ).ok() ) {

                    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                    // set a flag to test if were at the curr host, if so we vote higher
                    bool curr_host = ( _curr_host == host_name );

                    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                    // make some flags to clairify decision making
                    bool need_repl = ( _file_obj->repl_requested() > -1 );

                    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                    // set up variables for iteration
                    bool          found     = false;
                    std::vector< irods::physical_object > objs = _file_obj->replicas();
                    std::vector< irods::physical_object >::iterator itr = objs.begin();

                    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                    // check to see if the replica is in this resource, if one is requested
                    for ( ; !found && itr != objs.end(); ++itr ) {

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // run the hier string through the parser and get the last
                        // entry.
                        std::string last_resc;
                        irods::hierarchy_parser parser;
                        parser.set_string( itr->resc_hier() );
                        parser.last_resc( last_resc );

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // more flags to simplify decision making
                        bool repl_us = ( _file_obj->repl_requested() == itr->repl_num() );
                        bool resc_us = ( _resc_name == last_resc );

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // success - correct resource and dont need a specific
                        //           replication, or the repl nums match
                        if ( resc_us ) {
                            if ( !need_repl || ( need_repl && repl_us ) ) {
                                found = true;
                                if ( curr_host ) {
                                    _out_vote = 1.0;
                                else {
                                    _out_vote = 0.5;

                        } // if resc_us

                    } // for itr

        return result;

    } // mock_archive_redirect_open
Пример #28
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief used to allow the resource to determine which host
    ///        should provide the requested operation
    irods::error random_redirect(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
        const std::string*               _opr,
        const std::string*               _curr_host,
        irods::hierarchy_parser*        _out_parser,
        float*                           _out_vote ) {
        irods::error result = SUCCESS();

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // check incoming parameters
        irods::error err = random_check_params< irods::file_object >( _ctx );
        if ( ( result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Invalid resource context." ) ).ok() ) {
            if ( ( result = ASSERT_ERROR( _opr && _curr_host && _out_parser && _out_vote, SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM,
                                          "Invalid parameters." ) ).ok() ) {

                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // get the object's hier string
                irods::file_object_ptr file_obj = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< irods::file_object >( _ctx.fco() );
                std::string hier = file_obj->resc_hier( );

                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // get the object's hier string
                std::string name;
                err = _ctx.prop_map().get< std::string >( irods::RESOURCE_NAME, name );
                if ( ( result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Failed to get property: \"%s\".", irods::RESOURCE_NAME.c_str() ) ).ok() ) {

                    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                    // add ourselves into the hierarchy before calling child resources
                    _out_parser->add_child( name );

                    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                    // test the operation to determine which choices to make
                    if ( irods::OPEN_OPERATION   == ( *_opr )  ||
                            irods::WRITE_OPERATION  == ( *_opr ) ||
                            irods::UNLINK_OPERATION == ( *_opr )) {

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // get the next child pointer in the hierarchy, given our name and the hier string
                        irods::resource_ptr resc;
                        err = get_next_child_for_open_or_write( name, file_obj, _ctx.child_map(), resc );
                        if ( err.ok() ) {
                            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                            // forward the redirect call to the child for assertion of the whole operation,
                            // there may be more than a leaf beneath us
                            err = resc->call< const std::string*, const std::string*, irods::hierarchy_parser*, float* >( _ctx.comm(),
                                    _ctx.fco(), _opr, _curr_host, _out_parser,
                                    _out_vote );
                            result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Failed calling child operation." );
                        else if ( err.code() == REPLICA_NOT_IN_RESC ) {
                            *_out_vote = 0;
                        else {
                            result = err;
                    else if ( irods::CREATE_OPERATION == ( *_opr ) ) {

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // get the next_child resource for create
                        irods::resource_ptr resc;
                        err = get_next_valid_child_resource( _ctx, _opr, _curr_host, _out_parser, _out_vote );
                        result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Failed getting next valid child." );
                    else {

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // must have been passed a bad operation
                        result = ASSERT_ERROR( false, INVALID_OPERATION, "Operation not supported: \"%s\".",
                                               _opr->c_str() );

        return result;
    } // random_redirect
Пример #29
 irods::error need_post_disconnect_maintenance_operation( bool& _b ) {
     _b = false;
     return SUCCESS();
Пример #30
    /// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /// @brief get the loads, times and names from the resource monitoring table
    irods::error get_load_lists(
        irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
        std::vector< std::string >&     _resc_names,
        std::vector< int >&             _resc_loads,
        std::vector< int >&             _resc_times ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        int i = 0, j = 0, nresc = 0, status = 0;
        char* tResult = 0;
        genQueryInp_t  genQueryInp;
        genQueryOut_t* genQueryOut = NULL;

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // query the database in order to retrieve the information on the
        // resources' load
        memset( &genQueryInp, 0, sizeof( genQueryInp ) );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_SLD_RESC_NAME, 1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_SLD_LOAD_FACTOR, 1 );
        addInxIval( &genQueryInp.selectInp, COL_SLD_CREATE_TIME, SELECT_MAX );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // a tmp fix to increase no. of resource to 256
        genQueryInp.maxRows = MAX_SQL_ROWS * 10;
        status =  rsGenQuery( _ctx.comm(), &genQueryInp, &genQueryOut );
        if ( status == 0 ) {
            nresc = genQueryOut->rowCnt;
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // vectors should be sized to number of resources
            // these vectors will be indexed directly, not built
            _resc_names.resize( nresc );
            _resc_loads.resize( nresc );
            _resc_times.resize( nresc );

            for ( i = 0; i < genQueryOut->attriCnt; i++ ) {
                for ( j = 0; j < nresc; j++ ) {
                    tResult = genQueryOut->sqlResult[i].value;
                    tResult += j * genQueryOut->sqlResult[i].len;
                    switch ( i ) {
                    case 0:
                        _resc_names[j] = tResult;
                    case 1:
                        _resc_loads[j] = atoi( tResult );
                    case 2:
                        _resc_times[j] = atoi( tResult );
        else {
            clearGenQueryInp( &genQueryInp );
            freeGenQueryOut( &genQueryOut );
            return ERROR( status, "genquery failed" );

        clearGenQueryInp( &genQueryInp );
        freeGenQueryOut( &genQueryOut );

        return SUCCESS();

    } // get_load_lists